John Gets What He Needs

By hoosier hogan

Published on Mar 10, 2007


Disclaimer: If you are not of legal age, do not read this story. If it's illegal to have this kind of material where you live, don't read any further. This story does contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts between same sex adults. If this offends you, please do not read. Mental Illness is also portrayed and discussed in this story, if that bothers you, again, do not read. This story is fictional and any similarities to real people are strictly coincidental. This story may not be sold or distributed without permission from the Author.

John Gets What He Needs

Chapter 10

"Discreet Arrangement"

The night had ended with unusual circumstances occurring. Evan and John were fast asleep in John's bed without having had sex for the first time since they'd spent the night together. John was passed out from his drinking bout with Tom, and Evan was just content to be with his buddy, and snuggled up next to him before falling fast asleep.

Tom and Andy ended up at Andy's house. Tom was naked and drunk, and entering the shower with Andy following, closely behind, to help him get cleaned up. Tom had vomited on himself earlier, and was smelly from the hoops session that day, to boot.

Andy agreed, well ... actually ... he let himself be invited into the shower with Tom, to help him out. Tom was relaxed and horny enough to let Andy have his fun with him.

Andy stood behind Tom, steadying him in the shower, as Tom ducked his head into the spray of the shower. Tom was more aware of what was happening, once the water began flowing down his nude body. He could feel Andy behind him, holding onto his shoulders. Andy proceeded to soap Tom's body and wash him slowly and purposely.

Again, Tom went under the showerhead, washing off the soap. He then turned around and put his hands on Andy's shoulders and gently, but cautiously, guided him down to his knees. Andy was a willing participant and offered no resistance to what Tom wanted from him.

This was just the beginning of what would be known as 'discreet fun' that Tom and Andy would, frequently thereafter, enjoy. They would not speak of it, nor would they let anyone know what was taking place. Tom made it perfectly clear that absolutely NO one was to find out.

So long as it was kept quiet, Andy would help Tom out as often as Tom decided. Andy would have no say in the matter. He agreed to the terms and thought it would be a perfect arrangement for his situation. Andy, most of all, had to keep things in the dark because of his job. Tom's not reciprocating any affection or contact wasn't a problem for Andy because that was just what they had and nothing more. Andy enjoyed being the one NOT in control, for a change. His job as sheriff, and being ex-military, always made HIM the one to control situations. He needed this change of identity, even if it were just a series of brief interludes and nothing else; then that was just fine with him for the time being. He found himself drawn to the guy, even though Tom wasn't the 'type' he usually liked in a man.

After Tom and Andy's fun was finished in the shower, they got out and dried themselves without much talk. Leaving the bathroom, they proceeded to go to Andy's bed with nothing but sleep on their minds. Each lay on the opposite side of the bed from each other, without any physical contact, just as normal straight guys would do if they had to end up sleeping in the same bed.

The rest of the night for all four of them, was nothing more than sleep; John and Evan in John's bed, and Tom and Andy in Andy's bed.

The next morning, Tom awoke early and had Andy take him to pick up his car at John's house. After arriving, Tom spoke before getting out of the car, "Thanks, Andy, for all your help and hospitality last night. We'll have to do it again sometime. I still have your card with your cell number on the back. I'll give ya a call, sometime soon."

"No problem, Tom, I was glad to help ya out," Andy said with a grin.

"Later, man. Remember our arrangement, dude," Tom reminded Andy.

"No problem, man." Andy smiled.

Tom and Andy left in their own cars, and John and Evan were none the wiser that they had even stopped over that morning before it was time to get up for church.

Evan awoke to the alarm buzzing. He turned off the annoying shit and purposely proceeded to disturb John's heavy sleep.

"Hey, big guy ... wake up, sleepy head," Evan said, while he ran his hand over John's soft hairy chest, feeling his hard nipples as he teasingly inched across them. John slowly began to stir awake, but immediately put his hand to his forehead and started moaning in pain. "Doesn't look like you're going any where this morning, especially to Mass," Evan stated.

