John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Apr 28, 2005


John and Mateo Chapter 23

"He said what?" shouted Jenny once she heard the story of what happened at the BBQ.

"Let me get my hands on the little bastard, I'll rip his balls off!" You could practically see the steam shooting out of Jenny's ears. She was clearly furious at Douggie and didn't try to hide her feelings.

"Calm down." John said. He had seen his friend angry before and didn't care to see a repeat performance. "Keep your voice down." He said, worried that her outburst would draw attention to their table. "He's just a kid." John pleaded with his eyes as Jenny sat at the table steaming.

"I'm just tired of closed minded people. I wish they would get their heads out of their asses and come up for some air. It's not your fault that you're gay."

John and Jenny had shared so many things. More than once Jenny had been his comforter. She and John had spent hours talking and crying. Jenny had pulled him through some very hard times when dealing with his sexuality.

"I know that you're only looking after me but please. Douggie is just a kid that needs to understand. He'll never get a chance to understand if you jump all over him.

John grinned, "Besides, it's not my fault that I'm gay, it's Mateo's fault." John snickered as he pointed his finger at Mateo.

Mateo stopped stuffing his face and looked at John, "What's my fault?" He asked swallowing a mouthful of ice cream.

Jenny playfully smacked his arm, "You turned my Johnny gay. See what you did?"

This sent John and Jenny into fits of laughter as they watch the bewildered Mateo try to analyze her last sentence.

"What are you talking about? I didn't turn him gay, he was already gay."

John shook his head, "He's so cute. Not the brightest bulb, but he's cute."

Jenny finally stopped laughing enough to talk. "Yes, I agree he's a hottie. Damn, why are all the cute ones gay?" She said as she looked at John and Mateo. "Oh well, I guess I have to settle for just being a friend to the two hottest guys in town.

John stood, "Be right back. I need to go to the little boys room."

"Ok, babe," Mateo said as he watched John walk in the direction of the rest rooms.

Jenny and Mateo sat talking about their favorite subject, John, when her eyes suddenly became like saucers.

"Oh my gawd, it's Jason Green. John had this major crush on him in high school." Jenny shook here head. "You know what's funny? It turned out that Jason is gay too. If John had known that when he was in school you might not be sitting there," She said to Mateo as her eyes followed Jason. Jenny didn't realize the impact her words had on Mateo. She had no intention of planting a seed of doubt in his mind.

Mateo turned to see a beautiful young man. He was about 6 feet tall. His golden hair was cut in a buzz style. His face was perfect. He was wearing a tight T-shirt which accented his muscular chest and arms. His jeans fit him perfectly. His legs were big and his ass was high and formed a perfect bubble. He whole body screamed sex. He walked with a confident stride. As he moved through the burger place he was greeted by several other people. Mateo was suddenly worried about possible competition.

John walked out of the rest room and practically into Jason's huge chest. Mateo watched the smile on John's face as he stopped to talk to the stud. He saw his boyfriend blush as Jason's hand suddenly rested on John's chest. Jason leaned into John's body. Mateo wanted to stand up and go to John but he didn't want to look like the jealous boyfriend. Jason's body language spoke his intentions as he stepped even closer to John. John's face turned crimson as Jason kissed his cheek and touched the side of his neck. He then walked into the rest room. John suddenly snapped out of the trance that he seemed to be under and returned to the table.

"Johnny, looked like Jason wanted to tear your clothes off and do you right there in front of the rest rooms." Jenny once again spoke without thinking.

"Shut up Jenny. Gawd, you have a big mouth." John said trying to defuse her comments. "He was just saying 'Hi' That's all." He looked nervously over at Mateo, "really that's all he said."

Listening to John's words sparked a flame of jealousy and hurt in Mateo. He looked down at the forgotten dish of ice-cream. He suddenly felt sick.

Douggie walked along the street, his mind was still trying to comprehend the events of the night. He steps were unsure, not knowing what to do or where to go. He just left Jr's house. He was still in a daze. As he walked, his thoughts returned to Jr's room and the revelation about his new friend.

"What did you just say?" Douggie asked, not believing his own ears.

