John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Feb 14, 2009


Please know that this is a story about gay men. If you are under age or if it's illegal to view this kind of material then please leave now. For those of you who know me and my story. I hope that you will enjoy this next chapter of John and Mateo.


John and Mateo

Chapter 33

The quiet tic-tock of the wall clock was the only sound in the music offices of Professor Graham. Robert sat at his desk in front of his computer. He came in early to work on the music department budget for the next semester. He had put it off for as long as he could and still wished he were miles away from work. This was one part of his job as the head of the music department that he didn't enjoy doing. Most of the budget came from the alumni of the college and he was always worried that there wouldn't be enough to cover the expenses for the department. He gently chewed on his thumb nail as he re-read his report. He had tried over the years to stop his nervous habit but he could never stop the constant nail chewing. He pulled his hand away from his mouth when he realized he was chewing and his habit had returned. He picked up a mug which looked like the head of Bach, a gift from a past student and sipped his freshly made coffee. He crossed his fingers as his pressed the button to send his work to the appropriate department. He prayed that the budget would be approved by the "powers that be". He remembered Hildegard Buckley and knew that she was on the board of trustees. She had always backed the music program at Anderson Buckley. It didn't hurt to have the grand daughter of one of the founders in his corner.

His quiet thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his outer office door. Louise, his secretary hadn't come in yet so he rose from his seat wondering who was knocking on his office door at this early hour. He opened the door to find John Clark standing there with his book bag over his shoulder.

"Mr. Clark, how can I help you?" Robert asked.

John coughed into his fist as he tried to clear his throat. "Good morning Professor. I was passing by on my way to the practice rooms when I noticed your car parked outside. I was planning on talking to you during your office hours but I took a chance that you would have a few minutes for me." John was hoping that he could talk to his professor about the incident with Professor Chaney.

Robert sensed the reason why John had come to see him and stepped back allowing him to walk into the office.

"Let's go back to my office. We can talk privately without interruptions. Would you like some coffee, I just made it."

"No thanks." John replied quickly. He was nervous enough without the help of caffeine.

They both walked into the professor's office. Robert took the chair next to John. He didn't want to portray the image of an authority figure to the young man. He knew that sitting behind his desk would put a form of separation between them and he didn't want to make John feel uncomfortable.

"What's on your mind John" Robert asked knowing that he probably already knew the reason for the visit.

John looked uncomfortable as his tried to speak. "Well, you see professor I'm here to talk to you about what happen on Friday." His hands twisted in his lap as he continued, "I don't think that professor Chaney should have treated me that way. I don't think I was interrupting..."

Robert held up his hand to interrupt John. "I know what you're saying John. By the end of class Professor Chaney had managed to clear out most of the orchestra." He smiled as he continued, "And those that were left after seeing the rest of the orchestra gone decided to join the others in exile." He began to laugh. "You should have seen the look on Chaney's face. My goodness he was so angry he stormed out of the music room and shouted that he was never so insulted. Later, that day I received an e-mail from him saying that he didn't want to be involved with such an unprofessional establishment." Robert rolled his eyes and shook his head. After a few moments his face turned serious and he continued, "I want to apologize for his actions and to express my deepest regret for him treating you like he did. In fact I'm going to apologize to the entire orchestra this afternoon."

John smiled as he pictured the other members of his orchestra leave the obnoxious professor. "That's Ok Professor. I do admit that I was angry and a little hurt when I left the room on Friday but I'm sorry to see that things didn't work out with Chaney."

"Good riddance, John", Robert replied. "I really never liked him. You should have seen the way he acted when we were students together. I thought with time and age he would change. Turns out he's only gotten worse. I don't think that man will ever change."

John rose from his seat signaling the professor of his intent to leave and began to say his goodbyes.

"Before you leave John I have a huge favor to ask you." he asked.

"Sure Professor, what ever I can do."

"Well, I know it's almost time for Thanksgiving break and all that but I hope that you can help me with a situation I have." Robert almost began to chew his thumb nail before he caught himself. "There is a foreign exchange music program that the college is starting next semester and I was informed of a new student who will enter the program and I was hoping that I could impose on you in being her sponsor. Now before you answer she will live on campus and the college will give you a paycheck that will of course pay for your time with her. It won't be much but it's enough to buy pizza and a coke. You basically will play the roll of big brother while she is here. The program will last for the spring semester. I know that you're terribly busy with you own class schedule and your lessons but I'd like for you to think about it." Robert pleaded with his eyes. She plays the harp and I've been told that she's very talented. I've been emailing with her current teacher and I've told him that I had a student in mind as to who I would want to be her sponsor.

