John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Mar 29, 2004


Hey guys this is my first attempt at writing and I hope that you enjoy my story. I'm not the best on spelling and grammar so please don't bother with the emails telling me I can't write. I do this for fun and that's all. All comments are welcome. If you want more let me know and I'll write more....This story will move slow... Thanks my email is:

The usual disclaimer don't read this if you're too young or it's against the law where you live. This story is about gay men.

Thanks for all the emails. I have to say that I didn't think I'd get such a response from my story. This is fun!

Please send an email if you like the story. I'm always open to suggestions


At 8:25 John and Mateo rode the elevator down to the lobby. They both agreed to tell John's parents after dinner. There was no sense ruining a good meal.

Mateo tried to calm John's nerves. Reassuring him that no matter what happened he would be there for him. The special love making they shared up in the room had worked as a nice distraction for a few minutes, but once again John started to feel the uneasiness return. The two young men walked into the lobby to see his parents sitting on a love seat. The two were talking about something. When they saw John and Mateo walk up they stopped their conversation. Shelia looked at her husband and then at John and Mateo. From her body language John thought something was up. He pushed it back into his mind as his mother spoke, "Hey guys, are you ready?" Both young men nodded that they were. "I'm starving." Mateo grinned, "I haven't eaten for two hours." John chuckled, "Dude, you're like a bottomless pit. Youre gonna get fat if youre not careful" Mateo slugged him in the arm, nothing too painful. John feigned pain, "Mom, are you gonna let him get away with that?" he asked as he rubbed his arm. Shelia Clark laughed, "I would have slugged you too if you said that to me. Nice going Mateo." She said as she winked at the snickering Mateo. This caused everyone to laugh as John stood there with a frown. He pouted, "Boy, I sure feel the love in this room." Adam Clark placed his arm around his son's shoulders, "Ah, Son you know we love you more then the dog." This sent even John into laughter, "Gee, thanks Dad" I love you too. They all walked out of the lobby to dinner.

They decided on a local steak house for dinner. John and Mateo order huge Porter House steaks, baked potatoes, green beans, and dinner salads. John realize he was just as hungry as his boyfriend. Over dinner his parents asked him about school. John relayed to them that all things were going well. His grades should be coming out soon. He expected all A's except for his Anatomy class. He was expecting a B in that class.

Adam asked if he was keeping up on his piano practice. He assured his parents that he was practicing everyday. He even mentioned that he was able to practice while in Mexico.

The conversation then turned towards Mateo. Mateo shared with them about his family and his schooling. John's parents seemed impressed at Mateo's mannerisms. He was a very polite young man. They knew immediately that Mateo came from a very loving family. His parents raised a mature young man. They told Mateo that they hoped one day to meet his parents. He told them they might get the chance at the Alumni concert. He told them his parents were planning on attending but they weren't sure yet. Shelia asked if hiss parents were Alumni of the college. He told her that his parents were both educated in Mexico and they were coming only to see John perform. Hearing that made both John's parents smile with pride. Mateo gave John a smile, his eyes showing the deep love he had for the blond boy sitting next to him. Shelia Clark saw the way he looked at her son, she was definitely not imagining things.

