Johnny and I

By C

Published on May 12, 2020


Johnny and I Were Friends Part 1

Johnny and I were friends all through high school. Neither of us ever had much luck with the girls, not that we didn't want to, we just never really figured out how to talk to them I guess. We sure were looking forward to college where we hoped we'd finally get laid, but here we were, back in our hometown for the summer and having to admit to each other that it hadn't happened for either of us!

"I just don't get it, Greg," Johnny said to me as we sat by the fan in my room, trying to catch a breeze on a hot day, "It's just that, well, how's a guy supposed to concentrate on school and sports, and everything when he's always got a, you know, a..."

"Distraction?" I said.

"Yeah, I guess you could call it that."

"I'm a little distracted right now," I said, surprising myself by pointing out my arousal. I was even more surprised when I noticed Johnny looking down at my pants where they must have been bulging. I was embarrassed, but then I saw the look on his face wasn't mean or mocking. He looked like he understood and I guess he did - we were both in the same situation, hot, hard, hadn't been laid, and ready for some relief. Johnny looked up, blushed a little from having been caught checking me out, and adjusted himself. The state we were in was giving me an idea, not fully formed, but getting there. I wasn't sure if Johnny would go for it, wasn't sure that I would either actually, and definitely wasn't sure how to bring it up. Then Johnny gave me an opening.

"But really, Greg," he said, looking somewhat desperate, "how are we gonna get with some girls this summer? I'm tired of being hard. Tired of blue balls. They say that's not really a thing, but I think it is!"

"I don't know, man. We've tried, right?! But..."

"What?" he asked with a note of hope.

"Well, what if there just was no way to get with a girl, like if you were stranded or lost or something?" I asked.

"Like on an island? I don't know, I guess you just wouldn't get laid at all, right? Kinda like now, you dork! We're not getting any and we're right here."

"Yeah, but if you were super horny, like with a boner all the time and blue-balls."

"I AM!" he almost shouted. "What's your point?"

I just came out and said it, "You'd jack-off, right? I mean, a guy has to, doesn't he?"

"Of course! I do that. Don't you?" he asked, wondering if he'd admitted to too much.

"You mean you actually spank the monkey?" I asked, as if in horror, "Beat your meat? Pull your pud?"

"Yes, I masturbate," he added in a mock-scientific tone. Then he got kind of quiet, "I do it all the time. But like, that's not enough."

"I know," I said, quieter now too, "ya need another person, right?"

Johnny didn't say anything, but he was looking at me in a way I couldn't quite get.

I switched back to a jokey tone.

"Not just mister left hand or mister right hand all the time, Johnny! That's what we need!"

I held my two hands up as I spoke.

"This one doesn't look so bad," Johnny said, reaching for my left hand and taking it in his, "but can we call her Miss Left Hand instead?"

"Sure," I said, "I've tried that of course, but it's still the same."

"For you, sure, but I'm saying Miss Left Hand here," he was still holding my hand, "I'd fuck her."

"Man, are you seriously...?"

"No, no, I'm kidding Greg, don't freak out, I'm just..,"

"No, I'm not freaking out, I just, well, that's what I was thinking. That you need, we need, to do something other than jerk off alone. We need another person, for sex... for sex and... we want a girl, a hot girl, but we can't get with anyone. So, I mean."

"Yeah?" Johnny seemed to be breathing different.

"I thought maybe we could help each other out. Not like sex really, just getting off, but better than jerking yourself off."

"Oh." He said, laying my hand down on his thigh, up at the top.

Neither of us said anything and after a little while I picked my hand up off Johnny's leg. I feared I'd gone too far, but then Johnny took my hand again.

"Like I said, this hand is looking pretty good to me at this point. Wanna see how it feels? To, like, do each other? That's what you're talking about, right?"

"Sure! Why not help a buddy out, y'know? Remember Dave, that guy in our class, he had a red Toyota or something, and went out with Tanya?"

Johnny just looked at me.

"Okay, sorry, but I just remember him saying, and another dude talking about, that they, you know, like on camping trips and stuff they'd jerk off together. Looking at porn and just..."

"Yeah, I remember that. Eric said he and some of the guys from soccer did that too. He wanted me to try it, like, do it with him one time. I think we were at his place, in the basement and I was sleeping over or something."

