John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Jan 26, 2004


Hey guys this is my first attempt at writing and I hope that you enjoy my story. I'm not the best on spelling and grammar so please don't bother with the emails telling me I can't write. I do this for fun and that's all. All comments are welcome. If you want more let me know and I'll write more...This story will move slow.. Thanks! My email is:

The usual disclaimer don't read this if you're too young or it's against the law where you live. This story is about gay men.

John and Mateo Chapter 3

As he walked upon the beach, the roar of the ocean filled his ears, and his very being. The cadence of the waves spoke to him as he walked upon the warm sand. "Where is my love?" he asked himself. The question echoing in his mind. As he continued to walk he heard the music. A mixture of piano and the sound of crashing waves. The music called to him. Guiding him to his love. Beckoning him to follow his heart. Tears filled his eyes as he searched. "Where is my love, my heart?" The question again filled his thoughts. The music played on as he walked. Finally he came to a beach house. The huge house stood before him. The music seemed so close. Walking through the front door he felt again the whispered call of the music. As he entered the house the music continued. Finally he stood in front of a closed door. His hands trembled as he turned the knob. The door slowly open. There sitting at the piano was his love. Dressed all in white, his body moving with the music, his eyes closed to the world, John played. Without a sound Mateo moved to John's side. The feelings returned, the uncanny communication between the two lovers. Sadly, the music slowed and then stopped. The music now over, John opened his eyes. As their eyes met, no words were needed to convey their love. Mateo approached his love, surrounding him in his arms. Slowly he unbuttoned John's shirt revealing the smooth chest of his lover. His hands finding John's trim waist. John rose from the piano bench, his shirt falling to the floor. Turning towards his love the two embraced. Looking into his lovers eyes, Mateo leaned in to give him a kiss...

BEEP!, BEEP!, BEEP!,BEEP!, the alarm clock's harsh wake up call pulled Mateo out of his wonderful dream and back into reality. "Shit!" he groaned as him pushed the "off" button on the now hated alarm clock. He willed himself back to sleep, back to his love. Mateo could still feel John's body. He could still hear the music in his head. The dream never returned, leaving Mateo with a feeling of emptiness. "Could John ever love me?" The questioned seemed to echo in his thoughts. "Will he ever know how much I love him? Wait! We just met yesterday. What am I thinking. Do I really feel this way about him. Do I really love him?" All these questions bounced around his head as Mateo sat up in bed. Finally, giving up on getting anymore sleep he sat up in his bed. He stood up and stretched. The muscles in his lean body ached as he did his morning stretches. Mateo grabbed his bathroom kit and towel, and left his dorm room for the bathroom. He knew that most of the building was gone for Spring break so he didn't think anything of walking to the shower in his black boxer briefs. He normally would have wrapped his towel around his waist but this morning he felt a little carefree. "So what if somebody sees me." He thought. "Everybody gets morning wood." he smiled to himself as he looked down at the hard-on that tented the front of his boxer briefs. "I need to do something about that." he thought to himself. He walked into the bathroom and painfully pointed his cock down into the toilet. After a much needed morning piss, he shaved and hopped into the shower. The hot water felt refreshing on his muscular body.

The hot shower always helped him wake up. This morning as he washed himself, his mind was filled with thoughts of John. His cock began to harden as he remembered the dream. The feel of John's lips burned into his memory. Mateo's cock was rock hard as he wrapped his fingers around the thick 9" shaft. A small moan escaped from his mouth as he began to stroke his uncut cock. The mixture of soap and water on his shaft sent shivers up and down his spine. With his eyes closed Mateo saw his love. Playing the piano, naked. His smooth skin looked so white in contrast to Mateo's brown. Mateo's fingers caressed his raging cock as he pictured John's naked body. He imagined John's smooth skin under his hands. The firmness of his smooth chest. The small pink nipples standing erect as his hands moved over his lover's body. His lips touching the gentle lips of his boy. Relishing in the sweetness of his kiss. That familiar feeling started in Mateo's balls as his body stiffened with his approaching orgasm. Suddenly his hard cock erupted with squirts of thick ropes of cum. Mateo's body tingled as he released his seed. He released a loud groan as his body returned to earth. He opened his eyes to see the clock on the wall. "Oh shit! I'm gonna be late!" he said, realizing the time. He quickly rinsed his body, turned off the water and returned to his room to dress. Five minutes later Mateo was running across campus to his biology final. The fantasy from his shower still fresh in his memory.

