By Donny Mumford - Laureate Author

Published on Aug 17, 2024




John and Gary are in excellent moods after a very good time with one another's naked bodies in bed earlier, then having an okay lunch at an Irish Pub, and now finishing a silly argument about nothing. They're smoking on their way back to the hotel. When they arrive, they go straight to the hotel bar for a goodbye cocktail and then a goodbye fuck, both thinking they're in love, and they are.

With John taking out his driver's license, they sit at the bar waiting for a thirty-something, no-nonsense, tough-looking, nose-ring-wearing lady bartender with too much artificially colored hair to ask, "What'll it be, guys?" John puts his ID away as Gary says, "A whiskey Manhattan straight up. Whiskey, not bourbon, please."

Her nametag says, "Reilly," so when she looks at John, he says, "The same for me, Reilly."

Trying to catch him off guard, Reilly asks John, "Quick, what year were you born?"

He tells her, and she nods, then asks, "Crown Royal whiskey, okay?"

Gary says, "No, could we have Jack Daniel's?"

Reilly mutters, "Yeah, okay, but you said you wanted whiskey, not bourbon."

"Jack Daniel's isn't bourbon. The ad I saw called it Tennessee whiskey."

She mutters, "Just what I needed today, a know-it-all. Do you have a choice of sweet vermouth?"

Shaking his head, Gary smiles and says, "No, I didn't know sweet vermouth was part of a Manhattan. What I don't know about cocktails is a lot! I just read the ad for Jack Daniel's a couple of days ago, saying it wasn't a bourbon, so I thought..."

She's mixing the drinks, mumbling, "Oh, okay, so you're not a know-it-all, huh?" Giving him a little smile, showing off crooked teeth," she adds, "What are you and your cute friend doing in our fair city?"

Gary tells her, and she pours two extremely cold Manhattan cocktails into stemware cocktail glasses and says, "Twenty-six dollars, boys. Should I run a tab for you?"

After putting a twenty and a ten-dollar bill on the bar, Gary says, "No, we're only having one drink. Keep the change."

Reilly winks at John, mumbling to Gary and his cowboy hat, "Thanks, Cowboy."

The guys tap their cocktail glasses, and Gary says, "To us," and they take a sip. Then John asks, "Is it required that you toast before all alcoholic drinks? I thought it was just for shots."

Squinting at John Darling, Gary murmurs, "You never run out of questions, do you? Unfortunately, I do not have a lot of answers. I don't know when you toast drinking booze. Seriously, I don't drink very much. Yeah, I've drank more booze than normal since meeting you. That's true, and even that hasn't been much. You're fun to drink with, though. The bottom line regarding toasting: what's the harm in saying, 'To your health, or cheers or to us,' as I did?"

John mumbles, "I learn so much by asking questions, except when I ask you a question. You don't seem to know a hell of a lot."

Gary mutters, "No, I don't, but I know more than you. Then he adds, "This is a silly conversation, Johnny. I never used to be silly. I was known as a serious person before I met you. Now I'm turning into a goofball."

"You're a fun goofball, though. Oh, wait... are you blaming me for you being goofy? What?"

They finish their Manhattans in three minutes, and Gary says, "That was a small drink. Do you want another one, Darling?"

Grinning, John says, "Yes, Goofy, I would like another one." He puts a fifty-dollar bill on the bar and adds, "My turn."

They have a second Manhattan acting silly and making each other laugh. Then, they go outside to smoke a cigarette, after which Gary's arm goes around the back of John's neck, and they hug, rocking back and forth. John's eyes are stinging again because he's so happy. They finished their cigarettes and, inside, they stood with an elderly man and woman waiting for an elevator. John tells Gary, "I feel like shedding some tears for two reasons. You make me emotionally happier than I've ever been, and the second reason is that you won't let me stay with you until Wednesday."

"We've already talked about that, Darling! I need to study; if you stay, I'll have no willpower. I'll be drinking and screwing with you. I won't be able to resist you! Take pity on me."

The elderly couple exchanged nervous looks, then drifted to the far elevator and concentrated on watching the little floor numbers change over that door. The first elevator they were waiting for arrived, and, getting in the car, John mumbled, "Um, we scared the old folks, Gary."

He says, "Fuck 'em," and they both burst out laughing as the doors close. John says, "You're terrible." They hug and kiss, and then Gary squeezes John tightly, murmuring, "You're a miracle, my miracle!"

Gary hangs his hat on the coat hanger and looks at his watch, muttering, "We need to get you in a cab to the airport no later than five o'clock, Johnny. Where did the time go? We only have forty-five minutes left."

John leans on Gary, putting his arms around him, and murmurs, "Can't I stay with you, please?"

Gary hugs John, "That's what I wish for, too, but unfortunately, I need to be the adult in the room. It would be wildly irresponsible of us for you to stay. Our boss, Mr. Marshall, has spent a lot of money for me to learn the latest about computers and new cars, plus they're depending on you to get that new 'detailing' enterprise of Marshal Motors running smoothly."

"Oh, man! They don't need me. Walt can do the detailing."

Gary rubs John's back, murmuring, "Maybe, but we need the money you make, plus the bump in pay I'll be getting as the computer expert. I need to earn the certificate that this training outfit does not hand out unless I pass the course. Two and a half days from now, we'll be together, and we'll be able to afford a better apartment, go out to dinner now and then, have some nice things, and go on a nice vacation this summer. Everything costs money."

