John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Mar 23, 2005


Ok guys here is another chapter of J and M. I hope you all enjoy it. Please if you're underage of it's against the law to read or view this kind of story please leave now! If it's ok that you're here and you like reading about gay relationships then please proceed.

All comments are welcomed. Write me at

I've seemed to have lost my editor. So please excuse all the mess-ups. Thanks David

John and Mateo Chapter 22

Sheila and Adam Clark sat at the dinner table having lunch. His habit was to come home for lunch and eat with his wife when she was on her summer break from school. Being the owner of his own construction company Adam had the luxury of taking time off whenever he wanted. He and his wife were excited about seeing their son and his boyfriend. Adam sat at the table with a silly grin on his face. He was lost in his thoughts as he ate his lunch.

"Adam you're like a little kid. Will you please try and calm down." Sheila said to her husband as he sat there with a huge grin on his face. She had watched as he squirmed in his seat.

"I'm just excited about seeing my son. Isn't my fault." He flashed another smile at his wife and placed his hand onto hers. "I'm sure you can relate to what I'm feeling. It's been 3 months since we've seen him."

Sheila nodded her head in agreement. "I know what you mean. I've missed him too." She looked into her husbands eyes, "Are you happy for your son?" She studied his face.

"Of course I'm happy Sheila. He's finally found happines with his life." He looked down at the table. "It's only...I just wish."

She placed her other hand on top of his hand. "I know you're worried for him."

"There are so many obstacles ahead for him and Mateo." He squeezed her hand. "I'm worried for them." She nodded her head. "I know. But John is a strong young man. At least he wont be alone. They'll have each other."

At that moment the front door screen opened and then slammed shut. They heard foot steps on the hardwood flooring. They both turned their head towards the doorway. They looked to see their nephew Douglas "Douggie" Clark walk into the room. He didn't bother with a greeting and didn't meet the eyes of his aunt and uncle. He pulled out a chair and the table and plopped himself down to eat. He reached for a tuna sandwich only to have his hand slapped by his aunt.

"Fuck, why'd you hit my hand."

"Watch your mouth young man." Adam said as he watch his nephew rub his hand. "Go wash your hands before you eat."

Douggie stood from the table, causing the chair to fall backwards. He stormed out of the room. "Forget it, I'm not hungry." He glared at his uncle. "I'm going to the park."

"Douggie sit down and eat." Sheila said to her nephew. "You need to eat, honey."

"I said I'm not hungry." He said over his shoulder as he made his way to the front door.

Adam called out, "Don't stay out too late. John should be home today and we're having BBQ for dinner."

"Whatever." Douggie said as the screen door slammed.

Douggie was a 14 year old typical teenager. His parents pleaded with Sheila and Adam to watch him as they took a second honeymoon trip. He was 5'9", 135lbs, blond hair, blue eyes. His body was slim and he dressed like a California skater boy. He lived in Riverside California with his parents and other siblings. Lucky for Adam and Sheila, his younger brother and sister were taken by their grandparents.

"That boy needs a serious talking to." Adam was still looking at the empty chair where Douggie sat just seconds before. "How do his parents handle him?"

"They don't. That seems to be the problem." Sheila said as picked up the fallen chair and began to clear the table. "He seems so angry at the world. What do you think is the matter with him?"

"I have no clue. It's going to be a very long two weeks." Adam said.

After storming out of his Uncle's house Douggie headed to the park a few blocks away. He maneuvered his skateboard like a pro. He didn't bother with any safety gear. He had the bruises to prove it. The two days since being in town Douggie hadn't seen another skater. He reached the park and began to skate. He loved this park. It had a special area just for skaters. He began to skate and didn't notice the young Asian boy watching him. He was doing pretty good until he lost his balance and fell off his board. He landed on his chest causing the air to be knocked from his lungs.

"Dude, are you OK?" The boy asked running toward him.

Douggie turned over onto his back. His vision was a little blurry as he looked at the boy hovering over him. "What happened?" He asked.

"You fell off your board. You OK?" He said, repeating the question.

"Yeah, I'm Ok." Douggie said as he tried to sit up.

The Asian boy stuck out his hand to help him sit up. Once up, he sat there for a few minutes trying to get air back into his lungs. He looked up into the other boys face. He was about the same age as Douggie. He was dressed the same way as Douggie with baggy jeans and a huge white shirt. His black hair fell over his almond-shaped brown eyes. His skin was smooth and tanned from the sun.

