Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Aug 16, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

====================================== Joint Affairs Chapter -- 36 by JT Poole

// Day 23 -- (Thursday Afternoon) -- Baltimore, MD -- Justin's Room //

"I am so glad you are ready to marry me. I love you so much baby." Kevin spoke, caressing Justin's face.

"Good afternoon Mr. Timberlake, it's time for your medicine." The nurse spoke, entering the room. "Sir you will have to step out for a few


"Why does he have to leave?" Justin asked.

"It's hospital policy that no other people be in the room during medicine administration." The nurse answered, waiting for Kevin to step out of the room while she prepped the needle.

"I don't understand why, it's not like you are doing something he has never seen before." Justin replied, glaring at the nurse, wanting to smack her.

"Well I'm sorry you don't agree with the policy sir, but that's policy and it will be followed on my watch." The nurse stated, turning to look at Kevin, still waiting for him to step out.

"It's okay Justin, I will only be outside." Kevin said to him, touching his hand and walking past the nurse.

"Okay Mr. Timberlake, here goes." The nurse stated, rubbing an alcohol pad on one of the needle ports of the IV line and injecting the medication into the IV. "That should start working in a few minutes. You will probably feel a small burn."

"Why would I feel a small burn?" Justin asked.

"This is Potassium, when it enters the bloodstream, it sometimes causes a small burning sensation, but it passes quickly." The nurse answered, writing down something in Justin's chart and then patting his knee. "I will be back in a few hours to check on you. Have a nice afternoon."

"Yeah you too." Justin spoke, wincing as the medicine started kicking in. "Damn she wasn't lying, this shit burns."

"What's wrong baby?" Kevin asked, noticing the look of discomfort on Justin 's face.

"This shit is burning my fucking arm off." Justin spoke, rubbing the top of his hand and moving down to his arm where the IV was.

"How bad is it?" Kevin asked.

"Really bad." Justin spoke, breathing heavy now.

"Let me get the nurse then." Kevin said, moving towards the door.

"No, she said it will pass quickly." Justin spoke, a few tears escaping his eyes. "I am quite sure I can handle this. I handle you in bed, so I am quite sure I can take a burning sensation."

"Are you sure baby?" Kevin asked.

"Well you should know the answer to that, we had sex the other night." Justin laughed, causing Kevin to blush a little.

"You know what I meant. Do you think you can handle the burning sensation?" Kevin asked, standing beside the bed.

"I am sure baby, go on sit down." Justin spoke as Kevin sat in the chair next to the bed and resumed holding his hand. "I love you Kevin."

"I love you Justin." Kevin spoke, leaning over and placing a kiss to Justin 's lips. "Baby the guys want to see you."

"They do? Why haven't they been in here?" Justin asked.

"I guess they were told you need your rest." Kevin stated, standing up again. "JC and Joey are right outside."

"Well tell them to get in here baby." Justin stated, sitting up in the bed.

"Hey Justin how are you feeling?" JC asked, stepping into the room with Joey.

"I don't know yet. When I feel something I will let you know." Justin answered, pointing at the Morphine drip next to the bed.

"I hear that's some good stuff." Joey stated, sitting next to JC on the windowsill.

"Yo Justin what's shakin' my man?" Chris asked, stepping into the room.

"Chris, where have you been?" JC asked as he and Joey looked at the man that had been missing for the last day or so.

"I've been around." Chris answered. "How are you doing Justin? When I got back to the hotel I was told what happened."

"I guess I am okay." Justin answered him, looking at the expressions on JC and Joey's faces. "Okay what's going on guys?"

"What do you mean Justin?" Chris asked.

"No I mean what's the deal? Why are you all looking strange?" Justin asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Chris answered him looking to JC and Joey for what Justin was talking about.

"Very simple Chris, where have you been?" Joey asked, moving closer to Chris, causing him to walk backwards. "You have been acting strange lately and I think we all would like an explanation as to why you have been acting the way you have."

"I have not been acting strange." Chris spoke up for himself. "I haven't done anything wrong, what the hell are you guys trying to do?"

"We are trying to find out where you go after every concert." Joey answered him, grabbing him by the shirt and pushing him over to the nearest seat.

"Watch it Joe. What's your problem man?" Chris asked, standing back up.

"My problem is with you. I believe we have found our mole." Joey stated, pushing Chris back down into the chair.

"Your mole? What the hell are you talking about?" Chris asked, trying to stand up again, this time JC pushing him down in the chair.

"You disappear every night after the concerts, you are always on the phone talking to someone in secret." Joey explained, thinking back about some of the things he has witnessed Chris doing. "You have been helping Britney get dirt on us."

"What? You must be kidding! Are you crazy?" Chris said, jumping up now and getting out of the way of Joey and JC, bumping into Kevin.

"I hope they are not right for your sake." Kevin stated, grabbing Chris and pushing him up against the wall.

"What's going on in here?" Lynn asked, walking into the room with Celia and Benjamin.

"Chris here is our turncoat." JC replied, walking out of the room.

"Your turncoat? What are you talking about guys?" Lynn asked.

"Chris is the person that has been taking pictures of us and a whole lot of other stuff and turning around giving it to Britney." Joey explained.

"What? It's your fault that she was able to hurt me?" Justin asked, struggling to get out of bed as Lynn tried to hold him down.

"No Justin, don't hurt yourself." Lynn spoke, having to get into the bed to hold Justin down.

"Baby calm down, you might hurt yourself." Kevin said, holding Justin's hand as he stopped struggling and started crying.

"I have been hurt enough because of him!" Justin screamed, still crying.

"I didn't do it, they are lying." Chris said, trying to defend himself.

"Then if you didn't do it, who did? How did Bitchney get all of that stuff on us? You seem like the likely candidate Chris." Joey asked, using his index finger to poke Chris in the chest. "Come on tell us Chris, if it's not you, then who is it?"

"It's not me, why would I help Britney?" Chris asked.

"That's what we are trying to find out so tell us." Joey replied, walking back over to the windowsill as JC walked back into the room with Brian and Nick.

"Honest guys, I had nothing to do with Britney." Chris stated, tears falling from his eyes.

"I don't think he's the one, I think we know two guys that are responsible for all of this." Nick spoke as he and Brian thought about what JC had told them.

"Who then?" Joey asked.

"AJ and Howie." Brian answered them.

"Why would they help Britney?" Joey asked.

"To get Kevin away from Justin. They feel that Kevin and Justin's relationship is going to ruin us." Brian stated.

"Well sorry, but Kevin isn't the only gay guy in your band." Joey said to them.

"True, but they had to start with someone." Brian replied, laying a bag of stuff on Justin's bed in front of everyone.

"What is this stuff?" Justin asked, picking up pictures and stuff.

"This is what we found in their room. They are the ones that did this." Brian stated, hugging JC.

"Well then I am going to kick their asses once I get the hell out of here." Justin spoke up as Lynn stopped him.

"You will do no such thing. You are not going to do anything that will endanger your health." Lynn said, rubbing Justin's hair.

"He won't but we will." Joey said, grabbing his jacket and walking out of the door with Kevin, Nick, Brian and Chris following him.

"Oh God, let me call security." Lynn spoke.

"No ma, let them handle their business." Justin said, smiling at what was going to happen.


Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: gayboyjt2001 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 41

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