The first thing that entered John's thoughts was that his music professor had the trust in him to even consider him for the position of being a sponsor. He was both humbled and honored to be considered.

"I'd like to think about this Professor. I don't see any problem with helping her out for the semester." His face tinted in blush, "Thanks for considering me."

Robert waved his hand dismissing John's statement, "I'm the one who should be thanking you. You would be doing me a huge favor and it will also look good on your college transcriptions.

John stood up and shook the professor's hand, "I'll let you know this afternoon in class."

"Thanks John." He led him to the office door, "I'll see you later."

Jean Luc Bagot walked down the narrow street in the little town of Gueltas, France. His 5' 11", 170lb lean body moved gracefully moved as he moved towards his bicycle. He was the youngest of seven children. His parents and older brothers and sisters worked the family farm. His family was known in their little part of the world as fromage (cheese) makers. Jean Luc's main job was tending to the animals. He would rise early each day and feed and water the heard of about forty goats. He didn't mind the feeding and watering of the animals but didn't enjoy the job of cleaning up after the creatures. He was lucky to have his brother Rober to help him with that dirty job. He used the rest of his time focusing on his most beloved passion of music. Although he was only seventeen, Jean Luc could remember the first time he wrapped his hands around a harp. His grandmere Marie had given him a toy harp for his sixth birthday. He enjoyed strumming the strings and hearing the sound of the plastic instrument. Grandmere declared that day that Jean Luc was a born musician. He remembered her saying that he played his harp better than the cherubs in heaven. He knew his grandmere was joking and only said that to make him feel better. With the encouragement from his family he decided that he would study music and try to improve his skills on the harp.

He remembered at age eight being summoned to his grandmere's house. He entered hearing voices in the main room. There sat his grandmere with a man that he had never seen before. His grandmere stood at 5' 5". She was a thin woman but strong for her young age of 55. Her blue eyes sparkled every time Jean Luc looked into them. Her auburn hair was mixed with strands of white. She wore her hair up in a twisted braid which rested on the top of her head. To this very day Jean Luc still wonders how she kept that amount of hair from tumbling down her shoulders. The man was about fifty years old. He had black hair with white sideburns. He wore thin wire rim glasses and had a moustache. He was dressed in a fine suit. His shoes had a mirror finish. They both looked at him and stood up from their seated positions. (For the sake of everyone I'm going to write this in English. Just imagine they are talking in French..hehe)

"Ah, Jean Luc, good you are here. I want to you meet someone," his grandmother said. "This is Monsieur Dawnay."

"Hello Jean Luc, it is my pleasure to meet you young man," he came forward and shook his hand.

"Hello Monsieur Dawnay, it's a pleasure to meet you." He replied as he gave a slight bow.

His grandmother smiled at her grandson's manners.

"Jean Luc, Monsieur Dawnay is a music teacher. He has agreed to give you lessons on the harp," his grandmother spoke with happiness in her voice.

Jean Luc looked at her with a surprised look. "Really?"

"Yes, we are very old friends and he has agreed to teach you how to play. It will take much time and effort on your part. You will have to walk to his house everyday after school for your lessons. He has a harp there you can use for your lessons.

Jean Luc didn't know how to respond. His dream of being a harpist was coming true. He ran to his grandmother and wrapped his little arms around her waist. She giggled, seeing the joy on his face.

"Will you like that Jean Luc? Will you practice very hard?"

"Oh yes, grandmere! I will practice very hard and I will make beautiful music." He exclaimed.

"That is all I ask of you Jean Luc," Claude said.

Now as he was returning from retrieving the post he suddenly stopped. In his hands was a letter addressed to; Monsieur Jean Luc Bagot. He noticed the return address of a college in which he had applied. His hands trembled as the re-read his name on the front of the letter.

"Oh, j'espère que c'est une bonne nouvelle." (I hope its good news) he thought to himself.

His hands trembled as his turned the envelope over. He had applied for university and along with his application he also submitted another application to be considered for the musician's foreign exchanged program.

