John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Jun 14, 2004


Here is the next chapter in the story of John and Mateo. Thanks again for the e-mails. Also thank you for being so patient. I started school and with work, it takes a huge amount of my time. I don't want to give up on the story as it gives me something to do with my free time, what little I have. So please, enjoy the story. Thanks again to Ray my editor. My best wishes and love to him for all his hard work. And now on with the show!

The usual disclaimer don't read this if you're too young or it's against the law where you live. This story is about gay men.

John and Mateo Chapter 16

The room was quiet. The sleeping Mateo was the only other person in the room. John had been moved from ICU at 4 o'clock this morning. Now, he had his own room on the third floor.

A petite nurse, dressed in pink scrubs, entered the room. She looked at the sleeping Mateo and smiled. She knew that John and Mateo were boyfriends. She admired the pair, it was not going to be easy for them, as a young gay couple, in today's world. She looked at John and decided not to wake him. He needed his rest. She would return in an hour, to check on him and take his vitals.

John's body shifted in bed as he dreamt.

The blackness surrounded him as he ran. He could hear the monster coming for him. His feet felt like lead as he tried to escape his attacker. He ran to Dominick's. The door was locked. He saw Gino working. His Italian friend waved to him and smiled. John pounded on the door. "Let me in! He's coming for me." His cry for help went unheard, as Gino turned and walked away. Suddenly the restaurant was filled with his family and friends. He screamed for them to unlock the door. "Help me!" He shouted in vain.

Mateo came to the door. He tried to open the door. It wouldn't budge. John looked over his shoulder; he could hear the beast approaching. He began to cry, tears were running down his face. "Help me, I need your help." He looked at the sorrowful face of his lover as he turned and walked away. "Where are you going?" he pleaded as he pounded on the door. "Come back!"

Mateo turned back to face John, only it wasn't Mateo, it was Snake. Snake smirked at him, pointing his finger and laughing. John stood there in panic. His felt his heart as it increased in speed. "No, please don't" he exclaimed. His words went unheard. "Please leave me alone, don't do this."

He was back in the dark alley; the lonely alley. The smell of alcohol and marijuana invaded his nostrils. He felt the blows to his face, the kicks to his side. He heard his own ribs crack. Tears ran down his bloody face as he pleaded with Snake. "Don't do this. Please stop." He looked into the eyes of his attacker, expecting to see anger or hatred.

Snake's eyes told a different story. It was very strange looking into Snake's eyes. They were the eyes of a lonely boy who wanted to be loved. John reached out to touch Snake`s face. He wanted to comfort him, tell him that everything would be OK. He jerked back his hand when he heard Snake speak, "You faggot whore, I'm going to teach you to take it like a man." At that moment the ground opened. It opened to reveal a whirlwind of darkness. It began to swallow up the alley. John felt himself slipping into the darkness. "HELP ME! NOOO!" He cried.

Mateo stood at the bedside of his lover, trying to awaken him from the dream, which haunted his John. "John, wake up. You're having a bad dream." He shook John's shoulder, hoping that would pull him from the dark dream that had captured him.

John jerked awake, "No! Please help me!" His eyes were wide with fear. He clung to the bedrail. Mateo's heart broke, feeling the pain John was enduring.

Mateo pulled him into a hug, "Shh, it's ok, it's ok, I'm here." He tried to comfort the trembling body of his boyfriend.

"Oh Mateo, it was Snake! Snake did this to me." John cried into his shoulder.

Mateo caressed John's body. "I know Guerito, I know. Last night he turned himself in. He's locked up in jail." Mateo rocked him in his arms.

John curled his body around his lover. "I tried to stop him. He was just too strong for me." John choked out the words. Mateo's heart was torn in two when he heard the next words. "He--He raped me."

Mateo pressed his body against John's. "I know babe. It's OK he's never going to touch you again." He ran his fingers through John's hair trying to comfort him. Mateo couldn't control himself anymore as he released the tears from his own eyes. He wanted to be strong for John but at that moment he lost control. His body shook as he quietly cried on John's shoulder.

William O'Dell sat with his arms crossed, looking at the slumped form of his son. He came to the police station, after being called at home, in the middle of the night. Snake had called, asking him to come to his aid.

