John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Sep 23, 2006


Here is another chapter of John and Mateo. The usual disclaimers apply. If you're offended by stories of gay men then you're in the wrong place. Don't read on. If it's against the law to reader further then stop, you have been warned.

I do hope that you will enjoy this chapter. I really enjoyed writting it. Please feel free to write me and let me know if you enjoy the story.

If you'd like to be added to my notification list drop me an email. OK enough of my rambling!! On with the chapter.

John and Mateo Chapter 29

The sound of footsteps echoed throughout the empty room as its occupants moved around. Layers of dust covered almost every surface. Small particles of dust kicked up from the movement of feet danced in the sunlight which flooded through the front picture windows. The wooden floors, once rich and beautiful now lay dull covered with a film of dirt and gray dust bunnies.

"I know it doesn't look like much but with a little elbow grease, some paint, and a little `TLC' (tender loving care) this place can really look good." Kathy Grady gestured around the room. She always spoke with her hands when she was nervous. "I'd be willing to cut the rent for services you do on the place." She paused, "Of course I'll need receipts for all the work that's done." She continued the tour of the Mediterranean styled house.

They walked trough an archway leading into the kitchen. The charm of the old kitchen was lost on Mateo but John drew in a breath as he eyed an old stove sitting in the corner. It's white enameled surface and steel knobs were perfect. The only thing it needed was a good cleaning.

"We were planning to put in new appliances. My mother wanted a new kitchen with, dishwasher, stove, garbage disposal, and refrigerator.

Unfortunately she became ill before we had the chance to begin remodeling. We will install a new garbage disposal once my husband gets around to it. I swear that man has so many excuses. The other appliances will follow shortly"

"I think it has character." John said as he envisioned himself preparing dinner in the small space. "I wouldn't change a thing." He smiled at Mateo silently telling him that he loved the place.

The kitchen was small. It had a tiled floor consisting of rust colored ceramic tile. The counter tops were a white tile and the cabinets were a light oak. It was simple but it had charm. A feeling of warmth spread through the room.

They both decided that the life in the dorms were not suitable for them. They decided that living off campus would give them the privacy they wanted and needed. They had only been looking for a month before finding this place. They had accidentally found it as they drove down the street after following a detour sign. The front yard was overgrown with weeds and a neglected hedge. The `For Rent' sign was almost hidden by and overgrown evergreen. It was a wonder anyone even knew about this place. From the looks of the layers of dust John figured it had been empty for quite a while.

They continued the tour of the small house. There were two bedrooms and a den. The master bedroom had a walk-in closet and its own bath and shower. The bathroom was surprisingly spacious. They walked in to see an old iron claw-footed tub. Mateo quickly calculated the size of the tub as he imagined bubble baths with his boy. He felt a tingle in his pants and couldn't help the smile that suddenly appeared on his face. John caught the smile and knew exactly what Mateo was thinking.

"As my mother aged it was harder for her to climb into the tub so we extended the bathroom and added this shower." Kathy pointed to a glass cubicle. It looked like it could hold at least four people. It had several shower heads and a small bench in which the occupants could sit. "My husband has a friend who's in the bathroom biz so we got a steal on this." She beamed as she opened the glass doors. "My mother loved it. She said it reminded her of bathing in the rain forest." She tinted with embarrassment, "We even purchased one."

The other rooms in the house were small compared to the master bedroom. Both of the young men had ideas pop into their heads on what each room would be used for. One, for sure was going to be an office/computer room which they could use to do homework and study. The other would be used as a guest room. They wanted to let their friends know that they were welcomed to stay, if for some reason they couldn't drive home.

"Well, what do you think?" Kathy questioned them as they returned to the living room.

"What was the rent again?" Mateo questioned the 50-something looking woman.

"We were hoping to get 400 dollars a month. There's no mortgage on it. The only thing we pay is the property taxes. Of course if you decide to move in we'll need first and last month's rent plus a security deposit. We pay for sewage and trash. You would pay for the other utilities. Total move in cost would run you 1,200 dollars.