Rubbing his face against Gary's, John says, "Oh, alright; it'd be wrong of me to stay. And it's only two and a half more days. And, heh-heh, I liked how you explained all that to me, Daddy. I don't want to be a brat, so I'll resist throwing a tantrum. Gee, you were so patient in explaining all that. Umm, it gave me a roaringly hard boner."

"You have sex on your mind more than most, Darling. I can't keep up with you, so we must compromise. I don't want to simply go through the motions when we have sex because it is too important a part of our loving relationship. I'm afraid it might come to that if I needed to perform as often as you'd like."

"I know, Gary. I already told myself I'm going to need to calm down with my sex drive, but you're so sexy and hot that that's hard to do. It's the first thing I noticed about you... how sexy, macho, and hot you are. Without even trying, you percolate macho sexiness. After saying that, I hope you're not inferring we can't do it before I need to leave for the airport."

Rubbing his fingers through John's unevenly cut hair, Gary says, "Of course not. We'll make time for that, but first, you must pack. I hope all the new clothes you bought will fit in your satchel."

John says, "Goddamn, you're so fucking sensible and responsible. Let me get that done as quick as I can."

"I'll help you."

They can't fit all the new stuff in the satchel, so Gary says, "I'll bring it home Wednesday with my stuff, babe. You're packed with all your new clothes. That's good. Let's get naked and into bed for a half hour."

Even though they have only thirty minutes, they turn a sexual experience into making love, true love. Having sex and making love involve the same act, but they are not the same thing. John and Gary recognize the difference in their unspoken but intense emotional connection, which is almost soul-touchingly spiritual. It's intimacy and concern for the other before thinking about lust or desire... and a willingness to be vulnerable. The emotions of lust and desire are present, but sincere concern that all is right with the other comes first.

Making love is done within the framework of their romantic relationship, which they've both recently acknowledged is true love. Although they don't fully understand how it happened so fast, they no longer doubt they're romantically involved and don't care that they don't understand how it happened.

The unspoken communication is different when making love. It's tenderness and gentleness with a longer foreplay period. Gary's and John's naked bodies come together for a passionate embrace with murmured words of love and affection. There are no more mumblings about how unlikely their love affair might be. They're embracing true love, powerful love, kissing and caressing one another, constantly moving against one another's naked bodies.

Quiet moans of arousal, inhaling one another's familiar scent, tasting one another's mouths, fingers in each other's hair, both young men's penises like steel pipes up against their bellies. "Oh, Gary..." squirming and kissing, hearts pounding too quickly, blood pressure soaring, precum drooling, lips kissing, heat rising, and John moaning, "I love you so much, Gary Thomas."

Gary hugged with both arms while rubbing his face against John's, murmuring, "You're so special. I love you, too... love, love, love you." John crawls on Gary's slimmer body, groveling on him, licking his lip, moaning, "Fuck me, Gary. I need you inside me; I want to feel part of you inside me, Daddy..."

Kissing John's cheek, Gary says, "Pull your legs back, baby," and then he reaches to the bedside table for the lubricant.

John gasps, "Gary..." when Gary plops a glop of K-Y on John's anus, then pushes his finger in as John goes, "Oooh..." and pulls his legs back harder, an arm around each one behind the knees.

Gary rubs lubricant on John's prostate, then rubs lube up and down the four-plus inches of Gary's hard boner, which was fatter than John's fist. Gary pushes the head against John's asshole, with John's breathing coming in gasps as his cock drools more precum, and Gary pushes harder, then even harder, as the anus lips begin spreading.

More pressure, more spreading apart, more pressure and, "Ahhh... Ow!" from John when Gary's boner's head squeezes very tightly but slippery inside John's rectum. Instantly, a million nerve endings put out some hurtful sensations, a warning message to stop doing whatever you're doing. The warning goes unheeded as Gary, shutting his eyes, murmurs, "I'm sorry, Johnny," then pushes his extremely fat boner two inches further up John's ass, making John hiss, "Zsss," then mutter, "Shit, that hurt."

Gary murmurs again, "I'm sorry, Darling," and finishes the trip up John's ass, his crotch tight against John's buttocks, immobile now, waiting for John's rectum to recognize a familiar face. Well, not a face, a one-eyed friendly snake. As soon as Gary notices John's body begin relaxing, he pulls his big, hard, fat boner back and then slowly inserts it back up John's ass. John's eyes close, and he moans, 'Ahhh, ooh, yes, Gary," and Gary does it again, then again, and again until John moans, "Feels so good, Daddy..."

When John refers to Gary as 'Daddy,' it's not the parent 'Daddy!' It's the 'Who's your Daddy?' goof of a Daddy. There's respect, though, and an acknowledgment that Gary's the man! That is implied in there, too. John looks up to Gary. There's admiration and a giving of himself to Gary. Both John and Gary understand all this, but still, it would sound creepy to be overheard calling Gary that.

Anyway, Gary's leaning forward between John's knees so that his face is over John's, Gary's boner pulling out of John's ass until just the fat head is still inside. Lowering his head, Gary's lips lock onto John's, and they do a sucking, saliva-filled, sloppy kiss, then another one. Straightening up, Gary pushes his boner all the way back inside John's rectum and then begins a steady, slow fucking of his lover's ass.

