John Gets What He Needs

By hoosier hogan

Published on May 24, 2007


John Gets What He Needs

Chapter 14

"Jacobs Home"

John, Andy and Jacob arrived back at the hotel room, Jacob excitedly explored the suite as John, and Andy exhaustedly lay on their beds trying to rest from the emotional and physical labor they had just endured. Jacob had never been in such a nice hotel room and was in awe of the entire set up. The first thing he asked his dad was if he could use the big tub (Jacuzzi). John told him it was fine to start running the water, as it would take a while to fill up. Jacob squealed and jumped around in excitement at the thought of being able to play in the huge tub all by himself.

John called his mom and Evan and told them they had Jacob and then let him talk to both of them on the phone. Evan was amused how grown-up he sounded, and John's mom was crying and laughing as she heard her grandson go on about missing her and was gonna be so happy to see each other again. John never mentioned to either of them about the situation Becky put them in, much less how Andy had saved the day. He wasn't ready to revisit that ordeal anytime soon. He would explain it to them in person when he got back home, and when Jacob wasn't around to hear.

After about twenty minutes, the tub was finally full enough for Jacob to get in. John surprised his son as he undressed and got into the tub, before he turned on the jets. As soon as they roared to life, the force of them knocked Jacob over dunking him backwards under the water. He immediately came darting up from under the water, coughing and laughing at the same time. John laughed, too, as it was music to his ears, hearing his son have a good time. He had missed so many of those "father-son" moments during the last few years of his life and was determined to make up for all he the time he had lost.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea hit him. John put some shampoo in the Jacuzzi to make some bubbles for his son to play with, and just maybe, he could bathe him at the same time.

Unfortunately, the shampoo wasn't the greatest idea John had ever come up with, since the jets turned the soap into a torrent of bubbles flowing up and over the tub onto the bathroom floor. After a few minutes, Jacob was no longer visible from all the soap bubbles made by the water-jets. Jacob began to get nervous and called for his dad, so John grabbed him, got him out of the tub, and wrapped a towel around him. It was only then that he turned the Jacuzzi off and began letting the water out.

John and Jacob laughed at the soapy mess and John carried his son to the dressing area and got him some clean clothes. He let Jacob dress himself as he went back to the bathroom to survey the mess he had caused. Andy heard John laughing uproariously, so he went into the bathroom to find out what all the commotion was about. Andy took one look at the soapy mess in the bathroom and shook his head saying that he was glad the room wasn't registered in "his" name. John just laughed at the remark and then threw a wet towel at him. Andy immediately threw it back, laughing.

The afternoon was getting late. Deciding on ordering room service, because both Andy and John were exhausted from the day's events, John let his little son choose for himself what he wanted for supper.

After phoning in the order both men took showers (separately, of course) before the food came, and then they all sat at the table and ate their dinner as they listened to Jacob ramble non-stop about anything and everything. Typically childlike, he acted as if he had to tell his dad everything he had missed, all at once. They both could tell that Jacob was glad to have an audience and was enjoying his captive male grown-ups as he went on and on between mouthful's of spaghetti that he had requested from the menu. John and Andy just smiled and intently listened to all he had to say. Like two happy fathers, they smiled to each other and softly laughed and enjoyed every precious moment as they watched and listened to Jacob go on and on.

As evening approached, Jacob's energy finally wound down and he fell asleep on John's bed. John pulled the covers over him and kissed him on the forehead. John went over to Andy's bed and lay down beside him. Neither of the two men was ready for sleep. They both just lay on Andy's bed and talked about the day's events. John kept thanking Andy for all that he had done, and Andy finally told him to stop and not to mention it again; that he would have done the same thing if the roles had been reversed.

Even though both were tired and worn out from the day, neither could find sleep easily. Both just lay there, staring at the ceiling.

"Hey, Andy?"

"Yeah, John?"

"I can't sleep, man; I keep thinking something's gonna happen."

"Whatcha mean, 'happen'?" Andy asked.

"I'm just not gonna feel safe till I have Jacob out of this state and back home where he belongs."

"Well, let's not wait then," Andy said, as he sat up in the bed.

