John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Mar 21, 2004


Hey guys this is my first attempt at writing and I hope that you enjoy my story. I'm not the best on spelling and grammar so please don't bother with the emails telling me I can't write. I do this for fun and that's all. All comments are welcome. If you want more let me know and I'll write more...This story will move slow... Thanks my email is:

The usual disclaimer don't read this if you're too young or it's against the law where you live. This story is about gay men.

Thanks for all the emails. I have to say that I didn't think I'd get such a response from my story. This is fun!

Please send an email if you like the story. I'm always open to suggestions.


After the first few days at home, and all the stress, the remainder of the week quickly passed without any other "drama" for the young men. Mateo and John spent lots of time around the pool. John was actually losing the "glow" from his skin, it was being replaced by a nice healthy tan. His white skin turned to a golden brown. The two lovers also spent time in the town of Calpulalpan. The little shops offered lots of souvenirs and trinkets. John purchased a beautiful turquoise and silver bangle bracelet for his mother and a silver and turquoise belt buckle for his dad. The small woman that tended the shop bragged to them that both pieces were hand made by her sisters. John felt a little guilty paying such a low price. He paid 40 dollars for the two pieces of silver. Mateo assured him that it was a fair price and that he shouldn't worry. When Mateo wasn't looking John picked up a little leather wallet and gave the women another twenty dollars and refused the change. Walking away he felt better. The women had a very big smile on her face.

After visiting Calpulalpan, Mexico City was the total opposite. They spent two days touring the city. John felt a little bit overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of the city. The city felt like it was wound too tight. Taxi horns blared in the streets as pedestrians ran for their lives. It seemed like he had walked into a chaotic mess. He did enjoy the museums and the other tourist things the city had to offer. With Mateo beside him John felt very comfortable. John knew very little Spanish but with Mateo knowing the language fluently John spent little effort trying to use his broken Spanish. Mateo showed him things that only the locals knew about. They went to dinner at a family owned restaurant named "El Toro". Mateo told John that he had come here many times with his family. John was a little nervous when Mateo ordered for both of them without even looking at the menu. John asked him what he ordered. Mateo just laughed and said for him to wait. The food arrived and John tasted the most wonderful seafood. Mateo told him to try everything that was placed on the table. John didn't need any more encouragement as he inhaled the delicious food.

The two agreed to shorten their stay in Mexico so they could meet up with John's parents in San Diego. They would leave Friday morning and be in San Diego by 5 o'clock in the afternoon. John had called and talked to his mother. She was glad to hear that he and Mateo would be sharing the weekend with them in San Diego. John heard the excitement in her voice when she heard the news. He wondered if she would still be excited after he told her that her only son was gay and that Mateo was his boyfriend. He was hoping that like Mateo's parents, his parents would understand.

Friday came too soon as the young men prepared to leave. The house was in an uproar as the staff and family prepared for their leaving. Emma made a special batch of her pan for Mateo and "Juan" to snack on during the long flight. Her face showed the displeasure she was going through as she watched Mateo prepare to depart once more. Mateo gave her a huge hug and kissed her cheek promising to call and write. She also pulled John into a bear hug as she said her good byes. Mateo and John had said their farewells to his parents the night before. They both had to attend a function in Juarez and weren't able to see them off. Mateo was reassured by both his parents that if he needed anything for him to call. Mateo knew that having a gay son might put some stress on the family. He still had to tell his other siblings. He would deal with that later. Right now his focus was on John and supporting him as he told his parents. Mateo worried that John's parents might not take the news as well as his family. Being their only son made things a little complicated. John had no other brothers to carry on their name and family traditions. Mateo knew that if his family rejected John, it would crush his spirit. Mateo only hoped that his love for John would be enough to carry him through anything that might happen. John was totally surprised when Rafael and Anita said that they might come the Alumni concert. They weren't sure about their schedules but that they would try their best to attend.

Finally after all the "good-byes" were said John and Mateo left for the airport. John, Mateo, and Angelica rode as Eduardo drove the Lincoln. They soon arrived at the airport.

