Jogging Park

By moc.liamtoh@yddub_elcsum

Published on May 30, 2005


I did not hear from Larry or Robert for about two weeks. As disappointing as this was at least my body recovered from most of the abuse they had put me through. My nuts felt good, not near as sore as they were last week. The bruising on my chest and biceps had disappeared.

I hooked up with a regular fuck buddy one night after a hard work out at the gym. The sex was good. He had a big cock and he loves to fuck my tight butt. He also gets off on worshiping my body. I like guys servicing the muscles I have built. As hot as this is though, I missed the dominant abuse Larry forces on me. I miss his fists and his commanding voice. I missed not knowing what was going to happen next.

I have known for long time that I enjoy my sex on the physical side. And I have always known that I am definitely a hot muscled bottom for most men. And before Larry came in the picture I was aware that I liked aggressive men. But Larry has put me in a whole new place. This side of me is scary, and intriguing at the same time. I keep fantasizing about how far he will go. How much I can take.

The sex I had with the regular fuck buddy is good, but I need to have my limits tested by Larry or some MAN like Larry.

On Saturday afternoon, Larry calls. He tells me to be at his place that evening around nine p.m..

"Yes sir," I answer as he hangs up.

No hello, how have you been, are you busy tonight. Nothing, just be there at 9 p.m. Like I have no choice. He knows that I will show up. And so do I.

At 9:00 p.m. sharp I am knocking on their door. Robert answers wearing the hottest gym shorts, about two sizes too small. And a white tank top that is so thread bare it is see through. The tank top hides nothing on his muscled upper torso. He is barefoot. His smooth tanned skin looks freshly shaved. `Sexy fucker' I think as he lets me in.

"Hey guys! Jeff is here!" Robert announces.

Standing in the door way, I see about six or seven guys standing around the house. I am not sure what is happening. Maybe I am here for a party, and not sex like I thought. Maybe we are becoming friends and I am an invited guest? That would be nice, but damn, I am horny for Larry to abuse my body and fuck my ass again. Maybe after the others leave. Oh well, who knows with Larry.

Larry meets me in the living room after I enter.

"Take off your clothes Jeff!" he orders.

`What the fuck is this about' I think as I hesitate.

"Don't MAKE me ask you twice in front of my friends" he whispers.

I remove my tank top. I kick off my sandals. Staring at Larry, I reach for my gym shorts. He nods. I lower my shorts. I don't wear underwear or a jock, so my cock and balls flop out into the open. I hear a few whistles. A couple of "oh yeas!" I am the only one nude.

"Guys! This is Jeff!" Larry addresses the group. "I have told a few of you about Jeff. And the ones who I haven't talked to, well, use your imagination."

With that Larry vanishes and I am left standing nude in a room full of men that I do not know. I have nothing to be ashamed of so I stand there on display. The feeling is hard to describe. I like being ogled. I like being the center of attention. But until I met Larry, I also liked having some sort of control over who- what - when - and where. That is all gone now. I have no control, not even with whom it seems tonight.

The guys are courteous at first. Making small talk about me, but not to me. A few even feel me here and there. The feeling and groping become more regular. They get more brazen. One very handsome gentleman even kisses me hard, and deep. I feel hands on my ass. I feel hands reaching for my nuts that are still dangling low between my thighs. I feel hands on my chest, rubbing my muscles.

This is not too bad. I think to myself. These guys just want to admire (use) me. I begin to get into it more. When a hand lingers on my arm, I flex for it. When a hand roams over my ass, I bend just a bit at the waist, letting the cheeks relax for the probing touch. The guys come and go. Nothing serious.

I feel one man standing at my backside, he reaches around my chest and squeezes my pecs hard. He grinds his crotch onto my bare ass.

"I am going to enjoy this ass you of yours Jeff" he says in my ear.

He does not whisper it. He says it aloud. His body is pressed onto my back. He feels tight, in shape. `I may like this more than I thought ' I think to myself as I lean back into him. His hands roam to my abs, rubbing lower. He grabs my cock, and then my nuts. He squeezes them.

"Larry was not lying about you" he comments as he steps away.

The next guy is equally bold. He grabs my cock with one had, while facing me, and pinches my right nipple with his left hand. He tells me he has been looking forward to tonight all week. He also tells me that I am as hot as Larry promised. With one hard hit he slams his left hand into the nipple he just tweaked. He smiles, and gropes his cock outlining a huge basket as he walks away.