The Spring sun felt good on John's face as he left his History final. He felt confident that he aced the test. The professor was the only distraction in the room. The tight jeans and the snug shirt caused a momentary intrusion on John's thoughts as he took the exam.

"Just a few more hours and I'll see Mateo." he thought to himself as he walked to the parking lot. "I can't wait." he smiled to himself as opened the car door to his 2002 Toyota Tundra. The truck was a graduation present from his parents. Silver and fully loaded. He loved his truck. He checked his watch. He had just enough time to grab some lunch and be at Jacob's place by 1 o'clock for his weekly piano lesson. He met Jacob in August last year while visiting Los Angeles with Edward Marrs his piano teacher. Edward had recommended Jacob as a substitute teacher until John returned home in the summer. Over the last 6 months John and Jacob had became good friends. After a quick lunch of tacos, he arrived right at one o'clock and was met at the door by Dot, Jacob's very excited Dalmatian. Dot was a little over anxious to see John and practically knocked him over. Thankfully Jacob was there to come to his rescue and led the playful puppy away from John. "Sorry John, I'm still trying to break her of that habit." Jacob said apologizing as he pulled Dot into the next room. In a few minutes Jacob returned minus one dog and offered John a drink.

After a few minutes of chit chat they began John's lesson. Jacob enjoyed teaching such a talented young man. John had shown him on more than one occasion that he had a rare gift. Most people had to struggle when it came to showing their emotions through music, not John. He easily expressed emotion when he played. Many times Jacob found himself speechless after listening to John play. It seemed to Jacob that John had a very rare gift. It was almost as if John talked to you through his music. As John played the Mozart piece, Jacob thought back to the first time he heard him play. He had been traveling in California for some business when his old friend Edward Marrs called his cell phone. Through mutual friends Edward found out that Jacob was in town and wanted to see his friend. Edward explained that he was in town with John. He brought John to Los Angeles as a surprise. They were going to see "Les Miserables" as it was John's birthday. After only a few minutes on the phone they said their good byes. Jacob would join Edward and John the next day at the Getty museum for lunch.

The next day Jacob met Edward and John. When he looked at John he immediately knew that he was gay. Jacob's "gaydar" was very in tuned with all types of people. The young almost frail looking boy took his hand, shook it, and returned a gentle smile. The rest of the day was spent talking and laughing as Jacob and Edward updated each other on their lives. John seemed to loosen up a little and joined the conversation a few times. They walked trough the museum and were stunned and amazed at the art. The Getty was beginning to become very popular in Los Angeles. The afternoon turned into evening. Jacob suggested dinner and was greeted by an enthusiastic chorus of "sounds good." The trio grabbed a cab and headed to the Cheese Cake Factory in Beverly Hills. Jacob had to laugh when he discovered John practically hanging out of the car window people watching. Jacob had to admit that Beverly Hills had some very interesting sights. The restaurant was very busy. Jacob had called ahead so the wait was very short. As they walked through the dining room Jacob spotted a grand piano in the corner. He had an idea but would talk to Edward before he said anything. Edward had told him about John's playing and Jacob was very anxious to hear him play. >From what Edward had said, John was a musical genius. Jacob wanted to hear the 17 year old play. After a great dinner Jacob and Edward went to the men's room. Edward returned to the table and then a few minutes later Jacob returned. "Is it all set?" Edward asked looking to Jacob. "Yes, it's all set up." Jacob said, as he glanced at John.