When he arrived, he shook hands with his son, and gave him a nod. He had offered no verbal greeting to Snake. There was no hug, or any kind of affection towards his son. Bill O'Dell had never believed in any of that "girly" stuff while he was growing up, and didn't believe his son needed it either. Even as a child, when Patrick had fallen or scraped a knee his father always told him to be a man and not to cry. "Real men don't cry." he used to say to his child, as he suffered alone, in agony.

The lack of affection, and love, had caused a huge void in Snake's life. Last night's attack, on John, was a failed attempt to fill that empty hole, caused by his father's beliefs. Snake didn't bother to try and talk with his father. The two had never, really, had a conversation that lasted more than 5 minutes. The only time his dad had shown any interest in him, was when he received his football scholarship. His dad told him not to fuck up this opportunity and he'd better do his best.

As he sat there in that sterile room, he thought of his mother. Snake missed her. She was the reason why he'd stayed at home. She understood his father, better than any other person he knew. She was the only person, in Snake's life, that gave a damn. She always had a smile and an encouraging word or hug for him. She always used to say that his father loved him, and that it was just a little hard for him to show it. There were times when he, almost, believed her.

He watched as the cancer drained the life out of his mother's eyes. Her body was just too weak to fight the strong attack of cancer. The battle had lasted two years. He endured two years of seeing her lose the battle with lung cancer. The intense radiation, and chemotherapy stole her beautiful red hair. Her green eyes became dull and lifeless. Before she lost her hair, Snake would spend hours brushing it. It slowly killed him to see her devoured by the cancer. He would sit at her bedside and hold her hair back as she vomited.

He watched as her hair fell out. It seemed to happen overnight. She went from having a full head of hair, to being bald, in a just a single week. In support of his mother's hair loss, he shaved his own head. He had received a scolding from her, telling him that he shouldn't have cut his beautiful curly hair. When she said that he took her in a hug, and told her that he wished he could do more for her. She patted his back, softly, and whispered to her son, that he had done enough already.

Patrick cursed his father. He was never there for his mother. He was not there to see her go through the agony and pain. He claimed he had to work, or, that he was just too tired. The only time he saw her was on the weekends. When he did come, he never let his son stay in the room. He was always ordered to leave. As far as Patrick was concerned, that wasn't enough time. Finally after two years of fighting the battle it was over.

Patrick lost the only person he ever cared about. Before her death Cheryle O'Dell told her son that he needed to look after his father. She told him that he needed to forgive him for his lack of attention and love. That he was the only family he had left, and that they needed each other. She had the same talk with her husband. They, both, made promises to her that neither one had kept. Patrick was sixteen when she died.

The funeral was on a bright, sunny day, in the spring. As he watched the coffin being lowered into the dark ground; he knew that he had lost everything. There had been times when he thought about ending his own life, but, he never had the courage to actually do it. Deep down, inside, he silently hoped that his relationship with his father would improve. That he would finally understand the man who was his father. He only hoped, that one day, he could fulfill his promise to his mother and start, to build a relationship with his father.

The low knock on the door pulled Snake from the thoughts of his mother. The door opened, slowly, and a man, wearing a gray suit, entered the room. He placed his briefcase on the wooden table, and pushed up the wire-rim glasses on his face. He sat down at the old table. He looked at the pair and began to talk, directing his words towards Snake.

"My name is David Carson. I'm your attorney. He shook hands with Snake, and then, with his father. "I'm from the public defenders office, and I need to go over the charges against you." He opened his briefcase and pulled out a folder. After glancing at the case file, he placed it on the table and interlaced his fingers. "Patrick..." before he said another word, he was interrupted.

"Snake, call me Snake." he said. "Don't call me Patrick."

His father spoke, gruffly, "Who gives a shit what he calls you? You're in deep shit. Shut up and listen to what the man has to say." His voice cut his son down. Snake's body slumped in the chair as he glared at his father.

David sat there, uncomfortable with the situation that he had walked into. He straightened his back, and clearing his throat. "OK, Snake" He called him by his nick name, wondering what the name represented. "We have charges from the D.A.'s office as follows. One count of assault, one count of rape, one count of attempted murder, and one count of battery." He looked at Snake, "Are these charges correct?" He looked at the file folder again. "Did you attack and rape John Clark?"

