John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Mar 5, 2004


Hey guys this is my first attempt at writing and I hope that you enjoy my story. I'm not the best on spelling and grammar so please don't bother with the emails telling me I can't write. I do this for fun and that's all. All comments are welcome. If you want more let me know and I'll write more....This story will move slow... Thanks my email is:

The usual disclaimer don't read this if you're too young or it's against the law where you live. This story is about gay men.

Thanks for all the emails. I have to say that I didn't think I'd get such a response from my story. This is fun!

Please send an email if you like the story. I'm always open to suggestions.

John and Mateo


A loud knock on the door roused the sleeping Mateo. Rubbing his eyes Mateo sat up in bed. He quickly slipped into his underwear and padded to the door. He opened the door a crack and saw the smiling face of his sister.

"Are you going to sleep the whole day away? It's already 8 o'clock. Emma says breakfast will be in ten minutes. Hurry and get ready. Make sure you and John are at the table. You know Emma doesn't like to be kept waiting. Angelica was speaking of the cook. Emma Lopez. As long as Mateo could remember Emma was always there. When he was a child Emma would bake pan de huevo (sweet bread) for Mateo every Sunday. He remembered waking up and smelling the wonderful aroma of bread baking. Every time Mateo smelled the aroma of baking bread, he was taken back to his childhood.

Mateo said, "We'll be ready sis. See you in ten minutes." Angelica craned her head to look into the room. Mateo smiled and used his body as a shield. "What are you doing? Mateo asked. "Just trying to take a peek." She said as she tried to look around Mateo's body. "What? Are you a peeping Tom now?" Mateo chuckled as he closed the door only allowing his face to show. Finally giving up Angelica focused on her brother. "He's a cutie Teo. But I'm sure you know that. I just wanted to see if he was awake." Mateo grinned. "He's not up yet. I'll have to wake him. I'll see you in ten minutes."

Giving up, Angelica nodded her head and walked away. "Don't be late" she said as she walked down the hall.

Mateo closed the door. He turned to see John's deep blues eyes watching him. "Good morning, babe." he said as he yawned. "Who was at the door?" Mateo snickered, "It was Angelica, she was trying to catch a glimpse of your naked body." John eyes bugged out. "Don't worry she didn't see anything." Mateo walked over to the bed leaning over he kiss John lightly on the lips. "We have ten minutes to get down stairs." Mateo would have rather stayed in bed with John but he knew that Emma wouldn't stand for that. "We have to hurry. I don't want to piss off Emma." John spoke, "Who's Emma?"

Mateo grabbed a pair of clean shorts out of his bag, and walked into the bathroom. "Her official title is cook but she's been around here the longest. Ever since I can remember. She's been like a grandmother to me." Mateo turned on the water, washing his face. John found his bag and found a clean pair of underwear and pulled on a pair of shorts. He looked down and saw his pale legs. He had planned of spending many hours in the sun. He chuckled to himself. His legs were glowing.

Mateo came out of the bathroom and looked at John's legs. He feigned a sad face, "Poor kid, we need to get you some serious help. I think we need to hit the pool after breakfast. Looks like you need some serious sun." John gave him a dirty look. "I can't help that I'm a white boy. I don't get out in the sun very much." Mateo walked over to him and placed his hands on John's thighs, "Well, we'll have to do something about that while we're here. It's not too late." Mateo winked at him while gently squeezing his thighs. John smiled at him and Mateo couldn't hold his laughter any longer. The room was suddenly filled with laughter. "Come on my guerito. (white boy) I'm starving." Mateo said as he took John's hand. "What does that mean?" John asked cocking an eyebrow. "Don't worry it's something like a pet name." he snickered. "Why don't I believe you Mateo?" John gave him a worried look. "Really babe, it's only a cute name of calling you my little white boy." Mateo assured him. John face lit up with a huge grin.

They walked into the dinning room finding Angelica sipping coffee and eating a piece of dry toast. They both said their "Good mornings" and sat together across from her. She smiled, "Well I'm so glad you could join me for breakfast."

