By Donny Mumford - Laureate Author

Published on Apr 12, 2024




At John Darling's house, in the first-floor powder room, Andy is wiping cum off John Darling's ass. It's cum Andy deposited up there that's drooling back out. Andy dries John's buttocks with a hand towel, lisping, "I'm telling you, Johnny, you'd look fantastic wearing makeup. I can take you with me next time, and then you can surprise Gary when he returns from his training program."

"Thanks for offering, Andy, but I don't want to do that. Ah, was that the eye makeup under your eyes?"

"It's what's left of my eye makeup from last night, yeah. You can pull your pants up now, Darling. No, wait! Let me put some toilet paper in your panties to soak up any late dripping cum." As he does that, he adds, "Dickie was right about us fucking, huh?"

"Yeah, he knows us pretty well, it seems."

Patting John's ass, Andy mutters, "Anyway, It was great for old times' sake, but it's not something I'll be able to do for you anymore, Johnny. As I said, I'm getting romantically fucked up in the head about my Huck Finn lookalike boyfriend. I can see him and me getting wicked serious, and he's forbidden me from having sex with anyone but him, so I don't want to screw around with that. He is such a stud!"

John shrugs, then, with a lot more emphasis, Andy lisps, shouting, Dickie is my Huck Finn lookalike, redheaded, freckled-faced stud!"

Lisping when shouting sounds really weird. John doesn't mention that, though. Instead, he asks, "Why do you think Huckleberry Finn had red hair and freckles?"

Andy goes, "That's a good question. Who's on the cover of the book?"

Shrugging, John mutters, "I don't know, but it's been a long time since I read the Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn adventure books. I can't remember Mark Twain ever describing the facial features of either Tom or Huckleberry. I think Huck had curly hair, but I don't think it was red."

Andy keeps staring at John, so John grins and finally asks, "What?"

"Why are you talking about this?"

Shrugging, "I don't know. What are you going to tell your redheaded stud about, um, about us fucking?"

Making a face, then looking in the mirror, lightly patting the curly permanent he got at the hair salon yesterday afternoon, Andy mutters, "I'll lie, of course."

"Oh, that's good for you, but I don't think I can lie to Dickie. Anyway, how about lunch? Where will we eat lunch, Andy?"

Andy says in his normal lisp, "You can lie, Johnny! Haha, hell, you're a good liar. Ah, we'll need to lie about going to lunch, too. Come on upstairs to Dickie's and my bedroom. I'll show you what I learned about putting on eye makeup."

"Okay, but what am I going to do? I can't lie to Dickie without him knowing I'm lying."

"Andy squeezes the back of John's neck, leaning over to get his face in front of John's, "Well, Darling, don't say anything then."

"We're going to get caught; I just know it. I hope Gary doesn't find out."

"Stop it, Johnny! Jesus, don't blame me. I did it for you; I gave in to your nagging."

"Um, it wasn't really nagging... was it?"

Andy gives John's left butt cheek an affectionate goose and says, "Yes, it was nagging, but we're not going to get caught. Listen, forget about that." Then, grinning, he lisps, "Please don't think I'm bragging, but I'm getting my nails done, too. I have an appointment for three o'clock today! Dickie wants me to do all this girlie stuff, and it's so gay! Haha, it's wonderful fun, actually."

Walking to the stairs, John shrugs and, fully into copying Andy's lisping now that they're together again, he lisps, "I don't think Gary would like me to do all the stuff you're doing."

Andy snickers, "Well, I love it, and just between you and me, Dickie calls me his girlfriend, and I think he wants to pretend I'm a girl, but a girl with a penis."

"That's, ah... I don't even know what to say to that."

"Oh hell, Johnny, I'll do anything for my Huckie, and he and you were best friends for years, so you know how special Dickie Marshall is."

John follows Andy upstairs and mumbles, "Does he let you call him that... that Huckie nickname?"

Andy giggles, "Good God, no! That's between you and me. Dickie doesn't like being compared to Huckleberry Finn."

"You're having a good time with Dickie, aren't you?"

Stopping at the top of the stairs, Andy murmurs, "Yes, and it's all thanks to you. Oh, Johnny, you're my best girlfriend ever!"

"Thanks. I can see Dickie's big on the girlfriend theme, too, huh?"

Andy laughs, "Well, yeah. C'mon, we'll go to Dickie's, and my bedroom, um, oh... it used to be your bedroom. This is awkward. Are you sure it's okay that I'm living here?"

