John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Aug 1, 2006


Please know that his is a story about gay men and what they do without any clothes. If you're underage please leave now. This story is for adults. There are sex scenes and so if it's against the law to read this stop now and shut off your computer. Come back when you're 18. For those of you that are legal I hope that you enjoy my little story. I'm in no way a professional writer. You will see many I don't need or want to hear any complaints about grammar and such....if you like thte story let me know. my email address is john_mateo418 at yahoo. com

Take care.... David

John and Mateo Chapter 28

The 40ish looking woman walked into the room followed closely by a young man. She was dressed in a frumpy polyester dress that looked like it belonged in the 1980's rather than 2005 . She wore a small tattered hat upon her head. In her hands she carried a worn book in which she held to the front of her chest, almost like a shield. Clearly, anyone could see that this woman was no stranger to hard work. Her face looked almost as worn as the book in her hands. Mary Petersen's eyes were a washed out blue. Her straw colored hair struggled to free itself from the prison of the hat which looked too small for her head.

Kevin's eyes locked on the young man's eyes for a few seconds before they both broke eye contact.

"Oh, fuck." He said aloud before he could stop himself. His head suddenly hurt and he lowered it into his hands.

"What is it?" Preston Scott leaned over and whispered into Kevin's ear.

Kevin didn't say a word and just shook his head. He began to feel sick.

He turned around ignoring Preston and looked at Jason.

"What the fuck is HE doing here?

"Everything goes on like we talked about. Nothing has changed." Jason said. He didn't really care that Kevin's lawyer heard him. "Remember, you owe me," he snarled.

Kevin's eyes lost all hope as he turned back to face forward.

"As your lawyer I must tell you it's in your best interest to tell me what's going on Kevin." Preston Scott looked at the young man as he slumped in his chair.

Kevin was about to answer his lawyer but didn't have the opportunity.

Judge Julia Ramirez spoke, "Ms. Nuygen, which one is your witness?"

Min stood by the desk and looking into the courtroom spoke. "Your honor, the state would like to call William James Petersen to the stand."

The bailiff led the young man to the witness box. He had a football players build. Broad shoulders, his chest narrowed down to a V. His body looked like he worked out everyday. He wore a tight blue button down denim shirt tucked into his even tighter wrangler jeans.

He wore what seemed to be snake skinned boots on his feet. On his head was a beige cowboy hat. He had the same straw colored hair as his mother.

His eyes were very different from his hers; they sparkled like clear blue topaz gemstones. He looked very nervous as he made his way to the witness box beside the judge. Suddenly remembering his manners, he quickly removed his hat and laid it down on the small table near the seat in which he was to sit. His blond hair fell across his eyes and ears. He gently moved the hair to the side to reveal his eyes. He quickly glanced around the room. He rubbed his sweaty palms on his legs.

All eyes were on him as the bailiff spoke, "Please raise your right hand and place you left hand on the Bible." He raised his hand and placed his left hand on the King James Bible held by the bailiff. "Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"

"Yes sir. I do." His voice cracked as he answered. Mary Petersen said a quiet `amen' to herself as she heard her son swear to tell the truth.

"You may be seated," the bailiff said. The bailiff motioned to the pitcher of water beside the young man. "You may want to drink some water." He told him as he gave him a small smile and resumed his position along the wall.

"Thank you, sir." He replied.

"Okay, Ms. Nuygen, you may begin your questioning." The judge said.

"Yes, your honor." Min replied.

Min walked over to the witness box. She smiled and spoke, "Please state, and spell your name for the court."

"My name is William James Petersen. That's P-E-T-E-R-S-E-N, it's spelled with an E' at the end not an O'. Oh, and you can call me Billy." His speech had a thick southern drawl.

"OK Billy, where do you attend school" Min asked.

"I attend school at ASUT; Arizona State University at Tucson."

"And can you tell the court how you came to attend ASUT?"

"I'm on a football scholarship."

"Congratulations Billy, scholarships are very hard to come by, you must be a very talented football player."

"Thank you, Ma'am. My mamma and I moved from Austin, Texas to Arizona when I received the scholarship." He said smiling.

Min moved toward the podium, "Billy, do you know the defendant, "Kevin Lopez?"

"Yes I know him. Or I should say that I know of him."

"Can you explain what you mean by that?"

