Joining a Chinese Harem A First Step

By daddiekink

Published on Jul 17, 2024


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From previous chapter.

"I love you Slave boy, thank you for looking out for me" One says tearing up.

"I always will One, and I promise to pass all these tests so I can be by your side serving Master together." I say to him kissing him on the forehead.

"Let's cuddle and fall asleep" Number one says turning off the lights.

We cuddled in complete bliss, for the night we were just two lovers supporting each other. We don't know when we will be able to experience this again, so we try to enjoy it. We drifted off to sleep quickly.

Chapter 12, The Circle Initiation Party

I awoke in the morning with a kiss on the lips. One wasted no time giving me deep tongue action. We kissed for about a minute, long enough for out clits to be straining against our chastity cages, and then One popped up out of bed.

"Come on Slave, you have a busy day" One said standing in front me on with precum leaking from his chastity cage.

"Yes, Number One" I say with a smile as I use my finger to wipe off the 3 inches string of precum from his chastity cage and lick it up.

"Come on Slave, time to eat breakfast" Number One says walking away with a smile.

I jump out of bed and wipe a 3-inch string of precum from my cage as well. I am so horny. I want to jack off and cum so bad. I don't know what I must do, or what milestone I must hit before master unlocks me and lets me cum, but I really look forward to it. My mind instantly turns to Master's cock. Oh, how I want it inside of me, that would get rid of my horny feeling, just for a little while and it would feel so good. I start playing with my smooth nipples. I can feel a bit of stubble in places growing back. I will need another laser removal in another week or so. My nipples are really turning me on, maybe because this is my first real day as a slave and not a dog. I want to enjoy this feeling. My fantasy is cut short by Number One yelling "Slave get in here now!"

"Yes Number One! Coming!" I yelled back and ran to the kitchen.

The food smells delicious. Number One has bacon and eggs with cheese all chopped up in a dog bowl on the floor. His meal looks similar, but a smaller portion. I kneel on all fours and start eating with my face deep in the bowl. Now that I am not a dog this bowl is a reminder that I am still a slave. I will never be equal to men again. Thinking this scares me and excites me. It takes me a while to finish this big portion and number One slows his progress, so we finish together. As we finish, we both pop up with our hands behind our backs.

"Thank you for the food, Master" We say proudly.

It still seems strange to say this when Master is not around, but the camera all around my apartment means that Master can be watching at any time. Nothing in my life will happen without master allowing it, he is in control now. I am starting to feel more and more like property, it scares me a little.

"OK Slave, no running today you will need your strength for tonight and tomorrow." Number One says.

"Yes Number One. May I ask what to expect tonight and tomorrow?" I ask almost afraid of the answer.

"You are going to be presented to all the men of The Circle tonight. Master will expect you to be on your best behavior and do what you are expected to do. It will be very tough; you must endure it." Number says looking at me seriously.

"I am a bit scared Number One" I say with a panicked look on my face.

"I will be there with you. If you ever faulter, just think of me." Number says with a smile.

His smile melted me. I want to be at his side serving master forever. I will do what I must to make that happen.

"OK Slave let's start maintenance. Follow me" Number one tells me as he goes to the bedroom. Number One laid down on the bed and began strapping himself in, "It's time for maintenance on us both" he says.

"Yes, it is" I say strapping him down and pulling the blind fold hood over his head.

I bend down so the key connected to my chain collar can reach his chastity lock and unlock it. I removed the cage and ring and placed the electro connectors under his balls. His dick has so much foreskin and is all crusted up with dry precum. It's the first time I have seen it this crusted up, it must be from all the sexual play we have done together. I start washing his dick and balls and he started to get hard in my hands. I hit the first button on the electro pad and walk away with his cage to go clean it while he squirms in pain and goes soft.

His cage has a screen at the end of the tube that needs scrubbing to get all the crusty precum off. I can hear Number One stop squirming as the shocking device stops. I go back in with the clean cage and keep washing his cock and using the special brush to get under his tight foreskin. I feel very connected to him as I take care of his cleaning. His dick starts to get hard again, so I hit the longest shock button and wait for him to get soft again.

"One, please control yourself. I hate to punish you" I plead with him.

"Sorry slave, I just can't help it. It really likes you" one says chuckling.

"One! Please! Don't say such things. Master might get the wrong idea if you keep getting hard and I don't want you punished" I say to him.

