John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Apr 12, 2004


Hey guys in response to your e-mails I'm changing the introduction to my chapters. No longer will I apologize for the grammatical and spelling errors. I don't have an editor, so I proof read all of this by myself. As I've said before this story will move rather slow. All the e-mails are great. Thank you all for taking the time to write. As I've stated many times, your e-mails are what keep me going. All comments are welcome. The addy is (under score between john_mateo) Please write and tell me if you like my story. I hope to hear from you.

The usual disclaimer don't read this if you're too young or it's against the law where you live. This story is about gay men.

Thanks guys and now on with the story of John and Mateo


As Friday grew closer so did John's anticipation. He was very busy with all the activities of preparing for Friday and the concert that would introduce him to the alumni of the college, and to the world. He had only one other session with Jacob on Tuesday. During that time he made some careless mistakes. Jacob in anticipation cleared his whole day just incase John needed an extra boost of confidence. After the third mistake John showed his frustration in his mood. He abruptly stood up from the piano, cursing himself. Jacob finally stopped the lesson and retrieved his mother's faithful tea pot from the cupboard. He and John sat sipping Earl Grey while chit-chatting. He wanted to try and take John away from his anxiety and replace it with confidence he clearly knew his student possessed. The first step was to take his mind off the concert. "So, how is that Latin stud of yours?" He asked hoping that his question would help John forget about Friday and the concert. "Oh Jacob he's great." John's face beamed. "Did I tell you that we moved in together?" he asked his teacher. Jacob sat straight up at the news. "No you didn't honey. How's that working out for you" A Cheshire cat grin spread across his face. "Oh, it's working out very good." He took another sip of his tea and set the cup down. "We had a great time in Mexico. I met his parents, almost broke up the family, and then flew to San Diego." Jacob did a double-take at John. His face wore a mask of questions. John laughed as he told him the tale of drama. Jacob Oh'd and Ah'd in all the right places letting him know that he was hanging on every word. Once John was finished Jacob had his own grin on his face. "I just love happy endings. Especially when everything works out. I have no doubt in my mind that it will." Jacob refilled their cups with steaming tea and placed a few chocolate chip cookies on a small plate. The student and teacher spent another thirty minutes talking about anything and everything. John also told Jacob about the scene with Snake and Mateo. He told John to warn Snake to be careful. "The gay mafia is out there and they're not afraid to give Snake a "make-over." John laughed as he pictured Snake in a dress and heals. That was something that he would definitely pay to see. When there was a lull in the conversation Jacob dove right in with his speech for his student. "John, I know that Friday is coming and you're nervous as hell. But let me tell you that I have the utmost confidence in you." John's mouth lifted in a slight smile. He tinge a bit of red as his eyes lowered to the floor. Jacob continued, "It's normal to feel the way your feeling right now, but don't let this feeling interfere with your ability to play. You know the piece backwards and forwards. You could even play it standing on your head." Jacob placed his hand under John's chin lifting his head until he was able to look into his eyes. "You can do this." Jacob moved his hand to John's shoulder. Jacob continued, "The way you play makes me so very proud to be your teacher. I love bragging to the others in my circle of friends about you. I have no doubt in my being that tells me you cant play this piece. Now, were going to do it one more time, and I want you to make that piano sing." They both walked to the piano. John sat down feeling the keys with his hands. Jacob reached over and removed the music from the piano's liar. "You wont need this." He said as he took the music and placed it aside. John knew that he was right. Jacob walked to the sound system and pushed play button. The music began. John's mind was clear of any doubt. He played. The music was flawless. The piece ended. John's body felt the electricity in the room. He opened his eyes to see his teacher smiling with tears in his eyes. He smiled himself as he raised himself from the piano bench. Jacob grabbed him in a hug and didn't let go for a full minute. They both laughed as they hugged. John's own eyes moistened as he held onto Jacob. His teacher whispered into his ear, "You did it baby! You did it!"

John left that day walking about ten feet off the ground. He promised Jacob two front row seats for the performance. Being a soloist in the concert John was given ten seats for family and friends.

