Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Dec 6, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== Joint Affairs -- Chapter 32 by JT Poole

// Day 22 (Wednesday -- Later after Midnight) -- Baltimore, MD -- Somewhere in Town //

"Damn phone. I knew I should have charged it this morning when we got to the hotel." Justin stated, cursing to himself as he continued to walk down the street. "I just need to get to a phone and call Kevin, he will get someone to come and get me."

As Justin continued to walk down the street, his surroundings started to change. He kept walking thinking that he would eventually get to the hotel where he and the guys were staying, but his new location didn't look like anything that he had seen since he had been in Baltimore.

"Where the fuck am I?" Justin asked aloud. "I don't even see a fucking phone or even a good building with a working phone. Where the hell did that bitch take me too. We were not riding for that long, so we shouldn't be that far from the hotel.

// At the Hotel -- JC and Brian's Room //

"That bitch has gone too far. I can't reach Justin at all." Lance stated. "I keep getting his voicemail."

"Maybe his phone is off or something." Brian stated.

"We hardly turn our phones off unless we are in meetings our on stage, otherwise our phones are on." JC stated.

"Are you sure he has his phone with him?" Brian asked.

"I don't know." Lance stated, hugging Wade to his chest as he entered the room. "What's going on baby?"

"Well he's barricaded himself in the room and he doesn't want to talk to anyone right now." Wade stated.

"Well damn. I have tried, you have tried and now Wade. What are we going to do to get him out of there and in here?" Brian stated, rubbing his forehead.

"Wait a minute. We can get him out of there, Celia has the alternate keycard." Lance stated.

"Well she said she will be up in just a moment after she got off the phone with Johnny." JC stated.

"When does he get here?" Brian asked.

"I guess he is still coming later on today like he was scheduled to. He still needs to talk to me and Wade." Lance stated.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." JC stated.

"Where is Chris?" Lance asked. "I haven't seen him since we all got back here."

"I called his room, but he didn't answer the phone." JC stated, as there was a knock at the door.

// Kevin and Justin's Room //

"Leave me alone, just go away." Kevin stated, hardly being hard. "Just go away."

"Kevin it's Benjamin, I need you to open the door man." Benjamin stated.

"I just said go away! Leave me the fuck alone!" Kevin screamed, causing Benjamin to step away from the door with a scared look on his face.

"Kevin please, will you open the door? We need to talk." Benjamin stated.

"You are the last fucking person I wanted to talk to. Go away!" Kevin screamed as the door beeped and Benjamin walked into the room.

"Get the hell out!" Kevin screamed. "I told you to go the fuck away!"

"Kevin please calm down." Benjamin stated, walking over to Kevin. "We have alerted security and told them what has happened."

"What has happened?" Kevin asked. "What are you talking about?"

"Justin." Benjamin stated. "Wasn't he forced to leave with Britney


"No he wasn't forced, he left of his own free will." Kevin stated.

"He left on his own freewill? I thought Justin loved you?" Benjamin stated.

"Get the fuck out. I don't need this shit right now!" Kevin screamed as he grabbed Benjamin by the collar of his shirt and started pulling him towards the door. "I want you out and now!"

"Kevin I am not leaving by myself, you are coming with me." Benjamin stated. "We are having a meeting in JC and Brian's Room that you need to be present for. Come on."

"You go, I am not going!" Kevin stated as he punched Benjamin in the stomach.

As Benjamin doubled over from the pain, Kevin opened the door, pushed Benjamin out and closed the door again as he went back to the bed and laid down crying again.

"He betrayed me. I let him do it to me again." Kevin stated, crying. "I loved him again, I loved him and he...he just threw me away again. Damn you Justin. Damn you Justin Timberlake."

// Back in JC and Brian's Room //

"Hello?" JC asked, answering his phone.

"Hi Jayce, what's up?" JC heard a familiar voice. "I haven't heard from you guys in a long while, what's the deal?"

"Hey Chrissy, sorry, can't talk right now, we are trying to get a hold of Justin." JC stated, looking through more pictures in the folder.

"What do you mean get a hold of Justin?" Christina Aguilera asked. "He should be there with you guys."

"Well he isn't here with us, Britney forced him to go with her." JC stated.

"Britney forced him to go with her?" Christina asked. "What are you talking about Jayce?"

"Let's just say she blackmailed him away from Kevin." JC stated. "Shit is getting tight around here. She basically told him that if he didn't go back with her, that she was going to out him and Kevin and me and the others."

