John and Me

By moc.loa@7691drawetS

Published on Jun 17, 2001


The next several weeks after my experience with John went by without any excitement. I was too nervous to be overtly sexual with him when we were together and (as far as I know) he made no more advances toward me while I slept. The memory of that morning, feeling him suck my cock while he thought I was asleep, however, stayed with me for a long time. I'll have to admit that I was a little confused by his actions. In no way, during our time together did he give any impression that he was in the least bit interested in me sexually. I began to wonder if he was himself half unconscious while he sucked me that morning. Nevertheless, I continued to think about that morning and wanted to have it happen again.

About two months after it happened I was really getting frustrated. I was afraid to even masturbate anymore, hoping that I might get hard and tempt John again with my exposed rigid cock in the morning. One night, while he was out with some friends I was about at my breaking point. I had assumed that he would be out for a while that night and planned on jacking off in the time when he was away. I was so horny I made quite a production out of the whole affair. I took a shower that night and came back to the room and locked the door. I was wearing my robe and stood in front of the mirror and let the robe open so I could see my naked body. My cock was already half hard and in no time at all it was pointing straight at my own reflection. I softly rubbed my hand across my balls and let it slide across my cock. It had been so long since I had masturbated that pre- cum was already oozing from my hole. I rubbed the pre-cum on my index finger and spread my legs apart. I placed my slick index finger on my asshole and let it glide gently around it. I was beginning to feel confined by my robe and let it fall to the floor. I knew that even if John returned I would have plenty of time to pick up the robe and put it back on while I heard him unlocking the door since our lock was a little tricky. I relaxed and let my finger slide about an inch up my hole. Another drop of pre-cum fell onto my wrist as I fingered myself. I scooped it up with my other index finger and placed it on my tongue. I loved the taste of my own pre-cum - so smooth and musky. I let the juice lay on my tongue and then I swallowed.

I regarded myself in the mirror and was pleased. My cock was as hard as it had ever been. I could have cum just doing what I was doing now if I had wanted to but I needed this so badly that I wanted to make it last. I removed my finger from my hole and began stroking my cock slowly, watching myself in the mirror getting turned on by seeing John's bed in the background. I wanted to lay on his bed and jack off watching myself in the mirror but I was too nervous. My mind was racing with the dirtiest thoughts. I went over to his dresser and opened the top drawer. I had never been so bold before but I knew that that was the drawer where he kept his underwear. The white briefs were neatly folded in short stacks. I let my finger run across the fly front of one of the briefs then, without thinking, picked the pair up and held it in front of my hard cock. I closed the drawer and returned to the mirror. I hadn't worn briefs in years. I had always preferred boxers and when I was old enough to buy my own underwear they were all I ever bought. I remembered how they felt, though, and wanted to feel John's clean white briefs against my cock. I listened outside the hallway, a victim of my own paranoia, and then slipped the briefs around my waist.

My hard cock pressed against the fabric. The cotton massaged my cock gently and my aching balls rested comfortably underneath. I rubbed my cock through the fabric and imagined John's cock being inside the briefs where my cock now pulsed with excitement. My pre-cum had already soaked through the fabric and I played with it for a moment. The excitement was getting to me, however, and I knew that I wasn't going to be able to wait any longer. I jumped up on my bed and once again rubbed my cock through the fabric. I lifted the waistband and let my cock head poke out from underneath as I layed the elastic band against the underside of my cock. The pressure was exciting. I rubbed the waist band against the underside of my cock. I knew that at any second my cock would erupt with cum and I wanted to shoot my load so badly that I closed my eyes in anticipation of the great release. The instant before I came I heard John fidgeting with the lock.

I abandoned my robe on the floor, knowing that I would not have enough time to put it on before he got into the room. I could be messy at times so he wouldn't think anything of it. I opted to pull the sheets of my bed over my half-naked body and waited for John to enter. I arranged my sheets so that my hard cock was not obvious underneath them. As John entered the room I thought I was going to lose my mind. I had gotten so close to cumming that I was half tempted to shoot my load right then and just not let him know. It wouldn't have taken much -- just a few quick strokes of my finger. As he passed through the doorway, however, my nervousness made my cock begin to get soft.

"You sleeping with the lights on?" John asked, entering the room and seeing that my eyes were still open.

"No, just getting ready to." I managed through my frustration and guilt.

"I'm exhausted," he said, unbuttoning his pants in preparation for going to bed.

"I'm surprised you're home so early," I said, trying not to sound like he had interrupted anything.

"Oh, I just couldn't do any more," he said. "I need some sleep."

"I know the feeling," I said.

Just then someone down in the courtyard outside our window started yelling up to one of the rooms. We were on the fourth floor of our dorm and without fail every night someone would be making noise down in the courtyard. Both John and I were nosy by nature. Any time there was even the slightest noise one of us would poke his head between the drapes and check out the scene. Tonight it was John's turn since he was already up.

