Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Dec 4, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

Author's Note: Michelle Branch is the original performer of Game of Love that I know. I am not trying to give Justin and Kevin credit for the song; it's just a story. The song doesn't belong to me, so there you have it.

Note2: Thanks to my girl Nikki for giving some good inspiration. Keep the flow going...

====================================== Joint Affairs -- Chapter 30 by JT Poole

// Day 21 (Tuesday) -- Baltimore, MD -- The Venue //

Going into the last song of the night, it was a spotlight duet and Kevin and Justin were about to perform.

"Hi everybody!" Kevin shouted out over the screams of everyone in the crowd as he walked on stage. "Are you enjoying the show?

"Since this is the last part of the show, we are going to do a duet." Justin stated, walking out into the stage to join Kevin.

"Alright gals and guys, we thought long and hard about what we were going to sing and we decided on a little something that we can get some people in the audience involved with." Kevin stated. "Earlier tonight we had a drawing to see who the lucky persons would be that we would be singing too."

"Hopefully there are two lucky ladies out there with these ticket numbers E5-21 and G2-43. If you would come to the side of the stage, someone will escort you up to the stage." Justin stated as the crowd went wild.

As a couple of minutes went by, there were two women on the stage. Justin walked over to the young black girl and took her hand and walked her over to one of the stools that was set up on the stage for this scene, as did Kevin walked over to the young Asian girl, kissed her on the cheek and escorted her over to the other stool. When both Justin and Kevin were ready, the main lights went out and two single spotlights came on shining on the four of them as the music for `The Game Of Love' started playing.

As Justin started singing the song, Kevin joined in to help as you could hear the two girls sighing softly as both men sang to them.

"A little bit of this, a little bit of that..." Justin sang as the girl he was singing to started screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Oh Justin Justin I love you I love you!" The girl screamed, jumping off the stool and hugging Justin, causing the security team to run up on stage, as Justin waved his hand at them to stop, stealing glances at Kevin as he continued to sing..

"Please tell me why..." Kevin sang as the girl started scooting around on her stool, staring at Kevin lovingly, as Kevin secretly made eyes at Justin on the side.

As the song was coming to an end, both Justin and Kevin kissed the girls on the cheek and walked them back to the side of the stage.

Telling the girls thank you and the rest of the crowd, the show ended and all the guys came out to take a bow.

// Sometime after the Concert -- N Sync's Dressing Room //

"I'm glad that Meet and Greet didn't last any longer." Joey stated as he, Justin, JC and Lance came walking into the room. "I thought I was going to die of boredom."

"Whew that was a long one guys." Justin stated. Sitting down on the couch in the dressing room.

"Yeah it was Curly. I saw you making eyes at Kevin all through the concert. Stop that before someone other than us notices." JC stated.

"Oh don't start, trying to sit next to Brian during the spotlight solo." Justin stated, walking over to the small refrigerator in the room and pulling out a bottle of water.

"Well he has a point Justin. You were so obvious anyone could tell that you were directing your words to Kevin." Joey stated.

"Yeah right mister singing directly to Nick." Justin stated. "You all did little things too, not just me."

"Calm down Curly." JC stated.

"No I am not going to calm down. You two come in here and jump on my case about something that you were doing yourselves." Justin stated.

"Well Justin what we are saying is don't be so out there and obvious with it all." JC stated.

"Oh go to hell." Justin stated, grabbing his stuff and walking out of the dressing room.

"Well that went well guys." Chris stated. "Maybe next time you guys should talk with him and not yell at him."

"We were not yelling." Joey stated.

"Hello, you were screaming at each other, that's yelling Fat-One." Chris stated.

"Watch it dude." Joey stated, walking to the other side of the room.

"All I am saying is that you guys need to just sit down and talk, not yell at each other." Chris stated as he grabbed his stuff and walked out.

// Backstreet Dressing Room //

"Well I really loved that, it was so romantic." Brian stated. "I can't wait until we get back to the hotel, I can't wait to get my hands on Josh."

"You guys are just too mushy for us." AJ stated, walking to the door. "Come on D let's go."

"Yeah I am with you, it's like sickening in here." Howie stated, walking to the door behind AJ.

"Do you get the idea that they are not happy with us being gay?" Nick asked.

"Seems like it to me." Brian stated.

"Don't worry about it guys. We all have men that love us. Let's go find them. I am ready to call it a night." Kevin stated, as there was a knock at the door.

"Wonder who that could be?" Nick asked walking over to the door to open it. "Hi Justin."

"Hey baby, I was just talking about you." Kevin stated.

"Not you too." Justin stated, walking over to Kevin and wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Is something wrong baby?" Kevin asked, rubbing Justin's hair.

"Joey and JC got on my nerves about you just now, saying that I was obviously flirting with you on stage tonight and that if they could notice it the people in the crowd could too." Justin stated.

"Well I noticed you two sneaking glances at the other as you were singing the last song." Brian stated.

"You saw that?" Kevin asked.

"I saw it too." Nick stated.

"Maybe we are being too obvious." Kevin stated.

"Oh whatever. It's all good. You two are just showing your love for each other." Brian stated.

