Jogging Park

By moc.liamtoh@yddub_elcsum

Published on May 21, 2005


The jogging park at the end of our neighborhood is perfect for a afternoon run. It winds through a wooded area, then out into open. The path follows a creek for a bit. It is very beautiful and relaxing place to exercise Along the path is exercise stations, sit up benches, chin posts etc. I decided to take a ruin after a grueling work out at the gym. Wearing only nylon running shorts and running shoes I began set off on the track.

I was on my second lap when I noticed a man that looked familiar. He kept staring. I am 40y/o 6' 185lbs muscled, smooth skinned, blonde hair blue eyes. I work out 3 days a week hard weight training, tennis about 2 days , jog, swim laps at the Y, roller blade, anything to burn calories and keep fit. I am not BUFF body builder, more like fitness lean hard solid muscle build. Nice square solid pecs, with nipples that always are hard and pointed. .Round shoulders, biceps and triceps that stretch sleeves on a t-shirt nicely. Legs that are hard and solid from the roller blades, tennis, and jogging. I don't mind showing it off. I can hold my own in the body department against many half my age and I enjoy it. But this guy looked like a buddy I went to school with 20 years ago. I go over to chin station, start into chinning, then do some dips on bars. I see him approaching.

"Jeff"? He asks.

"Yes" I reply. Still not sure who he is, but he is hot.

"We went to school together, Larry, Senior year at West High". I shake his hand.

"Damn Larry I did not recognize you, it has been a long time." I reply.

As he shakes my hand he gives me one of those straight guy moves, a punch in the arm. I love the feeling, and action of the "punch". He grabs the biceps arm area as he continues to shake my hand, another straight guy thing I guess. But the hand lingers a bit long. Without thinking I automatically flex it a bit, hell if man wants to feel my arm, let him FEEL the whole biceps is my thought.

"Damn that is one solid arm you got there" as he squeezes hard, "You've been hitting the weights since we got out of school. Put on some muscle guy." he says smiling.

I get embarrassed for flexing. It is a normal reaction I have when gay man feels my body, but this is Larry from school.

"Thanks. But look at you. You look just as good as you did in high school when you played baseball, and wrestled. Time has been good to you." I say staring at his hot body.

Larry was also in jogging shorts but had a tank top on. About 5'8" 155lbs hairy chest that looked awesome poking out of his tank top. Dark hair, brown eyes. Not worked out muscled like mine, but fit nice lean and hot body. He took good care of it. He had not let his body go like so many our age had done.

My nylon shorts were not doing their best job of holding my semi hard cock down. I don't wear a jock when I run, I love the feel of my loose nuts and cock flopping in nylon. I wish I had today. Here is an old high school friend, with me getting wood. Not a good thing. We talk for a while , but I notice that the "sucker punch" is a regular thing with Larry.

Now here is the problem. Guys hitting my body get me HARD, I mean rock hard. I think Larry notices this. But his punches actually got closer and closer to my pecs with each one. A good laugh, at old times and then a punch. First they started on upper arm. Then they moved closer to the pecs. Now I am a man who likes taking punches. So every time I saw his fist coming I would tighten up, flex, hold position, like I do with my wrestling & sex buddies trading punches. But my cock was rock hard now after about seven or eight of his good ole boy jabs. And no way to hide my 6.5" cock from poking out in the nylon.

Larry would have to be blind to not see this. And I am getting more confused. I even think he is getting wood, but his tank top hangs just low enough to hide most of his crotch. Hell I thought he was married? We keep talking, he says he lives about three streets over. My mind reels. The possibilities. Now way. But I could dream. That only made my cock stay hard just the idea of this hot man and me being neighbors. He did not flinch at my being erect. We kept talking like old friends do. Catching up. He asked about me.

"Single." "Never married." "Live alone."

"But that gives you plenty of time to work out it looks like to me." he says.

Now this is the second time he has mentioned my body, he has felt the arm, hit the pecs, and I have major hard on that he can't ignore. My mind is in over drive, how to get him home and strip his clothes off. I finally tell him I need to head to the house and jump in the pool. I ask him if he wants to join me. He just smiles, kind of smirks.

"Hell yea. I'll follow you home."

We go straight to the back yard through house. Not much talking. We get to pool area, and I start looking for a pair of swim trunks for Larry to wear. I cant find anything. When I turn back to Larry Standing in front of me is a naked wet dream. Dark hairy body. Slim lean fit torso. Nice pecs, firm abs, and a large long fat cock, resting on the top of large round tight nuts. I stare mouth open. Speechless.

"Step out of your shorts now Jeff" he demands.

As he steps toward me his fat cock swinging. The deep voice is more a command, firm and in control. I kick off my shoes rip off running shorts almost tripping trying to get them off. Totally nude. He smirks.

"Good" is all he says.

He walks around me. I stand still almost at attention.

