John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Aug 19, 2005


Hi Guys! Well, here is another chapter of John and Mateo. I hope you all enjoy the chapter. I want to thank Joey for editing this chapter. Smootches Joey!!

Please let me know what you think of the chapter. Please write me at

This chapter was fun to write. I didn't start the chapter with Mateo's trial. That will have to be the next. (suggestions accepted)

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to Peter. A true friend who has been with me through good times and bad times. I love you my friend.

OK here is Chapter 26 of J and M Enjoy!


John and Mateo 26

Detective Fox left the group of friends and returned to his duties at the Long Beach City police department. He made the special trip to Los Angeles to bring Mateo the news on the beginning of the trial. He made an effort to clear his schedule, and if nothing else came up, he would be there to see the outcome of the trial, good or bad. He prayed that it would bring Mateo some peace of mind and a long jail term for Jason Greene and Kevin Lopez.

It was still early in the day so the group of young men decided to return to the hotel where PT, Gino, Snake, and Aaron were staying.

Once seeing the luxury hotel Mateo insisted that they stay at the embassy. He would have to check with his mother but he didn't see any reason why she would object. He didn't want them spending their money on an expensive hotel.

"It's all right Mateo," Aaron said as he looked at the Latin boy. "My uncle is the general manager of this hotel and he insisted that we be his guests while we are in town. Patrick and I have our own room as do Gino and PT."

"OK I just have to ask." Mateo said as he came closer to Aaron. He stood next to the Asian boy, "Why don't you call him "Snake"? John's eyebrows arched as he gestured toward Snake. Aaron's face lit up in another of his fantastic smiles.

"Well, as you know, all of Patrick's friends call him "Snake" I wanted to be different. I wanted to have my own name for him. Something special, that no one else would use, so I figured I'd call him by his real name." He walked over and stood next to the beaming Snake. "Besides, I know what he has in his pants and it's far better than a "snake". Aaron looked at Snake with a steaming glare. He placed a delicate hand on Snake's chest. From the way Snake jumped it was as if Aaron had touched him with a fire poker. "Isn't that right Patrick?"

Snake could only stand there and nod. His body convulsed and his breathing changed. The tent in his shorts indicated the need for Aaron at that moment in time.

"OK boys, I think Snake and Aaron need some "alone time" PT said as he looked at the two young men staring into each others eyes.

Snake turned toward his group of friends. His voice cracked as he spoke; "Will you excuse us? We need to unpack our bags. We'll meet up with you later." Both Aaron and Snake practically ran hand in hand for the elevators.

Everyone looked at each other and then smiled knowing what kind of "unpacking" Aaron and Snake had in mind.

(Up in the hotel room)

The hot water of the shower pelted down on the naked bodies of Patrick and Aaron. Their bodies touched as they held each other close. Aaron's smaller body pressed against the tall hard body of Patrick O'Dell. Aaron's lips were gently kissing his neck as his hand explored his boy's body.

He loved feeling the hard muscles under Patrick's skin. He moved his hands to his strong back feeling the powerful muscles dance under his touch. He stepped away from Patrick's body.

Aaron looked into his eyes as he spoke, "I want you to take me to bed and make love to me."

Snake looked at the smaller boy, a lump in his throat. "You know that I want you."

Aaron smiled, "I'm ready to give myself to you."

Patrick looked at him with huge eyes, "Are you sure? I mean we've never had um.... sex like that." He was afraid to even say the words. The only sex they were having consisted of blow jobs and mutual masturbation.

"I know," Aaron said. He reached over and shut the water off. He looked into Patrick's eyes; "I want to feel you inside me."

Snake's body shook as he realized that Aaron really wanted to do this. He mentioned it to him before but he never wanted to put him under any unnecessary pressure.

Aaron stepped closer to him and wrapped his body around his. He felt the 9.5 hard dick on his abs as he held Patrick close. He kissed Patrick with as much passion as he could. "I'm going to bed. I'll be waiting." He stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his small body.

Snake stood in the shower for a full 30 seconds before he moved. His aching erection wanting Aaron. Suddenly his mind was a whirl. He grabbed a towel and began to towel off his already half dried body. He went into the room looking for his shorts. Finding them he slipped into them without underwear and looked for his shirt, finding it he quickly slipped it over his head.