"Yeah, sure. What are we going to do in there? I'd be up for another sexy adventure if..."

By now, John's lisping as much as Andy, and he likes doing it. Andy puts his arm around John's waist, "No, Darling, not that! I already told you I'm going to do eye makeup for both of us, and we'll go to lunch after that."

"No eye makeup for me, but other than that, I like that you're making decisions for me, Andy. I've had a bad time doing that myself since Gary left."

Andy nods, "Well, I was our leader for a number of months, Darling, and although it was exhausting and stressed me out like nothing else ever has in my life, I can still do it for you, but only in short bursts, like for a couple of hours at a time. Just for you, though. I'm never trying to be the dominant part of a relationship ever again."

"Thanks, Andy. Do you think you could fuck me again after lunch?"

Shaking his head, Andy sounds stern, "That was so unfair of you, Johnny! Don't take advantage of me, okay? We'll have lunch, and you better keep your mouth shut about it to Gary, or we won't have any more lunches, never mind getting fucked."

John gets emotional when Andy criticizes him, and his eyes start tearing up as he murmurs, 'I'm sorry, and...'

Andy sees the tears starting and hugs John, mumbling, "Okay, maybe we can do it after lunch. Don't cry. I can't take seeing you upset. You've been through so much, and you're so brave about everything..." Running his fingers through John's hair, he says as a non sequitur, "Your hair is growing out nicely, Johnny. I'd love to see it with a permanent like mine."

Wiping his eyes, John mumbles, "I'm okay, Andy. My eyes, um, it's an allergy or something. What? A curly permanent? No, I don't think so. I want to go to Randy's Barbershop with Gary. But thanks for offering. Where'd you say we're going for lunch? I need a lot of calories."

Andy leaves his arm across John's shoulders, and with John leaning comfortably against Andy, they start walking down the hall to John's old bedroom. Andy says, "Oh, yeah, lunch. Well, Dickie took me to a gay club last night, and I noticed that they serve lunch, too, so I thought we could go there. It's in Colorado, but only like a thirty-five-minute drive."

John mutters in his Andy-lisp, "Thirty-five minutes if you drive ninety-five miles an hour the whole way."

Inside the bedroom, Andy frowns. "You can drive if you want, Johnny. Here, sit in front of your desk. See, you didn't have a good mirror in here, so I bought this LED vanity mirror. Now, it's like a makeup table. Look at all the different makeup I have here. All the lipstick shades, then eyeliners. Here's a creamy one and a pointy pencil one."

Pointing, he says, "That's an eyebrow lift stick, and this is mascara I'll use on your eyelashes." Picking up a funny-looking thing, he lisps, "This is an eyelash curler. There are so many gadgets. Here is a funny, slanted, tiny scissor for cutting the eyebrows."

John's startled when Andy grabs his chin and lifts his head, looking closely at John's eyebrows. Andy mutters, "I'll use tweezers to pluck enough of your eyebrows to shape them somewhat and then use the pencil for final shaping."

Letting go of John's chin, Andy picks up what looks like a watercolor paint set, saying, "See all the different shades of eyeshadow on this palette? It's all so much fun!"

"Uh-huh, but I don't know if I should do anything with my eyebrows. Gary might not like it."

John starts to get up, but Andy has his hand on his shoulder pressing down, saying, "Don't get up Darling. Never mind Gary now. He's away for three weeks, and when the cat's away, the mice can play. I want to do your eyes, then do mine. It's fun wearing makeup and going to a gay restaurant."

Moving away from Andy's hand, John stands, "No, I don't want to wear makeup. If Gary wants me to, that'll be different. Then I'll do it for him."

Andy sits down, "You never used to say 'no' to me, Johnny. I put a lot of effort into teaching you to do what you're told. I mean, why else would I go through all the stressfulness of forcing myself to be dominant with you if you're not going to do what you're told? Oh, fuck, I'm exhausted already."

"Yeah, well, I'm sorry, but Gary wants me to be more self-reliant. Ya know... It's like this: I need to practice making decisions, and my decision is that I don't want to wear makeup. I am interested in seeing you wear it, though. I don't want to ruin your fun. Please, please, please, please don't take offense to the fact that I don't want to use makeup. It's just that I have this strong sense that Gary would not like me to do that."

"Oh, well, perhaps you can be self-reliant fucking yourself, too, then. Would Gary like that, do you suppose?"