This type of scene is repeated in various forms several times. I am obviously here to pleasure his friends. I can handle that, but damn Larry is the one I need to please. I need Larry's brutal force, and huge cock to fulfill my desires.

After a couple of beers, the guys get more aggressive.

Robert appears, and leads me to the center of the room. Above me are two leather straps suspended from hooks in the ceiling. My cock jerks at the memory of the last time I was restrained. With the help of two other guests I am strapped to the hooks by my wrists. And two guys have my ankles shackled to the straps lashed to the floor.

I am tied spread eagle in the center of the room. My hard cock begins to drip imagining the possibilities. Robert has a bag with him. He sets out a bottle of lube. He squeezes a large amount of it into my ass. He lays a box of condoms on the table beside me.

"Don't worry. You will love this tonight." Robert tells me. " I know I did the first time I was in your position."

He plants one of his sexy deep passionate kisses on me. Driving his tongue deep into my mouth before he leaves.

The guests began milling around the house. The man that had kissed me earlier was the first to approach me after being tied up. He took his shirt off, and dropped his shorts. He began caressing my chest with firm solid hands. He moved to my biceps. Feeling the muscles as I flexed for him.

"You are hot young man." He says.

Hell, he is hot too. He may be in his late fifties, very fit, tight waist, firm abs, and a hairy torso. Obviously a man who knows how to take care of his body. And his dick, hanging semi soft looks to be about 7" long and thick.

He drags a stool over to the front of me and steps up on it. `Not his first time at one of Larry's party's' I think to myself.

Standing on this stool his cock is right at face level. He takes the head of his dick and places it in my mouth.

"Suck my cock boy" he commands.

I open wide, and suck his dick into my mouth. His fat nuts resting on my chin, I nurse the soft head until I feel it begin to harden. It keeps getting bigger. I have to back off to get the head out of my tonsils to take a breath. He grabs my head and begins to fuck my face. He can't drive it in as deep now that it is hard and fat. But I work the crown with my tongue each time it gets near my lips before he plunges it back in as far as it can go.

While I am giving his big cock the best head job I can. I feel a pair of hands on my ass. I am not sure who they belong to. The hands spread my cheeks, and I feel a hard cock ride up and down my crack. Humping, rubbing my ass, teasing me. He inserts a finger into me. Works it back and forth before adding another one. He finally gets three of his fingers in my ass.

I still have the hot mans dick fucking my face.

He pulls his fingers out and he replaces them with the head of what appears to be a very fat cock. He lets me get used to the girth, thankfully, before he pushes in any deeper. My ass ring relaxes, and I begin backing my hips onto the log trying to enter me.

"Oh yea! Take that fat dick" I hear from the one I am sucking off. "You look good with a cock stuffing you at both ends."

The cock entering my ass is not very long, but damn it is fat. It feels like it may be bigger around than it is long. I love the feeling of it stretching out my ass hole.

The cock in my mouth is just perfect. And this man likes to have his cock sucked. He begins to fuck my face faster, I feel his nuts tighten up. He is getting close. I milk my throat muscles each time the long cock enters it. Trying to make him enjoy it as much as I am.

With one final push into my mouth, he unloads a very tasty and creamy load. I swallow it as fast as he shoots it in my mouth. He produces a nice size wad. It keeps coming. But I don't spill a drop. He pulls out of my mouth and kisses me before another man gets on the stool and takes his place in my mouth.

I guess I am going to be a cum dump tonight. See how many guys I can get off, either in my ass or my mouth.' I think as I smile to my self. I Am going give them all something to remember'

The new cock in my mouth begins a rapid piston motion in and out. Fucking my mouth like a rabbit. His cock is average. I can swallow the whole thing. It is a good fit.

The man attached to the fat log in my ass begins pinching my nipples harder the faster he fucks. He quickens his pace. I feel the whole cock swell in my ass when he begins shooting. `DAMN condoms. I used to love the feel of cum flowing from my ass.' He is out of breath, and sweating on my back as he pulls out. His fat dick making a sucking noise as it leaves my hole.

Not even five seconds pass and I feel another cock enter my ass. The new guy feels good in my ass after the first man reamed my hole out and loosened me up.

This continues for about one and half hours. One after another enters my mouth or ass. I lost count. I think I had all the guests. Each of them losing their load in one end of me or the other. After round one, the pace slows a bit. I guess they are more relaxed after getting their first nut off.

Robert comes in and unties my wrists. My arms have been aching for a while, but I never said a word or complained. He unstraps my legs as well. Stretching and getting the feeling back in my limbs, I feel a hand grab my nuts from under my legs behind me.