"Where are you going?" Aaron asked him.

"I don't...I mean, I need...Um..We don't.... I need to go down to the gift shop. Be right back"

He shot out of the room grabbing his wallet and stuffing his feet into his shoes.

Aaron giggled as he saw the hysterics of his confused boy.

Minutes later Patrick was back. He quietly opened the door to the room. He returned from buying almost every bottle of lube and every box of condom the hotel had in inventory. He had enough in his bag for days. He noticed the open door of the balcony. He placed the bag of goodies on the night stand and walked towards the balcony. He felt the breeze over his body as he stepped out into the sunshine. His breath caught in his throat as his eyes came to rest on Aaron.

Aaron was standing near the edge looking out on the city. The sun shone off his black hair. He stood there wearing only one of Snake's button-down shirts. It looked so good on his smaller body. Patrick slowly walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around him. Aaron laid back into his body. "I missed you."

Snake leaned down into his ear. "I missed you too." He took Aaron's earlobe into his mouth and nibbled. This brought a groan from Aaron's throat. Patrick felt his boy's body react to his touch and his dick began to fill with blood. He brought his hands up to the front of the shirt and began to unbutton it. He touched Aaron's nipples and felt them begin to harden. His hands traveled over the smooth chest feeling every muscle. When there were no more buttons Aaron turned around. His smooth body revealed to his lover. Patrick slowly removed the shirt off of Aaron's shoulders and let it fall onto the ground. Aaron stood before him naked. His skin was flawless. They kissed for what seemed like hours. As they kissed Aaron's hands were quickly undressing Patrick. The shorts were at his feet in seconds. His shirt joined the other items of clothing on the ground. Aaron's hand wrapped around Patrick's uncut dick. His small hand was barely able to hold the thick member. Patrick closed his eyes as he felt the soft hand begin to stroke up and down his hard shaft. His body shuddered as he let Aaron pleasure him.

Slowly they made their way back into the room. Patrick lifted Aaron in his arms and tenderly placed him atop the bedspread. He looked down at his love with desire in his eyes. Aaron's brown skin radiated with heat as he looked up into Patrick's eyes. Aaron reached back and undid the ponytail releasing his silky hair. He held his arms out and whispered, "Come to me, my love." Patrick laid his body next to Aaron and ran his fingers through Aaron's hair. The two kissed once again. Their probing tongues explored each other's mouths. They moved into a 69 position. Aaron groaned as he felt Patrick's warm mouth surround his 5 inches. He felt a hand on his smooth balls. Patrick slowly caressed the smooth orbs as he hungrily sucked on Aaron's dick. He loved the fact that Aaron shaved his pubic hair. He loved the look and enjoyed feeling the smooth skin of his love. He tried it himself and was pleased with the look. Snake didn't mind shaving, he was used to trimming his pubes. What was a little more? Plus he loved the feeling of being hair free. He wanted to do it for Aaron.

Patrick released his own moan as he felt the warm tongue on his dick. Aaron's warm mouth soon engulfed half of his member. "Oh baby that feels so good."

In room number 513 John, Mateo, PT, and Gino were enjoying cokes from the vending machine.

John sat on one double bed as Gino and PT sat on the other bed in the room.

"So, how are you feeling about Monday?" PT asked. He was never the type of person to beat around the bush. He was worried about his friend. With his question PT was hoping Mateo would give him an idea of how to help his buddy through this very difficult time.

"Well, I'm a little nervous. I don't know what to expect." Mateo confessed.

John moved his hand onto Mateo's and squeezed it. "Detective Fox said that the D.A wants to see us on Friday. I guess they want to go over what will be said in court."

"What are you going to say?" Gino asked John with concern in his voice.

John spoke, "Just what I saw. Mateo still doesn't remember anything from that night," he looked at Mateo with sorrowful eyes. "I just hope that my testimony will be enough."

It was Mateo's turn to comfort him. He reached over and touched his face. John placed his own hand over Mateo as he caressed his cheek. He silently wished none of this had ever happened.

