Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Mar 10, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== Joint Affairs -- Chapter 34 by JT Poole

// Day 23 (Thursday, Early Morning) -- Baltimore, MD -- Narcy General Hospital //

"Can you help us please?" JC asked, walking up to the woman at the counter. "We are looking for Justin Timberlake, we were told he was being brought here."

"Let me see." The woman stated. "He's in the Emergency Room right now. He 's still being worked on."

"Okay. Where is the Emergency Room?" JC asked.

"It's right down this way." The woman pointed. "Just follow the signs up there and they will lead you to the ER waiting room."

"Thank you miss." JC stated as he, Brian, Kevin, Celia and Benjamin ran down the hall.

"Oh hope he is okay." Kevin stated, as they got closer to the ER.

"He's going to be alright Kevin, just get a grip." Celia stated.

"You don't know that and I don't either. Maybe now someone will put Britney where she belongs." Kevin stated, stopping, leaning up against the wall. "She deserves to do for all the shit she has done to him. When is this going to stop?"

"Shhhh, Kevin it's going to be alright, believe me." JC stated, leaning on the wall next to Kevin. "I know things look dark right now, but Justin will pull through this. You know he will."

"I don't know Josh, I don't know. Lately it's been like he wants to give up. I don't think he wants to be with me anymore and have to deal with Britney." Kevin spoke, crying on JC's shoulder. "He's going to die on me."

"He's not going to die Kevin." JC stated, as Celia came back out of the waiting room into the hallway.

"Guys come on, he's awake." Celia stated, directing Kevin and JC into the waiting room.

"Is he alright Celia?" Kevin asked.

"She didn't do much damage to him, but he's going in and out of consciousness. So the doctors are not sure if he has some brain damage or not." Celia stated as she, Kevin and JC walked through the corridor leading to Justin's waiting room.

"Sorry, only one of you can go in right now." The nurse spoke.

"Kevin why don't you go in." JC spoke, pushing Kevin towards the door.

"I don't know. I don't want to seem him hurt." Kevin spoke.

"Go on Kevin, I am quite sure he would want to see you." JC spoke.

"Go ahead Kevin, times a wastin'." Celia stated.

// Justin's ICU Room //

"Justin, Justin are you awake?" Kevin asked, walking over to the bed.

"Kev is that you?" Justin asked in a weak voice.

"Yeah baby it's me." Kevin stated, tears running down his face. "Are you in much pain baby?"

"I don't feel anything right now." Justin stated, rolling his head to the side slight. "So I am in the hospital?"

"Yeah baby you are." Kevin stated, sitting next to the bed, grabbing Justin 's hand, and holding it in his own. "Baby I was so worried."

"I am still here baby. You can't get rid of me that easily." Justin stated, trying to squeeze Kevin's hand. "Owwww Kevin it hurts, it hurts!"

"Baby what's wrong?" Kevin asked, jumping up out of the chair.

"Kev get the doctor! Get the doctor!" Justin screamed.

"Oh shit!" Kevin screamed running out of the room.

// Baltimore Airport //

"Hey guys, how's he doing?" Christina asked, walking down the corridor with her carryon bag.

"The last I heard they were still working on him in the Emergency Room after they brought him in." Lance stated as Wade grabbed her bag.

"Well let's get to the hospital." Christina stated.

"Not yet, we are waiting on Lynn too. Her flight lands in about thirty minutes." Lance stated.

"Well I guess we can just wait in the lounge then." Christina stated as the three of them walked down the corridor.

"So how are things going with you and that guy from Linkin' Park?" Lance asked.

"Not going at all, we broke up." Christina spoke, making a sad face. "That bastard was cheating on me."

"I'm sorry Chrissy." Lance spoke, sitting in the chair next to her.

"Don't be, I knew something was going on." Christina stated, pulling out a small book from her carryon bag. "This is our life."

"The pages are blank Chrissy." Lance stated.

"That's the point, our lives together were not meaningful and fulfilling." Christina stated.

"Well tell you what, I think we can hook you up with someone." Wade stated.

"Wade I am not trying to be rude or anything, but I don't need or want anyone to set me up." Christina stated.

"Oh, sorry, I wasn't..." Wade stated as Christina cut him.

"It's okay, I can find my own men, I don't need you to set me up." Christina stated as Wade got up and walked out of the room.

"Wade, Wade where are you going?" Lance asked, jumping up, running after Wade.

// Outside //

"Baby what's wrong?" Lance asked, grabbing Wade by the arm, stopping him from walking away.

"She's what's wrong. I am just trying to be nice and she's just being a bitch." Wade stated.

"That's just Chrissy baby. She's not trying to be a bitch, she just have been through a lot lately. I know she has a lot on her mind." Lance stated.

"We have been through a lot baby, but we don't have attitude like that." Wade stated.

"Baby, just calm down. Please, for me, just look over Chrissy please. Don' t take what she says right now to heart." Lance stated, grabbing Wade and pulling him into the bathroom.

"Baby what are you doing?" Wade asked.

"This." Lance stated, wrapping his arms around Wade and passionately kissing him.

"Whoa baby, can I have some more?" Wade asked as he and Lance embraced again, kissing.

// Back in The Lounge //

"Hello?" Christina spoke into her cell phone.

"Chrissy are you here yet?" JC asked, standing out in the waiting room.

"Yeah I'm here. We are still at the airport. We are waiting on Lynn to get here." Christina spoke. "What's up Joshy Boy?"

"It's Justin. He has some internal injuries that the doctors didn't find earlier, so he's gone back to surgery." JC spoke.

"What! He's gone back to surgery? Oh my God. Is that the latest information?" Christina asked.

"I'm afraid so." JC spoke.

"Oh my God, oh God." Christina spoke.

"Chrissy calm down." JC spoke.

"Oh just wait until I get my hands on that damn Britney. I am going to pull her fucking hair out and then slam her face into the ground and sit on her ass!" Christina screamed.

"No Chrissy, calm down." JC stated. "The police have her right now. We don 't need you do anything to get you in jail."

"I have to do something Josh. She hurt Justin. We don't know if he's going to make it or not." Christina stated.

"Don't talk like that Chrissy. Justin's gonna make it." JC stated.

"I'm gonna find Lance and Wade, and then I am going to let them know that I am going to grab a taxi and get to the hospital." Christina spoke, getting up and walking towards the door.

"Chrissy you don't have to." JC stated.

"Well I know I don't have to, but I am on my way." Christina stated, looking up and down the hall looking for Lance and Wade. "Bye Josh, I will see you in a few minutes."

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AOL/AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 39

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