"I said, I'm gay." JR's voice was strong and he didn't show any fear or reluctance from his statement. "I told you for a reason. Hear me out Douggie." JR gestured towards the chair at his computer desk. "Sit down, please."

Douggie sat thinking that his world was ending. 'JR gay too?' He thought.

JR sat on his bed and folded his hands in his lap. He gathered up his courage and spoke. He silently hoped that what he said was not going to fall on deaf ears.

"It took a lot of guts for your friend Tommy to come out to you. But I think you could have handled it better."

Douggie looked at JR, "Well, he could have told me sooner. I think that was wrong."

"Dude you may be right, but do you think it's easy telling your best friend that you're gay?" JR asked.

Douggie's eyes filled with anger, "Why did he have to be gay? He fucked everything up."

JR stood on his feet. His anger was beginning to come through. "Dude, do you think he chose this? Do you think that one day he woke up and decided to be gay?" He moved closer to Douggie and was practically in his face. "Tommy was born this way. Don't you get it? It's not his fault." JR's eyes locked onto Douggie's eyes. "Do you think that Tommy or even I would choose a life like this?" He turned his head away from Douggie. JR quickly wiped the angry tears away from his face and crossed his arms. He didn't want to show his tears to Douggie.

Still facing away from Douggie JR spoke, "How long have you been friends with Tommy?"

Douggie shifted in his seat and looked at the carpet. "He's been my best friend ever since I was like four years old."

"Do you love him?" JR asked.

Before he could think twice Douggie answered, "Yes."

"But not like you think." He quickly added.

JR turned to face Douggie, "I knew what you meant," he said. "More like a brother."

Douggie silently nodded his head. "Yeah," he softly said. He looked at JR with downcast eyes. "I just wish things could go back to the way they were before."

JR placed his hand on Douggie's shoulder and softly squeezed. "Does it really matter that Tommy likes boys instead of girls? That he's gay or straight?"

Douggie shook his head, "No, it doesn't matter." Douggie sniffled. "But . . ."

JR handed him a box of tissue. "There are no 'buts' about it. I think you need to tell him. Tell him that it doesn't matter."

Douggie suddenly remembered, "Oh no, he's at his aunt's house in Texas. He's not home."

"Maybe you can send him an e-mail. I know it's not the same as talking to him on the phone but maybe that will do for now." JR turned Douggie around in his seat and turned on the laptop on the desk. "Here ya go. I'm going to get something to drink. Want anything?"

"Yeah, you got a coke?"

"Coming up!" JR said as he left Douggie alone with the computer.

Douggie logged into his e-mail account and then to his messenger. He noticed that River_ratt, (Tommy's on-line name) was logged in.

Douggie opened a chat box and typed,

Ska8er_boi: sup?

Douggie held his breath waiting for an answer. He released his breath as he noticed that Tommy was typing.

River_ratt: What do you want?

Ska8er_boi: How are you?

River_ratt: Bored and it's so hot here.

Ska8er_boi: Tommy, I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry.

Douggie watched the blinking cursor. He wouldn't blame Tommy if he were to tell him to go fuck himself. He deserved anything after what he did to his best friend. Finally he read the words 'River_ratt is typing'

River_ratt: Thanks. But I'm still gay.

Ska8er_boi: I was an asshole Tommy. I hope you can forget what I said. I don't want to lose you as a friend.

River_ratt: Can you deal with me being gay?

Ska8er_boi: As long as you can deal with me being an asshole.

River_ratt: I don't know if I can handle that. LOL

Ska8er_boi: shakes head You goof ball.

River_ratt: Hey! You gotta love me!! smiles

Ska8er_boi: Dude, you're my best friend in the world and I do love you. Just not like that :-)

River_ratt: Thanks Douggie. I love you too. LOL

Ska8er_boi: Cool! _____________________________________________________________________________

Douggie went on to talk with Tommy for a few more minutes before JR returned with his drink. He told him that everything was cool with Tommy and he had straightened things out.

"So what happens next?" JR asked his new friend.

"I have some thinking to do and I need to apologize to my cousin John and his boyfriend."