"It's going to be OK, you'll see." Mateo whispered to him as leaned in for a kiss.

"We're here for both of you." PT announced moving onto the bed with them. He motioned for Gino to join him on the bed. The four friends embraced giving each other silent encouragement.

Finally Gino stood up from the bed. "Well, I don't know about the rest of you but I'm tired of this old stuffy room. I think it's time to check out the hotel pool. They all agreed.

Since Mateo and John had their swim trunks on under their clothes they told PT and Gino that they would meet them at the pool. They left the room hand in hand and headed for the pool. As they were passing through the hallway, Mateo saw a house phone. "We should tell Snake and Aaron that we're going down to the pool." He picked up the phone and dialed "0". He asked to be put through to their room. The operator came back on the line and said there was a "Please do not disturb" on the phone. Mateo snickered and asked the operator if he could leave a message.

After leaving the message they continued onto the pool.

Patrick placed his tongue against Aaron's pucker. He felt Aaron's body respond to his touch. He caressed his cheeks as his tongue probed the opening. Aaron arched his back as his felt the hot tongue lap at his hole. "Ahhs" and Ooo's echoed throughout the room as Patrick continued to pleasure his boy.

Finally after what seemed like hours, Aaron couldn't take anymore. He turned his eyes on his love, "Please I need you." Patrick saw the look of pure lust in Aaron's eyes. He was very eager to quench that desire for his love.

He placed Aaron on his back and placed his smooth legs on his shoulders. He leaned down and brought hip lips onto Aaron's. As they were kissing he placed the head of his dick at Aaron's love hole. He gently pushed until only the head was inside. Aaron gasped at the pain that he was feeling.

"Are you Ok?" Patrick asked with concern, "I'll pull out if you want."

Aaron shook his head "No, don't pull out. Let me get used to the feeling." After waiting a few seconds Patrick continued.

Aaron's body reacted with a low groan. He looked up into Patrick's eyes, "I want all of you."

He laid his head back and closed his eyes as he felt more of the 9.5 inches begin its journey.

Aaron's body welcomed his love; Soon Patrick was buried up to his balls. The stubble from his shaving scratched Aaron's ass giving him extra pleasure. A minute passed before Patrick moved. Chills were going up and down Aaron's spine as he felt the slow pumping of his ass. His legs were soon around Patrick's waist as he urged his love to go faster. Sweat began to roll off of Patrick's body as he increased his pace. His balls slapped against Aaron's cheeks as he continued to ram his cock into the tight hole.

Aaron's groans became louder as he neared his orgasm. He felt Patrick brush against his prostate and he began to whimper. "Ohh yeah" He hissed as he felt his love button being hit again and again. He felt himself lose control. He screamed out to Patrick. "I'M CUMMMING!!" Like a animal he pulled him down onto his body as his boy juiced pumped from his engorged cock covering Patrick's abs. Patrick looked down between their bodies to see the first, second, and third spray of cum. He looked into Aaron's eyes and he neared his own orgasm. He continued to pump in and out of the tight hole. Aaron felt Patrick's dick swell in his ass and he knew that he was going to cum soon.

Seconds later with one more thrust deep into his love Snake exploded. "AHHHHH! I'M CUMMMMMMING!" Aaron felt the hot cream in his ass as Patrick continued to move in and out of his ass. Aaron wrapped his arms around Patrick, pulling him down on top of his body. His sweat drenched body covered Aaron. Their lips found each other.

Snake snuggled into Aaron's neck. As he opened his eyes he noticed the message light blinking on the phone.

John laid on the chase lounge at the pool sipping his iced cold lemonade. He silently thanked Aaron and his uncle for their hospitality. Earlier he and Mateo met Aaron's Uncle Tracy. Tracy was a very handsome man. He was lean and clearly had a gym membership. John could tell he was a nice guy. Tracy told them as long as they were guests of his nephew then he considered them his guests as well and the hotel would be picking up the cost of anything they needed. All of them thanked him once again.

They all ordered drinks. When the drinks arrived with them came a huge plate of nachos and another platter of snacks. John asked the waiter if there was some kind of mistake. John explained that only drinks were ordered and no food. The waiter smiled and said that Mr. Tracy had sent the platters of food. The waiter quickly left after refusing to take any tip from the group.

