John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Feb 16, 2004


Hey guys this is my first attempt at writing and I hope that you enjoy my story. I'm not the best on spelling and grammar so please don't bother with the emails telling me I can't write. I do this for fun and that's all. All comments are welcome. If you want more let me know and I'll write more...This story will move slow... Thanks my email is:

The usual disclaimer don't read this if you're too young or it's against the law where you live. This story is about gay men.

Thanks for all the emails. I have to say that I didn't think I'd get such a response from my story. This is fun!

Please send an email if you like the story. I'm always open to suggestions.


The morning rays of the sun fanned across the bodies of John and Mateo. Mateo's eyes fluttered open as he awoke. The dream was still alive in his mind as he tried to move. Something pinned his arm down to the bed. He looked to his side and realized his dream was reality. The beautiful form of John lay next to him. John's head rested in the croak of Mateo's left arm. "It wasn't a dream. You are real." He softly whispered as he stroked John's golden hair. John smiled in his sleep as he cuddled closer into Mateo's body. John released a small giggle as he laid his arm across Mateo's chest. Mateo could feel John's hardness against his thigh, "You better be dreaming about me." Mateo lightly whispered to his John. He laid in bed for another five minutes before the need to pee over took his body. With much care not to wake John, Mateo managed to release himself from the bed. He slipped on his jeans and headed towards the restroom at the end of the hall. He didn't see anyone around the place as he walked. Entering the restroom he stepped up to the urinal and began to pee. After buttoning up he did a few stretches. His long arms rose above his head as he loosened up his muscles. Bending over each side of his body Mateo relieved the few aches he had from sleeping in John's bed. His strong back flexed, he bent over to touch his toes releasing a small moan as he felt the muscles stretch and flex. He slowly twisted his body to each side. Feeling more like himself, Mateo stepped to the sink. His hair was messed and he saw dry cum near his mouth. He washed his face, tried to straighten his hair-which didn't work and wiped his chest arms and pits with a paper towel. Satisfied, he left the bathroom. He was unaware that he had been watched by strange eyes.

Mateo slipped back into John's room. He took a minutes to look around. The touches of John were seen on his half of the room. The room was small but John had managed to add his own style. There were a few pictures on his desk of his parents. Picking up a framed picture Mateo realized that John received his looks from his father and his blond hair from his mother. He also saw a picture of John and another man. They were standing by a piano, John holding some kind of an award with a killer smile. Mateo guessed that was John's piano teacher back in Arizona

On a shelf above his desk Mateo saw a few music CD's. Different kinds of music, piano, Broadway musicals, soundtracks to various movies, and a few contemporary groups. Mateo chuckled when he saw a "Barney" CD. Turning his head to the sleeping John, Mateo whispered, "Barney?"

Mateo put the CD back on the shelf and turned toward John. Once again his heart overflowed with love as he looked at John. Mateo walked towards the bed. He stood next to the sleeping form of his lover. He reached down and stroked his cheek. John stirred but did not wake. Mateo's finger tips brushed against the lips of John. Slowly he knelt by the side of the bed. After a few minutes Mateo couldn't wait any longer as he leaned over and softly touched John's lips with his own. John was aroused from his sleep by Mateo's tender kisses. He opened his eyes to see the beautiful Mexican looking into his sleepy eyes. "Good morning, Sunshine" Mateo said in a small voice. He kissed the tip of John's nose. John smiled, "Good morning." John stretched in bed. His arms over his head as he stretched his body like a cat. Mateo sat next to him on the bed. He feasted on John's body as he stretched one last time. Mateo placed a hand on John's chest, he loved the feeling of his smooth skin. Mateo pulled him into his arms. Their mouths met for a passionate kiss. John's eyes were still closed as he came out of the kiss. "Mmm, what a way to start the day." he said. Mateo smiled as he released John. "I could get used to this." he said. "Me too." John reply. Mateo rose from the bed. "You hungry?" he asked. "Yeah, I could eat a horse." John said as he got out of bed naked. He stretched one more time. Mateo thought it was cool that John didn't feel that he needed to hide his body from him. John found his boxers and stepped into them sliding them up his legs and covering his naked body. Smiling at Mateo he said, "sorry the show is over." Mateo pouted and stuck out his lower lip. "But it was just starting." he said pretending to cry. John snickered, "well if you're a good boy, there might be a show later." Mateo jumped up and down clapping his hands, "YAY!!" John started laughing. "You're a nut. But I mean that in a good way." he said as he chuckled.