"Are you sure you're OK? You didn't hit your head or anything did you?" He asked again looking at the blond boy.

"Yeah I'm good dude. Thanks." He smiled at the boy. "I'm Douglas Clark, but you can call me Douggie." He said as he extended his hand.

"I'm Mauricio Romero, but people call me Jr. (junior)." He said as they shook hands.

"Let me guess, you were named after your father." Douggie said as he smiled at his new friend.

"Yup, you know it dude. You too?" Jr asked.

Douggie smiled, "My grandfather."

A big grin spread across Jr's face revealing a mouth full of braces. He shook his head. "Parents." Douggie chuckled. "Yeah."

"You gonna sit there all day?" Jr asked.

"Yeah, I will if you don't help me up." Douggie flashed his own white tooth smile.

Jr extended his hand once again. Douggie reached for it and with minimal effort was back on his feet. He looked around and saw his skateboard.

"Fuck, it's ruined. Look at this." He exclaimed as he picked up his board. "The fucking wheels were torn off. I don't have the funds to fix it."

"Time to hit up the `rents for a loan." Jr said looking at the broken board in his new friend's hand.

"Only problem is I'm staying with my Aunt and Uncle. My parents are on a trip. I know they wont give me the money."

"That's why I've never seen you before." Jr said. "How long have you been here?"

"A couple of days. I'll be here for two weeks."

A huge smile appeared on Jr's face. "That's cool bro. Now I have someone to hang with. Most of the kids in the neighborhood are too young for me. At least we can hang out until you have to leave." Jr's face lit up. "Hey, I have an idea. I have another board at my house. Wanna check it out?"

Douggie nodded, "Sounds like a plan dude. Lead the way."

They were soon at Jr's house. "I have to check in with mom. Be right back."

Before Jr could leave Douggie spoke, "Do you think I can use your bathroom? I'd like to wash up a little." He showed his new friend his dirty hands.

"Sure, c'mon." Jr smiled, leading the way into the house.

They were greeted by a small poodle. The rucust that the dog made caused Jr's mother to enter the living room. "Hey mom." Jr greeted his mother with a light kiss on her cheek.

"You're finally home. You almost missed lunch." She said. She looked at Douggie, "Hi I'm Rachel Romero, Jr's mom."

"Mom, this is Douggie Clark. He's visiting his aunt and uncle for a couple of weeks. He busted his board at the park and I'm gonna to let him use my spare one."

It's nice to meet you Douggie. Welcome. I'm glad that Jr found someone his own age to play with."

Jr slapped his forehead, "Moooom! We don't play. We hang out." He quickly corrected his mother.

Rachel rolled her eyes, "Sorry son. `Hang out' I wont forget the next time. I promise." She shook her head and giggled. She looked at her son and then directed her question towards Douggie. "Would you like to join us for lunch? You haven't eaten have you?"

Douggie blushed remembering the hard time that he gave his Uncle Adam and Aunt Sheila. "Um, no ma'am, I haven't. `Why was I such a jerk to my aunt and uncle?' He thought to himself.

"Well, then you'll eat with us. We're having grilled cheese, and salad."

Douggie smiled, "I'd like that. Thank you."

"Good. It'll be ready in ten minutes." She looked at her son. "Show him where to wash up and you do the same."

Jr stood at attention and saluted his mother. "Yes Sir."

"Get going you little stinker."

Jr laughed as he left the room with Douggie on his heels. They went upstairs to use Jr's bathroom.

His room was the typical teenage male bedroom. He had a few posters on the wall. The American soccer Olympic team were on one wall and the other wall had Michael Phelps and Ian Thorpe. A computer desk with a laptop computer was in one corner and a stereo system and TV with a PS/2 was in the other corner.

"Wow cool room." Douggie said as he glanced around the room.

"Thanks."was Jr's only reply.

"You like soccer and swimming?" Douggie asked, walking into the bathroom.

" I do." Jr replied. He forgot about the posters in his bedroom. He should have used the bathroom downstairs to wash his hands. Jr cursed himself, the posters were more of a fantasy for him. He fell in love with Ian Thorpe from the first time he saw him in his skin suit. There were many nights when he would blast his load while thinking of Ian or Michael making love to him.

"All yours." Douggie said as he walked out of the bathroom interrupting Jr's thoughts.

"Cool, be right out." Jr rushed by Douggie and into the bathroom trying to hide the bulge in his pants.