"Where are those two boys?" Gino asked as he stuffed his mouth with a ranch covered chicken strip. . "It's been like an hour since you guys left the message.

"Here they come." PT announced as he spotted Snake and Aaron walking toward the pool. They both wore hotel robes and carried towels. Snake waved as he spotted the gang at the pool.

"It's about time. We thought you were never gonna get here." PT said to the duet.

Snake looked at Aaron and winked, "We had to take care of some business."

Aaron blushed as he caught Snake's eyes on him.

The four other young men noticed that Aaron was walking a little funny but nobody pointed it out. They all recalled their own adventures of anal sex.

Snake and Aaron took off their robes. Snake was wearing board shorts. They were yellow and red with the Speedo logo on the right leg. His body looked hard and tight and he stretched in front of the group. When Aaron took off his robe there were a few gasps. The suit he wore barley covered anything. They were Speedo's but were cut very low and they fit his body like a second skin. The front of his Speedo's were so low that they almost reveled the base of his dick. They all could tell that he shaved his pubic hair. Aaron didn't seem to notice all of the attention.

As soon as everyone managed to pick their jaws up off the floor, Snake smiled and said, "He's a competition swimmer and diver. That's one of the reason's he came to Anderson-Buckley.

"How did you two meet?" Mateo asked.

"He came into the restaurant one day. He said that he was an exchange student from Thailand. He was going to attend A&B. While he was sitting waiting for his lunch of spaghetti and meatballs he looked so lonely. I went to the kitchen and told them to make two plates, one for Aaron and one for me. I asked him if he would like to have some company for lunch. He was so cute when he blushed I knew that I had to get to know him." He looked towards Aaron as he dove into the pool, his body slicing through the water. "We talked during my lunch hour. We exchanged numbers when he left and the rest is history." Snake's eyes once again locked on Aaron and Mateo could see the look of love in his eyes. He had seen that same look of love from John. Mateo smiled to himself at the realization that Shake had finally found love.

Two hours later the guys were feeling the draining power of the sun. They all decided it was time to go clean up and get ready for dinner. Snake and Aaron went up to their room while John, Gino, PT, and Mateo used the other room. They all agreed to meet in the lobby in an hour giving them time to shower and get all the chlorine washed off.

To save time John and Mateo showered together. They found the time to give each other oral pleasure. They didn't want to take too long in the shower. They both were satisfied with a warm mouthful of each other's seed.

PT and Gino also shared the time in the shower. The dark haired boys also exchanged blowjobs underneath the warm spray of the shower. PT wanted more but Gino had warned him about their guests waiting on the other side of the door. PT's lower lip pouted out. Gino chuckled as he chewed on PT's lower lip while pressing his dick against PT. Gino grabbed his ass cheeks. PT groaned as he felt Gino's finger brush against his hole. He felt Gino's index finger slip into his tight ass. Gino placed his mouth next to PT's ear and whispered, "Later" PT felt the finger slip out of his ass causing a feeling of emptiness.

PT pulled his head back and gave Gino another disappointed look. "You're such a tease. You know I want that Italian sausage."

Gino smiled up at his boy, "Baby we have all night. Just have some patience."

PT took Gino's meaty uncut dick in his hands. He slowly stroked it making it come to life in his hands. Gino released a little groan. He leaned over and kissed the head of Gino's dick. He licked up a stray drop of precum from the tip. He straightened up and flashed his pearly whites at Gino.

"OK, you win. We'll wait till later."

"Look who's the tease now." Gino said as he shoved PT.

PT laughed as he shut the water off. "Sucks huh?"

"Fuck you!" Gino laughed.

PT wiggled his eyebrows, "Don't worry you'll get your chance, "later".

Finally dressed in shorts t-shirts and flip-flops all the boys made their way to the lobby. Snake and Aaron met them with smiles.

"Are you guys hungry? Aaron says he wants us to have dinner here at the hotel. His Uncle Tracy has a private room for us to use" Snake said.

"I can eat a horse." Mateo exclaimed as he rubbed his stomach. "What's for dinner?"

