Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Jan 27, 2003


Warnings And Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions or suggestions can be sent to ''. I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

============================== Joint Affairs - Chapter 19 by JT Poole

  • Day 20 - Howie, Brian and JC's Room *

"Good morning lover. How are you feeling this morning?" Brian asked.

"I am feeling fine. I needed that sleep. I feel so refreshed." JC stated.

"Well that's good. I am going to finish getting our stuff together so that we can head for the bus." Brian stated.

"No, come here, I need a kiss." JC stated, holding his arms out for Brian.

"Oh baby, that's a good way to start the day off, but we must hurry." Brian stated. "Celia is already screaming about us being behind schedule already."

"Oh you two come on, we don't have all day. Celia wanted us on the bus minutes ago, she's about to blow a fuse because we are running behind." Howie stated.

"Oh let her chill out. She's just mad that Joey and Nick were having sex again." Brian laughed.

"Well she's going to be mad at you two if you don't hurry, let's go." Howie stated as he took his last bag out of the room.

"All I have to do is get dressed, Brian has packed our stuff already, he's already taken everything down except for my clothes for today, so chill." JC stated.

"Look guys move! We need to get to the next venue and get everything set up, we are hours behind schedule." Celia stated, walking into the room. "You are the only ones left up here, everyone is downstairs on the buses, hurry up and get moving!"

  • Tour Bus #2 *

"Hey bro, what's going on?" Nick asked sitting down besides Aaron.

"Get away from me Nick!" Aaron stated, getting up and walking towards the front of the bus.

"Are you okay, what's wrong Aaron?" Nick asked walking behind Aaron.

"Nick leave me the fuck alone!" Aaron responded, causing the bus driver and Lance to look at the two of them.

"Fine then, I will leave you alone. Guess I will find someone else to share my problems with." Nick stated, as he turned and walked back towards his bunk.

"Aaron is everything okay?" Lance asked.

"Everything is just dandy." Aaron stated.

"Did Nick do something wrong?" Lance asked, "If you don't mind me asking."

"Yeah, he's Nick, that's what's wrong." Aaron stated as he sat down next to Lance and put his head down.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Lance asked.

"No. It won't do any good, it would just make me more angry at Nick." Aaron stated.

"Why are you angry Aaron, what did he do?" Lance asked.

"Fine. Do you know how terrible it is to find out that your brother doesn't trust you or love you enough to tell you the most important things in his life?" Aaron spoke, "do you know how it feels to find out from other people about the things going on in your brother's life, when we are in the same area?"

"Well no I don't, but why don't you tell me. Tell me why you feel that everyone knows something about Nick that you don't?" Lance asked.

"Lance that's not the point. I had a hard time actually coming out. When I went to Nick to tell him that I was gay, I didn't know how he would take it or what he would do. When I finally told him, I felt that everything was okay with us." Aaron stated.

"Okay, but why are you angry with him?" Lance asked.

"I am angry because he couldn't tell me that he was gay. It really hurt my feelings to find out from Celia, that he was gay. It also embarrassed the hell out of me when she told everyone about his sexual escapade with Joey. All he could do was sit there and laugh about it." Aaron stated, as he started to cry.

"Oh come on now, don't cry, it's not that bad. We have all been caught having sex here or there. We all laugh about things like that." Lance said.

"That's not the point Lance. The point is, oh forget it." Aaron stated as he got up and walked back to his bunk.

  • Tour Bus #2 – Lounge Area *

"Seems you two are comfy over there. What's on television?" Howie asked as he awoke from his nap.

"Nothing much, just some ice-skating and mostly news." Brian stated.

"Oh great, anything on the news about you JC?" Howie asked.

"Nope, not that we saw. We were watching E! and MTV and saw nothing of the sort. I expected there to be something, but there was nothing unless it aired already." JC stated.

"Well no publicity is best. How much longer we have until we get to the next stop?" Howie asked.

"I don't know, shouldn't be much longer. We have been on the road non-stop since this morning." JC stated, as Brian got up to check on how much longer it would take to get to the next venue.

"Honestly JC, how are you? Are you okay?" Howie asked, getting up to sit next JC.

"I am okay, just been a little bit tired. I needed the sleep last night, but I am still tired." JC stated.

"I guess your body needs to get some rest so that you can get back to your bouncy self." Howie stated, as Brian walked back into the room.

"We should be there within the hour. What's going on with Nick and Aaron?" Brian asked.

"I don't know, why?" Howie asked.

"Aaron's in the kitchen area, and Nick is in his bunk." Brian stated.

"Nothing seems wrong with that baby." JC stated.

"Both of them are sulking. They both look like someone ran over the newborn dog." Brian stated.

"Well babe, why don't you go find out and come back and tell us." JC stated.

"Nada, not my concern right now. I have other things to do." Brian stated.

"Oh and what is your concern right now?" JC asked.

"You are baby. Why don't we go relax in our bunk, that sofa was hurting my back." Brian stated, "I don't think Howie would appreciate us being lovey-dovey in front of him."

"You got that right. I would rather see something nice, not the way you two suck each other's face off." Howie laughed, as the two men got up and walked to the door.

"Well that's good, we don't want you to see it anyway. We will go suck face in the privacy of our bunk." JC stated, as he and Brian left the room.

  • Tour Bus #1 *

"Well did he tell you what was wrong baby?" Joey asked, as Nick cried to him in the phone.

"No, he just told me to leave him the fuck alone and he walked away. I don't know why he's mad at me." Nick stated, still sobbing.

"Is he close by?" Joey asked.

"No, he's at the front of the bus or something. He won't even look at me Joe." Nick sobbed.

"Has he talked to anyone else on the bus?" Joey asked.

"He talked to Lance, but he wouldn't talk to me. I am his brother; he's supposed to be able to talk to me." Nick stated.

"Well, this is what I am going to do. I am going to call Lance and see if he knows what's going on, and then I will call you back. Does that sound okay to you?" Joey asked.

"Sure baby, I will appreciate anything that will tell me why he doesn't want to talk to me." Nick stated as he hung up the phone.

"What's up Joey? Why the strange look on your face?" Kevin asked.

"Nick is upset about something going on between him and Aaron." Joey stated.

"What's going on?" Justin asked.

"He doesn't know. We were talking about rather he should tell his mother about our relationship, and he said he wanted to talk to Aaron first before he made up his mind, but when he called me back, he said that Aaron wouldn't talk to him." Joey explained. "I told him that I would call Lance to see what was going on since Aaron had talked to Lance."

"You know as well as I do that if Aaron told Lance something in confidence, Lance isn't going to repeat or make hints about it, so you might as well scratch that plan." Justin stated.

"Well there must be something that I can do to help. I don't want Nick upset and crying. We have to perform tonight; this could put a damper on his performance or something." Joey stated.

"Well you can try, but I still don't think Lance is going to tell you anything." Justin stated.

"Well I have to try and I am...Lance will help sort all of this out, especially if he knows what problems could result from this." Joey stated, dialing Lance's cell phone number.



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Next: Chapter 21

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