Snake shifted in his seat. His face burned, as he looked at the floor. A minute passed, and Snake sat there saying, and doing, nothing.

His father rose from his chair, "He asked you a question Patrick. Answer the question. Did you rape that boy?"

His father's words shook him out of his trance, "Yes.. I.. didn't mean it. I only wanted to talk to him. I wanted to tell him that I wanted to be his friend. I don't know why I did it." He hung his head and quietly sobbed. "I had a crush on him."

His father pounded his fist into the already ratty table. He pointed a fat finger at his son, "I knew you were a faggot. I told your mother what happened between you and that other boy."

His father's words shocked him. "You told mom? Why? Why did you have to tell her?"

His father stood in defiance of his son's question."Because she was right. She told me that you were gay before I caught you with that boy. She told me that she just knew and that she was OK with it. Well, I'm not OK with it Patrick. You're no son of mine. As far as anyone is concerned I don't have a son anymore."

Snake looked at his father in shock, "You can't mean that. Don't do this dad. Please, I need you right now." Tears rolled down his cheeks as he faced his father. "You're all I have left in this world."

His father's cold eyes looked down upon him, "I will not have a faggot for a son." He looked around the room uncertain of what to do next. Finally his eyes came back and rested on his sobbing child. "I wish you were never born." William O'Dell walked to the door and left the room, not bothering to say another word to his son.

Snake heard the footsteps of his father fade away as he sat there. His feelings were hurt but he was also very angry that his father could just walk away from his only child.

He sat there trying to calm himself. He forgot about the lawyer until he heard him clear his throat again. Snake quickly wiped the tears from his eyes trying to put on a brave front for the stranger that now had his life in his hands.

"So, what do I do now?" he asked in a small voice. Gone now was the tuff-guy façade, in its place was a young man, who needed help.

David Carson looked at Snake, and took pity on the boy. He almost lost his composure watching the scene between father and son. He wondered what kind of father could just walk out of their child's life. He made the decision that he would do everything in his power to help Snake. "Well, let's start by answering the first question in more depth. What happened last night?"

Snake recounted the story of what happened to the best of his ability. He made sure to stress the fact that he didn't have any intentions of hurting John.

Officer Carl Collins and his partner Jack Foster walked the aisles of the hospital looking for John's room number. The two officers would occasionally stop and chat with members of the hospital staff. When they found John's room they knocked quietly, and entered the room. The room was quiet, but not empty. John's parents and Mateo were sitting around John's bed.

They entered and greeted everyone in the room. Carl looked at John, "How are you feeling today John?" He asked with concern on his face. "I'm better thanks. I'm not in as much pain as I was last night."

Carl grinned, "That's good. Do you think you're up for answering some questions for us?" John looked a little worried, he grabbed Mateo's hand which was near his. "Do you mind if Mateo stays with me?"

Well, normally, we'd like to talk to you alone, but if it makes you feel more comfortable, he can stay." He looked at Mateo and winked.

Mateo smiled, "Thanks Officer Collins, I think John needs me right now."

Carl took out his memo pad and pen. He felt compassion, as he looked at John in the bed. "So, have you regained any of your memory from last night?"

John's face clouded over as he looked at Carl, "Yeah I remember everything." He looked nervous. He looked at his dad, "Will you stay too? You and mom I mean."

His father looked at his son, "We're here for you son, we're not going anywhere." He pulled Shelia to his side, and slid an arm around her. She looked like she was about to cry. If she started, then John knew that he would start as well.

For the next hour John gave a description of what had happened, after he left Dominick's. He felt drained when it was over. The two officers thanked him for his statement, and wished him well. Once again Officer Collins offered his help to John and Mateo. He wanted to let them know that he was there for them, if they ever needed him.

A few minutes after the police left, John said something that shocked everyone in the room. He told them that he wanted to see Snake, and to talk with him. He didn't have a reason for wanting this; but he felt that he needed to do this. Both of his parents were against it, and Mateo was not very happy with the idea of Snake and John being in the same room. They finally agreed that John would talk with Snake, with Mateo there as well.

Shelia and Adam left for lunch, saying that they wanted to give the boys some time alone. They promised to bring back something for them to eat, as the hospital food was not very good. They said they'd be back in an hour, and slipped out of the room.

