John Gets What He Needs

By hoosier hogan

Published on Dec 6, 2014




"Good Bye Jacob"

A week later...

Tom woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep. His lover laid next to him sleeping soundly on his side facing away. His thoughts of Jake and how he would miss him while he was gone from their lives, tormented him. He'd gotten familiar to the family they all had made up together, and it never occurred to him that one day, it would change.

His own family was all over the place and not close. His father died when he was young, and his mom moved to Florida years ago. The guys were his only family. John and Evan's family, was his family, in his mind.

He and Andy had been together almost 13 years total. Not including the three times Tom ended their arrangement. He still was having a hard time with it in his head those first few years. Andy always took him back tho. To this day, he still couldn't understand why a guy like Andy loved and worshiped him so deeply and true. He was so hot and such a catch, that he most likely could have any gay man he wanted.

He just could not wrap around his head why Andy would want him. He knew he was a handsome guy and good in bed, but he was nothing like the driven disciplined Andy that he loved. There was never two people that could be more opposite than the pair of them, he thought. He also knew without a doubt in his mind, he loved and needed Andy right where he was, at that moment, in bed with him.

Tom just stared at this muscled ex-marine and current deputy sheriff lying naked next to him. He loved to lay there and look at the handsome prize he had in bed. The more he stared at him sleeping naked, the more it turned him on. He loved Andy's round tight ass. His cock got hard just looking at it.

Tom's deep thinking quickly turned to thinking about deep penetrating Andy's ass. He slid closer to his sleeping partner and began to rub his hard cock against him.

Andy stirred, as he felt his ass being molested by his lover in bed. "Stop it! I'm not in the mood DAMN IT !" Andy protested as he tried to wake up fully but in a grumpy mood.

"Ah come on officer Andy, open up that sweet hole of yours so I can fill it with my hard cock buddy. I'm so horny." He pleaded.

"Dude how can you think about sex when you know Jake is leaving today for the Marines. I don't feel like it right now!" Andy yells back.

"Come on officer Andy. Let me in man!" He says as he continues to rub his hard cock over his ass and pleads again.

Andy protests by saying, "You fucking pervert, I swear you are still going to wake up hard and horny when your sixty." then laughs now that hes fully awake.

"You know you want this hard cock in ya, there's no since in trying to deny it!" He says as he smiles and laughs.

Andy laughs back and says' "I fucking hate you!"

"Sweet talker! Now open up that hole and let me fuck that hard tight ass of yours." He says as he continues to probe.

Andy sighs and no longer protesting, moves his legs open wider, giving Tom room to slide his spit soaked cock slowly into his warm ass.

"Ah shit! Damn yeah, that's what I needed! Your hot fucking cop ass." Tom moaned.

Soft moans come from Andy's lips also, as he feels his intruder sliding slowly in and out of his ass. Hearing Andy's moans gave Tom the OK to go further and to quicken his pace violating him.

He reached around and grabbed Andy's now hard cock and began jacking him off to his own rhythm of pounding that nice hole.

Andy reached back and grabbed a hand full of Tom's thick brown hair and tugged at the man behind him fucking his ass now roughly.

"Yeah! You like that don't ya cop?" He taunts his lover in his ear.

"Fuck you asshole! Shut up and fuck me harder!" Andy says as he moans louder.

Tom moves his mouth close to Andy's ear and whispers. " I'm gonna cum deep inside you. I still own that ass, even after all these years, don't I? You hot muscle stud!" Tom says has he continues to taunt Andy.

"Fucking right you do. Don't fucking stop. Please don't fucking stop!" He pleads and moans.

"Not a damn chance. Not till I fill that hole with my seed again."

"Oh yeah. OH YEAH!" Andy managed to moan as he pulled Tom's hair harder and began to cum all over his hand and his own chest dripping off him onto the sheets.

Tom lifts his head back and then yelled... "I'm cummmingggg...fuck ya!"

Tom stayed in his ass as he took his hand off Andy's cock and feed him some of his own cum, " Like that copper?" Tom said as he playfully nibbled at Andy's Ear.

He eventually came out of his sex induced coma then pulled away and turned to Tom and said. "Your such an asshole!" and smiled back at his sweaty intruder.

Tom smiled back at him and said, "Maybe, but I'm YOUR asshole dude."

Andy laughed and then wiped some of his own cum off his chest and put it up to Toms mouth and told him to, " Take it!"