The door to the small eating area opened as an older woman walked in. She carried a tray of luscious smelling bread with her. The aroma filled the room and caused the stomachs of Mateo and John to grumble with hunger. A huge smile lit of her face as her soft brown eyes fell on Mateo. "Mateo, mi hijo!" (my son) she cried out. "Es so good to see you. Es been tu long." Her accent was thick and hard to understand, but John had managed to understand her broken English. She was about 5 feet tall, with jet black hair in a thick braid which reached her waist. She looked like a woman who had worked very hard all her life. Mateo stood up from his seat and took his adopted grandmother in a hug. "Abuelita (grandmother) it's good to see you too. I could smell your pan (bread) as I walked down the stairs. It's good to be home." She squeezed the air from his lungs as she hugged him. Once he was released Mateo motioned towards John. "Y este es mi amgio de la escuela, John. ( my friend from school) Emma eyes fell on John as he stood. He took her hand and felt the roughness of it as they shook hands. "Hola, Dona Emma, it's very nice to meet you." John smiled as he looked into her eyes. "Es nice to meet you too Juan. Bienvenido a Mexico." (Welcome to Mexico)

Mateo chuckled as he heard Emma call John Juan. "Looks like you have a new name Juan." John laughed along with Mateo giving him that "I'll get you later" look.

Emma disappeared into the kitchen to return a moment later with a tea cart loaded down with food. She placed on the table steaming platters of eggs, potatoes, slices of ham, and home made tortillas. She also brought a pot of hot coffee to wash things down. They all enjoyed their breakfast as they talked and laughed. Mateo seemed like he was starving the way he ate. John mentioned this to him and Mateo said something about home cooking between mouthfuls of food. Emma even took a few moments to sit and visit asking Mateo about his school in the United States. He told her all about his classes and playing football. She was happy that he was doing so well in school.

After breakfast John and Mateo went up to their room to change. John was looking forward to this time with Mateo. He changed into his new board shorts, Sideout t-shirt and his flip-flops. He also found the tanning lotion. He couldn't wait until Mateo would rub this on his back, shoulders, and legs. Mateo had disappeared into the bathroom telling John to go on down to the pool and that he would catch up.

As John was coming down the stairs he saw Angelica with her purse. "Are you headed out?" he asked. She stopped and smiled, "Yes I'm going to town for a few things. Would you like to walk me to my car?" John smiled, "Sure, I'll walk you out." The two walked out to the parking garage. It held about four cars. John saw the Lincoln they rode in the night before, a jeep, and a small 4x4 truck. Angelica headed for the truck. "John, I'm so glad that you and Mateo are getting along so well. Have you two decided to take things further?" John wasn't sure what she was trying to say. Angelica read his face. "I guess I'm asking if you two are going to tell my parents. I think you should. In the long run I think it better for them to know." John took a gulp, "We haven't really talked about it. I know Mateo wants to keep it private while we're in school. But I haven't talked to him about our families." He looked to the ground, "You think we should tell your parents and mine?" He cringed at the thought of telling both sets of parents. The fear of rejection always concerned him. Angelica took John's chin in her hand and lifted his face, looking in his blue eyes with nothing but compassion she spoke, "I think you need to talk with Teo about this. I think it would be better to stop hiding who you are. Wouldn't it be better to tell the family rather than try and hide it? My parents love all their children, I don't think him being gay will change that." She looked deep into his eyes and smiled, "Talk to him John. I see the love he has for you. It's wonderful. Talk to him." Angelica opened the door to the trunk and climbed in. Starting the truck she looked over to John and smiled, "I'll see you in a little while." John returned her smile, "OK see you in a bit."

John looked on as the 4x4 disappeared down the drive. He walked back into the house.

John walked through the house towards the back. He found his way to a pair of doors which led out to the yard. Once again he was amazed at the beauty of this place. As he walked through the yard he felt as if he stepped into a garden of Eden. All types of trees grew from beautiful planters. Rose bushes bloomed big in flower beds. He stood on soft grass that felt like carpet under his feet. John smelled the scent of gardenias. He saw and heard birds in the trees. He closed his eyes and let his other senses absorb this wonderful place. He opened his eyes, finding a pathway he walked towards the sound of water. He came to the pool area. There were a few tables and chairs, lounge chairs and something that John guessed was a changing tent. He also noticed a small building. The pool was dark in color, the inside had been painted a blue/gray. At one end there was a waterfall. The water looked very inviting.

