Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Sep 23, 2002


Boybands - Joint Affairs - Chapter Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

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Joint Affairs - Chapter 1

by JT Poole

  • Day 1(Wednesday) - Jive Building - Conference Room *

"Good morning people my name is Celia Reyes and I will be your manager for this tour. This gentleman is Benjamin Knight, he is the assistant tour manager. First, I would like to start off by saying that I run a tight ship and I expect you guys to stick to business and don't cause a lot of problems." Celia said as Nick and Aaron Carter came running into the room late.

"Sorry I am late, I over slept. Someone forget to call me to tell me there was a meeting today." Nick stated as Celia gave him an angry look.

"You make sure that doesn't happen again young man. I expect each and everyone of you to be punctual to each meeting that is called. If you don't show up or you are late, you will be docked in pay for the time that you missed out of the meeting. I don't call meetings to waste my time talking, you will be here and you will pay attention to everything I say so you can get the valuable information that I have to give to you." Celia said as everyone in the room gave her a strange look.

"That doesn't sound fair, what if something happens and we are late and it isn't our fault?" Lance asked.

"Well you better have a damn good excuse for being late, or as I said you would be docked for the time you missed from the meeting. Getting back to business, in two days you guys will be leaving Orlando to start the tour that has been dubbed the Crowd Pleaser. There will be four tour busses. One bus will be for crew, one for management and the other two for you guys. Benjamin will pass out bus assignments in just a moment." Celia said.

"Bus assignments, we are not riding with our own groups?" Kevin asked.

"No you are not riding with your own group, that defeats one of the purposes of this tour. Both groups will be split, there will be five to each tour bus. To solve the problem, this is how it will be. On bus one, there will be Kevin, Justin, Joey, Chris and AJ. On bus two, there will be Brian, JC, Nick, Howie, and Lance Also Aaron will be on bus two with his brother Nick." Celia stated as Johnny Wright entered the room.

"Morning guys. I am sure you have gotten to know Celia and Benjamin. They will be joining you guys on this tour. I know you guys aren't happy with this tour, but you need to pull together to show the fans that you are not fighting each other and that there isn't any animosity between you two. The media has gone crazy with all the things that has been going on with the fans and this publicity is very bad for both groups, it seems record sales have been dropping because of this." Johnny stated as he walked around the room passing out newspaper clippings of the brutal things that the fans have been doing.

"Well I didn't know this was happening. This is really bad, what would make the fans act like this." Justin stated.

"Yeah, not like we have actually been seen fighting with these guys or anything. Where did these fans get this from?" Kevin asked.

"They got it from interviews, they got it from the way you guys talk about competing with each other and they way you down the other group." Johnny said as he passed out more clippings.

"See what happens when people pay more attention to celebrities. They take what they here on the talk shows, in your interviews and whatever else shows you do and make this stuff all seem real and then they go out and hurt people because they feel that listening to the other band is wrong." Celia said as she walked over to Kevin and pulled him out of his seat and walked him over to Justin's seat.

"Why did you pull me out of my seat? I didn't do anything wrong did I?" Kevin asked.

"No, I just wanted to rearrange some people in the room. There seems to be a N Sync to BSB ratio going on in here so I am going to divide the masses like I did for the buses." Celia said as Benjamin tapped AJ and Nick on the shoulder.

Celia and Benjamin spent ten minutes walking people around within the conference room until they were satisfied with what they had done.

"Okay people, seems like I have both groups in good hands, I am out of here and I hope the tour goes well." Johnny said as he left the room.

"Does anyone have any questions, if so ask now." Celia stated.

"Do you really think this tour is going to stop people from doing what they are doing?" Aaron asked.

"We hope it does. While you guys are on tour, you will make a visit to some girls that were beaten up in San Diego. With you guys visiting the hospital together, hopefully that will show that you can be in the same room together without hatred." Benjamin said.

"I don't think seeing us perform our songs together will make the fans see us any differently than they already see us." Brian stated.

"Well here's the good part, you won't be performing just your own songs, you guys will be doing some duets with the other group and there has been some new songs written so that you guys can perform them together and those songs will be released on an album during the winter." Celia stated.

"We haven't had time to look at these songs, how do we know if they are good or not" Lance asked.

"Actually they songs were written by Brian, JC, Kevin and Justin. We were going to use those songs for another group, but with this happening we decided that you guys will sing the songs." Celia stated.

"What, you guys have been working together all along. When did this happen?" Chris asked.

"Who cares, it's done now and it will work out just perfectly." AJ said.

"Well you guys are free for the rest of this day, tomorrow you guys will be working with Wade and Fatima, so I suggest you rest up." Celia said as they guys all got up and started heading out.



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Next: Chapter 3

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