John looked at Andy and he immediately knew they both were thinking the same thing. "You think ... I mean ... you think we should just pack up and go, and forget about staying the night?"

"Well, I was thinking ... it might be a good idea so you won't be worrying the entire time we're here. We could always take turns driving and sleeping, and I'm sure that once we get the truck on the road, Jacob would sleep all night long," Andy said.

John looked over at his son in the bed next to them and feared if they didn't put some distance between them and Becky that something might change and he would be without Jacob again. John didn't know everything that Andy had done at the restaurant, and he was feeling more and more insecure as to what could happen if they didn't leave soon.

Andy knew they'd be ok, but he also knew that John would feel better if they were home. Andy also missed Tom and wanted to see him again as soon as possible. The thought of Tom being with a woman made him jealous, even though they had their little arrangement.

They both agreed to leave as soon as they could get everything together and check out of the motel. Andy took the luggage down to the truck and drove up to the front entrance waiting for John to bring Jacob in his arms as he slept. John, at that point, didn't care about loosing the money for the room. His only thoughts were getting home as soon as possible.

Andy saw John quickly leaving the hotel lobby, and he could see John scanning around the parking area as if he were looking for Becky to be there waiting for him with the police. John quickly opened the truck door, put Jacob into the car seat in the middle, and strapped him in. Jacob barely woke up for even a second before falling back to sleep. He was only awake long enough to make sure his dad was still there with him. Andy pulled out onto the Interstate and they were off ... headed home.

The trip was quiet and uneventful on the way home and they made good time switching off every few hours. Andy could feel the tension leave John the closer they got back to Indiana.

As they pulled back into town and John turned onto Andy's street, it was 3:30 AM, Sunday morning. Neither Tom nor Evan knew they had left that night to come home. John would surprise them when he got home. Jacob woke up and gave his new Uncle Andy a hug good-bye, and Andy reassured him that he would see him later in the day and give him that ride in the police car. Jacob smiled widely hearing his uncle make good on his promise. This would be the first of many promises his Uncle Andy would make to him and never break. Jacob would later realize he could always rely on his uncle Andy for about anything. John hugged Andy and thanked him again for all he had done and then left to take Jacob to his new home.

As John pulled into the driveway, he saw Evan and Tom's car and told Jacob to be quiet as they went into the house. John carried the luggage in and showed his son his new room. Jacob was too sleepy to explore his new surroundings, so John tucked him into his new bed and was going to go to his own bed when Jacob begged him not to leave him. John agreed and lay in bed with his son in his new room until Jacob fell asleep. As John watched his son sleep, a sense of calm came over him, knowing that he finally had his son home where he belonged. After about an hour, he knew Jacob would be asleep until morning, so he quietly slipped out of bed, not waking Jacob. He went down the hall to find Evan and Tom curled up next to each other, both snoring in unison. John quietly smiled at the site of his two best friends who now seemed to be close and bonding. Riley lay at the foot of the bed sprawled out and snoring as loud as Tom and Evan were. "Some watch dog your turning out to be." John thought and laughed to himself.

John quietly slipped into the bed behind Evan and wrapped his arms around him slowly waking him up. Evan opened his eyes, smiled a big grin, and squeezed John. The two began kissing without speaking. John broke the embrace, smiled, and said, "Looks like you missed me."

Evan quietly said, "Ya think?" then smiled and climbed up onto John and hugged him tightly as Tom slept next to them.

"I kinda figured you'd come home as soon as you could. But I sorta expected you earlier than this," Evan said.

"Well, I've been here about an hour; I laid in Jacob's bed for a while, 'cause he didn't want me to leave him."

"So, how's he doing with all that's gone on with the move and everything? You think he's gonna be ok?" Evan asked.

"He'll be fine; he'll have plenty of people here to love him and spoil him."

Yeah, I bet you're right," Evan said a little too loud, as he heard Tom stop snoring and was waking up. Tom opened his eyes to see Evan laying on top of John and smiled as he sat up and said, "Hey, buddy ... about time you got home ... where's Jacob?" Tom said stretching his arms out, trying to wake up.

