Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Apr 4, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry about the last chapter at the end with Nick and Joey. They were not having sex in the shower, they were in the bed, but you know what happens when we authors forget to double-check stuff. Just shoot me...

====================================== Joint Affairs -- Chapter 24 by JT Poole

// Day 20 -- Baltimore, MD -- Wade's Room //

"What's wrong Wade, you don't like what I am doing to you?" Lance asked, pushing Wade's face down into the pillow as he fucked him hard and fast.

"Lance stop it! You are hurting me!" Wade screamed.

"Keep it down you little faggot! You asked for it, now you are going to get it all. You can't ask for it and then not want it." Lance stated, still fucking Wade as the he laughed about it.

"Lance please just stop. I don't like this anymore. Just stop, please." Wade pleaded as there was a knock on the door.

"Is everything okay in there? Do you need any help?" Someone shouted from outside the room.

"Everything's fine." Lance stated, covering Wade's mouth with his hand.

"I heard screaming and shouting. Do I need to call hotel security?" the person asked outside of the door.

"I am sorry, I was watching a movie and I had the volume up too high." Lance stated.

"Okay. Keep it down next time." The person stated outside of the door as Lance continued to keep Wade's mouth covered as the man struggled to get free from under him.

"Again I am very sorry. I will keep it down." Lance stated as he pulled out of Wade's ass and pushed him on the floor.

"Ouch!" Wade stated landing on the floor besides the bed. "Lance get the hell out!"

"Are you sure you want me to leave?" Lance asked. "If I leave now, I will never come back."

"Leave and don't come back." Wade stated, grabbing the bedspread pulling it off the bed to cover himself.

"Wade I am serious. Once I walk out that door, there is no more sex between us." Lance stated.

"Leave Lance. I don't care. Tonight you have gone too far. You hurt me Lance, you hurt me." Wade stated as he started crying as Lance grabbed his clothes and put them on.

"Goodbye Wade. I must say that fucking your ass was fun and good." Lance stated, as he walked out of the room.

"Oh god, how could I let him do that to me, treat me that way." Wade stated as he got up off the floor and walked into the bathroom.

// Kevin and Justin's Room //

"Damn phone. Hello?" Justin asked.

"Hello sir, this is your 5:30 wake up call. Thank you and have a nice day." The voice stated on the phone.

"Kev. Kev honey, time to get up." Justin stated shaking Kevin lightly.

"What is it baby?" Kevin asked.

"That was our wake up call. I guess we better get ready for Sound check." Justin stated.

"I am not ready to get up yet. Come back over here baby, let's have another make out moment." Kevin stated reaching for Justin's hand.

"No baby, we have to get up. I we don't, we will be late." Justin stated grabbing Kevin's arms and pulling him up out of bed.

"Fine, I can make out with you standing here." Kevin stated as he and Justin shared a nice and long passionate kiss.

"Oh baby. I love you so much." Justin stated as they kissed again.

// Aaron and David's Room //

"You guys will have Sound check in a hour right?" David asked.

"We are supposed to be ready by 6, but I am not ready." Aaron stated. "I want to just lay here with you."

"Babe get up and get ready to go. You don't need to get into trouble." David stated. "Celia is being nice by letting me tag along with you guys for a couple of weeks. I don't need her getting mad thinking that I am causing you to be late for your obligations."

"Damn it." Aaron stated.

"Watch that babe. You are too young for that kind of talking." David laughed.

"Excuse me! You use more of it than I do." Aaron stated.

"Probably so, but we both must maintain our innocence for our fans." David stated.

"Yeah right. Your character on `7th Heaven' seems to be getting out of control to be a preacher's kid." Aaron stated laughing.

"Well that's not my fault." David stated, "The writers did it. I am still innocent. The kids still like me and they still believe I am the same lovable kid I was when the show first started."

"What would your fans think if they found out about you fucking an almost 16 year old?" Aaron asked with a serious look on his face.

"I am not fucking a 16 year old." David stated, "I am making love to a 16 year old."

"Oh is that what you call it?" Aaron asked. "I remember someone earlier today repeating the words `fuck that dick' over and over again."

"Well those words were said in the heat of passion." David laughed.

"So what do you call it when we are just out and out having wild sex then?" Aaron asked.

"That's fucking." David laughed as he pulled Aaron out of bed and hugged and kissed him as there was a knock at the door.