They returned to the hotel about 10:30. Shelia noticed that John was acting a little strange as they entered the hotel lobby. She looked at her son, "John, is there anything bothering you?" She asked in a motherly tone. He looked down at the carpet avoiding his mother's eyes. "Um...yeah there is. Mom, Dad, we need to talk to you. Can we go to your room?" Shelia looked at her husband. Adam nodded. "Sure honey. Give us about ten minutes to change into some comfortable clothes and then we're all yours." Still looking at the floor he spoke, "OK, we'll see you in about 10 minutes." His parents left the two young men standing in the lobby. He slumped into a chair. He began to tremble. Mateo stood by his side. "I don't know if I can do this." he whispered. He reached over and took Mateo's hand. "What if they hate me?" Tears ran down his cheeks as he looked up into Mateo's face. Mateo knelt down by the chair, ignoring the stares of people as they passed by. He took John's face into his hands. Wiping away the tears he spoke, "John, I'm here for you baby. No matter what happens, I'm here for you." Mateo smiled trying to encourage his lover. John's voice trembled, "I know babe. I'm just so worried." Mateo nodded his understanding. " I know you're worried and frightened, but I think we need to do this. It's for the best. We need to live as ourselves. We cant' be afraid to show the world our love for one another." John looked into Mateo's caring eyes, he knew his lover was right. They both stood. Without even thinking John kissed Mateo, blind to the fact that they were still in the lobby. He kissed back, enjoying John's tender lips, ignoring the world. "Do you realized you just kissed me in front of everyone in this lobby?" He asked John. John nodded, "I do, and I'll do it again if and when I want to." Mateo grinned. He and John walked hand in hand to the elevators. They rode up in silence. They arrived at the door, John knocked. A few seconds later the door opened. Adam Clark answered, dressed in gray sweats and a black t-shirt. His t-shirt had "Clark Construction" printed in bold letters across the back. Moments later Shelia Clark emerged from the bathroom in the same clothes. Adam suggested that they sat at the small table in the corner. His parents sat, looking at him with questioning eyes. Mateo sat next to him, placing his hand on his knee under the table. John relaxed a little when he felt Mateo's hand. For a moment he looked at his parents. His heart was beating so fast. A line of sweat appeared on his upper lip. He unconsciously wiped it away before he spoke. "Dad, Mom I need to tell you something. But before I do I need you to know that I love you guys so much. After I tell you what I need to say I hope it wont affect our relationship." Shelia glanced at her husband and then looked at her son. "Honey, whatever you have to say it will never change the way we love you." John continued, "I hope that's true mom. You see, um..I'm..I'" He couldn't control the tears as they rolled down his cheeks. Shelia wanted nothing more then to take her son in her arms. She and Adam had talked about this day so many times. She knew that John needed to say this on his own. She resisted the urge to leap from her chair. She wanted to express her love for her son and erase all the fear and doubts he was going through. Shelia took Adam's hand into her own. They sat there watching their son with loving eyes. After a few seconds John continued, "I'm sorry Mom and Dad, I didn't mean for any of this to happen. You have to understand, I didn't choose this. It's just who I am. Ive always felt this way. I love you so much and I dont want to hurt you in any way. I`m sorry" At that moment Mateo reached out and took John's hand interlacing his fingers into John's fingers. "I love your son." Mateo looked at John's parents. "I guess you know now that both of us are gay. We met at school and I fell in love with him the first time I saw him." Mateo proclaimed his love for John with conviction as his parents looked on. "Please don't hate your son." Mateo whispered. "Don't shut him out."

Shelia wiped away a tear that was running down her cheek. She reached out and placed her hands on John and Mateo's hands. "John, we love you son, that will never change. No matter what. It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight. You'll always be our son and nothing can change that." Wiping a tear from his own face, Adam Clark followed his wife in placing his hand on top of hers. "John, nothing you do can will ever changed the love we have for you, son." He said, "Please know that we're so happy that you shared this with us. We're happy as long as you're happy John." John couldn't believe his ears as he sat and listened. "You mean you're not pissed at me?" He asked in wonder. "No, were not "pissed" at you." his mother said. He was so relieved to hear his mother say that. "What about you Dad?" he asked his father. "No son, I'm not angry." He couldn't believe what was happening. "Wow, I thought you guys would freak. You guys were much more understanding them Mateo's parents." He and Mateo then shared with them the story of how Mateo's father had reacted to the news of his son`s sexuality. Both Shelia and Adam were glad to hear that Rafael had come to terms with Mateo's lifestyle.