When they were gone Mateo turned to John,

"OK, tell me why you want to talk to Snake? As far as I know, he should be locked up in jail, for the rest of his life." Mateo's voice was sharp.

John looked into his eyes, "I know this is going to sound strange, but I don't think he meant to hurt me. I remember afterwards, hearing him cry. He was saying that he was sorry and that he didn't mean to hurt me." John's eyes began to moisten, "And then, this dream I had. I saw the way he looked, so lonely and afraid. Like he didn't have anyone that loved him, or cared for him."

"I need to talk to him about this Mateo. I need to find out if this is true. My guts tell me that I'm right and that he never meant to hurt me."

Mateo placed a hand on John's shoulder, "Are you sure about this? I mean, what if you're wrong, and he really meant to hurt you? I don't want to put you through anything that going to cause you any pain and suffering." Mateo's eyes also began to moisten, "I hate to see you hurting." He moved his hand to John's face, and gently cupped his bruised cheek, "But if you really want to do this, I'll be there for you. You know I'd do anything for you." A single tear ran down his cheek as he leaned forward and kissed John. Their tears mixed, as they kissed.

The kiss lasted a long time, and when Mateo straightened his body, he noticed a tent in the sheets. "I see that part of you is still working." He glanced at the blushing John. "Well I hope so, I don't know what we'd do if that stopped working."

John noticed the bulge in Mateo's jeans. "Looks like you're going to split your jeans wide open." He snickered. Mateo reached down and tried to adjust himself. John chuckled, "I don't think it's working babe, I can still see it." John reached out and squeezed the huge bulge in his jeans.

Mateo threw up his hands in surrender, "I guess I can't do anything about it till I get home."

John's eyes met Mateo's, "I have an idea. Close the door and pull the curtain around the bed."

Mateo looked shocked, "What are you planning?"

John moved his body closer to the edge of the bed while pushing the control to lower the bed. He grinned at Mateo, "C'mon, just do it." Mateo, quickly, shut the door, and then pulled the curtain around the bed, blocking any view of them. John motioned him to stand near the head of the bed. Once in place John's hand quickly went to work undoing the buttons on Mateo's Levi's.

Mateo knew that this was totally wrong, but he was also very horny for John. In a matter of seconds, Mateo's pants were around his knees, and John's mouth was around his leaking cock. The warmth of John's mouth on his cock drove him into ecstasy. His hips began to slowly thrust in and out of John's sweet mouth.

John worked his mouth over his lover's penis, enjoying the taste and smell of his Mateo. He managed to cup Mateo's smooth balls in his hand while taking him in his mouth. He could feel that Mateo was getting close to cumming, and he increased the suction on his cock.

Mateo whispered, "Oh John I'm going to cum. This feel so good!"

John looked up into his lover's face and saw the pleasure of orgasm as his mouth was filled with spicy Latino cum. There was so much that a few drops ran down his chin as he swallowed. Mateo's now spent cock withdrew form John's mouth. John gave a little groan of disappointment when he felt the now semi-hard cock exit his mouth.

"Oh babe that was fantastic." Mateo said as he pulled himself together. He pulled up his pants and stuffed his cock in his tight jeans. He leaned down over John's face and kissed him. Mateo's tongue licked up the remnants of cum on John's chin and shared it with him in a long passionate kiss.

John's own cock was still in need of attention. Mateo didn't want to leave him with a case of blue balls, and quickly got to work. He pulled down the sheets and blankets that covered John's body. He almost started to cry when he saw the scrapes and bruises.

John, sensing his thoughts, said, "I'm fine babe. These wounds will heal."

Mateo looked into his eyes, his feelings for John were so powerful, "I love you John."

John smiled as he looked at Mateo, "I love you too." Mateo moved to kiss John. Their lips gently touched.

As they kissed, Mateo hands were working the hospital gown off, exposing John's beautiful body and cock. Mateo gave his nipples a little workout, as he made his way down John's body. After much anticipation Mateo reached his goal. He slowly took John into his mouth.

"Ah, yeah that feels so good." John said feeling the warm lips slide over the head of his cock. Mateo took John all the way down to his pubes. He worked on his balls while sucking John's cock. John whimpered from the pleasure. "Oh Mateo, that feels great, babe."