"He's asleep in his bed."

Tom and Evan looked at each other and both smiled and jumped out of bed trying to beat each other out of the bedroom and down the hall to see their new little buddy. John started laughing and tried to tell them not to wake him before they bolted out the room. Laughing, John got out of bed and went to Jacob's room to find Tom and Evan smiling and quietly checking out the little guy. They both looked at John when he entered the room and saw the proud father smiling a huge grin.

"Hey, let's get out of here before you two idiots wake him up."

Tom and Evan both quietly punched John on the arms and went into the other bedroom to get dressed. Tom asked where Andy was, and John told him that he dropped him off at his house before coming home. Tom immediately began gathering his clothes and belongings and declared that since John was back, he should go home and sleep in his own bed for a change. John and Evan looked at each other and both quietly smiled as they were thinking the same thing, but didn't speak it.

Tom said his good-byes and said he'd be over tomorrow for lunch to meet Jacob. He smiled at Evan and told him to have a good lunch prepared for when he got back. Evan smiled and retorted, "Whatever, pinhead." Tom hugged both of them and left.

John and Evan both began laughing 'cause they knew where Tom was headed, and it wasn't his own bed. They knew he and Andy had missed each other and Tom was going straight over to see Andy. Evan said, "I bet they both come over for lunch a few minutes apart and Tom is wearing the same clothes... ya wanna put some money on it?" Evan smiled.

"That's a bet I won't take. I know they'll be acting like they weren't together before they both come over," John laughed.

John and Evan had a long shower together exploring each other's bodies as if it were the first time again. They soaped each other's naked flesh and felt each other's soapy skin as they hugged. John ran his fingers down to Evan's ass and began to finger his hole as Evan moaned with pleasure. Evan's face was buried in John's upper chest as John continued to pleasure Evan's ass.

Evan turned around and John began running his hard cock over Evan's ass cheeks, slapping him with his hard cock and running it along his crack, teasing him. John finally found his mark and entered Evan's ass slowly as Evan began to moan, half in pleasure and half in pain. John stopped as his pubes hit the soft flesh of Evan's ass. He just held him there till Evan could get used to the intrusion into his body.

After a few moments, Evan began to move back and forth, in a way that caused him to fuck his own ass with John's throbbing cock inside him. Loud moans came from both as Evan fucked himself with John's cock.

With both hands, John grabbed Evan by the hips and began thrusting himself into Evan harder, faster, and deeper. The harder he fucked, the louder they both began to moan in pleasure as they both climaxed almost at the same time. Evan actually came first as he stroked his own cock as John fucked him. John stayed inside Evan till he went soft and slipped out.

They embraced and kissed and John vowed that they would never be apart again if he could ever help it. Before the water turned cold, they got out, dried off and lay on the bathroom floor, and so began round two as Evan started sucking on John's cock, getting it hard again.

They made passionate love, 69ing there on the floor, trying to be quiet so as not to wake Jacob up. They both came again, but this time into each other's mouths and tasted each other's cum. John and Evan lay on a pile of wet towels on the floor, holding and caressing each other. Then they went to their bedroom and got into bed to catch a few hours of sleep before Jacob would awake.

Evan lay on John's hairy chest and they snuggled and both fell asleep. The worst was over, and now all they had to do was to be a family. It wasn't the traditional family, but it was people who loved each other, and would be there when it counted. In a sense, they would more of a family than most so-called traditional ones could ever hope to be.

Jacob would grow up with two fathers and two uncles and turn out to be a fine person with each of the guys helping where and when they could. Jacob would actually grow up being a very lucky boy to have so many who loved him and who would be there to guide him through his life's journey.

Life would still deal out it's trials over the years just like any other family would have to endure, but they would soon come to know that ... together ... they could all get through anything that life had to offer.

The End

Special Thanks to Gerry Young who stayed with the story helping out around every corner and chapter. Also thanks to the loyal readers who stayed with the story.

Part two will continue the series from Jacob's late teen years and will be posted in a few months. All the same characters will be in part two also.

Gods Peace ... Hogan

Next: Chapter 15: John Gets What He Needs II 1

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