Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Nov 20, 2002


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

Joint Affairs - Chapter 13

by JT Poole

  • The Hilton - Brian/JC/Howie's Room (Day 4) *

"I wasn't trying to be rude to him baby, I was just telling him what we were doing. I didn't mean for it to sound rude or anything." Brian stated.

"I know you didn't, but to Justin, he probably took it that way. I will talk to him later though." JC stated.

"On to other things with us. Are you ready for the song we have to perform tonight baby?" Brian asked.

"Sure." JC stated. "I am ready. I wrote a song that we will perform at the next show together. I wrote that song just for me and you to sing."

"Really, is it a love song?" Brian asked. "A ballad to serenade each other with, making the crowd think it's for them."

"Actually, it is a duet for us to sing about loosing love and finding it again. I hope you like it." JC stated.

"Anything I do with you I would like. You are a treasure to keep." Brian stated wrapping his arms around JC.

  • Joey/Chris/Lance's Room *

"Joe what's wrong, why are you so upset now? What has happened while we were out today? Did something happen between you and Nick?" Chris asked.

"Just drop it okay, there's nothing that's wrong. Just let me be for awhile okay." Joey stated as he walked over to his bed and laid down. "Wake me up if something important happens."

"Al'right Joe, but I wish you would talk to me." Chris stated walking over to the door to leave the room as Lance was walking in.

"Hey Chris what's up, where you going?" Lance asked.

"Down to the lobby for a bit, why what's up Lansten?" Chris asked.

"Nothing's up, I just don't have nothing to do. I guess I will go find me a book and chill in here and read." Lance stated.

"Excuse me guys, is Joey in there? I need to talk to him, it's important." Nick stated standing in the doorway behind Chris.

Closing the door in front of him, Chris stared at Nick for a moment. Then grabbed Nick by the arm and pulled him down the hall towards the elevator. Pressing the button to open the doors, Nick pulled his arm away and looked at Chris strangely.

"What the hell are you doing Chris? Why did you drag me down here, I told you I needed to speak to Joey!" Nick hissed.

"First of all I want to know what did you do to Joey? Ever since we all got back, he's been acting strange. So strange that I believe that you said or did something to upset him." Chris stated.

"Why do you assume that I did something to upset him?" Nick asked.

"Well for starters, he was with you most of the day and next, well just say that your name doesn't bring a smile to his face." Chris stated. "So what did you do to Joey?"

"I didn't do anything to him, honest, just believe me. I need to talk to him though, so could you please let me go do that?" Nick asked, walking in the direction of the room he just left.

"Nick, I don't know what you have to talk to him about, but could you please not upset him. He's going through a tough time at the moment, and he doesn't need more stress." Chris stated.

"I know, we talked about that this morning, and I need to talk to him now. Just trust me and let me talk to him." Nick stated as Chris opened the door for him.

"Joey can I talk to you privately for a moment please?" Nick asked.

"Why, didn't you say enough already? I poured out my heart to you, and what did you do?" Joey stated. "No Nick, I don't think we should talk privately, I don't think we should talk at all."

"Come on Joey, please, give me a chance to explain." Nick pleaded.

"Why, so you can stomp on my heart again, what little of it that is left." Joey stated.

"I am so sorry Joey, I didn't mean to do it, I just needed some time to think. I wasn't trying to hurt you." Nick stated as tears started to well up in his eyes.

"I'm I interrupting something?" Lance asked as he came out of the bathroom.

"Yes you are, can me and Joey please talk privately?" Nick asked.

"Sure no prob, I will just leave you two alone." Lance stated grabbing his backpack and walking out of the room.

"Joey, please, I have thought things over in my head and I wanted you to know that I would be happy if you would be my boyfriend. Just give me a chance, don't let my previous actions ruin this for both of us." Nick stated.

"Really. Great, I guess, I can forget about the stuff from this morning. Come here." Joey said as Nick walked over to him and sat down on the bed where Joey patted the spot for him.

"Joey, all I ask is that you be careful with my heart. Please don't hurt me." Nick stated as the two of them leaned in and kissed each other.

  • Nick/Aaron's Room *

"Yeah baby, I can't wait to meet up with you either. I have been thinking about you all day." Aaron stated talking on the phone to David. "When are you going to be able to fly out to join me?"

"Well I was thinking about flying out later this week, but I am thinking about cancelling everything on my calendar and just coming to be with you. Mom can handle everything while I am gone." David spoke.

"Oh honey that is so wonderful, I can't wait to tell the guys that you are coming. I am so psyched." Aaron stated as the phone in the hotel room rang. "Honey I got to go, but I will call you back later on tonight after the concert okay?"

"Sure, I love you baby." David spoke.

"I love you too, bye." Aaron spoke pressing the end button on his cell phone and answering the phone in the room. "Hello. Aaron speaking, may I help you?"

"Hi there Aaron, is Nick available?" Benjamin asked.

"No sir, he's not here at the moment. I think he will be back within the hour. Is there a message you want me to give him?" Aaron asked.

"No, no message. I will talk to him before the concert." Benjamin stated hanging up the phone.

  • Kevin/Justin/AJ's Room *

"Honey wake up, I know you haven't slept the whole day away." Kevin asked walking over to Justin in bed.

"No honey I didn't sleep the whole day away. I got up earlier and went down to JC and Brian's room, but they were busy so I came back and watched some tv and decided to wait for you guys to get back." Justin stated, getting up to kiss Kevin.

"Umm that tasted good, what did you eat recently?" Kevin asked.

"I had a chocolate cupcake with strawberry topping, why?" Justin asked.

"I can still taste it on your lips baby. It tastes very good." Kevin stated.

"Just kill me now, you two are too mushy for me. If you guys get any sweeter, I am gonna die from diabetes transference." AJ stated laughing at the two men.

"Oh just get over it, you are just jealous that you don't have a man to love you like Kevin loves me." Justin stated.

"Ewww, as if, I am not gay." AJ stated as Kevin walked over to him and grabbed him around the waist and kissed him.

"See what you are missing. Try the finer things in life." Kevin stated as AJ pushed him away and started spitting and wiping his mouth, as Kevin and Justin started laughing.

"Ewww that was gross. Trying to turn me gay too? I knew I should have watched out for you two. You guys are recruiting for new members." AJ stated laughing.

"Nope, but it was funny to see you squirm like that. For future references, Kevin is all mine." Justin spoke.

"You can keep him, I don't want him. Glad he didn't slip me the tongue." AJ stated as Kevin and Justin looked at him strangely and pushed him down on the bed.

"Oh get over yourself, I would never slip you the tongue. Those kisses are for Justin." Kevin stated as he and Justin wrapped their arms around each other and started kissing passionately.

  • Joey/Chris/Lance's Room *

"Umm, that was nice. I like that very much Joey. I like this too." Nick stated as he leaned over and started kissing Joey passionately, lifing Joey's shirt and playing with his nipples.

"Oh Nick, you better stop before this goes farther than it should." Joey stated moaning from what Nick was doing to him.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry, I should have called first." Lance stated walking back out of the room, as he saw Joey and Nick laying there in bed kissing.

"Oh great, I guess the cat is out of the bag." Nick stated.

"No it isn't Lance isn't going to tell anyone, so far, as I said he and Chris are the only ones that know about me. I am quit sure Lance will keep your secret too." Joey stated as he and Nick got up and composed themselves, as Joey walked over to the door to go get Lance.



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Yahoo: swainsborogaboi

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Next: Chapter 15

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