Minutes later they were seated at the table eating cheesy sandwiches and a tasty green salad. They both eat three sandwiches and two helpings of salad. Rachel was always amazed at the amount teenage boys ate. She kidded them as she watched the food disappear.

Rachel spoke, "So, you're staying with you aunt and uncle? Who are they?"

"Adam and Sheila Clark. They live over on Maple." Douggie said between bites.

"Oh yes, I know the Clarks. Very nice people." She looked at her son, "Wasn't she your teacher last year?"

"Yeah, she's a really cool teacher. This one time she even played her violin for us. She's really good." Jr said.

"We had them over for dinner once. Tell them I said hello." Rachel smiled at Douggie.

Douggie returned her smile and suddenly felt guilty for the way he acted earlier. He needed to make it right with his aunt and uncle. He suddenly felt the need to leave. He didn't want to be rude so decided to wait until after lunch.

Once lunch was done, Jr and Douggie helped with the quick clean up.

"So you want to go skate?" Jr asked looking at Douggie. "I think I'd better get going. I have to take care of something." He looked at his new friend and smiled, "Thanks for lunch."

Jr's face fell with disappointment. "OK, it's cool. Maybe we can hang tomorrow."

"Sure Bro. I'd like that." Douggie said. "Um, about that board. Do you think I can use it now?" "Sure, it's in the garage. C'mon let's go get it."

After exchanging phone numbers, Douggie was riding down the sidewalk towards his uncle's house. As he pulled up he noticed a truck parked in the drive way. `John must be home.' He thought to himself as he hopped off the board and walked up to the front door. He remembered John as a quiet guy, kind or nerdy looking guy. He was cool and all but there was always something about him that Douggie couldn't put his finger on. He left the new board and broken board outside and entered the house. He heard talking and laughter as he walked in. He looked into room. He was his uncle, aunt, John and some guy sitting and talking.

"Hey." Douggie said. All heads turned towards him.

"Douggie, good your home. Come on in. Your cousin John is home." Sheila said.

"How are you Douggie?" John asked as he stood up. He walked toward him and hugged him. "It's good to see you cousin. How are things?"

"Good to see you too John. Things are good dude. How are things with you?"

"Good dude." John released Douggie. "I want you to meet someone." He looked at Mateo. "This is Mateo, my boyfriend."

At the mention of the word boyfriend Douggie's body stiffened. His face clearly showed his confusion. "Your what?" He asked.

Mateo stood up. He looked at the young man. "His boyfriend." He smiled, "Nice to meet you Douggie."

Douggie stood there for a moment looking between John and Mateo. "Um, yeah. Nice to um, meet you too." Once again he looked at his cousin. He turned away from them and spoke to his aunt and uncle. "Can I speak to you in private please?"

Sheila and Adam looked at each other as they walked into the kitchen. They both looked at Douggie with questioning eyes.

"I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that."

Sheila and Adam could tell the he wanted to say more. They both knew something was bothering him. He was looking at them with sorrowful eyes.

"Douggie is there anything wrong?" His aunt asked.

His eyes looked in the direction of the room where John and Mateo sat. "No... nothing's wrong." He looked into Sheila's eyes, "I think I'm going to lay down. I'm not feeling well."

Sheila always the mother-hen asked her nephew what was wrong. She looked at his eyes. She could tell that he was on the verge of crying.

"Nothing is wrong. I just need to take a nap." With that said Douggie left the room using the back stairs to go to his room. He couldn't walk through the room with John and Mateo. He quietly wished that he could be anywhere other then his aunt and uncle's house.

A knock on the door roused the sleeping teenager. He opened his eyes and looked at the door. Once again the light tapping filled the room. "Douggie, are you awake?" The voice of his uncle came from the other side of the door.

"I'm up." He said blinking away the sleep from his mind.

The door opened, Adam stuck his head through the opening. "Dinner in fifteen minutes. Your aunt needs your help setting the patio table."

"OK, I'll be down in a minute."

Adam closed the door to the room and walked away. Douggie closed his eyes as he heard his uncle's footsteps fade away. He thoughts turned back to the dream still lingering in his foggy head. He silently wished it was only a dream. But sadly, it wasn't a dream; it was reality.

He was in his front yard adjusting the wheels on his skate board. His parents would be home soon. He was thankful that he didn't have to go to day-care like his brother and sister. His best friend Tommy rode up on his board. Douggie looked up and smiled at him.

"What's up bro." He said standing up. The two young boys bumped fists. Immediately Douggie felt that something was wrong. "What's wrong Tommy? You look like you just lost your best friend."