Wednesday arrived with gloomy clouds and cold rain. John and Mateo really hadn't spend a lot of time together. This week was turning out to be a hectic week for both them. The only time they spent together was at night. Mateo could see the affects that the concert was having on John. He would come home to find John asleep in his clothes. His things would be spread out all over the bed. Mateo would wake him up to get some food into him and then put him back to bed. He would be glad when things finally settled down for them. His own schedule was grueling. The coach added another 2 hours a day to his class of weight-lifting and body work. He felt totally drained and to add the additional time would take an even bigger toll on his body. He pretty much hung out with PT while in class. Snake and Jose were always there, but they didn`t acknowledge him or PT. As far as Mateo was concerned that was fine with him

Wednesday was rehearsal day with the college orchestra. Professor Graham notified John that he would need to meet at the concert hall at 3pm and to expect to stay until 10pm. He stressed to John the importance of staying there for the entire time. The mechanics of the performance needed to be ironed out before Friday. Where to walk, to stand, the placement of the piano, which side of the stage to enter, and which to exit. Sound checks and lighting issues needed to be handled as well. At the end of rehearsal John walked away like a zombie. He was relieved to hear that Thursday was a day off from all activities pertaining to the concert. All he needed to worry about was picking his parents up from the airport. He looked forward to seeing them.

As was the case, Wednesday night found both weary young men eating dinner at the local burger place about 11 at night. The need for food seemed to keep them awake as they discussed Thursday. John spoke, "My folks are coming in at about 4pm. I figured we can go to Dominick's for dinner. I'd like to introduce them to the gang." Mateo nodded his head. "That's cool. My class let's out at about 3:30 I should be able to go with you to the airport." He yawned as he took a bite out of his super colossal burger. As he chewed his cell phone chirped, letting him know that there was a new unheard message. Mateo furrowed his eyebrows as he opened his phone. "Huh, I didn't see this earlier." He pushed a button and listened to his new message. His face lit up as he listened. John knew that is must be good news by the expression on his face. Mateo's face did a 180 and fell. He closed his phone. Looking at John he spoke, "It doesn't look like I'll be able to go with you to pick up your parents." This worried John as he knew something must have happened. "What is it? Why can't you go with me?" He looked at Mateo with dread waiting to hear the reason. Mateo smiled big, his perfect teeth showing, "I can't go with you because my parents are coming in at the same time as your parents!" He almost squealed as he told John. John released the breath that he was holding. He leaned over and punched Mateo in the arm. "Don't do that!" He exclaimed. Mateo still laughing, rubbed is arm. "What? It's just my parents." He laughed. John shook his head, "No, I mean don't scare me like that. That look on your face made me think there was something wrong." Mateo smiled melting John's anger away like an ice cube in the sun. He could never stay mad at him. John's eyes smiled, "That's cool. Now our parents can meet. Do you think they'll like each other?" his eyes suddenly looking serious. He wanted nothing more than his parents to like Rafael and Anita. "Don't worry so much. I'm sure they'll get along fine. I'll have to call home tomorrow to let them know I got the message." Mateo's eyebrows shot up, "Hey, now we can take both set of parents to Dominick's for dinner. I wonder if we can use the room in the back of the restaurant. I'll have to call Gino tomorrow and ask. John spoke, "Hey, that's a good idea. There's going to be a lot of us. We'll have like a pre-concert get together.

They both were excited about the party. They talked a while until Mateo notice John's eyes drooping. He knew it was time to leave and head home. "C'mon Guerito, it' time to put you to bed." The two young lovers left the burger place and headed home. Once there they undress and crawled under the cool sheets. They fell asleep before their heads touched the pillows.

The next morning was beautiful. The sun rose in the azure sky, amidst fluffy white clouds. The birds sang their morning songs welcoming the new day. The insects buzzed and began their day of gathering food. The air smelled clean and crisp.