Douggie pulled JR into a hug, "Thanks dude, I needed a kick in the ass to wake me up."

JR smiled as he was released, "I'm glad that you finally understand. There are too many ass holes in this world. I'm glad that you're not one of them anymore." JR leaned in and gave Douggie a kiss on the cheek.

Douggie felt nervous as he approached the Clark house. He had been going over and over in his mind what he wanted to say. He felt awful about the way he was acting not only towards John and Mateo but to his aunt and uncle. He noticed that John's truck was not in the driveway. He was silently hoping that the house would be empty. He walked into the house and heard the TV on. He walked into the den to see Adam and Sheila sitting watching TV.

Both sets of eyes shifted to see the young man as he entered the room. Sheila could tell that he was nervous about something. Her motherly instincts quickly kicked in and she was on her feet and heading toward Douggie. Adam Clark took off his glasses as he watched his wife move toward the boy.

"Douggie, are you OK?" Her soft eyes looked at her nephew. She could see the hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Auntie Sheila, Uncle Adam. I was an I mean...sorry...a jerk."

Sheila laughed, "You were right the first time. C'mere." She opened her arms to take in her nephew. She felt Douggie's body relax into her embrace.

Adam was standing next to them and wanted his hug too. Douggie moved into his uncle's arms. "Sorry," he said into his uncle's chest. Adam's strong arms held his nephew. He knew something was eating at this kid.

"I know kiddo." He pulled Douggie away from his chest and looked into his eyes. "We're here for you if you need to talk OK?"

Douggie nodded his head, "OK, but what I need to say should be in front of others too." He looked down at his shoes, "I need to apologize to John and his boyfriend."

At that moment Adam and Sheila were so proud of their nephew. "They went out with Jenny; they should be home any time now," Adam said.

All three were too busy giving hugs to hear the front door open. John walked down the hallway to the den. He stood at the door watching his parents and his cousin. Finally he spoke, "We're back." He looked at his parents avoiding his cousin's eyes. "You want to come say good bye to Jenny?" John turned from the doorway without waiting for an answer.

Douggie's eyes watched as his cousin walked away. "I really messed things up." He said to no one in peticular.

Sheila grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. "Now you have a chance to make it right honey."

He nodded his head as they all moved towards the doorway.

Douggie immediately felt the cold stares as he entered the room. Mateo's eyes met Douggie's for a few seconds before he turned his head. A girl that he had never met stood there with her arms crossed. She looked like she was going to pounce on him any second. She looked as if she was about to say something when Adam spoke.

"Douggie has something to say to you and Mateo." He looked at his son, "Hear him out guys." Adam said while locking eyes with his son. John nodded his head as he sat on the couch. Mateo took a seat right next to him. Jenny sat on the love seat, tapping her foot.

"Today my friend JR showed me that being different isn't a bad thing." Douggie continued, "Before I came here my best friend Tommy told me he was gay. I was so mad at him. I didn't want him to be gay. I didn't want him to be different. I wanted him to be the same friend that I always knew. I wanted him to be something that he wasn't and now I know that was totally unfair for me to ask of him." Douggie's voice began to crack, "I guess I took some of my anger out on you all." He turned to his aunt and uncle. "I'm sorry for treating you with disrespect. You've shown me nothing but love and I took that love and shoved it in your faces." He looked at the floor, "I'm so sorry."

He looked at John and Mateo, "My friend JR also showed me that being gay wasn't something that a person chooses to be. You're born with it. And I didn't understand that before." He looked at John, "I'm sorry John." He then looked at Mateo, "I'm sorry Mateo. I was a total jerk. I don't blame you if you guys want to kick my ass all over the room."

Mateo smiled, "Yeah I think I'll start right now." He stood up and walked towards Douggie.

Douggie flinched waiting for a punch or something from Mateo - it never happened. Instead of the punch he knew he deserved, he was taken into Mateo's arms. His body went rigid in Mateo's arms but after a few seconds in the warm embrace he finally released his breath and relaxed. He soon felt another set of arms wrap around him from behind. He looked to see his cousin smiling at him.