"Is what all set up?" John asked the two. Edward with a almost evil look on his face was the first to speak. "Err...John, may I ask a favor from you?" Before John could ask what that favor was Jacob spoke. "Edward told me you played. And we were wondering if you'd play for us. We've already cleared it with the manager. You can use the piano we passed when we walked in." Jacob's eyes pleaded with the young man. John was stunned at what he had just heard. He had never played for anyone except his parents and Edward. He even shyed away from his recitals. He began to squirm in his seat. "Don't worry John, you don't have to if don't want to." Edward said starting to regret that he even brought the subject up. He knew that John was uncomfortable about playing to crowds and didn`t want to push him into doing anything against his will. "I'm sorry John, I didn't mean to put you on the spot." Jacob said putting his hand over the young man's shaking hands. "Forget about it. You don't have to do this." he continued sitting down next to John. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence Edward and Jacob were surprised when John said he would play. The look of Edward's face was of surprise and love. He knew that it took a lot for John to actually get up the courage to play for a bunch of strangers. "Are you sure John?" Edward looked at him with concern in his eyes. "I got to start sometime Eddie." John said with a shaky voice. "What should I play?" John asked looking for a sign from his teacher and friend. "John, if I may request something." Jacob spoke. "Edward has told me about the Chopin piece that you're working on. He says you can play it better than Chopin himself." Jacob said as he rubbed John's shoulder. "Will you play that?" he asked. John turned to Edward, "Should I play that Eddie?" his eyes uncertain. "I think that would be awesome Johnny." Edward said giving John an encouraging squeeze to his shoulder.

Without another word John stood up and headed for the piano. He was followed by an anxious teacher and a excited new friend. After opening the piano and adjusting the seat John began to play. The hustle and bustle of the restaurant seem to stop as the first notes of Chopin's Piano Sonata began. As in any restaurant the patrons were busy with their chit chat and eating their food. As the music continued more and more of them stopped to listen to the wonderful music that seemed to flow trough out the whole place. Waiters and bus boys stopped to listen. Bar patrons put their glasses down as they all enjoyed the beautiful music. John with eyes closed, lost himself as he always did in the music that filled not only his ears but his very soul. The nerviness and doubts were all gone as he played on. Soon the restaurant was still except for the young man in the corner. John, unaware of his surroundings continued to play on. The emotions that he felt were so powerful that he could no longer keep his tears from flowing down his face. His breath began to increase. His hands with a mind of their own, flying up and down the keys. Every eye was on this young man. Finally the music ended in an explosion of musical notes. John opening his eyes was surprised at what he saw. Edward and John with the rest of the restaurant were on their feet. Applause erupted in the small restaurant.

"Shit!" Jacob heard as he was yanked back into reality from his memories of John's first public performance. "What's wrong John?" Jacob asked. He'd never seen John like this, distracted by something else. "Sorry Jacob, I guess I have something on my mind." John sat at the piano staring at the music as if he were looking at a blank page. "Well that's obvious." Jacob replied. Jacob walked into the kitchen and returned with two cans of coke. After about a minute Jacob decided he needed to find out what was bothering John. The concert was only two weeks away and John needed to be ready. "Come on let's take a break." Jacob said as he sat on the couch. "Wanna join me?" he asked John patting the cushion next to him. John rose from the piano and sat next to his teacher and friend. He seemed a little nervous. Trying not to pry Jacob was very careful with his next question. "Do you want to tell me what's on your mind John?" John sat there not knowing what to do. His heartbeat began to increase as he tried to think of an excuse to tell his teacher. John was never a good liar. He was always caught in a lie by his mother. He could never lie to her anyway. Looking down at the floor he said, "Um...I kinda met someone yesterday. I guess my mind was wondering." John blushed at his confession. He prayed that Jacob wouldn't press him for more details.

Jacob grinned, "Hey! That's great dude! Who's the lucky guy?" Jacob realized what he said after he said it. "um...I mean...the lucky girl..." John's eyes started to tear up. He stood and walked to the window. Looking out of the window wishing he were some place else. He closed his eyes. Tears started down his face as his shoulders began to shake. He felt Jacob's hand on his shoulder. "John, it's ok." Jacob said as he tried to comfort his student. John turned, seeing the compassion and understanding in Jacob's eyes. Without a word, John stepped into Jacob's open arms and buried his face into Jacob's chest. His tears turning into sobs as years of hiding crumbled around him. Jacob brought his arms around the crying youth. "Shsss...let it out baby." He hugged and comforted John for a few minutes. Finally John stepped away form Jacob. Smiling, Jacob said, "Why don't you go wash your face and then we'll talk." John looked into his teachers eyes and nodded.