The clock read 7:00 when John stirred in his bed. He stretched his slim body under the warm covers. It felt like he had slept for days. He was surprised to feel so rested. Next to him laid the beautiful Latin stud. Mateo's dark hair covered his face. He looked so sweet sleeping. His muscular chest was exposed. John watched his chest rise and fall. He looked so sexy. John felt horny. He reached over and placed his hand on Mateo's chest. He brushed the right nipple with the tip of his fingers, feeling it harden under his touch. He drew circles around the nipple as he nibbled on his lover's neck. John slowly kissed his way down Mateo's chest. Tenderly he kissed his right nipple. He finally opened his mouth and took the nipple into his warm mouth. Mateo stirred as he felt the wonderful sensation on his body. He opened his eyes to see John's blond hair. He knew that John was busy on his nipple. He placed his hand on John's back and slowly began to stroke his body. John looked up into Mateo's brown pools. He loved looking into his dark eyes. He smiled, "Morning babe." A huge smile was returned by Mateo, "Morning beautiful." Mateo reached down and brought John up so he could reach his lips. Their kiss was long and passionate. John laid on top of Mateo's body. He felt the hardness of his lover's cock. He reached down and took the hard shaft into his hand. Mateo released a low groan as he felt him squeeze his hard cock. "Mmm, what a way to wake up." he said as he kissed John. John grinned, "I love the way you feel. So hot!" Mateo released a sexy chuckle, "Well, you don't feel so bad yourself." he said as he took John's cock in his hand. John almost squealed. He loved it when Mateo held him.

John moved his body down. He wanted to take Mateo into orbit. He opened his mouth and took the 9 inch cock down his throat. Mateo was in heaven when he felt John's throat open to take him. "Oh god John, that's good. Oh baby, yeah. Do it." As John bobbed up and down on his cock, Mateo moved his body so he would be able to take John's cock. They laid on their sides in a 69 position. Mateo wrapped his lips around the pink head of John's cock. He loved the way it tasted. They both moaned as they pleasured themselves. As they continued they both began to play with each others holes. A few grunts and they both were enjoying the feeling of a hot finger fuck. Mateo had two finger buried up John's ass. He loosened him up in preparation for his cock. With Mateo on his back. John climbed on top of his lover and slowly lowered himself down on Mateo's huge cock. Mateo was in paradise as he felt John open to take his whole cock. John was breathing hard as he relaxed his ass to take all of Mateo. He finally felt Mateo's balls on his ass. Mateo held his lovers hips and smiled. "Oh god babe you feel so good on my dick. I love being inside you." He sat up with John still impaled on his cock. He leaned over and kissed his soft lips. He whispered "I love you John." John smiled, "Oh Mateo, I love you too." Mateo laid down again. He slowly began to thrust up into John. John whimpered as he felt the huge cock leave and then enter his ass again and again. He lifted himself up and then lowered his body. Up and down, faster and harder. His body covered with sweat. "Oh Mateo, fuck me! Oh god this feels so good." Mateo's own body was sweating as he continued to thrust his hips into John.

A few minutes later that familiar feeling came. Mateo's cock expanded as he neared his organism. "Oh John, I'm gonna cum!" He shouted. John continued to ride Mateo's dick. He didn't want to stop. Suddenly he felt the hot cum shoot into his ass. "Ooooh Joooooohn! Mateo's cock shot cum up John's sweet ass. John's own orgasm was approaching fast. He stopped, feeling Mateo's twitching cock. "Oh Mateo I'm gonna cum." He shouted. Mateo's hand grabbed John's cock and started to jerk it. "C'mon John. Shoot it baby!" No sooner had Mateo said that when John released a huge glob of cum from his cock hitting Mateo in the face. Five more shots of hot cum spewed from John's cock. Mateo's face and chest were cover in John's thick cum. Mateo's cock slipped from John's ass as John moved down. His mouth found Mateo's lips. Their kiss, deep and passionate. John used his fingers and scooped up some cum and fed it to Mateo. John picked up a t-shirt from the floor and cleaned the rest of his mess on Mateo's chest. When they were fairly cleaned up John laid his head on his chest. "That was great Mateo. Thank you." Mateo caressed John's head with his hand. "All I can say is wow!" John giggled at his response. "Thanks"

After the all the energy that was used up they went to breakfast. They were both back in their room at 9:45. Mateo called home and spoke with Emma. She relayed to him the flight information about this parents. She repeated what he already knew. He thanked her and said he would call her back and tell her how everything went. He then called his mother's cell phone. He left the message that he had received the flight information and that he would be there to pick them up.