Billy blushed deeply and looked at his mother. She closed her eyes and lowered her head. She started to pray.

"Yes, Ma'am I can explain; it's just that it's very embarrassing when my mother is seated in the audience." He continued to look at his mother as she prayed.

Mary Petersen quickly looked up from her silent prayers and looked at her son. She nodded to her son telling him that whatever he had to say, to just say it. Kevin's questioning eyes looked back to Min he cleared his throat. Judge Ramirez caught the exchange between mother and son.

Billy spoke, "Well, when I said that I knew of Kevin I meant that I knew of his reputation around school."

"And what reputation would that be?" Min's voice was calm.

Once again a red glow flushed across his face. "That he was a closet case homo that gave good blow jobs."

"Objection your honor, the witness is speculating." Preston said as he shot daggers at Min.

There were muffled sounds coming from the audience. A few chuckles also were heard. The judge looked out into the crowd seeking out the source of the noise. Kevin seemed to slump even lower in his seat.

"Over ruled, I'll allow it." Julia Ramirez was the next victim of Preston Scott's daggers.

"I see," said Min. "So, you are not friends with Kevin Lopez?"

Billy shook his head, "No, I don't even know him that well."

"How did you meet Kevin?"

"We were both at the same party. It was about a week after school let out. Some sort of party to celebrate the end of the semester and the start of summer break."

"Can you tell us about that first meeting Billy?"

"Sure." He looked at Kevin, his gazed was returned by Kevin's nervous stare.

"Well, I'm not really into parties but I had nothing else to do. Some of the guys from the team talked me into going. The music was really loud and annoying so I got out of there. I was out back when Kevin came out. Most of the people were in the house. I was leaning against a tree when he approached me."

Min nodded her head, "What happened after that?"

"We talked about all kinds of things. I really don't remember the conversation. Well, I'd say that I don't remember the conversation up until the point where he asked me if I wanted to share a joint with him."

"Were you drinking at the party Billy?" Min asked.

"Yes, I had about three beers. I wasn't drunk yet, but I had a good buzz going."

"And when you say that the defendant offered you a joint by that you mean the smoking of marijuana, is that correct?"

"Yes." He replied looking nervously at the judge. He waited for the judge to pass judgment on him and send him straight to jail.

"Did you smoke it?"

"Yes, he didn't wait for me to answer. He lit it up, took a hit, and then handed it to me."

"Can you tell us what happened after that?"

Billy squirmed a bit before he began to speak, "He told me that he'd seen me at some of the football games. He told me that I looked really good in my tight football pants." Billy's face turned crimson again. "He suggested that we go up stairs to one of the bedrooms. He said that he had another joint. I said that sounded cool. So, I went along. He said for me to go ahead that he was going to grab a couple of beers and that he would join me in a few minutes. I told him that was a good idea."

"Why was that a good idea Billy?"

"I didn't want the others to see me with him. I didn't want them to get the wrong idea."

"What idea are you referring to Billy?"

"Well, he's a guy that likes to give blow jobs. What other ideas do you need?"

"I see, go on." Min said.

Judge Ramirez spoke, "Just so we're clear, you didn't want the others at the party to see you going upstairs with Mr. Lopez because of his reputation, is that correct?"

"Yes, your honor."

The judges arched her eyebrows. "You may continue Ms. Nuygen.

"Go ahead, Billy."

(Flash back to the very room on that very night. Keep in mind that Billy is telling his story in court. If I did it right Billy's thoughts are in single quotes `like this' )

`What am I doing here? Am I really going to go trough with this? This guy Kevin is really hot. I mean for a guy. I hope this is the right room. He said the second door on the right. Well, where is he? Oh shit, the door is opening.'

"Hey." Kevin smiled. He held up two fresh beers in his hands.

"Hey." `Oh god, I'm shaking. Fuck, he looks hot.'

"I see you found the room ok." Kevin turned and locked the door. He moved toward Billy. Kevin handed him a beer and lit up the other joint. "This shit always makes me horny. How about you, does it make you horny?" Kevin asked, his hazel eyes pierced into Billy like a thousand arrows.

`Oh god what do I say? If I tell him that I'm horny he might want to do something with me.' "Yeah, I'm feeling it right now." Kevin whispered.

Kevin set down his beer and wrapped his arms around Billy and pulled their bodies together.