"Hey! Good you found it." Mateo said as John stepped from the path. "Sorry I took so long I had to find something." He looked at John and gave him an evil grin, his hands were holding something behind his back. "What did you need to find?" John asked looking as if he might regret Mateo's answer. Mateo grinned, "This!" he said holding up a small yellow gift bad. "What is it?" John asked, looking at the bag. "Just open it and find out." Mateo said giving him the bag and a small kiss on the cheek. John took it from his lover and sat on a chair. He dug through the tissue and pulled out a yellow piece of cloth. He looked puzzled as he straightened out the garment. His eyes bugged when he realized that it was a speedo. "Mateo you bought me a speedo?" John looked up at the grinning Mexican. "Yup, I did. I saw the way you drooled over me in that speedo in the store so I had to buy you one to match mine." When he said that Mateo reached for the string on his board shorts. Once the string was loose he pulled down his shorts to reveal the same pair of yellow speedo's. Mateo's speedo fit perfectly over his hard body. The yellow helped to accent all the areas of his body. John could plainly see the outline of his cock and balls. John's cock responded as he took in Mateo's beautiful body. "I could look at you all day Mateo." John whispered. Mateo took his hand and John stood. "I feel the same way about you babe." Mateo took John in his arms. Looking into his beautiful blue eyes, Mateo said, "John, I'm so happy you decided to come with me. You make me so happy. Did you know that whenever I see you, my insides turn upside down. It's hard to breath and my body shakes. All I want to do is to be near you." John stepped away from Mateo, "Oh Mateo you have made me so very happy. Thank you. I feel the same way. John kissed Mateo's tender lips.

Mateo took the yellow speedo in his hand, "Well, am I going to see you in these or not?" John blushed as he took the speedo from Mateo's hand. "OK you asked for it, but don't blame me if women and children run for the hills." Mateo laughed, "I think I'll take my chances." John walked over to the changing tent. He slid off his shorts and put the speedo on. He had to admit that it fit perfectly over his small frame. He had never worn one and it made him feel sexy. He pulled up his board shorts and stepped out into the sun. He saw Mateo laid out on a lounge chair near the pool. The morning was very warm and Mateo's body had a light sheen of sweat. Seeing John exit the tent Mateo sat up. "OK Mister, drop the board shorts." he said with a twinkle in his eye. John smiled at the Mexican boy, "OK I warned you." John's hands untied his shorts. He looked at Mateo's face. His eyes were glued to John's lower half. The board short slid off to reveal John's slim body. The speedo fit like a second skin. It seemed that the swim suit had been tailor made for him. Mateo released a low whistle, "Wow! Those look great on you." He stepped up to John. Mateo's eyes were filled with lust. He took John in his arms. Immediately Mateo's hands found John's tight little ass. Mateo rubbed John's lycra encased butt. "You should feel this, it's wonderful." He said with a little boyish grin on his face. "Looks like I bought the right size. Two sizes smaller than mine." John blushed, he pressed himself into Mateo's body. "Yeah, I'm just a piece of eye candy for you huh?" John continued pressing himself into Mateo causing him to back up. John stopped at the right place near the pool. John's arms encircled Mateo. He too found the tight butt of his lover and began to rub. Mateo said, "Mmm, that feels good." John grinned, "Yeah, you like that?" John felt Mateo's cock begin to harden. "I think I already know your answer." He leaned in and gave Mateo a kiss. With and evil grin on his face John spoke, "Are you as hot as I am?" Mateo nodded, "Oh yeah, I'm so hot. John took Mateo's hands into his own. "Let me help you out with your problem. I think you need to cool off." John then pushed Mateo into the cool waters of the pool. The look of surprise on Mateo's face caused John to double over with laughter as his boyfriend hit the water. Mateo's head surfaced from the water just in time to see John running to the pool and leaping into the air, performing a perfect cannonball right next to him. John came up for air with a smile of innocence of his face. Mateo laughed, "Why did you do that?" John chuckled, "It looked like you were getting ready to burst into flames so I had to save your life." They both laughed at John's excuse. In a mocking voice Mateo said, "Oh thank you John, who knows what might have happened, You saved my life." John laughed.

Smiling, John held out his hand towards Mateo. Mateo took his hand ad pulled him into another embrace. They kissed and Mateo whispered in John's ear, "I wouldn't have been so hot if I hadn't seen you in your sexy little speedo" John looked into Mateo's eyes, blushing he said, "Thank you, it's very nice. Makes me feel sexy." His lover smiled at his beautiful face. "John, you don't need those speedo's to make you sexy. You already are. You defiantly don`t need these." Mateo's hand brushed against John's speedo encased ass. John's eyes looked into Mateo's tender eyes, "Thanks babe. I feel sexy when I'm around you." The young lovers kissed passionately.