He always dreamt about going to the US and studying music there. His teacher Claude had written a letter of recommendation for him as he applied to both university and to the foreign music exchange program. The letter had explained in great detail that Jean Luc was a very talented young man. His abilities on the harp were far beyond his years. His teacher explained that Jean Luc was dedicated to his music and it showed in his ability to play the harp. Both teacher and student traveled to the university where Jean Luc auditioned for entrance to the universities music program

Jean Luc began to open the letter when he suddenly stopped. He wanted to be home when he opened the letter. The thought of him not being accepted into the university's foreign exchange program would be easier to accept if he were with his family. His family supported his studies and his music. He was always given the easier jobs on the farm to spare him the chance of hurting himself. He was no stranger to work but his parents had long ago decided that Jean Luc was a special boy.

His shoulder length auburn hair flew in the wind as he climbed onto his bike and pedaled his way home. He loved to ride along the dirt roads chatting to neighbors and friends along the way. Today, he only wanted to get home as quickly as possible. His heart began to thump against his chest as he willed his feet to pedal faster.

As the sun began to set in the sky he finally reached his destination. He ran up the stairs to the front door. He knew that the family would be gathering for the evening meal and he wanted to tell them about the letter that had arrived. He ran into the house and was quickly stopped by a look from his mother.

"What's the rush? Are you that hungry?" she asked with a stern look. She looked at her son as she wiped her hands on her apron. His face was covered with sweat. His beautiful hair plastered to his face.

"I have news about school," he said as he lifted the envelope in his hand.

"Go wash up for dinner and we will all hear your news about school. Hurry now as your father is very hungry and is anxious to eat.

"Yes, mamma," Jean Luc scurried up the stairs to clean up for dinner.

Yvette Bagot watched as her son hurried. She had waited for this day to finally come. She knew of her sons dreams to go to the US to study music. She only hoped that his dreams would come true. Her own heart began to beat faster with anticipation of the news of her son's fate.

She walked in the kitchen to make the final touches on dinner.

Jean Luc returned with a washed face, hands, and combed hair. His green eyes scanned the room as he found his seat at the table. The letter which would determine the next phase of his life was safe in his shirt pocket.

"Well, will we have to wait until dinner is done to hear the news about your application to the exchange program?" his father asked.

"Let's enjoy our dinner before it get cold," Yvette spoke thinking her son was not quiet ready to find out what the letter stated.

"I can open it now." Jean Luc said as he reached for the letter in his shirt pocket. He looked around the table at his family. He loved every one of them as they had always supported his dreams. "Pappa, shall I open it?"

Pierre Bagot reached up and withdrew the cloth napkin tucked under his chin. He nodded to his son as his wife moved to stand near her husband. They held hands as they watched for theirs son's next move.

With trembling hands he opened the letter. He held his breath and he began reading. All eyes at the table were on him. His family watched as his eyes moved back and forth reading the letter. Suddenly Jean Luc looked up. "I've been accepted," he said in a small voice.

Cheers from his family filled the dining room. Jean Luc sat there in shock. Finally a huge smile was plaster over his face as he looked at his family and the joy on their faces. He stood up, "I've been accepted! I've been accepted!" he shouted as he raised the letter in the air. All of his brothers showed him their happiness as they slapped him on the back. His sisters hugged their little brother as they joined in on congratulating him. He looked at his parents, "I got in," he repeated. Both Pierre and Yvette encircled their son. All three were joined together in a loving hug.

"We are so very proud of you son," Pierre said.

"Thank you Pappa."

As the good news sunk in so did the need for food. The platters of food were passed around the table. Everyone was excited about the news. They all told Jean Luc to write often and to share with them about his life in America. He promised that he would write everyday.

After dinner Jean Luc left his home and walked to the home of his grandmere. She lived only a few kilometers down the dusty road.

As he entered her home he shared the news of his letter. She was overjoyed to finally know the answer or weather or not he was going to spend time in the United States.

"We will have to let Mr. Dawnay know," his grandmother said.

"Yes, I will call him and tell him the good news. If it weren't for him I wouldn't be going to America."

His grandmother nodded, "Yes, we own him for his efforts in getting you into that foreign exchange program."

She placed a gentle hand on Jean Luc's shoulder. "I want to give you something that will get you started on your trip. She went into her bedroom and returned with an envelope. She handed a large envelope to him. He opened it to find cash. He looked at his grandmother with wide eyes.