Aaron smiled, "It's a traditional Thai dinner. I hope you all enjoy it." He turned and led the way out of the lobby.

John and Mateo followed, "What if I don't like it?" John whispered to Mateo as they followed Aaron.

"I'm sure it's going to be fine babe. Don't worry so much." Mateo said.

"I hope so, I'd hate to hurt his feelings."

They arrived at a beautiful wooden door. The cherry doors were beautifully carved with trees and birds, fish, and flowers. Aaron turned to the group and spoke.

"It is tradition to take off your shoes when entering someone's place or residence. I know this is a hotel but my uncle has chosen this room as his second home." He looked at the group and smiled, "Please remove your shoes and walk in." Aaron slipped off his shoes and placed them in a wooden box. This box had the same carving as the door. Everyone followed his lead and they entered the room.

Tracy greeted them as they walked in. He and Aaron shared the traditional Thai greeting. They clasped their hands together and brought them under their chins and slightly bowed. In Thai customs this was considered the normal greeting, just like the Western handshake.

"Ghin khoa yang?" Tracy asked.

Aaron answered his uncle.

Tracy then faced his visitors and slightly bowed to the group. Everyone joined in the tradition and returned his greeting.

Tracy quickly left to see about drinks for his guests.

"The greeting was very cool Aaron. Do you greet everyone like that?" PT asked.

"Yes the greeting is "Wai Prah" it is a sign of respect to the other person. Usually it is only for adults. Children do not use it. I showed my Uncle Tracy the respect that he warrants."

"What else did he say?" John asked.

Aaron smiled; "Ghin khoa yang" is a question. It is another tradition when you meet someone to ask this question. My Uncle asked if I had eaten rice today. It is a phrase like `How are you doing?' It shows me that he is concerned for my well-being." He then motioned to the other room. "Let's go and have dinner."

They all moved into the other room. Everyone admired the art and furnishings of the dinning room. They came to a table decorated with beautiful serve ware, stemware, and flatware. The only thing that seemed odd was that there were no plates. There were only bowls.

"Please be seated." Aaron said.

At that moment Tracy returned with a few members of the hotel kitchen staff. Tracy served the drinks and made sure everyone was comfortable. He finally sat down at the head of the table.

"Thank you for joining me for dinner. As is our custom we will eat in the tradition of the Thai people." He nodded to the waiters.

Large bowls of white rice were place in front if everyone at the table. As soon as everyone was served Tracy spoke again.

"The other dishes will be placed on the table. Choose whatever you wish and add it to the rice in your bowls."

Everyone looked a little confused.

Aaron released a little laugh, "It's very simple. If you see something that looks appetizing just eat it."

Snake smiled at his love. "Let's eat boys."

The wait staff began the serving. Huge platters of steaming food were placed on the table. Aaron and Tracy explained all the dishes as they were placed on the table. Everything looked very good. Various dishes of pork, chicken, beef, and vegetables filled the room with delicious aromas.

"It smells pretty good." John whispered to Mateo. Mateo looked at John with a grin and just nodded.

As they were eating Aaron and Tracy did there best to explain the food being served. The room became quiet, as everyone was so busy eating rather than using the energy to talk. John seemed to be enjoying the food the most. Mateo could almost hear little noises of delight coming from his boy.

After everyone had filled their stomachs they all relaxed in the living room. They were enjoying quiet conversation. After a short pause in the conversation Aaron leaned over and whispered into Snake's ear. Snake looked at him with a questioning look, their eyes looking at each other. Finally he nodded his head. Aaron stood up.

Aaron spoke, "Mateo I would like to share something with you."

Mateo looked at Aaron with wonder in his eyes, "OK."

"Will you all please follow me?" Aaron requested.

They all followed Aaron into a smaller room. The smell of incense filled their nostrils as they entered the room. There was a small alter with a statue. A bowl filled with incense slowly released the aromatic smoke. There were also many candles, which were placed through out the room.

Aaron began to speak, "I wanted to share this room with all of you. When we arrived here in Los Angeles I came here to this room and lit incense. I lit them thanking the god Buddha for a safe journey here. I also said a prayer for you Mateo. I prayed for strength and wisdom as you face the person that caused you harm. Aaron looked at John, "I also prayed for you as you stand by Mateo and give him love and support.