John just moaned and shook his head in the negative, indicating Evan was right. With that info, Evan slipped out of the bed and went to retrieve some Tylenol and a bottle of water, and gave them to John who was more awake, but feeling stupid for drinking so much.

"Thanks, Ev ... think I'll skip church this morning, if it's alright with you. You go along if ya want to," John muttered, as his head ached with every word.

"Ok ... I'm gonna go get cleaned up and go to church, and then to my apartment. I have some things to take care of, since I haven't been there much, lately. Why don'tcha come by later today after you have recouped, of course, and we can discuss your little idea of us moving in together," Evan said, smiling, half at the sight of John being hung over, and half at the thought of his own moving in with John.

"Ok, bud ... I'll call ya later and come over," John said as he grabbed Evan in a bear hug and squeezed him and pulled him on top of himself. Evan mildly tried to protest, so John let go of him. Evan got up, announcing there wouldn't be a goodbye kiss, since John's breath was like "road kill." John threw a pillow at him, cursing obscenities and laughing at the same time over the remark. The pillow missed and Evan flipped him off, grinning as he ran out of the room.

He got cleaned up and packed his overnight duffle bag and went on to church, but not before he peeked in on John who was once again sleeping soundly. Evan then proceeded to leave for Mass. He arrived soon after, and, as always, Father Thomas was by the doors to the sanctuary, greeting all who came in.

"Evan ... good kind soul ... how are you on this fine Sunday morning that God has given us?"

"Really great, Father, thanks for asking," Evan said with a wide grin, as a hand was held out for him to shake. Evan immediately took the offered hand in return. Father Thomas smiled, noticing that Evan was more upbeat than usual, and said, "Tell Mr. Clark that he will have been missed this morning."

Evan, with a look of shock on his face, just stood there for a second and then managed to smile back and muttered, "I'll tell him that as soon as he's back with the living, Father." They both chuckled.

Father Thomas gave a smile as Evan moved on and went into the sanctuary and to the seat he always sat in. Evan didn't think it was odd for the good Father to imply that John was hung-over and, more importantly, that Evan would even recognize that. He knew Father Thomas well enough to know that he was always very perceptive. Counseling half the church and town didn't hurt, either, in knowing who and what was going on in the small circles of people in the town and his own parish.

After services, Evan remained seated in his pew and waited for the congregation to file out the red doors. Father Thomas saw Evan still sitting there, looking down at the floor. He immediately reasoned that Evan needed to talk with him. Evan was always quick to leave after services were over, but to see him still sitting there was a silent message to him that he needed counsel. He had gotten to know Evan's quirks, over time, and could read him very well. Father Thomas took a special interest in Evan because he could see the conflict he always had in his eyes. He knew the demons that metal illness held over Evan were many and great at times. He always made a mental note to keep a closer watch over him than most others in the parish. Father Thomas walked up to Evan and sat down beside him in the pew, yet said nothing. He just sat there, quietly, until Evan was ready to talk.

The organist had finished the last piece of music and had left the chancel; the fragrance of incense and of candles burning, still lingered in the air. It was peaceful. It was quiet. It felt holy. And for Evan's purposes, it was private.

"Father Thomas ... I, um ... well, I need to ask you something ... and I'm not sure how to find ... well, you know ... the right words." Evan spoke softly and kind of garbled as he fidgeted with his hands, nervously. This was what he always did when he was anxious, and then he went on to speak again. "I need to know ... I have to know ... how do you know if a path you're about to take, is the right one?"

The good Father looked at Evan and gently took one of Evan's hands and moved it to Evan's chest, and said. "Here, Evan ... the answer is always in here -- where God is. HE will let you know when the path you're about to take is the one he wants you on." Father Thomas began to speak again without asking what the path was. He didn't need to ask. He knew from his earlier conversation with John, and from Evan's own actions, that he could easily figure out that the two were now more than just friends. With stronger conviction in his voice, which echoed in the empty sanctuary, he exclaimed, "Follow your heart this time, Evan ... John is the right choice for you."