"And did you?"

"I slept over there plenty of times, "Johnny said, sounding a little sad, "but no, I never did. I mean we didn't, not together. I don't know... I'm not sure why. I guess I wanted to, but..."

"Yeah. It's kinda weird, but what the fuck, right? Also, who is gonna know?"

"Right, I wouldn't tell anyone -- who would I tell? The guys at work: Hey dudes, what did you all do last night? I jerked off with my old high school buddy! Ha ha!"

We laughed and when we stopped, I think it sunk in that he'd just said that we jerked off together. That we had acknowledged that we were ready to actually do this.

"So how did Dave with the Toyota say they got started? I think you said porn, but man, I am already hard as fuck."

It seemed like we'd talked enough about it, so I just stood up and started undoing my pants. Johnny got up and did the same. We sat back down with our pants around our ankles and hard cocks pointing up at our bellies. We were on my bed because it was near the window and the fan, and we both leaned back with our hands behind us, like we were showing off, but really I think it was that neither of us knew how to start doing it.

"I'm pretty much an expert at jerking off, I bet you are too, but we don't seem to be able to do it now," I said, nervously stating the obvious, "Tell you what, let's just pretend we are alone and do it like we always do. To get started. Y'know?"

"But I Well, I don't need to do it like I always do," Johnny said, sounding a little annoyed with me, "I need someone else's hand. At least. We both do. Here, let's see how..."

He reached over and wrapped his warm fist around my cock. It felt so good that I thrust up right away and he lost hold of me.

"Sorry, I..."

"Hold still," he said, putting his other hand on my thigh to keep me in place, "so I can keep hold of it. Damn dude, it feels so hot. And soft but hard underneath. Really hard. I'm gonna start to..."

He began the up and down motion I'd done a thousand times but it felt a thousand times hotter than it ever did before. I squirmed around a bit, I couldn't help it. Johnny moved his hand from my thigh to my ass and it was like he had me there, holding me front and back. I looked down at his hand moving on my cock and then over at him. He was staring at my erection with a look of fascination and desire on his face, like he had finally gotten his hands on something he'd been wanting for a long time.

"How's that feel," he asked, looking up and meeting my gaze, "Am I doing it right?"

"Fuck, man, it feels sooo good! It's so much better... Hey! Let me do you, so you can see for yourself!" I said and reached for his boner. For the first time ever I held another guy's hard penis in my hand. It felt like mine, and totally different. It felt really hot and smooth, and Johnny must have liked having me hold him cause he stopped stroking my cock for a moment.

"Oh yeah," he said, smiling at me and panting, "this is great! Feels so good. Let's do it, man, let's jerk each other off! Girl, guy, whatever, that hot hand feels great!"

"We know just how to do it, too! I mean, I know what I like, what makes me come. I guess we should just do it like that on each other, right? Like this."

I started stroking his cock, sliding the skin up and back the way I liked it, and he stroked mine. We were both breathing hard and making other sounds: I moaned lightly like I do and he was groaning a little. Our hips bucked up once in a while - we were a little out of control. Super horny. Not far from the edge.

"Fuck, that's good," Johnny said, "don't stop, man, please don't stop."

I tore my eyes away from the sight of my hand stroking his pulsing cock and looked him in the eyes.

"Not gonna stop," I said between heaving breaths as he looked back at me, "I wanna make you cum, buddy. I wanna see it shoot."

It was true, though I hadn't really meant to say it out loud, staring my best friend in the eyes. I did want to see him cum. I always liked watching the semen spurt from my own cock, was drawn to cumshots in porn, and now I was going to get to make a guy cum. I could barely believe it, but nothing had ever gotten me as turned on as I was stroking my buddy's hard cock and hearing the sounds he made as he got close.

"Awww yeah," he moaned, "you're gonna make me cum. Oh damn, getting so close!"

Johnny was whimpering a little now. I literally had him in the palm of my hand and I liked the feeling. I knew how to do this, was really good at it and was happy to be able to use my skills to help a friend out. All guys could do this for each other, I thought as Johnny started to thrust up to meet my strokes. Good as his word, he was fucking my hand, shoving his cock up into my fist like it was a tight pussy. He lost his concentration and let go of my cock and I took the opportunity to move into a better position. Without missing a stroke, I slid off the bed and onto my knees between Johnny's legs.