"Well I guess we will get a chance to look at you and Josh tomorrow in the spotlight." Justin stated.

"Yeah, I am still trying to decide on the song. Josh said it didn't matter which song we did as long as we did it together." Brian stated, as there was a knock at the door again.

"That's one popular door." Nick laughed, getting up to answer the door again. "Hello baby, Josh. Come on in."

"There you are." Joey stated. "We're sorry Justin."

"It's okay." Justin stated. "I guess we were being a little too transparent."

"Yeah we heard about the argument. We saw it too, but we didn't get on their cases about it." Nick stated, laughing.

"Well we shouldn't have gotten on his case since we all did the same thing tonight, just in a different way." Joey stated, sitting down next to Nick as Nick sat in his lap.

"That's right. Leave my man alone." Kevin stated. "We were just showing our love for each other."

"Well show it in private, we don't need any outings anytime soon." JC stated.

"No we don't." Justin stated, with a sad look on his face.

"What's wrong baby?" Kevin asked.

"I love you Kev, I don't want to leave you." Justin stated, tears streaming down his face.

"I love you too baby." Kevin stated, wiping Justin's tears. "We will stay together, we are not going to let Britney win."

"That's right, don't let that bitch control you, if you let her do it now, she will keep on doing it." JC stated. "Don't let her stop you from loving who you love."

"That's right Justin, you and Kevin belong together." Nick stated.

"Yeah we do, and right now I believe we belong together and I want it to stay that way forever." Justin stated, kissing Kevin passionately.

"Ohkay, you two break it up. I think it's time for us to go back to the hotel." Joey stated as his cell phone started beeping.

// Back at the Hotel -- A little after Midnight -- Lance's Room //

"I am so tired." Wade stated.

"I am tired too baby." Lance stated, wrapping his arms around Wade's waist, kissing him on the cheek. "Are you going to stay here with me tonight?"

"Is that going to be okay with you?" Wade asked.

"Of course that would be okay. You are my boyfriend, you should be here with me." Lance stated, kissing Wade full on the lips passionately.

"Okay baby, I will stay here with you tonight." Wade stated.

"How about we go shower and get ready for bed?" Lance asked, grabbing Wade' s hand.

"Sure." Wade stated as he and Lance walked into the bathroom holding hands and kissing along the way.

"Hot or Lukewarm?" Lance asked, turning on the water in the shower.

"Lukewarm, I don't want my skin burned honey." Wade stated as Lance walked over to him, standing behind him, trailing kissing up and down his neck. "Oh baby, are you trying to seduce me?"

"Yes I am. Is it working?" Lance asked.

"Yeah baby." Wade stated. "Fuck me Lance."

"Oh yeah baby." Lance stated, running back into the man room to look in his bedside table and get a condom out, running back to the bathroom.

"Come on in baby I am waiting on you." Wade stated, opening the shower door for Lance to come into the stall.

Opening the condom and rolling it on his dick, Lance walked into the shower stall and began kissing Wade passionately. Picking Wade up and holding him up against the shower wall, Lance pulled Wade legs up and placed them around his waist and entered Wade, causing the man to take in a deep breathe.

"Baby are you okay?" Lance asked.

"Yeah baby. Just go slow, I am still a little bit sore." Wade stated moving his hips along with Lance's thrusts.

"Oh feel so tight." Lance stated, moaning into Wade's mouth as they kissed passionately.

// Down in the Restaurant //

"How about the time when..." Justin stated when he noticed Britney Spears walking into the Restaurant. "Oh fuck. Britney is here."

"What?" Brian asked, looking around the restaurant.

"That bitch is here." JC said spotting her at the door as she spotted them and walked over to the table.

"Well well, if it isn't a table full of fags!" Britney spoke loudly.

"Britney, what the hell are you doing?" Justin asked, standing up to talk to her as the people in the restaurant stared at them.

"I told you I would come for you and I am here baby." Britney stated. "Are you ready to go?"

"Britney I am not going anywhere with you." Justin stated.

"Oh you will come with me or you will regret it in the morning." Britney stated. "I suggest you say goodbye to that old man and come back to me."

"Old man?" Kevin asked, getting up from the table standing behind Justin.

"That's what I said. Old man." Britney stated again, glaring at Kevin.

"Britney leave them alone." JC stated, walking over to her.

"Look Josh, I told you before I always get what I want and I want Justin. I will have him or else." Britney stated, pushing JC backwards, causing him to fall into Brian.

"You bitch." JC stated, getting up. "I told you once and I am telling you again. Leave him and the rest of us, we are not going to tolerate you."

"Tolerate me?" Britney stated, walking over to JC and getting in his face. "You better tolerate me or else. If Justin doesn't come with me now, the whole bunch of you will be on the news tomorra, you will be losers before nightfall."

They all gasped listening to what Britney just said as she pulled out a videotape, a folder and some other things and laid them all out on the table.

"I have enough proof to put you all out of business." Britney stated. "Are you coming Justin?"

"I'm sorry baby." Justin stated looking at Kevin.

"Justin no." Kevin stated, tears running down his face. "Don't let her win."

"I can't let you all get outed because of me. I will go with her." Justin stated as he began to cry. "I love you Kevin."

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 35

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