John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Jan 8, 2005


Hi...It's good to be back. After a long rest I'm back at my keyboard pounding out another chapter of John and Mateo. I hope you all enjoy it.

I want to dedicate this chapter to a special friend of mine in Ann Arbor. I hope he likes it as he was the inpiration for it. Hugs Elijah!

Ok now the boring stuff. Don't read this if you're under age or breaking the law.

This story may contain sexual acts between men. (I hope it does) hehe

Please don't read it if you are offended by this material. You have been warned.

And now...on with the show!

John and Mateo

Chapter 20

The rays of the hot summer sun beat down on interstate 70, as John and Mateo drove through the state of Kansas. They both agreed to take their time, and try and see some of the tourist attractions along the way to Arizona. John had never been out of Arizona, other than the trips to Los Angeles, Mexico City and of course school.. The trip to Mexico of course was his favorite, and would always be etched in his memory. Mateo was the same way. He looked forward to seeing parts of the US, that he had heard about from his father. He was hoping to convince John to take a side trip to Los Angeles, California.

They had just passed through the city of Salina, Kansas, when John decided he needed to empty his bladder. He turned toward the napping Mateo, and nudged him in the side, "Hey wake up sleepy head. I'm going to stop and use the restroom." He looked at Mateo with his tight t-shirt and cargo shorts. He looked so sexy. He watched as the sleeping beauty awoke.

Mateo stirred in his seat and opened his dark brown eyes. "Where are we?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"We just passed through Salina, Kansas. There's a rest area in about five miles."

Mateo stretched his body, "Good I need to go, too." He looked over at his boyfriend. "How are you doing? Do you want me to take over for a while?"

"I'm fine." John answered, "I just need to pee."

Mateo nodded his head. "OK babe. Just let me know when you're tired of driving, and I'll take over."

They shared the driving since leaving Glenville. They were making pretty good time.

The truck began to slow, as John turned the cruise control off. He pulled into the rest area and parked the truck. He opened the door and stepped out. Both of them took a minute to stretch their bodies. They started walking toward the public restroom. They didn't notice the auburn headed boy sitting on the picnic table, near the restroom.

Mateo finished first. "Babe, I saw some vending machines out there. I'm going to get a coke and some chips. Do you want anything?"

"Yeah, can you grab me a Coke and some Fritos?"

"OK, meet you back at the truck."

John washed his hands and walked out into the bright sun lit day. He began walking back to the truck when he heard a deep voice.

"Excuse me Mister."

John didn't think to stop. He didn't consider himself old enough to be called mister.

"Excuse me sir! May I talk to you."

This time John stopped and turned towards the voice. He looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a young man standing there. John didn't know if the voice he heard was his or not.

"I'm sorry, were you talking to me?" He asked the youth.

"Yes. I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could spare some change, so I can get something to eat."

John looked at the boy. If he had to guess, John would put him at about 15 years old. He was 5'7", skinny, and had a mop of golden-auburn hair on his head. His eyes were a bluish green, and he had a few freckles on his nose. His lips were full, and his skin looked as smooth as a porcelain doll. His face was a little dirty, and his clothes looked like they could use a good washing.

John moved his hands to his pockets, to check for change. He looked at the boy with a disappointed look. "I might have some in my truck, come on let's check. They walked to John's truck, he checked the ash tray, and found some change. He handed the kid the change.

"Thanks Mister." He said with out much emotion in his voice.

"My name is John, not mister" He chuckled.. "Mister" is my dad."

John looked at the boy. "Where are you parents?" He asked. "Do they know that you're out here?" John had heard stories of rest areas, and the sex that went on there. He silently hoped that this kid wasn't involved in anything like that.

The boy stood there and lowered his head, not saying a word. He dug the toe of his shoe into the grass. "They don't want me anymore."

John was about to ask him the obvious question, when he was interrupted by Mateo jogging up to them.

"Here ya go. I bought you a sandwich too. It almost looks safe enough to eat." Mateo looked at the young boy. "Who's this?" He asked looking at the boy in front of him.

At the mention of food the young man pulled his head up, and began licking his lips.

"Let's go sit down at that picnic table over there." John said, pointing to a table under a huge oak tree.

Once they were seated, John began the introductions. "Let's start over. My name is John," he gestured toward Mateo, "..and this guy is Mateo. What's your name?"