"Just want a closer look, man," I explained, my face now just a foot from his straining erection. I could smell him and I took in a deep breath, "your cock is swelling and it looks... looks like... well, it looks like pure sex. I mean..."

Johnny was beyond talking, just grunting and cursing softly now. I moved to adjust my legs, still tangled in the pants around my ankles, and my face nearly touched the head of his cock. I could have backed off, but stayed where I was breathing hard and stroking close up as I sensed him going over the edge. His legs shook a little and his cock throbbed in my fist. I wrapped my other hand around his balls and gently pulled on them, the way I like to do just before I shoot off, and it made his boner tilt down and point right at me. Suddenly I wanted him in my mouth and I opened my lips but before I could move in he grunted and began to unload. The first spurt flew high, roping across my hair and onto my face. The next volleys came quickly and went into my open mouth, splattering my tongue and lips. I kept stroking and my tongue came out to catch the rest of Johnny's pent up jizz. Johnny was looking down at me and I must have made quite a sight, on my knees between his legs, face messy with his cum, my tongue out to lap up the last of his seed as it pulsed from his cock. He smiled and sighed. Before it even thought about it, I closed my lips and swallowed, his generous load sticking a little at the back of my throat. A look of surprise spread across Johnny's face and for a moment I felt a rush of embarrassment. I hadn't sucked his cock, but I'd wanted to and what I did -- jerk him off into my mouth and then swallow his cum -- was pretty perverted and gay. We were both still breathing heavily and then we just started laughing.

"That was amazing!" Johnny said, "Thanks. And you... my stuff... you swallowed it? Was it... I mean, did it taste, like, okay"

"Yeah, I didn't know I was going to... It just happened. You were so worked up and your cock looked... well." I didn't know what to say because I didn't know why I did it. I was worried that Johnny would think I was gross, but he didn't look like it. He looked... happy. And he was looking at me like I was his best friend, which I was. His best friend who just jerked him off and ate his cum.

"I might seem gross to you," I told him, "but it wasn't really. In fact..."

"No!" Johnny stopped me, "no, not gross. I mean I've tasted my own stuff before. Hasn't every guy? But seriously, that was the hottest thing that ever happened to me, dude. Thank you. And I need to pay you back, you know. I want to. You're still so hard. Let me just..."

He reached out and scooped a big glob of cum off my cheek, then smeared it onto my cock and began stroking right away. I gasped and jumped a little as his slippery hand ran over the tip of my swollen boner.

"Sorry, is that too..."

"No, it feels good. Keep going," I said, "please."

"Oh, I will. But I was wondering..."


"Just, it looked for a minute, like you were gonna..."

"What!?" I said, a little annoyed - I really wanted his cum-slicked hand back on my cock, "Gonna what?"

"Well... suck it. Mine. You opened your mouth and I thought..."

"I was. I wanted to," was all I could say.

I was still kneeling between Johnny's legs and I got up and moved to sit next to him on the bed. My cock was still hard as a rock, poking up into my belly. I leaned back on my elbows. I might have thought I'd feel shame or fear or something, having just done what I'd done and then telling my buddy right out that I wanted to suck his dick. Instead, I felt, well, I was aroused as hell of course -- I hadn't come yet -- but something else too. It was pride, I realized. I was good at sex, or at least I knew that I could make somebody feel good. Make them feel so good in fact, that they came. Squirmed and moaned and climaxed and grunted and thrust and came. Hard. I hadn't done that before and it felt great. I never would have thought it would happen with Johnny, but I was glad it had. I looked over at him.

"Johnny, I wanted to suck your cock, but you came before I got to," I was stroking my boner, slowly, looking him right in the eyes, "I think I still want to and I hope you'll let me, later, but now, you think you could help a guy out?"

I took my hand off my cock and thrust my hips up a little.

"Can you jerk me off please, Johnny?"

"No, that's what I was gonna say. Ask. Can I?" He licked his lips and looked down at my hard cock. "Suck you, I mean? I never have, but I'd like to try if you want me to."

End of Part 1. Tell me how you liked it - -- and stay tuned for Part 2 to find out how Johnny pays Greg back! And remember to donate to Nifty to keep the stories cumming!

Next: Chapter 2

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