"You're right, sorry Slave. I will focus more." One says snapping into a serious tone.

I notice a few pubic hairs starting to grow around the top of his cock as well as a few armpit hairs growing back. I quickly shave them smooth. I will tell Master in a text message. I finished the maintenance and relocked One's clit up in chastity. I remove his restraints and hood and took his place on the bed. One ties me down and hoods me and removes my chastity device. I suddenly feel a wet mouth around my cock as One starts to suck me.

"One Stop! You know that is not allowed" I say scared to death that master will be angry.

My dick was already fully hard as one pulls his mouth off. He puts electric nodes under my balls and turns the shocking device on the longest setting. I scream out in agony as I am shocked for a full minute and my worthless dick goes limp again.

"Sorry Slave, I couldn't help myself. Sometimes a punishment is worth the experience." Number One says quietly.

"Just hurry and finish and we will see what Master says." I say in an annoyed tone.

He finished quietly and even shaved a few hairs from my balls and pubes. I didn't get hard again, I was too mad at what he had done. I had to tell Master he did this; it was my responsibility to do so. Master would probably make me punish him again, and I hated that. After he relocked my clit in my chastity device, he untied me and removed my blindfold. I pulled myself up to look at him annoyed at what he just did.

"I am sorry Slave, I just had to try it once. I know you must tell Master; I won't hate you for that. I can't hate you for anything." One says looking down.

I pull his chin up and kiss him deeply.

"This is where you put that energy One. We can make out and enjoy our bodies, but we must accept we do not have dicks anymore" I say to him.

Wow, did I just say that out loud I think to myself? I admitted we don't have dicks anymore. I couldn't believe I was lecturing him. All these past couple of weeks he has taught me, and now I was lecturing him. In truth, I wanted to suck his dick as well, but I refused to put him in a position of having to discipline me.

"You are right Slave" I promise I won't do that again.

"Good, next time you are horny, eat my Pussy instead." I say with a smile.

"Deal!" One says with a mischievous smile.

One takes me into the bathroom and shaves the hair regrowing on my body. I would guess about half of my hair is regrowing back and he shaves it smooth. He also shaves my head smooth again. Number one removes my butt plug so we can shower and douche together. When the shower is done, he dries me off but doesn't put the plug back in. I grabbed the plug and handed it to him.

"Not today slave. Master wants your ass to rest a few hours." He says.

We head out to the living room and lay down on pillows on the floor and watch tv for a couple of hours. Since I had taken the day off work, there wasn't much to do. I texted Master explaining what One did during the maintenance session and told him about the minor hair regrowth. Master thanked me and called me a good slave. One received a phone call from Master a few minutes later.

"How may I serve Master" One says as he kneels with the phone facing away from me.

"One! I am very disappointed in you. I thought you understood your limits better than this. I trusted you to train the Slave as I would, and you broke one of the most basic rules. You will be punished tonight when you bring the Slave home." Master says angrily and hangs up.

One is in tears, as he looks at me. "I am so sorry Slave, I don't know what I have done."

"Sshh its ok, I say running over to hug him. I still love you, and so does master. You just messed up. Learn from this and never do it again." I say encouraging him to smile.

He started smiling and says, "Oh Slave, you are just perfect, I have waited so long for a slave brother like you."

This was a side I had not seen of One. Up until now he had always been so confident and sure of himself. The perfect slave. Seems like under all that was a young man who wanted and needed a loving connection.

We spent the rest of the morning watching TV. At lunch One made us a big meal again. I ate a wonder bowl of Pasta with chicken and cheese. I was stuffed as I finished the bowl and my face was full of sauce, so was One's. After we popped up Thanking master for the food, we started licking each other's face up with our tongues. The lick of his face was very erotic and soon our clits were hard and straining in our chastity cages.

We continued watching tv for another Hour. One got up and said, "OK Slave its time to start our preparation for tonight. Come with me"

I followed him into the Bedroom and watched as he prepared twelve pills from a jar and a large glass of water.

"Swallow all these and finish all this water." He says as he is handing me the jar of pills and water. I take the pills and swallow them in a couple of big gulps of water then drink the rest of the big cup of water.

"May I ask what that was for One?" I ask as I hand back the glass.

"That will clean you out. You will be going to the bathroom server times over the next couple of hours, and you will take those again tomorrow morning. You must be clean for your circle initiation.

