John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Feb 3, 2004


Hey guys this is my first attempt at writing and I hope that you enjoy my story. I'm not the best on spelling and grammar so please don't bother with the emails telling me I can't write. I do this for fun and that's all. All comments are welcome. If you want more let me know and I'll write more....This story will move slow... Thanks my email is:

The usual disclaimer don't read this if you're too young or it's against the law where you live. This story is about gay men.

As I've said before, the story will move slowly.

Special thanks to Baba John.

John and Mateo


At the same time back on campus Mateo was just leaving his dorm room. He needed to pick up a few things before meeting John. He was looking forward to seeing his beautiful, sexy friend. The fantasy he had this morning was still fresh in his mind as he walked towards his car. Once again he felt the stirring in his pants as he thought of his dream and the naked body of John. "I'd love to see the real thing" he thought to himself as he reached his car. He drove a red 1966 convertible Ford mustang. Black top with wire rims. All the guys teased him about all the fun he could have in the back seat with the top up. They told him it was a definite "chick magnet" He loved his car, a gift from his parents on his 18th birthday but would never have a girl in the backseat. Boys, on the other hand, were a different story. As he was pulling out of the parking space he thought he heard his name. He turned to see his friend and teammate Pierce Turner running towards his car. PT was a guy that was 6'3 and all muscle. His dark hair and blue eyes were dreamy. His face was flawless. His square jar always reminded Mateo of Buzz Light-year. "Mateo, dude can you give me a lift?" PT asked.

Mateo stopped the car. "PT, sup dude?" Pierce jumped into the passenger seat and smiled at Mateo. "I need a ride into town dude. I'm meeting Jose and Snake. We're gonna catch a movie and hang dude. Where are you going?" Pierce asked. Shifting the car into gear Mateo answered, "I need to pick some stuff up from the store. That's about it." PT turned his eyes on his friend. "Dude you should come with us. We're gonna catch that new movie Lord of the Rings-The Return of the King." Mateo thought suddenly of John. He didn't want to miss his chance at seeing him and yet he didn't want to disappoint his friends or cause any suspicion. "Um.. maybe another time dude." he said hoping PT would drop the subject. "C'mon dude, you're not doing anything. Why don't you come. What's wrong? Don't you want to hang with your boys?" Mateo began to sweat as he searched his mind for an excuse not to go. "Mateo, are you in or not dude? It's not a hard question." PT looked at his friend, wondering if he was trying to hide something. Finally Mateo's will broke. "Chill dude, I'll go." He felt terrible as he drove away from campus and away from the opportunity of seeing John. Mateo immediately regretted his decision. He wanted to see John. He also wanted to play it safe. He knew that if he didn't go with his teammates he would never hear the end of it. He knew that they would press him for details. For now he wanted to keep his friendship with John away from his teammates. He was concerned what they night think when they saw John. John was not the jock type and Mateo wanted to spare him from anything that might make him feel uncomfortable. Deep inside Mateo was fearful. Fearful of the unknown. He had never been in a relationship gay or straight. He was unsure of what steps to take. He may screw everything up. He didn't want to blow his chance with John. He needed to do everything right. Even if John wasn't gay at least Mateo had made a new friend. Mixed in with the fear was confusion. He knew that he was gay. He always knew. But being in a new school and country far from home he felt that he needed to keep his lifestyle to himself and away from his teammates.

"Hey Mateo, what are you doing for spring break?" PT asked, pulling Mateo from his thoughts, and leaning over to turn the volume up on the radio. "I don't have any plans. But I might go home." Mateo said. "Mom wants me to go home for a few days. I haven't seen my parents in about six months" PT turned his head towards Mateo. " Six months? Why has it been so long?" he asked. "Well every time I went home my parents were off some place doing other things. We just seemed to miss each other. My mother is busy with her charities and my dad is always traveling around on state business. Im waiting to hear from them. Im only going home if theyre going to be there." Mateo face seemed to drop as the feeling of being away from his home and family came rushing into his thoughts. He especially missed his sister Angelica. The two were very close and shared everything. She was in Europe attending school. She was always there for him and the two shared a special relationship. They were inseparable as children. They would run and jump around the grounds of the estate always getting into trouble. About a year ago, before Angelica went off to school Mateo told her that he was gay. He had prepared for the worst, a cry of shame, or one of anger, but it never happen. She wrapped Mateo in her arms and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I knew you were special mi hermanito. (little brother) I just didn't know how special." She told him as she kissed his cheek again. "Just be careful Teo, you don't know how people will react to this. I love you no matter who you are, you'll always be my lil hermanito." Her words brought a huge smile to Mateo's face. "I will sis. I know that the world is full of people and some dont agree with my lifestyle." He hugged her tighter and swung her around. He was so happy. She erupted in laughter as she pulled herself away from his arms and ran out of the room. Mateo followed and the chase was on.