Tom cringed then shook his head in protest and said, "No way! GROSS! I don't want too dammit!"

"Take my cum, don't you love me, don't you want some of me in you. Like your always in me?" Andy said as he toyed with him.

Tom reluctantly gave in then opened his mouth and let Andy feed him his cum off his finger. He then looked at Andy and smirked, "Happy now?"

Andy quickly and over overpoweringly jumped onto Tom's naked torso and held his arms down as he struggled to free himself from his much stronger lover.

"Dude get off me! You fucking muscle head!" He pleaded.

" Not till you tell me you like my cum inside you!" Andy said firmly but jokingly.

"No fucking way dude. Never!" Tom said as he squirmed around trying to break free from the python grip his lover had on him. The roles reversed, now it was Tom being the dominated one.

"Say it bitch, or I'm gonna hurt ya till you say it!" Andy laughed.

Tom smiled as he struggled against his much stronger lover who he just dominated and planted his seed in his ass.

Andy looked into Tom's eyes and smiled saying, "You better say it or your not going to get my ass anymore, maybe I will take your ass next time!"

"In your dreams, you ain't gonna fuck my ass! That's my job to fuck YOU, and don't you forget it Mr. Sheriff Andy Taylor!" Tom said as he laughed loudly.

Andy just laughed back as he watched his lover struggle as hard as he could against his own strength. He bent down and kissed Tom lovingly as he released his hands and laid gently on his warm hairy chest.

Tom's hands now free, he reached around the hot muscled stud on top of him and caressed his back and those amazing cheeks.

Tom grinned and kissed Andy then grabbing his ass, smacking it hard.

"Ouch fuck tard! That hurt!" Andy cried out.

Tom kissed his lover again and looked him into his eyes and said, " I fucking love you dude!"

"I love you fucking back!" Andy declared, as they kissed again. He rolled off Tom and they faced each other. Tom grinned at him and said, "Thanks for that fine piece of ass, My cock is happy now."

Andy just grinned back at him and said, "Well if I didn't let you, you would of pouted like a sulking kid all day."

They kissed again and caressed and cuddle-up to each other for a while before Tom started the conversation about Jake leaving today. "You ARE going today to see Jake off aren't you?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss seeing him off, and we need to be there for John and Evan too, don't forget that." Andy responded.

"I'm sure going to miss that kid," Tom said as he closed his eyes trying not to tear up. He could feel it coming and he fought it with all his might. He swallowed hard trying to keep those feelings down deep.

Andy seen the distress in his eyes and tried to reassure him, "I know you are, we both will, but it's all part of growing up Tom...People move on with their lives . We will be proud of him and of his accomplishments."

Tom was irritated with Andy's lack of emotion and snapped back, "Easy for you to say, you moved away and did the same thing when you were young. It's different for me, my whole life is here with you and our friends...John,Evan, and Jake, and YOU are my family. I don't have anyone else, my family isn't close. I love you guys." Tom managed to say then hid his face in his lovers chest.

"I know Tom, we all love you too, especially me. I'm the one that has to put up with you everyday!" Andy said to lighten the mood as he ran his fingers through Tom's hair.

Tom was confused that Andy wasn't more upset than he was about Jake leaving and became even more irritated, "Ya like you HAVE to!" tom smirked.

" You know what I mean..I love you even more than I did when we first fucked! Your my world dude!" Andy sad trying to reassure Tom he was loved.

Tom began to feel a bit embarrassed by his emotions and tried to make a joke, "Damn your starting to act like a whinny girl dude!" He laughed.

"Fuck you don't fool me, your not the hard ass you pretend to be. Your fucking tore up inside over Jake leaving."

Tom sighed, " I know, but hes like our kid too, I'm gonna miss him and....." Tom said then didn't finish his thought.

"What Tom?" Andy questioned why he didn't finish his sentence.

Tom looked up and finally divulged the rest, "I'm worried about John and Evan, they are going to need our help to get through this."

"You mean your worried about Evan aren't ya?" Andy said with an odd look on his face.

Tom sat up quickly and looked at Andy and angrily said, "WHAT? Why you say it like that? Say what you mean! FUCKER!"

Andy backed off a little and put his hand on Tom's shoulder and responded, "I'm just saying your worried about Evan and you want to be there for him. You two have a weird special bond."

Tom was still staring at Andy and continued saying, "Sounds like your jealous or something." Tom said defensively.