Tommy looked at Douggie and then at the ground. "Can I talk to you about something. It's kinda important and I have to do this before I chicken out.

Douggie stopped working on his board and closely examined his friend. "You know you can tell me anything Bro. What's on your mind." As he listened to his friend, Douggie wasn't prepared for what Tommy shared. His mind couldn't believe his ears.

Tommy looked down at his feet, "I'm gay Douggie." Tommy continued, "I'm in love with you. I didn't mean for it to happen. It just did. Please don't hate me."

"You can't be gay." He denied. "You're fucking kidding right?" His mind was whirling.

"No, I'm not kidding Douggie. I'm gay." He hesitated, "I love you Douggie. Ever since we were kids."

"Stop! Just stop OK!" Douggie screamed causing Tommy to jump. "I don't want to hear it." In Douggie's mind life seemed to be falling apart. He didn't know what to do. He looked at his best friend of so many years. Tommy looked frightened.

Tears began to roll down Tommy's cheeks. "Please Douggie let me try to explain."

Douggie felt betrayed. All these years Tommy lied to him. He felt the anger begin to rise to his face. His voice rose as he shouted at his friend.

"I said STOP! You don't need to explain, I understand. You're a faggot. You like to suck dick. Well, you're not getting anything from me. You hear me!" His voice began to crack with emotions. "How could you lie to me?" He pushed Tommy away. Why didn't you tell me?"

Tommy began to cry, "Please Douggie. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'm so sorry." Once again Tommy tried to touch his best friend. His attempt was abruptly stopped by a blow to his face. He fell to the ground.

"Don't touch me, ever! You hear me faggot! Get the fuck out of here. I don't ever want to see you again." Douggie watched as Tommy picked himself off the ground. A total look of shock on his face. "Get the fuck out of here!"

The silent tears continued to flow as Tommy turned to leave. His hand covered his left eye. "I never wanted to hurt you. You have to believe me."

"I said LEAVE!" Douggie spat. His body began to shake with rage. His eyes began to burn with tears. He didn't want to lose it in front of Tommy. He watched as his ex-best friend ran away. Douggie finally let himself cry as he entered the house. He went up to his bedroom and fell onto his bed.

*** "Douggie! The table!" Adam's voice shook Douggie out of his thoughts. He quickly went to the bathroom and relieved his bladder. He washed his tears away and went down stairs. He felt like he had swallowed a rock.

He finally had the table set and ready for everyone to eat. The BBQ smelled great.

Dinner went well Or so it seemed. Everyone but Douggie seemed to enjoying themselves and the meal. He was seated between his aunt Sheila and Mateo. He watched as John and Mateo would touch each other. The touches, although not sexual made Douggie feel uncomfortable. He watched when John would place his hand on Mateo's arm or shoulder. Mateo would return the touches. Douggie sat there and didn't say anything. The conversation switched to last spring and the attack. John's parents listened to their son as he described his feelings. He and Mateo each took turns sharing about their new friendship with Snake.

"I was so proud of him mom, you should have seen him." John's face beamed as he told them about the reconciling of Mateo and Snake. "Snake couldn't believe what was happening. He was so shocked."

Mateo reached for John's hand. "I knew that I had to do this for John, but I know I needed to do it for me as well." Mateo looked at John, "I was so scared when I went to the hospital. I didn't know what I would have done if..." His voice faded away he looked into John's eyes. With their eyes locked onto each other John and Mateo leaned into each other and softly kissed.

"You fags are gross. That's disgusting." Douggie's loud voice interrupting the kiss. "You know what? You should have died. I think all fags should die."

"Douglas Charles Clark!" Adam's voice was thick with anger. "That is enough. I don't want you to EVER talk like that again. Do you understand me young man?"

Douggie crossed his arms in defiance, "Whatever!" He began to stand up.

"SIT DOWN, we are not finished." Adam's voice was filled with anger.

"You fags wanna suck my dick?" Douggie said to John and Mateo as he turned to leave.

"Douglas sit down. I'm not going to ask you again." Adam felt like he was losing control.

Douggie threw down his napkin, "Fuck this. I'm outta here."

"I said get back here!" Adam's voice shouted. He began to stand.

"Adam." Sheila said to her husband; trying to quiet him.