Mateo and his sister hugged, "I'm gonna miss you Sis" Mateo said as he squeezed his sister. "You better." She scolded. John smiled as he look on. Angelica extended her arm out. "Don't think you're not getting into this hug. Come here." John stepped into the arms of Mateo and Angelica. "Hey didn't she do this when we arrived?" John kidded as he snuggled into the hug. Angelica turned towards John, "Welcome to the family John. You keep this guy in-line, OK?" John blushed, "Thank you, Angelica. I felt so welcome here. You had such a huge part in that." John kissed her cheek. He smiled, nodding to Mateo, "Yeah I'll keep this guy in line for you." Mateo's face dropped, "What is this? Gang up on Mateo day?" Angelica laughed, "Didn't we tell you? I thought I sent you an e-mail?" She kissed his cheek. Angelica's face changed, "Mateo, I'm going to miss you so much. Please send me a letter once in a while and let me know what's going on in your life." Turning to John she continued, "John, thanks for coming and thank you for the great music! It was awesome, you really are talented. I gave you my e-mail address so I expect to hear from you as well." John squeezed her, "I will Angelica. And thanks again for your advise. Without it we'd still be in the closet." She nodded her head, "I'm so happy it worked out. Now it's time for your parents, huh?" John nervously smiled, "Yup, time to tell mine." Angelica smiled, "I'm sure everything will turn out fine."

At that moment the airport announced the boarding for John and Mateo's flight to San Diego.

Once more the trio hugged and kissed as final "good-byes" were said. Angelica stayed in the airport. She stood and watched at the window as the plane climb into the blue sky. As she turned to leave, she whispered a silent prayer for Jon and Mateo. "Please God. Bless their love."

Aboard the plane John sat thinking. Deep inside he was worried about his coming out to his parents. He looked at the sleeping form of Mateo. He looked so peaceful and sweet with his headphones in his ears. John felt like the luckiest guy in the world. He knew that he could face anything with Mateo by his side. The questions kept repeating in his head. `Would his parents accept the fact that their only son was gay? Would they kick him out and cut off his support? What would he do? He had no job. He was totally dependent on his parents for everything.' John's head was starting to hurt thinking about all the possibilities that might happen. He pushed the button to summon the flight attendant. "Yes sir, may I help you?" A young Mexican boy no older then John came to his seat. "Um do you happen to have any aspirin or Tylenol? I have a headache." The young man smiled, "I'm sorry sir, we are not allowed to administer any kind of medication to our the passengers." John's face dropped when he heard the bad news. "Can you bring me a Sprite? Maybe I can burp it out." The attendant smile and chuckled, "Sure, coming right up." The flight attendant walked to the back of the plane looking over his shoulder at John he whispered under his breath, "Yum." He returned a minute later with a cup of ice and a can of Sprite. "If there is anything else I can help you with please just ask. My name is Eliseo." John smiled, "Thank you Eliseo." He took the cup and soda. Eliseo gave him a big smile and walked away.

John was settling back into his seat when a women across the aisle spoke up. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to ease drop on your conversation but I have some aspirin if you'd like a couple." John smiled, "Oh thank you. I have a headache that wont quit. I guess I have too much on my mind." John sensed that he had said too much.

The women reminded John of his mother. Except for only a few others, she was about the only other white person on the flight from Mexico. She had long auburn hair and green eyes which seemed to sparkle.