For a second, John freezes, then he laughs out loud, and then Andy laughs, too. Andy says, heavily lisping, "Damn, I didn't mean that as a joke at first, but when you laughed, I realized how petty I sounded and had to laugh at myself. I was jealous that you didn't want to do what I wanted you to do, but that's so dumb of me."

"No, that's okay, Andy. You're used to looking out for me and me doing what I'm told. You, um, didn't sound like yourself there for a second, though."

Andy mutters, "Yeah, I sounded like I was looking out more for me than you. I'm so sorry, Darling!"

"That's okay. I'd like to see you do the makeup, though. Oh, wait. I just remembered," and he pulls the certified check from his pocket, "I got a certified check for you. It's your pay for the weeks you've been my personal nurse. If it's not enough, I'll get you another check."

Andy mumbles, "I was a personal friend more than a nurse. I didn't do nursing stuff, and I'm not a nurse anyway. I'm a nurse's assistant."

John hands the check to Andy and says, "You've been invaluable to me, Andy. I'll be friends with you all my life, and I'll never forget you, ever."

Naturally, while saying these emotional sentiments, tears are running down John's face as he hugs Andy, who starts crying, too. They're gay guys... what do you expect?

Andy kisses John's cheek, takes a peek at the check, and says, "Two thousand dollars! That's twice what we agreed on, plus I'm still spending the five hundred in cash we both started with from the ATM."

Hugging Andy, John murmurs, "It's wonderful hugging you, Andy. It feels so familiar. I love you, and two thousand dollars doesn't begin to repay how much you've meant to me."

They kiss and hug, and they hug tightly, too. After a tight hug and another kiss, Andy says, "Please, let me do a little something with eye makeup for you, Johnny. I don't want to be the only one wearing makeup."

Letting go of each other, John asks incredulously, "You weren't the only one wearing it last night? Whaaat? Are you saying that Dickie wore eye makeup on your date last night?"

Andy says, "C'mon, sit down for me, Johnny, and yes, I did Dickie's eye makeup for him. Nothing that couldn't be washed off, of course. He works, and at his job, eye makeup could be a problem... haha! And by the way, these two thousand dollars will keep me going for a couple of months, but then I need to get a job. Dickie's working on getting me a job at the other Marshall Auto Repair office. He's talking with his Dad about that."

Relaxing now, John says, "Well, if Dickie was okay with the makeup you did for him, you can do a tiny bit of that for me. I work too, you know."

Andy mutters, "I know you do," he adds, "Keep your face up." John does that, and Andy starts plucking John's eyebrows, mumbling, "As I said before, now I'm just shaping your eyebrows a little. Please, no talking. I need to concentrate."

Andy's left hand is flat on John's forehead, pushing his bangs flat and back on his head as he looks closely at what he's doing, his face ten inches from John's. John lets himself relax, closing his eyes and enjoying the personal touching of Andy's pleasant, moist breath on his face. In a minute or two, John falls into a delicious submissive sense, giving himself up to Andy, and it feels so good, so sexually good he almost moans. After the past months of being almost inseparable, Andy and John easily slide into the roles of their past relationship. Andy's firmly in charge, and John, as submissive as always, is as relaxed and comfortable as he's been since splitting up with Andy.

Andy plucks more of John's eyebrow hairs, and John lets out a whimpering moan, "Mmmm, oooh," his penis, a steel pole in his pants. Andy being very deliberate, it takes about five minutes per eyebrow, and by now, John's deeply into a sexy trance and in danger of a series of precum drips in his girlie panties. Satisfied that John's eyebrows are shaped properly, Andy uses a tiny brush to shape more and then tiny scissors to trim what's left of each eyebrow. Andy takes his time doing everything because he recognizes John's trance-like condition--he's witnessed it before.

Biting his index finger and squinting, Andy stares at John's eyebrows and thinks he better stop plucking because there is definitely a feminine style to how he's plucked thus far. He's shaped John's eyebrows almost to perfection for a woman's eyebrows. They look fabulous, but they're definitely feminine-looking. Hmmm, he uses an eyebrow pencil to darken the blond eyebrows and loves how that looks.

Nodding and grinning, Andy murmurs, "That's a great look, although a tad on the feminine side. Doing this for you, Johnny, is sexy fun. He said that as if he was doing John a favor instead of nagging until John let him do it. John, his eyes still closed, lisps and murmured, "What? Fun?"