Mateo silently took John's hand in his own and gave it a loving squeeze.

Aaron continued, "This is a very private place and I wanted to share it with you both. I..I..." Aaron tried to speak but his voice caught in his throat. A single tear rolled down his rosy cheek.

"You don't need to do this. This doesn't involve you." Snake said as he reached out to Aaron.

Aaron shook his head and refused any assistance from Snake. After a minute he found his voice and continued.

"Please forgive me for my emotional state." He looked directly at John. "Patrick told me what he did to you." He stepped closer to John and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Please know that I share this burden with him." He looked back at Snake. "I love him with all my heart. I hope that you understand that he is a good person with so much love to give." He took his hand off John and gave him a faint smile. He then looked at Mateo. Another tear slipped down his face, "I know this was a very difficult thing for you to deal with as well. Please accept my gratitude for you kindness toward Patrick."

Both John and Mateo were speechless as they looked at Aaron. They really didn't know how to react to him. Here he was spilling out his guts to them. They had tried to forget all that mess that happened to them. Deep down inside John and Mateo both knew that they would never forget what happened.

Finally Mateo spoke, "Thank you Aaron that means so much to us. We both have forgiven Snake for what happened. He knows that he is forgiven. There is no need for you to take this on your shoulders also. We don't blame anyone.

Aaron bowed his body in their direction, "I am so grateful to you both. It takes a very wise and loving person to forgive. I will always be indebted to you." He moved toward Snake and buried his face in his chest. Snake's arms surrounded his love and he slowly began to rub his back.

Both John and Mateo came up behind Aaron and each placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Mateo looked up into Snake's eyes, "You have a very special boyfriend."

Snake slowly nodded his head, "I know. I know." Snake did something that was a little shocking. He gestured with his hands for John and Mateo to come closer. Soon all four young men were in a group hug with Aaron in the middle. After about thirty seconds into the hug everyone could feel Aaron release a huge sigh of relief.

Gino and PT watched with love and tenderness as lives were being mended in that room. They moved toward each other sharing a kiss and hug. "We have some awesome friends." Gino said into PT's ear.

"I know. We're pretty lucky huh?" PT said. He felt Gino's head move with a nod of agreement.

Later that evening Gino and PT found themselves alone as they soaked in the hotel jacuzzi. John and Mateo had gone back to the embassy for the night and Aaron and Snake went to go see a movie.

The bubbles danced around their bodies as they relaxed from a long day. They played a very casual game of footsie under the water. PT was looking up into the dark sky as he laid his head back. Gino looked at PT's masculine face. His wet dark hair was plastered to his head. His blue eyes opening and closing as he relaxed. His chest moved in a steady rhythm as his lungs filled with air. Gino loved the fact that PT shaved his chest. There were a few times he even did it for him. PT wasn't as hairy as Gino so it didn't take much effort to keep him clean-shaven. Gino expressed to his boyfriend that he might want to try shaving. PT quickly said that he loved Gino's hairy cute little bod. Gino was still lost in his thoughts about his love when he felt a foot on his dick. He quickly looked at the smiling PT.

"Hey, where were you." PT asked as he continued to rub the front of Gino's black Speedo.

Gino began to feel his Speedo get a little tighter. "Um I was thinking about a boy."

"A boy? What boy were you thinking about?" PT asked.

"A boy named Pierce Turner." Gino smiled, "Do you know him?" He continued the game.

"Oh yeah I know him." PT quickly replied. "He's a really hot guy. Has the girls all over him all the time. I don't know how he can handle all those babes."

"Oh that's too bad." Gino replied.

"Why do you say that?" PT asked.

"Because I'm in love with him. And if he has all those girls around him I don't stand a chance." Gino stuck out his lower lip, pouting.

PT edged his body closer to Gino, "You don't have to worry your cute little head about that."

"I don't? Why not?" Gino asked. He truly loved where this was leading.

PT's face lit up as he flashed his lover a dazzling smile, "Because he loves you too."

