Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Oct 18, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== Joint Affairs -- Chapter 28 by JT Poole

// Day 21 -- (Tuesday Morning) -- Baltimore, MD -- The Hotel Restaurant //

"Nick, Nick stop." Joey stated, grabbing Nick by the arm. "Don't run away from me."

"I am not running away from you, I am trying to get away from her." Nick stated, pointing in the direction of his mother.

"Just come back with me and sit down. I don't think your father is going to come here and do something to break us up." Joey stated.

"You don't know my father very well." Nick stated as he saw Aaron and David walk back into the Restaurant.

"I know enough about our feelings. I don't think your father will come here to break us up, knowing that he could possibly cause his sons pain." Joey stated.

"You have a lot to learn about fathers." Nick stated, turning a looking at his mother. "How are your parents accepting this?"

"I think my parents will be okay with this since my brother Steve is already gay." Joey stated.

"He is, I didn't know that." Nick stated. "I couldn't tell by seeing him that day we met him."

"It's not like he's a flaming queen or anything." Joey stated, laughing.

"Good point." Nick stated.

"Now that you have calmed down, let's go rejoin your mother and brother." Joey stated, looking around then kissing Nick on the cheek.

"Oh so you think you can just get me to do what you want with a kiss?" Nick asked.

"No, I kissed you for support." Joey stated. "I stand with you 100 percent."

"Thank you baby." Nick stated as the two of them walked back over to the table.

"I am glad you decided to come back Nick." Jane stated.

"Well I am only back to see what is up." Nick stated. "Regardless of what you and Dad say, I am not leaving Joey."

"I am not leaving David either." Aaron spoke.

"I didn't say you boys had to leave them." Jane spoke.

"Well you are not happy with us being with them." Nick stated. "Ever since you've found out about us, you have been so distant from us."

"I am not trying to be distant, I am just trying to deal with this. This is all new to me." Jane spoke.

"Could have fooled me." Nick stated.

"Don't talk to your mother that way." They all heard a voice from behind them.

"Dad." Nick stated, jumping up from the table and turning around to see his father standing behind them.

"Honey you are here." Jane stated, getting up to hug and kiss Robert Carter.

"Yes I am here." Robert spoke, walking around the table. "How are my boys doing?"

"We are doing okay." Aaron spoke. "Why are you here dad?"

"Well since you guys were here, I thought I would stop by and see you guys and meet the new people in your lives." Robert stated.

"Don't you mean run away the new people in our lives?" Nick asked.

"Nicholas where is this attitude coming from?" Robert asked.

"I don't have attitude dad." Nick stated.

"Yes you do. I don't know where all this animosity is coming from." Robert stated.

"Try her." Nick stated, pointing at his mother.

"Son you are making me angry right now." Robert spoke, sitting down at the table across from Nick, and Joey.

"So you are Nick's father. Hi, I'm Joey Fatone." Joey stated, trying to calm the situation down.

"Hi, Robert Carter. Nice to meet you son." Robert spoke.

"Nice to meet you as well." Joey spoke. "So are you enjoying Baltimore so far?"

"Why are you changing the subject Joe? We are here to talk about us, not this stinking town." Aaron spoke.

"Watch your tongue boy." Robert spoke.

"I am not staying here for this." Aaron spoke, getting up from the table.

"Sit yourself right back down mister." Robert spoke with a stern voice. "From what I have witnessed since I have been here, you two have forgotten a little something, it's called respect. Both of you have been acting like you don't have an ounce of respect for me or your mother."

"Should we?" Nick asked.

"Nick shut up." Joey stated.

"You better listen to him before you say something you will regret." Robert spoke.

"The only thing I regret is trying to be a nice and open person to my parents, hoping that they would accept me for who I am and who I love, but not." Nick stated, getting up from the table and walking out of the restaurant as tears fell from his eyes.

"I will go get him." Joey stated.

"No you stay here, I will be right back." Robert stated. "Aaron come with me."

"I don't..." Aaron stated, as he was cut off.

