Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Dec 7, 2002


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

Joint Affairs - Chapter 14

by JT Poole

  • The Hilton - Brian/JC/Howie's Room (Day 4) *

"Honey, it's almost time for us to get ready, sound check is in thirty." Brian stated.

"Yeah yeah, like I really want to go, I just want to stay here with you." JC stated.

"I want to do that too, but the fans have paid to see us tonight, so we must be on our game. So get your cute little butt up and get ready to go cutie." Brian stated as he leaned down and kissed JC.

"Keep talking to me like that and I we won't make it downstairs to meet everyone else." JC stated getting up.

"Oh yes you two will, the show must go on." Howie stated, throwing a pillow at the two men. "Get a move on, I don't want to hear any flack about being late from Celia or Benjamin.

  • Joey/Chris/Lance's Room *

"I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to interrupt or anything. I was coming back because sound check is in thrifty minutes." Lance explained as Joey opened the door and pulled him into the room.

"It's okay Lance, no harm done. All we ask is that could you please keep this under wraps until we are ready to tell everyone?" Joey asked, as Nick looked on with a hopeful face.

"Sure guys, what you two do is your own business. I was just wondering when you two were going to hook up." Lance stated as Joey and Nick spoke in unison.


"Well yeah. Well I found out about Joey recently, then I kind of overheard your conversation this afternoon while I was at the food court. I am happy that someone can make Joey be himself and stop bitching every five minutes." Lance chuckled.

"You were spying on us!" Nick shouted.

"No, Kevin was worried, so I followed you two and then when you ended up at the food court talking, I listened for a bit, then I left. I didn't hear all the stuff you guys talked about, honest." Lance stated.

"Well I guess that's okay since you are going to keep our secret." Nick stated as Chris walked into the room.

"What secret, tell me I want to know." Chris stated.

"Great, soon everyone will know that we are a couple now." Nick stated. "Oops..."

"Well they will if you keep letting it slip like that." Joey stated as he leaned over and kissed Nick.

"Ewww, gross, some of us in here are straight. Could you two hold that until you guys are in private or something, all of us don't want to see it." Lance stated.

"Yeah, I want to be able to hold down all of my food from today." Chris chuckled.

"Oh shut up, you two are just jealous that no one loves you guys." Joey stated, licking his tongue out at the both of them.

"Well if it's a guy then I am glad. I don't know how you guys do it. I just can't see myself waking up next to another man, and having his beard scratch my chin as he kisses me, ewwwww..." Chris trailed off, making a strange face.

"You are so homophobic. Get over it, you don't know what you are missing." Joey stated. "I didn't think you had a problem with it. Besides, you two guys are the only two left in the group that the girls can have. You are going to have to deal with it."

"True, but we don't have to always see it." Lance stated, walking into the bathroom.

  • Nick/Aaron's Room *

"Where is Nick, he knows we have sound check soon. I am already pumped and ready to go. I can't wait to get this over with so I can see my baby." Aaron stated walking out of the room.

"Hey Aaron, is Nick ready? We are all meeting downstairs to get ready for sound checks." Kevin asked.

"No, I haven't seen him at all. I don't know where he could be." Aaron stated, pulling his cell phone out and dailing a number. "Hey bro, where are you? Kev's looking for you."

"I'm down the hall talking with Joey, we are on our way down for sound checks. What's up, is there something wrong?" Nick asked.

"No, no, just wondered where you were since I haven't seen you most of the day. Keep in touch, some of us need to see you to make sure you are okay." Aaron stated.

"Will do. I will see you downstairs in the lobby." Nick stated as he hung up his phone and slid it back into his pocket.

"Kev, he's down in Joey's room. He said that they were on the way down to lobby, that he would see us down there." Aaron stated as the two of them walked towards the elevator.

  • After the Concert - Backstage BSB Dressing Rooms *

"What's going on? Why are you in here?" Nick asked as he spotted Benjamin coming into the room where he was changing.

"Hi Nick, I wanted to come and talk to you for a couple of minutes. I wanted to ask you something." Benjamin stated.

"Well sorry, I can't talk right now, I am kind of in the middle of something, could you come back after I am done dressing!" Nick shouted.

"Well actually, I would like to stay, you like rather nice. I just love the birthday suit." Benjamin stated as Nick grabbed his towel, trying to cover himself.

"Come on man, just leave. I don't want you in here while I am trying to dress!" Nick screamed again as Kevin, Brain and Howie came walking into the room.

"What's going on in here? Benjamin pray tell, what are you doing in here?" Brian asked.

"Well...uh...I came to talk to Nick, but, I...uhhh...I..." Benjamin trailed off, as Kevin and Howie grabbed him by the arms and pushed him out of the room.

"Nick are you okay? Did he do anything to you?" Brian asked.

"No, I am okay. Thanks you guys, I don't know what his problem was. I walked out of the shower and he was standing right there and he wouldn't leave." Nick stated as he sat down in the chair.

"Weird, he acted like he wanted to rape me or something. I am glad you guys come in when you did." Nick stated, as he got up and grabbed his clothes to put them on.

"We are too, I don't know what was his problem either, but I will talk to Celia about it later." Kevin stated.

"No Kevin, just forget about it, nothing happened." Nick stated.