Gino's own thousand-watt smile spread across his face, "You really think so? How can I be sure?"

"Let me show you" PT said as he leaned in closer to Gino. Their lips met in a very passionate kiss. PT's hand moved up and down Gino's upper body. He pinched his nipples lightly as his lips moved towards Gino's neck. Finally PT sat back up. "Does that convince you?"

Gino's body was on fire with desire; he managed to find his voice. "Oh, yeah."

"Good, now let's go up stairs and finish what we started".

PT enjoyed the view as Gino climbed out of the jacuzzi. The hair on Gino's legs clung to his body as he stood there. PT admired his tight ass in his Speedos. He felt PT jr. start to wake in his shorts. He was grateful that there were no other guests at the jacuzzi. He climbed out adjusting his own royal blue Speedo. He walked up behind Gino as he was drying off his body.

"You are one sexy stud."

Gino felt PT's arms around his body. He also felt PT's hard dick pressed up against his ass.

Gino giggled, "I bet you say that to all the boys."

"No just you" PT answered as he kissed his boy's neck.

Gino released a small moan. "Let's go up stairs before we're arrested for indecent exposure."

Up in the room the cool water did nothing to cool down their bodies as they kissed under the shower spray. Gino slowly took his lover's dick in his hand stroking it. Feeling the hard yet soft member as his hand drove the desire for him to taste it. He went down on his knees. He lifted the heavy cock in his hand and licked the head. He could taste the sweet nutty flavor of PT's precum. He took more into his mouth. His hands were moving all over his lover's body. They found their way to his chest and then to his nipples. He gently rubbed them until they became hard. Gino heard a loud moan from PT. He looked up to see his head back against the shower wall. He continued to suck on PT's eight inches. Over time Gino learned the wonderful art of deep throat as he used it now on PT's cock. His nose felt PT's pubes as he engulfed the entire hard dick. PT's hands came to rest on the back of Gino's head. He began to slowly move his cock in and out of his mouth. Gino loved the feeling of cock in his mouth. He moved his hands up PT's ass. He kneaded the muscles he found in his hands. He moved his finger closer to PT's tight hole and slipped a finger inside. The warmth surrounded his index finger as Gino pushed in deeper into his love. He reached his destination and began to rub against PT's prostate.

PT released a low groan as he continued to feed Gino his cock. A few minutes were all he could take before he felt the approaching climax.

"OH baby I'm gonna cum!" PT groaned.

Gino continued his sucking waiting to taste his love. He felt PT's cock expand in his mouth.

He continued to rub his prostate.

"OHHHH BABY!!!! HERE IT COMES!!!" PT managed to get out before exploding into Gino's mouth. Gino felt the searing cum splash against the back of his throat. He fought the desire to gag as he felt more and more semen enter his mouth. He swallowed hungrily not wanting to waste one single drop of PT's love. He loved the taste of cum.

Finally he felt PT become soft as he reluctantly released him form his mouth. They shared a long kiss where PT could taste himself. He could also feel Gino's cock against his abs.

He reached over and shut off the shower.

"Come on, I want to feel that Italian salami inside me." PT smiled at his boy.

They were soon on the bed kissing. PT had become hard again thinking about what was coming. He pulled Gino on top of him. They kissed.

"I want you Gino." PT said in a whisper.

Gino looked down at his lover. "And I want you."

Gino began to kiss PT all over his body. He loved kissing the soft skin of his neck, the lobes of his ears, and the soft skin of his shaved pits. He moved lower and kissed PT's belly button. He stabbed his tongue into the little innie and PT moaned again. Gino was driving him crazy.

He moved closer to his cock and gently licked under the shaft. Another drop of precum was quickly taken care of by Gino's tongue. He then moved lower and licked his balls. He loved the feeling of PT huge balls in his mouth. He could spend hours there alone. He gently took PT's legs into his hands and lifted them up against PT's chest. This caused the appearance of PT's little tight hole. Gino quickly moved in to sample the goods. (LOL sorry I had to put that in)

PT started to actually pant as he felt Gino's tongue start to explore. Gino used his thumbs to open up PT's most secret place. His tongue entered sending bolts of electricity up PT's spine.