Andy leaned over and kissed him, then continued, "I'm not saying it like that...I'm just saying you two have a special bond that ONLY you two seem to understand. I know your worried about him. Your worried hes going to get sick again from the stress." Andy swallowed his emotions down and continued, " I remember the last time he went into the hospital when he lost his parents, John wouldn't let you see him like that. You were so mad at him, I thought you came really close to hitting him. Even though you understood why he wouldn't let you. He told you Evan wouldn't want anyone seeing him like that. I think, you feel like you had to be there to help save him cause you loved him. You know how special and unconditionally he loves everyone.

'To really know Tom is to understand that his emotions usually come out backwards and confused most of the time. Anyone that doesn't know this would never really get to know the real Tom' Andy thought to himself.

Tom nodded his head in confirmation and then tried to disperse this whole emotional discussion by saying, " Yep your jealous!"

Andy grimaced and put his hands over his face and deeply sighed, then without warning, punched Tom hard in the chest and ran to the bathroom to jump in the shower.

Tom gasped for air from the blow and laid there for a minute to recover, then got up and ran into the bathroom yelling at Andy, "You fucking prick, that hurt!" as he entered the shower with Andy.

Andy just smiled as he tried to kiss him. Tom tried to rebuke his advances, then Andy pinned him up against the shower wall and kissed him deeply.

"I love you." Andy smiled.

"I know." Tom smiled back.

Tom looked down at the red spot on his chest where Andy hit him and said, "Damn my chest hurts, I'm gonna get you into trouble and file domestic battery charges against you fucker!"

Andy laughed and smacked Tom on the ass.

"Ouch fucker! See? Yep I'm abused!" Tom wittingly declared.

The irony of what Tom just said went over his head, and Andy wasn't about to explain Ellen's coming out, 'Yep I'm Gay' article to him.

"I think you like it! And just make sure you let who ever your telling, know it wasn't me that gave you that shiner you still have. It was Sasquatch John." Andy chuckled.

"What ever, its hardly noticeable now." Tom pouted

Andy kissed him again and began soaping up Tom's front side, and then spun him around roughly to wash his backside.

Tom liked the way it felt as Andy's muscled body handled him, caressed him. It was as relaxing as if he was on a massage table, he agreed to himself. The combination of strength and caresses, were overwhelming to his senses.

Tom thought to himself. 'Still after all these years how he could love a guy, even more how such a hot stud like Andy loved him.' These thoughts even after all these years still invaded Toms head. He had no words to explain it. 'He only knew he loved Andy and Andy loved him. He no longer cared who knew. He only cared how good he felt around him. He was happy and loved.' Someways, he tested him by trying to push him away till he could take no more, but instead, Andy just held on tighter. 'There was no lingering doubt in his head that he was his forever, he wasn't going to leave him. He wasn't going to put himself out there only to be crushed later. Andy was the kind of guy that would be there to the end. He trusted him fully.' He concluded in his thoughts.

Andy had finished washing him and Tom left his deep thoughts and returned the favor to wash Andy. He loved how his muscles felt as he soaped up his body..sometimes Andy would flex for him with an ornery smile that Tom loved.

Tom finished and they rinsed off together. He grabbed Andy and kissed him again and only said. "I love you."

Andy smiled back and said, "I know"

Tom smacked him on the ass as they exited the shower and went back into the bedroom to dress.

Andy looked at the sheets on the bed and laughed. "Looks like were gonna have to do the laundry, these sheets are a mess!" and laughed.

The two later sat at the table and sipped their coffee. Tom took the day off and Andy had to work, but promised he would be home in time to see Jacob off.

Jacob made it very clear he didn't want a party or a special send off. He said his goodbyes to everyone, and only wanted the four men in his life to see him off. He told Evan he could throw him a party when he completed basic training and came home 'a Marine' for leave. Evan protested but eventually honored his requests. Andy understood it too well. He wanted to return a man, a Marine. That was something to celebrate.

Tom looked up at him and grilled him again for the tenth time in two days that he was going to be there and not miss seeing him off. Andy for the tenth time said he would and to stop worrying.

"So what you going to do today?" Andy asked.

Tom explained, "Thought I'd get your control freak nag list done early, then go hang out at the house and visit with Evan and John, and help out." then smiled.

"Well wash those sheets with the rest of the laundry when you do your chores please." Andy smiled back.

"Yes ! fuck you, nag, clean freak, dad!" Tom smiled as he rambled words out in order of how much they annoyed him.