"Oh hell, I guess I'll have to be the one to kick your ass." Jenny said in a rather annoyed voice.

"What?" Douggie asked.

Jenny walked over and playfully slugged Douggie in the stomach. "Kid, this is your lucky day. Cause I was gonna go all "Charlie's Angels" on your ass." She said as she snapped her fingers.

John laughed, "You're not very convincing. You wouldn't make a very good angel."

She gave John a stern look, "You never know Johnny boy. I might have to kick that pretty ass of yours just to teach you a lesson." She launched into a few karate moves. She chopped at the air and made funny sounds with her voice.

Douggie felt as if he were in a low budget Kung Fu movie. He started to laugh. He was released from the embrace as the others joined in the laughter. It felt good to laugh again.

When he finally found his breath Douggie spoke, "Who are you?"

Jenny smiled at the young Douggie and cleared her throat. "My name is Jenny Sheer. Best friend of John and all around nice girl." She extended her hand. "Nice to meet you Doug," She smiled.

Douggie returned her smile, "Please, all my friends call me Douggie."

"Right on little dude. I mean 'Douggie,' Jenny corrected herself.

Adam spoke up, "This is an milk shake moment. Who wants one? We have Snickers, butter pecan, strawberry and chocolate."

Everybody named off their choice as Adam and Sheila disappeared into the kitchen.

The rest of the evening was spent watching movies and spending the time within the warmth of family and friends.

Jenny was busy at work when Jason entered the book store. She noticed him hanging around the counter and walked up to him.

"Hey Jason, what's up? Do you need some help?"

He looked at her up and down and smiled, "Hey Jen, yeah I can use your help." A big smiled spread across his flawless face. "I want your help with John."

Jenny was a bit confused, but she had an idea of what he wanted. "I don't follow you Jason. What kind of help do you want with John?" She played dumb hoping her suspicions were wrong.

"I don't want to beat around the bush girl." He shifted his body and placed his right hand on his hip. "I want a date with John. You being his best friend I thought you might be able to help me."

Jenny shook her head, "Sorry Jason can't help you with that." She said hoping he would drop the matter.

"Why not? He's so cute. I'd love to get to know him better." The smile of his face showed his real intentions. "If you get my drift." Another smile spread across his face.

"Yes, I know what you mean; but John is attached. He's in a relationship."

"That's never stopped me before. I can be very persuasive when I want something."

"Don't go there Jason. You're not going to break up John and Mateo."

"Ah Mateo huh, that his boyfriend's name?" Jason began to form a plan in his head. "Well we'll just see about that.

Before Jenny could utter another word Jason turned and was gone. She knew right there that she would have to watch Jason very close.

The hot sun poured down on the bodies of John and Mateo as they laid by the pool. John's parents were gone doing some shopping and Douggie was hanging out with JR. That left the two young lovers alone to relax.

John glanced over at Mateo as he read a magazine. He looked sexy in his speedo. The contrast of the white speedo and his dark legs was making him horny. John's own speedo was red. As he stared at Mateo his own speedo was beginning to feel tight. His dirty thoughts were interrupted by the front door bell.

"I wonder who that could be?" John said as he reached for his towel to wrap around his waist.

"Hey babe, can you bring me another coke when you come back?" Mateo asked.

"Sure. Be right back."

He opened the door to see Jason Green standing there.

"Well, are you going to just stand there or are you going to invite me in?" asked the blond god that stood before the speechless John.

"Oh, um yeah I'm sorry Jason. Come on in." John moved to the side to allow him into the living room. Jason walked passed him, eyes locked on him. "What brings you by?" John asked him as he watch him walk into the room. He felt a sudden stirring in his speedo.

"I wanted to officially welcome you home. I was wondering if you weren't doing anything maybe we could hang out. Maybe catch a movie?"

John looked at the young man of his high school fantasies. His mouth suddenly became dry. His hands were clammy and his knees were starting to shake.

"Um, well, I don't know I'll have to let you know. Can I give you a call." He silently wish that Jason would turn around and leave and not come back. His heart was going a mile a minute and he didn't know what was happening.

