Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Oct 15, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

====================================== Joint Affairs Chapter -- 37 by JT Poole

// Day 23 (Thursday Afternoon) -- Baltimore, MD -- The Sheraton Hotel -- Howie and AJ's Room //

"Man they know and they are going to hurt us." Howie stated, grabbing stuff, throwing it into a suitcase.

"We can't just leave them, this is our career man." AJ stated, sitting down.

"Well I would rather be out of this hotel and in another one where we can be safe from harm." Howie stated, still packing his things.

"How do you know they know we did it?" AJ asked, standing up and going over to the closet.

"The folder is missing that we were going to give to MTV." Howie stated.

"What? You are joking right?" AJ asked.

"No I am not joking man. They have that along with the other stuff we have been collecting." Howie stated, picking up the phone as it rang in the room "Hello?"

"Yo dudes, everything is all set. All you have to do is get out of there. This will totally shake things up for a while." Britney spoke, laughing as she hung up the phone.

"Come on Alex we need to get away from here. We can go stay with Britney." Howie stated.

"Are you sure that's safe?" AJ asked as there was a knock at the door.

"Wonder who that can be." Howie stated, walking over to the door and opening, being pulled out of the room by Kevin.

"What the hell!" AJ screamed like a little girl, jumping over Kevin and Howie, running down the hall running into Joey and Nick.

"Don't let him get away, bring him back!" Kevin shouted, punching Howie in the stomach.

"Let go of me Kev!" Howie shouted, coughing from the punch Kevin had just given him.

"I am not letting you go D." Kevin said rather plainly. "I think we need to have some words."

"We don't have nothing to talk about Kevin." Howie stated, struggling to get free of Kevin's grasp.

"Come on D, I'm your friend, your band mate. Why do you want to hurt all of us like this?" Kevin asked, tripping Howie as they walked into the room, kicking him in the ass he tried to get up. "Come on D get up!"

"Stop Kev, just stop this man. I don't want no trouble!" Howie shouted.

"Too fucking late for that D!" Kevin shouted, walking over to him, grabbing him by the shirt collar as Joey came into the room.

"What da hell did you do it for man!?!" Joey asked, punching Howie in the stomach as Kevin held him.

"Fucking owww!" Howie screamed, coughing up blood now. "Let me fucking go Kev!"

"No man, I'm doing to you what you did to me!" Kevin shouted, tears in his eyes as he and Joey worked Howie over.

"This is for causing that bitch Britney to hurt Justin!" Kevin screamed, kicking Howie in the side. "This is for all the pain me and Justin have gone through over the years!"

"Damn right man!" Joey shouted. "Justin never did nothing to you! He was only trying to be fucking happy with Kevin. All because of you and AJ, you fucking idiots almost ruined what they had!"

// Narcy General Hospital -- Justin's Room //

"Evening baby." Kevin spoke, walking into the room with JC, Joey, Brian, Lance, Wade and Nick.

"Hi handsome." Justin responded, sitting up in the bed. "You all look like you have gone through hell and back."

"We have baby, we have." Kevin said, sitting down next to the bed, grabbing Justin's hand.

"Okay baby, what happened?" Justin asked as the other guys sat down.

"Alex gave us the slip. We kicked D's ass for the crap, but when we went to look for Alex...let's just say he's hiding from us." Kevin stated, wiping his brow. "When we see him it's on. He gets the same treatment as D got."

"I hope you guys didn't hurt him too badly." Justin stated, looking at Joey, JC and Lance. "I know your tempers guys. Please say you didn't go overboard."

"We beat his ass enough that he knows not to pull that shit again." Joey stated, pulling Nick into his lap.

"We didn't go overboard." Nick spoke up. "His face is fine Justin, he will look presentable for other people.."

"You make it sound like the rest of him is out of service or something." Justin spoke, as Celia, Benjamin and Lynn walked into the room.

"Hello Justin. We have some good news and some bad news." Celia stated, standing in front of Justin's bed.

"What's the bad news Celia?" Justin asked, letting go of Kevin's hand.

"You and Kevin have been outed." Celia stated, turning on the television in the room. "An hour ago, MTV News aired all of your little secrets to its whole world of viewers today."

"What!" Justin screamed, holding his head and sitting back down in the bed as the pain hit him quick.

"Baby are you okay?" Kevin asked, standing up, ready to get the doctor if Justin needed him to.

"Yeah I'm okay, just the pain baby." Justin answered, holding his head.

"Baby calm down, don't do anything to cause more problems to yourself." Kevin stated, grabbing his hand again.

"Oh my God." Justin stated, watching the television as images of him and Kevin in compromising positions were shown on the television. "That damn bitch is responsible for this."

"Don't forget AJ and Howie." Nick stated, getting out of Joey's lap, walking out of the room.

"This is fucking great." Justin stated, slamming his fist into the bed. "I hops that bitch dies in hell!"

"Justin baby calm down. Lynn said, walking over to him, sitting on the bed in front of him. "Let Celia finish telling you what else is going on."

"What else is gong on Celia?" Justin asked as all the guys looked at her.

"Well Britney was arrested. She was found guilty for vehicular assault and battery and was taken into custody." Celia stated.

"What? How?" Lance asked, wrapping his arms around Wade and kissing him on the cheek.

"The doctor pressed charges against her." Celia stated, as Benjamin walked out of the room.

"What's wrong with him?" Justin asked, glaring in the direction Benjamin had went.

"I don't know, but don't you be concerned with that, you worry about yourself Justin and get better soon." Celia stated, walking towards the door.

"Celia wait. What are we going to do about being outed?" Justin asked.

"You are going to do nothing." Celia stated, turning around. "I talked to Johnny about this and he said we will handle this once you are better and out of here."

"Well what do we do, what do we say?" Justin asked, sitting up in the bed again.

"Right now you do nothing Justin, you sit here and you get well." Celia stated, turning back around again.

"We have just been outed Celia you know there is bound to be some repercussions with the fans and the media." Justin stated.

"That's true, but with the outpour of people outside standing around and cheering, with signs and banners urging you to get better, I don't think they care about you being in a relationship with Kevin."

"Oh my God." Kevin stated, looking out the window. "Look at all of those people. Look at the signs and all, they are cheering for you baby, for us."

"This is so amazing. Look Kev, there's a sign for you and Justin." Lance stated, pointing out the signs in the crowd.

// Later that Night -- Sheraton Hotel -- Joey and Nick's Room //

"Come on over here baby..." Nick sang, stepping into the shower with Joey.

"Here I am baby." Joey said, wrapping his arms around Nick, kissing him passionately.

"I can't wait to get you in me." Nick said, leaning up against the shower wall, still wrapped in Joey's arms.

"Turn on the water baby." Joey says, reaching behind Nick, grabbing the shampoo, working some in his hand.

"Damn we should learn to bring the lube into the shower. Hell I'm afraid my ass is going to end up with an allergic reaction to shampoo or have shampoo irritation." Nick laughed as Joey started inserting his shampoo-lathered cock into his ass.

"Ahh baby I don't think that's something you would have to worry about." Joey stated, thrusting in and out of Nick's ass.

"Oh God baby, fuck me." Nick moaned, moving his hips to meet Joey's thrusts. "Come on baby do it to me."

"Oh baby you are so tight." Joey stated, still thrusting into Nick's ass. "Oh God can die and go to heaven and be the happiest man on the planet."

"So can I baby, so can I." Nick said, supporting himself on the shower wall matching Joey thrust for thrust.


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