Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on May 14, 2005


Joint Affairs Chapter -- 38 by JT Poole

// Day 24 (Early Friday) -- Baltimore, MD -- Sheraton Hotel -- Nick and Joey's Room //

--- JOEY'S POV ---

I thought things were starting to look up for me, but now I don't know if they are or not. I asked Nick to marry me the other night and he has yet to answer me. Did I make a mistake in asking him to marry me or was I being a little too quick on the draw?

"Hey baby, you asleep?" I ask him, caressing his cheek as he rolls over in bed and wraps his arms around me.

"Not anymore handsome." He says, laying his head on my chest. "What time is it?"

"It's a little after four in the morning." I answer him, looking at the clock on my cell phone.

"Why are we up this early?" He asks me, leaning up to kiss me.

"Just my internal clock waking me up on the wrong day baby." I tell him, kissing him this time, teasing his bottom lip. "Baby can I ask you something?"

"Sure baby. Ask me anything." He tells me sitting up now.

"Do you love me baby?" I ask him.

"Yes I love you baby. Why would you ask me something like that?" He asks me, pulling me up to hug me.

"I'm asking because...because I asked you to marry me the other night and you never gave me an answer." I tell him, turning away from him as my tears slide down my face.

" I thought...I thought you said that in the heat of passion." He says, trying to get me to look at him.

"I meant it when I asked baby. I want to marry you. I want the two of us to be together forever." I tell him, looking at him now as he caresses my cheek. "But I don't believe you want that."

"Joey no! I want that! I've always wanted that. I just pushed that aside because I didn't think you meant it baby. We were having sex when you asked me baby." He says, looking down at the bed.

"I know baby, I know. That's why I'm bringing this up now. I love you Nick, I love you with all of my heart and soul. I don't want to spend another moment...another moment not being married to you Nick." I tell him, tears falling from my eyes.

"I love you with all my heart and soul Joey, I would be honored to be your husband." He tells me, tears streaming down his cheeks too. "So I guess we're going to make plans to get married?"

"Yes!" I shout, calming down, remembering what time of morning it was.

"Baby calm down. You do realize it's the wee hours of the morning." He says, kissing me as I pull him closer to me.

"It may be the wee hours of the morning but I don't care. We're getting married and I'm the happiest man alive right now." I tell him as I pull him on top of me. "I think something else wants to join in on the fun."

"I think so too baby." He agrees, maneuvering himself on top of my hips as he reaches over to the night table grabbing a condom and some lube. "I think this is the perfect moment for some celebrating. I would sing, but that would probably disturb everyone else."

"No singing baby." I tell him, laughing as I lift my legs up to allow him entry.

"I'm not going to sing, just make love to my husband to be." He says, sliding into me effortlessly.

// Narcy General Hospital -- Justin's Room -- Before Breakfast //

--- LYNN'S POV ---

I can't believe that heffa ran him over like that. What else is she going to do to hurt him and Kevin? What else are those two going to have to endure while she's walking around free? The girl's a twisted little bitch from what I understand. If a man tells me over and over again that he doesn't love me and I catch him in bed with other men and he leaves me back and forth to be with men, that would be a clue that he doesn't love you. I don't totally agree with the things he's done in his life with those men, but I am glad he made up his mind to get away from her. I say that's the best decision he has made in his life.

My poor baby has endured a lot in his life here on this Earth. His life hasn't been as easy as the rest of the world thinks it has. The problems with his father, Jonathon's illness, Ken's sexual abuse and his problems with Britney are enough to make any person give up on living. God please lift his load so he can continue to want to live and shine throughout life.

" stop...don't...please...I...promise...I won't tell." My baby moans in his sleep.

"Justin...Justin baby wake up." I softly say, rubbing his hand, hoping that would help him come out of his nightmare.

"Please...stop...I promise I won't tell." He says, thrashing around in bed as I stand up now, still holding his hand.

"Justin...Justin please wake up." I say a little louder now, shaking him gently as he sits up hurriedly, scaring the daylights out of me.

"Oh my God!" He screams, breathing heavy as he starts to cry and a nurse runs into the room. "Oh God, Oh God...why me...why?"

"Is everything okay in here?" The nurse asks, stepping over to Justin.

"Yes ma'am." I tell her, standing up as he continues to cry. "He had a nightmare is all. He's going to be okay."

"Are you sure?" The nurse asks, looking for some sign of agreement from Justin and he gives none.

"I'm sure." I tell her, smoothing his hair back as I lean down to hug my son.