Mateo loved the feeling of John's cock in his mouth and at the back of his throat. He deep-throated John's cock a few more times before his balls began their move towards his body. Mateo wanted to taste every drop of John's cum, and backed off his cock until he had just the head in his mouth. He licked the slit, tasting the precum.

John's cock released a huge shot of cum. It hit the back of Mateo's throat, bypassing his tongue. Mateo continued to suck, now, tasting the sweet cum of his lover. After taking every possible drop from John's softening cock, Mateo stood up. His face was red. "Wow, that was some load, Mister." He smiled at John. His face suddenly changed when he saw the tears running down John's face. "What's wrong?" he asked wondering if he had done something to hurt him. "John?"

John wept softly, as he looked into Mateo's eyes. "Nothing." he mumbled trying to control the tears that were rolling freely, down his black and blue cheeks. "It's just..."

Mateo, now even more worried, said, "Did I hurt you? Are you ok? Should I ring for the nurse?"

John shook his head, "No, I'm fine. It's just that I had this thought in my head. It's so stupid. Just forget about it."

Mateo was concerned about what was bothering him, and pressed him further, "John, I think you need to talk about this."

John raised the bed as he fixed his hospital gown. He looked at Mateo, he hesitated and finally spoke "I thought, that after what happened, you wouldn't want to be with me anymore. I thought that you would just walk away from me because I was raped." He looked at the hurt _expression on Mateo's face. "I'm sorry. I realized, when we had sex, that you weren't going anywhere. I was so worried that you wouldn't love me anymore." John turned his head towards the wall. He continued to blink back tears.

Mateo stood there for a few seconds, he reached for a tissue and gave it to John. "I can't even try to imagine all the hurt and pain that you're going through right now. I won't even try to understand it. I want you to know that I will never stop loving you." He reached for John's chin and gently turned his head.

Looking into John's eyes he continued, "John, you are my life. Nothing can, or ever will change that. When I saw you in that bed, hooked up to all those machines, I almost lost it. I didn't know what I would do if I lost you. I knew you were going to be OK, but the thought still entered my head." The tears began to roll down Mateo's cheek. John gave him his damp tissue. "John, please know that I'm not going anywhere. I'm here for you babe. Through the easy times and the hard times. You understand?"

John nodded his head, "I understand."

Mateo leaned down and kissed him on the lips. He lifted him off the bed and gave him a gentle hug. "Ok, so no more talk about me leaving. You're stuck with me."

John giggled, "Like glue?"

Mateo giggled as well, he was glad that John was getting back to his old self, "Like CRAZY glue"

At three o'clock John sat on his bed. His mother was tying his shoes. The doctor had examined him after lunch, and had released him from the hospital

"Mom, I can tie my own shoes, you really don't have to do that." Shelia looked at her son. "John you need to watch those ribs. You need to be careful."

All the extra attention made him feel like a kid again. "Oh right." He remembered the pain when he tried bending over earlier, when he slid his feet into his shoes.

At that moment Mateo walked into the room, following the orderly with a wheelchair. He smiled as he entered. "Mateo, where have you been, we missed you at lunch?" Shelia said as she pointed to the bag of food on the table.

"Sorry. I went down to the police station to see about talking with Snake." The room became silent.

"What did they say?" John asked.

Mateo grabbed the bag off the table. "They told me as long as it was ok with Snake, and his attorney, they didn't see any problem with it." Mateo looked at John uncertainly, "You sure you want to do this?"

John nodded his head, "Yup I do. I need to find out if what I heard was true."

Mateo looked John in the eyes, "I thought you'd say that. I called Snake's attorney, his name is David Carson. He told me that he would talk with Snake."

John spoke, "Did you get a chance to ask him about Snake?"

Mateo nodded his head, "Yeah it doesn't look good for him. Snake's father left him on his own, after he found out what he did to you. It seems that he didn't want a fag for a son, and left right in the middle of talking with Mr. Carson."

Mateo took a bite of a cold hamburger he pulled from the bag. After a few seconds he began talking again. "And that's not all, Snake doesn't have enough money to make bail. So he's in jail until he goes before a judge." He saw the look on John's face as he finished his sentence. He knew what was coming next. He pulled out a business card from his pocket, "Here is Mr. Carson's phone number.

