Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on May 14, 2005


Joint Affairs Chapter -- 39 by JT Poole

Day 24 (Friday Afternoon) -- Baltimore, MD -- Kevin's Hotel Room

Kevin's POV

Why God, why him? Hasn't he gone through enough in his life? Why is he the one that has to suffer? Why put us through these trials and tribulations? What did we ever do to deserve all of this stuff happening to us? Are you punishing us for loving each other against your teachings? Why God? Why put us through all this pain? It's only love damnit; it's only fucking love. I swear, if he doesn't make it through this, I'm abandoning all of my religious beliefs and turning my back on you.

"I can't...I can't live without him, I need him," I say, sitting down on the bed, starring around the room, looking at nothing in particular as someone knocks at the door. "Whose there?"

"Kevin it's me Brian," Brian says from outside the door as he waits for Kevin to open the door.

"What's up B? What're you doing here?" I ask him, wondering why he wasn't somewhere with Josh.

"Josh got me up early from my nap so that he could go back to the hospital to see Justin. I came to check on you; wanted to see how you was handling things." He says, hugging me.

"How do you expect me to handle things Brian? My boyfriend broke up with me to go be with an evil maniacal bitch, then said bitch runs him over and almost kills him! How am I supposed to deal with that? This is just too much to take in!" I shout as Brian steps back away from me.

"Kevin..." He starts to say, but I interrupt him.

"No Brian, he left me and almost died. All because...because of that fucking bitch! Why is all of this happening? Why can't we be happy?" I ask him, tears falling down my cheeks for the second time this day.

"I don't know Kev, I really don't. That's something I can't answer for you, I'm not God," he says, as the reality of his words hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Maybe God don't want us together," I say as Brian shakes his head.

"It's not God, it's AJ and Howie. Don't let the actions of them sway your love for Justin. You two love each other and I don't think you should let that slip away because of a little bad spots," he says, looking at me intently.

"We've been outed and we don't even know what the results of that going to be. Is that going to be bad for us or what?" I ask him.

"Kevin don't worry about that stuff. From what we saw at the hospital with the fans, they can care less if you and Justin are together or not. It doesn't matter man. All that should matter to you right now is your boyfriend." He tells me, turning around and walking towards the door. "Think about what I've said. I'm going to the hospital to find my man. You go talk to yours."

"I...okay Brian. Thanks," I say, grabbing my things and walking out the door too.

Narcy General Hospital -- The Cafeteria

Nick's POV

Oh God, he actually asked me to marry him. This is like a dream come true for me. I can hardly believe this. He actually loves me. I thought things between us were really based on just sex, but now I know he really does love me like I love him. I really am the happiest man on the planet right now. Should I tell mom, dad and Aaron? What do I tell them? They're going to find out sooner or later. I don't think we can keep this under wraps. The way I feel about this, I don't want to keep this under wraps.

"Yo bro what's up?" Aaron asks, sitting down at the table across from me.

"Hi A, what's up with you?" I ask him.

"I asked you first bro. Where's your other half?" Aaron asks me as I laugh at what he just said.

"Joey's upstairs with Justin and Lance," I say, still smiling at the thought of having someone refer to a person as my other half. "Where's your other half?"

"He had to jump a plane for an emergency meeting in New York last night. I miss him already," he says, frowning at me as he took a sip of his soda.

"I'm sorry kid. You'll see him soon right?" I ask him.

"I hope so. He said that once he takes care of everything, he he'll be back on the next plane to meet up with us here or whatever," he says, opening his bag of chips and popping a chip into his mouth. "I just wish I would have gone with him to meet his mom. I was scared to go with him."

"Why A?" I ask him, already knowing the answer.

"Because she probably won't approve of me. She's probably like our mom," he says, taking another sip of his soda as I thought about that for a second.

"Have you ever talked to her?" I ask him.

"No. I've been around when he talks to her, but I've never talked to her." He tells me, frowning a bit as he gets up. "I think I'm going for a walk."

"Be sure security is with you when you leave here," I say to him as he starts sulking. "I'm not joking A, make sure at least one security guy is with you. We don't need anything happening to you."

"Oh alright Nicky," he says, frowning as he hugs me and walks away. "I'll see you later for dinner."

"Alright kid," I say as he disappears down the hall, leaving me with my thoughts as I try to figure out a way to tell mom and dad that Joey wants to marry me. I wonder how they will handle that piece of news. I guess I'll find out later on tonight.

At Britney's Hotel Room

"Hi Alex," Howie says, walking into Britney's hotel room to see AJ lying on the bed with the pillow over his head. "Are you okay?"

"No I'm not alright. We fucked up." AJ tells him, moving the pillow to reveal his tear streaked face. "What're we going to do?"

"I don't know Alex," Howie says, absentmindedly rubbing AJ's back. "So have you made up your mind on what you're going to do?"

"I don't know what to do anymore. Things have gone too far. Justin wasn't supposed to get hurt like that," AJ says, sniffling as more tears came. "If I even had a chance to be with Kevin, he wouldn't want me for the stuff I've done."

"Why do you still love Kevin? Can't you see that he will never love you?" Howie asks him. "Why can't you open your eyes and let someone else have that love?"

"Someone like who? You Howie? We've had this conversation before," AJ says, looking away from Howie.

"Yeah me damnit! I still love you Alex; I've never stopped. Kevin has Justin; your love for him is only causing you more pain. Why not let me love you, like you deserve to be loved?" Howie asks him, caressing AJ's cheek and AJ moves away from him.

"Because...because I can't," AJ says, getting up out of the bed and walking into the bathroom.

"Alex please...please stop running away from me," Howie says as he gets up and walks out of the room.

