John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Jul 6, 2005


Ok guys finally the long awaited chapter 25. I do thank you all for being patient. I know I took a very long time with this chapter. Life is a little retic for me right now. I want to thank Joey for his help with the edits. He tells me I'm getting better with my grammer. I hope so. LOL

The usually disclaimer aplies. If you're too young don't read and if it's illegal to have this on your computer then you better shut it down,

This is a love story between two men. If this offends you then why are you even here?

This is my story and it belongs to me.

Ok, enough said.

I would like to hear from you if you enjoyed the chapter.

John and Mateo 25

Mateo lay on the cool ground. Alone in the dark after Kevin left him for the comfort of his hotel room. Footsteps approached at a quick pace. Mateo slowly began to lose consciousness. He tried to lift himself off the hard ground. His strength was gone. He finally laid his head down and resigned himself to answer the call of the darkness that pulled at his body. Everything went black.

After circling the block, John was back and ready to get to the bottom of things. His anger was at the boiling point and he had to find out what was going on with Mateo and Kevin. He knew something was wrong with Mateo and yet he didn't want to leave without knowing the truth. If Mateo and Kevin were to be together then John wanted to tell Kevin he had better back off. John was ready to fight for what he loved. He had to talk to Mateo. He needed to find the reason for his sudden interest in Kevin.

The dark alley was quiet as he neared the place where only minutes earlier he saw his life dissolve. He was closer now; his breath hard and his heart racing. His eyes adjusted to the darkness as he came closer. On the ground lay the body of his only love. He quickly kneeled down beside Mateo.

"Mateo"? He only uttered his name once. The half naked form of Mateo lay crumpled on the ground. John quickly took off his shirt and covered his naked body. Mateo's skin was hot to the touch.

"Baby?" John whispered, trying to turn Mateo's body so he could see his face. Finally with great effort he turned Mateo onto his back. His eyes were closed and his mouth was open. John knew right away that he was in trouble. His breathing was labored. His face was scratched and covered with dirt and sweat. John's throat closed with fear as he looked down at his love.

"Oh my god"! "Mateo"! His anger was gone and replaced with fear. He began to tear up. "Get a hold of yourself John." He spoke to himself willing away the urge to breakdown and cry. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed 911.

The police were the first to arrive. They asked John a lot of questions. He answered the officers' questions as best as he could. He paced as he answered, stopping every few seconds to look down at Mateo as the other officer tried to make him as comfortable as possible. He told them about Kevin and gave them a description of him. He stood there looking at the lifeless form of his boyfriend. He felt hopeless. The officer that was tending to Mateo joined his partner and John.

"It looks like he's suffering from an overdose."

They asked John if Mateo was a regular drug user. John told them that Mateo was definitely not a drug user.

"Kevin must have slipped something into his drink. I saw him go to the bar. He came back with some drinks. That must have been the way this happened. Mateo doesn't even like taking aspirin." John realized now that drugs were the cause of Mateo's behavior. He didn't see his love betray him. Mateo was drugged!

Sophie came out to see what was happening. She was shocked at what she saw. "John what happened?" She asked as she saw the activity around her. John felt as though he would start to cry again as he explained to her what happened.

After what seemed like an eternity the ambulance and paramedics arrived. They checked out Mateo and put his lifeless body into the back of the ambulance. Before the driver closed the door John asked if he could ride with Mateo.

The driver was huge and towered over John. "Sorry kid, only family can ride with the patient. We're taking him to Long Beach Memorial you can check on him there."

Sophie placed a loving hand on John's shoulder.

John's heart was broken. "Please mister. I don't want to leave him."

The other ambulance attendant came over and pulled his larger partner aside. He whispered to him while glancing at John. The big guy nodded his head in agreement as his partner was talking.

He walked over to John, "OK kid, hop in," he said as he pointed to the back of the ambulance.

John looked up at the huge man and then at his smiling partner. John knew what he had done on his behalf. "Thanks." He mouthed as he climbed into the ambulance.

The only sound in the stark hospital room was the sound of Mateo's deep breathing and the ticking of a clock on the wall. Every half hour the blood pressure monitor would take a reading. John sat curled up in a chair with a pillow and blanket. The nurses were kind enough to bring him the blanket and pillow. He couldn't sleep. He sat there recalling the events of last night.