`His hands on my chest feel really good. My cock is so hard.' "Oh, wow." Billy sucked in the smoky air from the room into his lungs.

Kevin rubbed Billy's nipples through his tight tee. He looked down to see the outline of his dick through his tights jeans. He gently rubbed his hand over the denim which encased the large cock.

`Oh gawd that feels good. I still can't believe I'm letting this guy touch me like this.'

Kevin began lifting the tee over Billy's head. His mouth dropped open as Billy's smooth chest was revealed. The sculptured muscles of his chest danced with excitement as air continued to rush in and out of his lungs. A small patch of blond hair grew in the middle of the huge pectoral muscles. Billy's pink nipples were about the size of a half dollar. They were hard to the touch and ached for attention. Kevin whimpered as he lowered his mouth over the left nipple. While he slowly sucked on the left nipple his left hand began playing with the right nipple. Billy's hand cupped the back of Kevin's head. "Oh that feels so good. Don't stop, keep sucking on my nip."

Kevin's hands moved to Billy's strong back. The muscular back flexed as Kevin massaged with both hands. He lowered himself down to his knees. Billy's massive organ strained against the denim. Kevin lowered his mouth over the tight fabric of his jeans. His hot breath was felt by Billy as he lowered his hungry mouth over the denim encased hardness.

Billy pulled Kevin up so he was looking into his eyes. He could see the questioning eyes of Kevin. Billy leaned in and placed his lips onto Kevin's mouth. Kevin opened his mouth when he felt Billy's tongue. Billy slipped his tongue inside Kevin's willing mouth. He explored Kevin's mouth with his tongue. Each young man took turns sucking each others tongue.

`What am I doing? I can't help myself. My tongue feels so good in his mouth, so hot, so fucking hot! I want more!'

Billy pushed Kevin away from his body and mouth. Their eyes locked. Billy's chest rose and fell from his heavy breathing. He placed his hands on Kevin's button down shirt. He took the shirt into his hands and pulled the shirt open sending buttons flying. Kevin flinched waiting for the worst to happen. "You're so fucking hot!" Billy whispered as he lowered his mouth onto Kevin's right nipple. Kevin's head flew back as he grabbed onto Billy's head forcing his mouth down harder.

Minutes later they were both naked and on the bed in a 69 position. Billy pumped Kevin's mouth with his 8 inches. His body was on fire as he continued to fuck Kevin's mouth. He was in heaven as his sucked on Kevin. His hands were exploring every inch of Kevin's smaller framed body.

Both young men didn't notice or hear the door being unlocked. They didn't see Jason Greene stick his head in the door. Jason watched as both young men were lost in their lust for one another.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum." Kevin moaned.

Billy took his mouth off his Kevin and laid back to watch. Kevin also released him and focused on jacking his own dick. They moved so they lay side by side on the bed. Their hands flew up and down their hard cocks.

Kevin reached over and began to twist Billy's hard nips.

"Oh shit, here it comes!" With a high pitched moan, Kevin's hot cum exploded from his cock. The first shot landed on the side of his face. The second shot on his chest. The third, fourth, and fifth, dribbled down into his pubes.

"It's my turn now." Billy's cock released a thick spurt onto his smooth abs. The shots that follow landed around or near the same spot. His navel held a pool of cum.

The door closed quietly.

Kevin leaned over and used the tip of his tongue to taste Billy's cum.

"Eew, that's gross." Billy said.

"I like it." Kevin said without a second thought.

After finishing cleaning Billy's body, Kevin grabbed his shirt and began to clean himself. He then went to work on Billy's body.

"What are you going to do with that?" Billy asked referring to Kevin's cum soaked shirt.

"I'm going to wear it out." Kevin smiled.

Billy shook his head, "You're a freak. He stood up, I have to piss." He pulled up his jeans, and his shirt on and went to look for a place to relieve his bladder.

"Hurry back." Kevin said.

Billy nodded. He had no intention of returning.

Jason emerged from the bathroom pretending he had just used it. "It smells like daises in there." He said as he passed Billy. Jason walked into the room and surprised Kevin.

When Billy was finished with draining his bladder his intention was to take off but he felt a little guilty as he was leaving. He finally decided that Kevin at least deserved and "good bye".

