John Gets What He Needs

By hoosier hogan

Published on Jan 22, 2007


Disclaimer: If you are not of legal age, leave... do not read this story. If it's illegal to have this kind of material where you live, don't read any further... or move. This story does contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts between same sex adults. If this offends you, that's your problem, not mine. Mental Illness is also portrayed and discussed in this story, if that bothers you, again, your problem not mine. This story is fictional and any similarities to real people are strictly coincidental. This story may not be sold or distributed without permission from the Author.

If you WANT a j/o story, this one isn't for you. If you NEED a love story, please keep reading.

John Gets What He Needs

Chapter 6

"Needing Evan"

On John's way home from work Wednesday, he had to shop at the local market for his and Evan's dinner. He picked out some nice looking T-bone steaks for the grill and some large potatoes. He managed to find some good-looking musk melons that came from southern states, because it was still too early in the summer for them to have been grown in Indiana yet. Around there, it took until about the end of July before you could get local summer produce. John was always ready for sweet corn and other fresh vegetables that he could buy at the corner produce stands, which seem to pop up over night during the late summer months.

His mind wandered to having summer cookouts in his back yard with family and friends, as he paid for his items at the check out. Summer just seemed so much better with fresh local produce. His mouth watered for a fresh Indiana tomato or a watermelon picked that very same day. 'Ummmm, yum.'

John got his groceries and headed home, knowing that Evan would be there in less than an hour. He pulled into the drive and was home, at last, after what seemed like the longest day of his life. 'Never have the hands of time moved so slowly,' he thought, with the anticipation of Evan coming over for dinner.

He unloaded the groceries and brought them into the kitchen just as the phone rang.

"Hey, Evan ..." John hurriedly answered, recognizing the Caller ID, "... you still coming over for dinner, right?"

"Umm ... Yeah ... Uhh ... John ... how'd you know it was me?" Evan hesitantly questioned with perplexity in his voice.

Laughing, John said, "Hell! You're as bad as I am; I do have caller ID, you know."

"Crap ... I always forget about that, too," Evan laughed back.

"Are you still coming over for dinner, Ev?"

"Yeah ... just wanted to call first and make sure you were home ... and didn't forget about me coming over," Evan cautiously replied.

"Not a chance in hell about that happening, bud ... been thinking about you all day." John grinned to himself.

Evan smiled to himself, also, and said. "Good! Me, too ... I'm leaving now and will be there in about ten minutes; is that ok?"

"Yeah, Ev ... I'll be watching for you ... just look for my truck in the drive."

"Ok ... see you in a few, then."

'Ok ... Bye"

John hung up the receiver and quickly unpacked the groceries that were on the counter. He put the melon in the refrigerator to chill and started preparing for what would be their first meal together.

After a few minutes, John stopped what he was doing and went out to the driveway and shot a few baskets, waiting for Evan. He wasn't sure if Evan would find the house, so he made sure he would see him.

Evan arrived in a black Grand Am Pontiac that looked new. He was surprised that Evan could afford such a nice, newer car. Evan got out, carrying a two-liter bottle of soda, and came up to John with a timid grin on his face. "Guess I found it ok," he said.

"Yeah, you're right on time, bud. Nice car you have there," John said, admiring the car.

"It's a year old. My brother bought it for me after I got out of the hospital. He wanted to make sure I had reliable transportation for my visits to the doctor," Evan explained, as he looked at the car and then down to the ground.

"Must be nice to have such a generous brother. I'm envious of ya, Ev." John smiled at Evan with compassion and understanding as he saw him toy with some pebbles on the ground.

"Well ... he has the money ... ya know, with him having his own auto body shop ... and I ... uhhh ... I think he feels a little guilty for picking on me so much when we were growing up. I get the feeling it's his way of trying to ... to ... to pay me back, I guess. At first, he thought it was something he did ... that made me sick," Evan revealed.

"I remember how he was," John admitted, nodding his head in agreement.