Slow and luscious, vibrations of intense pleasure flooded off Gary's hard penis and swarmed from John's rectum, pleasure screaming off his prostate in a continuous stream until he's squirming in an ocean of it, pulling his legs back so hard his back is curved, and he rocks back and forth on the bed with each slow, firmly-deliberate, thrilling push of Gary's sex instrument inside him.

It continues for six, eight, ten minutes of ecstasy for both lovers, both floating in the Cosmos, deliciously swooning with thoughts of one another slow dancing in their heads. They know who they're sharing this sexual act with... it could only be one person, as no one else has ever made this experience as romantically perfect. Only love allows the way they feel... they know who they're in love with.

This kind of gooey, wonderful, intense pleasure inevitably leads to the most exhilarating few seconds known to the human species... sexual climax! It's an orgasm like no other and impossible to describe adequately. It doesn't last long but is so incredibly intense John squeals, shaking all over as his boner blows out a streak of creamy cum straight at his chin, splattering there as he almost passes out, and then a second later, he squeezes out another shot of cum. There are shivers of pleasure spreading all over his naked body, making his toes curl and the roots of his hair sizzle.

He gasps, "Gary..." as Gary makes a scary wheezing sound and climaxes, blowing a lot of hot sperm inside John's bowels. Gary's shoulders shudder, his eyelids fluttering, his head shaking. "Omigod, baby, oooh, Jesus, fuck... God, that was amazing..."

Gary opens his eyes, his shoulders matching Gary's as they shudder again. He lies forward onto John's torso, murmuring, "Wow, that was... Omigod," and he kisses John's mouth. John was still trying to catch his breath, both young men breathing deeply, hearts beating too fast, both sweaty but mightily sexually aroused, satisfied too, but still wanting more.

Gary lies on John, his feet on the floor, and John's legs around Gary's waist. They hug for almost a minute before John murmurs, "Can't I please stay, Gary? I only want to be with you!"

Exhaling exasperatedly, Gary pried John's legs from around his waist, mumbling, "Goddammit, Darling, just when I see you acting your age, you regress into that silly immature nagging to stay routine."

He stands up, adding, "Try being responsible, please! And, no, you can't stay. Why couldn't we have had that beautiful sexual making love time together and then responsibly get you to the airport, both of us feeling wonderful about the few days we got to be together? Instead, I need to feel guilty that I won't let you stay with me when I have to study and won't be able to spend time with you even if you do. We've talked about you staying ten times already, and each time, we both agreed that it made no sense for you to stay; plus, you have work tomorrow, Tuesday, AND Wednesday, work responsibilities that you are willing to blow off irresponsibly."

John sits up and listens until he sees Gary has no more to say about the matter; then John says, "I'm sorry, but I've never felt the way I feel about you with anybody before. I'm crazy in love with you, and nothing else matters to me. Fuck my job and fuck your studying and fuck a whole bunch of new car computers! I just wanna be with you..."

Gary covers his mouth to hide his grin, then nods, muttering, "Well, um, of course, I'm flattered beyond words, but... Turning around, his back to John because John's pouting face and totally irresponsible position strike him as funny. It shouldn't be funny, but it is somehow... it's that Gary thinks John Darling is so fucking cute. Making sure he has no laughing sound in his voice, Gary mutters, "Get dressed, Johnny. I'll go to the airport with you."

John stands, "Don't laugh at me, Gary! I love you!"

Turning around, Gary wraps John in his arms, again pinning John's arms to his side, then kisses him on the lips and murmurs, "C'mon, please tell me you agree with me, Johnny. I take back all my criticism of you, but it's only two and a half days until I'll be home with you again, maybe forever. Jeez, Darling. C'mon, don't make me feel guilty, baby. I love you, too."

John is a world-class snuggle guy, and he snuggles against Gary, rubbing the side of his face against Gary's beard-covered cheek, murmuring, "Okay, you come to the airport with me, and I'll meet you at the Denver Airport Wednesday afternoon. You need to call my boss and get him to let me leave work early Wednesday. Tell him you need a ride from the airport or something."

John can't see Gary rolling his eyes and silently mouthing, 'Thank God...' Then he tries sounding serious, mumbling, "That's a deal. Okay, whew," and he lets go of John, who says, "And you need to shave--no more beard. From now on, I get to see your handsome face under the pitch-black beard."

"Anything else?"

Smirking, John mutters, "No. We've got a deal. For my part, I won't make you feel guilty, and for your part, you come to the airport with me to see me off as a boyfriend should. Then arrange for me to leave work at lunchtime on Wednesday to meet you at the Denver airport. Also, you shave and never grow a beard again. It's totally fair!"

Gary laughs, mumbling, "Jesus Christ, what a one-sided compromise that is! In an earlier life, Darling, I wondered if you were that Dutch negotiator who bought Manhattan Island from the American Indians for $24 worth of beads."

"Huh? What?"

"Never mind. I agree with everything, especially the part where we love each other, but right now, we need to hurry to the airport for your 6:10 flight."

They get dressed, and John asks, "Are you going to do all we agreed upon?"