He walked back to the room. He noticed that the door was open and he heard voices.

"Your daddy's not going to find out that his son sucks cock as long as you do what I tell you."

Billy recognized Jason's voice. He continued to listen.

He heard Kevin talk, it sounded as if he had been crying. "Please, you can't tell my parents. They would kick me out."

"I'll keep quiet as long as you help me get John. I want him, and his boyfriend Mateo is in the way. You help me get rid of Mateo and I keep my mouth shut about you and the football player."

Oh fuck' Billy thought. Who the hell are John and Mateo?'

"Dude I'll do anything you want just leave my parents out of this."

"I'm glad you feel that way Kevin. I wouldn't want daddy to find out that he's got a whore for a son."

Billy heard movement in the room.

"I always get what I want." Jason spoke.

Billy heard the sound of a zipper. Seconds later sucking sounds come from the room. He moved closer to the door. He looked through the door to the mirror hanging on the wall. The reflection in the mirror caused a stirring in his jeans. Kevin was down on his knees sucking Jason's cock. Jason's hands were pushing his head down on his cock.

"Yup, I always get what I want."

(Back to the courtroom)

Min Nuygen didn't hesitate to ask her next question.

"So what you're telling the court Billy is that you over heard Jason Greene and Kevin Lopez talking about trying to separate John Clark and Mateo Villasenor?

"Billy looked down into his lap. "Yes. I over heard both of them talking in the room after I returned."

Min walked closer to Billy in the witness box. She stood in front of him for a few seconds before speaking. "I know that this was very hard for you Billy. I want to thank you personally for being here today to testify." She turned towards the judge, "I have no more questions for this witness your honor."

During Billy's testimony Kevin never looked up. He sat there and slowly wept. Tears were slowly falling down his cheeks as he listened about that night. Now everyone knew. His parents would certainly disown him. The tears of anger continued to roll down his face. At that moment he knew that Jason had used him like a dog. He realized that he felt more for Billy. He actually loved the feeling of being in the football player's strong arms. He felt some kind of connection with the Texan. He wondered why he never returned to the room. As he sat there he realized that now he would never have a chance to know what might have happened between them. He would never have the chance to see if a relationship could have grown between them.

His anger began to build as he sat there. His knuckles white as he griped the arm rest of his seat. He wished he had never agreed to help Jason. Now he was going to go to jail for being a coward.

Judge Julia Ramirez turned towards Preston Scott. "Mister Scott-"

Kevin jumped to his feet and turned around facing Jason. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU RUINED MY LIFE!! I SHOULD HAVE NEVER AGREED TO HELP YOU. Kevin turned towards the judge. "HE BLACKMAILED ME. IT WAS ALL HIS IDEA." Kevin screamed pointing his finger at Jason.

"Sit down Mister Lopez." The judge's gavel crashed down on its pedestal. "Mr. Scott please control your client. Preston moved towards Kevin. He closed his hand around Kevin's arm trying to get him to return to his seat.

Kevin continued, pulling his arm free from Preston's grasp. "HE HAD ME FOLLOW THEM ALL THE WAY FROM TUCSON TO LOS ANGELES. I SPENT DAYS CAMPING OUT IN MY CAR!

"Shut the FUCK UP! You don't know what you're talking about!" Jason said standing on his feet.

Several more crashes of the gavel and Judge Julia Ramirez was on her feet as well, "I will have ORDER in this court!" Her voice rang out. "Bailiff, take Mr. Lopez back to the holding cell." The judge sat back down and reached under the bench. She pushed a hidden button to summon more help.

Before the extra help arrived, Jason was heading for escape and the double doors in the back. Snake and Aaron saw him and moved to intercept him. They both reached the double doors and each stood in front of them.

"You're not going anywhere." Snake said looking Jason straight in the eye.

"Watch me." Jason said as he moved toward Aaron, the smaller of the two targets. "Get out of my way little man." Jason extended his arm to push Aaron out of the way. Aaron would have none of that and swiftly took Jason's hand in his own. Before Jason knew what hit him he was on the floor. His arm twisted behind his back by Aaron.

"What were you saying?" Aaron said into Jason's ear as he applied a little more pressure onto his arm.

Jason replied with a low grunt. "Get off me, you faggot."

"Not a chance." Snake spoke. "You just got your ass kicked by one tough little faggot."