"He's a good brother. He really is. He's really been supportive of me, and is always there when I need something ... without asking." Evan fondly smiled, thinking of his brother.

"Good to hear, but I know you have a good family, Ev; we're both very fortunate, in that way. Now, come on; let's go inside, and you can help me make dinner."

Evan followed John into the house and to the kitchen where they worked together, preparing a salad and cleaning the potatoes, wrapping them in foil before putting them on the grill. John went outside to light the grill and got it ready for the food to be cooked, while Evan cut up the melon from the fridge.

The awkwardness of renewing their friendship was quickly replaced with conversation about John's house and what kind of food they both liked the best. Evan still seemed to be a bit nervous, but John could see he was trying to hide it. Evan was never good at hiding his feelings, and John always could read him like a book. John would catch himself staring at Evan while he was talking, thinking how he liked his black hair in contrast to his own hair, which was blond. John felt that whenever Evan looked at him, his eyes pierced right into his (John's) very soul. The conversation flowed more easily, the longer they were together -- cooking dinner, setting the table, "accidentally" bumping into each other as they moved about the kitchen and dining area -- and by the time they sat down to eat, both were laughing at each other's jokes and fond remembrances of their childhood days ... of summers ... spent together.

After they finished their dinner and had cleaned up the dishes, both went to the living room, presumably to sit on the couch and watch some TV ... "to let their dinner digest," they had agreed.

Evan started to sit in the center of the couch, but just before sitting down, changed his mind and moved to the left end.

John saw the little change take place, and remembered his telephone conversation with Chris when she told him that Evan didn't like to be touched unless he already knew it was going to happen. Keeping that in mind, John sat down, next to Evan ... closely ... but not so closely that any part of them was touching.

Evan immediately seemed to relax more.

With the remote, John began surfing the channels. "What do you want to watch, buddy?"

"I'm not particular, John. Anything you wanna watch will be fine with me," Evan said as he slid down in the seat a little more, so that he could rest his head on the back of the couch. He even spread his legs apart a little more, unconsciously 'leaving himself open,' so to speak, while at the same time, showing his complete easiness and comfort at being with John.

In his peripheral vision, John had seen how relaxed Evan had become.

And he continued to click through the channels. Suddenly they heard beautiful, soft orchestral music, and soon discovered that it was a special performance by Sting unplugged. They looked at each other, slightly smiling. Evan nodded his approval, closed his eyes, and laid his head back on the couch once again.

John put the remote down on the cocktail table just in front of them. Then, turning just a bit in order to look at Evan a little more easily, placed his left elbow onto the back of the couch, and propped his head in his left hand.

A moment of unspoken silence, filled only with the soothing strains of music and the great vocals of Sting.

And then another. And another.

Evan raised his head, opened his eyes, and looked directly into John's eyes. "What are you ... thinking about ... John?" he asked, apprehensively.

"Ohhh ... just thinking about you, Ev ... errr ... how about another hug, little guy?"

A quick sigh of relief, and then Evan replied, "Sure, just don't squeeze me too hard; I might toss my dinner." They both gave a little chuckle.

"No worries, Ev, I'll be easy on ya."

They both shifted their positions, and John wrapped his arm around Evan and pulled him closer to himself, holding him tight from the side. Evan reciprocated and brought his hand around to John's chest.

A moment ... maybe, two ... passed as both breathed slowly, both absorbing the scent of the other; cheek was against cheek; chins were resting on shoulders. Slowly they drew apart, looking into each other's eyes, though their arms still clung to the other's back.

"Thanks for coming over for dinner, bud; I really enjoy being with you again, Ev."

"Thanks for having me, John; I like it, too."

"Hey, Ev, I want to show you something," John excitedly exclaimed. "Come on, follow me."

They broke their embrace and John got up and Evan followed him out of he living room and down the hall to John's bedroom.

Once inside the room, they stopped, and then John reached out, placed his hands on Evan's shoulders, and said, "Close your eyes, Ev, and then turn around."

