Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Dec 31, 2002


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions or suggestions can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


Joint Affairs - Chapter 17 by JT Poole

  • Day 18 -- Washington, D.C. -- Abraham General Hospital *

"Justin could you stay in there with him while I call Celia? I want her to know that they are going to admit him so that she can tell the others." Brian explained.

"What's wrong with him Brian?" Justin asked.

"He has some viral infections, he will tell you the rest when you get in there, let me go call Celia." Brian stated as he walked outside.

  • At the Hotel *

"I hope Josh is okay. He's been acting strange for the last couple of weeks." Joey stated.

"I know, I noticed that, but I didn't want to say anything. I didn't feel it was any of my business. If he wasn't saying anything to anyone about it, I had no right to." Nick stated, as he walked over to Joey and wrapped his arms around his waist. "But I do have a right to do this."

"That you do, but why don't we take this to the shower. I feel like getting clean, before we get dirrty." Joey whispered into Nick's ear. "I feel dirty...filthy...nasty... too dirty to clean my act up. I'm overdue, need to get in that room, I wanna get dirty, let's get dirty, that's the plan, let's get dirty, because that's the plan, sweatin' until my clothes come off." Joey sang in Nick's ear.

"Sounds good baby, but I don't think Christina Aguilera would appreciate you using her lyrics to seduce me tonight." Nick laughed.

"Those were not her lyrics, I changed the words a little bit, so it would be a Joey original." Joey laughed while he pulled Nick into the bathroom behind him.

  • Day 19 - 2 Hours Later -- Back at the Hospital *

"I just don't know what to say. Why didn't you tell us about this Josh?" Justin asked.

"I was too ashamed to tell any of you. I didn't want to look weak. I had just told you guys that I was gay and I didn't want you think that I had brought this on myself for being gay." JC stated.

"We wouldn't have thought that Josh, I am gay too. Are you saying all the bad stuff that has happened to me is because I am gay?" Justin asked.

"No, that's not what I am saying Curly, but I went out that night. I had been at different gay bars for a while all that night, I had been drinking heavily, and on my way home, some guy attacked me. After he got what he wanted, he beat me up and left me in the car." JC explained.

"Oh Josh, I am so sorry that happened to you, but you should have told us. We could have taken you to the hospital and none of this would have ever happened." Justin stated, as the tears ran down his face, he turned and walked out of the room.

"I shouldn't have been so afraid of what you guys would have thought. I guess this is a big lesson I have learned." JC stated.

"What all does the doctor need to do to get you better?" Chris asked.

"I don't understand the whole procedure, but they are going to inject something through here..."JC stated, as he pointed at his pelvis, "and that is supposed to kill the bacteria there. Once that is done, the doctor can treat the infection there."

"I don't know what to think of any of this. The way the doctor explained it, made it sound like you had AIDS or something. He was scaring the hell out of me." Brian stated.

"Yeah, but that's not the case. I am glad of that, if that creep had given me HIV, I would have done what I could to find him and kill him." JC stated, as Brian sat down on the bed besides him.

"The doctor is coming, I guess we better get back outside before there is a problem about that." Justin spoke as he entered the room again.

"We are going to be in the Waiting Area, if you guys need something or something happens, you can find us there." Celia stated.

  • In the Waiting Area *

"Benjamin, what's wrong with you? You have been quiet for the last couple of weeks, you haven't been yourself." Celia asked.

"I'm okay Celia, I'm just fine." Benjamin stated.

"Does this have anything to do with JF or NC?" Celia asked.

"No! It has nothing to do with them. Didn't I say I was okay, I am fine, just leave me alone." Benjamin stated as he walked out of the Waiting Area and down the hall.

"What's wrong with him Celia?" Kevin asked.

"I don't know. He has been acting strange for a couple of weeks now. I am getting scared, he normally tells me what's bothering him." Celia stated.

"Celia is Benjamin gay?" Kevin asked.

"Why do you ask Kevin?" Celia asked.

"Well a couple of weeks back after one of our concerts, Benjamin was in the Dressing Room with Nick and he kind of made a scene and upset Nick." Kevin stated.

"Kevin, what happened? Why am I just now hearing about this?" Celia asked.

"Well Nick was the last one in the shower that night, and well we all had started taking our personal stuff to the bus. On our way back, we heard Nick screaming from the Dressing Room. We went in, and we say Nick nude screaming at Benjamin and he was sort of frozen. He just stood there and wouldn't move or say anything. After, I walked over and touched him, he said he was sorry and walked out of the room." Kevin explained.

"Why are you just now telling me about this Kevin? There could be a problem brewing and I wouldn't know anything about it because I don't know what's going on. Is there anything else going on that I don't know about?" Celia asked as she looked around the room at all the guys.

"Will it be a problem for David being around us for a while?" Aaron asked.