The two spent the rest of the day together, shopping and enjoying one another's company. Tomorrow she would be leaving for Spain. Mateo was happy for her and yet the thought of her being so far away made him so lonely.

Mateo pulled into the parking lot of their so-called mall. The place was small. It housed about 50 stores. Mateo laughed when he first saw it. It had a huge fountain in the center of the mall which was too large. It seemed that the owners of the mall loved Italian marble and the idea of recreating the Italian atmosphere. It seemed to Mateo that the builders overdid it with the monstrous fountain. This place was where all the college kids hung out. There were other places such as clubs and bars, but this place suited everyone who just wanted to hang out. He and PT found their friends waiting at the food court. Pierce was the first to speak. "Yo dudes! Look who I found with nothing to do." He chuckled as he nodded towards the trailing Mateo. "He was all lonely and shit so I invited him to hang with us." Mateo scoffed at what PT said, "Whatever dude, you just brought me along so you wouldn't have to walk." Mateo laughed as he sucker punched PT.

"Mateo, sup dude?" Snake said as he bumped fists with him. "Not much bro. I thought I'd give you losers a thrill and let you enjoy the presence my company." His remark got laughs all around. All the guys liked Mateo for his weird sense of humor. "Dude, why you hating?" Snake asked Mateo trying to keep a straight face. Snake was about 6'3" of lean muscle. His face was boyish but he had the body of a Michael Angelo's "David" His auburn hair seemed to catch fire in the sun. Mateo always admired his body. He moved like a cat on the field and all the guys were jealous of him and the line of girls that always seemed to follow him around. Mateo always wondered about his nick name until he saw Snake in the shower. His cock was about 6" soft with a bright red trimmed bush. On many occasions Mateo's nightly jack-off session included Snake as the main attraction.

Mateo flashed Snake a bright smile. "Cuz dude, it's so easy dude." He laughed as he pulled out a chair and sat. Looking around he noticed that Jose wasn't around. "Where's Jose?" he asked. "He's getting something to eat. That boy has a bottomless pit for a stomach." Snake said as he pulled up a chair turned it around and straddled it. He looked at his watch. "The flick starts in about 20 minutes. He better get back here or we're gonna leave him." Mateo's eyes wondered down to Snake's crotch. The bulge in his jeans was almost obscene. Mateo quickly moved his eyes before he was caught staring. He knew what Snake thought about fags. On more than one occasion he heard him refer to guys around campus as fairies, pole smokers, or fudge packers. He didn't want to be on the receiving end of Snake's comments. Again he thought of John. "What would John think if I told him I was gay?" This question had been in the back of his head all day. Being with his friends at this moment made him wonder again. His thoughts turned dark as he imagined John screaming and cursing at him. Calling him faggot. Hearing those words from him would almost kill him. Mateo eyes began to moisten as he thought of losing John. "What's wrong with me?" he asked himself. "Why am I doing this? I`ve only met this guy." The questions and thoughts echoing in his brain.

"Mateo dude, where are you?" PT asked looking at him. "Huh? What?" suddenly aware that all his friends were now staring at him. "Dude you were like a million miles away. What were you thinking?" Mateo eyes looked between his friends all waiting for an answer. "Um.. I was thinking about my family. It's just been a while since I've seen them and I miss them." Mateo hated lying to his teammates but he knew they wouldn't understand. "Yeah I know that must be rough for you dude. I bet you miss them a lot. It looked like you were gonna start crying." PT said while putting his hand on his friend. "Don't worry dude you have us as your family. We're a team right?" PT smiled hoping to cheer up his friend. "You're right PT, thanks dude." Mateo smiled.