Not questioning John's request, Evan closed his eyes, and with John's helping hands on his shoulders, he turned.

"Now ... open them," John instructed.

As he did so, he was taken aback as he stared in shock and fear at the last sketch he had done in high school. Evan didn't speak, but just gazed at John's naked form on the wall. John was still standing behind him, waiting for his reaction.

John spoke up after a minute or so and said, " You remember doing this, Ev?"

"Ahh ... yeah ... how ... how did you ... get this?"

"Mr. Biscking gave it to me after you left; he said he thought you might want me to have it. I think it's great work, Ev."

"So ... you're not mad? ... I ... I ... never meant for you to see this, John; I'm so sorry."

"What are you sorry for, bud? It's beautiful, and I love it. True, it took me a while to get use to seeing myself nude, but now that it's in the frame, it just looks like art to me."

Evan began to tear up, and John was confused as to what he was thinking. He couldn't understand why Evan was sad.

"Hey ... what's up, Ev? I'm not mad that you sketched me nude ... I think it's great ... you did a wonderful job."

"It's not that, John, I ... I ... just miss ... him ... a lot."

"Whatcha mean? ... I'm right here, Ev."

"It's hard to explain; I know you're the same person ... it's just that ... you've changed so much, John ... and I remember you like you were, here, on the wall, when I sketched you. I miss him so much."

John hugged Evan from behind and held him close and whispered into his ear, "Ev ... it's still me, bud ...I may be bigger now, but I'm still the same guy you've always loved. AND ... I'm the same guy who's ... always ... loved ... you."

Evan turned around in John's embrace and wrapped his arms around him and put his head into his chest, smelling him and thinking he still smelled the same, sweet, manly scent that he'd always loved to smell.

John easily picked Evan up off his feet and walked over to the bed and laid him down softly. Evan looked up at him in somewhat of a shock, wondering what John was thinking of doing. John gently lay down beside him and embraced him again as he lay next to him at his side. Evan rolled over onto his side facing him, as they looked into each other's eyes for a moment.

Evan moved his face closer to John's and gave him a small, gentle kiss on his lips. John was surprised by the feeling of kissing Evan, and was a bit shocked that he liked it ... that he even enjoyed it. Tentatively, but gently, John reciprocated and softly kissed Evan in return. They held onto each other silently for what seemed like an eternity. Each could hear the other's increased breathing and the speeding 'thump, thump, thump' of the heart beats.

Evan was intoxicated with John's scent of manliness. He'd never felt the same way -- not with any other guys that he'd been with. John always had a sweet, masculine smell to him, even when he had been sweaty from playing hoops. He had still smelled sweet to Evan.

Evan could feel John's bulge grow up against him, as his was doing the same against John. It felt so good, once again, and memories of them doing the same thing, years before, flooded Evan's mind. He felt content and safe for the first time in a very, very long time.

"Evan, I need to tell you something," John said, looking into his eyes. "You know I love you ... but it's more than that ... I'm ... I'm ... I'm in love with you, Ev."

"John, are you sure you..."

John cut him off. "Ev ... I never felt this way for another guy before ... but I know what I want, and I'm kind of ... scared ... yes, that's what it is ... scared ... of the feelings I have for you. I just don't know what to do about them. I've never been with another man. I don't..."

Then Evan cut him off, and, with tears of happiness in his own eyes, gave John a soft gentle kiss. "It's ok, John; we can go slow ... we don't have to do anything you don't want to do, or anything that you're not ready for. I'm just happy to be in your arms, and snuggled up against you, once again. I've felt so empty ... and so alone ... for so long."

John smiled at him and knew Evan was sincere. He knew Evan would be patient with him. The whole man-to-man thing was just too new for him, but he knew one thing for certain -- he knew that he wanted to have Evan in his arms. Kissing him felt so right, and besides that, he was getting very aroused, at nothing more than feeling Evan up close to him. And feeling Evan's arousal was ... well ... it felt even better.

