Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Mar 14, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== Joint Affairs -- Chapter 22 by JT Poole

// Day 20 - Baltimore, MD - The Sheraton Hotel -- Justin and Kevin's Room //

"Oh baby, sorry we couldn't find a hot tub, but this shower is okay with me." Kevin stated.

"I know, I just want to go curl up in bed now. Just what I needed." Justin stated.

"I have missed you in me so much, I don't think I could wait until we get to the bed, I want it now." Kevin stated.

"I agree." Justin stated, as he grabbed the shower gel, squirted some in his hands and started rubbing it onto Kevin's dick. "Why don't you start me off and we can finish with you."

"Oh baby, as long as you pound my ass too." Kevin stated as he lifted Justin's left leg up and inserted his dick into his ass. "Oh shit that feels so good and tight."

"Ummmm...come on Kev, I want you to pound me like you mean it, don't go slow." Justin stated, backing up to meet Kevin's thrusts.

"Oh shit baby, if I go faster, I am going to cum, and I want it to last longer than that." Kevin stated, "I don't want to cum until I feel you in me."

"Well take your time baby, make it last." Justin stated.

// Joey and Nick's Room //

"Baby, I want...I want you to..." Joey stated.

"What is it baby, what do you want?" Nick asked.

"I want...I want...I want to feel you inside of me." Joey stated, leaning over to kiss Nick passionately.

"Mmmm that tasted good. You didn't have to ask me that." Nick stated.

"Well yes I did. I didn't know if you ever topped before. I can go both ways, I like it all." Joey stated.

"I can too. Damn, I guess that's why we are so lovable and compatible." Nick stated as the two of them started kissing again.

Joey eased into the kiss and continued to lower himself down on the bed. Removing Joey's boxers, Nick, grabbed the lube and condom from the bedside table and started to apply the lube to Joey's ass and open the condom. Applying the lube to Joey's ass, Nick placed some lube on his fingers and slid two of them into Joey's puckered hole. Eliciting a moan from Joey, Nick continued to move his fingers in and out of Joey's ass. Seeing that Joey had adapted to the presence of his fingers, Nick put the condom on his dick and inserted himself into Joey's ass.

// Chris and Lance's Room //

"Look I am not in the mood Wade, just leave me alone." Lance stated talking into his phone.

"Come on Lance, I need you, I want you, I must feel you inside me." Wade stated.

"Look, I said I wasn't in the mood. If you can't play on my terms, then we won't play at all." Lance stated.

"Ok ok, I am sorry Lance. Just let me know when I can come to see you, I really need you now." Wade stated as Lance hung up the phone on him.

"That faggot is starting to get on my nerves. He got a taste of my dick now he won't leave me alone." Lance stated, as there was a knock at the door. "I know he didn't come over here after I told him I wasn't in the mood. Who's there?"

"It's me Chris, let me in, this is my room too remember." Chris stated outside the door.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. Where have you been?" Lance asked.

"I was down in the restaurant eating and talking to Dani while I was there." Chris stated.

"You look upset, what's wrong Scoop?" Chris asked.

"Nothing, I'm just a little bit tired is all, I am going to take a nap." Lance stated walking over to his bed.

"While you sleep, I am going to go soak in the tub, this might be the last chance we get for a couple of days." Chris stated, leaving Lance alone in the room.

// Aaron and David's Room //

"I'm a little scared, but I am sure your mom will like me. I am the nicest guy on the planet." David stated, leaning over to kiss Aaron.

"Yeah right. To my mom, you would just be the guy that turned her son gay." Aaron stated, "Besides, she's going to freak out when she finds out that both me and Nick are gay. She's going to flip out, she's going to think she raise us wrong or something."

"Well all parents go through that phase. When I told my parents, they went through the roof. I thought that all of College Point would hear my mom screaming." David stated.

"She took it that bad? Oh uh, my mom is going to do more than that then. I think all of Florida will hear her." Aaron stated.

"Let's hope not, let's be positive and hope for the best. How did Angel take it when you told her?" David asked.

"She actually laughed about it and said she already knew. After getting her to promise not to tell anyone I calmed down. She said she already knew that she felt that I was like her, that I liked boys." Aaron stated, laughing causing David to laugh along with him.

"Well let's just keep positive, there shouldn't be any problems that we can't handle." David spoke.

"I can think of one problem." Aaron stated.

"What's that love?" David asked.

"You are older than me, you just became an adult a couple of weeks ago, I am still younger than you." Aaron stated.

"Honey, I just turned 18 years old, you will be 16 at the end of the year, just 2 years difference is all, besides I was still a minor when we started dating, so I wasn't an adult." David stated.

"Yeah, but my mom won't see it that way." Aaron stated.

"Baby just calm down, you are just thinking of things that could go wrong, just keep positive and we won't have to deal with stuff like that. As long as we love each other, nothing can keep us apart." David spoke, leaning over to kiss Aaron again.

"Yes I do love you, but I fear something bad is going to happen to us. I can feel it some how, something is going to happen and love won't be able to keep us together." Aaron stated as he started crying.

"Oh honey, come on, let's not think that way. Besides when we got into this relationship, didn't we promise each other we would take things day by day? Just don't worry, things will work out, believe me, trust in our love." David stated as he wiped at Aaron's eyes with his shirtsleeve.

// Celia's Room //

"No Johnny. I don't know what to do about the situation at all. Kevin told me about what happened between him and Nick, but so far he's shut everyone out. He does his job, but he doesn't talk to people." Celia stated.

"Well Celia the decision is up to you, either keep him or put him on a plane and send him back and replace him with someone else. If he can't do his job effectively then that can cause problems for you guys. I am leaving this decision in your hands." Johnny stated.

"Okay Johnny. I guess I will get back to you, I will call you back later after I have talked to him." Celia stated as Johnny said his goodbyes and hung up the phone.

"Great, just great. How am I supposed to talk to this guy? He doesn't trust me nor does he trust anyone on this tour for that matter. I guess I will just have to try or fire him." Celia stated as she grabbed her phone and purse and walked out the door.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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E-Mail: AIM: swainsboroguy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 25

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