At that moment Jose appeared. He had a bag from the burger place in his hand and munching on a hot dog. "Damn boy, you're always eating." Snake said as he stood. "Are you finally ready?" Jose was a husky Latin weighing in at about 200lbs. His was the perfect tackle for the team. He had little eyes, a round face, and a shaved head. Although he ate constantly his body was all muscle. He reminded Mateo of a pit-bull. Strong and fierce. "Hey get off my back dude. You know I have an eating disorder." Jose snickered. "Yeah we all know. A bad case of "see-food" PT said hooking Jose in a head lock. "C'mon guys slap his head. He loves it." Laughter erupted from the group of friends as each one took turns slapping Jose's shiny head. "Ok, Ok, Ok, that's enough!" Jose yelled, jerking himself out of PT's grip. "You guys suck." he said with a smile. "You wish." Snake said as he attempted to slap Jose's head on last time. "But I know some boys that do." Snake chuckled. Trying to change the subject Mateo quickly spoke, "C'mon we're gonna be late." he said, turning and walking toward the indoor movie theater. The others followed.

Back at the campus John waited in his room. Mateo was only an hour late. John was anxious to see him again. He restrained himself from calling him, thinking that Mateo would call when was ready. The wait was killing him. He couldn't keep him mind on anything else. He jumped when the phone rang. John's heart immediately began to beat faster, causing the blood in his body to somehow reach his cock. He neared the phone. After a moment of hesitation John reached for the phone and with an unsure voice answered the phone. "Hello?" His palms began to sweat. His breathing shallow. John felt as if he'd pass out. "Hi honey, it's Mom" The voice over the phone said. John's heart fell into his chest and his cock went limp as he heard his mother's voice. He mouthed a silent "shit" when it wasn't Mateo. "Oh, hi mom." John said, disappointment on the edge of his voice. "How are you?" Again John could not hide the fact that he clearly wasn't expecting her call. "Well, hello to you too Mr. Sunshine. It's good to hear your voice too." she said laying on a thick layer of sarcasms. "Sorry mom, I was expecting someone else's call. I didn't mean to make you feel any less important. John was grateful that his mother had called. He needed some kind of distraction while he waited for Mateo's call "Thats ok honey, I'm just teasing you." She laughed. "Listen, the reason I called was because your Aunt Donna and Uncle Henry have invited your dad and me out to California. We're going the same week as your Spring Break. We're going to take in some of the sites and spend a few days on Catalina Island. Then it's down to San Diego for the rest of the week. I was calling to invite you along. Sounds like fun huh?" What do you think? Would you like to come with?" She asked. John didnt hesitate with his answer, "No mom I don't have any plans but I think I'll pass on the trip to California. I think I'm gonna stay in town and practice for the up coming concert ." He actually didn't want to deal with his younger cousins. They were pests, always climbing on him and John could only take so much of it before he wanted to do bodily harm to them. "You and dad will be able to come to the concert right? He asked his mother. John knew that his parents wouldn't miss this concert. This was his first professional public performance. "Oh of course we'll be there. You couldn't keep us away. That's all your dad can talk about these days. Everybody he runs into, friend or stranger he tells about his son the "concert pianist. He's loaded up the camera with film and has the camcorder ready for action. You'll need to pick us up from the airport." she said. John smiled, "That's not a problem mom. Just let me know all the info by e-mail." He was grateful that she accepted his excuse. As all mothers are concerned about their children Shelia Clark was no different. She often thought how John was getting along by himself. She often asked herself if he had made the right decision when he decided to leave home and attend a school so far away. "John honey, what are you doing for fun?" John, realized the direction the conversation was headed and his body involuntarily cringed. John's eyes began to moisten. He hated to worry his mother. "Mom, I'm having plenty of fun. You know, going out with my friends and pretty girls, coming home at all hours of the night." Shelia Clark got the message and didn't press for any more information. "John, I'm just concerned about you." John smiled, "I know mom." He answered in a small voice. So many times he wanted to tell her about himself. To finally disclose to her about his sexuality. He came close a few times but he just couldn't bring himself to telling his parents they had a faggot for a son. A few times he heard his dad talk about someone or something related to homosexuality but John never felt any hate in his fathers words or actions. He prayed that he was right and that his parents wouldn't have any problem with his lifestyle.

"I did meet a new friend yesterday. His name is Mateo." John said as a smile stretched across his face. "Mateo? That's an unusual name. What does it mean?" his mother asked. "It means Matthew in English." John said as an image of Mateo flashed into his mind. He couldn't stop smiling and before he realized he released a small giggle.

"John, was that a giggle?" His mother asked. Freaked out John quickly replied, "um.. Yeah it was. Um.. Something on the TV. John closed his eyes pleading that his mother would believe him.