The ride to the emergency room was quick. John sat in the waiting room as they took Mateo. After fifteen minutes, Sophie arrived. She walked in with an older white man. He was stocky with thinning white hair. John noticed his eyes and thought that they looked kind.

John stood as they approached him. He hugged Sophie and buried his head in her chest.

"How is he?" She asked him wrapping her arms around his body in hopes to bring him comfort.

"They're still working on him" John looked at the man.

Sophie spoke, "John this is detective Ed Fox. He's a good friend and he's going to be looking into what happened tonight."

John extended his hand. "John Clark."

Ed smiled, "How are you holding up John?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"I'm OK I guess. I'm just worried about Mateo." John looked into his eyes. "Any news on Kevin? Did you find him?"

Ed looked at John with his blue eyes.

"We sent out bulletins to the local cab companies and the Long Beach bus transit. We got a hit from one of the bus drivers. He radioed that he picked up someone in the area fitting the Kevin's description. We pulled him off the bus and he's at the station being questioned. As soon as I finish here with you, I'll go question him."

John's body seemed to tense up at the knowledge of Kevin.

The detective pulled out a grainy photo from the bus's video cam. "This is a very fuzzy photo of the guy, but it's all we have." He handed John the photo. Is this him?"

John took the photograph from him and looked at the picture. He nodded his head, "That's him, that's Kevin." His hands were shaking as he handed the photo back to Detective Fox.

Ed smiled, "Good. Now can you tell me anything, anything at all that you might know about him. Anything that he may have said or something that he may have done that would help us in our investigation."

John shook his head, "I can't think of anything. We met him on Monday and he's been with us all week. He came to our room asking to use our phone. He used Mateo's cell phone to call home."

Ed's eyes seemed to dance, "I'd like to check out the cell phone and run the phone number that he called. Maybe that may give us a clue as to why he did this."

"Mateo's phone must be with his things. I'll ask and see if I can get it." John started to feel better.

"We'll have to wait until Mateo is awake. I know you two are partners but it's still his phone. I can't take it until he gives it to me personally or I can get a court-order. You call me when he wakes up OK?" He handed John a business card.

"Thanks, I'll call as soon as he wakes up."

Sophie had stayed as late as she could before John insisted that she go home and get some rest. He assured her that he would call her as soon as Mateo was awake. She hesitated but finally agreed. She had an early morning meeting at her office.

John sat there looking at the body of his love. Mateo hadn't moved in a while. His chest rose and fell giving John the assurance that he was still alive.

"Are you going to sit there all day staring at me, Guerrito?"

Mateo's voice was weak but John still loved hearing it. His body shivered at the sound of his love's voice


He jumped from his chair to stand next to Mateo's bed. He leaned over and gently kissed Mateo's lips. He tried to control his tears but failed miserably. He laid his head on Mateo's chest and began to sob. He felt Mateo's hand on his face.

"Baby please don't cry." He whispered. "I hate to see you in pain."

John lifted his head. "I'm sorry. I tried to hold in the tears." His bottom lip trembled.

Mateo smiled weakly at him. "What happened, John? The last thing I remember is watching you on stage."

John quickly told him all the details of last night. Mateo's pale face clouded over as he was told about the rape. His eyes were closed as he listened to the unbelievable words.

"He raped me? How could I have not stopped him?" The questions erupted from Mateo's mouth.

"Baby, he drugged you. The hospital ran test on your blood and they found traces of a very strong tranquilizer. They had to give you another drug to counter the tranquilizer. You've been asleep every since.

John went on to tell him that he saw Kevin raping him. He confessed to Mateo that he had walked away from the scene. He admitted that his heart had been crushed.

Mateo tried to sit up in bed. His attempt failed. He looked into John's face and saw the hurt.

"Oh John I never want to be with anyone other than you. You are my life."

Mateo looked into John's azure eyes. He knew it was time for him to make his own confession.

"I was jealous of Jason. I saw the way he looked at you. I've seen that look before John." He went on to tell John of his conversation with Jason at the track. He confessed to John that he was uncertain of John's feelings for Jason. "After all, He was your first crush."

John grabbed Mateo's hand, "You never have to worry about anything like that. You are my world. You know that I'm yours." He lifted Mateo's hand to his lips and gently kissed it. John leaned over once again and found Mateo's lips with his own. They kissed with passion.

