John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Jun 4, 2007



This story involves man to man relationships. (GAY) If you're offended by this kind of story please stop reading and close this page. Also if you're under age don't go any further. Close this site and go play outside. If it's against the law in your part of the country, first thing to do is shut down this page and then go change the laws in your county.

I do enjoy hearing from my readers. Please don't hesitate to send me your thoughts (good or bad) to me. My email is Please know that I don't consider myself a writer. I have no claim as to being a writer and I have no former education. You'll see many errors, spelling and grammar. So if you can look beyond my faults then please enjoy this next chapter.

David Santibanez

John and Mateo Chapter 30

The heat from the unseasonably warm autumn sun beat down on Jacob as he tried to reign in the ever excited Dot. His Dalmatian pulled him along the parkway path on a quest for new sites and smells. Jacob often wondered who the real master was in their relationship. More than once he wished he had the energy of his cute puppy. He had come across other dog walkers along the way and admired some of the cute guys that came across his path. He smiled as he walked but lately his mind had been somewhere else.

Everyday it seemed that thoughts of Christopher came to his mind.

Although Jacob never let their relationship get any further then teacher, friend, and pupil, still he missed him. Chris had accepted a promotion with his law firm. With the promotion came the transfer to the west coast. He was now living in the wonderful city of Seattle, Washington. Jacob was still in this small town. He still remembered the day Chris left. They had spent the night before at dinner. Christopher didn't have any family ties in this area so he didn't have any second thoughts about leaving. His family actually lived in the mid-west, so he had nothing preventing him from leaving. Their dinner was quiet as they ate at Wong's Garden. Christopher loved Chinese food so Jacob treated him to one last meal at his favorite restaurant. Earlier in the week everyone had gathered at Dominick's to say their final goodbyes. Jacob was barely able to hold his emotions in tact. He didn't want to come across as a drama queen' to his friends and especially to Chris. The time they spent together was almost agonizing for him. He hid his feelings for Chris and now he was regretting his decision to keeps things between them on a professional level. He struggled with the feelings of telling him what he really felt in his heart. He really didn't know if it was love or infatuation. He admired Chris' love for music. There were times Chris would bring his guitar to his piano lesson and afterward they would spend hours playing duets. The music they shared together was wonderful and heartfelt. Many times they would lose track of time and they would play through the night. It only happened a few times but thinking back, those moments with Chris were so precious to Jacob. One time after one of their midnight jam sessions they sat on the living room couch talking and actually fell asleep together. They ended up waking up with Chris spooning Jacob's body. A chill ran through Jacob's body as he remembered the warmth he felt from Chris' body. He laid there wishing the feeling would never end. Finally Chris' body stirred and the spell was broken. Jacob feigned a yawn as he tried to act as though he was waking from a deep sleep. Nothing was ever said between the two about how they woke. It was just another memory that Jacob had tucked away into his mind, and now regretted not acting on. Hind sight is 20/20,' he thought to his self.

He was brought back to reality when Dot suddenly stopped walking. He almost ran into the back of her. He looked up quickly to see a beautiful Siberian husky. The white and silver dog was exchanging greetings with Dot. Jacob didn't notice the gorgeous man attached to the dog.

"Don't worry she wont bite," the blond beauty said as he locked eyes with Jacob. He was built like a brick wall. His t-shirt stretched across his pecs and arms. His lover half of his body was covered in a pair of tight sweat pants. Jacob's gazed stopped at the bulge in the man's pants. He quickly surmised that he wasn't wearing any underwear. The way it moved beneath the fabric was almost obscene.

Jacob gulped as his eyes traveled up the stranger's body. Finally his eyes met a pair of light brown eyes again.

"I'm sorry?" Jacob asked trying without any luck to clear his mind. "Did you say something?"

Jacob's question was answered, "I was telling you not to worry about Sasha. My dog, she won't bite."

"Right, I'm sorry." Jacob blushed, " I was a million miles away."

The stranger chuckled, "That's OK, I get that a lot." He tugged on the leash in his hands. "Come, Sasha." The two walked away from Jacob and Dot. Dot gave a little whimper and then continued her trek for new adventures.

Jacob continued his walk. He released a little laugh as he replayed the scene between him and the blond giant. "Ha ha, he probably thought I was a blubbering idiot." He said to himself. Dot glanced back over her shoulder to see if her master was ok. When she was satisfied he was, she resumed her quest.