After a few minutes of talking Shelia cleared her throat, "John, your father and I have our own confession." John's ears perked up at his mothers declaration. "Oh? What do you mean?" he asked. "Well, you see honey we kind of knew that you were gay. I think it was my motherly intuition. Something just told me that you were. That's why we weren't upset at your news. We were just waiting for you to tell us in your own time." John's eyes bugged out, "Wow! What gave me away?" Shelia chuckled, "It was nothing that you did or said honey, I think it was just something I knew. Your father and I have talked about it so many times. We both had our suspicions." John looked at Mateo. "I guess you were right, there was nothing to worry about." Mateo smiled, he was so happy that John's parents understood and accepted their son. Adam Clark spoke, "I don't know about you guys but I can go for a hot fudge sundae. Anyone care to join me?" Mateo was the first to speak up, "I love ice cream. I'll join you." John shook his head, "See what I have to put up with?" he giggled as he spoke to his mother. Shelia laughed, "Well he is a growing boy." she said. Mateo glared at John, "Yeah, I AM a growing boy." he said as he puffed out his chest. Everyone erupted into laugher.

Fifteen minutes later, room service delivered a tray filled with four hot fudge sundaes. John and Mateo finally left his parents room about midnight. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day. The plan was to go to Sea World. They would meet down in the lobby at 8 o'clock for breakfast.

Alone in their own room John and Mateo prepared themselves for bed. While Mateo brushed his teeth John slid into bed naked. Mateo walked into the room in his white boxer briefs. John loved the contrast of the white fabric against Mateo's olive skin. His muscular legs carried his perfect bubble butt. The front of his briefs were barley able to hold his cock. He couldn't help starting as Mateo stretched. His beautiful body flexed like a cat. Finally content, Mateo slid his boxer briefs down over his legs and climbed into bed. He slid over to John and spooned him. He loved to nestle like this. John loved it as well as his body sank into Mateo's embrace. Mateo began to nibble John's neck. "I'm glad everything turned out like it did. That was certainly a surprise from your folks huh?" John spoke, "Oh yeah, I didn't see that coming." He felt Mateo's left arm as it brushed against his chest. It came to stop on his right nipple. Mateo squeezed his nipple as his lips nibbled on John's earlobe. "Mmm, that feels good." Millions of goose-bumps appeared on his arms and legs. He could feel Mateo's hard cock as it rested between the cheeks of his smooth ass. He loved feeling the heat coming from Mateo's huge cock. Mateo released a low groan when he felt John push against his leaking cock, causing him to slip further into his lovers crack. John whispered, "Mateo I need you." Mateo now kissing John's neck knew exactly what his lover wanted. "Are you sure? We've never done it and I don't want to hurt you." John reached over to the night stand drawer a pulled out a small bottle of lube. He turned to face Mateo. Gently kissing his lips, he placed the lube in his hand. "I know you would never hurt me intentionally." He said as he kissed him again. Mateo looked into John's eyes, "I love you." he said as he began to kiss his chest. Mateo's lips traveled all over his body. It felt wonderful as his lips kissed and tongue licked all over his lovers body. Soon Mateo slid John's cock down his throat. He moaned loudly as Mateo worked up and down on the hard shaft. As he sucked on John, Mateo worked on his tight hole. He squirted some lube on his finger and worked one finger into John's ass. A few moments later he inserted a second finger, causing a low moan to come out of John's throat. Mateo looked up into John's face to make sure he wasn't in pain. He felt John's muscles begin to relax as he continued to finger fuck his tight ass. Not wanting him to cum too quickly, Mateo began licking John's balls and ass. John's moans were getting louder. He couldn't resist the urge to push his ass into Mateo's face. John's ass was lubed and wet from Mateo's tongue and spit. Mateo moved over his body, he hovered over his lover. He tenderly kiss his soft lips, whispering his love to his John. John drew his legs up into his chest. His hole was now totally exposed and ready for Mateo. Once more Mateo licked his hole. Looking up to John, "Are you ready?" John nodded that he was ready. Slowly Mateo placed the head of his cock against John's hole. He pushed forward feeling the head of his cock enter his love. John's red face grimaced when he felt Mateo's cock enter his pink hole. The pain almost caused him to pass out. Mateo, seeing him in pain stopped his advance. "Are you OK? Want me to pullout?" he asked, worried that he may have hurt John. John shook his head and released a huge sigh. "No, I'm fine, just leave it there for a second while I get used to it." His chest rose and fell as he breathed in and out relaxing his body. He nodded to Mateo, "OK babe. Go ahead." Mateo continued to enter John's tight ass. His cock felt wonderful. Mateo had never felt anything like this before. It felt like warm velvet as his cock was surrounded by John's ass. He looked once more to John to see how he was doing. John's eyes were closed but there was no visible discomfort on his face. Mateo continued until all of his 9 inches was buried deep inside John.