John grabbed his towel and his bathroom kit. " I need to take a shower." He wrapped the towel around his small waist. " Do you want some company?" Mateo asked, already knowing the answer by the look in John's eyes. "Do you have an extra towel?" John smiled, opening up a drawer. "Here ya go." he said, tossing Mateo a towel. "C'mon I need someone to wash my back" John smiled as he looked over his shoulder. Mateo was very closed behind him.

John and Mateo entered the bathroom. It was set up just like all the other dorm room restrooms with four sink, two urinals, two stalls and the shower room. The shower room had two sectioned rooms, each having two shower heads.

Steam arose from the showers as John and Mateo washed. The room was empty. They tuned on both shower heads in case someone came in. They leisurely washed each other. John washed Mateo first. His hands ran over the smooth body. John washed his genitals with care. The feeling of John's hands caused Mateo to become hard. John slowly stroked him. "Oh John that feels great." Mateo purred. John leaned up and gave Mateo a sweet kiss. He released his cock and started washing Mateo's legs and feet. Mateo turned around. John washed the back of his legs. His hands traveled up to Mateo's round tight ass. John felt the tight muscles under his hands. Exploring, John's fingers slipped into the crack. The tip of John's finger found Mateo's tight opening. Mateo released a low moan. "Ahh, that feels so good. Don't stop." John's continued to rub Mateo's hole. Mateo's body was shaking from the pleasure. John gently pushed his finger into the tight opening. "Uugh!" Mateo's voice echoed. "Are you ok?" John thought he hurt Mateo. Mateo smiled, "Yeah, it feels great John. Keep doing it." John's own cock, which was rock-hard , jerked when he heard Mateo wanting more. "Anything you want." John said. Finding the hole once again he slipped his index finger in. Mateo's hole was very tight and very hot. Mateo whimpered as John slid his finger out of his ass. Sliding back in he went deeper. Mateo released a moan. John continued. He knelt on the shower room tile. He reached in between Mateo's legs and took his cock in his hands. John felt the precum as he stroked his huge cock. John finally reached his goal as he brushed up against Mateo prostate. This sent Mateo into orbit. His breathing be came heavy as he neared is orgasm. "John I'm gonna blow!" Mateo said between clenched teeth. John's hand flew up and down Mateo shaft as the first shot of boy juice shot from his cock. Mateo squirted a few more loads out of his cock until it oozed out of the top. John slowly drew his finger from Mateo's ass. His other hand still slowly stroking his lovers soft meat. He finally released Mateo. John licked the cum from his hand. "Mmm, that's good." John said as he stood. Mateo took John into his arms. "Wow, John that was fantastic. Where did you learn that?" Mateo asked with wonder in his eyes. "I read it on the internet" John said blushing red. Mateo kissed John, sliding his tongue into his mouth. Once again John was lost in Mateo's beauty. Mateo reached down and took John's cock into his hand. He slowly stroked John as he kissed him. Mateo found John's left nipple. He squeezed it between his fingers. "Oh!" John moaning in Mateo's arms. It didn't take long for John to reach his orgasm. Mateo knowing this, knelt on his knees as took John in his mouth. John held onto Mateo's head as he gently moved in and out of his lovers mouth. His movements quickened as he neared his orgasm. Mateo's lips surrounded John's hard cock as the boy released his sperm. Mateo ready this time had no problem taking all of John's load. John's body shuddered as it released into his lovers mouth. John slipped out of Mateo's mouth. He slumped to the floor next to Mateo. Once more they kissed tasting each other. "That was awesome dude." John said between kisses. "Thanks" Mateo smiled wide. Mateo stood. He helped John to his feet. They rinsed off once more and turned off the shower. They dried each other off. Wrapping the towels around their waists, the young college men returned to the room. Fifteen minutes later John and Mateo left for breakfast.