"But Nick, he was in here, he was acting strange. If it was me or Justin, I would want Celia to know what Benjamin did. He might try to do this again, whatever this was" Kevin stated.

"He said he just wanted to talk to me about something. I got upset and started screaming, that's all. He really didn't do anything but stand there." Nick stated. "Just leave this alone for right now."

"Okay, but I wish you would change your mind Nicky." Kevin stated as he gave Nick a hug and headed to the shower.

  • Back at the Hotel - Restaurant *

"Yeah I would like to get the spaghetti and meat sauce, oh yeah can I get some extra garlic bread and an iced tea please." Joey stated as the waiter wrote down his order, since he was the last one to sit down at the table.

"What took you so long to get here?" Nick asked.

"Well, I was trying to convince Lance and Chris to join us, but they felt that they didn't need to be here with us. Chris said he saw enough of us kissing this afternoon, and Lance said that he was going to get an early start on sleep since we will be pulling out in the morning around 6am." Joey stated.

"Look, there's Kevin and Justin. Let's ask them to join us." Nick stated.

"Sure, why not. Not like we are in private. Hey guys, come on over, we have room for you here if you like." Joey stated.

"Hey, what are you two doing down here? We thought you guys would have been sleeping by now." Justin stated.

"No, we were hungry and decided to get something before bed. What are you two doing down here then?" Nick asked

"Well, we came down to get away from AJ's snoring, and to grab a bite too." Kevin stated with a smirk as all of them started laughing.

"Well guys, go ahead and order, we are waiting on our food now." Joey stated.

"What are you having Joey? What's good on the menu?" Justin asked.

"Well I ordered Spaghetti and Nick got the Chicken Salad, but knowing you, they have cereal on the menu too." Joey stated as Kevin and Nick started laughing as Justin hit Joey with the menu.

"Jerk. I don't eat cereal all the time, only for breakfast." Justin stated.

"Well it is after 2am in the morning. You can call this an early breakfast." Nick stated as the waiter approached with their food.

"Cool, that looks good. I will have what he's having." Justin stated as the waiter wrote down his order then looked to Kevin.

"I will have a Club Sandwich with some chips, and a Coke." Kevin stated. "Oh can I get some extra pickles please?"

"Sure sir, your orders will be back momentarily." the waiter stated as he finished writing down Kevin's order and walked away.

"He's cute, look at that butt on him." Nick stated as Joey glared at him.

"Well I hope he's not cuter than me, I hope you like my butt better." Joey stated as he looked at Nick.

"Well he's not cute like you baby, but he is cute, and those pants don't do him justice..." Nick trailed off.

"Did you just call him baby?" Kevin and Justin asked at the same time.

"Yeah, he's my baby, and I am his." Nick stated.

"What! When did this happen?" Kevin asked.

"Today before the concert, we got together then. We decided to give the love thing a shot." Nick stated.

"I don't believe this. All this time you have been riding me about me and Justin and here you are with Joey." Kevin stated as he got up and left the table.

"Kevin, Kevin come back. Damn." Nick stated as he got up and followed Kevin out of the restaurant.

"Okay, I don't know what that was all about." Joey stated.

"So, is this the reason you have been snapping at me and Kev lately? You were gay and couldn't stand being around us lovey-dovery guys huh, while you were single?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, that was it, how did you know?" Joey asked.

"Well I use to act that way around other people until I got with Kevin, and then I stopped." Justin stated. "And the fact that you only snapped at me, Kevin, JC and Brian and you didn't snap at anyone else."

"That obvious was I. I am so sorry Justin, I was just sad, and I didn't mean to hurt you or Kevin's feelings." Joey stated.

"It's okay Joey, but you need to apologize to Brian and JC too, they were upset as well. I am so happy that you are happy now." Justin stated.

"Well I think both of our happiness is going to be surpassed until Nick and Kevin come back in here with smiles on their faces. I think Kevin is having the same conversation with Nick about his snapping that we just had. I hope they are not fighting or anything. Their friendship is too great for that." Joey stated.

  • Outside the Restaurant *

"You have been snapping at me for weeks now, and every time I mentioned Justin's name or made a gay-like statement you were down my throat! I don't get you Nick. I thought I was saying something to offend you, but now I don't know what to think." Kevin stated.

"Kev, you didn't do anything to offend me. I was just mad that I had no one around me to love me. That's what was wrong with me. I am sorry Kev, please forgive me for that." Nick stated.

"I don't know what to make of this Nick, you really hurt my feelings, not to mention Justin, Brian and JC's feelings. You need to apologize for this Nick, but you should have told me what was bothering you instead of just snapping at me. Doesn't our friendship mean more than that?" Kevin stated.

"Yes it does Kevin, I am very sorry for the way I acted, but at that time, I wasn't ready to say that I was gay yet and now I have come to terms with it and Joey is the guy that's going to be there to help me with it." Nick stated.

"Well, if you ever need to talk and Joey isn't available, you know you can come to me. I will always be around to talk to you, as long as you don't snap at me too much." Kevin chuckled as he grabbed Nick and pulled him into a hug.

"Let's get back in there before our food gets cold. I am starving." Nick stated as the two of them walked back into the restaurant smiling.



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Next: Chapter 16

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