Gary smiles, "I'm going to consider it all, and I might even do one or two things."

"HEY! We have a deal!"

Nodding, "Yeah, we do, pretty boy. Let's go." Out front of the hotel, three cabs were lined up. The driver of the first cab took John's satchel, put it in the trunk, and mumbled, "Airport?"

Gary follows John into the back seat, saying, "Airport, yes." Then he asks John, "What Airline?"

John tells the cab driver, and off they go, with John holding Gary's hand, almost sitting on his lap. Gary gives John a 'look' and then sighs and whispers, "You're right, Darling. The hell with the driver," he wraps his arms around John, hugging and kissing him, murmuring, "It was wonderful having you with me, Johnny. I'm going to miss you. God, how did I fall so deeply in love? Do you know?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure glad you did. You've changed my life, Gary. I feel incredibly different when I'm with you. I'm where I'm supposed to be; I feel it so strongly. You make me feel safe, and it gives me a gooey feeling that's so nice I can't even describe it, but it only feels that way when you're with me. I want to be with you--you and me, Gary."

He nods and looks into John's eyes, "I'll be with you as long as you want me. You're much too good for me, but I'm keeping you, anyway. God help the dickhead who tries stealing you away from me."

Making a cute face, John mumbles, "You're finally where I want you... wrapped around my little finger."

Gary snickered and said, "Yeah, I predicted this outcome weeks ago. I never had a chance, and I'm so glad I didn't." They kiss and hear a rude sound from their driver of unknown nationality. It's a short drive, and as the driver pulls over to the curb, Gary says to John, "I'm going into the terminal with you."

John wildly over-tips the driver, who changes his disapproving demeanor to a smiling face. He hands John his satchel and mumbles something pleasant--sounding that John can't understand, but the driver is at least smiling now. Gary takes the satchel and carries it for John into the terminal, saying, "Only two and a half days, baby, and I'll be back trying to make you happy around the clock."

Looking at his cell phone, John says, "I've got forty-five minutes before boarding, but you aren't allowed through security."

Gary looks around, mumbling, "Yeah, I should have stayed with the cab. I thought there'd be a place to have a drink."

"I'm glad you came inside with me," and John hugs and kisses Gary, murmuring, "I love that we're in love, Gary. It's so fucking romantic."

Smiling, Gary mutters, "You're not even doing your lisping and gay affectation, but talking like that... Jesus, somebody is going to think you're queer."

John hangs on Gary, "I don't care. I don't give a fuck!" and he kisses Gary, who lets go of John, saying, "C'mon, don't flaunt our gayness in people's faces. I've told you about that before. You wouldn't want to see some girl and guy slobbering over one another, would you?"

"EW! No! I like doing things you feel you must correct me about, Daddy. Haha."

"That's a thing right there, Darling. It's like when I realized you could do things that would piss me off if anyone else did them, but I didn't get pissed off at you; I knew I was caught in your love web. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I was, but it's still a little scary to be this much in love. I shudder to think what you could get away with."

"Haha! That's such a crock. You don't let me get away with anything. You just finished criticizing the shit out of me because I was demonstrably showing how much gay love I have for you."

"Oh, that. That was nothing."

They're standing in the middle of the entrance area, not near security, arguing over little things. Arguing over little things is just what they do, and they think it's fun. Gary's holding John's satchel in one hand, his other hand affectionately on John's hatless head, his fingers in John's scraggy, unevenly cut pretty blond hair, John's hands holding onto Gary's hips, both of them demonstratively being gay lovers in the faces of passers-by. A few passers-by offered opinions, such as two of the nicer ones were: 'Offensive behavior... there are children present' or "Get a fucking room, pervs.'

Finally, Gary mumbles, "I don't want to let you go, but you must." He leans in to kiss John on the lips, "Bye, baby," and gives John the satchel. "Bye, Gary, I'll be at the Denver Airport to meet you on Wednesday."

Gary nods, turns, and walks out without looking back. John watches him walk away as someone mutters, "How about getting the hell away from the entrance, asshole?"

"What?" John looks around, but no one meets his eyes. Shrugging, he carries the satchel to the security line and gets misty-eyed at how much love Gary's been showing him and verbalizing, too. Hearing 'I love you' from the man you love is very special.

John Darling Jr. is in a trance of love, knowing Gary and he are experiencing true love. He doesn't know how he knows that, but he's sure he's right. He and Gary have, against all odds, found their soul mate and lover for life. There is no way they matched up when they first met, so how come they go together like peanut butter and jelly, like fish and chips, tick and tock, like, whatever goes together perfectly? They don't know or care that they don't know. Huh?

They argue often and are as far from being two peas in a pod, but somehow, they're still perfect for one another. This makes John so happy that he needs to wipe his eyes, thinking, 'What if I wasn't in that accident, and what if Andy hadn't taken pity on me, and what if I didn't know Dickie who knew Gary, and what if this and what if that?

He's in a dreamy mood on the plane and starting to feel a tiny hangover from the Manhattans he and Gary had at the bar. He's a twenty-two-year-old, six feet tall, 187 pounds, peaches and cream complected, no tattoos or piercings, clean-shaven, blond-headed, blue-eyed, extraordinarily attractive young male sitting in the business section of the plane, tears in his eyes, dreamily gazing out the window, attracting several glances of which he's unaware. He's used to being looked at.