"Just another few minutes and then we have to head for home. I'm expected at John and Mateo's for an early dinner and I don't want to be late."

Once again Dot looked back at him and gave him another look.

"I know that look and the answer is no. We are not going to be out here all afternoon."

A few blocks away from the park John and Gino were in the kitchen preparing the meal for that evening. They had spent most of the day shopping for the ingredients for tonight's dinner. Gino had graciously offered to cook. The menu was going to consist of a fresh salad, lasagna, garlic bread and cheese cake for desert. The desert was going to be provided by Curtis. John was looking forward to introducing Curtis and Jacob. He wanted the two men to meet and hopefully become friends. In the back of his head John had formed a plan to use Curtis' piano next door. That would allow him to practice there rather then going to the school and hoping to find an empty practice room. He also wanted to play the piano with so much history behind it. He had talked to Mateo about asking Curtis. He seemed to agree that it would have some time with practice.

Curtis had agreed to help out John and allow him to use the piano anytime he wanted. He gave him a spare key to his house and told him that anytime he felt the need to help himself to the piano. He was happy to see that it would be used again.

The phone rang pulling John out of his thoughts. He picked up his cell phone.

"Hello? Oh, hi babe." John greeted Mateo. "OK, see you later."

He placed the phone down on the table, "He's running a little late. He, Snake, and PT are picking up a part for the VW."

Gino shook his head, "That Boy and that van. Sometimes I think he loves that thing more then me."

"Nah, I think you're safe. A VW bus can't keep you warm at night." John chuckled.

"I guess you're right. I guess he needs something to fill the void when I'm not there." Gino smiled at John.

"Yeah, that's right." He snickered.

At that moment the back door open and in walked a very hot Aaron.

"May I please have some water? It's very warm outside and working in the garden is hard work."

John looked at the poor boy. His shirt was about plastered to his body with sweat. His face was flush from the sun.

He spoke, "Aaron, I told you before that you consider this your home. You don't need to ask for a thing. All you need to do is get it yourself. Mi casa es su casa."

Aaron smiled, "Gracias mi amigo." He walked to the cabinet and retrieved a glass.

"De nada," John answered.

"Your Spanish is improving John," Aaron said as he filled his glass with cold water from the fridge.

"Yeah I get a lesson once in a while from Mateo."

"Keep it up and soon we will be able to carry on a conversation." Aaron said as he took a drink of water.

After a quick shower and putting Dot in the small dog walk in the back of the house and making sure she had everything she needed, Jacob was off to John and Mateo's new place. He stopped by the corner flower shop and purchased a bouquet of flowers as a gift for the host. His Mama told him never to arrive empty handed.

He arrived to the smell of Italian sausage cooking on the stove and the aroma of garlic filled the house.

"Hey John, it's good to see you," He said as he entered the house. John greeted his piano teacher and hugged him. "This place is great! It's very cute.

"Thanks Jacob. It took a lot of work to get it back in shape. How have you been? I'm so glad that you made it." John said,

"Oh, you know how it goes. Keeping myself busy and out of trouble." He smiled as he spoke.

John smiled, "That's good to hear."

They walked into the kitchen. Jacob greeted Gino with a hug. They all stood around the kitchen making small talk.

"So I wanted to tell you about my neighbor Curtis. He has this great piano and he's offered me the chance to use it any time I need to. I know your place isn't too far from here so I'd figured I would take him up on his offer. Besides it will save me time. I don't have to go to the practice rooms on campus and struggle to fine an empty room. So it works out great for both of us. "I'll give Curtis a call and ask if we can come over so you can take a look at it.

"Sure that sounds great." Jacob replied, "I'm always looking for things to save me time."

Curtis stepped into the kitchen as his phone began to ring. He was out on an afternoon run. An after work run always helped him clear his head. Sometimes the stress at work got to him and his runs were always helpful to release the added pressure. He hardly missed a breath as he answered the phone.


"Hey, Curtis. I was wondering if it was ok to come over and show Jacob, my piano teacher the piano."

"Sure John, Come on over. I just got in from a run and I need to hop in the shower. Come on in and help yourself."

"Cool Curt, we'll be over in a bit."