There was a soft knock on the door. A male nurse entered the room.

"Well, good morning. It's good to see you awake. I'm Paul, your nurse for the day shift." He smiled at John and Mateo. "How are you feeling this morning Mateo?"

Mateo spoke, "Still a little weak but OK I guess."

"You may feel that way for a little bit longer but as the day progresses you should feel stronger." He began to take Mateo's vitals. Temp and blood pressure were fine. Paul checked the IV in Mateo's hand. "Are you feeling hungry?"

"Yeah I am." He answered.

"That's a good sign. I'll order up two breakfasts." He smiled at John. "How are you holding up honey?"

John smiled, "I'm starving."

"Well we can't have you fainting from starvation now can we?" Paul chuckled. "It's not the greatest food but it will keep you satisfied until you can get a real meal."

"At this point I could eat a shoe." John said as he smiled.

"OK, two Long Beach Memorial specials coming right up, hold the heartburn." Paul said acting like a waitress. "I'll be back in a few. Don't let him get too excited John. You keep your lips to yourself." Paul winked at him as he left the room. Before reaching the door he quickly turned around, "Before I forget, Mateo we're going to need some blood before breakfast. The blood girl should be here in a few minutes."

Mateo waved his hand at Paul.

As soon as they were alone Mateo said he needed to use the restroom. John found the urinal sitting on the restroom counter. He gave it to Mateo.

"I'm not using that thing. Help me to the bathroom Guerrito."

John shivered again at Mateo's voice. He loved it when he used his pet name.

He untangled the IV from the bed and slowly walked Mateo to the rest room. Once inside he untied Mateo's gown and moved it aside so Mateo could have a clear shot of the toilet. When he was finished John couldn't resist and tugged on Mateo's dick.

"Let's make sure that you got everything out." John smiled.

There was another knock on the door. "Mateo I'm here to take some blood."

"Shit, just when it was getting good" Mateo said.

John snickered, "We have plenty of time for that later."

That afternoon Detective Fox paid another visit to the hospital. He was glad to see Mateo up and awake when he entered the room. John made the introductions and Ed Fox went to work.

"Mateo, John said that he found you outside of the Velvet Turtle. Do you remember how you got there?

Mateo explained to Ed that he didn't remember anything about how he got outside. The last thing he remembered was taking a drink of his soda and enjoying the music. The next thing he knew he was waking up in the hospital room.

His voice was angry when he spoke, "I can't believe what John told me. I mean, I can take care of myself. I could have laid Kevin out on the ground if he tried anything with me. I just don't get why he would do this. All we did was try to help him."

Detective Fox wasn't quite sure how to approach the next line of questioning so he just took a deep breath and began, "We collected a used condom from the scene. There was semen in the condom and there was evidence of blood on the outside of the condom. We're going to run DNA test on both the semen and the blood." He closed his note pad and looked up at Mateo and John. "I'm going to have to ask you for a DNA sample." He turned to John, "You too John."

John's eye brows arched, "Why me, I wasn't involved in this?"

"It's just a precaution to rule you out. I don't want it to come back and bite us in the ass later."

"Sure, but I don't see why I have to be involved in the investigation."

"You two are boyfriends right?" Ed asked looking at them.

"Yes, we are. What does that have to do with anything?" Mateo asked trying to hide the fact that he was getting annoyed.

"This is going to be hard to say." Ed hesitated, "I'm assuming you have anal sex?"

They both nodded.

"We want to rule out any possibility that John's DNA can be found on or in your body. Last night when you were brought in they did a "Rape Kit" on you. Meaning they took swabs of your body trying to find any foreign hairs, blood, etc. We want to get Kevin and we need all the evidence we can find. Taking John's DNA will help to rule out any possibilities of errors when looking for Kevin's DNA on your body." He looked directly at John, "You are our only witness so it's important that we nail Kevin with all the evidence pointing to him."

John squeezed Mateo's hand. "It's OK babe. We need to get Kevin. He can't get away with this."

Mateo nodded his head. He knew what John had to do but he still hated the fact that he had to drag him through any unnecessary stress.

"Last night you mentioned that Kevin used Mateo's cell phone. Can I have the phone, I'd like to run the number through the phone company and see where that leads us."

John got up from the bed and looked in the closet for Mateo's things. He pulled out the cell phone and gave it to Detective Fox. Ed wrote a claim ticket for the phone and gave it to John. After getting more information about the call Ed Fox asked if he could do anything for the boys.