Evan gently ran his hands over John's shirt on his chest, and loved feeling his large frame. He shivered with excitement and got a little braver and reached under the shirt and slowly, sensually, began running his hands over John's abdominals and hairy chest, and pecs, and nipples, and ... well, just ... everything! John moaned softly at the light touches he was experiencing.

John quickly broke their embrace and yanked his own shirt off, and then helped Evan remove his. Then he embraced Evan to where they were chest to chest, and thought Evan's smooth, nearly hairless chest felt fantastic up against his own hairy one. 'Almost the same as a woman's soft, smooth skin ...' he thought, '... but much better!' He quickly sucked in a deep breath through his clenched teeth, as an electrical charge of urgency contracted his entire midsection on its way down from his chest to the pulsing blood, steadily filling his cock.

"John ... When did you get so hairy?"

"When I went into the Air Force ... Is it ok?"

"Oh, yeah! I think it's hot! You feel wonderful. I love how it feels against me. It kinda tickles ... but tickles ... good!"

John smiled and rubbed up and down onto Evan and not only heard, but felt, a long, drawn-out moan softly escape Evan's throat. He kissed him deeper and harder, nearly chipping each other's teeth, as Evan returned the more enthusiastic, passionate kiss.

He broke away from John and lowered his head down to his warm hairy chest, running his mouth over his nipples as he began erotically sucking and licking on them. John moaned again and again as Evan's tongue slid from one to the other, never losing contact with the skin, giving each one great attention. John's nipples hardened from the assault, and he put his hand on the back of Evan's head, tenderly feeling his soft black hair with his increasingly more sensitive fingertips.

Evan worked his large buddy's hairy chest with his mouth and tongue, then moved lower to his stomach, lowering his hand to John's hardened cock, lightly rubbing it through his pants. Evan managed to unbutton and unzip them to get better access to the prize he had longed and yearned for, for so many years.

John was wiggling from excitement and desire as he let Evan do what he wanted to with him. He no longer had any resistance left in him, and was not only entranced, but also entrenched, into the moment of sexual desire.

He grabbed Evan to force him to stop for a moment, but only so that he could get out of all his clothes. He told Evan to do the same, and in what seemed like a flash, they both lay next to each other fully naked for the first time.

Evan resumed what he was doing and lightly wrapped his hand around John's hard cock. Mentally, he measured it to be about seven inches long and beautifully proportioned. His blond hairy pubes looking as if standing guard in front of a prize. John moaned louder at each new touch and realized Evan was about to touch his cock with his mouth. He wanted his hard, leaking cock in his mouth so badly; he grabbed Evan's head and pushed him down onto it. He could feel him sucking and licking the shaft and running his tongue over his pulsating head. Evan pulled off his cock and smiled. "Mmmmm ... Your precum tastes sooooo sweet."

"You keep that up, Ev, and you're gonna get my load, too," John warned.

"I want you to give that load to me,big guy; give it all to me. I've wanted to taste it for so long."

Evan went back to sucking John's cock that was close to spurting its juices. John began writhing on the bed in blissful, joyous pain, humping up and down, twisting and rolling his cock around inside Evan's mouth, knowing that his offering was mere seconds away. He moaned one last time and then screamed, "OhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGod EVAAAAAN!"as he grabbed Evan's soft black hair by the back of his head and slammed his cock farther into Evan's mouth. Instantly, he began cumming harder than he ever thought he could; his hips were off the bed, hoping, praying that that position could get more of his cock into Evan's mouth and throat. Five ... six ... seven spurts later... ... ...

Evan couldn't take all of it ... it was cumming so fast, and it began oozing out of the corners of his mouth, down that luscious, delicious cock and onto John's pubes. He swallowed what he could, then slurped and hungrily licked up the rest and went back to the still hard cock to lick off any remaining drops from the still throbbing glans. John whimpered as he touched it, "Easy, stud; it's a little bit sensitive, now."

"Sorry, big guy; I just can't stop myself ... I still want more of you."