John and Mateo looked at each other. They both knew that the money wasn't the problem. Both of their parents had decided to help them with the cost of moving. They found out that it was actually cheaper to live off campus. The cost of two dorm rooms cost them at least twice what she was asking. They each received a check for a thousand dollars which they were going to use to move, and hopefully furnish their new place.

"Can we have a minute to talk about it?" John asked her.

"Sure, I'll be in the back yard. I want you to see that too." Her face lit up, "In fact, I really want you to see the back yard." She left with a smile on her face.

They both nodded their heads as Kathy left them alone to talk.

"Well, what do you think?" John asked, wanting to know what Mateo was thinking. He had already made up his mind about the place. He wanted it.

Mateo knew exactly how he felt about the place and he decided to have a little fun with his boy.

"Gee, I don't know babe. I mean, look at this old broken down stove." He smiled as he turned away from him. "You know it will take an army just to get rid of the dust." He went in for the kill, "And she's crazy if she thinks we'll pay 400 dollars for this old broken down house." Mateo waited for about 20 seconds before turning to face John. He looked to see his lover's fallen face. Mateo's heart sank when he saw him. John looked down to the floor; he looked as if he was going to cry. Mateo walked up to him and cupped his hand around John's chin. Lifting his face, he kissed him gently on the lips. "I love it."

John's eyes danced, "You love it?"

"Weeeelll^Å." Mateo himmed and hawed. "Yes, I love it!" He said as he tickled John's side.

"You rat! You were playing with me weren't you?"

Mateo stepped away, "Yes, and it was so fun."

He took off running with John close behind him. He was finally caught in the living room. He tried to detach himself from John's strong arms.

John managed to turn him around and tickle his sides.

"OK, OK, I give up. You win!" Mateo gasped.

"That's right and don't you forget it mister."

"But, I'm a cute rat huh?" Mateo asked in a cute little voice.

John stopped and thought. He placed a finger up to his temple and closed his eyes as if in deep thought. His face spread in a grin, "Yes, you're a cute rat." He leaned in and kissed his lips.

Mateo smiled, "Let's go tell her that we'll take the place."

They joined hands and walked to the kitchen and out the back door. Outside the door was a bar-b-que pit and a small patio table and chairs. They both stopped and stared seeing the beautiful scene before them. It was as if they walked into a fantasy.

The back yard was huge. Every place they looked was beautiful. An archway covered with green ivy led into the garden. As they walked through the arch they spotted Kathy sitting on a stone bench. She looked relaxed as she sat in the shade of a tree.

They walked upon the gravel pathway which outlined the edge of the garden.

She opened her eyes when she heard them approach. "My mother loved to garden. She would spend hours and hours out here. Everything you see she planted. She and my father would hop in their old RV and travel around the country. She would collect plants and small trees as they went along. I can remember as a kid stopping along the side of the road because my mother saw a plant she just had to have." She looked around the garden. "So many memories are here." She stood up. "Curtis next door has been so helpful keeping up the garden. He and mother would garden and then have tea out here. If it weren't for him this place would be run over with weeds and crab grass."

She blinked several times trying to keep the tears from falling. She shook her head. "Anyway, you didn't come here to hear an old women's life story." She looked at them, "So what do you think? Will you take the place?" Kathy stood up and brushed the back of her pants. She took another look around the garden. She looked at them, "One thing I forgot to mention. The garden has to remain as it is. It's part of my family and my mother."

John took Mateo's hand in his, "The garden is beautiful. It's almost like a fairy tale." He looked at her and smiled, "We love the place. When can we move in?"

Kathy's face lit up with a smile, "I have a contract in my car. We'll sign it and I'll give you the keys." She looked at them as they held hands. She had no problem with their lifestyle.

"I think you'll fit right in here." She smiled. "My husband will want to run a credit check and all the other stuff but don't worry, you have the place. It will good to see love in the old house again." She giggled as she left to retrieve the contract from her car.

After the credit check cleared they were given the green light to move in the first of October.