"What's going on?" I asked.

John continued to peek between the drapes. "You gotta see this," he said.

"What is it?" I asked, not wanted to get out from under my sheets.

"Come here," he said.

I didn't want to ignore him, thinking that he might be more suspicious if I didn't come over. I just hoped he didn't look over until after I got my robe on. I jumped out of bed an adjusted my cock in his briefs. As I bent over to retrieve my robe he turned around. "It's Tom and Vic," he said. "Mooning some girls."

I wrapped my robe around me and walked toward the window. I stood behind John and peeked through the window with him. My chest rested against his shoulder and the heat from his body made my cock begin to get hard again. I tried to distract myself but I was loving the feeling of his body close to mine. And the fact that I was wearing his underwear made it even more exciting. I looked through the window at Tom and Vic pulling their pants down and showing their naked asses to some girls down in the courtyard. More naked men. That wasn't going to help bring my erection down. Tom and Vic were both hot enough when they had clothes on. Seeing their asses and the occasional glimpse of their soft cocks got me turned on all over again.

"What a couple of assholes," I said, my breath on John's neck.

John laughed at my unintentional joke and he pulled his body back closer toward me. I pulled back in response. He let the drapes close and we both walked away from the window.

"I can't believe they did that," he said, walking toward his dresser.

"Me neither," I said.

He opened his top dresser drawer and ran his hands through his briefs. He closed the drawer. "They really are idiots," he said.

"I know," I managed nervously. What was he doing in that drawer? Did he see me wearing his briefs? If he did, he never let on. Maybe he was just checking to see if he had anything clean for tomorrow. I doubted that. There were at least a dozen pairs in there.

He finished taking his pants off and I stood there afraid to remove my robe. Unconsciously, I watched him as he undressed. When he got down to his briefs I got embarrassed and looked away. When I looked again he had already changed into his jersey gym shorts he always slept in. I loved the way those shorts looked on him. The way they layed against his cock, allowing the outline of his head to just show through. I just had to look.

I was so horny by now that I started to get more daring. My cock was stiff under my robe and I wanted so badly to take it off. John layed down on his bed and I stood in front of him, took my robe off and got into my bed not making eye contact with him. I couldn't tell if he was looking but if he was he got an eyeful.

We continued to talk about nothing for another half an hour and then we eventually got silent. My cock had been hard the whole time as I continued to stroke it as we talked in the dark. I imagined him doing the same thing with his cock. I was hopeful if nothing else. After ten minutes of silence there was another noise from the courtyard. I took the opportunity to once again show off in front of John and went to the window. I was so horny I felt like I had lost all common sense.

I opened the drapes, allowing the light from the courtyard to silhouette my body against the window. As far as I could tell there was nothing going on down there but I lingered in front of the window for a few moments.

"What's going on?" John asked. I knew he had to know.

"Nothing," I said turning to the side allowing him to see the bulge in his briefs. I couldn't imagine what was making me so brazen.

I stood there for a moment more and let the drapes close behind me. Reluctantly, I got back into bed. After a few more moments of silence John got out of bed. "I'm so damn thirsty," he said walking toward our small refrigerator.

He got down on his knees and opened the refrigerator door. The light from the refrigerator was bright. He pulled a bottle of water out and stood up leaving the door open. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched him as he drank. The bulge in his shorts was noticeably larger and I could see spots of pre-cum on them. He rubbed his cock through his shorts with one hand while he drank. It was the most overtly sexual gesture he had ever made in front of me but I was beginning to think that I was just reading something into it since I was so horny. He returned the bottle of water and closed the refrigerator door. He walked toward the window and peeked out the drapes.

"Anything going on?" I asked.

"Not really," he said. "I just can't sleep."

"Me neither," I said. "It's too early."

I turned on the light next to my bed so I could see his body. His cock was definitely harder than it had been but I couldn't tell if he was really hard. I got out of bed and walked over to the chair where I had thrown my robe.

"Since when do you wear underwear to bed?" he asked innocently.

"I'm sorry," I managed, nervously, "They're yours. I had to borrow some." I lied. "I was just going to return them when I washed them. I'm sorry."

"Shit, I don't care," he said. I just didn't think you liked briefs.

"I don't normally," I said.

By now my robe was safely wrapped around my body and I felt a little more secure. John sat back down on his bed facing me. He sat cross-legged and the gap in his shorts between his crotch and his leg offered me a peek at his cock. I sat down on my own bed so I could get a better view. I still couldn't tell if he was hard.

"I need the support," he said. I don't know how you can wear boxers.

"I like the freedom," I said, still looking at his cock but trying not to.

"I guess," he said.

"These aren't bad though," I said, opening my robe a little. "They have a lot of give up front."

"That's cuz I've stretched them out," he laughed.

"I don't know," I said. "I think we're about the same size."

"I mean when I'm hard," he said, almost blushing.