With his eyes still glued to the food, the young man spoke, "My name is Elijah."

They all shook hands. Finally John spoke, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"So, Elijah, what brings you out here?"

John followed his eyes. He immediately gave Elijah his sandwich and chips, and opened the cold Coke for him. Elijah tore into the plastic, which kept him from his prize, and quickly devoured the sandwich. He started on the chips as Mateo offered him a second sandwich.

"Thanks." He said with a mouth full of chips.

"You'd better slow down. You don't want to get sick." Mateo admonished the boy.

Elijah slowed down. He took a drink of the cold soda, and set the plastic bottle down on the table.

"I haven't eaten since yesterday morning." He said as he put another frito into his mouth.

John sat and looked at the boy before him and his boyfriend. Once again he spoke, "So why are you out here? Are you all by yourself?"

Elijah looked down at the table He spoke in a small voice, "Yeah I am. I ran away from my foster parents' house. I'm going to Colorado. I have an Uncle that lives there."

"Whoa, whoa, why don't you start from the beginning buddy." Mateo said in a kind voice. "Tell us about yourself."

Elijah put down the half eaten sandwich, "Well, my name is Elijah Marcus McNally. I lost my parents in a plane accident when I was 7 years old. I was visiting my grandmother in Colorado when my parents were flying to Colorado to take me home. Their plane crashed while flying over the Rocky Mountains. After my parents' funeral I stayed with my grandmother. When my grandmother began to get sick, she couldn't take care of me anymore so she put me in foster care. That's where I've been ever since."

"So you were living in Colorado with a foster family? Why did you leave them?" John asked.

Elijah looked at John and Mateo, unsure if he should tell them the real reason he left. In the end he decided to tell them the truth. "After a few months we moved to Kansas. I still wrote to my Grams. We tried to write as often as we could. Right before she died, she wrote to me telling me about my dads brother. His name is Robert McNally and he lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Grams wrote and told me that it would be better for me to stay with my foster family. She told me it would be better for me. Well, it didn't work that way at all."

"So, why did you leave?" John asked again.

Elijah looked at John and Mateo with an unsure stare.. His face clouded over with sorrow.

"Well I know that they didn't want me around any more. You see..." He looked at them once again. He blinked his eyes a few times. He took a deep breath and let it out. "My friend Tim and I were at his house, and we were fooling around. At the time, I didn't think it was wrong."

"What do you mean by fooling around?" Mateo asked. He had a pretty good idea where the conversation was leading.

With out any more hesitation Elijah blurted it out, "I'm gay! We were caught kissing in his bedroom. That's all we were doing, honest. Big tear drops rolled down his face, as he whispered, "I'm gay." He closed his eyes, and waited for the name calling and the ridicule to start. He had heard it all before. He was used to being called "fag, sissy, homo," at school. He waited, silently, for the verbal attack to begin. After a moment, when nothing happened, he opened his eyes, expecting to see the backs of John and Mateo walking away. To his surprise they were still sitting at the table with him. John and Mateo sat there, looking at him with understanding in their eyes.

"So you ran away; because of a little kiss?" Mateo asked.

Still shocked to see them sitting there, Elijah continued with his story.

"Well, Tim's mom called my foster mom. She told her that I had forced myself on Tim and that she was going to press charges on me. I tried to tell her that it was mutual; but she wouldn't listen. A few times, I tried to call Tim; but he was never allowed to come to the phone. After a while, they told me to stop calling. My foster dad got really upset. He said that he didn't want me around anymore. He called me a faggot, and told me that he hated faggots. He said, that if I didn't leave, he was going to call the child services people to come and take me. My foster mom tried to stand up for me; but he just told her to shut-up. He told her that he didn't want me around Jason." He looked at John. "Jason is their `real' son. They thought that I was going to try and do something with him. I would never do anything to hurt him. Jason is like my best friend" He wiped his nose on the back of his arm. Fresh tears rolled down his face, as he looked up into the faces of John and Mateo. "So I had to leave. That was about a week ago. At first, I just hung around town. I slept in an ally behind a restaurant. Then, I thought about what my Grams wrote in her letters. So, now, that's what I'm doing. I'm trying to get to Colorado Springs. I need to find my Uncle Robert."