"Sure John. That's cool with me. Just don't keep me waiting too long." Jason walked towards him and stopped inches from his face. Jason leaned in and brushed his lips against John's mouth. "I'll be waiting."

"John?" Mateo's voice interrupted the light kiss that Jason was giving John.

John quickly jerked his head away from Jason. "Hi babe." his voice was a little shaky. "I was just talking to Jason. He was welcoming me home."

"Looks like he was doing something else," Mateo mumbled.

"What was that?" John asked looking into his eyes.

"Nothing." Mateo said as he sneered at Jason.

"Well, I see that you boys are busy I'll get out of your hair," Jason said casually as he turned to go. "I'll give you a call John. We can go catch that movie." Jason glanced at Mateo and then down at his crotch, "Nice speedo." He turned back toward John, "Don't keep me waiting."

Jason turned and was gone. He left a very angry Mateo and a somewhat confused John.

John walked back to the pool.

"You're not seriously thinking about going to a movie with him are you?" Mateo asked as he settled into a lounge chair.

"Not if you don't want me to. I mean, he's just a friend, nothing more."

"Did you see the way he was looking at you? You can't deny that he wants more than just an innocent movie date." Mateo was getting upset that John would even entertain the thought of going out with Jason.

"Nothing is going to happen Mateo. Why are you so worried?" John didn't see the harm in a little thing such as a movie.

"Babe, that guy has more on his mind than just a movie. I don't think you should go. He looks like bad news to me. I don't like that guy. He seems too cocky."

John began to get a little angry. "So you're telling me that I can't go out with him?"

"I just don't trust him. So no, I don't want you going out with him."

"I can take care of myself Mateo. Nothing will happen." John said trying to convince himself as well as his boyfriend.

"John I don't want you to go out with him."

John's face became hot as he sat there. He felt as if he were a kid again and that Mateo was his father forbidding him to see Jason. He stirred in his seat until he couldn't hold his tongue any longer.

"I'm going out with him. I don't see what the big deal is."

Mateo stood up and gathered a towel around his waist. "Do what ever you want. I don't care." He left John sitting alone and went into the house. Minutes later Mateo left the house. He needed to clear his head and didn't want to be around John.

"He was so upset Jenny I don't think I've ever seen him that way before." John said as he looked across the table at his best friend. After Mateo had left the house John didn't know what to do so he changed into shorts and headed to the mall to talk to Jenny.

"Well, you have to see it from his point too. He sees you and Jason kissing and..."

"It was one kiss and it wasn't anything. It was just a peck on the lips."

"Johnny it doesn't matter. It hurt him. How would you feel if you walked in on Mateo as his lips were on another guy? It would hurt, wouldn't it?" She looked into John's eyes. "Wouldn't it!?"

John nodded his head, "But he knows that I love him, that I could never live without him, that there is no one that could ever replace him."

"Maybe he's feeling a little threatened by Jason." Jenny threw out her thoughts.

"Mateo threatened by Jason? I don't think so." John thought for a few seconds. He nodded his head, "Maybe you're right Jen."

Mateo walked through the neighborhood. He walked through the park and saw Douggie and JR skating. He waved and was greeted with smiles and waves from the younger boys. He continued to walk until he came to a high school. He remembered John telling him about his high school. As he stood there Mateo imagined a younger John as he attended classes. He chuckled to himself as he pictured his boyfriend, the smaller frame of John with a a huge backpack on his back.

He began to walk around the school. He came to an open gate and entered the school. He saw a track and headed toward it. As he walked along the track his thoughts turned toward the conversation with John. Was he really that jealous that he couldn't trust John with Jason? He began to regret telling John not to see Jason. But deep inside he knew there was something about Jason he didn't trust. Something was telling him that Jason was bad news.

Mateo was so caught up in his own thought that he didn't hear or see the runner on the track.

"Better watch where you're going, you don't want to be trampled."

Mateo turned to see Jason standing there with his hands on his hips. His body was covered in sweat. Mateo quickly glanced up and down Jason's body. He really looked good in his running shorts and tank top.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you on the track. I thought I was alone." Mateo apologized.