On the other end of the telephone Shelia Clark wondered about her son. She was almost certain that John was gay. She never brought the subject up with worry that she may ruin any chance he may have of telling her himself. She and her husband talked about John and the chance that he might be gay. Her husband Adam, didn't want to believe her suspicions. Laying in bed, late at night they would talk. All the uncertainties surfaced about the way John was raised. Were they at fault for having a gay son? Did they expose him to something that might have turned his orientation. After many weeks of discussion they both resolved to the fact that John may be gay. Finally realizing that no matter what his orientation may be, gay or straight, they both agreed never to judge him or his lifestyle. The love that they had for John clearly outweighed any problem that may come into their lives. Adam and Shelia Clark's love for their son was definitely strong enough to weather any storm. Shelia hoped that this would be enough for John. She didn't want him to have any problems that might result from his being gay. Her motherly instinct wanted to protect him from anyone or anything that may harm him. She spent many hours in the library researching the subject of homosexuality. Reading an article she became familiar with the organization called PFLAG. She contacted them by e-mail and received information of groups in her area that would help her and Adam with any questions they may have. They were both still learning about the gay lifestyle. Now it was up to John.

Shelia let the comment about the giggle pass. In the back of her mind an alarm went off. She had to tell her husband Adam about Mateo, and tell him about the conversation with John. "Okay honey I better let you go." she said. "if you change your mind about coming with us let me know and I'll buy the ticket so you can fly home. OK? You really need to have fun and having to practice all the time is not fun." John again told her that he needed to practice for the up coming concert. "If I change my mind I'll call you." he finally said. "OK honey. Take care, and if you need anything just call us. Your dad and I love you. John smiled, "Ok mom, Love you too. Give my best to dad." Releasing a huge sigh John hung up the phone. He again looked at the clock. Two hours had now passed since he was to meet Mateo. "Guess he's not coming." John said to an empty room. "Another night alone." he said as he sat on his bed. His eyes wandered around the room and came to stop on a poster of an athlete his roommate hung over his bed. The guy was a runner. Sweat covered body. Crossing the finish line of what looked to be a very difficult race. The look of victory on his face as he was the first one to cross the finish line. Under the picture, in bold type, written in capitol block letters, "NEVER GIVE UP!" The words shouted at John as he stared again at the poster. He stood up from his bed grabbed his phone and dialed Mateo's number. His heart beating a mile a minute. The phone rang. No answer. On the fifth ring Mateo's voicemail picked up. "Hi this is 555-7845, I'm sorry I missed your call. Please leave a message at the beep and Ill back to you as soon as I can. Gracias!" Just the sound of Mateo's sexy voice made John smile. Before the beep John hung up. His heart fell. "Where are you Mateo?" HE said to himself He slowly hung up the phone wishing he could hear Mateo's voice again. Suddenly the feeling of claustrophobia invaded John's body. He needed to take a walk. He grabbed his sweatshirt, and headed out the door. He left his room. John had no clear direction where he was going, he just knew that he had to get out of his room. At times is seemed like a prison. Keeping him from his freedom as a human being. Tonight was no different. He walk for about an hour. He finally found himself outside of Dominick's. When he smelled the aroma of the delicious food, his stomach took over and he entered the restaurant. As he walked in he saw Gino leaning against the wall near the kitchen. Smiling, Gino approached John. "Hey Gino. What's up dude?" John put out his hand as he neared his new friend. "Ciao John. Good to see you again. How are you?" Gino eyes dark as coal looked at his new friend. "I'm ok dude. Just a little hungry." he chucked. Gino smiled big revealing a beautiful smile. His white teeth gleaming as he spoke. "Well, that what we're here for. Cmon." He led John the same table as the night before. "Would you like a menu tonight or do you want me to bring you something from the kitchen?" Gino asked. "Um... I think I'll put myself in your hands tonight Gino." John smiled. "You got John. Be right back." As he turned away Gino stopped and faced John. "Would you like some company John? I haven't had my dinner yet and um..." Before he could finish his sentence John interrupted. "Gino, dude you don't even have to ask. I'd love the company." Gino's face lit up. "Cool, I'll be right back." Leaving John sitting at the table Gino disappeared into the busy kitchen. He returned about ten minutes later with two plates of food. "I hope you don't mind but I was in the mood for some spaghetti and meatballs." He said while placing the steaming plates of food on the table. Along with the food he brought a bottle of wine and some homemade garlic bread. "Mmm, Gino this smells terrific." John said as his stomach growled. The two young men laughed. "Sounds like someone is glad to see me." Gino chuckled as he sat. Looking down towards John's stomach he said, "Don't worry John's stomach, food is on it's way." This sent John and Gino into a fit of laughter.