John and Mateo looked at each other. Each knowing that they needed to help this young man find his uncle. Mateo stood up, "I need to get the map from the truck, I'll be right back."

Mateo turned towards the truck and ran off.

Elijah watched as Mateo ran with ease. He admired his body and spoke before he realized. "Man, he has a nice body." He quickly realized he'd spoken out loud and blushed. "Opps, sorry John, I didn't mean to say that out loud."

John smiled at Elijah, "Don't worry about it, Mateo is a stud. But, just so you know, He's my stud."

Elijah looked at John in shock, "You mean you two are gay?"

John looked at the young boy, and chuckled, "Yes, we are, and you can close your mouth before a fly decides to move in and set up house."

Elijah eyes sparkled. "That's so cool. You're lucky John. He's a cutie."

John couldn't believe he was having this conversation with a 15 year old kid. He reached over and messed the boy's mop of hair. "Yup, I know he's a cutie. Don't let him know, OK? He might get a big head." John puffed out his cheeks and bugged out his eyes, as if his head were suddenly filled with air. This sent Elijah into a fit of laughter. His boyish laughter was contagious, and soon both of them were laughing. John's attempt to lighten the mood had worked.

Mateo came back to the table, with the map in his hand. "What's so funny"

"Private joke babe, you wouldn't get it." John quickly spoke. He put a finger up to his lips to try to quiet Elijah's giggle fit.

Mateo looked at the two of them with a suspicious look. "Why don't I believe you?"

"It's nothing babe, really. I just shared with Elijah that we're a couple. He said that you were really cute. I told him not to tell you, that you'd get a big head." John said.

Finally, Mateo sat down and opened the map. "Well, Elijah can say anything he wants. As long as he continues to say things like that."

John pointed at Mateo while talking to Elijah, "See what I mean?"

Elijah's face lit up, "Yeah he's a real ham!"

Mateo looked at his new young friend. "Smile when ya say that." He said is a southern accent. "I might have to hog tie ya and let loose the coyotes."

"Oh no, don't get him started with his John Wayne impression. Once he starts he never stops." John chuckled.

"Who is John Wayne?" Elijah asked. His eyes locked on John and Mateo.

"He's an actor who made many western movies. I watched them as I was growing up in Mexico." Mateo explained, " He died many years ago but he made lots of movies."

Mateo sat and looked down at the table, at the opened map. He studied it for a few moments, and then pointed at the map.

"We can take a little side trip down to Colorado Springs. We can use highway 24 from interstate 70, that goes straight into Colorado Springs." He looked over at John, "If that's alright with you John.

John nodded his head in agreement. "I think that's a great idea. We'll stop in Burlington tonight like we planned and then start out in the morning." He turned toward Elijah, "Do you have an address for your Uncle Robert?"

Elijah shook his head. "Grams just said that he lived in Colorado Springs. I was planning to use the phone book, and hope to find him that way. I don't even know if he'll want me."

Mateo stood up once more. `I'll be right back. I need to get my laptop from the truck." In a matter of moments Mateo returned. He switched the computer on. "Let me see if I can get a signal out here." Mateo's parents had sent him a wireless laptop. He could get access to the Internet, and was able to remain in contact with them by e-mail and instant messages.

In a matter of moments, he was connected. He found the phone book for Colorado Springs, Colorado, and asked Elijah to spell his uncle's name.

"Here he is." Mateo said triumphantly. "Robert McNally, 365 Preakness Way Colorado Springs Colorado. It even has his phone number."

Elijah jumped up from his seat, and moved around the table, to look at the computer screen. He had to see for himself. His eyes were huge as he looked at the screen. He didn't think it would be that easy. He felt happy and sad at the same time. Would his Uncle want him? What will he say to him. Suddenly he felt unsure.

John saw the change on his face. "I'm sure he'll be very happy to see you. Is he your dad's brother?"

Elijah nodded his head with his eyes still locked on the laptop screen. Tears began to fall from his eyes. "Yeah, he's my dad's younger brother. That's all I know about him."

John pulled out his cell phone. "Let's give him a call."

Mateo gave him the number. John dialed the phone. He looked at the young man and gave him an reassuring smile. "He's not home, I got an answering machine. Do you want to leave a message?"