John felt the fullness of his lover as he relaxed his body to accept all of his manhood. Finally he felt Mateo's pubes on his ass. He opened his eyes to see his lover face right above his own. Mateo leaned down and kissed John's lips. "Are you OK?" He asked once again. "Yeah, I'm great!" he retorted and he continued to kiss Mateo. Mateo's body knew what to do as he withdrew his cock all the way out to the head and slowly re-entered John's hole. The two lovers kissed as he moved in and out of John. John loved the feeling of Mateo's huge cock in his ass. He began to move his hips to meet Mateo's thrusts. Sweat began to drip form Mateo's body as he increased his speed. John whimpered as Mateo's thrusts became faster and faster. John's legs wrapped themselves around Mateo's waist pulling him deeper into his body. Mateo felt John's hard cock on his abs. He reached down and began to jerk John's cock in rhythm with his own passion. Mateo's body was on fire as he continued his assault on John's ass. John's hand went up to his mouth to squelch the desire to scream out. His body jerked when Mateo's cock brushed up against his prostate. His eyes rolled back into his head as Mateo hit his prostate over and over again. John couldn't hold on any longer as neared his orgasm. "Mateo I'm going to cum!" He yelled to his lover. Mateo didn't stop, his cock still thrusting into John's ass. "Aaaaahhhhh!" John screamed as his hot cum erupted from his cock, spraying both his body and his lover. One shot even reached his lips. John licked up his own cum from his lips enjoying the taste.

Mateo felt John's ass tighten around his cock as John's blew his load. He was only able to thrust a few more times until finally he buried his cock deep into John's ass. "Aaaahhhhh Yeahhhh!" Mateo yelled as he emptied his balls into his lover. John felt the hot cum as Mateo shot his load deep in his insides. Mateo's body finally collapsed on top of John. Both young men were breathing hard after their earth shattering love session. A few minutes later Mateo's now soft cock slipped out of John. Mateo slid off of John and laid next to him. His body still wet with sweat. John moved to Mateo's side. He placed an arm across his chest. Mateo rested a hand on John's arm.

"How are you feeling?" Mateo asked. John lifted his head, placing it on Mateo`s chest. "I feel fantastic!" he whispered. "Me too." Mateo said between breaths. "That was fucking hot John!" Mateo exhaled, "Wow, I don't know about you but I'm wiped out." Mateo waited for a response from John. "John?" Mateo looked at John and saw that he was fast asleep. "Good night, babe." Mateo whispered. He reached over and turned off the light. He soon joined John in blissful slumber.