The morning was filled with life as the two young men walked to the commons for their breakfast. Once again they found themselves sitting at the same table sharing breakfast. Things were definitely different this morning. Instead of the nervous stares, there was heartfelt looks and smiles. Gone were the doubts and fears. For both John and Mateo this was the first day of freedom. As they were finishing their breakfast Mateo's cell phone rang. "Hello? Yes, alright...thank you for calling. Bye." Mateo closed his phone. "Who was that?" John asked. Mateo looked uncomfortable. "It was my travel agent. I'm leaving for Mexico on Monday. I'm going home to see my parents and my sister." John's face dropped. He thought that he and Mateo would spend some time together during the spring break. John spoke, "Wow that's cool Mateo" he said trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. Mateo looked into John's eyes and saw the hurt. "I wish I didn't have to go but I haven't seen my parents and sister in about six months." He said in a low voice. "Dude it's OK." John said trying to cheer up the sad Mateo. "You need to see your family. I don't want to stop you from seeing them." John looked around the room-seeing that the room was practically empty John placed his hand on Mateo's. "It's OK babe." John smiled. "I have to practice for the up coming concert anyway. You go and have fun." He squeezed Mateo's hand before releasing it. Mateo looked into John's face, "I know. But I don't want to leave now." Mateo stood, he began to pace. John felt like he was watching a tennis match. "Um...dude can you sit down my neck is starting to hurt." Mateo stopped and looked at the grinning John. "Huh? What did you say?" Mateo was clearly deep in thought. "I said can you please sit down. You're wearing out the linoleum." John giggled. Mateo continued to pace. Suddenly he snapped his fingers. " I got it!" his face lit up. "You can come with me!" He suddenly sat at the table. "What do you think?" John smiled. "Mateo I don't want to butt in on your family dude. I'd feel out of place." Mateo looked hurt. His eyes dimmed, "John I want you to come with me." he said. "You'll love it dude. My folks wont mind." John smiled, "Well if it's OK then yeah I'll go. Mateo's face beamed as he pulled out his cell phone. He dialed and waited for the connection. "Hello, - Yes this is Mateo Villasenor we just spoke confirming my reservations for Monday's flight to Mexico City, uh huh, ok.... Yes, I`d like to know if there is room on the flight for one more person. There is? Yes uh huh, the name is John..." Mateo looked at John as he realized he didn't know John's last name. Grinning John spoke, "Clark." Mateo spoke, "Clark, John Clark! Yes that would be fine. Thank you. Bye." Mateo closed his phone. "It's all set John. We're going to Mexico City baby!" Mateo laughed. He looked like a kid on Christmas morning. John couldn't stand it any longer and joined Mateo in the fun and laughter.

"Let's go back to my room. You can help me pack and I also need to call my parents and tell them I'm bringing a friend."

Mateo and John spent the morning packing. Once they were finished it was time to call both set of parents. John's to let them know he'd be away from school and Mateo's to let them know that he was bringing home a friend. They sat on John's bed as John dialed his home number. After a few rings John's father Adam Clark answered. "Hi dad, what's up?" John's body tensed up, he was very nervous. "Hey John, it's good to hear your voice son." John smiled, "It's good to hear yours too dad. Where's mom?" he asked. "She's in the backyard weeding the tomato plants. You know how she loves her vegetable garden." John chuckled, "Yeah I know. She loves it. Say dad, can you go get her I need to talk to you both about something." Adam paused, "Is everything alright John? You're not hurt are you?" John released a nervous laugh, "Oh no dad, everything is fine. I just need to tell you both something." There was silence on the line. Adam answered, "OK son, be right back." John heard his dad put down the phone. John then heard the slam of the back door. A few moments later he heard the other phone click on. "Hi John it's mom. What's up son? Your dad said you had something to tell us." John cleared his throat, "Hi mom. Yeah I wanted to talk to you both at the same time. Is dad still on?" Shelia Clark spoke, "Yes he's on the other extension." John thought he heard a bit of nervousness in his mothers voice. John looked over to Mateo, he held up his hand with crossed fingers--hoping for good luck. Mateo flashed him a smile and gave him a "thumbs up".