Six weeks ago, John weighed 167 pounds but has gained twenty pounds on purpose, and it's beginning to be too much. He no longer qualifies as 'slim,' looking slightly pudgy because his body has a smallish frame. Even so, his weight is still within the general guidelines for someone his age and height. He likes being heavier because his boyfriend wanted him to gain weight. That thought made the pretty young man smile, thinking of his lover, who weighs less than him now. He's almost two inches shorter, though, so...

It's hard to believe how perfectly they are together, and John believes that the most when he's with Gary. On his own, he tends to lose confidence that he and Gary are as perfect as it feels they are when together. Gary makes John feel safe and loved, and, yeah, he makes John feel special, too. John sighs, feeling optimistic now that he'll be okay for the first time since the accident and almost dying, then all the traumatic steps of recovering from that. It's going to be all right because of Gary.

Thinking about all that, John tightens up, realizing he's alone and scared. He feels like a little kid who wants to cry and sucks on his lips; looking out the plane's window, he's willing himself not to cry. Then, getting pissed off that he's still getting this scary immature emotion, promises himself he'll get professional help. A therapist, or whoever a therapist recommends, John needs to see.

He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly as a tear runs down his cheek. He wishes he had a messenger app so he could text Gary from the airplane. Getting his phone out, he looks at Gary's photos. He now has four of them, and he'd have more if Gary hadn't told him to stop it! That makes John's dick tighten up. He loves Gary being firm about something, anything. He likes Gary correcting him because that means he's the center of Gary's mind. He likes being dominated, but only by Gary.

He hears the flight attendant talking, "...securing the cabin, so please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts."

"What?" Then he looks out the window and sees Denver Airport. Glancing at his phone, he realizes it's eight o'clock.

Everything goes smoothly, and John's in his pickup truck and driving out of the Denver Airport parking at eight-twenty, feeling proud he'd handled everything okay. Then he remembers something and curses, "Fuck!" Gary told him to text him when he landed.

Out loud, Gary mutters, "Goddammit, why couldn't I have done that? Shit!" And he pulled over to the breakdown lane and texted, 'Hey, Daddy, haha... love you! I made it safely back here, and I miss you already. I love you, your pretty boy."

Grinning stupidly, he stares at his phone, waiting for a text, but doesn't get one. Looking up and seeing the traffic flowing from the airport, Gary says aloud, "He went to bed, but he'll see in the morning that I texted."

Carefully getting back into the traffic flow, he concentrates on driving to be sure he gets off at the right exit, then feels relaxed that he knows the way from here. While driving, he thinks about the few times he and Gary had sex. 'Few times' compared to how often John wanted to do it. He's sure Gary loves him, but Gary isn't nearly as sex-craved as John. What to do because he feels horny right now.

Maybe if he stops thinking about Gary, he won't be so horny. Yeah, but it will be two and a half days before he'll see Gary again, and even then, Gary won't be climbing-the-walls-horny like John will be. Gary won't insist they find a place at the airport to fuck because he can't wait even another hour to get home, which is how John will feel.

Driving, John wonders if this will be a long-term problem. No, he doesn't believe their different sex drives will screw up their love affair. Why is that, though? John says, "I don't know how, but we'll work it out. We'll compromise."

Nodding, he remembers Gary hinting he, John, might need to have some side sex until they get their sex lives synchronized. Talking out loud again, he says, "He didn't say synchronized, but he did suggest I might need to look for a side sex buddy but don't tell him about it. Yeah, but what if we're married?"


Safely back in the apartment, John walks around randomly, unsure what to do. He admits that Gary was awesome with sex today, but what about sex for him tomorrow and the next day and... oh, fuck.

It's nine o'clock on a Sunday night. He could text Andy, but he's probably with Dickie, and tomorrow is a work day, so he'd prefer that Dickie didn't know he was looking for something to do Sunday night at nine o'clock. He'll stay in. No, he hasn't eaten anything since that unspectacular lunch at the Irish Pub, and he's starving. Once you get used to piling on the calories, you think you need that many.

He drives to McDonald's and has a 3050-calorie dinner. He feels good walking out of the restaurant, but he is tired now. Leaning against the pickup truck, he smokes a cigarette. Then, back inside Gary's and his apartment, he cleans up again, brushes his teeth, sets his phone alarm, and goes to bed.

Monday morning at five o'clock, he kills the alarm button, then sits on the edge of the bed and calls Gary, who answers during the first ring, saying, "Good morning, Johnny. Oh man, did I miss sleeping with you last night? I got spoiled having you with me for two nights. Thanks for the text telling me you arrived safely. I miss you."

John grins, listens to Gary say all that, and then says, "That's the most you've ever said in a row to me, Daddy. I loved hearing that."

"Yeah? Well, it's funny, but you being here with me for three days, you know, after not having you with me for almost three weeks, was eye-opening for me. I realized how important you've become in my life. The most important part of my life, and I love you to death. I can say that now. So, ha-ha, you win; we're in love. You've been right all along."

"That was the second-longest speech ever given about you and me. Not counting the ones you've made correcting me about something I'm doing wrong."