He then called Gino and talked to him about getting together later that night and using the back room for the family meal. Gino told him that he'd take care of setting the room up and not to worry about anything. Mateo thanked him profusely and told him that he'd see him later that night at the restaurant.

The rest of the time was spent just relaxing in the room. At 11 Mateo left for weight class. He said he'd call John when he had his parents. They set a time of 7pm to meet everyone at Dominick's. John kissed him good bye. They would meet at the restaurant at 7, if not sooner.

John made a few calls himself. He called Jacob to invite him to tonight's dinner. He wanted to include him. John felt very close to his teacher and didn't want to leave him out of the family dinner. Jacob graciously accepted his invitation and told John that he'd see him at 7 o'clock.

He then called the tuxedo rental place to make sure his tuxedo was ready. The sales clerk recommended that John come in for a final fitting just in case there were any last minute alterations that needed to be done. He agreed and told them he'd be there within the hour.

He placed one more call to PT. He wanted to invite him to tonight's dinner if Mateo hadn't done it already. Knowing that PT was in weight class with Mateo, John left a message on his cell phone.

After all the phone calls John finally left for the tuxedo shop. He walked in to find a young blond guy eating a sandwich. He walked up to the counter and waited as the guy finished his last bite of food. "May I help you?" he smiled at John. "Yes I'm here to pick up my tux, the name is Clark, John Clark." The young man hopped off the stool he was sitting on. "Oh yeah, just a sec. It's right in the back." He disappeared behind a black curtain only to emerge a few seconds later with a plastic covered black tuxedo. He handed it to John and showed him the changing rooms. "Try everything on that way we can see if it all fits." John stepped into the room and began changing. A few minutes later he came out with a very dissatisfied look on his face. "Um I think we have a problem. The jacket is way too big, and the pants are too tight in the waist." John was right. The pants dug into his waist as he moved. The jacket hung off his body like a sac of potatoes. "Really, well let's take a look." The young man said. "Well, the coat is defiantly too big. He took the jacket form John and placed it on a nearby mannequin. He stood back looking at the pants. "The length is right. Let me try something." He moved towards John, pulled up a chair and sat. He placed his hands on his waist. "OK stand still." He moved his hands into the waistband of the pants. This caused John to giggle as he felt the hands brush against his body. The young man's face reflected his concentration as he finally found what he was looking for. He undid a clip on each side of the pants releasing the elastic. The pants suddenly expanded relieving the pressure on John's stomach. He extracted his hands from John's pants and looked up with a grin. "How's that?" He asked, knowing from the look on John's face that it was a 100% better. John released a sigh, "Oh that feels so much better. I didn't realize that I had to release the elastic inside. Man, what a difference." The young man ran his fingers inside the waistband of the pants checking to see if everything was right. "Yeah, there are a couple of clips that release and lock the elastic. You can adjust them to your liking and then lock the elastic in place. Because it's inside the pants no one sees the elastic." He showed John the way the pants worked. He then turned his attention to the jacket. He double checked the paperwork and size of John's jacket. "I'll be right back with another one so you can try it on." With that said he once again vanished behind the curtain. Moments later he returned with another jacket. "Let's try this." He handed the jacket to John. He put the jacket on and it fit like a glove. "Wow, this feels great." He tested the movements of the arms. He didn't want to feel any kind of restrictions when he played. Giving the guy a smile John spoke, "You really know your stuff dude. The fit is perfect." The young man blushed, "Well I do have a little confession. It seems that there is another tuxedo in the back that's just like this one. I mixed up the jackets while I was putting them together earlier today. Sorry." His faced tinged a dark shade of red. John chuckled, "It's cool guy, no harm done." John stepped over to the full length mirror, "How does it look?" he asked the salesman. "It looks great, Mr. Clark." John laughed when he heard the guy say "Mr. Clark", "Dude, Mr. Clark is my dad. I'm John." He said introducing himself to him. "Cool, I'm Tyson." They shook hands. "Nice to meet you Tyson." John said. "You too, John." Tyson smiled. "Can I wrap that up for you?" he asked. "Sure, I'll be right back." John said as he returned to the dressing room. Ten minutes later John was on his way. The tuxedo hanging in the back of his truck.