"Nothing, Darling. I'm just admiring how wonderful your eyebrows turned out, um... Now, some eyeliner to go with the darker eyebrows," and he uses a dark-colored eyeliner pencil to draw a line on the eyelids above the eyelashes, lisping, "Don't move, Johnny," drawing the line very slowly and carefully. Standing back, "Oh, baby, that looks so good!" He runs his fingers through John's silky, dense, light-blond hair, "I wish my blond hair was as light as yours. You are so beautiful, John Darling Junior!"

John does a tongue-tied lisp, "Thank you so much, Andy."

Andy mutters, "You're overdoing the lisp, dear." Then he mumbles, "Stay still," and Andy applies mascara to John's eyelashes and then uses an eyelash curler, squeezing each top eyelash, holding the curling device closed for thirty seconds each time. Stepping back again, Andy looks at his work, slowly nodding his head, then lisps, "I'm jealous, Johnny. Everything looks better on you than it does on me. Oh well, the last thing for your eye area is eyeshadow. We'll go with a dark eye shadow to contrast with your aforementioned light blond hair."


Ignoring that, Andy finishes John's eye makeup. Then he combs John's hair, which he had accidentally messed up while applying the eye makeup, and says, "Just a touch of lipstick, Johnny." He applies a very dark red, almost maroon lipstick and says, "I've got the LED mirror lit; open your eyes and look at the new you!"

John squints his eyes, moves his head this way and that, then lisps, "I don't even look like myself, Andy," and blinks when he hears a click when Andy takes his picture with his phone. Andy mutters, "That's the whole idea, sweetheart. You look beautiful, but I could do a lot more if you want. This is basically the least I could do. I'm still learning. Do you like it?"

John murmurs, "Against all my expectations of not liking it, I like it. I'm gay, and according to Google, I'm a natural straight-acting gay, but I wanna have fun too. I copied your lisping way of speaking and do it better than you, and I'd like to be a little swishy like you, too. Gary likes my imitation lisping. It makes him laugh, so I should loosen up more."

"Uh-huh. You're already a little swishy like me, in case you didn't know. And I love you like you're my best girlfriend ever, but you're verbose. Do you go off on long tangents on purpose?"

"I'm not verbose. I do not go off on long tangents, either. What are you talking about? Now that you mention it, Gary accuses me of that, too. You're both wrong, and I don't even think you know what verbose means. I answer a question or give an opinion only sparingly. I mean, I give an opinion sparingly. I always answer a question. It's like I keep my opinions to myself unless asked, ya know?"

Not really caring one way or another about that, Andy nods, "Okay, if you say so. I'm sorry I mentioned it. Um, what do you think of your lipstick color? I'm starting to think it's too dark."

John gawked at his lips in the LED mirror, then said, "Why can't I have a regular red or pink like I see ladies wearing? You know, a regular color."

They settle on raspberry because of John's fair, pale skin tone. He nods, "Oh, man! I do look pretty, hahaha! Okay, I'm good. You do your eyes and lips now."

As Andy's slowly doing his makeup, John's in the bathroom staring at himself in the mirror, making faces and trying to look girlish. He calls to Andy, "My hair looks too much like a boy's hairstyle. What can we do about that? Temporarily, I mean?"

Andy comes into the bathroom, mumbling, "That's a problem, Darling. I don't know enough about girl's hairstyles. My curly permanent is the first one I've ever had, and I love it to death, so you might want to consider that. If Dickie lets me, I'll keep going back to the salon for curly permanents."

"I'm happy for you, but I have a future appointment at Randy's Barbershop, so what about my hair for now?"

"To start with, your hair is too pretty to be a flattop. Hmm, but let me think... yeah, you know what? We could comb bangs across your forehead and part it down the middle for the rest of your hair on top. Combing down the sides from the middle part of your hair should cover your ears or partially cover them."

Frowning, John goes, "Whaaat?"

Andy says, "It's a genius idea. Yeah, this is something we can do. Here, step back, baby. I can do this."

Opening the medicine chest over the sink, Andy takes out a can of extra hold Tresemer Mousse as John mutters, "That was my Mom's."

Andy rubs a lot of mousse in John's hair, eliminating the part on the left side of John's head. John, who loves physical contact with guys, grins, muttering, "You're right, Andy. It is fun doing this girlie shit. I like it when you're doing stuff for me, stuff like this."

