Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Feb 6, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions or suggestions can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


Joint Affairs - Chapter 20 by JT Poole

  • Day 20 - Tour Bus #1 *

"Hi Lance, Joey here. I need to ask you something about Nick and Aaron, can you help me out?" Joey asked, talking to Lance on the phone.

"What do you want to know?" Lance asked.

"Do you know what's going on between the two of them?" Joey asked.

"Well...I don't know if I should say anything, but let's just say that Aaron is mad at a decision that Nick made and it hurt his feelings very badly." Lance stated.

"Well Lance, could you go into the details about that decision Nick made?" Joey asked.

"No, that's all I am at liberty to say." Lance stated, "I suggest you talk to Aaron if you want to know the whole story."

"But Lance, this is really important. Nick is really really upset about all of this. He has been crying his eyes out and I don't know what to say to calm him down." Joey stated.

"I know he's crying, I can hear him crying, but it's not my business to interfere with the two of them Joey." Lance stated.

"Lance, this could affect the way they perform tonight. Is there something you can tell me to give me a hint?" Joey asked.

"I have given you all the hints that I am going to give you Joey, just talk to Nick and explain to him that he hurt his brother's feelings." Lance stated, "Is there anything else Joey, I was in the middle of a very interesting book."

"No that's all Lance, thanks for your help." Joey stated, hanging up the phone.

"Well you were right about that Justin. He did give me a small hint, but he wouldn't come on out and tell me." Joey stated.

"Well what did Lance actually say was going on?" Kevin asked.

"He said that Nick made a decision that hurt Aaron's feelings very badly. I don't know what Nick did, but it was very bad to Aaron." Joey explained.

"Wonder what Nick did that was so bad?" Justin asked.

"I don't know but I am going to call him back and tell him this and maybe he can figure this out." Joey stated.

  • Baltimore, MD - The Sheraton Hotel *

"Good morning sir, may I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"Hi my name is David Gallagher you should have a room reserved for me." David stated.

"Let me check. We sure do sir, you party hasn't arrived yet, but here's your room keycard." The girl stated smiling at David.

"Thank you ma'am, you have a nice day." David spoke, walking away from the desk.

Stepping into the elevator with the bellboy behind him, David pulls out his cell phone and dials a number. After a couple of rings, he hears the voice of the person he has missed since last night.

"Hey baby where are you guys?" David asked.

"We are almost there, we should be at the hotel within the hour." Aaron stated.

"Cool. So how are things going? What are you up to?" David asked.

"I am sitting here in the kitchen pigging out on ice cream and reading." Aaron stated.

"Honey why are you pigging out on ice cream? You only pig out when you are upset about something." David stated.

"I am just a little angry still about Nick." Aaron stated as Nick approached the kitchen area. "I am still mad at him for not telling me he's gay."

"Well I told you to talk to him. Don't let this small thing come between you two, you guys are family." David stated as the elevators opened on his floor and the bellboy stepped out, waiting for him to follow.

"I don't want to talk to him, I told you I hate him. He hurt my feelings very badly by not telling me. He knew how hard it was for me to tell him and then he not tell me, I just don't feel I can trust him anymore." Aaron stated as Nick appeared in front of him. "Baby, I think I will have to call you back. Nick is here."

  • Tour Bus #2 *

"You're mad at me because I didn't tell you I was gay?" Nick asked.

"Yes I am fucking mad at you!" Aaron shouted.

"Why bro?" Nick asked.

"Why...why, I will tell you why!" Aaron shouted again, "I am mad because you didn't tell me, I had to find out from Celia in front of everyone. You knew how hard it was for me to tell you that I was gay and you were gay all the time and didn't tell me."

"Actually I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know what to say. I was going to tell you when I told mom, but then we left to go on this tour and then everything happened so fast and I kinda kept my mouth closed and got angry about it all." Nick explained.

"Why the hell were you angry Nick?" Aaron asked.

"I was angry because Kevin had Justin, Brian and JC had gotten together and then to find out you had someone. I felt ugly, I felt that I wasn't good enough." Nick stated as he started to cry again.

"What do you mean Nick? Talk to me, tell me about all of this." Aaron stated.

"Well I have been gay since I joined the guys. All this time I have yet to find someone that loved me. After seeing everyone else close to me happy, I figured that the reason why I was still single was because that I was ugly and no one wanted me. It's like everywhere I turned there were couples, everyone was happy, everyone but me. I couldn't take it anymore." Nick explained.

"So that's why you started snapping at everyone? You had major 'tude you know that?" Aaron spoke.