Mateo noticed a look of worry on John's face. "What's wrong?" he asked. John looked like he wanted to cry. "Mateo, Angelica and I were talking and she thinks we should tell our parents about us. She thinks that we need to tell them now. And I think she may be right." John looked down into the dark water, he continued in a small voice, "Mateo I'm so happy being with you. But in a way I'm not with you. Do you understand?" Mateo sadly nodded his head. John continued, "We can't truly be who we really are until we tell our families. I think that if we don't tell them it's the same as lying to them." John lifted his head and looked into Mateo's eyes. "What do you think we should do?" Mateo stepped closer to John and took both of John's hands in his own. "I think you're right. We need to tell our parents. It's not fair to both of us if we don't tell them. I don't want you to feel that we can't be yourselves when were together." Mateo arched his eyebrows, "So, we tell the world who we are?" John smiled big, "Let's start with our parents first. And then if there are others that need to know then we tell them." He kissed Mateo, "OK?" John asked with a smirk. Mateo grinned, "Well OK, but I was going to take out a full page ad out in the New York Times with a headline that read `MATEO LOVES JOHN' but I guess your idea's better." John laughed at his silly Mexican boy. "What am I going to do with you?" He asked shaking his head. In a small bashful voice Mateo asked, "Love me?" John threw up his hands in defeat, "OK you win. I'll love you!" They embraced again, kissing each other tenderly.

John and Mateo spent a couple of hours out at the pool. Mateo took the time to rub John's body down with tanning oil. John purred under Mateo's touch. He loved the way Mateo's hands felt as they rubbed and kneaded his tight muscles. John was still feeling the affects of yesterdays long plane ride. Between rub downs the two played a few games of tag and dunk. There were many more breaks for kissing then there was for playing. John also gave Mateo a long rubdown. He loved touching Mateo's body. He sat on Mateo's thighs as he rubbed him down. A few groans and moans escaped from Mateo as John rubbed. John got very excited while he rubbing and squeezing his lover's muscles. He was sure that Mateo felt his erection a few times as he was receiving his rubdown. John was definitely enjoying the rubdown as much or even more than Mateo. Finally the two settled into the lounge chairs near the pool.

Time slipped away and it was time for lunch. Mateo pointed out that the small building had a toilet and two shower stalls. He and John quickly took showers and headed up to the house to eat.

They walked into the dinning room. Mateo noticed two extra settings. He looked at Emma who was busy putting dishes of delicious looking food on the table. "Emma, who are the extra settings for?" She looked up and smiled, "Your parents are back. Dey came in early to have lunch with you. Dey are in de room. Dey will be down soon. Both John and Mateo looked to the other. John was sure he heard an audible gulp come from Mateo.

"Emma how long before lunch?" Mateo asked.

"Just a few minutes Mijos. Long enough for you and Juan to wash up if you like." She smiled as she left the room. Turning towards John Mateo spoke, "Well, no time like the present eh Juan?" John chuckled, "I think we should tell them after lunch."

"Tell who, what?" John and Mateo spun around to see who had spoken. They both released a huge sigh when they saw Angelica enter the room. Mateo said, "Were going to take your advice and tell Papa and Mama about us." Angelica's face beamed, "That's great Teo, I know you're doing the right thing." She stepped in between John and Mateo taking one of their hands in her own. "I'm very proud of both of you. I know Mama and Papa will understand." She kissed both of them on the cheek. "Would you like me to be there with you when you tell them?" Mateo looked at John for an answer. "I wouldn't mind Sis. What about it John?" John didn't hesitate with his answer, "I think we'll need all the support we can get. Thank you Angelica." She smiled, "Good. So when will this all take place?"

Mateo looked at John once more, "After lunch." He said with confidence. John smiled, "After lunch." He echoed.