Combing a part in the hair across John's head two inches back from his hairline, Andy combs the hair forward to be John's girlie bangs. Now, his bangs reach past John's eyebrows. Andy parts the rest of the hair on top, front to back, and combs the hair down one side and then the other. The hairs combed down from the middle part are long enough to cover John's left ear, while the hairs on the right only reach the top of the ear.

Andy steps back and mutters, "Fuck..." John looks in the mirror and then at Andy, "That didn't work, Andy."

"That's because of your boy's haircut. The hair on the left is longer because you comb it from the side part over the top of your head to the other side. The hair on the other side is much shorter."

John shrugs, "Yeah, I see what you mean. What should we do?"

Andy's like, "Do you have barber scissors?" Before waiting for an answer, he starts looking through the drawers under the sink counter. From the second drawer, he holds up scissors with one of the scissor blades having that extra piece curving off the loop that all barber scissors have.

Andy says, "Keep your head still," and "Scrunch!" he closes the scissor blades on John's bangs an inch above his eyebrows, then again further over, "Scrunch, scrunch, scrunch," and then, because he didn't get the cut even across John's forehead, to even John's girlie bangs, "Scrunch, scrunch, scrunch," and then Andy yells, "Goddammit! Why can't I make them even?" Another pass across John's forehead, "Scrunch," deliberate, "Scrunch," and again, "Scrunch!"

Standing back, nodding, Andy says, "Your bangs are even now, but too short, for sure."

Running his fingers over his face, brushing mousse-sticky cut hairs off, John turns to the mirror and makes a face, then, "Ah, they're alright," and flicks his finger at his one-inch bangs, muttering, "Gary's taking me for a flattop anyway, ya know? So, no problem."

Andy says, "Whew! Thanks for being understanding, Johnny. I love you, bro!"

He combs down John's one-inch bangs, then mutters, "Um, keep your head still," and he tries evening the hairs hanging down the sides of John's head. Combing up bunch after bunch of hair, it's three minutes of "Scrunch, scrunch, scrunch, scrunch." Andy stops and mumbles, "Fuck, cutting hair is way harder than it looks. Fuck!" Then, "Scrunch, scrunch, scrunch," them, "That's the best I can do. Take a look, Johnny."

As Andy's using his hands to rub cut hairs off John's ears, neck, and shoulders, John's looking in the mirror, lisping, "It ain't pretty, but it does look kind of like a girl's hairdo. A nine-year-old Tom-boy girl's hairdo," and Andy adds, "A nine-year-old Tom-boy girl's fucked-up hairdo."

John asks, "What should we do now, Andy?"

After brushing John's cut hair off, Andy pats his shoulder and says, "Well, your hair goes better with your made-up face than your twenty-two-year-old man's hairdo did, so let's go with this. It's already twelve-thirty, and there's a forty-minute ride ahead of us, so c'mon. We're off to have lunch."

Andy earlier said John could drive, but Andy's the dominant one, so he drives as he tells John about last night's date with Dickie and how romantic Dickie has become. "He holds doors open for me, lights my cigarettes, and always compliments me about one thing or another. Last night, it was about how quickly I learned to do eye makeup and how I did such a good eye makeup job for him."

"Does Dickie lisp yet?"

"No, don't be stupid! He's as straight acting as ever, and now that he's growing his hair out, he's getting to be a good-looking Huck Finn, too."

"He's straight-acting, wearing eye makeup?"

Andy glances over at John, mumbling, "Do not act fresh with me, Johnny. You never did before. I think, and forgive me for saying this, but I think Gary is doing a poor job of being your leader. You're getting way too, um, ah... Well, mouthy. I'm sorry to say that, but it's true. You tell me... would you ever think of being so mouthy when I was your dominant boyfriend?"

"No, I guess not; you're right. I wouldn't be mouthy to you then, but I am now because Gary wants me to be more self-reliant and assertive."

"I call bullshit on the self-assertive part."

"Yeah, you're right. I made that up. You see, I'm a terrible liar."

Finally, in the gay restaurant, John looks around at the customers and says, "You and I are the gayest-looking guys in here. Look over there; that is a mom and dad with three children having lunch. Who would bring their children to a gay restaurant for lunch?"

Their waiter, a girl, appears to be straight, too, asking, "Okay, boys, what can I get you?" Then, smiling, she says to John, "Your bangs are a tad too short, honey." John blushes like mad as she cheerfully adds, " Something to drink for you, fellas?"