She chuckled at his remark, "What do you have on your mind that gave you this terrible headache? Young people like you shouldn't have a lot of worries." She saw the worried look on John's face as she let her eyes wonder over his face. "I don't want to be a busybody. I'll shut up now." She said handing him two aspirin. Ignoring her own suggestion, she continued to talk, "I'm coming home from a business trip. Mexico is so beautiful. Don`t you agree?" She said as she attempted to change the subject and lift John's spirits. John gulped down the two aspirins and nodded his head. "Oh yes I loved it. There was so much to see. I wish I didn't have to leave so soon." John saw a question in her eyes. He took a deep breath. He reached over the aisle with an out stretched hand, "Hi , I'm John Clark. He pointed to the now snoring Mateo, "And sleeping beauty over there is Mateo, my boyfriend. We were visiting his parents in Calpulalpan for spring break. Now we're on our way to visit with my parents in San Diego." John waited to see any reaction from this lady as she now knew that John and Mateo were boyfriends. Instead of the uncomfortable excuse that she was busy and had no time for chit chat She smiled and reached out her hand as well, "Hi I'm Sophie Walker. Travel agent." She handed John a business card. Her offices were in Hollywood, California. John smiled, "Nice to meet you Ms. Walker." Sophie chuckled, "Please call me Sophie, no need for any formalities here." John grinned, "Thanks Sophie." Sophie thought back to when she saw John and Mateo first board the plane. She knew immediately that they were lovers. She saw the love that the young couple shared for one another. The young Mexican made sure that his partner was comfortable and that he had everything he needed. John did the same as they prepared for take-off. Later she saw John care for Mateo when he fell asleep, pulling down the sun shade and drawing a blanket over his body. She also saw John brush away the hair that had fallen into his face. Sophie Walker knew love when she saw it. She took a further step and asked a question, "So why the long face?" She saw the reaction to her question on John's face after she asked. She locked her eyes on him. "You can tell me to mind my own business John but it seems like you need someone to listen to you." She smiled, very sincerely she said, "I'm a very good listener." John's eyes pleaded with her. "I better not, I don't want to bore you with my problems." Being a travel agent had it's advantages as the seat next to Sophie was empty. She scooted next to the window and patted the seat next to her. "Come on kid. You need to talk, I can tell by the look on your face." John took a quick glance at Mateo, he was still asleep. He quickly unbuckled from his seat and moved across the aisle to sit next to Sophie. For the next hour John shared with her their story. He told her about his situation with his parents and also what happened in Mexico with Mateo's parents. Sophie calmly listened to the young man as he related his story. "So now your worried that your parents will not accept the fact that your gay?" She asked. "That's right. I'm not sure how they'll react. I don't know if they'll kick me out of their lives or what." John's face showed the tremendous stress that he was under. Sophie took a chance and placed her hand on John's hand. "I don't claim to have all the answers John, but if what you told me about your parents is true then I don't think you'll have any problems." He looked at her with questioning eyes. She continued to speak. "I kind of speak from experience. You see, I have a son that's gay." John's eyes opened in shock. "You do?" he questioned. Sophie nodded. "His name is Daniel. He's a little older than you. He's currently finishing up his graduate studies at NYU. He's going into bio-chemistry." John had so many questions for her. "How did you feel when he told you he was gay?" Sophie's eyes seemed to lose sight of John as her thoughts turned back. "He was about 17 when he told me. I didn't know how to react. I knew I loved him. I guess I was a little afraid for him. I heard all the stories of "gay bashing" and that was my only concern. I didn't want my son to be beaten up by hateful people." She seemed lost in memory as she continued, "His father disowned him. Told him to burn in hell with all the other faggots. That almost killed him." Her voice trembled a little as she continued with tearful eyes. "My EX-husband doesn't come around anymore. I put a stop to that." Her eyes fixed themselves on John. "Later I guess maybe it was a year after Dan came out to me that he told me he tried to commit suicide. I almost lost it John. I asked him why, and he told me it was because of what his father had said to him. He felt that God hated him and that he had no reason for living. He told me that he took a whole bottle of sleeping pills. If his roommate hadn't found him he wouldn't be here today." John looked as a tear rolled down Sophie's cheek, his own eyes began to water. "He's fine now." Her face beaming with pride, "He worked through the issues he had. He sought professional help. And today he works with a group of councilors who help teens and young adults who are gay. He talks to them as individuals and as a group once a week." John smiled, "That's great!" John squeezed her hand. "You must be very proud of him." Sophie grinned, "Oh yes, I am. He's been through a lot but he's gotten trough it. And that's the reason I know that you will get through your problems as well. Try not to worry John."

John faintly smiled at her last remark. He hoped that he would have the same confidence in himself as others did. They both talked for a few more minutes before John returned to his seat. When he settled into his seat he found two beautiful brown eyes smiling at him. "Do you feel better now?" Mateo asked as he took John's hand. Without a word spoken Mateo knew that John was still having doubts about telling his parents. "We don't have to do this you know. We can wait until you feel more comfortable." John shook his head, "No I've got to do this now before I lose my confidence." Mateo yawned, he looked so cute when he did that. John brought Mateo's hand up to his lips and gently kissed it. "I know I've told you this so many times Mateo but I want you to know that I love you so much." Mateo smiled, "I'll never get tired of hearing it John. You can say it as much as you'd like. Did you have a nice talk with that lady?" Mateo asked. Surprised, John answered, "I didn't know you were awake. You heard?" Mateo nodded his head, "It's cool John, she seems like a nice lady. I think she was right, you needed to talk to someone. I'm glad she was there when you needed someone." John smiled, "Thanks babe. I thought maybe you'd be upset. I told her about us and our situation. Hope you don't mind." John looked at Mateo. Mateo just shook his head. "I'm not upset John. I probably would have done the same thing. So, any change?" John was confident he could go through with telling his parents, he was just frightened of the outcome. Mateo saw the worried look in his lovers face. He quickly looked around, seeing that is was clear Mateo leaned over and kissed John. John quickly responded to Mateo lips by opening his mouth. Mateo took the open opportunity and slipped his tongue into John's sweet mouth. To the two lovers, the world seemed to disappear as they were lost in the sweet kiss.