Douggie turned and left the table. He ran out the front door, grabbed the skate board and headed towards Jr's house. As he skated down the street his mind once again played the memory of that day with Tommy. Tears began to stream down his face. He finally couldn't take it anymore and stepped off the board. A cry of pain and anger erupted from his throat. "Why did you have to fuck things up? Why?" He repeated the question to himself as he sat on the curb. He pulled his knees into his body. He felt so alone. "Why did you have to be gay?"


The sound of his own name caused his head to snap up. He prayed that it wasn't Jr. No such luck as he looked into Jr's eyes. He quickly stood up trying desperately trying to wipe any evidence of his crying. "Hey dude. What's up? I was coming over to see if you wanted to ride before it gets too dark." Douggie tried to smile.

Jr didn't bother with a reply to his question. He knew something was wrong. He heard the cry just seconds earlier. He wanted to help his new friend. He just didn't know how.

"Are you OK?" Jr looked at Douggie with concern in his eyes.

"I'm great!" Douggie lied.

"Dude, I know something's up. I heard you. Do you want to talk about it?"

"I said I'm fucking fine. Now will you just drop it?" Douggie pleaded.

"Fine, whatever you want." Jr said. He began to turn away but couldn't just drop the subject. He saw the way Douggie was hurting. "You know what? I'm not going to drop it. If you can't tell me what's bothering you then I don't want to hang out with you." He looked at the surprise on Douggie's face. "We're supposed to be friends and friends help each other." He turned to leave.

Jr walked about 15 feet away. "Wait." Douggie said. Jr stopped but didn't turn around. "OK I'll tell you."

The two teenagers walked to the park. Douggie was quiet the whole way and looked like he was going to be sick. They managed to find a spot where is was quiet. They sat under an oak tree. The turmoil in Douggie's head was causing his head to ache. After a few minutes he looked at Jr and began.

"I lost my best friend before I came here. We had been friends ever since we were kids. His name is Tommy. We did everything together. We were like brothers." Douggie's face clouded over with sadness.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Douggie." Jr tried to understand. "Did he die?"

For a moment Douggie had wished it were true. In some way he thought it would have been easier. "No, he didn't die."

Jr watched as Douggie brushed the lock of blond hair from his face. He wanted so much to make the pain go away. He wanted to take Douggie in his arms and protect him from the pain that seemed to control his friend.

"He had been acting funny for a couple of weeks. I kept catching him staring at me funny. When I asked what was wrong he said that nothing was wrong. Finally I told him to stop staring at me and until he was ready to tell what was bothering him not to come around. I was getting freaked out. I didn't know was going on in his head. Finally one day right before school left out for summer he came to my house." Douggie's eyes began to sting with tears. He tried his best not to cry. His voice was cracking, "He told me he was gay. He told me that he loved me more than just a friend." He looked at Jr, "I didn't know what to do. I felt that he lied to me, that he was playing with my mind." Finally like a dam had broken Douggie's tears fell from his eyes. "I told him to fuck off. I told him that I hated him." He looked at Jr, "You know what? I don't hate him. In fact I miss him." He pulled his knees up to his chest. "Why did he have to be gay? Why can't he be straight?"

Jr watched as Douggie sat there in pain. He sat there listening to the soft sobs. "I told you today that I wanted to be friends with you." He held his breath, "I don't think we can be friends Douggie."

When Douggie heard that he looked at Jr. At this time in his life the thing he needed the most was someone to call a friend. "What do you mean?"

Jr looked into Douggie's eyes. "I have something to tell you."

Back at the Clark home John and Mateo were in his bedroom unpacking their bags. Mateo noticed the N'Sync poster on the wall. He chuckled. "So you liked listening to N'Sync?" He asked nodding his head towards the poster on the wall. "Should I be jealous?"

John giggled, "You should be. I was this close to running away with Lance. He was my nightly jerk off fantasy." He plopped down on his bed. "Oh, the nights we spent together. If this bed could talk."

Mateo laughed as he looked at John, "With me, it was Ricky Martin." He shook his head, "I was so in love with him." He locked eyes with John. They both smiled, "What was I thinking?" Mateo threw up his hands. "I was so young." .

"Is that your excuse?" John cocked an eyebrow at his Latin stud.

"And what was your excuse?" Mateo asked peering at John and crossing his arms.

"OK,OK you win. I give." John said as he leapt onto Mateo's back. His hands found Mateo's nipples. He gave them a squeeze, "Gotcha, you can't get away."

"Oh Yeah? Watch me." With that Mateo flipped John over his shoulder. John went over his shoulder like rag doll and landed on the bed. Mateo smiled down at John. He leaned over and gave him an upside down kiss. "Whose got who now?" Mateo asked pinching John's nipples.

