Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Sep 29, 2002


Boybands - Joint Affairs - Chapter Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

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Joint Affairs - Chapter 5

by JT Poole

  • Day 2(Thursday) - Kevin's House *

"Come on in, I need to talk with you, it's very important." Kevin stated to Brian as he walked into the house.

"What's wrong Kev, you look like you have been crying or something. Are you okay?" Brian asked.

"No I am not okay. I have been thinking about Justin again. I don't think I can go on this tour, I can't take it anymore. I don't think I can be in the same area as him without having a nervous breakdown." Kevin stated.

"Kev, I am sure he won't be around all the time, we will perform like we are supposed to and you can go back to your room or something." Brian stated.

"Tomorrow when we get to Jive, I am just going to tell Johnny I can't do it, I will make up something. He hurt me once, I don't want to get hurt just by being around him, I can't take it." Kevin stated.

"Johnny isn't going to let you get out of this. He's going to send you to a doctor and everything, there's nothing you can do to get out of this." Brian stated.

"Who is it?" Kevin asked walking over to the door.

"It's Justin, can I please come in, I need to talk to you. It's very important." Justin stated through the door.

"Damnit, is he intentionally trying to kill me? What does he want?" Kevin stated looking at Brian.

"You will never know unless you let him in Kevin, I guess I will be going." Brian stated as he got up and walked past Kevin opening the door to let Justin in.

"Justin, what do you want." Kevin asked as he scowled at Justin.

"Listen Kevin, I know I hurt you, but I am very, very sorry and I wanted to know would you please give me another chance? I am really sorry, and I know what I want this time, I am not going to mess up this time, please take me back..." Justin pleaded with Kevin.

Eavesdropping outside of the door, Brian hears Justin's pleas for forgiveness for his past doing. Hoping that Kevin would forgive the young blonde, Brian walks away with happy thoughts and a new plan to try to win over the guy of his heart.

"Justin, you hurt me badly, I don't know if I can trust you with my heart again." Kevin stated.

"Please Kevin, please just give me another chance. I still love you, I hope you still love me. I have gone around for the last couple of months crying my eyes out over you, because I messed up. I don't want to live without you, I want you to be with me, I want to be with you." Justin stated as he got down on one knee.

"Look Justin, I still love you, but we just can't pick up where you left off. You hurt me, you hurt me very badly and it's going to take a lot for that pain to go away." Kevin stated.

"Kevin, please, I will do anything, please just take me back and give me another chance." Justin begged as he started crying.

"Stop it, you knew I was a sucker for your crying. If you want me to take you back, you must prove to me now that you will not hurt me." Kevin stated looking at Justin.

"All I can do is give you my heart Kevin, that's all I can give you to prove that I love you." Justin stated.

"Take off all your clothes Justin." Kevin stated.

Justin looked at Kevin for a moment, then he started taking off his clothes. He didn't know where this was going, but he thought that if he did what Kevin wanted, it would let him know that he was willing to do whatever it took to gain his trust and love again.

  • Lance's House *

"Tomorrow is a big day, it's the first day on the road. I hope everyone is going to get along. I foresee a problem with Justin and Kevin on the same bus, but other than that, that's the only problem I see that may happen." Lance stated while talking on the phone to Chris.

"Who's there, Chris, I will talk to you later, someone is knocking at the door and they are very persistant." Lance stated as he hung up the phone.

Lance walked over to the door, looking out of the peephole he saw Nick and Howie standing outside. Wondering what they wanted, he let them in.

"Hi guys, is there a problem?" Lance asked.

"Nope, just came by to see what was up. Since we are going to be on the same tour bus, might as well get to know you better." Nick stated.

"Cool, well I was about to turn on the tv and order a pizza, would you like to stay and join me?" Lance asked looking at the two men.

"Sure, why not, it will help us get to know the green-eyed monster better." Howie stated getting a laugh from Nick.

"Hey, I am not a monster. Don't always believe what you read." Lance stated as he started laughing with the two men.

  • Day 3 (Friday) - Brian's House *

"Damn, I am late, I was supposed to be up an hour ago. How am I going to get my plan to work, if I can't get up on time." Brian cursed himself.

Hearing someone knocking on his front door, Brian grabs a robe and rushes downstairs to see who it is. Not expecting the sight he saw through the peephole, Brian started to hyperventilate. He calmed down and opened the door.

"Good morning Brian, how about we start off the day with some coffee and donuts." JC stated as he held up the coffee and donuts.



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Yahoo: swainsborogaboi

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Next: Chapter 7

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