They order beers, get carded, show ID, and put in lunch orders for double cheeseburgers and fries. Macy, the waitress, leaves, and Andy says, "It must only be a gay restaurant at night because another mom and pop and their two kids just came in. We drove all this way for nothing."

The food is good, though, and they get in giggle fits like they did in the old days, laughing at themselves for getting made up for nothing. John says, "Well, it wasn't totally for nothing. We're entertaining those two ten-year-old boys, pointing at us and snickering."

They get back to John's house, where Andy now lives, at quarter to three. Getting out of the pickup, John says, "Will you help me comb my hair back to the way it was before?"

Andy goes, "Uh-huh, but first, I need to wash up and get over to Annie's Pretty Nails Salon. It's the shop where I'm having my fingernails done. You come with me, and afterward, we'll deal with your hair."

As they go inside the house, John asks, "How did you plan on getting to Annie's Nails Salon without a car? I mean, if I hadn't shown up."

"Take an Uber, of course."

A quick clean-up, and then, with John's hair still looking as absurd as ever, Andy drives them three miles to downtown Cheyenne. Annie's shop is between a fish market and a second-hand women's clothing shop. Andy, getting out of the pickup truck, says, "Come in with me, Johnny. Maybe there's an opening, and you can get your nails done."

Catching up with Andy on the sidewalk, John mutters, "No, that's okay. I'll smoke a cigarette and wait for you out here. How long will it take?"

Andy holds John's hand in between both of his, saying, "Just so you know... it's so nice spending this time with you, Darling. Ah, how long will I be? Um, well, I'm getting a gel manicure because gel nails are less likely to break. I should be out in less than an hour."

"What? An hour?"

"Yes, come in with me."

Shaking his head, "Nah, that's okay," and when Andy goes inside, John cups his eyes and looks inside through the plate glass window but only sees the sun's glare back at him. And the sun helps, but it is a chilly day, so John walks briskly around the block, smoking and thinking that he needs Andy to fuck him again. Being with Andy brings back their really good sex life. It's not like John's having second thoughts about switching to Gary, though. No, he's just enjoying his old friend, Andy.

Lighting his cigarette, he tells himself that it's not as if he consciously decided to drop Andy and go with Gary. It didn't happen that way. It sort of happened organically on its own, actually. Yeah, but John is very glad it did. He's growing closer to Gary quicker than he did with Andy, which isn't to say he doesn't love Andy because he does. He loves him like a friend, though.

With Gary, it's getting closer and closer to a romantic situation, although not 'love' yet. Just a romantic, um, sexual situation that could turn into romantic love... maybe. It's simply something John feels could happen. The more relationship experiences he has, the more he knows. There is still a LOT to know and to learn, though. It's weird because, with Gary, John accepts there will be less sex than he's become accustomed to. He accepts that, but he's not sure why. He simply wants to do what Gary wants. Even with less sex than Gary's used to, something exciting and long-range seems to be happening between them... somehow.

After smoking two cigarettes and walking four blocks out and four blocks back, he gets in the truck and fires up the engine, turning the heat on. Listening to country music on the radio, he hears Trace Adkins sing a tribute to the Marines called "Semper Fi. Do or die." Trace sings the best patriotic songs ever! The song gives him chills; then John turns off the radio when commercials start playing. He's not thinking about anything when Andy taps the window, smiles, and shows John his fingernails painted a pale orange.

Andy gets in the driver's seat, all excited. "That was so cool, Johnny. It took almost an hour, so I told Rita, the technician, to skip the cuticle trimming."

John couldn't care less about that. As Andy backed out of the parking lot, John muttered, "Uh-huh." Andy goes, "Oh my goodness, though, it was forty-five dollars, plus a five-dollar tip, and I had to schedule an appointment for two weeks from now. Can you believe that? Maintaining my gel manicure is an every-two-week commitment at fifty dollars each time."

John goes, "That's insane!"

"Of course, it is. I won't go in two weeks. I just wanted to experience it. If I get a good-paying job, I might do it again. Look at this," and he shows John his fingernails again, saying, "Tangerine... that's what she called this color."

"What? Oh, uh-huh."

At the house, getting out of the pickup truck, John asks, "So, can you fix my hair?"

Andy tried fixing John's hair in the upstairs hall bathroom. First, he shampoos the mousse out in the sink, then he dries his hair and tries to comb it. Damn, though, John's bangs are too short to comb over to the side now; plus, when Andy combs John's hair with a part on the left side, as it was before, the length of the hair is all the wrong now.

