Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Aug 4, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== Joint Affairs -- Chapter 26c by JT Poole

// Day 21 (Tuesday -- Early Morning) -- Baltimore, MD -- Jane Carter's Hotel Room //

"I know that honey, I just flew off the handle." Jane stated. "I shouldn't have done it, but it's too late now and both of the boys are upset about the whole thing."

"Honey you just wasn't expecting that is all. They boys will come around." Robert stated over the phone. "Just give them some time and things will go back to normal."

"But honey..." Jane stated, being cut off.

"But nothing. There were signs of all of this; we just didn't pay attention to those signs. I should have expected this when I saw Aaron with that guy in the pool that night." Robert stated.

"What did you see?" Jane asked.

"He and the guy were at the edge of the pool with their arms around each other." Robert stated. "I talked to him about it and he told me that he and his friend had been playing and he went under by accident and his friend help him up and he had given him a hug, I thought nothing of it until now."

"Well that could have been innocent, but our boys are sleeping in beds having sex with other men right now." Jane stated. "Where did we go


"We didn't do anything wrong, it's just what do want in their hearts." Robert stated. "Do you want me to fly down to Baltimore baby?"

"I don't know, I don't think that would be a good idea, but if you think you can help patch things up, then come." Jane stated.

"Alright baby, I will be on the next flight to Baltimore." Robert stated. "Baby, don't let this upset you too much. Being gay isn't all that bad."

"I will try not to be upset, I have to go down and have breakfast with them and the boyfriends." Jane stated.

"Don't say anything to make the boyfriends feel distant." Robert stated.

"I will try not to again. I spoke with Joey, Nick's boyfriend last night and it seems Aaron did a good job of making him feel distant already and I spoke to David, Aaron's boyfriend and both men seem to be nice but it's just the fact that I know my boys are having sex." Jane stated.

"Honey don't think about that, just think about something else." Robert stated. "You keep cool and collected and I will see you soon."

"Alright baby, I will see you then. Bye." Jane stated as she hung up the phone.

// Lance's Room //

"It is just plain too early for this, who's there?" Lance asked, walking to the door.

"Celia and Benjamin." Celia answered.

"Yes?" Lance asked as he opened the door.

"We need to talk to you." Celia stated. "Can we come in?"

"I guess so, what's up at this time in the morning?" Lance asked.

"Lance I just finished talking to someone that came to me with some disturbing news." Celia stated.

"What kind of news?" Lance asked.

"News that under other circumstances I wouldn't have believed, but with the information I already know and some things that I have witnessed, I very judgmental about what I heard this morning." Celia stated.

"What did you hear? Does it involve me or one of the guys?" Lance asked.

"It involves you, that's why we are here." Celia stated. "We need to get to the bottom of this and you need to be straight and honest with us about what I am about to talk about."

"Well what is it, why are you dragging this on and on?" Lance asked.

"Lance did you rape Wade Robson?" Celia asked.

"What?!?" Lance screamed.

"Did you rape Wade?" Celia asked again.

"No I did no such thing." Lance stated. "Did he say that?"

"Yes he did say that. He came to me this morning and told me how you forced yourself on him and after he told you to stop you continued." Celia stated.

"I did not rape Wade." Lance stated. "I didn't..."

"Well was it just rough sex?" Celia asked. "What was it Lance? Talk to me, tell me what happened, I want to hear your side of the story."

"Well it was..." Lance stated as tears came to his eyes. "I don't know what it was."

"Lance what's going on?" Celia asked as Lance backed away and walked into the bathroom with his head down.

"Just leave me alone right now. I can't talk or deal with this right now." Lance stated as he closed the bathroom door.

"Lance we just can't leave this alone, we need to talk about this and get this squared away." Celia stated.

"Just leave me alone damnit." Lance stated, his sobs could be heard through the bathroom door.

// Kevin and Justin's Room //

"Baby it's going to be alright." Kevin stated. "Once we tell Celia what's going on, I am quite sure that she and Johnny can come up with something to do about Britney."

"I don't know Kev, she said she had proof and it was hot." Justin stated. "I don't want her to hurt you because of me."

"She's not going to hurt me baby." Kevin stated, kissing Justin on the cheek and hugging him. "She can only hurt herself."

"If she makes whatever proof she has public that will hurt all of us." Justin stated. "That would hurt us with the fans badly."

"Well let's just go to breakfast then we can talk to Celia about it." Kevin stated as he opened the door and he and Justin walked out to go to breakfast.

// In the Hotel Restaurant -- 20 Minutes Later //

"Good morning everyone, I hope everyone got a lot of needed rest last

night." Celia stated, as there were a lot of groans from the guys. "It couldn't have been that bad."

"It's too early in the morning for this." Brian stated.

