John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Jan 20, 2004


Hey guys this is my first attempt at writing and I hope that you enjoy my story. I'm not the best on spelling and grammar so please don't bother with the emails telling me I can't write. I do this for fun and that's all. All comments are welcome. If you want more let me know and I'll write more...This story will move slow... Thanks! My email is:

The usual disclaimer don't read this if you're too young or it's against the law where you live. This story is about gay men.

John and Mateo


The final rays of the sun were only visible through the mist of the mountains as John made his way home from another afternoon of study group. The group, which met three times a week had called an emergency session to prepare for a history mid-term. His body ached from all the hunching over and the uncomfortable chairs of the small cafe which they called "the think tank". John had urged them to use the more comfortable atmosphere of the university library but was told it was too sterile of an environment. He didn't know what they meant by that so he didn't question it. He had decided that the next time the group met he would bring up the library again.

"Tomorrow's Friday," he thought to himself. "Memorial Day weekend, and then Spring Break. I should really try to do something. Something fun."

John didn't have many friends. He always used the excuse that he was too busy for a social life but he knew in the back of his head the reason why. He didn't see himself as friend material. He always looked at himself as a "nerd", and that didn't do anything for his self esteem. He wasn't a popular kid in high school and always kept to himself. He always looked at himself as an outsider. He never quite fit into the cliques in high school. Jenny, a beautiful redheaded green eyed girl, was his only friend that seemed to understand him. She was the only person that knew he was gay and didn't judge him. Instead she embraced him and made him feel special about himself. When John received a music scholarship he left his only friend behind. They both cried as they said their goodbyes. Jenny stayed in town and went to community college. E-mail, and the occasional phone call was all that remained of their close relationship.

John continued to walk as he thought of what he could do on his long break. He didn't really want to go home. He loved his parents, and missed them, but nobody went home for Spring Break. He had overheard many conversations about parties and the beach. As he walked he notice how empty the campus was. He noticed many of the cars were gone. The word "ghost town" came into his mind as he entered his dorm.

"Maybe a nice quiet week isn't so bad." He thought to himself as he let himself into his room. "Who am I kidding?"

He noticed his roommate was gone.

"Shit, even ugly dude has plans" he said out loud. John dropped onto his bed on his stomach and buried his head into his pillow. "SHIT!" he screamed to his empty room.

John was jolted awake by a slamming of a door in the dorm building. He must had fallen asleep. He was still in his jeans and t-shirt from the day before. He sat up dragging a hand through his honey colored hair and scratching his crotch.

"Well, I guess I'm not alone." He thought to himself as he striped out of his clothes, wrapped a towel around his slim waist, grabbed his bathroom kit and headed out the door for his morning shower.

He entered the bathroom expecting to see someone using it when he didn't see anyone he thought he was mistaken about having company this week. He entered the shower room and noticed that it had been used. So, he wasn't alone. He grinned as he started his shower. His hands moved over his body as the suds covered his body. He loved it when he had the time to really enjoy his body and bring himself off in the shower. This morning was no exception. He used the shampoo to make a huge mound of lather in his crotch. His cock was aching for release. He thought of his history professor. The 40ish something man in his corduroy soft coat with the leather elbow patches. He pictured the instructor naked with a monster cock. The image of Ivan Jimenez filled his fantasy as he slowly stroked his cock. John was about six inches and had a blond bush that even he admired.

His was very self conscious about his body. He was 5'7", 155lbs, and slim. He kept his blond hair short and spiky. His mother said that his eyes were so blue that he could hypnotize all the girls. The problem was John wanted to hypnotize the boys.