"What do you have in here bricks?" PT question as he lugged yet another box of stuff from his VW van. With his van and John's truck it only took a couple of trips from school to the house to finish moving everything. "I think I strained something," he said as he placed the box marked "bedroom" down on the floor. He wiped the sweat off his brow. "Talk about slave labor. There should be a law against this." He rubbed his shoulder.

"Stop your complaining. You sound like a sissy la-la." Gino said as he placed a box next to the one PT had just sat down.

"Who are you calling a sissy la-la?" PT asked, placing his hands on his hips.

"You, now get to work you la-la!" Gino grinned.

"I'll show you who's a la-la." PT grabbed Gino and placed him in a head lock.

"Who's the la-la now? Huh?"

"You are!" Gino continued, giggling uncontrollably.

In a matter of seconds Gino was on his back on the floor with PT sitting on his crotch.

"Get off me you ape!" Gino laughed.

What'd you call me?" PT asked as he became to press his hips into his boy's crotch.

"I called you an ape." Gino said as he felt PT's excitement.

"You want my banana?" PT asked. Looking into Gino's face.

"No." Gino said in a failed attempt to sound disinterested.

"I think you do." PT said as he once again ground his hips into Gino's crotch. He felt something in Gino's pants.

"Hey you guys!" Mateo said as he walked into the house. He knew what was going on between his two good friends. "Stop fooling around we have lots of work to do."

PT looked up, "Yes, master. Your wish is our command." He lifted his body up off of Gino and then helped Gino stand. PT looked down to the tent in his shorts. "See what you do to me?" He whispered to Gino as he helped him off the floor.

Gino blushed, "I seem to have the same problem."

PT leaned into him and whispered into his ear, "Wait till I get you alone." He licked the side of Gino's neck which sent a shiver down his boy's body.

"I can't wait." He answered in a low voice.

PT stood back and puffed out his chest and cheeks. "Me ape man. You ape boy. Tonight we swing in jungle" He then began to dance around like an ape and beating his chest.

Gino and Mateo laughed.

"Only you could pull off a move like that." Mateo said as he grinned.

PT returned Mateo's grin. "You know it." He answered.

"C'mon ape man we got more boxes in the van. Gino took PT's hand in his hand and lead the ape-man back outside.

With help from the entire gang the house was ready to be lived in. They cleaned, painted, and dusted the every surface. Snake and Aaron took on the task of clearing the front yard of all the growth that seemed to hide the house from the rest on the neighborhood. Aaron was a natural gardener and after he and Snake were finished; the front yard looked great. They added their own touch to the front yard by adding new plants purchased at a local nursery. Aaron loved the back yard as well and politely asked John and Mateo if he could maintain it for them. They were happy to accept his offer. Aaron seemed to float on air when his offer was accepted.

In one corner of the yard Aaron discovered a pond which had not been in use for quite a while. After some help from Snake and a little ingenuity the pond looked beautiful.

"You will need to purchase a few water plants and perhaps a pump to circulate the water but it shouldn't cost you too much. Once the pond is filled with water it will be done."

"Thanks Aaron, it looks great. You guys did a great job." Mateo said as he looked at all the work he and Snake had done. "You guys hungry?" He asked already knowing the answer,

"I'm starved," Snake said as he wiped some sweat off his brow.

"Cool, John and Gino went to pick some stuff up from the store. I was thinking we would bar-b-que some hot dogs and hamburgers."

"That's sounds great. I could eat a horse." Snake said. "I only wish I could get out of these dirty clothes. I feel so grimy."

"I agree, I feel like I'm covered in dust." Aaron shared.

"You are covered in dust." Snake teased.

"I think we have some clothes that will fit you." Mateo gestured toward Snake, "We're about the same size and I'm sure John has something that will fit you Aaron."

"We would be very grateful Mateo." Aaron said with a slight bow.

"No problem. Save some water and time and shower together, use the shower in the master bedroom. I'll bring in the clothes and set them on the counter.

"Thanks bro." Snake said as he winked, and bumped fists with Mateo.