John took a breath, "Mom, you remember Mateo the guy I told you about yesterday?" There was a brief moment of silence. "Yes honey I remember him. Why?" John began to feel sick as he continued, "Well he has invited me to spend Spring Break with him and his family." The awkward silence once more. Finally, "John didn't you just meet this kid?" his dad spoke first. "Dad, Mateo is a great guy. He's on the football team here at school. His parents are both well respected. His father works for the Mexican government." Shelia spoke up, "Mexican government? John, does Mateo's family live in Mexico?"

Sweat now appearing on his upper lip John continued, "Yeah mom. His parents live near Mexico City." John twisted the phone cord around his finger. "Mom, weren't you just telling me I should have more fun. Well, this is fun." John's voice pleaded with his parents. "Well, I know I said that John but I don't know if I like the idea of you leaving the country. What if something should happen." Trying to persuade them John continued, "Mom, Mateo is going to be with me all the time. Nothing is going to happen to me. I promise to be careful." John closed his eyes sending up a silent prayer. He felt Mateo's hand squeeze his shoulder in show of support. After tortured minutes, Adam Clark spoke, "OK John you can go. But you need to call us when you get there to let us know that you're OK. I'll wired some money, you should receive it my Monday morning." John face lit up as he heard his father, "YES!! Thank you dad and mom! You're the greatest!" John's heart was racing. "Yes! I love you guys!!" Both of John's parents laughed as they heard their excited son. "Oh and another thing son, use the credit card we gave you to purchase the plane ticket." Adam reminded his son. "OK dad, I will."

After a few more words between parents and son, John finally hung up the phone. He was so excited. He was finally going to be with Mateo for a whole week with out any interruptions from school. He ran into Mateo's arms and gave him a wet kiss on the lips. "Wow, I'm so happy!" John's eyes smiled as he looked into Mateo's eyes. "Now, let's call my parents." Mateo said as he opened his cell phone. Mateo didn't think that his parents would mind him bringing home a classmate.

Mateo's parents had no problem with him bringing home a classmate. After a few moments on the phone Mateo hung up. "Well, what did they say?" John didn't understand much of the conversation as it was in Spanish.

Mateo flashed him a huge smile. "No problem John!" Once again Mateo found John in his arms. He loved the feeling of John against his body. "They are looking forward to meeting you. We will have to be careful around them, they don't know about me yet. My sister Angelica knows that I'm gay so we can be ourselves around her." They continued to embrace. "This is going to be so much fun." Mateo said.

After a few minutes of talking about the up coming trip the two young men needed to go to the store to pick up a few things before Monday. They decided that the mall would be the best place to shop. The two young college men drove to the mall. John needed to buy some clothes for the trip as Mateo said that the weather might be a little warmer in Mexico. The first place they went in was "Old Navy". John picked out a few pairs of board shorts and a couple of t-shirts. He went to try them on. After a few minutes he came out to show Mateo his clothes. "Wow, you look hot!" Mateo grinned as he saw John in the board shorts and shirt. "I might have to get a few pairs of those too." Mateo eyes admired John's body as he modeled. John turned to reenter the fitting room but not before he gave Mateo a look at his ass. He lifted up his shirt and pushed his ass out. "What about this?" he laughed as he ran into the changing room. Mateo whistled to show his approval. "Perv!" John said as he giggled. "You know it babe." Mateo said with a chuckle.