John's heart was beating a mile a minute as they all waited for Mateo's parents to enter. Finally the waiting was over as Anita Villasenor entered the dinning room. She was a tall women with delicate features. Her brown eyes twinkled. Her facial features were smooth, her skin, flawless. She moved with confidence. Her eyes immediately fell on her son. "Ay Mateo, gracias a Dios, (thank god) you're finally home." Mateo jumped up from his seat. She wrapped her arms around him. "It's so good to see you Teo, you look like you have grown since I've seen you last." She said as she stood back to look at him. Mateo face beamed when he looked at his mother, "I don't know about that mama, but maybe a little." She drew him into another hug, "Oh Mijo it's so good to see you." John could see Anita's eyes catch his own. He looked down at the table. He felt like running out of the room but knew he had to do this for Mateo. She released Mateo, her eyes still locked on John. She smile, "You must be John, welcome to our home and to Mexico. I hope you enjoy your stay." Just like Mateo, his mother's English was perfect, no trace of an accent anywhere. John stood, "Hello, my name is John Clark. Thank you for welcoming into your home." He shook her delicate hand. Her eyes smiled as she looked at John. Anita said, "I'm glad that Mateo brought a friend. He needs more friends." Mateo spoke up, "Mama, I have plenty of friends." he said defensively.

At that moment the group heard footsteps as they approached the dinning room. Rafael Villasenor entered the room. "Lo siento mucho, (I'm so sorry) I was finishing up a phone call and the governor hates to be kept waiting. Rafael Villasenor looked like an older version of Mateo. He had the same facial features as his son. He had a thinly trimmed moustache which made him look very distinguished "Smiles and dimples must run in the family" John thought. His hair was black except for a little gray at the temples. He wore charcoal slacks with a cream colored polo.

Mateo ran to his Papa. "Hola Papa!" Mateo shouted as he practically leaped into his fathers arms. Rafael smiled big, "Ay Mijo, you're getting too big for my arms!" He joked as he messed Mateo's hair. He took him into his arms, "You look good son." Just as the others in his family, Rafael didn't have any accent. John felt all the love in the room among this Latin family, he was happy that he was among the special love that they shared. Mateo stepped away from his father, "Papa, I'd like to introduce to you John Clark, a classmate and friend." Rafael's brown eyes centered on John's small form. "Hola, John. Welcome to Mexico and welcome my home." John shook hands with Rafael, hoping he wouldn't sense his nervousness or feel his clammy palms. "It's very nice to meet you Sir." John said trying to keep his voice steady. "Mateo has told me so much about you. I'm happy to make your acquaintance." John almost felt as if he had to bow or something. He glanced at Mateo. His boyfriend had a cheeky grin on his face and gave John his trademark "thumbs-up". Rafael Villasenor squeezed John's hand, "Well thank you John. Those are very kind word." John released his breath. He hadn't realized that he had been holding his breath it in.

At that moment Anita spoke up, "Well, let's sit down and eat. Emma has out done herself again." They all sat down to eat the great meal that Emma laid out.

It was an afternoon to remember for John. He felt so at home in the company of Mateo and his family. He laughed at himself for being so nervous.

Being the typical parents Rafael and Anita were interested in all of Mateo's school activities and grades. They were please to know that their son was getting very good grades and also happy to hear that the coach was going to place him on the varsity team next year.

Mateo turned the conversation to include John. He told his parents that they were in the presence of a great musician. John blushed telling them that he wasn't that good. Mateo argued with John telling his parents about John's upcoming alumni concert. John felt uncomfortable being placed under a spotlight by Mateo. After agreeing to play for them later John felt relieved when the conversation took a turn.

Finally lunch was done. They all decided to relax in the parlor. Mateo pulled John aside out side of the parlor door, "Are you ready to do this?" he asked with a serious expression on his face. John looked like he was about to lose his lunch, "Yeah, I'm ready." he answered in a shaky voice He grabbed Mateo's hand and squeezed. "We're doing the right thing, right?" John asked him looking into his eyes. Mateo took in a long breath and slowly released it. "Yes baby, I believe this is the right thing to do." He leaned in a gave John a quick kiss. " I love you John." Mateo gave him a huge smile, "C'mon, let's go."

John and Mateo joined the others in the parlor. It was a fairly large room with comfortable couches, plush chairs, and more of the Mexican art, and crafts. There was a black grand piano in the corner. Mateo's parents sat on a large couch, Angelica sat in a chair near the fire place. Both Mateo and John sat on a love seat across from his parents.

Mateo looked in Angelica's eyes. She gave him a small smile and sent him a silent look of encouragement.

When everyone had finally settled down Mateo cleared his throat. His heart was felt like it would jump out of his chest. He took a huge breath trying to relax his body.

"Papa, Mama, I have something to discuss with you. It's very serious and I want you to know something about me and my life."