"But we already cleaned: I say looking confused.

"Your initiation tomorrow is very extreme. Your pussy will get used a lot and must be clean. This is why we loaded you up with food now, you won't be eating solid foods until late Saturday night." One explains.

"So, you are cleaning me out like doctors do when men have colonoscopies?" I ask.

"Essentially yes, it's the easiest way to ensure a deep cleaning that lasts. You will be given clear energy drinks to keep your energy levels up and avoid dehydration.' One explains.

The next few hours were no fun. I spent most of the time on the toilet. Within a few hours just water was coming out. By 5:00 pm we were done with all the prep and cuddled up on the pillows in the living room watching tv again. One kisses me deeply and then looks at me seriously.

"Slave, I love you, you are perfect for me. Promise me you will not give up during your endurance trials." He says in a very serious and caring voice.

"One, I have dreamed about serving a man like Master all my adult life. I want to be his property, his owned slave. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought I would have a slave brother like you who I fell in love with romantically. I won't give up on Master or you, I promise. No matter what I must endure I will" I say with resolve and sincerity.

One kisses me deeply with a tear in his eye and then stands up.

"Ok slave, it's time to prove what you say. Follow me.

I follow One into the bedroom where he unpacks several items from a large bag. He begins by rubbing my entire body down with some type of slick oil that makes me shiny. He then shoves some silicon lube up my ass with a special injector. He brings out a Wrist and Ankle cuffs and secures them each with a padlock. The cuffs are made of iron on that outside with rubber covered padding on the inside. They are quite snug, but my oily skin allows them to slide around a bit. One steps back to look at this work. He grabs my cuffed wrist and stands me in front of the mirror.

"You look good Slave. Don't you agree" One asks.

Looking at myself in the mirror I couldn't believe it was me. I was shiny smooth all over. I lift my arms to see my shiny smooth armpits. I looked like those competitive body builders with my skin all shiny. My waistline seemed to look thinner, and I could see some of my abs clearly. I moved my hand over my abs to verify it was me. I really look better than I have ever remembered looking.

"The exercise is paying off Slave, and it will get even better" One says with a smile.

The doorbell rang and One and I walked over to answer it. One put on a pair of very short gym shorts, he got out of the bag of equipment and greeted Number five at the door. Five was dressed in a small pair of gym shorts and a white tank top. The white tank top against his brown Filipino skin made him look great.

"Slave, open the door for us when we knock on it" One says as he darts outside with Five. About 5 minutes later I heard a knock at the door and opened it. One and Five carry in a huge crate and sat it on the floor in front of the door right inside the house. The crate is about 7 feet long by 3 feet square. They remove the top 7 foot by 3 foot piece by un clipping latches. Inside there is a steel rectangular frame on all corners of the crate with chains attached to the four corners. One side of the case seems to have a 3-foot by 3-foot steel piece of medal with holes in it that poles could be screwed into. One lays a towel on the floor of the crate and looks at me.

"OK slave get into the crate lay on your back, feet toward the steel plate." One orders.

"Yes, Number One" I say in obeyance.

I got into the crate and laid down. I was getting more and more nervous and frightened by the minute. One and Five attached my wrist cuffs to the chains attached to one side of the steel frame in the crate and my ankle cuffs to the chain attached to the steel floor on the other side. I was essential spread-eagle inside the crate not able to move much. They put the crate side back on and I was sealed into this crate in total darkness. I felt like a dead man in a coffin. Fear took over me.

"One what is going on." I screamed out.

"Don't worry Slave, there are air holes in the side, you can breathe easy. We must transport you to Masters home for the party tonight" One said as I could feel my crate being lifted by the two of them.

I was terrified, I was completely helpless and trapped in this crate, I had never endured anything like this in my life. I felt myself hyperventilating so I focused on slowing my breathing down. Breathing in through the nose and out the mouth I was able to calm myself a bit. I sudden thud and I could feel the crate being pushed into what was the van presumably. I could hear One and Five talking. One went and collected everything he needed from the house and locked it up. Soon we were on the road going to Master's house. About 20 minutes later the van stopped and I could feel my crate being pulled out of the van. I could hear all my other slave brother around the crate helping to lower me onto the ground.

"Ok Lets tip him up now so he fits in the elevator" four says.