"I have been eyeing these beauties all night" I hear from the guy holding my balls.

Robert tells him they are tough set of nuts too. They can handle most anything he wants to do to them.

The guy grabbing my nuts squeezes them harder. He pulls them down and back. My sac stretches almost past my hole. He yanks harder. I bend over a bit. Allowing his hand more room to work. He squeezes tight.

"Get down on your knee's boy!" He instructs me.

Once on my knees he pushes me forward. My ass in the air, my nuts held firmly in his fist. He lets go of my balls. They hang low and full between my open legs. He punches them lightly.

"Mmmuunnghhh" I moan.

They swing back and forth. He hits them harder this time. I gasp. They swing up and slap my cock underneath then back into his waiting fist. Another solid hit. He is using my dangling nuts like punching bag. He grabs my balls and holds them tight.

With one hand he reaches under my thigh, grabs my leg, and flips my body over. I land on my back with my balls still in his closed fist.

Damn. It is the sexy man with the huge cock that kissed me and then fucked my face to start the party.

"Hey stud! These big balls are hot!" he smiles down at me. "They go right along with the rest of you."

"You are a hot man to you know!" I tell him. "And strong enough to flip 185lbs over like it was nothing!"

"You like that huh?" he lets go of my nuts. "You like a strong man working over your buff body, do you?" Leaning over my torso, he kisses me again. "I'd like to get you to myself one day. I think you and I would get along really well."

He gets up, leaving me on the floor. Others are closing in on my prone body. He takes the sole of his bare foot and steps on my nuts hanging low between my legs. His foot is forcing my nuts to the floor. He grinds his foot on my balls. Not stomping on them but he is mashing them almost flat. He even has sexy feet I notice as my nuts burn.

He is the hottest man here, besides Larry. But I have yet to See Larry since he introduced me.

One man gets on his knees over my face, and drops his balls in my mouth. Another guy raises my legs, and sticks his cock in my well-fucked ass. I try and please them both, but my mind keeps wandering to the stud who wants to get me alone.

After about two more hours of me being fucked, jacked off on, and sucking off every guy there at least twice, the party begins to slow down. Some guys have left. Most are tired or out of cum. I have cum all over my body, my hair, my torso. I don't know how many loads that I have swallowed.

When everyone leaves Larry and Robert find me in the bath room trying to clean up the best I can.

"Jeff. You are the hottest boy we have ever had at one of these groups." Larry tells me as he rubs my ass from behind. "You ought to see the video footage we have of you servicing seven guys for almost three hours."

"WHAT?" I know that I am speaking out of line, but video. How could he? "I did not know you were filming me" I respond with an angry tone.

WHAM his fist lands into my gut. And another. Hard fists keep driving deep into me. Two or three more before they stop.

"DO NOT EVER speak to me like that Jeff!" Larry barks at me.

"Yes Sir." I glare at him. Anger rising in me. I am still not happy about the video footage. I am not famous but I am a very successful business man in town. I do not need copies of this tape getting out. It would ruin my business.

Larry turns to leave the bathroom with Robert.

I get more mad by the second. I grab Larry by the shoulder and spin him around. He is stunned that I grabbed him.

"Larry, I need that tape." I try and tell him as nicely but firmly as I can.

"Don't you ever grab me like that again. Boy!" he fumes.

"Will you please give me the tape? Please Larry?" I beg.

He begins to leave when I grab him again. My hands dig into his pits as I lift his body off the ground, and I slam his back into the wall. My thumbs digging into his pec muscles.

I tell Larry that I am not leaving the house until I get the tape.

He is stunned, and looks a little confused. His BOY has him pinned against the wall.

He kicks his feet as hard as he can trying to hit my nuts, the first shot misses. The second one grazes the ball sac. I lower him a bit, grab him by the throat with my right hand and lift him two feet off the floor with the one hand.

The fury in me rages. I am normally passive.

With my left hand I grab his big dick and balls in one fist and squeeze.

Robert is frozen. He cannot believe what he is witnessing. Larry's hands are grabbing at the hand holding his throat. He can't budge my strong grip.

"I will let you down after Robert hands me the video. Is that clear Larry?" I look at Robert.

Robert hurries out of the room, comes back in a few seconds. He hands me the video. I let go of Larry's throat. He collapses on the floor.

Walking through the living area I grab my clothes and walk out the front door nude, with the Video in my hand.

`Why did they have to ruin a good thing' I think as I drive home?

I appreciate your comments. A few more chapters coming soon Thank you.

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