It seemed like a curtain of silence fell on the room. Mateo's parents turned their attention to their son. They could see on Mateo's face that he was struggling with something. Anita spoke, "Mateo, you know we have always asked that you be honest with us. We have always taught you that you can come to us with any problem you may have." Her faced showed concern for her youngest son. Rafael nodded his agreement with his wife. "What in on your mind, son?" Rafael asked.

Once again Mateo drew in a slow breath, trying to calm his nerves. "Well, I want you both to know that I'm gay, and...and... that.... John here is my boyfriend." He looked between his parents looking for any sign that might reveal what they were feeling. He couldn't quite read them.

Angelica was the first to speak. "Mateo, I think that's great. You will always be my little hermanito and nothing will ever change that. I only hope...."

Angelica was interrupted by Rafael, his face twisted in anger, "NO! NO!, I will not have a son that is a homosexual. This will never happen!" He voice startled his wife, causing Anita to tense up. He pointed a finger at Mateo, "You are NOT a "gay", do you understand? I will not allow it."

Anita spoke in a pleading voice, "Por favor (please) Rafael lower your voice and calm down."

"NO! I will not calm down, Anita! Do you hear what your son just said? He is homosexual!" His voice was filled with anger. "Mateo go upstairs to your room! Don't come down until I call for you!"

Mateo's face was stern, "No Papa, we need to talk about this. You can't push this aside. I'm gay Papa, I can't change what I am."

John stood to his feet. He wanted to stand by Mateo's side. Suddenly John felt eyes on him, he looked up to see Rafael Villasenor's cold stare boring into his eyes. "You! You're the cause of this. What have you done to my son? TELL ME!" He shouted. Tears began to roll down John's face. He tried to keep his voice from shaking, "I haven't done anything to him." John denied. "You need to under stand Mr. Villasenor, We...we love each other." Rafael smirked, "Love? You love each other? HA! You don't even know what love is. What makes you an expert? You foolish boy!"

Mateo moved his body in front of John's in an act of defense. "Papa, please, don't talk to him that way. John is right, we do love each other. You will have to learn to accept us for who we are." Rafael turned towards Mateo, "Accept you? You want me to accept you and this boy as lovers? Embrace you like there is nothing wrong? No, Mateo I will not."

Rafael turned from his now shaken son and walked to the French doors which lead out to the back of the house and the garden. Anita and Angelica stepped towards him, "Please Papa don't go." Angelica pleaded as tears rolled down her face. Her pleas were unanswered as he walked out. Anita stood at the door watching her husband as he disappeared into the garden. She called to him one more time in an attempt for him to return to the house. Her calls were ignored.

Mateo came to the door and stood next to her. Anita saw that he was still shaking, tears running down his face. She faced her son, "Mateo, he will come back. He needs time to think." She said as she tried to reassure her son. "I'm very proud of you Mateo." she said. Mateo looked into the face of his mother wondering what she meant. She looked into her son's tearful eyes, "I'm so very proud because you told us who you really are. That took a lot of courage." She held her sons face in her hands as she continued, "I will never judge you because of who you love Mateo. I'm proud of you because you have the ability to love. Most people in this world think they know what love is, and they don't. But I see in your eyes the way you look at John and the way he looks at you. You two are definitely in love." Anita turned to John, "Come over here." She said softly. John walked over to her and stood next to her. He stood there, his body still trembling from the affects of Rafael's anger. Anita drew him into her arms, "I'm so sorry you had to see my husband like that John. He normally is a gentle man." John attempted to smile, "Thank you." he said is a small timid voice. Anita released him from her arms but still held his eyes with her own as she spoke, "I'm so happy that my Teo has found love." She turned her head toward Mateo, "Come here Mijo." He stood next to John. Mateo took John's hand in his own giving it a squeeze. "I'm happy that both of you found love. That's not an easy task." She kissed them both on the cheek. Once again she answered their unspoken question. "Your Papa will come home, you'll see. Try not to worry."

After all the emotional turmoil the Villasenor household went through everyone agreed that a nap would help ease the stress in the atmosphere. They all retired into their rooms.

Mateo quickly dropped off into sleep while John was having a hard time relaxing. He decided to go down downstairs and play, that always relaxed him.

He walked through the quiet house trying not to make any noise, he didn't see anyone around.