"Mateo, right?" Jason said as he wiped the sweat out of his eyes.

"Yes, I'm Mateo." He spoke trying to keep his voice clear and strong.

"You're very good looking Mateo. I can see why John likes you so much."

'John doesn't like me; he loves me' Mateo thought as he stared at Jason. He didn't see the point of playing Jason's game.

"So why are you hanging around him so much? He's with me. We're in a relationship." Mateo said as his eyes burned into competition.

"Hey calm down dude, I don't mean any thing. All I did was ask him out to a movie. To catch up."

"Catch up? You don't even know John."

Mateo took a step closer to Jason. His body was rigid and ready to pounce, "I think it best if you stay away from John."

Jason didn't back down. "John is a big boy Mateo, he can make his own decisions." His blue eyes were looking straight at Mateo. "What's wrong, don't trust your own boyfriend?" His voice was thick with sarcasm.

"Don't come near him." Mateo's hands were in fists and ready to fight.

"It a free country dude, I can do anything I want." Jason turned and started to walk away. "You better make sure you hold on to him. I might just steal him away from you." He said as he resumed his run. Jason looked over his shoulder at Mateo. He smiled his biggest smile. "You better watch your back," he said to the air as he picked up speed. "I want John . . . I always get what I want."

"I can't believe you did that!" John's voice seemed to be getting louder as he spoke. He had just heard what happened at the high school. His anger was rising with his voice.

"Will you please lower your voice. You don't want your parents to hear." Mateo cautioned him.

"Mateo, you didn't have to threaten him like you did. My gawd we're not in fourth grade. You should have acted like an adult."

"Act like an adult? John you're blind to what this guy is trying to do. Get your head out of the sand and stop trying to cover for this dude. He's bad news and I told him to stay away from you." Mateo's own voice was getting louder as well. He felt hopeless trying to convince John that all his actions were justified. "Can't you see what he's trying to do? He's trying to come between us."

"Babe, please believe me that I love you. You're the only one I want in my life. I don't want Jason." John's voice was soft. His blue eyes looked into Mateo's brown pools. He hope that his words would reach inside Mateo's head and reach his brain.

Mateo took John's hands into his own. "You know that I love you with all my heart, and I don't want anything in this world to come between us. Our life may be hard at times..." He looked down at the floor. "I just want you to be happy. When I see people like Jason trying to pull us apart I get worried. Worried that you might find something or someone that would take you from me." He brought his head up and locked eyes with John. "I don't ever want to lose you."

"You never have to worry about that. I'm yours for life. No refunds or exchanges." John leaned forward and gently kissed Mateo's lips. He slipped his tongue into his mouth and explored.

Mateo once released from John's kiss looked into his eyes. "I'm glad you feel that way."

The two weeks flew by and it was time for Douggie to leave and return to Riverside. John offered his cousin a ride back into California. He and Mateo wanted to visit Los Angeles and taking Douggie home seemed like a great idea. John had completely forgotten Jason. There were a few times when he'd come across him but Mateo was always with him. Jason would just smile and wave. John silently wondered what might have happened if he and Jason would have really know each other in highschool.

John and Mateo talked it over with his parents. They would drive Douggie back home drop him off and spend time in Los Angeles. After the time in LA, their plans were to visit Mateo's home in Mexico.

The last night before they were to leave John drove Mateo to a special place just outside of town. Many times John had come to this place alone. To him is was a place to get away from life and find a little peace of mind. Previuosly, John had come here to think about his life. Sometimes he would come and just listen to the sounds of the night. Many times he found himself alone and crying. As he drove, John's mind was drawn back to some of those painful memories. Unknowingly a tear ran down his cheek.

Mateo noticed, "Baby, what's wrong?" His face was showing his concern.

"Nothing. Just thinkin,." John said as he tried to cover up his emotions. He wanted to share this special place with his love but he didn't want old memories to get in the way of his new life.

Mateo sat back in his seat. "It doesn't seem like you're thinking happy thoughts."

John smiled, "No worries babe. All my thoughts are happy thoughts with you in my life."

Mateo let the subject drop but in the back of his head he still wondered what might be bothering him.