"As long as he doesn't do or say anything to bring publicity to your relationship with him." Celia stated. "He's fine with me, just don't get in the way and don't cause problems."

"Is there anything else? Oh and I already know about blondie and movie star here dating, so don't everyone jump up and tell me all at once." Celia stated, causing Joey and Nick to blush.

"Who told you we were dating? How did you know?" Nick asked.

"Joey shouldn't sing Christina Aguilera songs in the shower and you shouldn't act like one of the background singers while having sex." Celia stated, causing Nick and Joey to blush even more, slump down in their chairs and the others to laugh hysterically. "Next time keep it down while other people are in the tub trying to have a nice and quiet bubble bath."

"Oh my gosh, you heard us?" Joey asked.

"Heard you, shit, I thought you were going to fall through the bathroom wall on me what all that commotion going on in there." Celia stated.

"Damn, you guys must have been really horny to do all of that." Justin snickered.

"Oh shut up Justin, not like we haven't heard you and Kevin doing things worse." Lance stated, causing Justin and Kevin to start blushing.

"Oh guys stop with all the blushing. You are all adults here, we all have sex, and we all know how fun sex can be. Just be sure when you are having sex that you are not disturbing someone else with it. No offense, but Nick, the next time you start hitting high notes like that, I will personally slap you for each note you hit, I thought you were trying to kill a cat in there." Celia spoke, causing everyone to laugh again.

"Was I that bad? I thought I sounded good." Nick stated.

"You sound better when you are not engaged in other activities. Keep that in the bedroom." Celia stated, giggling as Benjamin walked back into the Waiting Area.

"Celia, we need to talk and now." Benjamin stated, as he grabbed her arm and pulled her outside of the room.

"Well you guys have made this a memorable night. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time." Lance stated.

"Hardy Har Har.,,You are just mad that no one gave it to you that good." Nick stated.

"Damn Joey, what do you have down there? From what Nick is saying, you gave it to him good, you must be a true Italian Stallion." AJ laughed, causing Joey to blush some more. "If you keep blushing like that, your face is going to turn into a tomato."

" Can we please change the subject now, I don't want to hear any more about me and Nick's love life." Joey stated.

"Wonder how things are going with JC? Is Brian still standing outside in the hallway by the door?" Howie asked.

"No, but they are going back into the room with Josh, I guess the procedure is over." Kevin stated as he walked behind Justin.

"Let's go down and see what's what." Justin stated as he hopped out of his chair and left the room.

  • JC's Hospital Room -- 15 minutes later *

"Honey how do you feel? Are you in any pain?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, my ass hurts. Felt like someone fucked me without lube." JC stated, as he sat up in the bed.

"Well the doctor says that everything looks clear. They took another blood simple and they also took a sample from the infected site. If you want, you can use that to have DNA evidence against the person that did this to you." Brian explained.

"How sweet, just what I need, a reminder of what happened to me. I just want this to be over so we can leave here." JC spoke.

"We will get to leave soon, I promise you, just let the doctor do what he needs to do to get you better. I don't want anything to happen to you." Brian stated.

"I want to leave now, I don't like Hospitals!" JC shouted. "I want to get out of this place before I go mad or worse, crazy."

"Josh, please calm down. We will go home when the Dr. Lansing releases you." Brian stated.

"Hey guys, can we come in?" Justin asked poking his head in the door.

"Sure come on in Curly." JC spoke. "Maybe you can help me get out of here."

"Nope, can't do that. You must stay here until your doctor says it's okay for you to go home, not before then." Justin spoke.

"Can someone please get me out of here, I can't take it anymore." JC spoke.

"Look here young man, you will stay here as long as you are needed in here. You are not leaving this room until the doctor tells you too." Celia stated.

"What about the concerts, what about the fans?" JC asked.

"Your next show is two days away, and if we don't make it then we can reschedule it." Celia stated.

"Come on, just let me get out of here and go home. Brian can take care of me on the bus." JC pleaded.

"I could, but I won't, that's why you are here at the hospital, so that you can get better before we get back on the road." Brian stated.

"Oh now you turn against me too, you are all turncoats, just leave me alone all of you." JC spoke,

"Oh honey you don't mean that." Brian stated as he lifted JC's hand and he snatched it away." Josh come on, don't be this way."

"I want all of you to just leave, leave me alone since you won't help me." JC stated, turning his back to them as he faced the wall.

"Okay be that way mister, we will be out in the Waiting Area. Come on guys; let's leave Mr. Stubborn here by himself." Justin stated as he walked out of the door.

"You guys go ahead, I will stay here with him, I know he doesn't mean it, he just wants to get out of here." Brian stated.

"Okay, if you need us, you know where we are." Justin stated, as he let the door close behind him.



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Next: Chapter 19

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