"Oh," I laughed and just as I looked down at his shorts the head of his cock began to poke through the leg hole. I tried to pretend not to notice but I wanted to see it. I adjusted myself on my bed and let my robe open a little more. My hard cock was poking against the front of John's briefs and now he could see it though I pretended nothing was happening. "Getting hard in boxers can be embarrassing," I said, looking at his cock.

"Briefs make it less obvious," he said, absent mindedly brushing his hand against his exposed cock. "Except for you," he said, laughing nervously and looking away.

"I'm sorry," I said half-heartedly pulling my robe over myself. "I was jacking off when you came back."

"I'm sorry, dude," he said. "That sucks."

"It's alright," I said. "It's been a while though."

"For me too," he said.

"I can see," I said nodding toward his crotch.

He looked down at himself and pulled the leg of his shorts down a little. "Shit! Sorry."

"Oh, please," I offered. "Look at me." I pulled my cock out of the briefs and it sprang up, pointing toward the ceiling.

"Shit," he said. "Have you been boned this whole time?"

"Yes," I said, placing my cock back into the briefs.

"That's ok," he said. "I came home early cuz I couldn't get past second with this girl from the bar. I was hoping you were out so I could do it."

"Well, to be honest," I said, "There is no way that I'm going to get to sleep tonight without doing it. It's either wait for you to go to sleep or do it in the bathroom. Either way, it's got to happen."

"I know the feeling," John said. "We should just do it and get it over with. I don't care if you don't. I'll just look the other way."

"You sure?" I asked. "I really have to."

John layed back on his bed and pulled his shorts down around his legs. His cock sprang up and he started pulling on it. It was thick and hard, about 8" long. I sat and watched him for a moment then realized I wasn't supposed to look. I stood up, took off my robe and pulled off John's briefs. I laid back on my bed and started stroking my own cock. Occasionally I looked over and watched John as he stroked. A couple of times I caught him looking at me and we would both look away quickly. I slowly rubbed my pre-cum onto my cock, stroking slowly not wanting this experience to end. I stroked with my right hand and let my left hand explore my balls. Out of the corner of my eye I watched as John also moved his left hand onto his balls. I lifted my knees and trailed my fingers between my ass cheeks. I could see John mirror me once again and turned to regard him. He was stroking his cock with the same rhythm that I was, looking toward the ceiling but occasionally casting his glance my way.

I was loving the game we were playing. I stopped stroking my cock and took my right index finger and retrieved a drop of pre-cum from my cock head. I placed my finger on my tongue and tasted the juice like I had earlier that evening. I turned and watched as John savored his own pre-cum. He closed his eyes and swallowed. I turned on my bed to face him, sitting up. He turned as well and we jacked our cocks in unison watching each other and waiting for my next gesture.

"Are you close?" I asked.

"Yes," he said.

"Me too," I said. "I've never seen your cock hard before."

"I've seen yours," he said, staring at it.

"I know," I admitted. "Do you want it again?"

"Yes," he said opening his mouth and licking his lips.

I walked toward him, my cock pointing toward his warm wet mouth. As I approached, he moved toward the edge of his bed. He opened his mouth and I placed my cock on his tongue. I was straddling his thighs and I could feel him jacking his cock faster and faster. His mouth felt wonderful on my cock. With his left hand he began to explore between my thighs and up to my ball sack. "You like my cock, don't you?" I asked.

He took my cock to the back of his throat and moaned. I could feel my cock being pulled down his throat and echoed his moan with a guttural grunt. He continued to play with my balls while his thumb explored my asshole. His thumb was wet with the pre- cum from his own cock and it made me even more aroused. "You want to taste my cum?" I asked.

He let my cock fall out of his mouth and he looked up at me. "Yes," he said, licking at my head. "Are you close?"

"Very," I said and he once again engulfed my cock. I reached down and took his cock in my hand. It was wet with pre-cum and rock hard. From this awkward position I did my best to run my hand up and down the shaft of his cock while my roommate serviced my own dick. Before long I could feel my balls release their load and John gulped hungrily at the spurting cum. He swallowed every drop, not letting my cock leave his warm mouth until I was almost in pain with the pleasure.

"I was awake that time you sucked me off," I admitted, watching John jack off on his bed.

He looked at my cock as it slowly became less hard and licked his lips. "I've done it at least twenty times," he said not taking his eyes off my crotch. "And you've sucked me a couple times yourself."

I didn't know what to say. I looked at his cock and tried in vain to remember.

"It's ok," he said. "Just look at my cock and imagine."

Before I knew it I was on my knees before John trying to spark my memory with the feel of his cock on my tongue. A full twenty minutes went by before I remembered even a little of what he had done to me in my sleep. As his cum shot against the back of my throat I remembered completely. Those dreams I had been having weren't dreams at all and I was happy to know that I wouldn't have to wait for this again.

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