"Well in your line of work, the day starts early, get over it Mr. Littrell. Onto business." Celia stated as she turned to look at Benjamin. "We have an important matter that we need to discuss with all of you, the reason why we are in this private room."

"What does this involve?" Kevin asked, thinking of the problem with he and Justin.

"Sexual Indiscretion and misconduct." Celia stated.

"What's going on?" Justin got up and asked.

"Calm down baby. Sit back down." Kevin stated.

"Basically we had a report of rape this morning. We are handling the situation within our own ranks right now, but I wanted to inform you all that rape and any other form of sexual misconduct will not be tolerated on this tour." Celia stated.

"Who was raped?" Kevin asked.

"I cannot disclose that information right now." Celia stated.

"Was it one of us?" Justin asked.

"We will not talk about this until after all the information has been obtained and all parties involved have been talked too." Celia stated as JC dropped his head down. "Also what this being brought to our attention, I would like to know who is dating who and what now, so I can not what to expect in the future."

"Why?" AJ asked.

"Because I want to keep a heads up on any drama that may arise on this

tour." Celia stated. "I already know about Justin and Kevin."

"Ah Celia, we have a problem." Justin stated.

"What's wrong Justin?" Celia asked. "Please don't let this be bad news."

"Yesterday, I got a very dreadful phone call from Britney Spears." Justin stated, sighing. "She stated to me that she had proof of my and Kevin's relationship and she would out us if we didn't separate from each other."

"What!" Chris stated. "How?"

"She had a private investigator following me. I guess he or she got what they needed and took that information back to Britney. Now that she has the proof, she said that if I didn't break up with him and start dating her again, she was going to make that proof public." Justin spoke.

"What! You didn't tell me that part!" Kevin shouted.

"I am sorry baby. I didn't want to upset you last night." Justin stated.

"Oh like I am not upset now." Kevin stated sarcastically.

"This is bad." Celia stated, walking back and forth in front of the guys. "A scorned lover doesn't make good for revenge. She's mad and she's going to do everything she can to either get you back or ruin you."

"At the cost of all of us." Chris stated as he got up and left the room.

"Chris?" Justin spoke.

"Let him go cool off." Kevin stated.

"Me and Benjamin will contact one of the media specialist about this matter and we will get back to you two on this matter." Celia stated.

// 2 Hours Later -- Wade's Room //

"Who's there?" Wade asked walking over to the door and opening it.

"It's me Lance. Can I please come in and talk to you?" Lance asked

"Why should I let you in?" Wade asked. "You are only here to cause more trouble."

"No I am not here to cause trouble. I came to talk to you, really talk to you." Lance stated. "Please Wade, let me in."

"Fine, but if you try something I won't hesitate to hurt you." Wade said, stepping out of the way to let Lance into the room.

Unbeknoweth to the two men, someone was watching them. As the two of them went inside to talk the watcher ran around the corner to stop at JC and Brian's door.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" Wade asked.

"I am sorry Wade. I didn't mean to treat you the way I treated you the other night nor did I mean to say those things to you the way I did." Lance stated. "Could you please forgive me?"

"Why should I forgive you? Why should I forgive what you did to me?" Wade asked.

"I don't know, I just know that I am sorry." Lance stated. "This has been on my mind since it happened and I can't get it or you out of my head."

"Maybe that's because you feel guilty." Wade stated.

"Maybe it's something else." Lance stated.

"Something else? Like what?" Wade asked.

"It could be that I love you." Lance stated.

"You love me?" Wade asked.

"Yes I love you." Lance stated.

"You can't love me. If you loved me, you would have never ever treated me the way you did." Wade stated.

"I know, I am sorry for that." Lance stated. "When we first started out I didn't have any romantic feelings for you, I just saw you as a quick and easy way to get my jollies, but now, I don't see you that way. I actually have feelings for you. I have had these feelings for a long time now, but I have been trying to fight them, which is why I treated you the way I did the other night."

"Why fight those feelings?" Wade asked.

"Because I can't be gay. If I were to be gay my parents would disown me and my life will fall apart." Lance stated as he started crying in Wade's arms as Wade held him and tried to comfort him.

"It's going to be okay Lance." Wade stated, still rubbing Lance's back as he cried. "Why didn't you just talk to me about the way you felt? You know I would listen to you and be there for you. I love you Lance, I have always loved you."

"I know and I don't know why or how I let all of this happen." Lance stated, as there was a knock at the door.

"Well I don't know either." Wade said as he got up to answer the door to see Celia, Benjamin, Kevin and JC standing at the door.

"We need to talk." Celia stated.

"About what?" Wade asked.

"About what's going on here now." Celia stated as they all walked in.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: SwainsboroGuy2 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 31

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