Andy's getting frustrated and is worried his nails will be fucked up somehow in mousse, but he uses a lot of mousse in John's hair again anyway, plastering it in place, partially like it was before, except it's all uneven all over. He shakes his head, saying, "The flattop haircut will cover up all my mistakes, Johnny. You'll look good with a flattop, too."

"Oh, so now you're glad I'm planning on a flattop, huh? Before you thought flattops sucked."

Andy nods, then they both burst out laughing, John muttering, "You fucked my hair up..." laughing so hard they're hanging on one another. It's a stupid laughing fit for no good reason... like the old days. When they'd gasp and calm down, then start up again for no good reason, John mutters, "My head feels heavy with all the mousse you put in my hair," and they're laughing their nuts off again.

Holding on to each other, the laughing-for-no-reason finally winds down, and Andy asks, "So, are you keeping up with the hair depilatory?"

John nods, "Yeah, but I should apply the cream again."

Letting go of each other, Andy takes charge. "We have time now. Let me do some nursing activities. Take off your clothes, and I'll get the Nair For Men cream. I saw it in one of your bureau drawers when I was looking for a pair of your clean boxer shorts to wear."

Taking his jeans off, John asks, "You still haven't bought underpants?"

Grinning, Andy murmurs, "I like wearing yours."

Pulling his girlie panties down, John murmurs, "Ahh, that's sweet, Andy. Maybe you'll come with me tomorrow. I want to buy more girlie underwear."

Andy gets the men's Nair depilatory cream, mumbling, "Tomorrow is Saturday and a great day for shopping, Johnny, but Dickie's taking me for an overnight trip to Jackson Hole. We're staying at the second most romantic hotel in Wyoming... Jackson Hotel. It's something like a seven-hour drive to get there, but Dickie said he'd drive a lot further than that for me. He's so romantic."

"You're driving over seven hours each way to spend a night in the second most romantic hotel? Why not go to the number one most romantic?"

Andy says, "You're making fun of Dickie's and my romantic getaway."

"I'm sorry, but..."

Unscrewing the lid on the Nair tube, Andy mutters, "No, that's okay, Johnny. You've never been all that romantic. Dickie is, though."

"I'm romantic!"

Andy mutters, "Stand straight with your legs spread." John does that, and Andy says, "You've got a nice body," and he spreads the depilatory cream on John's chest. Only faint hairs can be seen growing out at John's pubic hair area, but Andy spreads the cream all over his chest and stomach.

John tells Andy about his weight lifting and exercise programs and about packing in the calories to gain three pounds of muscle and improve his physique for Gary to look at. "You know, Andy, I want Gary to be proud of his boyfriend. Show me off and all..."

As Andy is spreading the Nair For Men cream over John's stomach, he mutters in his slushy lisps, "Fat Gary is so lucky you're okay with being his boyfriend, and I mean as you presently are, never mind with a better physique. He should thank his God every night! Making you do weight lifting and exercises... jeez, the fucking nerve. I don't see what you see in him to start with."

John defends Gary as a very unique and special person and tells Andy he only needs to ask Dickie about that because Dickie was Gary's boyfriend for blah, blah, blah...

All talking stops as Andy begins rubbing the cream around John's groin and in his ass crack, then cupping his balls. John's boner gets like granite as he murmurs, "Andy, ahh, Andy... take care of your patient..."

Gasping and grabbing his junk, Andy grunts, "Turn around and hold onto the bureau."

Andy knows where the K-Y Jelly is because Dickie uses it to fuck him. He gets the lubricant from the bedside table, smacks John's ass hard with his hand the way Dickie does it with him, then another hard snack, "Push up that pussy, boy!" Andy's acting like Dickie, and that gives John an even harder boner, and it gives Andy a hard one too! He smacks John's ass again, and this time he hears a whimper from John, "Ow, Andy, spank me again, please."

Instead, Andy wipes cream from John's ass crack and pushes jelly on John's asshole and inside his rectum, twirling his finger, teasing John by massaging his prostate gland the way Dickie does with him. Rubbing his finger right on John's prostate until he's squirming and begging, "Andy, Andy, I'm gonna cum..."

"Smack!" Andy smacks John's ass again, mumbling, "Get that pussy pointing up, boy!" Just like Dickie says it, almost sounding like Dickie. John's both confused and aroused beyond belief. So is Andy as he rams his hard cock in past John's anus, sphincter muscles and steadily pushes all six hard inches up John's ass. John's boner got harder and is now sticking straight out. He moans, "Ooh, God, ummm," precum dripping from his piss slit, 'drip, drip, drip,' as John moans, "Fuck me, Andy..."

