Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Dec 22, 2002


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== Joint Affairs - Chapter 16 by JT Poole

  • Nick and Aaron's Room *

"I was surprised when I read Aaron's note stating that his boyfriend was here and that he was going to be staying in his room tonight. That gave me the opportunity to have you stay here with me tonight." Nick stated.

"Cool. It seems we are all going to be very happy on this tour. I am so happy for us. Are we lucky or what?" Joey trailed off as he and Nick started kissing.

"Ummm, I just like the taste of your lips. I can get lost in the taste of you." Nick stated.

"Oh baby, if you keep doing that, we may go too far. I am already hot and I want to touch you all over." Joey stated.

"Nobody is stopping you, what are you waiting for." Nick stated as he started unbuttoning his shirt. "Are you going to help me, or not?"

"Do you think we should be doing this right now?" Joey asked. "We just started dating. I don't want to force you into doing something you are not ready for."

"Well I am ready for this..." Nick trailed off, as he leaned down and started nipping at Joey's nipples, causing him to moan.

"Ohhhhh Nick, that feels so good. Oh don't stop." Joey stated. "Oh god, don't stop, keep doing that, hot damn..."

"Oh you like that, how about this..." Nick stated as he moved his hand down and started massaging Joey's cock. "I see you like that too, oh and it's so big too."

"Oh Nick, I don't think you need to be doing that... you might make me...oh shit, I'm cumming!" Joey screamed as he started shooting spurts of cum out of his dick as Nick continued to massage his dick.

"Oh Joey, I didn't mean to make you do that. I was only trying to make you feel good." Nick laughed as he leaned over and kissed Joey.

"Oh you did make me feel good. Lay down and let me return the favor." Joey stated as he pushed Nick back on the bed, and pulled his boxers off and went down on his dick.

Going down on Nick, Joey thought about how fast all of this was going. He wanted to take things slow, but hey if Nick is okay with everything that was going on, then he was too. As Joey was giving Nick the blowjob of his life, things were unfolding with Brian and JC, something that might prove fatal for the two young lovers.

  • Brian / JC / Howie's Room *

"Josh, Josh honey are you okay? You are burning up?" Brian asked, rubbing JC's head.

"I'm alright, it's just hot in here." JC stated. "Can you turn the AC on?"

"Josh, you are sick, it's already cold in here. I think you have a fever, I think we need to check your temperature." Brian stated.

"No, I am just hot, turn the air up a little bit more. I am going to call Kevin, then Celia, we need to get you to the hospital honey." Brian stated.

"Damn It Brian, I am okay, just turn the air up a little, that's all." JC said.

"Okay, fine, I won't push it again, but I am worried about you." Brian stated, as he got up and turned the air conditioner up a little bit, in hopes that it would do something about JC being so hot. "Go back to sleep and I will wake you up when it's time for us to go."

"Okay. Brian?" JC called.

"Yeah?" Brian asked.

"I am sorry for snapping at you. I love you." JC stated with tears in his eyes.

"I love you too, sleep well baby." Brian stated, as JC laid back down.

  • 2 Weeks Later - Day 18 - Washington, DC *

The Washington Monument, the venue for this show. The crowd is loud, the guys are pumped, and everything seems to be going just fine. The guys gather on stage to sing the last song of the night. As the music started, Kevin, Aaron and Joey start the open to 'The Meaning of Being Lonely' and as Brian, Justin and JC get ready to sing the next verse, JC stammers a little and walks off stage. Causing the other guys to look at each other strange, they wonder what is going on. They continue singing, but that scene caught the eye of Celia and Benjamin, which leave the crowd and get back stage to see what's going on.

"JC are you okay? Why did you leave the stage in the middle of the song?" Celia asked, not getting a response from JC. "JC, JC are you okay, talk to me."

"Something is wrong with him. He looks sick. I think we better get him to the hospital." Benjamin stated.

"No, I am fine, I just need to rest, I am just tired. I got dizzy so I walked back here to keep from doing anything strange in front of the fans." JC stated, as the guys had finished the song and were walking backstage.

"Josh are you okay, what's wrong man?" Justin asked. "You don't look so good."

"I am fine Curly, I just need some rest." JC stated, walking over to a chair and sitting down.

"Josh you are sick, you need to go to the hospital." Brian stated, as JC stared at him. "I am serious, you can get mad at me and try to fight me on it again, but you are going to the hospital this time." Brian stated.

"Honey I don't want to go. I told you, I told all of you, I just need some rest. After I get some sleep, I will be okay. Trust me. That's all I need is some rest." JC stated.

"No baby, the hospital it is. Celia, can I borrow one of the vans to take him to the hospital?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, take him, Justin go with them. Call me when you found out what the prognosis is." Celia stated as she and the others went to their respected places backstage.

  • At The Hospital *

"Brian, don't leave me in here by myself. Please stay with me." JC begged.

"I won't leave you, but could I get Justin real quick?" Brian asked.

"Call him on his phone and tell him to come down here. I don't want you to leave me in here." JC stated holding onto Brian's sleeve.

"Okay baby, better yet, here comes the doctor. I will wait until he's done." Brian stated, as a middle-aged man walked into the room.

"Good evening gentlemen, I'm Dr. Lansing, what seems to be the problem this evening?" The doctor asked.