At the ungodly hour of 6:30am the telephone rang. John reached for the alarm clock trying to shut off the rude intrusion on his sleep. After the third ring he realized that the clock was not ringing. He reached for the telephone, "Hello?" His mother's voice rang out, "Good morning John. Did I wake you?" John looked at the clock. "Mom it's 6:30, why are you calling so early?" John heard his mother laugh. "You were never a morning person. Time to get up sleepyhead." John knew best not to argue with his mother. He knew it was a losing battle. "OK, we'll get up." John replied. "OK honey, don't forget to meet us at 8:00 in the lobby your Dad wants to get an early start." John yawned, "OK, 8:00 in the lobby" he repeated. He hung up the phone and snuggled into the warm body of his boyfriend. He loved the way Mateo smelled. John placed his hand on his lovers chest. John pulled him self into the warm body of his boyfriend. Mateo's hand came to rest on John. "Let me guess, that was your Mom." Mateo said as he drew circles on John's hand. "Yup, we need to get up cuz Dad wants to get an early start." Mateo turned to look at the clock on the night stand. "What time do your folks get up? It's only 6:30"

John grinned, "They're both early risers, Dad, because of the type of work he's in, and Mom because she gets up with Dad to make his lunch and have coffee with him before he leaves for work." John yawned, "They've done that for as long as I can remember."

Mateo turned and placed his lips on John's forehead giving him a light kiss. "How are you feeling?" John looked into his eyes seeing the concern on his face. "A little sore, but not too bad." Mateo turned on his side and pulled John into his body. "That's good. I'm glad it's not too bad." Mateo felt John's morning wood as he pulled him closer. "I see that all your parts are still working" He gently laughed. John blushed, "Yup and I can feel that yours are undamaged as well." John gently wrapped his hand around the shaft of Mateo's huge cock. "Mmm, that feels good." Mateo purred as John began to tenderly stoke his cock. John kicked off the covers to expose their naked bodies. Mateo's hand quickly found John's hard cock. They both began their morning jerk-off. Both of them were feeling the pleasure of kissing and jacking showing their love one to another. In a matter of minutes both of them released a huge amount of cum on their stomachs and chests. John rolled on his back. He scooped some of his cum and fed it to Mateo. Mateo returned the gesture and fed John his cum. When most of the cum was gone Mateo stood up from the bed and reached out his hand to John. John took his lovers hand as he was lead into the bathroom for their morning shower.

They washed each other bodies paying close attention to their genitals. Mateo spread John's ass and made sure that John's ass was OK. After a few minutes of examining Mateo declared him healthy and fit. He rewarded John with a kiss. They stepped out of the shower, drying off each other with care. They walked into the room. Mateo went to the window to open the curtains. The morning sun flooded the room. It was going to be a beautiful day. They began dressing, but not before a few more minutes of making out. Finally they were dressed. John wore a blue t-shirt with khaki cargo shorts. Mateo wore a white t-shirt and denim cargo shorts. They left their room at 7:55.

The rest of the day was spent at Sea World. Mateo had never been, it was nice to see him act like a kid when he saw the different shows and attractions the park had to offer. John had been there a few times and showed Mateo some of his favorite things. They both loved the Safari ride. Mateo was actually dancing in his seat when he saw the African animals. Lions and tigers were plentiful as the two lovers rode by in the well-protected vehicle. John's favorite thing was the underwater shark exhibit. They both ooh'd and aah'd as they walk through in a huge glass enclosed tunnel under the tank that held the sharks. The two lost themselves in wonder as they watched the huge sharks swim over their heads.

Adam and Shelia Clark enjoyed watching John and Mateo as they walked through the park with these young men. Their love was obvious to all that paid attention. The young men were not afraid to show affection for one another. Just the little gesture of holding hands was special to the couple. They felt free, able to be themselves as last.

About 6pm they left the park to have dinner. After dinner Adam and Shelia decided to head back to the hotel. Mateo had other plans for John. Mateo had spoken to John's father in the morning and had it arranged that Adam would bring along a cooler and a small basket of goodies for Mateo's plan.

A few blocks from the hotel Adam pulled the car over next to the beach. "Is this good?" he asked Mateo looking into the rear view mirror. Mateo smiled, "This is great. Thanks." John looked at Mateo, "What's going on?" He asked looking at Mateo and then his father. "Ask him, I'm only the chauffer." Adam smiled at his son. Mateo spoke, "C'mon guerito, we have a date with a blanket on the beach." John smiled, "Well, that sounds nice to me." From inside Adam opened the trunk of the car. Mateo took out a blanket, the cooler, and a small wicker basket. John helped Mateo by taking the basket.