The aroma of cooking meat flooded the backyard as everyone sat around the patio table. John and Gino had returned from the store with ground beef for the hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, a vegetable platter, a pasta salad, bbq beans, and drinks. John was excited to use the stove in the kitchen to heat up the bbq beans. He was like a kid in a candy store. Mateo watched him and smiled.

They had just sat down to eat when the door bell rang out.

"I wonder who that could be," John asked as he rose from the table.

"I'll go with you babe." Mateo offered.

They opened the door to see a man standing there with a plate of something in his hands.

"Hi, I'm Curtis Sikora," he waved. "I live next door. I came over to welcome you to the neighborhood." He said as he smiled.

Curtis was a man about 35 years old. His dark skin showed that he was Asian. His black hair was cut in a neat haircut and his brown eyes were clear and very friendly. He stood about 5'10" and looked to weigh about 175 pounds. He was wearing running shorts and a tank top.

Mateo smiled, "Hi, I'm Mateo and this is John. We just moved in today. Thanks for the welcome."

Curtis smiled, "These are for you. I made them myself." He said in his deep voice. "Don't worry, they're perfectly safe."

He handed John the plate of muffins he was holding. John lifted the saran wrap covering the plate. "These smell great."

"There's blueberry, raspberry, and banana nut."

"Wow, thanks." Mateo said. "We were just sitting down to eat, would you like to join us? There is plenty of food to go around."

"That would be great. Let me dash home and shower. I just finished a run and I don't smell too pretty." He smiled, "Give me about ten minutes."

"Sure no problem, go ahead and come through the gate in the back." John said.

"OK see you in a few." Curtis said as he wave and turned to leave.

True to his word Curtis arrived a few minutes later. He was wearing black denim shorts and a white tank top. He was carrying another plate.

"I hope you guys haven't had desert yet." He said as he placed a cheese cake down on the table.

Everyone leaned forward to see the strawberry covered cheesecake.

"Wow that looks awesome." PT said drooling over the cake.

"Back up there boy. Don't inhale that cake." Gino cautioned.

Gino stood up, "Ciao, I'm Gino." He pointed to PT, "This is PT also known as "Hoover" boy."

Curtis shook hands with Gino, "I'm Curtis, nice to meet you Gino." He looked at PT, "You too PT," he chuckled

PT came out of his trance and stood, "It's nice to meet you too Curtis," he smiled.

Both Snake and Aaron stood and introduced themselves next.

Curtis sat down and began eating a hamburger and hot dog.

"So how do you like the old place?" he asked between bites of burger and potato salad.

"Oh, we love it," John answered.

"The front yard looks great. I didn't have the time to keep it up for Kathy. The backyard kept me very busy," he said as his eyes scanned the yard.

"You did a great job. The back looks great." Mateo said as he started in on a piece of cheese cake.

"Thanks. I spent a lot of time with Harriet back here." He smiled.

"Was that Kathy's mother?" John asked.

"Yes, she was a great woman." He stopped and placed his hot dog on his plate.

"When we moved in next door she came over and invited us to dinner." A flash of sadness crossed his face. "We spent hours out here tending this garden." He wiped his face with a napkin, "I sure miss her." His faced turned from sadness into sunshine, "She was hilarious." He released a laugh. "She had so much fire in her spirit." He looked around the table at the young men. "One minute she would have you crying the next you would be rolling on the floor." Curtis' gaze was lost as he thought back in time. "We would sit here at this very table and have afternoon tea. I'd come home from work and come out here and tell her about my day." He crossed his legs, "I'd sit here and pour my heart out to her." He shook his head, "She was such a good listener. It never failed, if I had a bad day Harriet would turn it around. I'd leave here feeling so much better." He smiled, "She always said it was the tea. I asked her to give me the secret to her tea." He let a tear escape from his eye.