At 3:30 he stood in the airport studying the monitors on arriving flights. He saw that his parents flight was running 15 minutes late. He glanced at his watch, what was he gonna to do for 45 minutes? His cell phone rang. He smiled when he noticed it was Mateo's number. "Hi babe." He could hear a chuckle over the phone. "Hi Babe, are you at the airport?" John sighed, "Yup I'm here. The flight is running 15 minutes late. Are you on your way?" he asked. "Yeah I'm heading out now. I'll be there in about twenty minutes." There was a pause on the phone, "I miss you John." John's heart did a somersault in his chest. "I miss you too baby." There was an kissing sound on the phone. "Did you just blow me a kiss?" John asked. "Yup and you better not drop it." Mateo chuckled. "Never." he answered. "I'll see you at the restaurant." Mateo was about to say his goodbye to John when the phone was grabbed out of his hand. "Yo, Johnny boy!" PT's voice came over the speaker. "Sup PT?" he asked, surprised to hear his voice. "Thanks for the invite to dinner tonight." John laughed, "You're welcome dude. You know you're always welcomed." John laughed as he heard Mateo and PT wrestle for the phone. "You boys play nice!" he shouted into the phone. A few seconds later a breathless Mateo returned, "OK babe! I'll see you later. I love you. Bye" John smiled, "I love you too, I'll see you later."

John walked around the airport looking at the different shops and boutiques. Once again he checked the monitors and saw that the flight was just arriving. He made his way to the luggage area. He agreed to meet his parents at the luggage claim area. Because of the airport security he was unable to meet them at the gate. Ten minutes later he spotted his parents among the throng of people in the luggage area. He waved vigorously, trying to get their attention. His father waved, acknowledging his son with a smile. Once they collected their luggage the Clarks left the chaos of people searching for luggage. They joined their son. Hugs were given all around. Adam couldn't help but mess John's hair. To him his son was still a little boy. John reveled in the affections of his father. He loved wrestling with his dad. John playfully punched his dad's arm. They both laughed and carried on their hi-jinx. Sheila Clark shook her head. "OK boys, enough already." she laughed. "I need help with these bags." She stood amidst two large suitcases and a few other smaller bags. Placed on one of the larger suitcases rested her violin. John's love of music came from his mother. Ever since John could remember his mother played the violin. She played well enough to be in a local chamber orchestra back home. Once John was born she gave it up to care for him. Although she missed her times with the orchestra, her work as a school teacher kept her so busy she didn't miss it half as much as she thought she would. She was the one who encouraged John to play the piano. She knew he loved music. She used to play for him when he was a baby. She remembered his body swaying to the rhythm of the music. Later as he grew she would often find him sitting by the himself listening to music on the radio. She knew her son was special. When he showed interest in the piano Shelia encouraged her son to play. She was happy now that he had followed her guidance.

Soon they were on the way to the local hotel. John told his parents that they would be meeting everyone at Dominick's restaurant later that evening. He also told them that Rafael and Anita Villasenor were able to come and that they were looking forward to meeting them. Both of his parents expressed their excitement about the meeting.