The two young men spent the evening eating, talking and laughing. It was just the thing that John needed to forget about being stood up by Mateo. The two dinner companions shared a lot about themselves. The two became friends quickly. John felt that it was so easy to talk to Gino. Soon Gino had to return to work. He looked sad as he stood up. Taking the dishes to the kitchen he returned with coffee and a desert for John. "What's this?" John asked as look down at the plate. "It's called tiramisu." Gino said. "It's an Italian desert made with rum, cream, and cake." John looked at the desert with a cocked eyebrow. "Are you trying to get me drunk dude?" Gino laughed. "It's gonna take more then a little piece of cake to get you drunk dude. Just a sec, let me got get the WHOLE cake." John's eyes bugged out. "So you want me drunk and fat?" John snickered. Gino flashed a smile, "Oh yeah dude. I like my men chunky." Gino's laughter filled the restaurant. "Dude I have to get back to work. Enjoy the tiramisu." Gino was about to leave when he stopped. "Um... John I hope you don't think I was ease dropping but last night when you were here with Mateo I thought I heard something about you and playing the piano." John smiled. "You heard right dude. I play." Gino smiled. "That's cool." Gino face got serious. "John, would you play for me. I'd love to hear you. We have a little separate room in the back that we use for special parties and there's a piano. Would you play?" Gino's eyes pleaded with John and he couldn't say no to the young hunk. "Sure Gino I'd love to." Gino's face lit up. "Cool dude. I'll let you finish your cake and be back in a few minutes. I just need to get someone to cover my tables.

True to his word Gino returned within five minutes. He lead John down a small hallway into a room with tables and chairs. It looked like a storage room. Seeing John's face Gino smiled, "It looks better when it's set up. This time of the year is pretty busy for us. Weddings and graduations. Lots of work." Gino continue to walk towards the corner of the room. In the corner sat under a cover was a grand piano. "Here, give me a hand." Gino said standing at the front of the piano. John stood at the other end of the piano and lifted the heavy cloth cover. Underneath was a beautiful Steinway. The finished was a polished black with golden inlays of leaves, grapevines and grapes. "Wow, this is a cool piano." John said as he released a low whistle. "Yeah it's been our family for a long time. My grandfather brought it with him from Chicago. From what he told me there are only a few like it. He told me that this guy he knew gave it to him for helping him start his own business." John ran his hands over the smooth finish of the piano. "This is nice." Gino pulled out the bench. "It was just tuned last week. We have it tuned every year in the Spring." John sat behind the beautiful piano. He ran his hands over the coolness of the keys. "Go on John, go for it dude." Just as he was going to start Gino suddenly stopped him. "Just a sec John. Do you mind another member for the audience?" John looked at Gino. "Who?" He asked. "Well I was thinking Mama wouldn't mind hearing you play. She really likes you. She said some really nice things about you last night." John blushed. He had no idea that he had made such an impact on the sweet Italian lady. "Sure that would be OK with me Gino." John said as he shrugged his shoulders. "OK, be right back." Gino turned and left the room. As Gino turned, John checked out his ass. He smiled as he saw the tight ass in Gino's pants. John didn't notice but Gino saw his face in a mirror near the door. Gino's heart skipped a beat when he realized John was checking out his ass.

In a few minutes he returned with Mama Anna. She smiled as she saw John. He immediately stood up. "John, is good to see you again." she said as she kissed his cheeks and gave him a warm hug. John felt like he could lose himself in the warmth of her hug. Her smile lit up the room. "Gino says you play piano eh? Again John blushed, "Yes Mama I play." Her eyes sparkled. "Oh that's good John." she placed her hand on his cheek. Gino spoke up. "Mama let's sit so John can play for us." The two made their way to a table near the piano. John returned to the bench. At that moment the front door of the restaurant opened, Jose, PT, Snake, and Mateo entered...

There it is guys. Please let me know what you think. I answer all e-mails. Thanks to all the guys that have written. I am listening....


Next: Chapter 5

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