"When I saw you get a hard from me talking about your body and me feeling and punching your pecs I knew you would get naked because I told you to. You have one hot worked out body Jeff. And I intend to enjoy it."

My cock went from semi hard to rock hard at his firm solid voice. He looked down at my cock and saw it rise.

"That's what I thought. You like this, huh, Jeff."

"Yes Larry , but I never figured you were into guys"? I said reaching out to touch his pec.

He pushed my hand away. He looked me square into my eyes.

"I have always wanted a guy like you to play with. Built ,solid ,worked out. And I think you might enjoy a man like me doing it. I think you and I will become great friends". His deep voice still in control.

I am very excited by his voice, his actions, and his attitude. I stand very tall, chest out. Lats wide. Feet planted square on the ground. I place hands behind back, see if he gets the idea I am for his use by my posture. Rock hard dick standing straight out and my large shaved balls hanging low. Thinking, ok lets see were he takes this. My mind is racing. He walks to the front of me, never taking his eyes off my mine. He takes the back of his right hand, rubbing it against my left nipple. Working it back and forth teasing my nub. Not saying a word. I stand still. Then he makes fist and punches it lightly, firm but not hard. Still looking deep into my eyes. I don't even flinch. I flex out pecs harder. Bouncing the left pec for him. He draws his fist back and hits it again, this time with a bit more conviction. Still not hard, but solid contact. I still don't move but my cock bounces and twitches.

"Nice." He says.

He rears back, and lands a hard right fist square onto my left pec. I take it. Hands still behind back, chest out flexed.

Damn. I cant believe he is into this scene. In my wildest dreams, Larry from school living a few blocks over. I usually have a hard time finding a guy remotely into punching. My mind is roaming, not paying close attention when a very hard right fist lands square into my abs, I am caught off guard.

`UUUHHHHHNNNGGGG" I bend over slightly. I look up at Larry. "That's hot Larry." I say.

"Shut up" He commands.

And he lands several punches in a row into my gut as I try and recover. I am in heaven. But I better stay focused he is driving some deep hard punches. I recover. Straighten up again, feet better planted. Shoulders back. Ready for anything he can dish out. I look at his cock, that long fat hanging slab of meat is now a rock hard 8.5" round fat sausage, with those nuts that ride high and huge at the base under his hard dick. He obviously enjoys this as much as I do

This is what turns me on. I am 6.1" 185 very muscled, fit worked out, solid. He is lean thin and fit at about 155lbs 5.8". Much smaller than me. Yet here he is the one in control. I could lay into him, beat the shit out of him if I so decided. But he does not even consider this a possibility. His deep voice commanding. Hot attitude. And can throw a hard deep punch. And to top it all off, he gets off doing it.

He is facing me now, almost chest to chest. I can feel his heaving breathing on my face from throwing such hard punches.

"Yes, you and I are gonna have some fun. When did you become such a punching bag Jeff?"

I am still standing tall with my hands behind back always ready for the unexpected hit.

"The more I worked out, the more I liked guys playing with my body. The more muscled I got, the more guys liked playing with the muscles I built. A couple years ago a guy started hitting me, trying to test my body. I took everything he gave. It became our thing. To see how much I could handle. It became erotic for me from that point on. And then you started "sucker" punching me at the jogging path. I almost lost it there."

Larry still in my face his breathing more normal, standing so close I could feel his big cock brushing against me.

"I could tell. You got hard on the first light tap on your arm. As far as testing your body? We have yet to begin."

"Relax a bit" Larry tells me.

"Lets talk some find out how we can both enjoy this."he says with a grin on his face.

I relaxed, I was excited about finding this hot man. Ready to talk with Larry and then WHAM a right- left- right combo began landing into my relaxed abs. I was not not ready for that. His fists kept coming. Abs, pecs, one even landed on my chin snapping my head back. And he could hit. I was staggering. My back finally agaisnt a wall. Those hard fists. Damn he was letting them fly into my body. Pecs. Abs. One hit even laded low on abdomen near the crotch. He kept his concentration. Never waivering.

"UNNHHHHHH" I doubled over finally beat.

"You big dumb jock." Was all Larry said. His hands still made into fists.

But he had this grin that was sexy as hell on him. And his cock was still rock hard. That was all that mattered to me. As long as he was happy and had a hard cock, I was doing my job. And to be honest his cheap shots turn me on. Never knowing what's coming or when. I was almost on my knees now, face to cock, and that is one big dick to be staring at. I stick out my tongue. Thinking how lucky I am.

"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" Larry barked.

"You have to earn the right for this." He grabbed his hard cock and shook it at me, but not near enough for me to touch. He laughed a very sadistic laugh.

"Yes we WILL be the best of neighbors Jeff".

With that he grabbed his shorts and walked out of the back yard. Leaving me on my knees. My body beat and sore. My cock hard and dripping. Wondering what the hell just happened.

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Next: Chapter 2

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