"What happened when you questioned him last night?"

Ed shook his head. "He denied everything. Told us he had gone for a walk and then hopped on the bus. He said he had nothing to do with the attack on Mateo."

"HE LIED, I saw him!" John's voice didn't hide his anger. "You have to believe me. I saw what he did to Mateo. We even spoke."

"What was said?" Fox asked. He pulled out a small black note pad.

"He wanted to know if I wanted to join in. He told me that they were having a party or something like that. I, I don't remember, all I know was that it almost killed me to see what was happening." He wiped away the tears that escaped his eyes.

"John I'm so sorry." Mateo whispered. His own throat was tight with emotion. "Please forgive me. I never meant to hurt you like that."

John rubbed Mateo's hand. "I know babes. It wasn't your fault."

John looked at Fox, "So what happens now."

"We wait." He looked at them. "I know that's not what you want to hear but that's what we have to do. The test on the condom will take at least a week."

"What happens to Kevin?" John asked.

"He `lawyered' up. He called an attorney and was released this morning. We couldn't hold him with out more evidence. We do know that he attends school in Tucson Arizona. Turns out his father is some hot shot attorney in Phoenix."

Things were beginning to fall into place for John. He somehow knew who was behind all this. He didn't know how but he knew that Jason Greene was behind everything that happened. Jason was daddy's spoiled little brat. His father owned at least five car dealerships in Arizona. Maybe Kevin was friends with Jason. John knew he had to get to the bottom of things and fast.

At that moment the door flew open. With great urgency in their steps Rafael and Anita Villasenor entered the room.

"Aye mi hijo quierdo, que te pasa?" (Oh my baby what happened?) Anita said as she pressed herself up to the bed. She leaned over Mateo as a mother hen would and gathered him up in her arms.

Mateo looked up at John with a questioning look.

"I called them last night. I didn't know how serious it was and I didn't want you to go through this alone." John smiled at Anita as she tried without much luck to straighten out Mateo's unruly hair.

"Good luck with that Anita, Mateo's hair has a mind of it's own until he puts a pound of gel on it." John chuckled at Mateo's hair. Anita kept up her quest of taming the monster on Mateo's head but finally gave up when Rafael spoke.

"Aye, Anita leave him in peace." He stepped up to the bed and looked down on his son.

"How are you doing Mijo?"

The presence of both his parents brought a sense of happiness and safety to Mateo's mind. He was going to say that everything was fine but couldn't find the words. He looked at his parents and the tears fell from his eyes and he began to cry. Gone was the strong football player, the college jock that had everything under control. In his place was a frightened little boy that needed the love of his parents.

Rafael quickly moved onto the bed and took Mateo into his arms. He wrapped him up in his arms as he whispered in his ear. "Aye mi hijo, mi corazon. No llores, estamos aqui con tigo." (Oh, my son, my heart. Don't cry, we are here with you.)

Mateo squeezed his father in his arms. "Estas bien?" Rafael looked at his son with eyes of love.

"Si, Papi." He nodded trying to smile. Rafael drew him back into his arms and gently rocked his son's body.

John felt helpless as he looked at the scene between father and son. He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Anita Villasenor. She motioned to him to follow her. They moved away from the bed and walked into the hall.

As always Anita looked beautiful. Her make-up was flawless and her black hair was always perfect. Looking into her face, John knew where Mateo got his beautiful eyes.

"I know what your thinking John, but don't worry. Sometimes a boy needs his father." She squeezed his shoulder. "You don't know how many hours I've spent on the phone with my son while he talked nonstop about you. We may be his parents, but you have his heart."

John looked at the white floor and spoke, "I thought my life with Mateo was over after I saw him with Kevin. I was so scared. Like a coward I ran away." He looked up into her soft eyes and again turned his gaze away from her. "I feel like I failed him."

"No, John don't feel that way. I'm sure you were shocked and didn't know what to do." She took his hands in hers. "You came back; you were the one who called for help. If you hadn't called, we can only imagine what might have happened to him. He might have..." The words caught in her throat at the thought of losing her son.

"I know...I know," John said as he looked into her beautiful eyes. He was about to comment on her eyes when the door to the room opened. Rafael stuck his head out and looked around.