"Stop it! I hardly ever correct you about anything. No, that's not true. I love correcting you and helping you get back to who you were before your horrific accident and losing your parents, and the coma and amnesia and everything."

Sounding sincerely excited, John says, "WOW! This is the best telephone call we've ever had! Tell me more."

Gary snickers, then mutters, "I was going to tell you not to get up at five o'clock in the morning just to talk to me, but forget that. I want you getting up early to talk with me. I should have let you stay, Darling. I knew I should have as soon as I left the airport. I only wanna be with you, too."

Tears run down John's cheeks, but he smiles and murmurs, "Thanks for telling me all this, Gary. It makes me so happy! I miss and love you so much!"

Gary chuckles, "You'll have me tearing up in a minute. Um, I also want to tell you that I'll try to get closer to your level of, ah, sex drive. I want to make you happy, but if it'll take a while, so you remember what I told you about that, right? Ah, but don't feel you need to tell me about it. We'll eventually meet in the middle if you know what I mean. Now, this is an order: get back to sleep."

"Thanks, Gary. I loved this phone call with you. Two more morning calls, and you'll be home. Talk to you tomorrow, and good luck with the training."

"Bye, Johnny," click.

John lies back on the bed, his phone clutched to his chest, absorbing everything Gary told him. He liked it all, especially Gary okaying John to have sex with a buddy when he felt he needed it. That's a special love, letting your lover screw with someone else.

Resetting the alarm for six thirty, John puts the phone on the bedside table and gets under the covers, saying aloud, "I'm not going to do it even though Gary gave me the okay. I'm staying true to him."

He's awake again at 6:30 and hops out of bed to get ready for work. Brushing his teeth, he remembers Gary saying they needed the money that John earns to get a better apartment and occasionally go out to dinner, see a movie, etc.

They can do that and much more without either of them working because John has three million dollars plus a house without a mortgage worth over seven hundred thousand dollars. But how can he tell Gary without making Gary seem foolish? Gary implied he'd mainly support them, but John's extra earnings, while not a lot, will help them do some fun things they'd otherwise not be able to afford.

What to do? He knows he should tell Gary about his inheritance before Gary finds out about it from Dickie says or Dickie's father. That would be super embarrassing for Gary. He decided he'd tell him in person at the Denver airport on Wednesday afternoon. It should be a positive conversation, not a negative one. "I'll need to think carefully about how to tell him," John says aloud.

At work, he gives Dickie a big hug, happy to see him. To John, it feels like he's been away for much longer than a weekend. Dickie smiles, "What a nice greeting, Johnny." He isn't even aware John was with Gary this weekend, asking, "Did you have a nice weekend, buddy?

John says, "Yes, how about you?" Asking that John realizes he isn't even slightly jealous of Dickie and Andy. He hopes they're having a great time together. He half listens to Dickie telling him what a good time he and Andy had at Fort Collins. Then, Walt mutters, "Let's go, Junior!" They look over and see Walt with his normal Monday morning scowl.

Even a scowling Walter can't dampen John's spirits, still high from his weekend with Gary. John says to Dickie, "I'll see you at morning break, Dickie," then to Walt, "I'm coming, boss."

He spends an hour and a half helping Walt change oil and tires and performing general flunky duties for Walter. Then, Mr. Marshall gets John to detail cars for the rest of the day. After work, he and Dickie have their regular two beers at the Campus Bar, where Dickie invites John to have dinner with him and Andy at Andy's house.

Andy's house? What?

John lets that slide and says, "Hey, thanks Dickie. What time should I be there?" John drives to his and Gary's apartment, showers, and meets Andy and Dickie at his inherited apartment in Cheyenne. He hugs and kisses Andy, truly happy to see him but feels that the monumental changes in the growth of his and Gary's relationship, by comparison, make Andy's and Dickie's relationship seem immature and silly. Yeah, their relationship is simple when compared to Gary's and his. And John loves Dickie and Andy, but he sees a big difference, and he gives Gary the credit for their much more serious love affair. John, obviously, keeps his opinion between him and Gary.

Andy prepares a nice chicken dinner, and afterward, they smoke a joint and get drunk. That is Andy and Dickie do that, not John. He drinks in moderation and has a little of the pot to be sociable, then leaves at nine o'clock with Dickie calling him a pussy for leaving so early.

On Tuesday, John talks with Gary. Both young men say, 'I love you!' when saying their 'goodbyes.' It feels comfortable and very, very real saying it now. Thinking about that made John feel that he was finally acting his age. He details cars all day, skips the after-work beers with Dickie, and eats a big-calorie fast food dinner. Feeling horny, he gets a phone call from Paul, his young basketball buddy, who wants to know why John moved out of the apartment and when he is going to shoot some baskets with him.

John is very nice, explaining he's found a very special person to share an apartment with. He promises to shoot baskets with Paul and catch up on how his private school experience is going. "And say hello to your aunt for me, Paul." Paul mumbles, "Okay, and Aunt Sunny talks about you to everybody. She thinks you're wonderful."

"Yeah, don't you think I am?"

Snickering, then Paul says, "You're pretty wonderful, yeah. I can beat you playing 'Horse' now. I'm getting good!" Talking with Paul was one more thing that made John feel good. It made him feel mature, more mature than Paul anyway... haha.

