Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Apr 7, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== Joint Affairs -- Chapter 35 by JT Poole

// Day 23 (Thursday Morning) -- Baltimore, MD -- The Airport //

"Where could those two possibly be?" Christina asked, walking down the hall, passing the bathroom that Lance and Wade were in. "Now they are missing, I should just leave them here."

"Leave who?" Lance asked as he and Wade walked up behind Christina.

"I should leave you two. I am going to the hospital. Justin's gotten worse and they had to take him back to surgery. It seems he has some internal injuries that the doctors didn't catch the first time." Christina stated.

"Oh my God!" Lance screamed out, then covering his mouth.

"Oh man, that's terrible." Wade stated as Christina glared at him.

"You guys stay here and wait for Lynn, I am catching a taxi and going on." Christina stated, hugging Lance. "I will see you at the hospital when you get back."

"Alright Chrissy. Call me if his condition changes." Lance spoke as Christina walked out of the doors.

"I hope he's alright." Wade stated.

"I hope so too. Lynn is going to flip." Lance stated, as he and Wade walked back to the waiting area.

// Narcy General Hospital -- 3 Hours Later //

"Has there been any change doctor?" Lynn asked, as the doctor walked into the room.

"Yes Mrs. Harless, he's back in recovery and should be awaking soon." The doctor spoke. "It was touch and go there for awhile, but we caught the problem and he's going to be fine."

"Doctor is there any brain damage? Is there anything kind of damage that will hinder him from continuing his career?" Lynn asked.

"At this point, there isn't any sign of brain damage, as for other problems that my cause problems for him continuing his career, it's too early for me to say." The doctor spoke. "Right now I suggest he gets lots of rest so that he can heal."

"Thank you doctor." Lynn stated, shaking the doctor's hand as he signed something on the clipboard, giving it to the nurse and walking away. "Oh God keep my baby protected, don't let his dream slip away from him."

"Can we go see him?" JC asked, walking over to Lynn.

"Not yet, he's still in recovery. I guess someone will let us know when he' s put in his room." Lynn stated as she and JC walked back over to their seats.

"Look at that crowd out there, it keeps getting bigger and bigger. Wonder how they know we were here?" Chris asked.

"I bet someone here in the hospital called the press." JC stated.

"Well it's not like they are being a nuisance, they all have signs wishing Justin a quick recovery." Chris stated as Joey and Nick got up and walked away.

"Where are you two going?" JC asked.

"We are going for a walk. We need to clear our minds." Joey stated.

"Don't do anything that can get you into trouble." Celia stated, walking back over to her seat.

"We want." Nick stated, as he and Joey walked down the hall.

"Why does she think we are going to do something to get into trouble? All we are doing is going to get something to eat, we have been here for hours and no one has left for food." Joey stated, unintentionally grabbing Nick's hand in his own.

"Just look at all those fans showing their support for Justin, he's really liked by the fans." Nick stated, as he and Joey continued to walk down the hall, arriving at the cafeteria.

"What do you want baby?" Joey asked, walking over to the vending machine.

"Just grab me a bag of chips and a Pepsi." Nick stated sitting down at a table in the corner of the room.

"Alright." Joey stated, getting the soda and chips and then walking over to the table where Nick was.

"Thanks baby." Nick spoke, squeezing Joey's hand.

"This has been one tour I won't forget." Nick stated.

"You telling me. First drama with you and Aaron, then Lance and Wade, now Britney. I hope someone whoops her ass good while she's in county lock up." Joey stated. "This is just too much. I don't think I can deal with too much more of this."

"It's going to be alright baby." Nick stated, wrapping his arms around Joey, kissing him on the cheek, unaware that someone was snapping pictures of their private moment. "Everything's going to be fine. I promise you that."

"I don't know, I don't know. It seems that every time we turn around something else happens. How much more of this can we all stand?" Joey asked, kissing Nick on the lips passionately, then calming down. "Look at me, I am falling to pieces in front of you."