"You tip the dolly up and I will make sure the crate doesn't fall off" Three says.

My crate is tipped up so that I am now standing in the crate with my wristed tied high and tightly to the corners of the crate frame. The crate leans back slightly, and I am rolled into the elevator.

"Wait, hold the elevator while I get all the stuff from the house" One says.

I feel the elevator take us up and I can hear the door open. My crate is wheeled into the front door of Master's house.

"One, Five, get undressed. Three, Six and I will wheel the slave into the main room. One, Master wants you kneeling at attention like normal. Five you come join us in the main room with the slave so we can finish prepping him." Four orders as my crate starts moving again.

"Yes four" Number One and Five acknowledge.

It was the first time I had heard the other slaves giving orders to each other on behalf of Master. It wasn't like there was a hierarchy, instead all slaves did what master ordered without question. As the crate moved, I could start to smell wonderful food. Clearly Four had been busy cooking all day. Soon the crate came to a stop, and it was put upright. The front cover was removed, and I could see Four, Three and Six working to remove the other walls. Within a few minutes all four walls were removed as well as the 3x3 wall above my wrist chains. I looked around and I was chained to a box boxed frame that formed a rectangle in the middle of the 3x3 steal base. My wrist were chained spread eagle and my ankles were attached to short chains attached to each corner. The chains seem to go into the steel tubing. I looked around for One, but I couldn't see him.

"Stand on this Slave" Six spoke in a kind soft voice.

Six put two rubber blocks under each foot lifting my feet about 3 inches from the ground and taking stress off my wrists.

"Thank you Six" I said.

Six began attaching a thick steal poll to the center cage floor. Once screwed onto the floor he attached a large metal butt plug that look about as large as the Plug I had been wearing long term. He lubed it up and guided it to my hole.

"Sit down on it slave!" Six orders.

I had little choice, so I slowly lowered myself onto it. It was huge and popped in. Six kicks the two rubber blocks out from under me, and I quickly use my arms to hold myself up or be empaled by this plug up my ass. Six continues to adjust the pole attached to the plug and soon I can stand with my feet flat, but the plug is deep in me. If I go on my tip toes, I can't quite get the plug out. I am stuck impaled on this plug whether I want it or not.

I can see Four cooking in the kitchen. He is putting items on serving trays. Five and Three come towards me with a huge liquid dispenser. It looks like it's full of a mixed drink of some kind. I noticed Number Three is wearing a nano size holy trainer, not his big steel Carrara 2.0 Maybe Master has forgiven him.

"Let's get him secured tight" Five says

I can feel the wrist chains pulling tight and my legs are already pulled wide impaling me on the huge plug attached to the pole.

"Here attach these" Six says handing Five some rubber covered wires.

Five attaches the wires to the frame. The wires seem to be attached to the Liquid dispenser they rolled up.

"Is he ready?" Master asks as he comes walking up into view.

"Yes Master" they say together.

"Good job boys. Go help One into his outfit for the night and get him setup." Master orders.

"Yes Master" they say together and disappear into the back bedrooms.

Master circles around me. He is dressed up in a black leather harness and leather shorts that are so tight you can see his huge cock bulging in front. He has big leather boots on and a leather hat. He looks hot as hell. I am so lucky this man wants to own me. My Clit starts getting hard just looking at him.

"You look good Slave" Master says with a smile.

"Thank you Master" I say humbly.

"Tonight, you meet the entire circle. The men will be here with their slaves at their side. You are to be the center of the party. All drinks will come from this container of specially made Long Island Iced Tea. After each person, man or slave pours them self a drink you will thank them and tell them to enjoy the party. Do you understand Slave?" Master waits for a response.

"Yes Master. I will Thank them and tell them to please enjoy the party." I say trying to convey my understanding.

"This should make it easier to understand" Master says as Number Four wheels up a table with cups and ice to put next to the drink container.

Master fills a cup with ice and puts in under the containers spout and pressed the fill button.

Instantly a huge jolt hits the inside of my ass and I yell out. The jolt is making me shudder in pain and my whole-body shudders as the cup is filled to the top. The pain was so shocking It took my breath away. I compose myself with a few deep breaths.

"Thank you Master, please enjoy the party" I say still shaking off the shock of what just happened to my body.

"Now you understand Slave. Men may also come up and fondle you. They will be sizing you up and considering how one day they will ask to use you. Be polite and always thank them." Do you understand Slave?