"What the fuck!" Christina screamed. "That bitch! Where are you guys?"

"We are in Baltimore right now." JC stated. "Why?"

"That bitch has gone way too far. I am jumping the next flight I can to get to you guys. I will keep you updated with my flight information. You keep me updated on Justin and that fucking bitch." Christina stated. "I will see you later Jayce."

"Alright. Bye Chrissy." JC stated hanging up his phone.

"What was that all about?" Brian asked.

"Let's just say that Chrissy isn't happy about what Britney has done." JC stated.

"Chrissy?" Brian asked. "Who is Chrissy?"

"Christina Aguilera." Lance spoke.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you guys were all friends." Brian stated. "You, Justin, her and Britney."

"Yep, well we were all friends with Britney until she started her shirt a couple of years back after the MMC was cancelled." JC stated.

"What happened?" Brian asked.

"Long story that I will have to tell you about later." JC stated as there was another knock at the door.

"I hope that's Celia, Benjamin and Kevin. We need to get this taken care of." JC stated.

"About time you got here. Wait a minute. Where's Kevin?" Brian asked.

"Well let's just say that he isn't coming." Benjamin stated. "He isn't sane right now I think. He seems to think that Justin left him."

"Oh man oh man." Brian stated. "This is really bad."

"What?" Celia asked.

"He's going to cut us all off and shut us out like he did the last time he and Justin parted." Brian stated.

"Well don't go bothering him, just leave him alone, he socked me in the stomach for trying to get him to come down here." Benjamin stated.

"Are you okay?" Celia asked.

"I am fine. We just need to get Justin and handle this stuff here that Britney left behind." Benjamin stated.

"What all did she leave and how did she get all of this?" Celia asked.

"We basically don't know. I am still going through the folders of stuff here. We haven't watched the video tape yet." JC stated.

"Well put it in, I want to see what's on it." Celia stated as JC handed the tape to her and she inserted it into the VCR.

"Oh my fucking god!" Lance screamed as he saw who was on the tape.

"Shit!" Wade stated as he saw himself and Justin on the tape. "I can explain."

"Explain what? What is this?" JC asked.

"Well Justin and I well...well we were together when he and Britney broke up the first time." Wade stated.

"So you are the guy that she found in bed with him then?" JC asked.

"No I am not, but she caught us out one night at a club." Wade stated.

"Baby when did this happen?" Lance asked, sitting down next to Wade.

"That was before me and you ever got together baby." Wade stated, trying to calm Lance down.

"But you didn't tell me Wade, why didn't you tell me?" Lance asked, tears running down his face.

"It was before we were together. I didn't think it mattered who I slept with before we were together." Wade stated.

"Well in this case it matters. Justin's one of my friends." Lance stated. "You should have told me."

"I'm sorry baby." Wade stated.

"Okay okay, we need to get Justin and we also need to get Britney. Anyone have any idea where they could have gone?" Celia asked.

"No, not really." Brian stated.

"I sent security to check the airport and other hotels around. Hopefully they will come back with him." Celia stated as there was a knock at the door. "See who that is."

Opening the door, Benjamin saw Kevin, and ran for the opposite side of the room.

"Glad you could join us Mr. Richardson." Celia stated.

"I am not joining you, I am leaving." Kevin said, walking over to Celia, handing her the room keycard.

"You are what?" Brian, JC, Celia and Lance spoke in unison.

"I said I was leaving." Kevin stated as he turned and walked back out of the room.

"Oh my god, Kev, you can't leave us." Brian stated, hopping up to stand in front of Kevin.

"Brian I love you very much, but if you don't get out of my way right now, I might do something I may regret later on." Kevin stated.

"No Kev, I can't let you go." Brian stated, hugging Kevin. "Please don't go."

"I said move." Kevin stated, pushing Brian off of him and walking out the door.

"Owww Kev." Brian spoke as he fell on the floor.

"Oh Damn." Kevin stated as he grabbed his side and fell to the floor himself.

"Kev what's wrong?" Brian asked, crawling over to Kevin on his knees.

"I don't know. Something's wrong, I can feel it." Kevin stated as he got up off the floor and left the room.

// Somewhere in Baltimore //

"I told you not to leave me, now look what you made me fucking do." Britney stated as she got out of the car, walking around to look at Justin as he laid on the ground in the spot where she had hit him.

"Why Britney? Why?" Justin asked, as he slowly closed his eyes, dripping blood from his mouth.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 37

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