Curtis smiled. He was glad that John felt comfortable enough to call him Curt. He was glad that their friendship was beginning to grow.

"OK, see you then." He hung up the phone and did a few stretches before heading to his room for a fresh towel and a clean pair of boxer briefs. The hot water on his body felt great as it soothed his tired muscles.

Minutes later John and Jacob walked in the back door. They made their way to the living room and the waiting piano. Jacob's jaw dropped as he saw the piano.

"This is beautiful. Where did he get this from? They don't make these anymore. It's very old," he said as he ran his hand over the surface.

John relayed the story behind the piano to Jacob. "The history behind this piano is what attracted me to it." John motioned for Jacob to sit down on the bench.

Jacob lifted the piano cover to reveal the ivory keys beneath. He drew in his breath as he lightly touched the cool keys. His fingers ran up the keyboard in a flurry of arpeggios. After a few runs up and down the keys he stopped. "The action is very good. It may need to be tuned a bit, but it sounds great. I tell you John they don't make pianos like this any more."

Jacob looked like a child as he smiled at John, Immediately John thought of Curtis' story of Terrance and how he looked when he played this piano.

Jacob turned back to the piano and placed his finger on the leys. The wonderful sound of music flowed through the room as he began to play Elton John's "Your Song" He began to sing in a clear and strong voice. As John watched and listened he realized that this was the first time that he heard Jacob sing. He sang with others but this was the first time as a solo. He sang out in a clear and pure tenor.

It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside. I'm not one of those who can easily hide. Don't have much money, but boy if I did, I'd buy a big house where we both Could live.

If I was a sculptor, but then again, no Or a man who makes potions in a Traveling show. I know it's not much But it's the best I can do. My gift is my song and this one's for you.

And you can tell everybody this is your song. It may be quite simple but now that it's done, I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind That I put down in words, How wonderful life is while you're in the world.

I sat on the roof, and I kicked off the moss Well, a few of the verses, they got me quite cross But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song It's for people like you that keep it turned on.

So excuse me forgetting but these things I do You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue, Anyway the thing is what I really mean Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen.

And you can tell everybody this is your song. It may be quite simple but now that it's done, I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind That I put down in words, How wonderful life is while you're in the world

John wiped away a tear as Jacob finished his song. He smiled as he spoke, "Wow, that was great Jacob."

"Thanks John. I'm just a hopeless romantic."

"He's right that was a great song. You sing very well."

Both John and Jacob turned towards the voice that just spoke. They each sucked in a huge gulp of air as they looked at Curtis.

Curtis stood still wet from his shower. A towel tied around his waist covered the white boxer briefs he wore. A few water droplets were still on his muscular chest. He took a few steps toward Jacob who was still sitting at the piano.

"Hi, I'm Curtis. You must be John's piano teacher." He extended his hand.

Jacob, still in shock of the appearance of the nearly naked Curtis stood up to shake his hand. As he was turning toward Curtis his foot caught on one of the piano bench leg and he began to fall. Fortunately for Jacob Curtis was there to catch him. Jacob fell into his arms and he let out a small yelp. Jacob's face was beet red with embarrassment as he realized what had happened. It seemed to Jacob that he remained in his arms for at least an hour. He looked up into Curtis' dark eyes.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Jacob.

Curtis' arms felt very good as they help Jacob. When he was finally released from them he silently hoped that he was right back in their warmth.

John smiled as he saw the interaction between the two men.

Jacob straightened out his ruffled clothes.

"Thanks for the hand."

"No problem." Curtis' smile gleamed, "Anytime."

Jacob turned scarlet.

"I really like that song you sang. You have a beautiful voice."

"Thank you." Jacob replied.

Suddenly Curtis realized the way he was dressed. "Oh I'm so sorry. Please excuse the way I'm dressed. I need to go get some clothes on." Now it was his turn to blush. "Will I see you at John and Mateo's tonight?" He asked Jacob.

"Yes, I'll be there."

Curtis smiled another million dollar smile, "Great I'll see you there then."

"O..OK, see you there." Jacob smiled.

Curtis turned and started moving towards his room, "Cool." He said.

"Cool" Jacob repeated the same word.

John chuckled as he looked at his two friends. "We better get back and check on dinner. I'm starving."