"Yes Master! I will make you proud Master" I say determined to make him happy.

"I know you will Slave. Five will remain here near you in case you need to use your safe word, or if you require anything else. I will enjoy seeing how much pain and hardship you can take." Master says smiling.

I knew at this point I was in for a very rough and painful night. I wanted to make Master proud. I was determined to endure anything I was given tonight. I took a deep breath and spoke. "Don't worry Master, I will endure any hardship."

Master pauses and gets close to my face. "Why will you endure any hardship for me Slave?" Master says with a smirk on his face. "Figure that out and you will make a good slave for me."

"Yes Master" I respond proudly.

He seemed to be looking for some response about enduring pain and hardship. Perhaps time will teach it to me. There was a still in the air, no guests had arrived yet. I looked down at myself. I was perfectly displayed, my body impaled by a large shocking butt plug and tied up spread-eagle, so my body was exposed for fondling. I felty like a prized object on display.

About fifteen minutes later my slave brothers wheeled out a table with Number One on it. They placed the table near the wall by the TV. The site of Number One was shocking. One was lying on his stomach with his arms tied in a leather V harness behind his back. The harness was attached to a set of leg straps keeping his legs curly up behind his back as well. He had a leather mask over his head that kept him blind with his mouth exposed and the mask was connected via leather strap to the leg harness on his back. This kept his head pulled back. I could see him struggling against the restraints, he looked very uncomfortable. Six put a sign on the wall that stated, "Open mouth for use". Seeing Number One like that made me sad, I was sure he was being punished. He wouldn't even be able to be fucked in bondage he was in. Master was clearly punishing him for sucking me earlier today by making him just an oral hole. One would not be able to even feel the pleasure of men using his pussy.

The doorbell rings and my slave boy brothers start greeting and escorting men and their slaves into the Master home.

"Well look at that. That is a beautiful slave boy" A voice I recognize exclaimed. Bernie would of course be the first to be here. He seems to have some fascination with me. He held a leather leash that was connected to his slaveboy on all fours with a dog tail in his ass. The boy has paws and kneepads on as well. Bernie walks all around me fondling my ass and back, then moves to my front and runs his hands down my smooth hairless armpit and abdomen. "Very nice boy, Zhang really got lucky when he found you."

"Thank you, Sir, you are very kind." I say with sincerity. This guy was SO revolting, it took everything in me to be nice to him.

Bernie moves over to the drink station and puts ice in a cup. He places the cup below the dispenser and presses the button while looking at me. I jolt as the shock of electricity goes up and inside me from deep inside my cunt. I jerk and shudder while the drink is dispensed. A short time later, it's over and I am catching my breath.

"Thank your sir, please enjoy the party" I say looking at Bernie.

Bernie holds up his drink with an evil smile and walks over to start talking with other masters, his dog slave in tow.

Over the next hour I must have enduring 30 drinks being poured. Sweat beads were flowing down my body from the convulsions I would endure with each drink. Sometimes I would scream and get a chuckle from the masters in the room. Five asked me a few times if I was OK, I would tell him I was ok. I was in a large amount of pain, I hated this. I was determined to endure this pain. At least the pain was temporary, it made it easier to endure. I would occasionally look down and see my locked clit leaking a string of precum.

I watch men using Number One as a flesh light all night. With his head pulled back he was powerless to stop the men cramming their cocks down his throat making him gag and coat their cocks with his spit. Most of the men would then use that spit covered cock to fuck Six and Three nearby. All my slave brothers were getting used sexually, and there were so many other slaves being used and shared by all the masters. I had to admit, I would have enjoyed being used by many of the Masters I saw there, at least half of them were Asian and extremely sexy.

Deep into hour 2 of being fondled and shocked for the drinking guest's enjoyment a thin Chinese Master walked up to me and looked me over. He rubbed my sweaty glistening body all over as if he was sizing me up. He had a very thin frame and was dressed in a leather vest and a leather jock strap with black leather boots on. I felt very objectified being handled by this Master. I was just a slave piece of meat to him. He ended his inspection of me with a smack on my butt with his hand.

"Thank you, sir," I say to him.

"I think I will bid on you. You are my type and have a great body for an older slave. Zhang is a lucky man" he says as he walks over and pours a drink giving me seconds of agony as I am mercilessly shocked and struggle.