As his parents were checking into the hotel John's cell phone rang. "Hello?" there was a slight pause. "Hi Babe, it's me." John smiled as he heard Mateo's voice. "Hey! What's up?" Mateo said something in Spanish, "Espera un momentito Mama" (just a second Mom). "We're here! I have my parents and we're on out way to the hotel." The Villasenor's were staying in another hotel across town. It was the only one they could find on such short notice. With all the alumni coming into the small town the hotels were quickly booked up. They were lucky when there was a cancellation. "Cool babe, My parents are just checking in. I think they're gonna wash up and rest a little while." Mateo spoke, "Yeah, I think mine are going to do the same. I'll call you in a little while." John smiled, "Ok babe, I'll talk to you soon. I love you." John could tell Mateo was smiling, "I love you too guerito. Bye." With the connection closed, John closed his phone and placed it back into it's holder.

By the time he ended his conversation John's parents were through with check in. "You talking to your boy?" His dad asked. "Yup. He's taking his parents to the hotel to check in. We'll meet up later." Shelia looked at her husband. "I don't know about you dear, but I can sure use a nap." Adam nodded his head, "Yeah me too, I'm beat." John spoke, "Well I'll let you get some rest. I'll be back at about 6:30 to pick you up for dinner." Adam shook his head, "No need son. We have a rental." He jingled a couple of keys in the air. "The hotel had it waiting for us. We'll meet you at the restaurant. Just give me directions." John gave his Dad directions and told them that he would see them there. They all hugged good bye. Once again John reminded his mother to bring her violin with her to the restaurant. She told him not to worry that she'd bring it.

The evening was cool as Mateo and John made their way to Dominick's. Both of their parents would meet them there along with the rest of the gang. They walked into the restaurant to the greeting of Mamma Anna and her husband. John had never met her husband. He was always in the kitchen busy with preparing the food for customers. Mario DeAngello was a man that stood about 5'11 with burly arms and a barrel chest. His white hair gave away his real age. He eyes seemed so intense. They seemed to capture you in their gaze. A hooked nose sat in the middle of his face. His bushy eyebrows softened his hawk-like stare. He immediately recognized Mateo. "Ah Mateo, Prego, Prego." (welcome) His voice was deep. His accent just as thick as Mamma's. He took Mateo in a bear hug. Mateo's eyes bugged a little as he felt the vise-grip around his body. He wondered where this old man got all his strength. "Ciao Pappa. Good to see you." He managed to squeak out." Mamma Anna came to his rescue, "Pappa, let him down. You're going to esqueeze him to mucha. He's es no toy, eh?" Pappa Mario released Mateo. He turned his eyes on John. "You musta be John. Mamma has told me all about yous." It was John's turn to be taken into the grips of Pappa Mario's arms. He braced himself as the hairy arms surrounded his body. Pappa controlled himself and John was released without any harm. "Ciao Pappa Mario, nice to meet you." He said as he stepped away from the Italian. Pappa noticed something about the boys he stepped in close to them and place a hand on each their cheeks, "Boys eh, you know we Italians enjoy de hugs eh? You humor us ok?" He smiled. "Oh Pappa we love the hugs." Mateo spoke. "Just not too hard OK?" He grinned at the old man. Mario nodded his head in agreement with him. "OK boys, you got it."

After a few more minutes of talking with the older couple Mateo and John excused themselves and walked to the back room. The room looked great. All the clutter was gone and in it's place was a nicely decorated room. There were two tables each seating six people. Table clothes covered each table. Beautiful china with crystal glasses sat at each place setting. Lights were strung along the walls lighting the room in a soft light. The piano was open and sparkled in the light. Along another wall were tables with chaffing dishes. "Wow, this looks great." John said as he continued to look around the room. "Yeah this is awesome." Mateo echoed.

"Ciao guys." They turned to see Gino walk in the room. "What do you think?" he said as he smiled. "This is great Gino! Thank you so much." Mateo said. "No problem guys.

Mamma supervised herself. She put all the extra touches in herself. She had a blast." They chuckled, John spoke "We have to do something for her Mateo, as a thank you. Something cool." Mateo agreed. "We'll have to think about it babe."