After quickly wiping it away he continued. "One day she brought out a box of tea and placed in on the table. It was just an ordinary box of tea; nothing special. I looked at her and then the box of tea. It was then that she told me that "I" was the secret to the tea." He looked around the table as all the young men listened to his every word. Once again, he continued his story. "I asked her what she meant by that. She told me that the friendship that we shared was the key ingredient in her tea. She then went on to tell me that she so grateful for my company."

Curtis looked around the table at the group of young men. He hoped that as he told them his story they would realize the importance of true friendship. Somehow he felt that these young men knew exactly what he was talking about. He looked down to the table and began speaking again.

"She was there for me when I lost Terrance." Before waiting for the question he knew was coming Curtis continued. "Terrance was my partner. We were together for 15 years." He stopped as he tried to gather the strength to continue, "I lost him two years ago to cancer." This time he didn't try to stop the tears rolling down his face. He silently sat there and dabbed at his eyes. "I'm sorry. It's still hard to talk about it sometimes."

John sniffed, "I'm sorry to hear that." His mind went to a place that he quickly retreated from. John imagined himself without Mateo.

Curtis smiled, "It's getting easier to deal with as time goes by. He's still in here," he said as he pointed to his chest. "He'll always be with me."

Mateo smiled, "Curtis, I know we just met today but if you ever need to just talk to someone, we'll be glad to listen." He stood up and started to clear the patio table.

"Thanks Mateo, that really means a lot to me," he said.

"Can you help me with clear these things baby?" Mateo asked.

John stood, helped collect the rest of the dirty dishes and went inside with him.

"Yes, they're a couple." PT answered Cutis' questioning eyes. "In fact you're surrounded by couples." PT placed his hand over Gino's.

Snake and Aaron leaned into each other and kissed lightly.

"Wow, that's great." Curtis said. How long have you guys been together?

PT went on to share with them a little about themselves. He shared the circumstances with John and Mateo and the friendship that they all shared.

John and Mateo finally appeared from the kitchen door.

"Where have you two been?" Snake asked.

"We were making tea." John answered. He gestured to Mateo following him holding a tray with a tea pot and cups.

"Something to keep us warm while we sit out here." Mateo added as he placed the tray on the table.

"Shall I play mother?" Curtis asked standing up.

Everyone looked at Curtis with questioning eyes. Aaron was the only one who understood what he meant by offering to play mother. He released a small chuckle. They all turned toward Aaron. It was obvious he was the only one who got the meaning. "He is offering to pour the tea." Aaron said as he tried not to giggle.

Everyone laughed. A chorus of "OH's and AH's erupted from the table.

They found out a few more things about their neighbor that day. Curtis was a surgical nurse in the local hospital. They also learned that he did not have to work. When Terrance had passed away he left Curtis with enough money to never work again in his life. Terrance came from a very wealthy family. When he came out to them he was immediately disinherited by his father and cut off from the family. The only contact with his family was through his grandmother. She always kept in contact with him and kept him up to date on family matters. His grandmother finally persuaded her son to give Terrance back his inheritance. His father gave into his mother's wishes but he never talked to Terrance again. Terrance was grateful but never touched one dime of his father's money. Even after his father passed away all the money he received was taken care of by the family accountant. All the money was willed to Curtis at the time of Terrance's death.

"When Terrance's grandmother passed he also received quite a sum of money from her. One of the things he also received was a grand piano. The piano had been in the family for years and Terrance used to play it as a child."

Curtis smiled as he took a drink from the tea cup. "He was so excited the day that it arrived. You should have seen him. He was like a kid on Christmas morning."

His looked off into the yard as if remembering a painful memory, "When I lost Terrance I called his mother and offered to return the piano." He smiled, "She told me to keep her son's piano. She said it was the least she could do for me. She told me that she regretted not being a part of our lives. She didn't care if he was gay. That was her husband's big hang up. She regretted not standing up to him about their only son. Instead she gave into him and his ways. She told me that the only thing that mattered to her was her son's happiness. She sent me a letter that Terrance had written to her. In that letter he wrote that he had never been happier in his life." Curtis stopped and looked around the table. He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, "That made me feel so proud. His father was wrong. Two men can find love together. Two men can share their lives with each other. I mean, look around this table."