New York, NY -- A Medical Clinic

David's POV

Why didn't I just tell him what was going on. I'm sure he would handle this well. I feel so miserable for lying to him about this, about the whole trip. Well I did invite him to come with me, but he chose not to come. I knew he wasn't ready to meet mom right now, due to the crap that went down with his parents, so I knew he would turn me down. I feel like a jerk for using that to my advantage, but I guess I will tell him when the time is right. I just hope this doesn't break us up.

"Good afternoon Mr. Gallagher, how are you feeling?" Doctor Michaels asks me as he walks into the room carrying a folder and I'm guessing my medical chart.

"How do you expect me to feel doc?" I ask him as he sits down behind his desk and look at me. "I would rather you go ahead and get this over with. The suspense is what's killing me. Am I going to die or what?"

"No Mr. Gallagher, you're not going to die, not yet any way. All the test that we ran a few weeks ago show that the tumor is benign. With that over with, we can schedule a time for you to have the surgery and we can remove it safely." Doctor Michaels tries explaining to me.

"So will there be a risk to me in taking this thing out?" I ask him.

"Well there's always a risk in any surgery, but since the tumor isn't cancerous, it's not going to do any damage to you," he says, looking over to me and then my mom.

"So when can we do this? I want to get this over with as soon as possible." I tell him as mom holds my hand.

"We can schedule a time today and take care of this as soon as possible," he says, smiling at me.

"Okay, thank you doctor." I tell him as I stand up to shake his hand, turning and walking towards the door with mom.

"You didn't tell him did you?" Mom asks me as I look down to the floor.

"No I didn't tell him mom. I'm hoping that we can get this taken care of quickly and that'll be the last of it." I tell her as she shakes her head at me. "What?"

"I hope you know what you're doing. If he finds out that you didn't tell him something so important as this, he might get angry with you." She tells me as I think about what she just said.

"I'll call him later and tell him," I say as she frowns.

"He shouldn't have to hear about this over the phone Davy. You should have told him." She tells me, turning around and walking away from me.

Baltimore, MD -- Narcy General -- Justin's ICU Room

"Good Afternoon Mr. Timberlake, how are you feeling?" A tall man asks, entering the room. "I'm Doctor Japuri. I will be overseeing your care until you're released."

"What happened to the other doctor?" Justin asks, sliding up a bit in the bed.

"He was the primary surgeon for your initial visit. I've been assigned as your primary physician while you're here with us at Narcy General," Dr. Japuri says, shaking Justin's hand then Kevin's.

"So what's the outlook for me, am I going to live?" Justin asks him. "Am I going to be able to sing and dance again?"

"So far you're still around here. You seem to be healing like you're supposed to be. As long as you take things easy, I don't see why you can't get back into the swing of things within a month or so. But until then, you have to take things slow and easy."

"I'm sure he'll behave and take things slow and easy like he's supposed to," Kevin says smiling as Justin starts to pout. "You have to wait to get back to full force."

"Yeah I know that, but I know you Kevin. You and the guys will start doing the waiting on me hand and foot deal, making me really realize that I'm really laid up and that scandalous ho ruined a piece of my life with what she did to me." I tell him as he frowns at me.

"I like waiting on you hand and foot," Kevin says as the doctor starts laughing.

"So is it safe to assume that you two are really in a relationship?" Dr. Japuri asks, looking between Justin and Kevin.

"As of the news last night, I guess it's official to the world," Kevin says, laughing, thinking about how he and Justin were outed on MTV. "And pretty soon, we will be married, probably after he's released from here."

"Congratulations," Dr. Japuri says, shaking our hands again. "I would pass out cigars, but that's not allowed in this part of the hospital and you wouldn't need on in the first place."

"We don't smoke," Justin says, laughing.

"Good thing, it's terrible on the lungs and the heart," Dr. Japuri says, picking up Justin's chart and flipping some pages. "Since you've been here in Intensive Care for the mandatory twenty-four hours, we are going to move you to a regular room in the hospital."

"Does that mean I don't get to see the nurses every hour on the hour now?" Justin asks, sounding sarcastic.

"No you won't have to see the nurses every hour on the hour now," Dr. Japuri says laughing as she made a notation on Justin's chart. "Someone should be in here soon to move you upstairs to a regular room. I shall see you again tomorrow."

"Alright doctor," Justin says as he gives another smile and leaves the room.

"It seems the good doctor has a crush on you," Kevin says, smiling wickedly.

"What? You're joking right?" Justin asks him.

"No I'm not. I saw how he was looking at you and when he confirmed that we were together, his smile vanished from his face. He has it for you badly baby," Kevin says, holding Justin's hand again.

"Well I'm sorry, he can't have me. I belong to a wonderful man already. It's too late now," Justin says, smirking at Kevin.

"Damn right it's too late. You're mine and I'm not letting you go." Kevin says, leaning down and kissing Justin passionately.

"Good answer," Justin says, pulling Kevin back down to him and teasing his bottom lip with his teeth. "Baby will you go get me something to snack on? I'm really hungry again. Could you bring me some pickle and vinegar chips, I'm sure there's some in a vending machine somewhere around here."

"Damn baby, if you were a woman, I could swear that you were pregnant or something." Kevin tells him laughing as he kisses Justin on the forehead.

"Well if I were pregnant, you were the one that knocked me up. So there you have baby. Get to moving, I'm starving here." Justin tells him, patting Kevin on the ass.

"Alright baby, I'm going. Do you want anything else to go with those chips?" Kevin asks him.

"And a soda too. That should do it until they bring dinner around, if not, I can always get you to bring me more food." Justin states, smiling as Kevin shakes his head and leaves the room.




I don't know any of the members of ?N SYNC, Backstreet Boys or any other celebrities mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is for entertainment value only folks.

Next: Chapter 44: Loves Embrace 0

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