"Thank you, sir, please enjoy the party" I say breathlessly.

What did he mean by "Bid on me"? Bid for what?

By hour three I am beyond tired. Each poured drink was excruciating, I wanted to yell out my safe word, but a quick look at Number One being used as a human flesh light and I refused to give up. Pain and discomfort are temporary, I kept telling myself.

"Friends can I have your attention please!" Master shouts over the crowd of men talking and fucking each other's slave boys. "I hope you have all had a chance to look over my new slave. In our tradition of the circle, bidding will now commence for the first opportunity to use my slave as your own. The bidding will commence in hours. Those hours will be in traded, my new slave for the use of one of your slaves of my choice."

The thin Chinese man who was very interested early quickly shouts out "I bid 72 hours".

I muffle gasp comes from the crowd of men. It seems that amount surprised them.

"We have 72 hours bid, any other bidders" Master asks.

"96 Hours" Bernie yells out.

I quick bidding war started with a couple of other men bidding. The final bid went to the thin Chinese man for 120 Hours. "Five days with this man?" I thought to myself. At least he was hot looking, and I was glad he outbid Bernie.

"Chao, congratulations on your bid. We will coordinate the trade of slaves sometime next week, for now you have purchased the right to be the first to punish the slave on behalf of the circle. The rest of you will get your chance tomorrow night." Master gestures to Chao to come behind me.

I am suddenly nervous, "What punishment"?

As I am thinking of what this punishment might be, I hear and feel a quick SWAP on my ass with a cane. Yeow!! I scream out.

"What do you say slave" Master asks in annoyance.

"Thank you sir" I say catching my breath.

SWAP! My eyes are watering from the pain, "Thank you sir"

The room of Masters cheers as the second Cane strike lands. They seem to be encouraging my beating. SWAP, SWAP SWAP! My ass is on fire! One of the men in the crowd yells out "Break him! Let's hear that safe word!"

When I hear the man encourage him to break me, I look at Number One and grit my teeth waiting for the next strike. SWAP, SWAP. "Thank you Sir!" Yelled out in tears each time he beats me. I was not going to let Chao or any Master break me! The punishment continues until he has swatted me 12 Times. I am a mess. I am crying and sobbing as I say my last "Thank you sir" To him. My ass is on fire and stings like crazy. I was proud I didn't break. I want to show everyone I am Master's best slave.

Another man pours a drink and I scream out jerking and straining against my restraints. "Thank you sir, please enjoy the party" I say with exhaustion.

I am all wet from sweat and my veins are popping out all over my body. My legs are shaking, and I would probably collapse if I wasn't being held up by the huge shocking plug in my ass and my arm restrained above me. I am shaking all over. I try to pull myself together. I am at my breaking point; I look at Number One struggling and gagging while being used by some buffed guy like a flesh light, and I take a deep breath and calm my breathing. Number One can't make it stop, so I am not quitting either. I will endure any discomfort, "I can do it" I tell myself.

Master looks at me and gives some instructions to Five that I can't hear. A few minutes later Five and Three disconnect and move the drink container away from my cage. Five then goes into the kitchen and returns with a sports bottle filled with some liquid. He walks up to me and points the built in straw to my mouth.

"Drink up slave, you need to stay hydrated and keep your energy up" Five says in a caring manner. Five starts squirting liquid into my mouth and drink it up quickly. It tastes very sweet, almost like an energy drink.

"You are doing well Slave. Most slaves would have used their safe word by now. Tomorrow will be more difficult; we must keep up your strength" Five tells me.

He finishes feeding me the entire bottle and pulls it away.

"Thank you Five, I really needed that" I say smiling.

Five leans in close to my face. "One is not the only one of us cheering for you. We all want you to be our slave brother. Keep it up!"

His encouraging words gave me new strength. I wanted to be one of them. I wanted to be Masters property and serve as a fully contracted slave. I was determined to see this process through. The night was getting late, and several Masters had already said their goodbyes and gone home for the night with their slaves. As they were leaving, I heard them tell Master "See you tomorrow for the luncheon and fun" Clearly, they were all returning tomorrow.

"Was my initiation going into tomorrow?" I wondered to myself.