John put his arm around Mateo's head and pulled him into another kiss. This kiss was passionate. Mateo's eyes were still closed as John released him.

"What do you think we should do about my cousin? We need to talk to him." John's soft voice touched Mateo's ear.

"He's angry at something. I don't think it us. I think it's something much bigger." Mateo said. "Maybe we should give it some time. If it continues to get worse we'll deal with him."

John looked into the dark pools of Mateo's eyes. "I think you're right. We'll wait and see what happens." He leaned in a kissed his sexy lips. John slipped his tongue into Mateo's mouth.

"Mmm, you taste so good. So spicy."

Mateo chuckled, "Spicy? I'm spicy?"

John giggled, "Spicy." He whispered.

Their one moment of passion was interrupted by a knock in the door and his father's voice.

"John, there's someone here to see you. You better hurry up. I don't think your mother can control her."

"Her?" Mateo asked with questioning eyes.

"That must be Jenny. You know, I told you about her. She's my best friend." John explained. "C'mon, I can't wait to meet her."

John yanked the door open and headed for the stairs. He raced down the stairs Standing in the living room was his best friend Jennifer Sheer.

"Jenny!" John yelled as he raced across the room.

"Johnny!" Jenny answered his call with a huge smile. She was the only one allowed to use his childhood nick name.

The two hugged for a long time. The months of separation melted away as they were reunited.

"Look at you, you look great!" John said. "I see that college life agrees with you."

Jenny smiled, "Well, I haven't received any complaints." Her eyes scanned John up and down. He blushed feeling like he was on display. She began to circle him. "Look at you Johnny. You're totally different from when I last saw you. Are you working out?" She asked. She felt his arms. "Mmm, hard guns. Nice Johnny." She then pushed up his shirt revealing his bare chest and abs. "Whoa, look at that! A six-pack! When did you get that?"

John's face was crimson from blushing. He quickly covered his body. "I wouldn't call it a six-pack." His nose crinkled, "More like a four pack. I'm a couple of cans short." He chuckled.

"Well that's nothing to be ashamed of. I bet all the boys are after you." Jenny knew that John had come out to his parents. She was keeping her fingers crossed that she hadn't stepped on any feet with her comment.

John chuckled, "I have one boy and that's all I need." He looked at Jenny, "you remember, I wrote you about him."

At that moment Mateo walked in. He stopped and leaned his body against the door frame.

John saw Mateo walk in. "Speaking of boyfriends, Jenny I'd like you to meet mine." John and Jenny turned toward the doorway. "This is Mateo Villasenor, my boyfriend."

Mateo smiled his best smiled and shook hands with Jenny. You could have driven a truck into Jenny's open mouth.

"Hi, it's nice to finally meet you. John has told me so much about you. Mateo said as he shook her hand.

Jenny seemed to have lost her train of thought. "Um, yeah. Uh.. Er..." Her brain finally kicked it, "He's told me a lot about you too. But he didn't tell me you were the hottest guy on the planet."

Mateo looked down at the carpet as he smiled, "Thank you." It was all he could manage to get out.

"And he's shy too." Jenny cracked as she elbowed John in the side.

"Jenny." John warned his friend. "Stop drooling over my boyfriend."

They all erupted in laughter. Once all was calm again Jenny spoke, "Are you guys hungry? There's a new burger place across town. I thought we could go and check it out."

"We had a huge lunch but we can still go and hang out." John offered.

"Coolio." Jenny said. "Let's jam this tortilla stand."

Mateo chuckled, "So that's where you got that saying." He said looking at John.

"Yup, that's where I got it." John quickly relayed the story of their first meeting.

She laughed, "Stick around Mateo I got a million sayings."

John laughed, "you're in for it now mister."

Mateo feigned fear. "Oooh I'm so scared."

"C'mon Matty boy, walk me out." Jenny said as she slipped her arm around his.

John snickered as he watched Mateo mouth the his new nick name. His boyfriend was captured by Jenny and John was loving every minute of it.

"Move it. Pretty boy!" Jenny called over her shoulder to John as she and Mateo walked out the door.

Mateo looked behind him and laughed. "Pretty boy."

Minutes later they were on their way.

Ok guys that's all for now. This chapter was actually cut in half. I had written about 30 pages of text and I had to cut it down. I hope you'll take a minute to send me your thoughts on the story...

Take care, David

Next: Chapter 24

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