"There you are. Mateo is asking for you." He said to John as he stepped out of the way to allow entrance to the room.

John kissed Anita on the cheek. "Thank you." He quickly walked into the room.

Rafael immediately was at his wife's side. "Is everything all right Anita?" The concern in his eyes made her heart flutter.

"Si mi amor, everything is as it should be." She placed her hand to his cheek and leaned in and gave him as tender kiss on the lips.

Rafael's face lit up like a 400 watt bulb. "Aye mamasita!"

Anita giggled as she turned to return to the room. Rafael followed her like a little puppy.

Mateo was released from the hospital that afternoon. He was given strict orders to rest for a few days. They stayed at the Mexican Embassy in Los Angeles with his parents. The beauty of the embassy brought a peace over John and Mateo as they strolled around the gardens on Tuesday afternoon. They walked through what seemed like a rain forest of trees on the three acre grounds. The sun was blocked by the heavy canopy of trees. The noise of the traffic outside was blocked by the heavy ivy that covered the walls of the embassy. They walked hand in hand as they talked about what may or may not happen next.

"Detective Fox says that the number Kevin called from your phone was Jason's cell" John spoke as he looked into Mateo's eyes. "He says the DA is going to bring charges up on both of them, Kevin for rape and Jason for accessory."

Mateo looked at John with his brown pools. "I just want it to be over John." He turned his head away as he continued to speak. "I'm so ashamed that I allowed Kevin to rape me. I should have stopped him." Mateo's body became rigid as he tried to remember the events of that night.

John squeezed his hand, "Babe there was nothing you could have done. He took advantage of you. He needs to pay for what he did. I hope that he gets what's coming to him. What he did to you was wrong." John wrapped his arms around his love. He kissed his lips tenderly at first and more passionately as he pressed his body into Mateo's. He could feel Mateo's excitement as he continued to rub his own hardness against his. Finally they broke the kiss, each one out of breath.

"Wow, Guerrito you sure can kiss!"

John smiled, "That's not all I can do." John rubbed the bulge in Mateo's tight pants.

Mateo sucked in air as he felt John's hand. He felt the first flow of precum begin to wet his boxer-briefs. "If you don't stop now I'm going to have a very big wet spot in the front of my pants."

John looked around them as he pushed Mateo against a huge tree. "Well, I wouldn't want you to get all messy." He looked into Mateo's eyes as his hands were unbuttoning his pants. John began kissing his neck as he lowered the zipper on his pants. Mateo groaned as he felt his jeans slide down his legs. The head of his dick stuck out of the waistband of his underwear. John lifted Mateo's shirt over his chest and off of his body. John's lips found the right nipple and began to suck like a hungry child. Mateo's body tingled as he felt the warm lips suck on his nipple. He placed his hands on John's head.

John continued his work on Mateo's nipple driving him insane. Finally he moved on down Mateo's body. He kissed his way down Mateo's abs and licked his innie belly button. Mateo gasped as he felt John's tongue travel farther down. He finally came to the tip of Mateo's dick and licked the puddle of precum which collected in the well of his foreskin. Once again Mateo groaned as he felt John's mouth on the dick.

John slid the tight boxer-briefs down Mateo's sexy legs. He came face to face with Mateo's hard 9 inches. The dark skin of his cock and balls drove John crazy as he stared at them as if it were the first time. He looked up at Mateo's beautiful face. Their eyes met. With out another word John took Mateo in his mouth. He loved the taste of Mateo's dick. His tongue circled the flesh around Mateo's purple head. John pulled back the skin and lapped up any precum that he had missed. He opened his mouth and pulled him in deep into his throat. Mateo's hand came down onto John's golden hair. His fingers combed through his hair as John caressed him with his mouth and lips.

John withdrew from Mateo's cock and began working on his low hanging balls. He took one into his mouth and used his tongue to roll it around in his mouth. He took the other into his mouth and repeated his actions. Mateo was about to blow his load when John stopped. He slowly turned Mateo. He pushed down on Mateo's back wanting him to bend at his waist. Mateo quickly caught on and bent over. John's hands were on his ass in seconds lovingly kneading the firm muscles of Mateo's ass. He began to kiss his cheeks as his hands continued their exploration. Mateo spread his legs, giving John access to his hanging balls. John stroked his cock and balls as he kissed Mateo's ass. Mateo whimpered as he felt John' hot breath on his pucker. Chills went up his spine as he felt John's lips kiss his hole. He released a loud moan into the air.