Mateo's turn soon came as he modeled for John in a pair of Hawaiian board shorts. The shorts hugged his body and the t-shirt was too small. Mateo picked the t-shirt on purpose to give John a show. He came out of the room stood with his legs apart with his hands on his hips. "Well what do you think?" Mateo asked as he stood in his "Superman" pose. John's jaw dropped. "Damn dude, you go out like that and I can't guarantee your safety" John snickered. "I think you better get a larger shirt." John blushed as he felt his cock begin to lengthen. Mateo's chest was awesome and the shorts fit perfectly. "Oh really? I was think of getting a smaller size." Mateo said trying to act seriously without laughing. "You do that and I might attack you!" John said as he winked at Mateo. Mateo chuckled as he turned to reenter the fitting room. "Oh I almost forgot to show you. What about these?" Mateo's hands undid the Velcro on the shorts. Shocked at what he was doing, John was about to say something when the shorts dropped to the floor. Mateo stood there in red Speedos. John gasped as he saw his lover in the skimpy trunks. He pulled the shirt off. Mateo blushed, "What do you think? Should I get these?" John's cock was definitely hard now. He was only able to nod his head. Mateo laughed as he turned into the room. Before he left Mateo wiggled his ass to give John another little show.

After a few hours of shopping the young couple were hungry. They both decided to eat at the food court. They both ordered Philly steak sandwiches and fries, they sat to enjoy their lunch.

They just finished their lunch when they heard someone say hello. They both turned to see PT walk up. Mateo's body tensed, he was hoping that this wouldn't turn into something bad.

"Hey guys. May I sit a second? I need to talk to you." PT eyes looked between John and Mateo almost pleading. Mateo looked at John. Knowing it was ok with John, Mateo pulled out a chair, "Sure."

PT sat down at their table. His hands were nervous. Mateo could tell he was uncomfortable being there with them. PT said, "Well I just wanted to apologize for last night. I wanted to say I'm sorry to both of you for the way I acted. I can't say I'm sorry enough." Mateo began to speak but PT didn't give him a chance. " Wait Mateo, I'm not finished." His eyes looked down at the table. "I see the way you two look at each other. I can tell you're in love. You guys make a good couple." They were both surprised at PT's

words. John and Mateo looked for any signs from PT that this would get ugly. They didn't see anything. Mateo looked into John's eyes asking permission, John nodded. "PT you are right, but we'd like to keep this to ourselves. We don't want this all over campus. We want our privacy." PT looked up, "It's cool Mateo. I understand totally." PT eyes began to water. "I know what you're gong through." Mateo looked at PT, "You mean you're gay too?" he whispered. PT didn't say a word for a few a minutes. Finally he spoke, "I don't know. I mean I like girls and how they look, but I also like the way guys look too. I'm a freak." Tears began to roll down PT's face. Mateo placed a hand on his friends shoulder. PT looked at John, "I should have said something last night when Snake and Jose called you those names. I saw how hurt you looked. I'm sorry John. It's just that I was sacred that if I defended you the guys would start to suspect something was up with me." John's eyes showed compassion as he touched PT's hand. "It's cool bro, we all have to be careful around people. It's not just you." John handed PT a napkin from the holder on the table. PT wiped his face, "It's finally good to talk about his with someone that understands." He said as he looked at John. "I've been hiding this for a longtime." Mateo wiped a tear from his eye. "Don't worry about it dude, we're friends here. No need to hide anything from us." PT looked at Mateo and smiled, "Thanks dude, it's good to know that I have you and John as friends." John said, "I think we need to chill a bit dudes. How about we do some more shopping?"

Mateo looked at John, "More, you want more?" he said teasing John. "Well, yeah. I need to buy a pair of shoes. I think I saw a sale sign somewhere." John said in a sheepish voice. Mateo looked at PT, "See what I have to put up with?" he said snickering. PT laughed. "I don't have anything else to do. Let's go." he said as he stood up. "Maybe we'll see some cute guys!" Mateo and John looked at PT with smirks. PT grinned, "What? There's nothing wrong with looking." John and Mateo busted up in laughter. "You better watch out for this guy John, he looks like he'll jump anything in sight!" Mateo said kidding his friend. PT straightened his body trying to look dignified, "I'm very choosey on who I'll jump, thank you very much." This set the trio into laughter once more as they headed off into the mall on a search for shoes.

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed the lastest adventures of John and Mateo.....

One reader suggested a notification list. I'd notify you all when another chapter was released. Let me know what you think. If you'd like I'll add your email to my list. Thanks again for reading....


Next: Chapter 7

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