"What's this?"

"It is for you. I've been saving this since you were a boy. I've talked with both your mother and father about this money. They both agreed with me when I started saving this for you many years ago. You know that your family makes a good living with selling their cheeses but school is expensive and you will need this extra cash for clothes and everyday expenses. I know you're a smart boy Jean Luc and won't waste the money on unnecessary things."

Jean Luc immediately gave her back the money, "Grandmere, this is too much. I can not take this money."

"Nonsense, your scholarship will not pay for everything. You will need to eat and buy supplies for school and you will need to look good." She gave him a wink as she placed the money back into his hands. "Take it. I have no more use for it now that you'll be going to America." She shook a finger at her grandson, "This is a chance of a life time. I don't want you to worry about anything while you are away. We will be fine here. Your parents, brothers, and sisters all support you." She smiled and place her warm hands around the hands of her grandson, "You were never meant to be a cheese maker Jean Luc. You were meant for better things. You were made to make beautiful music. This I know," she said as she tapped a finger to her right temple.

"Yes grandmere." He smiled. "But what if I don't succeed?"

"I have no doubt that you will succeed. Believe in yourself as we all believe in you," she replied.

Jean Luc lowered his head, "Yes grandmere."

That afternoon John sat at lunch with Mateo and shared with him about Professor Graham's request.

"When would all this start?" Mateo asked.

"I'm not too sure about much of the details but I'm thinking that it will start sometime in January. That's when the new semester starts. What do you think babe?" he asked.

"Well, he did say that it will look good on your transcripts and I'm sure you can find a way to use is on a resume." Mateo pursed his lips, "I think you should do it. Maybe you can work something out and do some kind of duet with her."

John nodded his head at the suggestion, "Maybe, I think that may be fun."

"What will be fun," Snake asked as he and Aaron sat down to join their friends at lunch.

"John was asked to be a sponsor to a foreign exchange student that will join the music department next semester." Mateo answered.

"What country is he from?" Aaron asked.

"He is a she, and I don't know what country. I'll have to ask Professor Graham when I talk to him."

"Perhaps she will be from my country." Aaron said with a smile.

"Maybe, all I know is that she plays the harp and is supposed to be really talented,' John continued.

"So you're going to do it?" Mateo asked.

"I think I will. Why not I don't have anything to lose," John said.

"Cool, I think that's a good idea," said Mateo.

"What's a good idea?" PT asked as he sat down.

Snaked laughed, "Here we go again!"

"Somebody please bring him up to speed, I need to get to my next class," John said as he lifted his body from the table. He gave Mateo a quick kiss, "I'll see you later handsome."

"You bet baby. See you later."

As John walked away he heard Mateo begin to tell PT what was going on. John thought to himself that a female might be a nice change to their group of all males.

That afternoon he told Professor Graham that he would take on the role of sponsor for his new student.

"Oh, John that's wonderful. See me after class and I'll get you the information you will need."

After class John was given the name Jean L. Bagot. Jean was a seventeen year old from France.

"She will be assigned to a room in the girls dorms," Robert said. "I'll have more information on when she will be arriving. She'll be starting the new semester in January."

"That's what I thought." John said.

"I can't thank you enough John. You are a true lifesaver."

"Glad to help." John retorted.

"You'll need to go to the student housing and the student administration office so you can register as a sponsor. We wouldn't want you doing this all for free."

"Not a problem, I can handle that tomorrow."

Robert began to pat down his pant pockets, "I have one more thing to give you if I can just find it. Ah, here it is!"

He handed John and piece of paper. This is Jean's email address. I hope that you will send her an email and introduce yourself Mr. Clark."

"Sure professor I'll send an email and introduce myself. Is there anything else?"

"I think that's all I have. If I receive any more information, I'll let you know."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow," John said.

"Until tomorrow Mr. Clark," he said and was gone into the hallway.

`This should be good,' John thought to himself as he walked into the hallway.

Thanks everyone. I know it's been a long time since I've posted a chapter. Thank you all who asked about my mother. She is still going along in life. Sometime she's has bad days with her health but most are good. She will celebrate her 76 birthday on the 21 of this month.

For all you French students out there please know that I used an online translator for this chapter and we all know how well they work.

I always enjoy emails...please don't hesitate to write. I always answer my mail.

Thanks again, David

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