At that moment Jacob walked in with another man. "Hey! They told me out front that I'd find you in here." John seeing Jacob ran to his teacher. "Jacob! Glad you could make it." Jacob smiled at John, "Well there was an opening in my social calendar tonight so I penciled you in." John rolled in laughter, "Well I'm glad you made it. I want you to meet Mateo." At that moment Mateo walked up, "Jacob Finley, I'd like to introduce you to my boyfriend Mateo Villasenor. Mateo this is Jacob my piano teacher." Mateo smiled wide as he shook Jacob's hand, "Nice to meet you Jacob." Jacob returned the warm smile, "Nice to meet you too Mateo. John has told me all about you. You know you have his heart don't you?" Mateo tinged red, "Yeah, I know. And he has mine too." He looked at John with smiling eyes.

Jacob turned toward the man next to him, "This is my friend Chris Banks, he's also a student of mine." John and Mateo turned there gaze on the young man, Chris was a little taller then John, with curly brown hair and auburn eyes. His body looked firm and he wore a nice shirt and slacks. "Nice to meet you." They said in unison. Chris smiled, "It's nice to meet you too. Thank you for the invite. I can't wait for the concert tomorrow. Jacob tells me you're a fantastic pianist." Now it was John's turn to blush, "I'm ok." He said shrugging his shoulders. Jacob chuckled, "John you one of the best. Don't short sell yourself." John smiled, "Thanks Jake. It means a lot coming from you."

Soon everyone had arrived. Their parents were introduced to everyone. Shelia and Anita sat and chit chatted about their sons. They both agreed the changes taking place were good for their families. Rafael and Adam talked about their family and shared with each other about their work. They all were getting along fine. Mamma and Pappa also joined them for dinner.

The food was brought in and placed in the chaffing dishes. When things had settled down John walked over to his mother's table to speak with her. "Mom before we eat can we do a duet at the piano?" Shelia smiled at her son, "Sure honey." Anita over heard their conversation. "Oh Shelia, are you a musician too?" She nodded her head, "Yes I play the violin. I've played since I was a girl." Anita smiled, "How wonderful. That's where John gets all his talent." Sheila smiled, "Yes I tell him that all the time." She chuckled and winked at her son as she rose from the table. She walked over and took her violin out of it's case. After a few minutes of tuning the instrument she was ready. She and John huddled for a few minutes and finally decided on the piece to play. John spoke, "Hello everyone. I want to thank you all for coming out tonight. As you all know tomorrow night is the alumni quarterly concert. I wanted to thank you all for your support. It means a great deal to me to have my family and friends here. When I was still living at home my mother and I would play piano and violin duets. I always enjoyed these times with her. She is the reason for my love of music. I give her all the credit." Shelia smiled at her son. John continued, "We'd like to share one of our favorite pieces. This piece was written by Frederic Chopin, it's the Nocturne for Violin and Piano."

The mother and son readied themselves. With a nod to each other John began. The simple notes of the piano filled the room as his fingers touched the keys. A melancholy melody arose from the violin as Shelia Clark swayed with the music. The clear crisp sounds of the violin sang out, touching the hearts of those in the room. The others looked on as mother and son became lost in their music. The music played on, pulling them into a world of wonder. In that moment of time it seemed that one else existed. The duo played for no one but themselves. The room became still. Tears rolled down the cheeks of those who listened. The powerful music filling their very being. So powerful, so wonderful.

Just as is began, it ended. The silence in the room was deafening. Mother and son looked at those around them, back from their imaginary journey. Jacob arose from his seat, "Bravo! Bravo!", he applauded. The others were soon on their feet as they joined in with Jacob's praise. Applause filled the room as John and Shelia took bows.

Every one in that room was touched that night in a very special way.

Hey guys! I know this was a long chapter and the concert hasn't even happened yet!! Geez what am I waiting for? (Hehe) I kind got carried away while writing this chapter as you can tell by the length.

Thanks again for all the e-mail. They are both encouraging and uplifting. I hope you enjoyed this latest chapter and I promise the concert will happen in chapter 13.



Next: Chapter 13

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