The thin Chinese man who won the bid on me approached my cage with a slave in tow. The slave was being pulled by a heavy chain and steel collar that looked heavy. The entire slave was in a black rubber suit. His face was completely covered in this rubber suit with his mouth having a flesh light in place of lips. The flesh light was clearly deep in his mouth so Masters could fuck it and get off. The slave never made a sound.

"I am going to enjoy using and objectifying your body slave. You will make a good addition to my collective of drones for five days" he says with an even smile.

"Thank you, sir, I will serve you as my Master orders" I say earnestly.

"Oh, I know you will. Until next week slave" he says with an evil tone as he turns and walks away, his drone quietly following in tow.

About an hour later I was released by Five and Six. As they took me down, I collapsed in their arms. I couldn't even stand up. They helped me walk over to Master where they helped me kneel in front of him. They also Knelt. I mustered up all the strength I had left.

"How may I serve Master" I said trying not to sound exhausted.

Master kneels and puts his face next to me. "You did very well tonight, Slave. How did you deal with all the pain?" he asks.

"I told myself the pain is temporary Master; I only wish to please you." I explain.

Master pulls back as if surprised. "I am impressed slave, you almost have it figured out"

What did I almost figure out? That pain was temporary. That I had to endure? I wanted to put it all together in my mind, but I was too tired. I just said, "Thank you Master".

"Take him to his bed and get him a couple of bottles of drink to rehydrate him. Comfort him, he has done well tonight. Five you finish his prep in the morning." Master orders.

"Yes Master" Five says

Five and Six helped me to my bed in the dark room I had been caged so many times. There was a bed set up in a large cage. The cage was big enough for a twin bed to be put into and there was a foot on each side of the bed. Five and six sat me down and fed me two more bottles of drink as we chatted.

"Thank you, boys, for helping me" I said looking at them.

"It's ok Slave, we have all had to go through this, even those of us who were traded to Master as property" Six said as he looked down.

"You were traded as property to Master and still had to go through this Six" I asked.

"Yes, if I had failed, Master would have traded me away the first chance he got, he doesn't own slaves that are not worthy" Six explains.

"Six is right Slave, we all have done this, and we have seen many slaves fail. Master has been looking for an older white slave for almost a year now, we have seen two break during the first week of Humility training, and four others break during Toughness. We all hope you are the first not to break." Five says.

"I will not fail, I have dreamed of serving a Master like Master Zhang, he is a perfect man to serve for me. I will do anything to make him happy and find all satisfaction in serving him" I say earnestly.

"We know how you feel Slave, Master is perfect." Six says.

"Is Number One going to be, ok?" I ask.

"He will survive, he knows the punishment is severe for what he has done." Five says.

"Tell him, I am with him, if you see him." I say with a caring face.

"We will. You like him don't you Slave?" Five asks.

"I know I have only known him for a couple of weeks, but I am falling in love with him I think." I say looking at them both.

Both boys smile, "We know, it is to be expected. Master planned it that way."

I embarrassedly ask "Is it ok? Is it allowed?"

"Oh yes, Six and I are a couple, we are allowed to sleep together most nights" Five says.

"Why not every night?" I ask.

"Sometimes master has one of us in his bedroom, or we may be punished if we mess up" Six explains.

"I hope I can snuggle up with One each night Master allows me." I say with a smile.

The two of them smile and Five asks" are you feeling better?"

"Yes, now that I have finished this second bottle." I say handing it to him.

"Good. I will wake you early in the morning, get some sleep" Five says.

"Thanks, Five. Thanks, Six. It was good getting to know you two a bit" I say smiling.

"We will have many more stories to tell once you are signed" Six says.

"See you in the morning Slave" Five says as he and Six close and lock the door to my cage.

They walk out of the room, shutting the light off. I am in total darkness locked in a cage. Only a small digital clock across the room reading 11:45PM can be seen. I start to think back at all the pain I had to endure during the party. In the moment the pain was excruciating at times, but it did go away. Each time got a little easier to endure. Maybe the answer to Master's challenge will come to me. He asked me "Why will I endure any hardship". I am not sure, I only know that pain is temporary, and I want to be Master's property. My thoughts drift off to Number One, "I hope he is ok" I think to myself as I fall asleep.

What does Saturday hold for our new Slave? Will they break him? How will the Circle use and abuse him? Check out the next Chapter "A Saturday of Pain and Pleasure".

Thank you all for your continuing support and encouragement on my story. All comments or critiques welcome at

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