Then, the big day. Gary had insisted John not get up at five o'clock Wednesday because they'd be together early afternoon at the Denver Airport. As soon as John walks into work Wednesday, Dickie says, "My Dad told me you're only working a half day today. What's up with that?"

John explains he needs to pick Gary up at the airport, and Dickie says, "Oh, Gary's finally done his computer training, huh? How long has he been gone, and are you two still, you know, um, together?"

John nods, "Yes, we're together. I moved in with him. I told you and Andy about that."

"Oh, yeah? I forgot, but don't you find Gary very demanding? I don't mean demanding sex... I don't think he likes sex very much. I mean, he's demanding in that he has his idea of how everything needs to be done, and it got to be a pain in my ass after a while. Do you find that to be true?"

"No, not at all. Why did you stay his boyfriend if...?"

"I don't know, but, buddy, I'm glad it's working for you. Just between you and me, though, you could do a hell of a lot better than Gary Thomas."

John says, "No, I couldn't! Thanks for letting me leave work early today, Dickie." He mumbles, "It's my Dad. I didn't know anything about it, and why the hell are you even doing this job? You're rich!" John smiles and touches Dickie's shoulder, "I like working with you, Dickie. Maybe Gary and I can hook up with you this weekend, Dickie."

The morning dragged by for John, but eventually, it was noon, and he said his goodbye to his boss, Walt, then to Walt's boss, Dickie, and he was on his way to the Denver Airport, excited, honestly very excited to soon see his boyfriend and lover. John filled the gas tank of his pickup truck last night, so there won't be a problem like the one he experienced last Friday. Traffic was fairly light, and he arrived at the Denver airport an hour before Gary's plane would be landing. He couldn't get through security, so he asked where the passengers from Gary's flight would exit the Airport's secure areas and hung out in that area, impatiently waiting.

As the arrival time for Gary's flight approached, John felt himself getting emotionally worked up and concentrated on controlling that. Still, when passengers began surging out of the doorway and he saw Gary walk by him, tears rolled down his cheeks. Fuck! John wiped his eyes twice, smiling brightly as he caught up with Gary, tapped him on the shoulder, murmuring, "Welcome home, Cowboy..."

Gary turns and murmurs, "Johnny," and they hug, stepping sideways out of the exiting passengers. Gary kisses John, "God, I missed you, Johnny," and he hugs and kisses him again, tears rubbing off John's cheeks onto Gary's. John murmurs, "Me too, me too, Gary."

Holding out the handle of his carry-on suitcase, Gary says, "Take this, Johnny." Gary readjusts the satchel hanging from around his neck, and they start walking. John pulls the carry-on, saying, "Sorry for the tears, but I'm so happy we're together. I'm no good on my own, Daddy."

Gary grins, staring into John's eyes, then murmurs, "Wow, you are so good-looking; it's a privilege looking at you." John smiles widely, "Thank you! And I'm all yours, Gary. Totally yours. Omigod, you're back! I'm so happy."

Gary stops them again, and the luggage makes it awkward, but they hug and kiss again. Gary is doing most of the kissing, and he's never been known as the kissing type. That's prior to meeting John Darling. They continue making their way to the parking area and John's pickup. At the truck, John automatically hands the key fob to his man, then loads both luggage pieces on the back seat.

Getting in the passenger side, John smiles at Gary, "I love you." Starting the pickup truck, Gary mutters, "Are you ever going to get fucked hard as soon as we get home.

John swoons at the word 'home', and he's thrilled that Gary, a low sex drive young man, is the one who mentioned fucking first. Beaming, John adjusts his stiffening penis, telling Gary, "I weigh 185 pounds, down two pounds from when I left you in Montana." Gary nods, "Good, you look too chubby now. We'll get both of us looking good, babe. I lost weight, and you gained weight, so we need to join a fitness center and change our softness into muscle. Two hot sexy motherfuckers in love."

John smiles, loving the things Gary's saying, and he's deeply into idolizing his man, Gary Thomas. John murmurs, "You know, Gary, um, you're stuck with me forever. I'll follow you anywhere. I feel good; I feel confident when I'm with you. I want to be Gary Thomas."

Gary smiles at John, murmuring, "I don't know how I warrant a lover like you, John Darling, but it makes me consider becoming religious. Or maybe it's just dumb luck on my part, but I'm going to try my ass off being worth your love."

In the apartment, Gary says, "We'll put my stuff away before anything else. Here, Johnny, dump the dirty clothes out of both luggage pieces and get them going in one of the washing machines on the first floor while I put stuff away. My toiletry stuff and the luggage." "Yes, Gary," and John hurries to do that.

In the apartment, John finds Gary in the bedroom, getting undressed, and quickly takes off his clothes. They had hot and heavy sex a few days ago in Montana, but they're both anxious for each other again. When Gary takes John's hand and pulls him to the bed, John shivers with arousal. They lie in each other arms, making out like lovers, slow and luscious kisses, hungry ones but not desperate because they know they have the rest of their lives together. As unlikely as it may be, they know that to be true.

Naked with hard boners dripping precum, Gary reaches to the night table next to their bed and rips open a condom while John shudders with sexual heat. Taking his time deliberately rolling on the condom, Gary murmurs, "On your back, baby, pulling your legs back. John does that, whimpering with desire, and Gary carefully pushes his extremely fat boner head against John's tight anus that gives way, opening as if by magic, and both young men moan, "Oooh, mmm," back together again, where they belong.