Evan quickly looked up at his rector and smiled, knowing that he was right. Sometimes, you just had to hear things from others before they sounded right. He always trusted Father Thomas and considered him a close friend.

Evan thanked him and shook his hand, and they exchanged the customary "God's Peace," after which, on a spur-of-the-moment impulse, the good Father hand appeared with anointing oil and he used the tip of his right thumb as he blessed Evan with the Sign of the Cross on his forehead.

He immediately bid Father Thomas "Gods Peace," again and he was off to his apartment that he hadn't lately spent much time in.

Evan went home to his small apartment after church and liked the feeling of being home as much as he did being with John. He had a lot of thinking to do and many decisions to make, so he immediately called his mom, who he knew would be back from her own church services. Knowing his mom so well, she would be preparing the traditional Sunday lunch for herself and his dad, and anyone else who happened to stop by. Evan's mom had a tradition, as much as it was a rule, that the only meal she cooked on Sunday was lunch, or,as it was sometimes called, 'an early dinner'. The rest of the day, the kitchen was considered closed, and you were on your own if you got hungry later in the day.

Evan discussed his new found problem-slash-decision with his mom, for he knew that only she could come to the rescue with all the do's and don't's of the choice. Evan's mom, Vicky, had made many good points in their discussion. As moms always do, she also left a way out of the choice, if it didn't work. She would have Evan's brother, Josh, keep the remainder of the lease paid up for the next three months, and let Josh's oldest son, Jordan, stay there while he was home from college and back in town. Vicky said that she would take care of all the address changes to his legal and medical professionals. Their mail would be forwarded to John's house, and they would also be given his number there, as well as Vicky's.

John called and came over around 5 p.m. and spent the rest of the evening at Evan's apartment. He had brought a pizza and some sodas and it didn't take a smart person to know that sex was soon to consume much of their time, since nothing but sleep had happened the night before.

The sex was great for the both of them, and John had gotten a little more confident and a bit more courageous with his oral explorations. John allowed Evan to climax into his mouth, and he enjoyed the taste a little more than he had, the last time. He remarked to Evan that the smell was, again, more appealing than the taste.

It was then John's turn for release of his spent up semen, and he was going to have some fun banging Evan in his beautiful bubbled ass. This time though, John was much more confident as to what he wanted and how to do it. He lovingly but forcefully moved Evan around into the position where he wanted him. John began his assault on his buddy's ass till he could no longer hold off. John spewed his load into Evan with a loud moan and a trembling body.

After John returned from his orgasmic trance, he gently lay on top of Evan and held him, speaking softly into his ear, telling him how much he needed him and wanted him. Evan loved the way it made him feel to have John laying on top of him; a feeling of protection always came over him when John was there.

It was a first time for them to have sex at Evan's place. Evan thought that it was the first time he'd had sex with anyone in his apartment; well, except for with himself, obviously, but that didn't really count.

After a long discussion about living together, they agreed that on Wednesday, Evan would be moved in. John would use his truck, and Evan would use his dad's truck to move all his stuff in one day. All Evan's questions were answered as best as John could.

Neither one knew what to tell Jacob. They weren't sure he was at the age to understand, anyway. John knew his mom would help them figure out that problem when the time came. But until they knew what to tell Jacob, they would keep their displays of affection away from Jacob's little all-seeing eyes. As far as Jacob and his five-year-old mind would be able to process, his dad and his dad's best friend were nothing more than roommates.

John would get Tom and Andy to help with the moving of the belongings. They agreed most of the furniture would stay for his nephew to use while he lived there. John's house was fully furnished, and Evan's furniture was more suited for a small place, anyway. They would make room for it later, after the lease was up, and his nephew, Jordan, would have to move back to his dad's house or rent the apartment month-to-month till he left to go back to school.

The plans were finalized and John made it clear that he wanted Even to be moved and unpacked before Jacob came home. He wanted Jacob to get used to his new home without any instability around.

Wednesday had come, and as always, Tom and Andy were there, ready to offer their help with the move. Evan was sure they were doing it more for John than for himself, but he would accept any help he could get, in moving.