"Alright. If you need anything, just press the `CALL' button and I'll come back." The nurse states, smiling at me and then looking at Justin a final time before leaving the room.

"Oh baby are you alright?" I ask him, looking him in the face.

"I couldn't get away from him. I tried...I couldn't get away from him momma." He says, tears still streaming down his face. "Why me momma? Why did Unca Ken do that to me?"

"Baby I don't know why. Ken is a very sick man." I say, hugging him again, thinking about all the things that I was told that happened to him and other kids in the family. "I don't know what was going through his mind baby. Just know that you are safe from him now. You have me and Kevin to keep you protected."

"Something's wrong with me momma. I don't know what it is. I don't have these nightmares when Kevin's with me. When he's not around the dreams come back. It's's like I can't have a peaceful sleep without him being with me." He says, covering his face.

"Baby your system has developed a protection mechanism with Kevin. When he's with you baby, you know you are protected." I tell him.

"Maybe so, but I don't want to have to depend on him forever to just have a goodnight sleep." He tells me, looking at the door as the doctor walks in.

"Good morning Mr. Timberlake, Mrs. Harless." The doctor says walking into the room. "I'm Doctor Tanner. How are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm...I'm scared." He answers looking at the doctor. "Am I going to be able to continue with my career?"

"Right now I don't see why not." Dr. Tanner says, picking up Justin's chart and looking over some things. "You just need to take things easy for the next couple of weeks. Once your body is healed, I don't see why you can't get back on stage and shake your groove thang. Where's Mr. Richardson? I wanted to talk to him about something he asked me last night."

"He went back to the hotel to shower and change." I told him, wondering what Kevin would talk to the doctor about.

"What time was that mom?" He asks, looking over at me.

"He and the guys left after you fell asleep baby." I answer him. "It was a little after two I think."

"I don't even remember them leaving ma." He says, sliding up in the bed.

"Well that's probably the fault of the Morphine drip." Dr. Tanner states, tapping the IV machine. "That stuff tends to cloud the memory a little bit."

"Well I would rather have the bad memory issue than the pain I would feel without it." He says, looking over at the doctor.

"Are you still in great pain Mr. Timberlake?" Dr. Tanner asks.

"When I move, breath or whatever, I can feel pain, but it goes away shortly there after." He clarifies as the doctor pulls the curtain around the bed.

Not able to see what was actually going on, I knew the doctor was examining Justin. Seeing the silhouette of the doctor's movements behind the curtain and hearing the sounds Justin was making, I knew the doctor was touching the surgery sites to check them.

"That really hurts." He says to the doctor as he takes in breath again. "That hurts too."

"It's going to be tender for a few days. Once it starts to heal, the pain should go away." Dr. Tanner states

"I can't wait. I would like to be able to move my midsection without feeling pain." He says, as the doctor slides the curtain back open.

"Give it some time Mr. Timberlake and you will be back to normal in no time." Dr. Tanner states, patting Justin's leg.

// Across Town -- Britney's Hotel Room //

"So what are we going to do now?" AJ asks, sitting down across from Britney at the table in the room.

"I think our next move should be to go ahead and send the stuff on Brian and JC to the tabloids, then we can get Nick and Joey." Howie suggests, placing some pictures on the table in front of AJ. "I think the pictures I took the other day of Nick and Joey kissing at the hospital will do just fine."

"Look you already got your ass kicked by the guys. Do you really want to go another round with them?" AJ asks, looking at the dark bruise on Howie's chest.

"We're going to continue on with Britney's plan." Howie states, pulling out more pictures. "We are safe here. They don't know where we are."

"But they are our friends D. People are getting hurt. Justin's been hurt, then Wade and you. We don't need any more people getting hurt because of our actions." AJ states, holding his head down. "What are we doing man? Why are destroying everything because of a stupid bitch that can't let go."

"I thought you were doing this because you were in love with Kevin and didn't want him being with Justin. Which is it now? Are you still in love with him?" Howie asks, standing up and walking behind AJ.

"I...I was in love with him, but I know now that he's in love with Justin and Justin only." AJ replies, standing up now. "He'll never love me the way I want him to especially now that we've done this."

"So what're we doing this for then?" Howie asks, walking over towards the door.

"I don't know D, I just don't know." AJ says as Howie kicks and then punches the wall.

"I'm going for a walk. When I come back, you better had made up your mind." Howie says, pushing AJ and walking out of the hotel room.



Date Updated: Friday, May 13, 2005

Story Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks.

Next: Chapter 43

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