Jacob stood in the same spot and didn't seem to hear him.

"Earth to Jacob, come in Jacob."

Jacob snapped out of the trance he was pulled into by Curtis, "Oh Sorry, I was on another planet."

"Yeah, I saw that. You ready to head back?"

"Sure, I'm ready." He turned back to the piano. He closed the cover and returned the blessed bench back to its original position. "Let's go."

Dinner was quickly demolished by all the young men that night. PT, Snake, and Mateo did the most damage. Gino was the hero of the night as his Italian dinner was the talk of the night. John had managed to have Jacob and Curtis sit next to each other. There were a few times John had noticed small talked between them. The smile on Jacob's face seemed to light up every time he spoke with Curtis.

Everyone moved to the backyard for dessert. Jacob noticed the beauty of the garden, "This garden is beautiful. I could get lost in it."

"It's great, we love it." Mateo said as he stood next to Jacob. "Curtis took care of it with Harriet, the former owner. They were garden buddies"

Jacob turned to face Mateo, "Really, that's very cool."

Curtis overheard the conversation between Jacob and Mateo and walked up behind them.

"Would you like a tour of the garden?" He asked.

Jacob's heart skipped a little as he replied to the question. "I'd love it."

Jacob's reply was returned by Curtis' 400 watt smile. "Great, let's go."

They walked through the garden stopping at different places. Curtis would tell Jacob about the plant, tree or bush they were standing near. It seemed that every one had a story behind it. Jacob listened to every word out of his mouth. He loved the sound of his deep voice. As they were standing at one particular tree Jacob's hand accidentally brushed against Curtis' hand. His heart began to beat a little faster as he thought of moving his hand. Before he knew what was happening Curtis took Jacob's hand in his own. They looked at each other and both of their faced tinted in blush. No words were exchanged between them as they continued the walk through the garden, hand in hand.

They returned to the patio to see everyone enjoying the cheese cake.

"Curtis, you've done it again. This cake is fantastic." John said as they approached the table.

Everyone quickly moved to make room for them.

"I'm glad you liked. I used fresh blueberries."

"This cake rocks Curt!" PT exclaimed. "You should sell this. You'd make tons of money!"

Curtis laughed, "Yeah? You think so?"

"No doubt." PT replied with a mouth full of cake.

Gino shook his head, "Um, sweety, it's not polite to talk with your mouth full." He smiled at his man with love.

PT struggled to swallow the cheese cake in his mouth. "Sorry," he replied.

"No problem PT, as long as you enjoyed it." Curtis replied as he and Jacob took their seats. Seconds later both he and Jacob were taking their first bites of cheese cake.

"Wow, this is good." Jacob commented.

Curtis blushed, "Thanks Jacob."

"You're welcome."

As the evening grew late everyone began to leave. Snake and Aaron were the first to leave. Afterwards Gino and PT took their leave. It was only John, Mateo, Jacob, and Curtis.

"John, do you need help cleaning up?" Jacob offered.

"No thanks. I'll take care of it the morning." John replied as a yawn escaped from him mouth.

"Well, it's late and I better get going." Jacob said as he looked at the tired young man.

"I better get going too." Curtis said. He turned to Jacob, "May I walk you out?"

"Sure." Jacob replied.

They stood up and each hugged John and Mateo. They left by way of the side gate. Once they were out front Curtis turned towards Jacob.

"I know it's late but would you like a cup of coffee?"

Jacob thought for a mili-second.

"I'd like that very much."

As they walked towards Curtis' front door, they joined hands and smiled at each other.

`Pinch me, I think I'm dreaming,' Jacob thought.

Dear Reader. Thank you for being patient with me. Sorry no sex in this chapter. As you all know life can get overwhelming at times. In my case that's just what happened. I hope that you will forgive me. This last chapter was a bit of a challenge. I have lost it once due to a nasty virus. I had rewrite it after my hard drive was revived. Also I had the worst run of writer's block. I hope to get back into the saddle and write more often. I'm still busy with caring for my mother. That takes a lot of my time. I also plan to take some classes at the local community college this summer and fall. I'll be a busy man. Anyway I'm rambling on. I do hope to hear from a few of my faithful readers. Thanks for sticking in there with me.


We don't want to go back to tomorrow, we want to go forward.

Next: Chapter 33

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