Aaron smiled, "Thank you Patrick."

Snake couldn't resist and bent and placed a quick kiss on his boy's lips. "Not a problem baby. Thanks for cleaning up the trash."

Just then another bailiff walked up. "I'll take it from here. Thanks for your help." He smiled.

"Glad to have helped." Aaron said as he released Jason into the bailiff's custody.

"Take that young man into custody." The judge spoke as she sat down. "This court now stands is recess until tomorrow. I want to see council in my chambers.

As the group filed into the courtroom the next morning at 9am, they saw Billy and his mother sitting quietly together. She was wearing a blue dress that seemed to be in the same shape as the dress she wore the previous day. She wore the same tired hat. Both John and Mateo wanted to speak to Billy. They wanted to thank him for his testimony. Without Billy's testimony it didn't seem to them that the case against Kevin could be won. Both thought it better to speak to him later. He was in a conversation with his mother and they didn't want to interrupt mother and son.

Once everyone was seated, Kevin was escorted into the courtroom by a huge bailiff. He looked like he hadn't had any sleep since yesterday. His eyes were blood shot and his face was a mask of worry and uncertainty. His bed head hair gave him an even more exhausted look. He quietly sat down next to his attorney.

Moments later Judge Ramirez walked into the room. The expression on her face was like stone as she sat down. She shuffled a few papers in front of her and then folded her hands on top of her desk. She cleared her throat.

"Good morning, Buenas Dias." She gave her usual morning greeting. She received a mixture of English and Spanish responses. Her eyes scanned the courtroom. The one thing she noticed was the absence of Kevin's parents. She hoped that the events of yesterday didn't have anything to do with their absence. In her own way she felt sorry for Kevin and the things that lead him to this day and to her courtroom. Her heart was filled with compassion for the wayward young man.

"Shall we continue?"

Preston Scott stood. "Your honor, my client would like to change his plea in this case."

Judge Ramirez nodded her head. "What is this new plea counselor?"

"The plea is guilty. Your honor, the state has agreed to five years of incarceration and five years probation in exchange for my client's testimony against Jason Greene."

The judge now turned her attention to Min Nuygen, "Does the state concur with this Ms. Nuygen?"

"Yes your honor, the state agrees with Mr. Scott's statement."

"Will the defendant please rise."

Kevin stood and joined his lawyer who was already standing. Kevin lowered his chin to his chest and folded to his hands together.

"Mr. Lopez, please look at me." Judge Ramirez spoke to the young man.

Kevin's tear stained eyes met the brown eyes of Julia Ramirez.

"Young man, I hope that you have learned from this experience." Her heart broke just a little as she spoke these next words. "The state of California finds you guilty on the charge of assault, and rape of Mateo Villasenor. I sentence you to the Terminal Island Prison Facility where you will stay for five years After, upon your release from the Terminal Island Facility you will serve five years of probation. In which you will report to a probation officer of this court." She looked at Kevin, "Young man, I don't want to see you in my court again."

Kevin began to cry.

"Do you have anything else to say Mr. Lopez?"

Through tears Kevin spoke, "I..I'm so, soo sorry."

The judge spoke, "You shouldn't direct your apology to me Mr. Lopez."

Kevin turned and looked at John and Mateo and repeated the same words.

Mateo's face was like stone, he didn't notice the tears that were running down John's face.

Julia Ramirez raised her gavel, "This court in now adjourned."

After one more pleading look, Kevin was led away by the court bailiff.

Mateo stood there staring at the closed door in which only moments before Kevin was led through. He stood there wondering what would happen to him in jail. He felt a warm hand on his shoulder which interrupted his thoughts. His father stood next to him.

Rafael's warm eyes looked at his son with concern, "It is finished mi hijo."

At that moment Mateo felt like a little boy. He went into his father arms.

"Why do I feel so guilty?" he asked his father.

"Mateo, what he did was wrong." His father replied. "You have a very compassionate heart. You don't like to see anyone have pain." Rafael kissed his son's cheek, "Justice has been served today."

Mateo nodded in agreement to his father's last statement.

"Your father is right babe. What Kevin did was wrong and he needs to pay for that mistake." John said as he stood next to father and son.

Mateo moved to hug John. "Thanks for sticking with me through all this."

John squeezed him harder, "I love you."