He walked into the same room he was in earlier. He walked over to the piano and sat. He began playing Chopin's Prelude in E minor. The beautiful music filled the room as John played. This was one way he knew to release tension from his body. The waves of music flowed through his body as he continue. John's eyes closed as they always do. He didn't notice that Mateo had entered the room. Quietly as not to disturb his lover Mateo sat. Once again he felt the affects of John's music on his heart. John continued, the music came so easily to him, he knew that every time he played he lost himself to it's wonderful magic. Beautiful emotions were felt by both young men as tears ran down their faces. Neither one of them saw the form of Rafael Villasenor outside the open French doors. The music ended. John's eyes remain closed as he let the last of the stress leave his body. Mateo walked over to the piano wiping his face with a tissue. "Hi Baby." John opened his blue eyes to see his Mateo. He smiled, "Hi" he said. "Did I wake you?" Mateo shook his head, "I couldn't sleep without you. So I came down stairs. I saw you when you came in here." John's face lit up, "So now you're stalking me?" Mateo laughed. "Yup I guess you can say that. You have a problem with that?" he asked chuckling. "Oh no, I don't have any problems with that." John smiled as Mateo leaned over to kiss him. Mateo's kisses were always so tender and filled with sweetness.

John looked up into his face. "I have another song to play for you." Mateo grinned, "You know I can listen to you all day." John smiled, "Thanks baby." Mateo turned to move away and sit down. "No, stay here next to the piano." This is a special song and I want you to be close to me while I play it." Mateo stopped, "OK, What ever you want." He smiled.

John's hands went to the piano keys, he gave Mateo a smile as the music began.

The music began with a solitary note in the left hand. The right hand joined in with a sweet melody. It was nothing Mateo had heard before, it was different from the other music John usually played. John smiled sweetly, his love for Mateo clearly seen on his face. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth. His smooth voice sang out to his lover:




























Tears ran down both of their faces as John finished the song. Wiping away a tear from his cheek, John looked up into Mateo's face. "Mateo, I'm so sorry that your father hates me. You know that if I could change how he felt I would." Mateo shook his head, "No John, I love my father but if he can't accept you in my life then he can't accept me. Just as the song said, my life was empty until I met you. Can't you see how you've filled it? You filled it with laughter, love, and intimacy. John please understand that I love you and nothing will ever change that."

At that moment they heard a noise at the doors. They both cringed as they saw Rafael Villasenor enter the room. Something about him was different. Gone was the hard face of defiance. He came up to Mateo and John. He looked down as he spoke, "I...I am s-sorry for what I said earlier, I was very wrong to judge you both." He lifted his face looking to Mateo, "Mijo, forgive me. I was so angry when you told us that you were gay. I didn't know what to do, or how to react. But seeing you here with John and the way you two look at each other. I can plainly see the love between you two." He turned his gaze to John, "I apologize to you John, I should have never acted that way. Please forgive my stupidity and ignorance. I stood outside the doors while you played. You're very good, despite what you say." John blushed. "Thank you." he said. Rafael continued, "I also heard that song you sang. You have a beautiful voice as well." He looked at the young couple. "I am truly sorry for what I did. I ask for your forgiveness."

Mateo eyes welled up with tears, "Oh Papa, thank you." He hugged his father as tears continued to stream down his face. "This means so much coming from you."

Rafael said to Mateo, "I wont claim to understand your lifestyle, but whatever you need, please know that I'll support you in all that you do. I'll be here if you need me." Mateo's face lit up as he listened to his father. "Thank you Papa." he said in a low voice. The two Latinos hugged. Rafael turned to John, "Take care of him John, he's a very special boy." John grinned, "I will."

Rafael spoke, "Please excuse me boys, I'm very tired. I'm going to go talk to you mother and then take a quick nap before dinner. Please excuse me." He left the room to John and Mateo.

They were both relieved to hear that Rafael finally accepted them. Mateo slumped down into one of the leather chairs. "Whew, I'm glad that's over." He said as he leaned back into the plush leather. John walked over and stood by the chair. "Yeah me too. But don't relax too much, we still have to tell my parents." Mateo gave him a surprised look. "Oh yeah, I forgot about your parents." Mateo quickly pulled John into his lap, "You sure know how to ruin my mood." He said as he tickled John's squirming body. "Well I do try my best, you know." John managed to say between fits of laughter and giggles.

Hey guys there is chapter 8. Please write and tell me your thoughts. I always enjot hearing from my readers. Thanks again for reading, David

Author's note:

"Come What May" for the movie Moulin Rouge

Written by David Baerwald

Produced by Josh O. Abrahams, Craig Armstrong, And Marius Devries

Next: Chapter 9

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