"I said move." Robert stated, walking towards the door.

// Hotel Lobby //

"What's going on with you Nick, you look like someone ran over your new puppy." Brian stated as he walked out of the elevator.

"Dad's here with mom and the both of them are here to gang up on me and Aaron." Nick stated.

"I don't think your dad will do that." Brian stated.

"Why else would he be here helping mom then?" Nick asked.

"Why is he here anyway?" Brian asked.

"Mom said he was here on business, when he don't have any clients in this area." Nick stated.

"Maybe he just came to see you guys Nick." Brian stated.

"He's here to break up me and Joey." Nick stated.

"Stop talking like that Nick, no one is going to break you two up." Brian stated. "Give me a hug. It's all going to be alright, just calm down."

"I don't think so Bri, why else would he be here?" Nick asked.

"Maybe I am here to meet the two men that my boys have fallen in love with." Robert stated, walking up behind Nick with Aaron behind him. "Why are you two so upset about me being here?"

"Could it be that when you are around, good things don't happen?" Nick asked.

"So the both of you think that I came here to break you up with those two guys?" Robert asked.

"Isn't that why you here?" Nick asked.

"No." Robert spoke. "Your mother called me all upset about this, and she told me that she didn't know what to say or do about is. I explained to her not to do anything that you boys should be happy."

"You said that?" Aaron asked. "Why?"

"Well I knew you were gay already." Robert stated as they sat down in the chairs nearby.

"How?" Nick asked.

"Well I didn't know about you, I knew about Aaron being gay." Robert spoke. "I saw him in the swimming pool one night with his friend."

"You saw us?" Aaron asked, blushing.

"Yeah I got a good view of the two of you kissing in the pool." Robert spoke.

"Oh my god, I am so embarrassed." Aaron stated.

"Don't be." Robert stated. "I am glad you have found the person that makes you happy. I am not going to try to break you boys up with the people that you love. I must say that I wish you were with woman, but I can't control who you fall in love with."

"So who was the guy Aaron?" Nick asked.

"I am not telling you." Aaron stated.

"So tell me something, are both of you happy with these guys?" Robert asked.

"I am happy with David, have always been." Aaron stated.

"How old is he?" Robert asked.

"He just turned 18." Aaron stated, getting a scared look on his face.

"How long have you two been together?" Robert asked.

"For almost two years now." Aaron stated.

"That long, and we didn't know." Robert stated.

"Well we did what we could to keep everything secret." Aaron stated.

"So he wasn't an adult when you two got together."

"No he wasn't." Aaron stated.

"Alright, don't get upset son, I was just asking." Robert stated. "What about you and Joey?"

"We have been together for a few days." Nick stated.

"A few days and you love him already?" Robert asked. "Must have been love at first sight."

"It was more than that." Nick stated.

"Well I guess it was since you haven't given me time to say anything to you without attitude." Robert stated.

"I'm sorry dad." Nick stated.

"That's better." Robert stated.

"We thought that you were here to break us up." Nick stated.

"I just came here to see the guys and be with your mother while she's here, hopefully calm her down about all of this." Robert stated.

"Cool." Aaron stated.

"Shall we go back in now?" Robert asked. "Brian do you want to join us?"

"Nah, you all go ahead, I am meeting my man, Josh for an outing in town today." Brian stated.

"Well you have a good time Brian." Robert stated as he, Nick and Aaron walked back to the restaurant.

// In the Restaurant //

"I wasn't trying to upset them, I just didn't know what to say." Jane stated.

"I know that Mrs. Carter, but you know as well as I do, that Nick can be emotional when he wants to be." Joey stated.

"Aaron gets emotional a lot too." David spoke. "I thought it was just because he was scared that something bad was going to happen, but I don't know."

"So you guys are talking about us?" Aaron asked as they walked back over to the table and sat down and the spots they were previously in.

"So is everyone okay now?" Jane asked.

"We are fine." Nick answered.

"Yeah we are cool." Aaron stated.

"Good." Joey stated. "Maybe now we can get on with the day."

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 33

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