"Well sir, for the last couple of weeks, he's been coughing, having problems breathing, high temperatures, cold sweats and dizzy spells. I thought he had just a regular cold, but when the dizzy spells and high temperatures started, I made him come to the hospital." Brian stated.

"Let's see here young man, open wide please." The doctor stated, as JC opened his mouth to allow the doctor to look inside. "Nothing seems wrong here, let me check your eyes and ears."

"Doctor what's wrong with me? Why is all of this happening to me?" JC asked.

"Well right now young man, I don't have an answer for you. We are going to have to take some blood and run some test." The doctor stated, causing JC to frown. " A nurse will be in within a moment to draw some blood."

"Is there something else you can do to run these test, can you test my urine or something?" JC asked as Brian poked him in the shoulder.

"No, the blood holds the answer to what's wrong with you." The doctor stated as he walked out of the room and a nurse walked in with her equipment.

"Hello sir, my name is Demeta, I will be drawing some blood from you, so that Dr. Lansing can run some test to see what's ailing you." The young lady said as she opened the plastic package that contained a butterfly needle, causing JC to faint.

"Josh, Josh. Oh my, I think he fainted." Brian stated, as he started shaking JC.

Surprised at what just happened, Brian thought it was funny. Now he knew why JC didn't want to come to the hospital, he was scared of needles. Since the nurse determined that IC had in fact fainted, she went ahead and inserted the needle into his arm so that she could draw his blood. After she was done, she opened an small packet and held it under JC's nose. After five minutes had past, JC finally regained his consciousness and the started flinching.

"Please don't let her stick me with the needle. It's going to hurt very badly. I don't want to get a shot." JC stated, as Brian started laughing.

"Honey it's too late. The nurse has taken your blood and gone about her business. You fainted and while you were out, she decided to get your blood then, seeing that you are afraid of needles." Brian giggled. "Why didn't you tell me you were scared of needles?"

"Because I didn't want to tell you. You would have laughed at me like you are laughing now." JC stated as he turned away from Brian.

"Honey it's alright. There are things I am afraid of. All I ask is that when I face those things, you do what you can to help and support me." Brian stated, as JC turned around and hugged him.

"Hello gentlemen, glad to see that you have returned to the land of the living Mr. Chasez. The doctor will be here shortly to tell you what's going on with your body. As if I didn't already know." The nurse stated as she walked out of the room.

"What did she mean by that?" JC asked.

"I don't know, but I don't like her attitude." Brian stated as the doctor came into the room what a clipboard in his hands.

"Sir, could you step outside so that I can talk to Mr. Chasez alone." Doctor Lansing demanded, other than asking.

"No, he can stay in here, I would rather him hear what's wrong with me." JC stated.

"It's not hospital policy to share information with non-family members." Doctor Lansing stated.

"He's a family member, just go ahead and tell me what's wrong." JC demanded.

"Well, the tests we ran show that you have a strange viral infection in your inner ear and in another infection in your lower pelvic region that has been enhanced by some rather strange bacterial fluids in your body." Doctor Lansing stated.

"What kind of bacterial fluids? Can I take some medicine to fight the viral infections?" JC asked.

"The fluid we have determined is semen. You can take antibiotics to fight the inner ear viral infection, but in order to stop the infection in your pelvic region, we must do something to kill the bacterial fluid there, then we can begin to handle the infection there." The doctor stated.

"What are you trying to say doctor?" Brian asked.

"I am saying that there is a collection of sperm in his lower pelvic region. Once that collection of sperm has been removed from the area that it is trapped in, then we can determine what can be done to fight the infection in that region." Doctor Lansing stated.

"Well what do we need to do to get rid of it?" JC asked.

"We can insert spermicide into the contaminated site and kill the sperm cells there." The doctor said, "You wouldn't have this problem if you didn't live the lifestyle you are living."

"Excuse me? What do you mean by that Doctor?" JC asked.

"If you didn't sleep with men, you wouldn't have this problem. Seems your partner here is responsible for you being here. I hope you love him." Doctor Lansing stated.

"Brian is not the cause of my condition. I have never slept with him. For your information doctor, I was attacked a couple of months ago." JC explained. "I was too ashamed to report it and I didn't go to the hospital."

"What? When did this happen?" Brian asked.

"This happened right after we started break. I didn't know who the guy was and I didn't tell anyone." JC stated as he held his head down and started crying.

"Oh my god. You should have told someone." Brian stated as he grabbed JC's hand.

"I couldn't, I was too ashamed too. How would it look when it hit the tabloids, 'Boyband singer rapped!', I couldn't handle that kind of publicity." JC explained.

"Well you should have went to the hospital, you wouldn't be here dealing with this problem now." Brian stated.

"Doctor how long will the process take to get me better?" JC asked.

"I will get you admitted into the hospital, then we can start the treatments for your infections." Dr. Lansing stated as he picked up his clipboard and left the room.

"Honey, I am going to call Celia and tell her that they are going to admit you." Brian stated.

"Brian, please don't tell her the reasons why, let me tell her please. I don't want too many people knowing this." JC stated.

"Okay honey. Let me call Justin and have him stay in here while I call Celia." Brian stated, walking to the doorway motioning Justin to come into the room.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 18

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