John's parents waved their good byes but not before telling the boys to be careful and not to be out too late. They both agreed and headed towards the sandy beach.

The full moon lit up the sand of the beach. It's light reflecting off the surface of the water. The sound of waves crashing on the shore soothed the mood of the two lovers as they walked hand in hand along the beach.

They found a nice spot and spread the blanket out on the cool sand. Mateo sat and patted the space next to him wanting John to sit next to him. "This is nice Mateo. Thank you." John said as he sat next to his love. Mateo grinned, "Your welcome. Anything for you Babe." John blushed. "You spoil me." Mateo chuckled, "I like to spoil you." He them leaned in a gave him a soft kiss. "Mmm, you taste good too." Mateo said. He reached for the cooler. He pulled out a single bottle of Champaign. John's eyes bugged out. "Where did you get that?" Mateo released a little laugh, "I have my connections." John's face still had questions. Mateo smiled, "OK, your Dad helped me out." Shocked, John replied, "No way, dude. My Dad?" He snickered, "Yup, your Dad. He's a cool guy."

Mateo took the bottle in his hands and popped the cork. He then took out to glasses from the basket. Pouring and small amount in both glasses he set the bottle down. Turning towards John, Mateo spoke,

"I picked this time with you because tomorrow we return to school. I wanted to share this time with you, to tell you that I'm the happiest guy on the planet and it's because I have you. John you've made me so happy." Mateo raised his glass, "I love you." Glasses clinked as John raised his glass to meet Mateo's. John's words caught in his throat as he tried to speak, "Than-thank y-you." John leaned in and kissed his Mateo. The kiss was sweet and tender. "You make me feel so special Mateo." He rested his head on Mateo's chest. Mateo's arms surrounded his body. John melted into his embrace. Mateo spoke, "John I have something else for you." John sat up looking into Mateo's eyes. Mateo reached into the basket and pulled out a small box. He handed it to John. "What is it?" John asked. "Open it and see, silly." Mateo smiled. John opened the box. Inside was a gold chain. On the chain hung a charm. It was a vertical charm with the initial "M" followed by a heart with a diamond, then the initial "J". With trembling hands John lifted the chain from the box. "Oh, Mateo it's beautiful." Tears began to moisten his eyes. "Glad you like it. I was hoping you would, because I like mine too." Mateo undid the top three buttons of his shirt and pulled out a matching charm. The only difference was the order of the initials. "J loves M" Mateo said. Mateo took the charm from John and opened the clasp and placed it around John's neck. Once he placed it around his neck Mateo brushed his lips against John's. "I love you." Again Mateo repeated his love for John. John embraced his love, wanting never to let go. "This is the best night of my life Mateo." He whispered into Mateo's ear. Mateo echoed John's words.

They returned to the hotel about 10pm. They stopped at John's parents room to let them know they were back and to show them the charm Mateo had given him.

That night John and Mateo made sweet love. John loved the feeling of giving himself to Mateo. Feeling Mateo inside him gave John a sense of being complete. Their love for one another was immeasurable.

Morning came too soon for the young men. Their plane left at 8am. They were at the airport in time to make their flight. Adam and Shelia's flight left at 9:30 back to Arizona. They shared hugs and kisses as they said their good byes. John reminded his mother to send him the information about their arrival for the concert. He also asked her to bring her violin. Shelia said she would. Final kisses and hugs were made all around as John and Mateo's plane began to board. The plane climb into the blue sky. Mateo and John were finally returning to school.

Thanks again for reading. Please send an e-mail to tell me you enjoyed it. I want to thank all the readers who take the time to e-mail me. It's very encouraging.


Next: Chapter 11

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