John's tongue found Mateo's hole and began to lick. He wanted nothing more than to give his love pleasure. Mateo whimpered again as he took a step backwards wanting more of John's tongue on his ass. John's hands were on Mateo's hips as he worked. Mateo's head moved side to side as he felt that he was losing his mind. After ten minutes of bliss he couldn't take it anymore, "John, please make love to me. Give me your love baby." John knew what he wanted and stood up. He released the button on his shorts and slid them down his legs along with his wet bikini briefs. John wanted nothing more than to slide into Mateo and give him every inch of him. John spit into his hand and used it along with his own pre cum as lube for his dick. He placed the head of his cock at Mateo's opening and slowly slid in. Mateo felt John's head pop into his hot hole. He gasped as he felt the head go in deeper passing through his ring of muscle. He moved his hands behind him and found John's mounds of sweet ass. He braced himself and pulled John into him.

"Agggh" He screamed as he felt John's cock buried deep into him. He squeezed his ass around John's pole of fire.

"Oh FUCK!" John yelled as he felt Mateo's ass muscle massage his cock. "Are you OK? John asked.

"Yeah baby. I love you. Give me all of you. Fuck me!" Mateo said to his love.

John pulled his cock all the way out and then slide all the way back in. He did this a few times and then began to quicken his pace. His hands moved over Mateo's back. They were both sweating. John leaned over and began to kiss Mateo's neck. His body was on over load as he thrust into him again and again. Mateo moaned as he felt the huge cock in his tight ass. He loved every second of it. He turned his head and kissed John. "I love you!" He panted between grunts and groans. John answered in and low voice, "Te quiero mucho mi amor." Hearing John speak Spanish to him brought Mateo to the edge. He squeezed his eyes shut and released his hot seed onto the ground.

"Ahhh, I'm coming!" Mateo shouted as his body exploded.

John felt the muscles tighten around his cock and knew he couldn't hold on any longer. He straightened his body. "I'm coming too!" He shouted as he released his hot load into Mateo's ass. Mateo felt the searing cum cover his insides. He felt John collapse onto his back.

Minutes later John slipped out of Mateo and managed to stand up. He smiled as Mateo straightened his body and turned around. He drew John into his arms. "I love you Guerrito"

"I love you too baby."

After they were dressed they walked back toward the Embassy's main building. Along with offices and meeting rooms, there were several bungalows scattered through out the property. Mateo and John were lucky to have their own little bungalow. It almost felt as if they were on a honeymoon. Rafael and Anita insisted that they needed their privacy.

They reached the main house and were on their way to lunch when Anita spotted them.

"Ah, there you are. I've been looking for you." Anita looked a little annoyed.

"We took a walk around the grounds." Mateo said as he smiled and looked sideways at John.

Anita didn't seem to notice the giggle that escaped from John's lips. "Well, no matter. You have some guests in the library. They arrived about fifteen minutes ago."

Puzzled Mateo asked, "Guests?" He turned to John, "Do you know anything about this?"

John shook his head. "No idea." He looked at Anita. She locked eyes with John and smiled.

"Well, go and see who it is." She began to walk away, "Oh, and please invite them to stay for lunch." With that said, she rounded the corner and was gone.

Mateo stood there looking at John, "Well, let's go see who it is."

John nodded and they both turned and walked towards the library.

They arrived at the library, wondering who was behind the heavy doors. The large pine doors which met in the middle were closed. Mateo slid one door open and John grabbed the other door. The noise of the doors being opened alerted the four young men that were waiting patiently.

They all looked at the doors as they opened.

John and Mateo came face to face with their visitors.

"Duuuuudes!," yelled PT as he saw them standing in the doorway. He practically stumbled across the room as he ran to greet his friends. Gino and Snake followed his lead with smiles on their faces.

Surprised, both John and Mateo were speechless. PT gathered both of them into his arms and gave them a bear hug. They both received pats on their backs form Gino and Snake.

"What are you guys doing here?" Mateo asked finally finding his voice.

Gino spoke, "After receiving John's email about what happened we figured you would need some extra support. Mamma and Pappa send their love. They would have come too but someone had to run the restaurant."

Mateo turned towards John, "Isn't this great babe?"