They were interrupted by the young flight attendant, "Um, excuse me." He smiled at John and Mateo. "We'll be landing in a few moments. You might want to save that for later." He pointed to the blanket and pillow as he needed to put them away before landing. As he took the blanket from Mateo's lap he noticed the bulge in Mateo's jeans. He smiled and stared at the bulge. Mateo turned beet red. John chuckled as he too noticed Mateo's dilemma. Leaning down the flight attendant whispered into John's ear, "Wow, don't let him slip away!" John snickered, "Don't worry, he's not going anywhere." Mateo's face showed his confusion, "What are you two whispering about?" John couldn't control his laughter any longer. He laughed until his side hurt. "Oh nothing!" He managed to get out between laughs. "I'll tell you later." The flight attendant moved on, he chuckled as he went down the aisle preparing the other passengers for landing.

A few minutes later the plane made a smooth landing into sunny San Diego. After the talk with Sophie John felt a little more comfortable. He introduced Mateo to Sophie. They shook hands. She told them that if they ever need a travel agent to give her a call. John said he would keep her card. As he unloaded his baggage from the overhead John once again realize how lucky he was to have Mateo by his side. The two lovers walked to the front of the plane. John noticed the young Mexican hunk standing near the door. Eliseo's eyes traveled up and down John's body. John blushed when his stare stopped at his crotch. Eliseo looked up and his face dropped. Mateo gave him the dirtiest look ever. Eliseo smiled nervously as the two young men left the plane.

"I can't take you anywhere, Guerito, I saw the way you turned that guys head." Mateo kidded John. "I'm so embarrassed, That guy was practically undressing me." Mateo chuckled, "He did the same thing I did when I first met you." John feigned an angry glare, "All you Mexican men are all horny." Mateo smiled at his lover, "We can't help it, it's in our blood." John elbowed Mateo in the ribs. Smiling a cheeky grin he said, "That's why I keep you around." They both erupted in laughter.

They emerged into the airport to see John's parents waiting. John smiled as he neared is parents. He was taken into his mother's arms. He felt his father's warm hand on his back. "Hi honey, it's so good to see you. Did you have a good flight?" Shelia Clark was the typical mother hen. John being her only son she sometimes was overprotective of him. After John was born Shelia found out that she couldn't have anymore children. Her body was unable to sustain another pregnancy. John wasn't really spoiled as a child but he never knew a time when he wanted for anything. "It's good to see you too Mom" he pried himself from his mother arms and turned towards his Dad, "Hi Dad, you're looking good. You working out?" John sank into his father's arms. He loved being held by his Dad. Adam Clark chuckled, "Not really son just the workouts I get hauling stuff around at work." He released his son and messed his hair causing John to chuckle. Once all the hugs finished, John motioned towards Mateo. "Mom and Dad, this is Mateo Villasenor." John's parents shook hands with Mateo as they introduced themselves once again to the handsome young Latino. "So glad you could come with John, he's says nothing but good things about you." Shelia said. She was a bit nervous.

Mateo smiled, "Thanks Mrs. Clark, thanks for having me." Mateo turned to John, "We better get into line, we still need to go through customs." John snickered, "Did you hide the cocaine?" Mateo played along, "Oh yeah, They'll never find it."

This sent the boys into laughter. The Clarks on the other hand thought differently. They shook their heads as they watched the young men walk toward the customs area.

John and Mateo stood in line while Shelia and Adam looked on. Shelia looked at her husband, "Did you notice how they look at each other? That's the way you looked at me when we were dating." Adam looked at his son, "So you think there's more than just a friendship?" She nodded her head, "I hope he doesn't get hurt Adam, that would just break my heart to see him go through that." Adam place a loving arm around his wife's shoulders and pulled her close, "We have to let him know that we'll always be here for him if he needs us. He'll be ok honey." He tried to reassure himself as well as his wife.

After another hour in the airport, they finally left and was on their way back to the hotel. John's parents had already checked the two young men into their own room. They would have a room a few doors down from his parents. They both breathed an audible sigh, and gave each other a knowing smile when they heard that they were going to have their own private room.