"I think we better wait until we actually talk to the guy. He may not be the right one." Mateo said as he saved the information about Robert McNally and closed the laptop.

John nodded his head in agreement and closed his phone. He saw the disappointed look on Elijah face. "Don't worry we'll try again tonight." That brought a smile to Elijah's face.

"OK we better hit the road. Do you have any stuff with you." Mateo asked looking at Elijah.

"Um...yeah. Let me grab it." He raced away moving behind the restrooms. He returned with a tattered backpack. He looked ashamed as he carried the filthy thing. John quickly reacted ignoring the bag, "OK let's hit the road."

They all piled into the Tundra, and headed back onto the highway. They chatted about all kinds of things, as they moved closer to Burlington. As Mateo and John were talking, they soon noticed a sleeping teenager.

"He sure has had a rough life." John spoke as he looked at Elijah.

"Yeah, he's a tough little dude." Mateo commented. "I hope that the Robert McNally we found is the right one."

"I hope so too. I'd hate to see him deal with even more disappointment in his life."

John placed his hand on Mateo's thigh. "Thanks for doing this."

Mateo's heart melted as he glanced at his boy. It took him an extra effort not to pull the truck over and kiss John. "I know babe. He really needed our help huh?"

John squeezed Mateo's knee. "Yeah he did. I hate to think what might have happened if the wrong person had come along."

Mateo nodded his head, "Well, we don't have to worry about that. We came along." He smiled at John, and placed his hand on top of John's.

They pulled into the city of Burlington at about six in the evening. They found a motel and pulled into the parking lot. Elijah finally opened his eyes as the truck came to a stop. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up.

"Where are we?" He asked still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"We're in Burlington sleepy head. You must have been really tired." Mateo said as he looked over his shoulder at Elijah.

A sweet smile form on his face a he replied, "Um..yeah I was tired. I didn't get much sleep last night.

"Where did you sleep? " John asked, curious.

Suddenly the beautiful smile was gone. A cloud formed over Elijah's face as his eyes darted between John and Mateo. He suddenly looked down at his lap. John could tell that the question really upset Elijah.

"Hey. What's wrong? Elijah, everything is gonna work out, you'll see." John leaned over the seat and placed his hand on Elijah's shoulder. He squeezed gently.

Elijah looked uncomfortable as he sat there in his seat. He looked up at the two older boys. Tears were slowly running down his face. He realized that he needed friends right now, and he felt that he needed to share this friendship with John and Mateo. For some unknown reason, he felt that he could trust the older guys.

With a far away look in his eyes Elijah spoke, "Last night was so cold. I felt so alone." He looked at Mateo and John. He fumbled with his hands as he continued, "I spent the night with this truck driver." The tears were flowing like a river. "I only did it because I was tired, and I wanted a warm place to sleep." He wiped away the tears from his face. John handed him some tissue. The boys didn't know what to say. They sat there looking at the young man they now felt responsible for. After a few moments Elijah looked up again.

"I sucked his dick. I...I...only wanted a warm place to sleep." He sat there, his body trembling with fear and guilt.

"Did he force himself on you?" Mateo asked. He felt his anger start to rise..

Elijah shook his head. "At the time I wanted to suck it. Now that I think about it, it wasn't the smartest thing to do."

John's own eyes released tears as he looked at Mateo, and then back to Elijah. He knew the boy needed love in his life. John could relate to the feeling of being starved for love. He gently move his hand to Elijah face, and placed it on his chin. He lifted the boy's face. The tears left a trail through the dirt.

"Elijah, we all do stuff that we're not proud of. Last night was something that you did because you felt it was your only way of staying warm. You did it to survive. We're not going to judge you. Dude, you don't need any more of that."

Elijah sniffled as he looked at John. "Thanks John." He looked at Mateo. "You both are cool guys."

Mateo ruffled the hair on the top of Elijah head. "Dude you're cool too. Last night is in the past. Today is a different day. It's time to start a new life, Elijah. Leave all the old things in the past. Today is a new day."

Elijah's face lit up like a light bulb, "Yeah! Today's a different day." He giggled; his eyes still glistening with tears.

Mateo lifted his hand in the "high-five" position. Elijah's hand lifted and returned the high five and then went to John's awaiting hand.

John bubbled up like he always does. He slapped Elijah's hand and released a little giggle.