John nodded, "This is cool. I didn't know you guys would come out."

"Hey we had to support our boy. Right guys?" PT asked.

He received, "Yups" and "Uh huhs" from the others.

Mateo looked at Snake, "What's up dude? Glad you came." He shook Snake's hand and smiled.

"Sup, Mateo. We got your back Bro." He bumped fist with Mateo. Mateo felt like it was old times with Snake.

He smiled, "Thanks Bro."

Snake smiled and looked down at his feet for a second. "I'd like you to meet someone." He blushed as he spoke.

Mateo and John hadn't noticed the fourth young man in the room.

Snake turned around and motioned the young man over.

He was about 5'5 with a slight build. His features were almost feminine and his smile lit up the room. He was Asian with light brown smooth skin. His almond shaped eyes were a deep black. They sparkled almost as much as his smile. His hair, which was tied behind his head was shoulder length and looked like fine strands of thick silk.

"Mateo, and John, this is Aaron Yamamoto." Snake looked at Aaron with love in his eyes. "Aaron is my boyfriend." He gushed out.

Aaron walked up to the group and bowed slightly towards John and Mateo. He extended his hand towards Mateo.

"Hello, I'm Aaron. It's very nice to meet more of Patrick's friends." He said in an almost seductive voice.

Mateo took his hand and shook it. He felt as if he would break Aaron's delicate hand. He gently wrapped his larger hand around the smaller.

Aaron turned towards John. He smiled at him as he took his hand. "It's very nice to meet you John. Patrick has told me a lot about you." He shook hands with John. "He says that you're a very talented musician. I hope to hear you play soon." He tilted his head as he spoke to John smiled and released his hand.

John smiled back at him. "It's nice to meet you too. Finally someone has tamed the old Snake." John chuckled as he looked at the grinning Snake. He looked so happy.

Aaron grinned sweetly, "It took some time but I got him trained."

Snake's head turned beet red as he blushed. He opened his mouth to say something "Ah well..." He closed his mouth and then reopened it. "Er.., Yeah, he's right."

The room busted up in laughter. Aaron leaned in towards Snake and gave him a tender kiss on the lips. He moved his mouth to Snake's ear and whispered something causing him to blush to a deep crimson.

At that moment there was a quiet knock at the door as a young woman in a uniform walked into the room. "Perdon Señor Villasenor, lunch is ready."

Mateo looked at the young girl. "Gracias Rosa." She immediately turned around and exited the room. "Let's eat guys I'm starving."

"Since when are you not hungry dude?" PT asked as he sucker punched Mateo's left arm.

"Look who's talking?" Gino said with a snicker.

"Hey, hey! You're supposed to be on my side."

"I am on your side baby." Gino wiggled his eyebrows at his boyfriend.

"Good, cuz I'm hungry." PT exclaimed to the room.

Mateo wrapped his arm around his best friend. "C'mon let's go eat before you faint from hunger.

PT placed the back of his hand to his fore head, "Carry me, I'm too weak to walk."

Mateo rolled his eyes, "C'mon you. `Too weak to walk, sheesh!"

Lunch was excellent as usual. Anita had informed the kitchen staff of the extra people for lunch, so there was plenty of food to satisfy even the hunger of Pierce Turner.

After lunch everyone settle back into the library. PT, Gino, and Snake wanted to share with John and Mateo what they had missed since leaving for the summer.

They had been talking for about an hour when there was a knock on the door. Marcos the house butler slid one of the heavy doors aside.

"Excuse me, Señor. A detective Fox is here to see you."

Mateo stood up from his seat. John was by his side in an instant. "Please show him in Marcos."

Marcos bowed his head and left the room. Minutes later he returned with Detective Ed Fox.

"Mateo and John, it's good to see you again." Ed looked at the others in the room.

"Thanks Mr. Fox, I'd like to introduce you to my friends. They are here to offer their support."

After shaking hands and getting everyone's name Ed looked at Mateo. "I'd thought you'd like to know, the D.A. is ready to start the trial against Kevin and Jason. It's going to begin on Monday.

John took Mateo's hand in his own. Mateo returned the squeeze and cleared his throat.

"I'm ready."

I hope you enjoyed it. It was a tear jerker for me. Tell me what you think.... Once again I ask for your patients. As I warned you before the story will move very slowly.

Take care,


Next: Chapter 27

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