The following day John sat outside the county jailhouse with Mateo. The two sat there waiting. John wondered if he was doing the right thing. He knew what he heard and last night he had the same dream. He was certain that Snake didn't mean to hurt him. But, he had to find that out for himself, and he didn't think there was any other way, than to talk with him.

They entered the building. They were escorted to an area of the jail for visitors. The room was noisy and full of people you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley, or any other place. They were led to a smaller room, away form the usual visitors section, they entered. There was a second door which led into the jail. John and Mateo took a seat at the table. John nervously rubbed his hands together as he waited. The door opened behind them and Officer Collins walked in.

"Hi guys. I hope you don't mind but I thought I'd be here for some support. I heard that this was happening today and I just want to offer my unofficial police support."

Mateo and John both smiled at Carl. "Thanks Officer Collins it really means a lot to us that you're here." Mateo said as he shook hands with him.

"Please call me Carl. I'm off duty and, really, I'm just here as a friend." He glanced at John with concern in his eyes. "How are you doing John?" His question was sincere.

"I'm better today. I'm ready to do this. May I ask you a question Carl?" he looked at him with a questioning stare.

"Sure you can ask me a question John."

John looked down at the table as he spoke, "What's going to happen to Snake if he's found guilty?"

Carl took a seat next to the young men, and folded his hands, "Well, it depends on a lot of factors. This is Snake's first major crime, and the judge may go easy on him. But then again, this is a serious charge. He could face maybe 10 to 15 years in prison."

John was about to ask another question when the door across the room opened. A man, about 30 years old, entered the room. He was wearing a black suit and white shirt. His face was boyish, but he looked all business. He stepped up to the table and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm David Carson. I'm Snake's attorney. You must be John?" He looked down at John, sitting at the table.

John squirmed a bit, and then, finally, answered in a small voice, "Yes I'm John." They shook hands with. He glanced at Mateo, "You must be Mateo, we talked on the phone." Mateo also shook hands with David.

"Yes that was me. Nice to meet you."

David glanced at Carl, "David Carson" he said reaching out to shake his hand.

"Carl Collins, friend to John and Matt."

With the introductions out of the way David began to talk. "Snake is really unsure of what you're asking of him. The last few days have been hell for him. I don't mean to make light of what you've been through John but he is in a very fragile state. The reports I get from the jail say that he hasn't slept at all and isn't eating very much. They're watching him very close. I believe he's starting to show signs of depression. Did Mateo tell you about happened with his father?"

John nodded his head, "Yes, I know what happened between him and his dad." John looked at David, "I need to find out something about that night, that I'm not sure of. I need to talk with him."

David stood from his seat, "Ok John, Snake is out in the hallway. I'll go get him."

John's body broke out in a cold sweat as flashes of the night flickered in his mind. He reached his shacking hand out to Mateo's.

Mateo took his hand and lovingly stoked it. He turned his head to John and whispered, "I love you John."

John squeezed his hand and smiled at his handsome Latino boyfriend. " I love you too babe." They quickly shared a kiss.

Carl saw this and spoke up, "You two better stop before I have to arrest you for public indecency." He chuckled as they began to giggle.

"There is no justice in this world" Mateo retorted.

Once again the door leading to the jail opened. Snake walked into the room. He was handcuffed and wearing an ugly orange jumpsuit. His face looked haggard and there were dark circles under his bloodshot eyes. His skin looked almost gray. His green eyes, that always seemed to laugh, were dull and glazed.

He didn't look at John or Mateo as he entered at sat at the table. The guard unlocked his handcuffs, and stepped to the corner of the room. He stood with his legs apart and his hands behind his back. He looked ready for any trouble that might happen.

Snake kept his eyes down, looking at the table.

Mateo felt the pressure on his hand increase as John stirred in his chair. He once again looked at John with questioning eyes. Knowing exactly what Mateo was asking, John answered him with a slight nod.

Finally finding his voice John spoke, "Snake, we need to talk..."

Well there it is. I hope you all are enjoying the story so far. Write and let me know your thoughts. Love to you all,

David Santibanez

Next: Chapter 17

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