Mateo glanced at John sideways as he looked at Elijah, "He gets excited really easy."

This sent everyone into fits of laughter.

They checked into the motel. The room had two beds, a TV and a small bathroom. Elijah sat on the closest bed and laid back. "Wow, this feels nice. I haven't slept in a bed in a long time."

John and Mateo smiled.

"I think it's time for you to get into the shower." John said as he looked at Elijah. "You and I are about the same size. You can wear some of my clothes.

Minutes later Elijah was under the steaming hot water. John placed a pair of boxers, cargo shorts, white socks and a t-shirt on the bathroom counter.

About thirty minutes, and a hundred gallons of water later, Elijah emerged from the bathroom. He heard the TV as he entered the room. The clothes fitted perfectly, they were so much better then the dirty clothes he's been wearing. He saw John and Mateo sitting on the bed together watching TV.

"Hey." He said as he walked into the room.

"Hey looking good little dude." John said as he looked at the squeaky clean boy.

"Wow, I didn't know there was such a cute boy under all that dirt." Mateo chuckled.

Elijah stood there for a second, and then began to turn around, putting on a little fashion show.

"You like?" He asked blushing with a huge grin.

"You look good Elijah. Come here, and sit on the bed. We need to talk." Mateo said as he pat the bed. Elijah looked uncertain as he walked across the room, and sat on the bed.

"Don't worry Dude, it's nothing bad." John said, as he tried to calm down the nervous boy.

Elijah sat down between John and Mateo.

Mateo looked at John, and they gave each other a knowing nod. John began to speak.

"We talked about this, and we want to take you shopping tonight, to buy you a few things."

Elijah was confused, "What kind of things? I don't want you to spend your money on me."

John smiled, "Don't worry about it. We want to do this for you. You need a few things, and Mateo and I want to give them to you. We figured you can use a couple pair of pants, shirts, underwear, socks and other stuff.

"Elijah looked at the boys, with tears in his eyes. He wiped his eyes, "You sure about this?" John placed a hand on his shoulder, "Yes we're sure about this. You can't have my clothes."

He tried to make him laugh. It worked, as a youthful boy's giggles filled the room.

John and Mateo joined in the laughter. Soon they were wrestling, trying to tickle each other. Both John and Mateo noticed the tent in Elijah shorts. They both pointed it out and caused another burst of laughter to fill the room. Elijah blushed as he noticed his erection. Both of the older boys were quick to point out their own hard-ons. They all blushed.

"Ok, Ok. I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry." Mateo said trying to bring some order back into the room. "Let's go eat. I saw a place as we came into town."

He met no resistance from the other two. Elijah excused himself, and went to the bathroom. John and Mateo kissed, "I wish we had time to take care of this." John said as he rubbed Mateo's still hard cock. He could feel the heat through the cargo shorts he wore.

"You keep that up, and I'm going to need to change my shorts."

John looked up to his boy with a devilish smile. "Is that so bad?" He leaned up and kissed Mateo's tender lips. He continued to rub Mateo's bulge.

Mateo moaned into John's mouth. "We'd better stop before we have an audience."

John licked Mateo's neck, causing shock waves down his spine. "We have time. I think he's taking care of his problem." At that moment John snaked his hand down the waistband of Mateo's shorts. He wrapped his hand around the hard, leaking cock, and began to stroke.

John's tongue invaded Mateo's mouth. Their kiss seemed to last forever. It was magic.

John could feel the large amount of pre-cum leak from Mateo's hard dick. He used the fluid as lube as he increased the movement of his hand.

Mateo finally couldn't take it anymore. He groaned as he released his load of cum into his shorts. John continued to stroke the huge cock as he kissed his boy. John placed his cum covered fingers in his mouth and tasted his lover.

Mateo finally opened his eyes. He looked at John with so much love. "Wow babe, that was great. Do we have time for you?"

John smiled as he pointed down to his own shorts. "I came when you did. Looks like we both need to shower, and change our clothes."

Mateo leaned down and kissed his sweet boy. "I love you."

At that moment, the door to the bathroom opened. Elijah emerged, a flushed look on his face. He blushed deeper when he realized he took a long time in the bathroom.

"Finally. We were about to send out a search party." John kidded. He held some clothes in front of the wet spot on his shorts.