Curtis looked at PT and Gino. During Curtis' sharing the two had joined hands. Curtis placed his hands over their hands and squeezed them. "This is love. You can't deny it." He laughed. He took a deep breath.

Everyone else around the table seemed to do the same thing. "Wow, I didn't mean to carry on so much. Please forgive me," he said apologizing. "Look at the time. I didn't realize it was that late."

"It's OK," John smiled. "It's Friday night. It's not a school night."

The air had chilled a bit as the afternoon light faded into evening.

"I have an early morning surgery. I need to get some rest." Curtis said as he stood up.

Everyone else stood up to stretch. "OK, if you have to go we don't want to stop you. Thanks for sharing and thanks for joining us tonight." Mateo said.

The gathering seemed to end when Curtis left. PT and Gino said their good byes. Snake and Aaron stayed a bit longer but also complained of being a bit tired. Once again, John and Mateo thanked them for all their help in getting the house in order and said good night.

The house was quiet as they finally settled down for the evening. Mateo ran a bath; he figured a nice hot bath would help ease their sore muscles. They silently undressed and slipped into the relaxing bath.

The smell of the jasmine scented bath oil filled the small room. John rested his back again the chest of his lover. As he sat there Mateo massaged his shoulders. John's thoughts returned to the conversation earlier that day. Once again he thought of his life without Mateo. A single tear rolled down his cheek and fell onto Mateo's hand.

He felt that John was being too quiet.

"Is there anything wrong?" he asked with concern in his voice.

John wiped away a second tear. He shook his head, "Nothing's wrong. I was just thinking."

"What are you thinking about?" He asked. Mateo's body began to tense with worry.

He muttered something but Mateo did not hear him.

Mateo brought his lips down and placed them on John's neck and gently kissed hoping to rid him of the thing that was bothering him.

"Baby I didn't hear you. What did you say?" he asked with worry in his voice.

"I said I don't know what I'd do without you. If I ever I lost you^Å." His voice cracked. His body started to tremble.

Mateo quickly moved even closer to John. He wrapped his arms around his body trying to stop him from shaking, "Shhhh, it's OK I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be here." Mateo held him in his arms and gently rocked back and forth. Finally he felt John's body relax.

"It was just so sad when Curtis was telling us about his partner. I couldn't even imagine life with you Teo."

"Baby, I'm not going anywhere." Mateo said. "You and I both know that one day we'll have to say good bye to one another." He tightened his embrace, "But until that day, you're always, always going to be mine."

John brought his arm up and around Mateo's neck. He hugged his neck and guided his face towards his face. Mateo gently kissed his neck and sent chills down John's body. "I love you." He whispered.

Mateo continued to kiss his neck as he caressed his shoulders and upper body.

As the water began to cool Mateo stood up. His body glistened as the water ran down his body. He guided John to his feet.

John's eyes pierced Mateo's brown pools. He smiled at his love, "I'm cold." He said as he went into his arms to gather warmth.

Mateo was quick to act as he grabbed a towel hanging near the tub and wrapped it around John's body.

They stepped out of the tub and began to dry one another.

Once they were dry, Mateo took John's hand in his own and began to tenderly kiss his hand and then his fingertips.

John gasped as his middle finger met the warmth of Mateo's mouth.

They slowly walked into the room and lay on the bed.

A tender kiss began their love making.

Mateo moved his body on top of his lover as his kisses were filled more with passion and desire. Both of their tongues explored the others mouth. John's arms surrounded his lover's body as Mateo kissed his neck. Kiss after kiss, Mateo traveled down his body.

He was at his prize as he began to lick the underside of John's hard member. Soon he was at the tip and licked the clear droplet of precum. John's beautiful essence filled his mouth and his thoughts.

John released a small moan as he felt Mateo's breath. He spread his legs to give him more access to his body. He felt the warmth of Mateo's mouth as he was taken deep. He placed his hand on the back of Mateo's head as he gently began to move his hips.