"No hurry, Ev; you can do that anytime you want ... any time at all. Damn; that was hot, bud."

Evan grinned, and John pulled him up on top of himself and wrapped his arms around him, then gave him a deep passionate kiss. He could taste some of his own cum still on Evan's lips. Evan liked the feeling of lying on top of John's hairy body and began humping his cock onto John's stomach. John grabbed Evan's ass and pulled him harder onto himself. Evan moaned from the friction his hairy stomach and chest was causing, and he began cumming all over John's stomach and chest, panting loudly. Evan looked up at his new lover ... 'Lover? ... Lover?' he questioned within his own mind. 'YES! ... John is my lover!' he silently screamed to himself ... and grinned as he saw John smiling coyly back at him.

"Wow! That was so hot. Sorry about the mess all over you, big guy."

"No need to be sorry, Ev; I liked it; I've never had another guy shoot on me before ... except myself, that is ... It was hot, bud."

"John ... I love you so much," Evan exclaimed loudly, looking into his lover's eyes.

"I love you too, Ev, and I'm never, never, never letting you go again ... ever!"

Evan smiled and laid his head on John's chest just as his big hairy lover wrapped his arms around him. He could hear his heart beat against his ear, and it lulled him to a restful sleep.

John could hear his buddy sleeping soundly on top of him, and he quietly lay there thinking how wonderful it had been. He softly played with Evan's hair with one hand and lightly massaged his firm ass with his other. He thought how this was just the beginning of what he was going to learn about sex with Evan. He wanted to try so many things. He was still nervous and unsure about what to do, but he knew Evan had experience and would show him ... teach him ... when they were both ready.

His thoughts went from Evan to his son, Jacob. 'How will this change things? Could I still have my son ... AND have a man as my partner? Could we live openly as a couple? Or would we have to hide it?' John had to think how it would affect his own life ... his son's life ... Evan's life. Before, he had only thought about how much he wanted Evan. Now, everything had become more complicated. He knew he wanted Evan; he knew he wanted his own son; the rest would just have to work its way out.

John looked over at the alarm clock beside the bed ... 9:28 P.M. He realized it was getting late, and Evan had to get home to take his meds. And he knew that he'd have to get up in time for work in the morning.

Evan was still fast asleep on top of him, lightly snoring. John could feel Evan's cum stuck between them both and knew they needed a shower.

"Ev ... wake up, little buddy," John said, pinching his butt cheek at the same time.

Evan began to stir and looked up at his warm, soft, hairy, temporary 'mattress' he was lying on, and smiled. John looked back at him with his own shit-eating grin. "Guess you fell asleep on me, Ev."

"Sorry, I was just spent after we ... we ... um ... you know."

"You mean after you coated me with your cum?" John gave him a smirk.

"Yeah, and I think I'm stuck to you now." Evan laughed at his own double meaning.

"Let's go take a shower, and then you probably should get home so you can take your meds before bed," John asserted, as any good, loving 'TOP' would do.

"Yeah, I guess you're right; I didn't mean to be here so late. I really do hate to leave, you know," Evan said, disappointedly.

"You know you're welcome to stay here anytime you want. I'd love to sleep all night next to you, even if you do snore a little," John said, half smirking, half chuckling.

"Sorry about that; I've been told I do snore some. I hope it didn't bother you."

"Does it look like it bothered me?" John asked, smiling.

"Guess not." Evan smiled back and hugged him tighter.

"Come on, let's go take that shower, now, and get your spooge off of us, my little man."

They pulled themselves apart, and John's chest and 'treasure trail' hair was matted with dryed cum. It didn't hurt half as bad as he thought it would. They got into the bathroom and John turned on the water to get the temperature just right. Got some towels and washcloths and told Evan to go ahead and slide in the shower as he got in behind him. The water was hot and steamy, though comfortable, and they got under the showerhead together, holding each other in their arms.

"Ev, I could hold you forever like this. You'll never know how much I really do love you." John smiled.

"Ditto, big guy." Evan smiled back.