The hotel was very close to the airport. The drive was about 10 minutes once they loaded all the luggage into the car. For only being two people John and Mateo had about six pieces of luggage between them. John's father gave him a dirty look when John told him that one of the suitcases had nothing but shoes in them. It was a guarantee that John would be carrying that suitcase into the hotel. Shelia Clark shook her head and laughed. "That's my boy." was her only remark.

Once inside the hotel John and Mateo were given the key to their room. Adam and Shelia wanted to meet back in the lobby at 8:30 for dinner. That would give John and Mateo about an hour to wash up and relax a bit.

Once in their room, John and Mateo kissed. "Man, I've been wanting to do that for the longest time." Mateo said as he held John in his arms. John placed his hands on Mateo's waist. "Dude, you don't know. I've was hurting for a kiss from you." He smiled up at Mateo. Mateo's arms rested on John's shoulders. He had a wicked smile on his face, "You know what else I've been missing?" Mateo asked as he snickered. John's right eyebrow cocked, "Oh I think I know. Maybe some of this?" He asked, stepping back and removing his shirt. His bronzed skin was so smooth. John's darker skin caused the small blond patch of hair between his pecs to stand out. Mateo also noticed the blond trail of hair that lead from John's navel down into his shorts. Mateo stepped close to John and held him in his arms. "You look so good with that nice tan." he said as he nibbled on John's earlobe. John stepped back, "That tickles Mateo." Mateo placed his hands on John's chest. "Sorry, I couldn't control myself." Mateo continued to run his hands all over John's chest and abs. He used his index finger to trace the trail of hair from John's navel down to his waistband of his "Sideout" board shorts. Once there Mateo pulled the drawstring untying it. Mateo continued to work on John's shorts as John worked on the buttons of Mateo's shirt. John pushed the shirt off of Mateo's shoulders, causing it to fall to the floor, joining John's already discarded shirt. Their breathing increased as they found each other lips. John released a small whimper as Mateo's hand found it's prize. Between kisses they whispered their "I love you's" one to another. As Mateo stroked John's now hard cock, John licked his lovers nipples. Mateo's head went back as he felt the wonderful sensation caused by John's lips. John lifted Mateo's free arm and licked his arm pit. This drove Mateo crazy as he breathed trough clenched teeth. Mateo had managed to free himself of his shorts. Using John's precum as lube, he took both into his and John's cock in hand and stroked. John continued to work his way down Mateo's hard body. John turned a led Mateo to one of the room's full sized beds. He gently pushed him back onto the bed. Mateo's naked body once again caused John to gasp. "You're so beautiful." Mateo blushed. John climbed on top of him and once again started making love to his Mateo. Mateo released small moans and groans as he felt John's lips on his body. John's lips finally brushed against Mateo's 9 inches. He kissed up and down the hard shaft as his hand found the low hanging smooth balls. The dark foreskin held a puddle of precum at the tip. John's tongue found the sweet juice and licked in up. Mateo's body jerked as John's mouth covered the head of his cock. John's lips pushed back the foreskin and gently licked the purple head. Mateo groaned loudly as John continued to swallow his thick cock. John had about half of Mateo's cock in his mouth when it reached the back of his throat. He gagged as he tried to deep throat Mateo. Mateo looked at John with concern in his eyes, "John" was all he said. John looked up, speaking with his eyes. Mateo knew that he wanted to do this. Once again John turned his attention to Mateo's cock. He knew what he had to do, he read it on the internet. Slowly he took Mateo's hard cock into his mouth. When it reached his throat John breathed deeply. He relaxed the muscles in his throat. Willing himself to relax John swallowed Mateo's cock. "Oh my god!" Mateo moaned as he felt his cock enter John's throat. Finally John felt Mateo's pubes in his nose. "Mmmm" was all Mateo heard from John. "Oh baby that feels so good." Mateo almost shouted. John bobbed up and down Mateo's cock. John felt wonderful now knowing that he was giving Mateo such intense pleasure. John looked up into the face of his lover. Mateo's eyes were closed, his mouth open as he felt John work up and down his cock. Mateo's breathing increased as he neared his orgasm. John knowing he was closed to cumming released Mateo's cock from his throat, but kept the head just inside his lips. Mateo's body arched on the bed as he released his hot load of cum into John's waiting mouth. John tasted every drop as it passed over his tongue and down his throat. Mateo laid there for a minutes regaining his strength after his huge release. He still felt John sucking on his flaccid cock as he opened his brown eyes. John looked up to him and smiled. "How was that babe?" John asked his lover. "John, that was the best ever." Mateo saw John's hard cock as it rested against the bedspread. He pulled John's body over his. He now felt John's hardness against his abs. "Babe it was wonderful. I love you so much." Mateo kissed the blushing John. "Thank you." was all John said.

