Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Nov 7, 2002


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

Joint Affairs - Chapter 11

by JT Poole

  • Tour Bus 1 (Day 3) *

"Honey I just want to go back there and get back in the bunk and just curl up with you and sleep." Justin stated.

"Sorry baby, we can't. We have to practice while you guys are sitting with Celia." Kevin stated kissing Justin on his forehead.

"Would you two cut it out!" Joey stated walking by them.

"What crawled up his ass and died? Joey what's your problem?" Justin asked.

"What do you mean, I don't have a fucking problem!" Joey shouted as he stormed off the bus.

"Okay, I don't know what that was, but I am going to check on him to see what's going on." Chris stated walking off the bus.

"When you find out, tell me, I want to know what's bugging him." Justin stated as he kissed Kevin one last time and walked off the bus.

  • Tour Bus 2 *

"Oh baby, I love this so much, but it has to end." Brian stated.

"What! Why, what did I do? Why do you want to break up?" JC asked as his eyes filled with tears.

"What! I am not breaking up with you baby, we have to get ready for the concert. We have practice, you guys have a meeting with Celia. I am not breaking up with you, what gave you that idea?" Brian asked.

"Well you said it had to end. I thought you were talking about our relationship. I am sorry Brian. I have been feeling strange all day. I am trying to figure what I did to deserve a great guy like you. I feel I don't deserve you." JC said as he started crying.

"I don't know, but you do deserve me, we deserve each other. Listen to me Joshua Scott Chasez, don't you go thinking bad thoughts about this relationship, I love you and I hope you love me, and I want us to be together until we possibly die." Brian stated kissing JC passionately on the lips.

"Wow...with a kiss like that, you won't hear any complaints from me. I guess I better deal with my insecurities, before they get me into trouble." JC stated hugging Brian, grabbing his backpack and walking off the bus.

"I will see you later when it's time for the Meet and Greet, Love ya JC." Brian stated as he walked to the back of the bus.

  • Outside the Venue (Georgia Tech Stadium) *

"Joey! What the hell was that back there?" Chris asked catching up to Joey.

"I am not in the mood Chris, leave me alone." Joey stated as he continued walking away.

"Joey stop! Talk to me, why did you just blow up back there? This is not like you, what's going on?" Chris asked.

"I was wrong, I should apologize to them. Chris this is getting to me too much. I can't stand it, I wish I had a boyfriend so bad, I don't know what to do." Joey stated still crying.

"Calm down Joe, stop crying. It's going to be okay. I am quite sure there is someone out there that likes you, you just have to give it time, believe me, someone is out there for you." Chris said.

Unbeknownst to the two men, their conversation was over heard by a person standing on the other side of the second tour bus. Not knowing that this person had this information Joey and Chris continued to talk about the problem at hand until Joey was satisfied with all the information Chris had given him, Learning this new information, that person started smiling, finally he had something to plan for.

  • Georgia Tech Stadium - Backstage - 20 Minutes Later *

"So after the concert you guys should get back on the buses and we will head to the hotel. Any questions?" Celia asked.

"Yeah, when is our next free day, I don't see one on the schedule for about three weeks, I know we are not performing everyday until the date on the schedule." Lance asked.

"Let me see that, that can't be right, we have two free days coming up according to my schedule. After Saturday's concert you guys don't have another concert until Tuesday of next week. You guys have Sunday and Monday off." Celia stated handing the schedule back to Lance.

"Oh, cool, thought we were going to die of sleep deprivation. So I guess you need to tell the Backstreet Boys this information too, they were worried about that as well." Lance stated.

"Ok guys, meeting over, get out there and get ready for tonight's show." Celia stated as the boys got up and walked out.

"Celia, can we talk?" Benjamin asked. "I am kinda wondering did you talk to that friend of yours about what we were talking about earlier?"

"Well, I did but, sorry, but he's taken already. My sources say he has a person back in Orlando that he's dating. Sorry on that one, but you can give your second choice a shot." Celia stated as Benjamin started staring at the ground.

"I don't know, I am just going to not do anything. I don't want to end up looking like a fool. Celia lets not talk about this anymore, just don't bring up the subject anymore." Benjamin stated walking out of the room with a frown on his face.

  • The Hilton (Day 4) - Justin/Kevin/AJ's Room *

"Baby wake up, it's time for breakfast." Kevin stated trying to wake Justin up.

"Just let me sleep, I don't care about breakfast, let me sleep." Justin stated pulling the covers over his head.

"Kev, let him sleep, besides, we don't have no where to be until tonight's concert." AJ stated walking past the two of them.