"If it was up to you we'd be sleeping in cum crusted sheets tonight if I didn't nag you." Andy laughed.

"Your probably right." He laughed... "besides most of it is on your side." He grinned at the man he loved. Andy gave him a stare, then shook his head, and went back to drinking his coffee.

Andy noticed it got quiet as he sipped his coffee. Then looked over at Tom.

Tom sipped his and looked up at him and said, "What?"

"What?" Tom said again in response looking agitated.

"What are you thinking? You get quiet when your thinking." Andy scorned his partner as if he was hiding something from him.

"Your worried about Evan aren't you, I mean I know your gonna miss Jake...but your worried about Evan." Andy said as he stared at him.

Tom stared back, then looked down back at his coffee and sipped it, then responded with a, " Yeah!"

Andy reached over and put his hand on his shoulder and Tom looked up, then spoke, " Your a good friend Tom.You got a heart bigger than most would ever guess, you hide it well."

Tom rolled his eyes, then explained, "I'm complicated!" He said grinning.

Andy grinned back."I still love you!"

"I kinda like you a little back, especially that fine ass!" Tom smiled.

Andy just grinned back and sipped his coffee.

Andy knew Tom loved him. He just didn't feel the need to say it every time someone said it to him. It was a quirk Tom had that took Andy a while to understand and too not take to heart. He knew Tom loved him. He didn't have to hear it, he seen it in his eyes.

He left for work and Tom hurried with is house chores. Living with an ex-military clean freak, was no easy task, especially considering Tom was exactly the opposite. It made Andy happy when he got his chore orders done, so he was use to it by now. Tom would never admit this to him , but he liked everything in its place. The comfort of Andy's organization and obsession with neatness gave him a sense of stability.

Tom finished his list and drove over to the country home of John and Evan's. The big old house in the middle of corn fields that was Evan's parents house before he received it after they passed. Tom loved it here, it was like his second home. The guys always met here.

He thought to himself about the morning he had with Andy. He couldn't understand why he insisted on picking fights with him every chance he could. He smiled to himself as he realized Andy wouldn't let him. He only told him everything he needed to hear instead. He was loved, and he loved back, it felt so good.

His thoughts turned to Evan. He was still puzzled how that weird little dude had sneaked into his heart. How did he become so close to someone he never cared anything about when they were younger? He's so strong against all the things he has to live with and overcome. But at the same time hes fragile and needs to be taking care of. Maybe that was it. He thought.

Tom turned into the drive and looked at the flags flying in the wind. The USMC flag whipping in the countryside wind.

This is gonna be a fucked day he thought to himself.

He got out of his car and froze as he seen Riley waltzing slowly towards him, he still hadn't made up to him and he was nervous cause he didn't see Evan around to save him. Tom frozen, remembering there was a a bag of jerky in the car. He grabbed the bag and opened it quickly to bribe his way past his old nemesis.

Riley came up to Tom and just sat down on his hind legs, He cautiously bent down and gave him a piece of jerky and Riley took it happily. Tom patted his head and looked him into his eyes and finally said, "Sorry old boy,friends again?" Riley got up and licked him on the face and Tom smiled and petted him. "good boy - good boy."

"About time!" He looked up and seen Evan Smiling at him.

"Yeah he finally apologized. About fucking time too. Dang hes stubborn!" Tom said as he grinned.

Evan laughed and said. "Your such an ass."

"Fuck You." Tom said grinning then looked around and said, "Wheres John and Jake?"

"John is in the house, and Jacob will be back shortly. He wanted to say good bye to his grandma one last time, since he wouldn't let her go to the bus stop to see him off."

"Andy still at work?" Evan asked.

" Yeah, but he promises to be over here in time to see Jacob off." Tom said as he half believed it. "He kinda pisses me off, He acts like its no big deal that Jacob is leaving for the Marines...hes gonna be gone doing God knows what and he acts like its no big deal!" I don't get it Ev...hes acting like a tool!" Tom says as he unloads his worry's. Tom sincerely looked pissed, and Evan sees it in his face.

"I think its cause he was a Marine too. He prolly understands it better than we do." Evan says trying to reassure Tom.

"I know, but he fucking should be here! He pisses me off!" Tom acknowledges.

"Maybe he is just dealing with it his own way." Evan says as he kick a rock in the driveway as they talked.

"You just don't ever have a bad thing to say about anyone, do you dick wad. You should be pissed like me." Tom says half grinning and half serious.