Jacob put the kettle to boil. His mother always told him that a good pot of tea could cure anything. He was hoping she was right as he waited for John to return from the bathroom. John finally emerged, looking washed and clean. Jacob motioned the young man to the couch and brought the teapot and a plate of chocolate chip sconce. "How are you doing John?" Jacob looked at John. "Ok, I guess. It's not everyday I tell someone I'm gay." Jacob chuckled, " I kinda had that idea already John. I knew it the first time I met you." Shocked by this, John said, "Really? Wow, I didn't know that. Why didn't you say anything? Jacob smiled, "Well that's something that you had to workout for yourself. I don't like going around "outing" people. I knew in time that you would tell me. I just hope it wasn't to traumatic for you." John's face clouded over. "I've hid it for so long. I guess I was afraid of how people would react. I couldn't stand it if my family rejected me." Jacob leaned over and placed his hand over John's trembling hand. "John, if your parents truly love you it wont matter. A parents love should be unconditional. My mother was a little disappointed by my lifestyle. It took her and while but she finally came around. She told me that I'd always be her son and that her love for me would never change." Squeezing his hand Jacob continued. "You'll know who to tell and who not to tell. People don't need to know all your business. I hate to admit it but not everyone is "gay" friendly. Just be careful." John's hands finally stopped trembling. He picked up his mug of tea and took a big gulp. "Mmm, Good tea." he smiled. "It's guaranteed to help with all heartaches and troubles in your life." Jacob laughed as he took a sip from his own cup. He then related to John what his mother had told him about a pot of tea.

Finally Jacob couldn't resist anymore. "Ok, so who is this guy you met?" John's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Well, his name is Mateo. He's the most beautiful guy I've ever seen. He's Mexican and he's on the football team. We met yesterday at breakfast and spent the whole day together. Um.. The only thing is..." John looked with uncertainly at Jacob, I don't know if he feels the same way. I don't even know if he's gay." A look of worry crossed his face. "What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if he hates me when he finds out I'm gay?" Jacob poured more tea into the mugs on the table. When he placed the teapot down he spoke. "Well, that could be a problem. You certainly don't want to put yourself into a situation that might get ugly. Jacob folded his hands into his lap. "Why don't you just consider him a friend and nothing more, for now. Let your relationship develop. And in time IF something happens then it happens. But John please be careful. I'd hate to see you get hurt."

John felt at ease as he listened to his friend. He knew that Jacob was gay and felt a closeness with him. "I know Jake, sounds like you're talking from experience." Jacob nodded to John. "Yeah you can say that." Jacob laughed. "We don't need to go there Johnny boy. Just know that it wasn't a happy place." John chuckled. He looked into Jacob's eyes. "Thanks Jake. For talking to me and letting me cry on your shoulder. I really needed to share with someone and I'm glad it was you." Jacob reached over and placed his hand on John's knee. "John, I was glad that I was here for you. If you ever need to talk please don't hesitate to call me." Jacob glanced at his watch. "Oh! I didn't realize the time! I'm going be late!" He shot up from the couch. The hour lesson had gone overtime. "John I hate to do this but I need to get Dot to the vets before they close. She needs her shots. Would you please excuse me?" Jacob lifted the tray of tea and goodies and returned it to the kitchen. "Sure no problem." John took his cup into the kitchen and placed it near the sink. "I need to go meet Mateo anyway." He smiled. "Ooooh, a date?" Jacob teased. John laughed "Yeah, I wish. We're just gonna hang out." John picked up his music bag and swung it over his shoulder. "When are you going to put that thing out of it's misery?" Jacob asked pointing to John's messenger bag. "You need to get rid of that old bag and get a new one John." John smiled a toothy grin. "Nah, I think I'll keep you around for a while Jake. You might be an old bag but I still like you." Jacob gave John a dirty look. "I may be old honey. But I'm good" Jacob said with a Diva attitude, placing his hands on his hips and thrusting them seductively. This sent John rolling with laughter. "I'll take you word for it." John said trying to keep a straight face but finally losing the battle and releasing another fit of laughter.

Jacob walked John to the door and gave him a hug and told him he was very proud of him. John, grateful for his friendship with his teacher returned the hug and promised to call him. Leaving with a whole new outlook on life John returned to campus.

Hey Guys,

I want to thank all of you that emailed your comments and sugestions. I'm really having a blast writing this story. Please send me an e-mail with your thoughts. Thanks for reading.

David email:

Next: Chapter 4

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