After they had everything moved to the unfinished bedroom, they ordered some Chinese take out for lunch. Evan would have time on Thursday, and some on Friday, to finish his unpacking before they left for Georgia.

After lunch was devoured, as usual a game of hoops had begun between the three-jock heads. Evan was actually pleased they were away from him. He needed his alone time, and the stress from moving had taken a toll on him. All his norms were now gone, and he had to get his new bearings. Evan's mom, Vicky had warned him about this happening, and he would have to use his rehabilitation training to get through it and keep it in perspective.

If Evan needed anything, it was stability in his life. Too much upheaval at one time was difficult for him to process and would cause him great anxiety, and sometimes put him in a bad place for a while till he could re-collect himself. Sometimes this required more meds, and other times, just using his skills he had learned from all those group therapy classes.

After a couple hours, Evan had most of the unpacking done, and the rest would surely be done early on Friday. He was slowly feeling better at having some organization completed in his new life and the extra Zanax helped, too. Most of the everyday stuff he needed, had a place now, and the rest could be done later.

He had left all his kitchen things for Jordan to use, once he took over the apartment. Afterwards he would just store them in John's attic, probably when classes started back up for his nephew, as he would have to move back to the dorms.

The spare room that wasn't being used would also be ok to store his other belongings in, till he found a more suitable place for them. John had mentioned to him before, that he wanted to have the last empty bedroom finished soon for guests to sleep in. It had a small bathroom in it and a little walk-in closet. John said he thought about renting it out to a friend at one time, for the extra money, but decided against it.

Evan was so busy and focused on what he was doing, he hadn't noticed the guys had finished playing and were in the garage puttering around. He decided to go and see what they were up to.

Evan walked into the garage asking, "Hey, you three ... what are you all doing out here in the garage?"

John spoke up and said the three were discussing the possibility of turning the two-door garage into a recreational room with a bar and pool table. Tom piped in and showed Evan the imaginary layout they had all come up with. They had decided to have a TV area, and a bar and recreational area. "A good place to gather and watch sports, and to party together," Tom added asserting his presence.

Andy put in his two-cents worth by adding, "You know, if all four of us pitched in, and we did all the carpentry work ourselves, we could have something like this done in a matter of a few weeks, working around our job schedules of course."

"I think after Jacob comes home ... we'll finish the spare bedroom, then start on the garage," John announced and then continued, "So whatcha think ... Ev ... its your house now, too."

"I think it's a great idea ... as long as you three are only in your skimpy underwear ... THONGS, preferably! ... the entire time you're working on it." Evan laughed.

"God, he's such a PERV, John!" Tom laughed.

"Yeah ... you're not telling me anything I don't already know ... but I think I'll keep him, anyway," John said with his trademark grin.

"What you mean, you three guys? You'll be helping, too, Evan," Andy snorted with a smile.

"Ok ... but ... but ... butt ... just as long as I don't have to look at Tom's hairy butt crack every time he bends over, I'll help," Evan grinned back.

"PERV!" was all Tom managed to say, laughing and shaking his head.

Evan changed the subject and said, "Since you three amigos are all here, I need to tell you that I don't think I can manage going to Georgia this weekend. I think it'll be too much for me, with the move added to it. I'm sorry John."

John came up to Evan and hugged him and said, "Hey, don't worry about it, babe ... I had a feeling this might happen, and had a plan 'B' ready to go if need be."

"What's plan 'B'?" Evan questioned.

Andy spoke up and exclaimed, "I ... am plan 'B'. I already had it cleared with work, in case you wouldn't be able to take the trip."

"Dang! I'm glad you had this planned, John; now I don't feel so bad for lettin' ya down," Evan admitted.

"Hey, hon, you didn't let me down ... I knew moving would be hard on you, and then to ask you to take a two-day drive would be asking a lot," John said with a serious, but loving, look on his face.

"I even have Tom, here, ready to stay with ya, keep ya company, and help out with things, while Andy and I are gone."

Tom grinned and looked at Evan and said, "Looks like it's just you and me all weekend, squirt."