"Well yeah, I actually thought that there was no hope for me at all. After being rejected by Wade, Gideon Yago, Kurt Loder, Owen Wilson, Kerr Smith, Scott Foley and Tom Welling." Nick spoke, as he was still crying.

"What, all those guys didn't want you?" Aaron asked.

"None of them wanted me, Tom even threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone about his secret life." Nick stated.

"I am shocked Nick you are a beautiful guy, there must have been something wrong with those guys to not want to be with you." Aaron stated.

"I am too. I thought Gideon would have at least given me a shot, since he came out on MTV and stated to the world that he was looking for the love of his life." Nick stated.

"I am sorry bro, but I am still mad at you. You should have told me you were gay." Aaron stated, "Do you know how embarrassing it is to find out that your brother is gay and that he's having sex with a guy while singing Christina Aguilera songs in the shower."

"I am sorry, I should have told you, but as I said, I was kind of occupied with my thoughts. I didn't know that it would upset you so much that I didn't tell you. I am quite sure you would have figured it out sooner or later." Nick stated, sitting down next to his brother.

"So what's the deal with you and Joey, do you like him?" Aaron asked.

"Yes I do. I must admit that when he and N Sync first came out, I had a crush on him and Justin, but when Justin started dating Kevin, that crush disappeared. As time went by, I kind of gave my crush up on Joey. I started feeling sorry for myself and basically poured all my energy into the group." Nick explained, "I guess it was a good thing that me and Joey hooked up, I could have been a real big bitch."

"No you wouldn't. I think Kevin and AJ were ready to kick your ass for snapping at everyone. I thought Kevin had figured things out, but when I talked to him about what was wrong with you, he told me he didn't know what was bothering you." Aaron stated.

"Well now that me and Joey are together, I don't think anyone has to worry about me snapping anytime soon. Well unless I can't have Joey next time at night when I want him..." Nick laughed.

"Remember how you freaked out when I told you that me and David were sleeping together. How do you expect me to act? You just met Joey and you are already having sex with him." Aaron stated.

"What's your point Bro?" Nick asked. "I am old enough to sleep with him if I want too..."

"My point is, you haven't known Joey intimately that long to sleep with him, as in, I have known David for almost a year, we recently just started having sex." Aaron explained.

"I have known Joey for a while, remember we are both on the Jive Record label." Nick stated.

"I am saying that you two haven't had a personal relationship." Aaron stated, sighing.

"That's true, but we are getting to know each other very quickly." Nick stated, "Enough about me, how are things going with you and your boyfriend?"

"Why are you trying to change the subject, we are talking about you and why you didn't tell me you were gay." Aaron stated.

"We still on that, I thought I explained it enough already." Nick stated, "Can't you just forgive me and let it go and we can get past this?"

"No I won't, you must make this up to me, you hurt my feelings knew I had a hard time telling you about my feelings of being gay, and you just neglected to tell me that part of your life, you just cut me out." Aaron stated.

"But Aaron...okay fine, what do you want me to do?" Nick asked.

"When I need you for something I will let you know. But right now, I want you to just be you and don't hide your feelings and emotions from me. We are brothers, I thought we would be able to talk about this kind of stuff." Aaron explained.

"That's easy I can do that, and we can talk to each other, that's what I came to talk to you about earlier before you rudely told me to leave you alone." Nick stated, licking his tongue at Aaron, "I need your opinion on something. Should I tell mom about me and Joey?"

"Well if you do you think she's going to take the news?" Aaron asked.

"I don't know, but I want to tell her, I don't want to continue hiding this from her." Nick stated.

"Well why don't we both tell her during the next break we get?" Aaron asked, checking Nick's face to see if he agreed with the idea.

"Sure why not, we can fly home and just tell her in person. We can see how she reacts and go from there." Nick stated.

"Cool, why don't we go ahead and make the arrangements and call home and let everyone know that we are coming and that we have something important to tell them. Also, do you think we should take our boyfriends with us?"

"Well we could, but do you think that is a little too much to handle all at one time?" Aaron asked.

"I don't know. Why don't we talk more about this later tonight after the concert, then me, you, Joey and David could sit around and get to know each other." Nick stated.

"Sounds cool, that's a plan." Aaron stated, "Nick, I think you need to call your boyfriend and tell him everything's okay."

"Huh...What?" Nick asked.

"Call Joey and tell him things are okay between us. I heard Lance talking to him about you earlier, and the way Lance sounded; Joey was pretty upset about you being upset. So call Joey and tell him everything is okay." Aaron stated.

"Okay bro, will do. I will chat with you later..." Nick stated, grabbing his cell phone and dialing Joey's number.



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Next: Chapter 22

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