"Sure I do, I talk shit about you all the time when your not around." Evan laughed.

"Your such a bitch." Tom laughed then reached out and hugged him.

Evan tensed up, "Wooow touching...your touching me." Evan said in a panic.

Tom quickly released Evan looking freaked out, "Sorry man...I'm sorry..I didn't mean to..." Tom began to say then stopped as he realized Evan was just messing with him.

"Your such an ass." Tom scorned him.

Evan laughed and then hugged him. "I'm so glad your here man."

"Me to Evan." Tom smiled. "I thought you'd be a mess today, Glad your doing well. I was prepared for the worse but now I can see you doing good bro."

"I'm OK...I got to be strong for the dad tho." Evan smiled. "But its nice to know you were thinking of me."

"Yeah, hows he doing?" Tom asked concerned.

"Hes OK I think, he not talking much." Evan said looking down.

"You talking about me again," John inquired as he sneaked up on them.

"I wasn't, but Evan was!" Tom laughed and gave John a big hug.

"Ass." Evan said as he scowled at Tom.

John chuckled then said, "Are you two going to make out here in my driveway or come into the house?"

"Id rather be in the house, Evan keeps trying to touch my naughty parts." Tom says smiling at Evan.

"Asshole, you wish!" Evan laughed as did John and Tom as the three walked up to the house.

They gathered around the kitchen table and enjoyed coffee. Tom pulled out a small flask of Jack Daniels, and poured some in his cup. John just looked at him and Evan looked worried. Tom looked back at both of them, grimaced and said, "Just chill. I'm not drinking a lot again, I just need an edge today...fuck dudes chill out.

"I suppose your gonna run to Andy and tell on me?" Tom frowned.

John laughed and then replied, "Chill your self, we didn't even say a word."

"Well with Evan it was with his eyes. Don't judge me twerp!" He said as he looked over at Evan. "I got to have something if I'm gonna be around all of you moping around over our kid leaving the nest." Tom continued, "Besides you made me stop smoking weed, and Andy hardly lets me drink! Unless you all got some good pharmaceuticals, I'm hanging onto 'coffee and Jack' to get me through the day. Tom announced then smiled.

John and Evan just laughed and shook their heads.

The three enjoyed each others company and then Jacob walked into the kitchen when he came home and Greeted his Uncle Tom with a smile and a hug.

Tom returned the hug and said. "Hey you! I'm glad you finally got here to see me before you leave."

"I'm glad your here, Wheres Uncle Andy?"Jacob quiz's Tom.

"He has to work but promises he will be here in time to see you off." Tom says half smiling. "Evidently his job is more important than family." Tom smirked as he drank his 'coffee'.

"I'm sure he will make it. He wouldn't miss seeing me off." Jacob said to reassure his Uncle noticing some tension in his words.

John gets up and says, "I'm going outside, I got some things to do in the garage."

Evan eyes him closely looking at him worried. He motions Tom to go with him and Tom receives his signals and follows orders.

Tom mouths back to him silently "OK"

"Is dad OK? He's awfully quiet today." Jacob asks.

"Hes OK, hes just processing things in his head. No worry's." Evan says and smiles.

Out in the garage...

"You OK?"Tom inquires to John.

"Yeah its just hard sitting around waiting for the time to come to see our son off." He admits to his best buddy.

"I know buddy. I'm here for yeah man." Tom says with surprisingly kindness.

"Thanks bud, I know you are and it means a lot to me." John says smiling back at Tom.

Tom pulls out his flask and takes a big swig then looks back at John and asks, "You want a taste, might take the edge off?"

John grins and takes the flask handed to him and takes a large swig then makes a face and shakes his head from the taste. " Wow, that will do it!" John laughs.

"Easy dude,easy. Evan find out, hes gonna kill us both." Tom says has he laughs.

John just looks at him and says, "I think I could prolly do about anything today and he would just smile at me and give me a big hug. Hes trying his best to be there for me."

Tom understands and smiles then agrees with him, "You got a good guy there John."

"That I do." John smiles back.

"So whats up with You and Andy?"

"What you mean?" Tom nervously asks. Then continues, "Nothing really, hes a stubborn ass, but other than that were really good."

John smiles and questions, He's stubborn?"

Tom just blurts out, "Fuck You, its hard talking to you about him, it still makes me uncomfortable, with all our history. We use to talk about chicks and basketball, now were like bitching about our guy lovers. It can kinda fucks with your head a bit." Tom scowls.