"Who's there?" Aaron asked.

"It's me Nick. Open the door." Nick stated as Aaron opened the door.

"What's going on?" Aaron asked.

"Mom's on her way here to the show. When she called she was on the plane here." Nick stated.

"What! Oh fuck no. She's going to find out about us." Aaron stated.

"No she won't, all we have to do is play it cool and not do anything in front of her." Nick stated.

"Easy for you to say, Mr. Genie in a bottle." Aaron stated mocking Nick.

"What do you mean by that?" Nick asked blushing.

"You know what I mean Nick. I don't think you and Joey are able to keep your hands to yourselves." Aaron stated as David started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Nick asked.

"Oh nothing. I was just thinking about what Aaron told me about you and Joey having sex in the shower, while you sang Christina Aguilera songs." David stated, still laughing.

"You told him?" Nick asked, "How could you?"

"Easy...I told him they day Celia told us. The same day I got upset about you not telling me about you being gay!" Aaron stated.

"You don't have to yell bro." Nick stated.

"Yes I do. Sometimes I wonder, are you crazy or is it just me?" Aaron asked.

"It's just you." Nick stated as he turned to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" Aaron asked.

"I am not going to argue with you. I am going back to my room." Nick stated.

"Wait. Did mom make reservations somewhere?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, she will be staying here until we leave." Nick stated as he turned around to leave.

"Great. Just great. She's going to catch us." Aaron stated as he get flustered and started pacing back and forth in the room.

// Brian and JC's Room //

"Come on baby get up. It's time for us to get ready. We have a couple of minutes left before we are supposed to be downstairs to go." Brian stated.

"I don't wanna. I just want to sleep." JC stated.

"Come on. We are going to be late." Brian stated as he pulled the covers off of JC and caught site of the biggest hardon he has ever seen. "Damn, no wonder it hurt so much, your dick is that big?"

"Hey give me back the covers, it's chilly in here." JC stated blushing at Brian's comment.

"You could have split me open with that." Brian stated as JC covered his crotch with his pillow. "Stop looking at it, you are embarrassing me."

"Why should you be embarrassed? Your dick is bigger than mine. You should be proud." Brian stated as he leaned over to kiss JC while he slipped his hand under the pillow to stroke JC's dick.

"Stop Brian. If you do that, we will be late for sure." JC stated, as he got up to get dressed.

"Maybe I want us to be late." Brian stated as he and JC started kissing.

"You know I would love for us to continue this, but I don't want to hear Celia's mouth about us being late for having sex, so why don't we just put this on hold until after the concert tonight." JC stated as they kissed again and parted.

"Fine, but if I have to wait that long for some lovin' then I will be jumping you as soon as we get through the door." Brian stated laughing.

// Chris and Lance's Room //

"Where have you been Scoop?" Chris asked.

"Just around why?" Lance asked.

"Just asking. I thought you had forgotten about us having to be a Sound check soon." Chris stated.

"I will see you downstairs. Later Scoop." Chris stated as he grabbed his stuff, opened the door to leave the room and was surprised to see Wade standing there about to knock. "Hey man, what do you need?"

"Is Lance here? I need to talk to him." Wade stated.

"You need to talk to Lance? I don't know about that. I didn't think you and Lance got along." Chris stated.

"We don't. I need to talk to him about some business." Wade stated as Chris went back into the room to get Lance.

"Yo Lance, Wade is here to talk to you about some business." Chris stated as Lance came out of the bathroom.

"What the hell are you doing here? What do you want?" Lance asked.

"I need to talk to you." Wade stated as Chris left the room and closed the door.

"There's nothing to talk about Wade, just fucking leave." Lance stated.

"Lance I love you. How could you hurt me the way you did today?" Wade asked.

"I don't love you. I told you from the start, this was completely physical, no emotion whatsoever." Lance stated.

"I don't know what came over you today. The beginning was wonderful, but the ending was horrible. How could you do that to me?" Wade asked.

"You wanted it." Lance stated. "You are nothing but a piece of meat to be used and once I am finished, you can be thrown away."

"Well if that's how you feel. I guess I did make a mistake coming here. I made the mistake in believing that you actually had a little bit of feeling for me." Wade stated as he started crying, walking out of the room, and slamming the door behind him.