His hands moved up and down his body as the hot water cascaded over him. With his right hand on his cock, John's other hand moved to his nipples. They instantly became hard as he pinched and squeezed his left nipple. Moving to the right nipple, he let out a little moan as he pinched the already sensitive nip. John stroked his cock faster as he neared his climax. His eyes closed as his hand flew up and down his hard shaft. With a audible moan he blew his hot cum all over the tiled wall. The ropes of cum hit the wall and started to drip down the tile. John, without a second thought brought his fingers to his mouth as he tasted the cum on his fingers. The taste was sweet and he loved it. His legs felt like rubber as leaned against the wall for support. After about a minute he regained his strength and finished his shower. As he returned to his room John was unaware that he had been watched. The unknown voyeur left his own mark on the bathroom tile.

The pangs of hunger assaulted John as he returned to his room. He would have breakfast and then practice for a few hours. He dress in his jeans, white tee shirt, blue sweater vest and slipped on his brown penny loafers with no socks. He walked across campus to the cafeteria. He filled up his plate with eggs, bacon, fruit and toast, grabbed a cup of coffee and headed for an empty table. As he sat and ate his food he noticed another guy come into the room. He watched him as he also loaded his plate with food. After he paid for his meal he stopped and looked around the room. John's heart bean to beat fast and started to sweat when he noticed the stud walking towards his table. "May I join you?" John's mind was racing when he finally seemed to spit out the words. "Sure" he said in a small voice. "Cool" was the reply from the Adonis. He sat down and reach out his hand towards John. "My name's Mateo." he said as he flashed John a beautiful smile. "Hi, I'm John." he replied trying not to embarrass himself. Mateo was 6' tall, 180lbs. of lean muscle. He had an olive skin that seemed to glow. His hair was black with a blue hue look to it. His eyes were a dark brown with sexy eyebrows. He had dimples that just screamed sexy and his smile could melt any heart. He wore jeans, a tight blue t-shirt that accented his narrow waist, and cross trainers. "No plans to leave town huh?" Mateo asked. "Nah, I think I'm just gonna hang around campus. It's too far to go home." John relied.

"Yeah I know what you mean. I live about 2000 miles away too." Mateo said. "I'm from Mexico City". "Really? Your English is very good. I dont even hear an accent " John replied. Thanks, I took English as an extra curricular class for about 5 years." Mateo smiled as he ate a piece of fruit. "My father was a politician and expected all of his children to learn English. He'd host parties and he would always showed us off to his guests. Called us his English children. That made my mother angry. She wanted us to learn English but not to push our Mexican heritage aside." he stopped just long enough to take a bite out of a sausage link. "So, what about you? Where are you from?" he questioned.

"Well, I'm from Arizona. Tucson, Arizona. I'm an only child. My parents are the typical middle class parents. My Dad owns a construction company. He works about 60 hours a week and loves every minute of it. Mom teaches third grade. She's done that ever since I could remember. Nothing as exciting as a politician." John replied looking down into his plate. "Trust me, it's nothing to brag about." Mateo said as he rose from his seat.

John didn't want him to leave. He felt like inviting Mateo to spend the day with him but didn't have the courage to ask. He watched as Mateo left the table. "Be right back." Mateo said over his shoulder. John's breath caught in his throat as he looked at Mateo's ass in his jeans. His cock twitched in his khakis. Mateo returned his tray to the kitchen and was back at the table looking down at John. "Any plans today?" he asked John. "I have to practice. It'll take about three hours." John said. "What sport?" Mateo asked. "Not any type of sport. I have to practice piano." John said as he smiled and played an imaginary piano in the air. "Oh, that's cool!" Mateo said as he sat down at the table. "How long have you played?" he questioned. "I've played since I was three. I guess you can say I've played for fifteen years." John said with a sheepish grin. "That's great! Can I hear you play?" Mateo asked. "Sure, and I wont even charge you." John joked as he stood up. "Let's jam this tortilla stand." He said smiling at Mateo. "Huh?" Mateo asked not sure what John was saying. "Let's get out of here." John said as he looked at the beautiful Mexican. "Why didn't you just say that?" Mateo smiled. "I did!" John kidded, flashing a smile at the Mexican stud.

Well guys that's it for now. What do you think? Should I continue?

Thanks Guys! David

Next: Chapter 2

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