"He still needs to eat. I don't want him on stage collapsing or worst because he hasn't eaten anything. Come on Justin wake up baby." Kevin spoke as Justin kicked the covers and got out of bed.

"Whoa there, I wasn't the one that made you get up, so curb your anger a bit." AJ stated grabbing his things and walking out of the room.

"I'm sorry Kev, I am just really tired, I didn't really want to get up. I just wanted to rest, I will go eat breakfast with you, then I am coming back to bed." Justin stated kissing Kevin on the cheek.

"That sounds better. I am just looking out for you, I don't want anything to happen to you." Kevin stated hugging Justin to his chest.

"I know honey. I will go eat, then come back and sleep." Justin stated walking over to his bags. "What are you gonna be doing, while I am here sleeping?"

"Well the other guys are planning on going to a movie and seeing the sights around town, then they were thinking about checking out the Step Show at the nearby college." Kevin stated walking over to Justin.

"Sounds cool, but I am too tired to go, maybe some other time. I just want to sleep sleep sleep." Justin sang as he and Kevin walked out of the hotel room.

  • Joey/Chris/Lance's Room *

"How do you feel today Joe? Have you gotten over your attacks of anger?" Chris asked.

"Ha Ha, real funny little man. I don't have attacks of anger. Make me sound like a raging lunatic or something." Joey stated.

"You said those words not me, besides, I just think you are a loony toony anyway." Chris stated laughing.

"What are you two going on about? What's so funny Chris?" Lance asked.

"Oh nothing, just something me and Joey were talking about. You wouldn't get it." Chris stated, trying to get Lance to drop it.

"Oh come on guys tell me what the joke was, I need a real laugh before tonight's concert." Lance pleaded.

"You can hear it when you see it, besides you will see it soon." Chris stated trying to cover up what he and Joey was talking about with something else.

"Okay fine, I guess I have to wait to laugh. What are we doing today before the concert?" Lance asked.

"Some of everything, food first, then some sight seeing, a movie and something at a college later." Joey stated.

"Sounds good. Let me grab my bag and I will be ready to roll." Lance said walking into the bathroom.

"When are you going to tell the others Joey? I am not going to be walking on pins and needles trying to hide your secret. I think you need to tell them so they won't feel the way I felt when I found out." Chris stated.

"I told you Chris, I told you when I was a little bit ready to, but I am not ready to tell them yet. I need a little more time to think about all of this." Joey stated.

"Are you trying to tell me you are not gay now?" Chris asked.

"No, I am not saying that, I am still gay, I just need some time..." Joey trailed off as Lance came running into the room.

"You are still what!?! What did you just say Joey?" Lance spoke loudly.

"Damn, Damn, Damn." (Note: Florida Evans moment) Joey spoke staring at the floor.

"Joey are you gay? Answer me, and don't lie, I already heard what you said." Lance spoke.

  • Brian/JC/Howie's Room *

"I don't believe this, you guys didn't sleep in the same bed? Dang, I guess I lost the bet." Howie stated as he wake up in his bed.

"Why would we sleep in the same bed? What bet are you referring to?" Brian asked.

"Well since you two are dating, the guys and I made a bet that you guys would sleep in the same bed." Howie stated.

"Well I guess you did loose, I am not going to sleep in the same bed with Brian." JC stated.

"What?! Why not?" Brian asked.

"Sorry Brian, but we just met, I am not about to go jumping into bed with you. I want to take things slow and I am." JC stated.

"I understand that. I agree 100%, we shouldn't do anything like that until we are share that the love is there." Brian stated.

"Oh get over it already, you two sound like a mushy romance novel or something." Howie stated walking into the bathroom.

"Good morning baby, how did you sleep?" JC asked walking over and getting into bed with Brian.

"After last night's concert, I was aching really bad, but that back rub you gave me last night helped a lot. Thanks babe." Brian stated kissing JC on the cheek.

"What do you think he's going to say when he comes out of the bathroom and see us in bed like this?" JC asked wrapping his arms around Brian.

"Who cares what he says, this is our relationship, he would be jealous that you were not holding him like this." Brian stated as he laid back against JC's chest.

"I love you Brian, I hope you know that." JC stated. "But with my past with men, I want to take things slow, to make sure my heart and feelings are protected."

"I love you too JC and I understand very much how you feel. I have been hurt left and right and I want my heart protected too. Before we take that next step with each other, we should both be comfortable taking that step." Brian stated as he kissed JC passionately.



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Next: Chapter 13

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