// After the Concert -- Back at the Hotel //

As the guys got back to the hotel, Celia called a meeting to be held in the Hotel Restaurant. Not knowing what to expect from this last minute meeting, the guys went ahead to the restaurant instead of going to their rooms to shower.

"I am so glad that the show is over. I am so tired." Joey stated, holding Nick's hand under the table as Jane Carter walked over to the table.

"Hello boys how are you this evening?" Jane asked

"Doing okay mom, I'm just tired. How about you Joey?" Nick stated.

"I am tired too, I can't wait to get into bed and go to sleep." Joey stated as Aaron kicked him under the table. "What?"

"What what?" Aaron stated as Joey glared at him.

"Is there something wrong honey?" Jane asked looking at Aaron.

"Nothing mom. Just waiting for Celia to get this started, I'm tired too." Aaron stated.

"I am quite sure you are baby." Jane stated. "While I am here with you guys, which one of you can I stay with tonight?"

"Stay with?" Nick asked.

"The hotel was completely booked. There were no vacancies, and well since you guys are here, I can bunk with one of you guys." Jane stated.

"I knew it. I told you something was going to happen." Aaron stated as he got up from the table and walked away.

"What's wrong with him Nick?" Jane asked.

"I don't know mom. Let me go find out." Nick stated as he got up to run behind Aaron.

// Outside the Restaurant //

"Okay bro, now I think it's time to panic." Aaron stated. "What are we going to do about our boyfriends?"

"I don't know." Nick stated as he had the same panicked look on his face. "Maybe we can have mom stay in my room and I share with you and David."

"You can't share with me and David. It's a single. There is only one bed in the room." Aaron stated.

"Great. Now what are we going to do?" Nick asked as Jane came out to check on the boys.

"Would one on you mind telling me what's going on and what's with the dramatics?" Jane asked.

"Oh nothing's going on mom. Why do you ask?" Aaron asked.

"Well for one, you ran out of there like your clothes were on fire, and two, I over heard most of the conversation." Jane stated.

"Oh my god." Aaron stated.

"How much did you hear?" Nick asked.

"I heard enough. So when were you two going to tell me about this?" Jane asked with an angry look on her face.

"Ahh... well uhhhh...I am so sorry mom. I know I should have told you, but I felt that you would hate me." Aaron stated.

"You should have told me! Is that all you have to say?" Jane asked.

"Well what do you want me to say mom?" Aaron asked as he started crying.

"Nick did you know about this?" Jane asked. "Why didn't you tell me your brother was gay?"

"Mom don't be mad at him. He's not the only one." Nick stated as she smacked his face.

"I don't believe this. You are one too?" Jane stated as she stormed off and left both Aaron and Nick crying outside of the restaurant.

"She hates us. She hates us." Aaron stated. "I told you she was going to act like this."

"I know you did bro. I know you did." Nick stated as he and Aaron stood there in the hallway hugging each other crying as Joey came out of the restaurant.

"Hey Nick, Aaron, the meeting's getting ready to start." Joey stated walking over to the guys. "Baby what's wrong? Why are you two crying?"

"She hates us, she hates us." Aaron stated still crying.

"Who?" Joey asked.

"Mom hates us. She's upset about us being gay." Aaron stated crying harder now as Joey wrapped his arms around both of them.

"She doesn't hate you. Did she say she hates you?" Joey asked as David came out of the restaurant to see what was taking so long.

"Celia has started the meeting what's..." David trailed off as he noticed something was wrong with Nick and Aaron.

"She smacked Nick, that's a sign that she hates us." Aaron stated still crying.

"Oh baby. I am so sorry. How did she find out?" David asked.

"She heard us talking as she came out of there." Aaron stated.

"What did she hear?" Joey asked.

"She heard us talking about you guys and our sleeping arrangements." Nick stated.

"Oh that's bad. So after hearing that she said something then smacked you?" Joey asked.

"You got smacked?" David asked as Benjamin walked outside to see what was going on.

"Okay guys you all need to get in here. You are holding up the meeting." Benjamin stated.

"We will be there in a moment. We are handling something personal." Joey stated.

"Well handle it later, everyone's waiting." Benjamin stated as the four guys walked back into the restaurant.

"What are we going to do Nick?" Aaron asked as they sat down at their table.

"I don't know bro, I don't know." Nick stated as Joey hugged him.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: AIM: swainsboroguy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 27

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