"Ohhhh baby!" PT said as he felt Gino's tongue enter him.

"You like?" Gino asked.

"Oh I love!" PT said breathless.

Gino continue to orally pleasure PT for another five minutes before reaching for the lube on the nightstand. He covered his finger and slipped it into PT. He looked for any discomfort in PT's face. When he saw none, he inserted a second finger. PT flinched a little but soon adjust to the second finger. Gino noticed that PT's cock was drooling precum again. He licked it off PT's abs.

"You taste so good baby." Gino said. "Are you ready for a third finger?"

PT silently nodded, he couldn't seem to find his voice at that moment.

Slowly Gino lubed up a third finger and slid it into PT. His face once again showed discomfort. Gino knew that he needed to do this or PT would never be able to take his dick.

He reached over and took PT's cock in his hand. He wanted to distract him from any pain that he might be feeling.

"Stop, don't do that." PT hissed.

Gino froze.

"If you do that I'll cum and I don't want to yet." PT said.

Gino released the breath that he had been holding. He thought that he had done something wrong. "OK baby." He said as he released PT dick.

Five more minutes and PT was like putty.

"Baby I need you. Please, make love to me." PT looked at Gino with hot desire in his eyes.

Gino reached for the lube once again and spread a generous amount over his dick. He lifted PT's legs and placed them on his shoulders. He placed the head of his dick at the entrance and gently pushed in. The warmth he felt as he did this almost made him blow his load right there. He stopped for a minute to calm down before continuing. He straightened his body and took PT's ankles into each of his hands. He continued to sink his dick deeper into his love.

Willing himself to relax PT felt Gino enter him. He released a small moan. `Gawd this feels great' he thought to himself.

Gino finally was all the way in. He looked down at his beautiful PT. He didn't see any discomfort or pain on his face. He leaned over and they kissed.

"How is it?" He asked. "Are you in any pain?"

PT opened his azure eyes and looked up into Gino's face. "Oh baby, I feel so good. I feel so complete with you inside me."

They shared another kiss. Gino lifted his body and began to move in and out of PT's tight ass. Their lovemaking was like the perfect song. Every note was perfect. Every phrase was astounding.

Gino gradually increased his speed. PT wrapped his legs around his boy. The sweat was pouring from Gino's body as he fucked PT. He was enjoying every minute of it.

"Yeah, yeah. Fuck me." PT said as he encouraged Gino. "Feels so good baby!"

Gino felt that feeling in his balls. "I'm almost there babe!" He went down for another kiss. His legs were like pumping pistons. He pumped harder into PT.

"Oh yeah baby give it to me. I want to feel you explode inside me." PT begged.

Gino couldn't go on anymore. "I'm GONNA CUM!"

PT felt Gino's dick expand before it exploded into his ass. He felt the hot cum cover his insides. He closed his legs around Gino's body and pulled his huge cock deeper inside of him. He felt his own climax nearing.

"Ah baby I feel it. Yeah fill me up." PT screamed. "OH baby I'm gonna cum!!"

Without touching his cock PT exploded between their sweaty bodies. He covered both Gino and himself with his hot cum. "Oh baby...oh baby."

Gino's strength was gone. His exhausted body collapsed down onto PT. Gino felt the strong arms of PT as he gathered him into an embrace. "I love you so much Gino." PT said.

Gino lifted his head. "I love you too." He kissed PT deeply. "I think we need another shower."

"Yeah you're right. We're a mess." PT laughed as he slapped Gino on the ass.

"Hey! What was that for?" Gino said rubbing his now sore behind.

"I'm just getting you ready for round two. I know you love it when I slap your ass when I'm fucking you."

Gino's face lit up in a smile. He once again went in for another hot kiss. "You know what?" Gino said as he blushed.

"What?" PT asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"You're right. I do."

Gino stood up quickly and pulled his lover to him. "C'mon, follow me. Let's get cleaned up."

PT followed his boy into the bathroom. He thought to himself, `I'd follow you anywhere.'

Ok that was it. Please all comments are welcome. All the encouragement I receive encourages me to write.

Thank you for reading my story.

David Santibanez

Next: Chapter 28

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