Mateo's hand travel until they arrived at their destination. He pulled and pinched John's pink nipples as he continued to pleasure his love.

"Ahhh," John reacted to the touch.

John began to move. He yearned for Mateo. The two moved into a 69 position. Mateo's massive member was there for John to take.

"Ohhh," Mateo groaned as he felt John's lips on the tip of his hardness. John began to bob up and down on his cock. "Oh baby, that feels so good." Mateo said.

They continued until they exploded in each other's mouth. A few moments passed and John moved into Mateo's arms. They lay naked in silence.

John's voice finally broke the silence.

"What are you thinking?" he asked.

Mateo breathed deeply, "I'm thinking that I'm so lucky to have you in my life."

John looked up into his eyes, "Funny, I was thinking the same thing." He laid his head back down on Mateo's chest and began to circle his right nipple with his index finger. It only took a few minutes before Mateo's brown nipples were hard. Feeling the hardness John lifted his head and smiled at Mateo. He moved his body over Mateo's and began to suck on the right nipple.

Chills traveled down Mateo's body as John began to lightly bite and tease his nipple.

John moved his hand downward and was glad to feel that Mateo was hard again. He gently stoked him. After a few minutes of driving Mateo crazy John reached into the side table for the lube he had placed there earlier. He spread the lube on Mateo's cock and then applied some to his ass. He straddled Mateo's hips. He bent his body down and kissed Mateo hard. While they were kissing John placed Mateo's cock at the entrance to his tight hole. With a little effort Mateo entered him. He gasped as he felt the huge cock enter his inner being. John sat up as he felt Mateo go deeper. His body shook with electricity as he took inch after inch of his love. Finally he felt Mateo's pubic hair tickle his ass.

He looked down at Mateo's face. His look was returned with pure love. Mateo's eyes glazed over with passion.

John slowly began to move his body, grinding into his lover's cock. He loved the full feeling deep inside him. He bent down once again and placed his lips over those of his love. After exchanging kisses he raised himself up again.

"Make love to me," was all he said.

Mateo sat up with John still on his cock. He wrapped his arms around him as he turned his body. John was now on his back. His legs spread as Mateo began to thrust into him. Passion grew between then as their lips met again. Mateo's strong legs powered the thrusts into John's body.

John's eyes rolled back into his head as he felt Mateo. He began to whimper unable to control the pleasure he was feeling.

Both of their young bodies glistened with sweat as they continue to love each other. John's body was ready to explode.

"Oh baby I'm going to cum!" John said as grabbed onto Mateo's shoulders pulling him down.

"Oh yeah baby, cum for me," Mateo said as he placed his hungry lips over John's mouth. He continued to pound John's ass. He too was quickly nearing his own climax.

John wrapped his legs around his lover's body as he craved for even more of his cock.

Finally he couldn't hold back any longer, "I'm cumming! Ohhh, yesssss!" He screamed.

Ropes of cum erupted from John's cock. It splashed between their two sweaty bodies. Some of it landed on John's face.

Mateo feeling his own balls tighten released his seed into John's ass. "Ahhhh, ohhhh babbbbby! He shouted. He continued to thrust on and out of him. "I love you!"

He lowered his head to kiss John again. Before kissing him Mateo licked John's face. "Mmmm, good stuff!," he said as he tasted the cum.

Mateo's body covered his lover's. They finally separated. John felt the emptiness as Mateo pulled out of him. He silently wish he could have that feeling every hour of everyday. "I love you Teo," he whispered into his ear. "I'll love you forever."

Mateo smiled. "John, you're my heart, my breath, and my life. I will always love you." He kissed him on the forehead.

"I think we need another bath." John said.

Mateo stood up, "Come with me." He scooped up John's body into his strong arms. He walked into the bathroom and placed John down. "Your wish, is my command," he said as he bowed.

John was touched by his act of love.

Mateo turned on the shower. They entered the glass enclosure and began to wash one another.

OK people that was it. I do hope that you enjoyed the latest from J and M. Take care and I'll see you in the next chapter. David

Next: Chapter 32

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