Mateo noticed movement in the corner of his eye and saw Billy and his mother moving toward the doors. He motioned to John and they both began walking toward mother and son.

"Excuse me." Mateo said loud enough to stop them both from reaching the courtroom doors.

Billy's eyes looked at both of them. The look of worry disappeared from his face when he saw them approaching him. There was a slight smile on his face. He reached out his hand. "Oh, hey. I'm glad that it worked out for you." He said as he shook hands with them. Billy's mother remained her stone-like self.

"This is my mother, Mary Petersen." Billy motioned to the statue to his right. Mary Petersen just looked at them not uttering a sound.

Both of them felt awkward by her reaction.

Mateo spoke, "Um, well we just wanted to thank you for coming here and testifying. I know it must have been very difficult for you."

Billy released a nervous chuckle, "No problem, I'm glad I could help you."

John spoke up, "Hey we're going to grab some lunch. Would you like to join us?"

Billy was going to answer, but was interrupted by his mother. "Billy, I have a head ache. I think we should go back to the motel so I can lay down."

His faced dropped as he heard the words of his mother. "Will you excuse us for a minute." He said as he led his mother away by the arm. There was a discussion and then some hand movements. Mrs. Petersen pointed in the direction of John and Mateo. They tried not to look at Billy and his mother.

A few minutes later she walked out the doors leaving Billy behind. He took off his hat and ran his hand through his mane of blond hair. He smiled a cute boyish smile as he rejoined them. He looked a little embarrassed.

"Sorry about that. He blushed, "My mother is still trying to come to terms of her son being gay."

"Maybe our parents can have a talk with her." Mateo said trying to be of some help.

"She will not listen. I've tried to get her to talk about her feelings. I think she's in denial." He looked around to see if anyone else was listening. He whispered under his breath. "She's so caught in her religious beliefs, I'm afraid she won't ever come around." A sad expression crossed his face, "She blames herself. She told me that it's her fault that I didn't have a male role model in my life."

"We both had male role models in our lives and look at us, "John said and he moved an arm around Mateo's waist.

"I tried telling her over and over again that I was born this way. She will not hear it. She says that I chose this." He shook his head, "I don' know if she'll ever accept it."

At that moment the rest of the guys joined them.

"Hey, thanks again for helping out my friend." Snake said as he pumped Billy's hand. There was a unanimous reply from the rest of the group. "You will join us for lunch wont you?"

Billy blushed from embarrassment, "Yes, I think I'd like that."

An hour later they sat around the table back at the hotel. Once again Aaron's uncle Tracy astonished everyone with another wonderful meal. This time Rafael insisted that he receive a bill for the lunch. Tracy graciously provided a bill, and Rafael gladly paid.

The gang decided to stay in Los Angeles for the rest of the summer. Aaron's uncle Tracy offered his hotel once again at no charge. There were no worries of where they would stay. Billy even stayed for a couple of weeks before he had to return to Tucson for football camp.

They had a final goodbye dinner for Billy at the Cheesecake Factory in Beverly Hills. John once again had the opportunity to play the piano at the restaurant. He dedicated his song to his new friend Billy. After the song ended Billy was the first one up from his seat. He hooped and hollered and practically clapped his hands off. When John returned to the table he was attacked by Billy with a huge hug and endless words of `thank you'.

The next day there were tears and hugs as they said good bye at the down town Greyhound Bus station. Billy said that he would visit when he had the chance. He always wanted to visit New England. John, Mateo, Snake, Aaron, PT, and Gino gave him an open invitation.

With one last wave of his cowboy hat he climbed onto the bus, Billy Petersen "with an `E' rode off into the sunset.

Thanks again for reading my story. I'm sorry that it took such a long time to release this chapter. I write my story chapter by chapter and I don't have any chapters in waiting. They are written as I am moved to write. Sometimes the desire is not there. My time has freed up a bit and now I'm ready to start again. John and Mateo will continue. I'm not making any promises of fast chapters. So please be patient. I think I stated when I first started that my story will move very SLOW. Thanks for your understanding, patience, and steadfastness.

Thank you, Alex for giving me a little hope.

Your emails are always what give me the encouragement to write. Please let me know how you like the latest chapter.


We don't want to go back to tomorrow, we want to go forward.

Next: Chapter 31

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