They finally reached the spot and John jumped out of the truck. Things were still the same as the last time he was here. He felt movement by his side and then Mateo's arms surrounded his body. John melted into his love's embrace.

"Wow this place is cool," Mateo commented.

The heat of the day slowly faded away as the sun dropped behind a mountain. The sky was a mixture of reds and purples as John and Mateo watched the sun disappear.

"There were so many times I was here to watch this happen. So many times I wanted to fade away just like the sun." John's words were soft. Mateo had to bend his ear just to catch the words of his love. "But you know, things are different now. I have you." John turned around, his blue eyes catching Mateo in a hold. "Now my life is complete." John tilted his head up and kissed the soft lips of his love. He placed his hand on the back of Mateo's neck and drew him into his kiss. Mateo released a low moan. John released the kiss. His eyes still locked with Mateo's dark pools. He slowly move his hands to Mateo's face. He felt the stubble on Mateo's face. This turned John on even more.

John stepped away. He didn't want to rush this last night. He took Mateo's hand and walked towards the truck. They began to unload things. A blanket, a small picnic basket, and a cooler was all they brought. They spread out the blanket. They snacked on cheese, crackers and some fruit. They drank a nice wine to top things off. They lit a few candles to give some light.

"Are you having a good time?" John asked.

"This is great John. This place is great too," Mateo answered.

The sun had long gone. In it's place were bright stars and a rising moon.

"Look at all those stars," Mateo said as he laid on his back. "They're like diamonds in the sky."

"That's one of the reasons I love this place. I love looking up into the sky. I used to wonder if there were others out there on different worlds looking back at me wondering the same thing."

There was a moment of silence.

Finally Mateo spoke, "John."

"Yes," he replied.

"Thanks for sharing this place with me."

John moved over to him and placed his hand on his chest. "This is our place now babe. Just yours and mine."

John moved his body, he laid close to Mateo. He kissed his lips. Mateo drew John into his arms, their lips never parting. Finally, after an eternity, their lips separated. John began to kiss and nibble on Mateo's neck. He traveled up his jaw line to his ear and then down again. He moved up the other side of Mateo's chin and to the other ear. John whispered, "Make love to me."

Mateo let out a small groan as he heard those words. He looked into John's eyes to see the passion. He stared into the depths of them and was lost in their spell. He felt John's hands on his body. He felt his shirt being raised over his head. The cool air felt wonderful on his bare chest. His hands found the bottom of John's shirt. He watch as the moon light caressed John's skin. "You're so beautiful my love," Mateo whispered.

They stood up. Arms and lips locked in passion. Mateo pushed down John's shorts and boxers. John stood before him naked except for his shoes and socks. John reached over and unbuttoned Mateo's jeans shorts and let them fall. He then pushed down the boxer-briefs off Mateo's hips. Once again they embraced. Their naked flesh was hot. The night's cool air was desperately trying to cool the lovers skin.

John felt Mateo's hard cock on his abs as they continued to kiss. He felt the slick feeling of Mateo's pre cum as it coated his skin. He felt Mateo's hands on his ass. A shiver went up his spine as he felt Mateo's finger brush over his tight hole. "Te quiero mucho mi amor." Mateo whispered into John's ear. The sound of his lovers words filled his soul. "Tu eres mi vida." (You are my life)

John began to kiss Mateo's chest and nipples. He craved the taste of his love. His tongue tasted the hard nipples. Mateo's groans filled the stillness of the night. John lowered himself down to his knees. He knelt before Mateo. His only desire was to please his love. He slowly took Mateo into his mouth. The strong musky odor filled his nostrils as he gently kissed up and down the shaft. John groaned, finally taking his love into his mouth. Mateo's hands rested on John's head encouraging him to take more and more into his mouth.

"Oh John, that's wonderful." John's throat opened even more and Mateo's 9 inches slipped in further. John felt Mateo's cock as it sank deeper into his throat.

"Oh gawd!" Mateo's voice was even louder.

He pulled out of John's mouth. John was going to protest and then Mateo spoke, "I don't want to cum yet." They lied down in a 69 position on the blanket. "I have some other plans for you," Mateo grinned at John.