Gary makes love to John Darling slowly for only two minutes before they both have hard, incredibly fantastic climaxes, moaning and groaning at the extreme pleasure soaring over them. Gasping, he takes the cum-filled condom off and puts it on Kleenex on the nightstand. He and John then grovel against each other's naked bodies, hugging and kissing for a while until Gary tightly slides his very fat cock, without a condom, back inside John's rectum and fucks him slowly, making love for fifteen minutes this time before they again reach the mountaintop moaning in deep heat and sexual pleasure, experiencing superb second climaxes.

Drained, they stay in each other's arms, naked and sweaty, murmuring words of love for a half hour before dozing off and awakening an hour later. Gary again initiates their lovemaking, fucking John very slowly for almost thirty minutes before both feel weak but as good and as sexually satisfied as they've ever been. John moaned, "Daddy," and shoots off a squirt of cum. Gary continues thrusting for another two minutes before humping one last time against John's buttocks and, with a grunt, shoots his small third cum load of the past hour and fifteen minutes.

They eat out at their favorite restaurants quietly, talking about the future, and then before sleeping, Gary fucks John again, feeling a deep love for him and thereby totally blowing the myth that Gary has a low sex drive. He had one, but John Darling is too special, and Gary has to have him multiple times.

After all that, they are still in bed for the night, sleeping soundly in one another's arms by nine-thirty as Gary has work tomorrow. John gets up in the morning with Gary to make him breakfast as Gary showers and gets ready for work. John drives Gary to work, so he'll have the truck to use during the day.

As Gary gets ready to get out at work, they kiss goodbye, both smiling brightly because they're together again. Gary says, "Finish the clothes you put in the washing machine last night, John, and do your exercises; then I wrote a grocery shopping list, and how about getting our truck through a car wash? Pick me up after work, and other than that, have a great day." "Yes, Gary," and they kiss again, not caring who sees them do it.

Gary's sex drive returns to more like his normal level, only fucking John twice after work. Then, after work Friday, Gary says, "I can hardly wait for this, babe. I'll drive because I know the way to Randy's Barbershop. This is the longest I've ever gone in between haircuts, and I hate my long, scraggly hair."

John nods, and his dick feels squirmy in his underpants; men's jockey shorts underpants, not girlie panties. He's outgrown girlie panties. He says, "Am I finally getting Randy's famous Wyoming Cowboy's flattop haircut?" Gary glances over, muttering, "Well, yeah. It's what I'm getting, and I want you to ask for the same thing."

"I know that, Gary. I was asking to be sure. I want to ask for that."

John turns onto Roundup Street, muttering, "You'll look even better with a Cowboy haircut, babe."

There is an older man in the barber chair getting a regular haircut from Randy when the guys go in and have a sit. Gary picks up a People magazine while John looks at Randy, who doesn't have a flattop haircut. He doesn't have any hair on top, and mostly, the small amount of hair on the sides and back of his head is shaved to the scalp.

Randy's appearance is disappointing to John, who expected him to be a Cowboy-type guy, young and ready for the rodeo. Instead, he's a bald sixty-year-old guy who says to his older client as he rings up the price of the haircut, "See you in a month, Burt." Burt says, "Uh-huh," and leaves the barber shop.

Gary says, "Go ahead, baby."

John gets up and walks to the barber chair as Randy lights a cigarette, mumbling, "Go ahead, son. Get in the chair; I'll be right with you." Then he says, "Gary, where ya been, son?" Gary tells him about his three-week stint in Montana and blah, blah, blah as Randy smokes his cigarette. Randy stubs out the cigarette butt and, smelling like an ashtray, says to John Darling, "What'll it be. son?"

Taking a deep breath, John Darling says, "Your special Wyoming Cowboy Flattop, please." Randy says, "Sit up straight, " and then roughly drags a comb through John's hair. Then it's ten minutes of bussing clippers, and lots of hair is gathering on the cape on John's lap. There's Butch wax roughly dragged through John's hair, then a brunch roughly brushing the short hair up on John's head.

A hairdryer dries the butch wax, and then, eyeballing it, Randy moves clippers flatly through the already short hair on John's head. Randy squints as he checks for flatness and then puts the clippers away, takes off the cape from around John's neck, does a cursory brush with an odd-smelling brush, and says, "There ya go, son."

John stares at himself in the mirror across the front of the barber chair, nods, and Randy mutters, 'Twenty-five dollars, son."

John Darling and Gary Thomas lived together for eight years before marrying; John insisted on changing his name to his man's last name... John Darling Thomas. With John's inheritance, Gary opened his own garage business, and John played the part of the stay-at-home housekeeper, more or less Gary's wife. They loved everything about their lives. They moved out of state to get married but stayed in touch with Dickie Marshall and Andy Salsbury, although those two broke up after nine months.

John and Gary never figured out what there was about one another that automatically clicked, causing them to fall in love at first sight, eventually giving up wondering about that. They loved and liked each other, being both lovers and best friends all their lives. John idolized Gary until the day he died sixty-three years from now

THE END... Thank you for reading my story!

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