Mateo rolled John off his body and onto his back. It was Mateo's turn to pleasure his lover. He started by kissing John on his soft lips. Moving quickly down to his slim neck. Mateo worked his way down to John's chest. He licked and kissed John's nipples. "Oh's" and "Ah's" came from John as Mateo worked on his upper body. Mateo continued his journey lower on his lover's body until he found John's blond bush. He deeply inhaled the aroma of John`s crotch. "You smell so good." He said to John. Before John could respond Mateo's mouth found his low hanging ball sac. "Ooh." John said as he felt Mateo's mouth working. "Oh, yeah" John encouraged his lover. Mateo lifted John's legs, bending them at the knee. John held onto his knees as Mateo's lips brushed across his pink pucker. The feeling of Mateo's lips and tongue on his hole cause tingles up and down John's spine. "Oh god! Mateo" John said as he felt Mateo's wet tongue.

After a few minutes of working on John's ass Mateo lowered his lovers legs but kept them spread apart. He began working on John's leaking cock. Mateo always enjoyed licking John's precum from his stomach. This time was no different. After cleaning John's abs Mateo returned to John's cock. Slowly he took it in his mouth. Savoring the sweet taste of his John. John released a low groan as he felt Mateo's warm mouth on his cock. Mateo bobbed up and down on John's swollen member. As he pleasured his lover he took John's ball's into his right hand while his other hand played with John's tight hole. With a mixture of spit and precum Mateo inserted his index finger into John. John felt so tight as Mateo's finger worked it's way deep into John's ass. John's head thrashed on the bed as his senses seem to explode with pleasure. He couldn't control himself. His lower body moved as if it were dancing to a melody only he could hear. Mateo knew he was close as he increased his speed on John's cock. His finger found John's prostate. The touch of Mateo's finger sent John into a totally wonderful world of bliss. "MATEO!" John cried out. "I'm going to cum!" Mateo continued his work on John as he readied himself to receive the one thing he longed for. Finally it came as John erupted. Squirt and tasty squirt flooded Mateo's mouth. He quickly gulped down the first and awaited the next. He didn't have to wait long. Finally the last drops of cum came and left as Mateo continued to work on John's cock. John pulled his cock from Mateo's warm mouth. "Too sensitive." He said as he smiled at his beautiful Mexican boy. Mateo smiled as he gave John's cock one final sweet kiss. "I just can't seem to get enough of you." Mateo's eyes sparkled with love.

He moved up next to John on the bed. The two young men kissed. John could taste his own cum on Mateo's lips. They held each other for a few minutes. Each exchanging small butterfly kisses. John stroked Mateo's chest while he rested his head on his chest listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "I can stay like this forever." John whispered. Mateo ran his finger through John's blond hair. "So can I." he replied. Mateo happened at that moment to look at the clock radio on the night stand. "Shit, John we have about twenty minutes to get ready." John smiled, "You wanna join me in the shower. I hear this place has extra fluffy towels." John asked. "You bet your boots I do!" Mateo replied. "You bet what?" John asked with a confused look. Mateo shook his head, "Don't you ever watch the old movies on TV?" John's face frowned, "Um, the answer to that would be a big "no". Mateo stood and put his hands on his naked hips using his best John Wayne impersonation , "Well Pilgrim, we're gonna have to fix that now, wont we?" John rolled on the bed holding his sides. "What was that?" he asked, "You sound like you have something caught in your throat." Mateo reached out his hand, "Well, I guess I'll have to teach you who that was later." John reached out and took Mateo's hand. John said, "I love you. You know that I do, don't you?" Mateo's face lit up, "Yes I know you do. Every moment I'm with you." Mateo pulled John's naked body into his own. Mateo whispered as he looked into John's blues eyes, "Everyday I love you more and more." John felt the tender kiss of Mateo's lips on his own. The long kiss ended. "C'mon let's clean up before we're late." Mateo took John by the hand.

Hey guys. Well there is chapter number 9. I hope you enjoyed it. Please send an email to let me know your thoughts. Thanks again for reading my story.


Next: Chapter 10

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