Acting like Dickie while fucking John Darling has Andy in a state of high agitation, but in a good, aroused, sexual manner. He's hot to trot, and he starts hard, fast thrusting. His cock isn't as fat as Gary's, but it's plenty hefty and opening John's inside a lot on its way up his ass. "Slap, slap, slap, Andy smacks his body off John's buttocks, his hard cock roaring up John's ass, "Slap, slap, slap," John grunts, humping back into Andy's thrusts.

The bedroom soon smells like ass, and John has reached the tipping point of climaxing, holding his breath, almost afraid his climax will be too big to handle, and then he squeals like a female warthog with her twat caught in a muskrat trap as cum rumbles out from his nuts to fly up and out his steel cock approaching the speed of light, making a screaming sound flying out his quivering piss slit leaving him shaking and shivering, his rectum muscles closing on Andy's boner like a vise sending Andy into organic climax, pouring his seed into John's bowels.

They're both shuddering, gasping for oxygen, Andy stepping back, pulling his cock out, John's anus wide open and already drooling Andy's semen down the back of John's legs. John shakenly lets go of the bureau and stands, turns around, and leans on Andy, who wraps his arms around him, mumbling, "Are you okay, Johnny? That wasn't too rough, was it?"

After taking a few deep breaths, John mutters, "It was wonderful, Andy. If you can fulfill your nursing duties twice a day until Gary gets back from training or whatever, that would be very much appreciated."

Stepping back, taking his arms from around John, he says, "Dickie would be so disappointed in me if he finds out I'm still fucking you. Goddamn, he's so right, too. I can't be trusted around you, John. You're too irresistible, especially considering our history together. I have too much compassion for all you've been through and all we've been through together. It's not fair to Dickie, Gary, or, frankly, me."

John feels Andy's cum drooling down the back of his legs and some of it pooling under his nuts, but he doesn't want to disrespect Andy by going to the bathroom before Andy's finished with his guilt trip.

"So, Johnny, no more lunches. I'm sorry. Oh, I can give you Dickie's gay buddy's number. He and Dickie didn't have sex with one another; they're merely gay friends. He's a good guy, as far as I can tell from meeting him once. His name is Mark-something. I forget, but I have his number."

John waits, then sees Andy taking his phone out and says, "Would it be okay if I wiped my ass now, Andy? And I would love to call Mark somebody."

"Huh," Andy looks at John, "What'd you say?"

"I'm going to wipe my ass," and Andy says, "No, I'll do that for you." They walk down the hall, Andy's dick swinging outside his fly and John wearing only socks. In the bathroom, Andy's putting his dick away, mumbling, "Sorry about not being able to have lunch with you anymore, Johnny. And Mark works, so he won't be able to do lunch either, but maybe he'll take you out on a date some night next week."

John shrugs because he expects that he and Andy will be having lunch together a couple of times next week. He says, "Thanks, Andy." After Andy cleans up the drooling cum and John gets dressed, Andy gives him this guy Mark's phone number, saying, "He's as tall as you and okay looking but to be honest, he's not the dominant type at all. Still, he is gay... another straight-acting gay. Oh, and he's like twenty-nine or something. He used to work with Dickie at the garage."

They go outside in the forty-degree temperature to smoke a cigarette, then Andy says, "I'm going to miss you so much, Johnny!" and he hugs him, kissing John's cheek. Then adds, "I need to shower and redo my makeup. Dickie will come here after work to sleep over, and early tomorrow we'll leave for Jackson Hole."

Nodding, John says, "Thanks for everything, but do you think we might be able to have lunch together one day next week if I promise not to nag you for sex?"

"Oh, Johnny, I'm so fond of you. I shouldn't, but as long as Dickie doesn't find out... maybe! I'm only saying maybe."

"Thanks, Andy, I can't call you Monday or Tuesday because I work those days. I'll call you Wednesday, and we'll have lunch and maybe one fuck, okay?"."

Andy murmurs, "Yeah, call or text Wednesday and, yeah, okay, but just one!" They kiss goodbye for now. John gets in his pickup and drives away as his phone beeps that a text came in. At a red light, John looks at his phone and smiles, muttering. "Oh, it's from BO plenty: Clarence Smith..."

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 29

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