They kissed as the water ran down their bodies and as their hands ran all over each other's. John still had yet to touch Evan's penis; he was still hesitant about doing that, but was sure he would soon take that step. He surely loved touching and massaging Evan's firm ass, though. It turned him on, just feeling it.

Finally, they broke their embrace and soaped each other up and got cleaned from their first time together of lovemaking. Quick as it was, it was no less special, and neither would ever forget the moment when their friendship finally evolved to the next level.

They stayed in the shower, not wanting to stop exploring each other, until the hot water started to turn cold. After what seemed like time had stood still, they shut the water off and left the shower to towel each other dry.

They went back to the bedroom and sat on the bed gathering their clothes and redressing in silence. Nothing needed to be said, though they both were smiling as they quickly took glances at each other while dressing. They both were happy and content on how the evening had unfolded.

They went into the living room, and John grabbed Evan and gave him a big kiss, hugging him and holding onto him, not wanting him to leave. Looking deeply into his eyes, John said, "Ev, I hate it that you have to leave, bud. I wish, so much, that you could spend the night ... here ... with me."

"Same here, big guy, but I wasn't expecting to stay over, and I do need to get home," Evan said with a sad face.

"Please, Ev ... will you come over tomorrow after I get home from work ... and stay all night?" John asked, almost begging.

"Are you sure you're ready for that, John?" Evan questioned him.

"Oh, yeah, little man, oh, yeah ... I wanna hold this all night long," John said as he grabbed Evan's ass.

"Pervert!" Evan squealed, chuckling.

"Sorry, Ev ... I just like the way your ass feels in my hands. You really do have a hot bublebutt, dude," John smirked with his famous grin.

"It's all yours, big guy." Evan smiled.

"I think we've already established that, now, haven't we?" He smiled back.

"Yeah ... I'm all yours ... I guess," Evan meekly answered, as he backed away from John's hold on his ass.

"You GUESS???" John taunted.

Evan stood as if frozen in silence for a moment, looking down at the floor, but eventually could no longer maintain his serious façade. His face became wrinkled in a huge grin, and he burst out with uproarious laughter. "Just joshin', John, just joshin'. I'm sorry; I couldn't resist it. Of course I'm all yours ... and ... IT's all yours, too, big guy," he said, slapping both sides of his ass as he continued laughing.

Then, overtaken with the moment's humor, John grabbed Evan once again, pulled him to himself, and locked their lips together, suffocating the laughter into muffled moans of surrendered love for each other.

Slowly, they pulled apart.

"So ... You want to spend tomorrow night here?"

Evan nodded 'yes.'

"You bring what ever you need; okay?"

"Yeah ... it sounds like a date," Evan said.

"Well, I haven't taken you out on a proper date just yet, but I fully plan on it, probably this weekend ... if you want," John added, confidently.

"Well, since we've already shared our ... love juices ... with each other, I think a date might be a good idea." Evan laughed, and John laughed back, and smacked him on the ass, again.

"Smartass." John chuckled.

"Takes one, to know one," Evan threw back at him.

"Ohhhhh, you're gonna get it," John teasingly threatened.

"I hope so, John; you just don't know how much I hope so," Evan seriously countered.

They kissed one last time before their goodbyes, and Evan was out the door and on his way home. John waited by the phone for Evan's call to tell him he got home ok. John had actually demanded that Evan call, so that he wouldn't worry.

After Evan phoned, John was spent and went back to his bedroom and got naked and back into bed. His thoughts were many, and again he wondered how this would affect his life. He had a lot of questions, but realized that nothing mattered to him except for being happy with Evan and Jacob, and he was intent on making that happen.

He soon fell asleep and dreamed of his son, Jacob, and his lover, Evan, living with him, all together as a happy family.

There were no nightmares of John Doe that night -- only happy dreams.

End Chapter 6

Special Thanks goes to Zeke CCXLI for all his help, encouragement and guidance in making my story come to life.

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Next: Chapter 7

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