Mateo engulfed John's hardness into his warm mouth. A rush of air left John's lungs as he felt the sensation on his dick. Gently, Mateo moved his mouth up and down the shaft while fondling John's smooth balls.

John was working on Mateo's huge balls taking one at a time into his hungry mouth. The musky scent of his love was driving John insane with lust.

"Aaaaaahh!" John moaned as he felt Mateo's tongue on his hole. The gentle nibbles were driving him crazy. "Oh baby, that feels so good," he exclaimed through clenched teeth. Mateo didn't say anything as he continued to love his John. John continued to work on Mateo's cock. It glistened with saliva and John wanted it inside him. He moved away from his lover's dick and straddled Mateo's thighs.

John's lips kissed Mateo. "I want you inside me. I want it now."

John lifted his naked body. He positioned his hungry hole over Mateo's hard dripping cock. Slowly he lowered himself down. "Oh fuck!" John said as he felt his hole stretch.

Mateo felt the tight hole slowly open up. The heat of John's ass surrounded his cock as John lowered himself.

John closed his eyes as he sat on nine inches of rock hard cock. He waited as his body adjusted. He bent over and kiss Mateo. "You feel so right inside me. I love this feeling."

He sat up and began to ride Mateo's cock. His body moved up and down on the hard shaft. Mateo closed his eyes feeling the tight ass on his cock.

John increased his speed. He was bouncing up and down. His body was cover with sweat. His own cock was rock hard. He loved every minute.

He felt Mateo's hands on his hips as Mateo slowed him down.

"I want to make love to you." Mateo's words filled John's ears.

John was on his back with his legs on Mateo's shoulders. Mateo slid his cock into John. "Mmmm that feels soooo good baby," Mateo said as he slid his cock all the way down to his pubes.

John's eyes were closed and his mouth open as he felt Mateo inside him. His body shook with pleasure as Mateo brushed up against his love button. "Oh, Mateo," John's voice shook.

John's legs wrapped around Mateo's body. He looked up into Mateo's face. There was a look of pleasure all over his lover's face. John pulled Mateo down for a kiss. Their lips met in pure passion and love.

Mateo kissed John's neck. He spoke when he was next to John's ear. "Mi corazon." (My heart)

Mateo began to lift his head. John's eyes glazed over but still locked onto his. "Mateo, harder. Do it harder."

Mateo's body reacted and he increased his speed. His back moved up and down as he thrusted deeper and harder into John. Small whimpers escaped John's mouth. His legs held Mateo even tighter. Mateo's body was wet with sweat.

"Aaaaah, I'm gonna cum!" John screamed. His body shook as it released it's sticky cum in between the two bodies. It covered his chest and neck. John looked up at Mateo. Mateo's body glistened in the moon light. John reached up and squeezed his nipples.

The combination of John's orgasm and the nipple play brought him over the edge. "I'm gonna cum baby." Mateo exclaimed.

"Oh yes baby, cum inside me." John said. "Do it baby."

"Aaaaah! Soooo Gooood!" Mateo said as he released his hot load of cum into John's body. Mateo collapsed on top of John.

John began to comb Mateo's hair with his fingers. He loved to run his hand through the thick hair. He felt Mateo's tongue on his neck eating his cum. They laid together on the blanket in each others arms. John's head rested on Mateo's strong chest.

The stillness of the night was broken by Mateo's voice.



"Do you love me?"


'I said, do you love me?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I love you. What made you say that?"

"You just seemed so distant coming up here. You were so quiet. I thought maybe you were missing your hometown and your old life here. And maybe..."

"Why would you think that? I'm happy as long as I'm with you. If we were in Siberia I would be happy. Cold, but happy."


John began to worry. He didn't know where this was coming from. He was finally happy in his life. It began to make him worry that something was bothering Mateo. 'If there was something, why wasn't he saying anything. Is he still worried about Jason?' John thought. He pushed his concerns to the back of his mind.

He silently hoped that he was worrying too much and that everything would be fine in the morning.

Next: Chapter 25

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