"I know what you mean, but still, we are both lucky Tom, we are happy and loved, all's that matters." He says then takes another swig from Tom's flask of JD.

"I know, its just weird to me sometimes still even after all these years. Now can I have my booze back, your Bogarting my stuff dude?" He says laughing.

"Agreed!" Is all John replied with and handed back the booze to his buddy.

The time arrived when they needed to put Jacob on a bus and still Andy hadn't showed up. The tension was noticeable on everyone's face but no one dared to say anything till they started to get into the car.

Tom finally blew up and just said, " That fucking asshole." to no one particular.

The four of them got into Evan's car and drove down the drive and on their way to the bus stop.

As they arrived, hugs and good byes ensued. Jacob looked very uncomfortable, John reassured him he was going to do great and not to worry. "I know dad, remember your promise," then winked at him.

"No worry's boy, you take care of yourself." Knowing what Jacob meant and then bear hugged his boy for a long time. John kissed the top of his head and tried his best to keep his emotions in check saying, " Call as often as you can. You don't want Ev to worry about ya."

Jacob released his dad and looked up at him and replied, " I''ll call you both as often as I can dad...Love You!"

"Love you too son." John managed to reply.

Evan hugged Jacob and whispered in his ear, John just looked at him and wondered where Andy was?

It was Tom's turn and he gave him a hug and Jacob said, "Don't worry Uncle Tom, I'm sure Uncle Andy is very busy. It's OK, I will see him when I get back."

Tom just nodded and hugged him again, and as he held onto him, he saw flashing lights coming up the road. As they got closer he saw it was Andy in his squad car, and he smiled and released Jacob and spun him around. "Look who is the drama queen now... had to make a dramatic entrance, FUCKING ASSHOLE!"

Jacob just laughed, his Uncle Andy didn't miss seeing him off. Andy jumped out of the car with his flashing lights still on and ran up to Jacob and gave him a big hug.

"Sorry Jake....I was caught at an accident on the highway. I broke 15 laws trying to get here. I would of stopped the bus if I had to before I'd let you leave without a hug. Love Ya Jake. Stay Safe and when you get back....the biggest party EVER!" Andy said as he hugged him again.

"Love Ya Uncle Andy," he said as he hugged him back.

Jacob had to get on the bus and he got half way then turned around and said, "Take good care of each other, I love you guys."

The four waved and yelled back, ''We love you, make us proud!"

"You know it." Jake said

He disappeared on the bus and they waited for it to begin its journey.

Tom looked at Andy and gave him a hug. "I'm gonna kick your ass when you get home, you know that don't you?"

" I cant wait." Andy said as he smiled at him. "You want a ride home in the police car? I will leave the lights on and YOU can play with the siren?" Andy asked as he sheepishly smiled.

Tom just looked at him and shook his head and then grinned back at him.

Andy looked over at John and smiled at him, "Don't you worry John, hes going to do fine and make us all proud."

"He already has Andy!" the two hugged.

The bus began to pull out and they all waved.

John told the guys he and Evan were going to head home, he was exhausted. Tom and Andy told them to call if they needed them and said good bye. As John and Evan left the station, Andy looked at Tom and asked, " Are we OK?"

Tom looked back at him and smiled, "Yeah man were good."

Andy smiled and told him he would be home early and they would hang out with the guys and keep an eye on them. Tom agreed and watched Andy turn his lights off finally and leave in his squad car.

Tom stood on the sidewalk, sighed, then looked around and scratched his head, It just dawned on him, he didn't drive, his car was at the guys house. " Fuck! I cant Fucking believed this!" He yelled out loud as passerby's looked oddly at him.

He heard a HONK behind him, he spun around and it was John and Evan smiling at him in the car. John rolled the window down and yelled at Tom, "You need a ride buddy?" Tom look beyond pissed, got into the car and the car sped away. You could hear him cursing absentees, and John and Evan laughing hysterically as the car left.

To be continued...


Note from Author... Thank You for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. As always, I enjoy hearing from you. I re-wrote the ending cause I thought it was just too emotional. I let Tom take one for the team and end on a funny note...Thanks Tom, I can always rely on you to make me laugh.

Love to hear from everyone, If you have read the story years ago or just starting it now, I truly hope you like it, Any comments or questions please email me at


Next: Chapter 20: John Gets What He Needs II 6

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