Elijah turned crimson, "Sorry. I had to know."

"It's cool dude. We get horny all the time." Mateo chuckled. He felt the cum in his shorts as he spoke. He looked at John who looked a little uncomfortable in his wet shorts. "You ready?"

John looked at him and smiled. "Yeah I'm so ready." John looked at Elijah. "We're going to go clean up before we go eat. We'll be out in a few moments."

Elijah smiled, "You're gonna shower together?" His eyebrows stood up.

"Yes, but we'll be out in a few. John said.

"That's so cool. I hope I can do that with my boyfriend. When I get one." He smiled.

"I'm sure you'll have no problem finding a boy." Mateo said as he looked at Elijah.

"You think so? Am I cute?" He asked not even knowing the beauty that he possessed.

"Yes you're very cute." Mateo said as he messed Elijah's hair.

John spoke up, "Babe, we better get cleaned up." He looked very uncomfortable.

"Right John. Let's go." He turned towards Elijah. We'll be out in a few."

Elijah heard the shower start. He sat on the bed and watched TV as he waited for John and Mateo to finish their shower. He wished he could see their naked bodies.

After dinner at the local burger place the three young men headed to the nearest Wal-Mart. They shopped for about an hour and left with new clothes for Elijah. His new wardrobe consisted of two pairs of pants, two pairs of cargo shorts, boxerbriefs, shoes, and two new shirts. It wasn't much but Elijah felt like he was on top of the world. The rest of the evening was spent walking around, exploring shops.

They went into a toy store. The shelves were filled with every toy to fulfill a young boys fantasy. All three split up, to explore the new treasures that surrounded them. Fifteen minutes later they met outside the store. John was the first one out. He purchased a stuffed bear for Mateo. The bear was chocolate brown and held a red heart in it's paws. On the heart were the words "I love you!" He also purchased a deck of cards for Elijah along with a book of card tricks.

Soon Mateo and Elijah emerged from the store together. John was a little excited about his gift for Mateo and couldn't wait for him to see it. He grinned large when his eyes met Mateo's.

"I have something for you babe." He said trying not to sound too excited.

Mateo flashed him a beautiful grin. "I have something for you too." he said, as he began to open his bag. John reached into his own bag. At that the same time, they brought out their gifts for one another. They smiled as they realized that they purchased the same bear. Elijah stood there looking at the identical bears. He started laughing. John and Mateo exchanged bears. "I love my gift." Mateo said looking into John's blushing face. "I love mine too." John said as he looked at Mateo with love.

Elijah stopped laughing and his face suddenly softened. "Wow, you guys are really in love huh?" he asked, astonished at what he just witnessed. Both Mateo and John locked eyes on the teenager, and nodded their heads. A single tear ran down Elijah face. "I hope I find some one to share my love with one day."

John smiled, "You will bud. You will."

The next morning they left Burlington, and arrived in Colorado Springs at three in the afternoon. They stopped for a late lunch at the Denny's. After his meal was done Elijah went to the rest room to freshen up. He washed his face, combed his hair and brushed his teeth.

Mateo using his laptop, gave John driving directions to Robert McNally's house.

They pulled up to the house and all three got out and walked to the front door. It was a white ranch style home with steel blue trim. The yard was nice, with lush green grass, and roses in the flower beds. A few evergreen trees were planted along the side of the house. Over all the house looked very well.

Mateo rang the door bell. Nobody seemed to be home at the moment. He rang the bell one more time. Still nothing.

"No one is home. Maybe he's working." Mateo said trying to peer trough a tiny window in the door.

"Let me get a piece of paper from the truck and we'll leave a note. We'll leave both our phone numbers." John said.

"That's a good idea." Elijah said, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.

As the trio turned to go back to the truck a car pulled into the driveway. Elijah hid himself behind John and Mateo. The car doors opened and two men emerged from the car.

The passenger was dressed in blue jeans and a white button down shirt. He had on black loafers and was very handsome. John guessed that he was Italian from the color of his skin and the thick black hair on his head.

The other man came around the car and was dressed in a military uniform. He spoke,

"May I help you?"

ok I know another cliff hanger. How else am I going to get you to tune in next month? I'm evil....hehe email me and let me know what your thoughts are on the story. Thanks for reading. David

Next: Chapter 22

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