"Ah, shit John, couldn't you just get me a dog or something? At least I could house train a dog in two days," Evan smiled and quipped.

The three amigos burst out laughing at Evan's remark. Evan noticed a few weird exchanges between Tom and Andy as John told him that he,Tom, would stay with Evan, and Andy would go with John to Georgia to pick up Jacob. He thought he had caught some kind of communication-type glances between the two. He always suspected in his gut that Andy and Tom had fooled around after getting drunk that night. Nothing was said nor seemed out of the norm, but Evan still felt it.

The final arrangements were done, and the following Friday, John and Andy would leave for Georgia after John got off work that day.

Thursday came and went and John's big day finally arrived. Evan was waiting for him to get home from work, but John was running late. Evan was worried that maybe something had gone wrong. Tom had already called to say that he would be over later 'cause he had a date. "It's Friday night, ya know," Tom had said. Evan knew that Tom dated lots of girls, including a few from the local strip bars. Evan had overheard Tom's bragging to John about it, one day when they were shooting hoops. Evan had a thought about the possibility of Tom getting some sort of disease from one of those stripper broads.

Andy was waiting at his own house for John to pick him up, so that he didn't have to leave his car in John's driveway all weekend. While they were gone, Evan was supposed to check at Andy's house and pick up his mail and newspapers, as part of the plan.

Finally, John pulled up in his truck and jumped out as Evan came out of the house to greet him, still worried why he was so late. Evan noticed that John was smiling, so he relaxed some and asked, "Where've you been? ... You haven't left yet, and you're already an hour behind schedule," Evan told him.

"No worries ... I just had to pick up something for you before I left." John grinned widely.

"Whatcha talking about? What did you buy me, big guy?" Evan questioned as he watched John go to the passenger side of his truck and open the door.

"Just something to replace me while I'm gone this weekend." John was still grinning.

"Whatcha mean, 'replace you'?" Evan was saying till he saw what John got out of the truck. It was a German Shepard puppy, and Evan just went crazy grabbing the puppy and scratching and rubbing it all over. He loved the puppy. John just stood back and watched the whole scene of Evan being as happy as anyone he had ever seen.

"This should keep you busy while I'm gone. And he'll also give you something to snuggle up to in bed at night ... instead of Tom." John said with a slightly worried tone in his voice.

"Eww ... you're just plain ol' mean, ain'tcha?" Evan quipped, playfully smacking John on the back.

"So ... you like him? Or you want me to take him back?" John teased.

"Yeah; I'd like to see you try," Evan scolded, and then said, "Thanks, John; it's the best present anyone has ever given me. What's his name?"

"He doesn't have one yet. Guess you'll have to name him since he's your dog." John grinned again.

Evan looked at John, then back at the puppy, and then he whispered into the dog's ear and smiled.

"What?" John questioned.

"I told him his name will be Riley ... he says he likes it." Evan smiled and then hugged and picked up the dog again.

"Riley ... I like it, too," John agreed.

"Here's two hundred dollars, Evan ... go and buy him all the stuff he needs, this weekend," John said.

"Thanks, big guy," Evan said, and then asked, "John ... why didn't you wait till Jacob got here to get a dog?"

John grabbed Evan in the driveway, right out there in the open, in front of God and everybody, and kissed him deeply, and said, "Because I wanted you to know that he's YOUR dog; but you can share him, and teach Jacob all about animals and having them as pets."

Evan kissed John back and exclaimed loudly. "God, I love you!"

John got all the gear he needed, and hurried up since he was already late. He went over the last minute details and made sure he had Tom's cell number. John Kissed Evan goodbye about six times, and then they finally parted as John drove away to pick up Andy.

"The next time you and I see each other, things are going to be a lot different," Evan thought.

He really had no idea just HOW different!

End Chapter 10

To be continued.....

Special Thanks goes to Gerry Young, for all his help, encouragement and guidance in making my story come to life. He's a great friend and editor.

I always respond to all the emails I get, and enjoy hearing from you.

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Next: Chapter 11

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