"It's okay baby, we all fall to pieces once and a while." Nick stated. "I promise you, everything is going to be okay."

"I hope so, if something bad happens to Justin, I don't think N Sync would make it." Joey stated, as he and Nick continued to drink their sodas and snack on their chips.

// In the Waiting Room //

"What do you mean they let her go?" Lynn asked, talking to the officer.

"Ma'am there weren't any witnesses to substantiate that she ran him over." The officer stated.

"What do you mean weren't any witnesses? Bruce was there and Lou!" JC screamed.

"Calm down sir. If they didn't actually see her do it, then it's their word against hers and she says she didn't run him over." The officer spoke. "Until Mr. Timberlake regains consciousness to tell us what happened, then she's free to go."

"That doesn't make any sense. You have set her free, she can get away with all of this." Lynn stated. "Nothing's stopping her from leaving and hiding from justice."

"I assure you Mrs. Harless that she will not escape justice, she is not allowed to leave this jurisdiction. Ms. Spears is only out on bail. If she does something else she will be returned back to jail." The officer spoke.

"She shouldn't even be out on bail, she needs to stay in jail and fucking rot!" Lance stated, jumping into the argument.

"Well until Mr. Timberlake regains consciousness there's nothing we can do until we get a full statement from him." The police officer stated, just as Britney walked into the waiting area.

"Hello everyone." Britney stated, just as Christina jumped through the air, landing a kick to Britney's chest.

"Fucking bitch! I have been waiting all damn to get my hands on you." Christina stated, grabbing Britney around the neck, slamming her head into the floor. "Your are getting this ass kicking for hurting Justin you


"Chrissy stop!" JC screamed, trying to pull Christina off of Britney as the police officer jumped in and pulled Britney from Christina's grasp.

"What the hell is going on here?" The police officer asked.

"I am going to kick her scrawny fake ass!" Christina screamed, struggling to get free of JC's arms.

"Stop Chrissy, you are going to get yourself into trouble." JC spoke, struggling to hold Christina back.

"I don't fucking care, I am going to beat that ho down." Christina stated, getting free of JC and grabbing Britney again, this time the two women going at each other like they were trying to put out a fire.

"Guys do something, stop them before they hurt each other." Lynn stated.

"I'm not jumping in that, let them hos fight." Wade stated, walking away from the scene.

"Wade, Wade that was very rude." Lance spoke to him, walking up to him at t he door.

"I am just speaking my mind. Britney's a ho, and Christina isn't far behind. It's not like I was lying, let them hos fight." Wade stated walking out of the door.

"Stop this, stop this right now." Celia stated, grabbing Britney by the arm as Christina punched her one last time, snapping her neck back and causing Britney to pass out. "Oh yeah I think you knocked her out."

"Damn skippy." Christina stated as the police officer slapped a cuff on her wrists and then slapped a pair of cuffs on Britney. "What the hell!"

"Miss you are under arrest. Now come on." The police officer stated, escorting Britney and Christina outside to the patrol car.

// An Hour Later -- Justin's Room //

"I missed you baby. I thought I had lost you." Kevin spoke.

"I know baby, I missed you too. I didn't mean to leave like I did, I was just trying to protect you." Justin spoke, hugging Kevin.

"I know baby, but you don't have to protect me, all I ask from you is your love. That's all I want from you baby, and maybe your hand in marriage." Kevin stated.

"Kevin is that what I think it is?" Justin asked. "Are you asking me what I think you are asking?"

"Yes baby I am. Will you marry me Justin Timberlake?" Kevin asked.

"Yes I will marry you." Justin spoke as the two of them shared a passionate kiss, causing the heart monitor to beep faster.

"Calm down baby." Kevin stated.

"I am calm, I'm just happy you asked me to marry you. Oh Yes yes yes. I will finally be Mr. Justin Timberlake-Richardson." Justin spoke.

"Yes you will be." Kevin spoke as they kissed again.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AOL/AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 40

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